Gaseous State DPP - 5 & 6

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8TN-A01-2023 - Gaseous State - DPPs

DPP - 05 - Gas Laws (Combined Gas Law)

Q.1 Calculate the weight of CH4 in a 9 litre cylinder at 16 atm and 27° C. (R = 0.08 L atm K–1)
Q.2 Calculate the moles of hydrogen present in a 500 cm3 sample of hydrogen gas at a pressure of
760 mm of Hg and 27ºC.
Q.3 Calculate the volume occupied by 4.0245 × 1023 molecules of O2 at 27ºC having pressure of
700 torr.
Q.4 A gas occupies 300 mL at 27ºC and 730 mm pressure. What would be its volume at STP ?
Q.5 A gas at 0ºC and 1 atm pressure occupies 2.5 litre. What change in temperature would be
necessary if the pressure is to be adjusted to 1.5 atm and the gas has been transferred to a 2.0
litre container ?
Q.6 3.7 gm of a gas at 25ºC occupied the same volume as 0.184 gm of hydrogen at 17°C and at
the same pressure. What is the molecular mass of the gas ?
Q.7 An under water bubble with a radius of 0.5 cm at the bottom of tank, where the temperature is
5ºC and pressure is 3 atm rises to the surface, where temperature is 25ºC and pressure is 1
atm. What will be the radius of bubble when it reaches to surface ?
Q.8 The density of a gas is 0.259 g/mL at 400 K and 190 torr. Find its molar mass.
Q.9 Calculate the density of CO2 at 100ºC and 800 mm Hg pressure.
Q.10 A gas occupies 0.418 litre at 740 mm of Hg and 27 ºC . Calculate :
(a) its volume at STP
(b) molecular weight if gas weighs 3.0 g
(c) new pressure of gas if the weight of gas is increased to 7.5 g and temperature becomes
280 K
(d) the volume of vessel at 300 K
Q.11 A balloon filled with helium raises to a certain height at which it gets fully inflated to a volume of
1 × 105 litre. If at this altitude temperature and atmospheric pressure is 268 K and 2 × 10–3 atm
respectively, what weight of helium is required to fully inflated the balloon ?
Q.12 Consider the arrangement of bulbs shown below:

1.0 L 1.0 L 0.5 L

N2 Ne H2
635 mm 212 mm 418 mm

What is the pressure of the system when all the stopcocks are opened?
Q.13 A glass bulb of volume 400 cm3 is connected to another bulb of volume 200 cm3 by means of
a tube of negligible volume. The bulbs contain dry air and are both at a common temperature
and pressure of 20ºC and 1.00 atm. The larger bulb is immersed in steam at 100ºC ; the
smaller, in melting ice at 0ºC. Find the final common pressure.

8TN-A01-2023 - Gaseous State - DPPs

DPP - 06 - Gas Laws (Dalton’s & Graham’s)

Q.1 Equal weights of CH4 and O2 are mixed in an empty container of one litre at 27ºC. Calculate
(a) the fraction of total pressure exerted by O2
(b) the total pressure if the weights of gases are 32 g each
Q.2 Two gases A and B having molecular weights 60 and 45 respectively are enclosed in a vessel.
The wt. of A is 0.50 g and that of B is 0.2 g. The total pressure of the mixture is 750 mm.
Calculate partial pressure of the two gases.
Q.3 5 litre of N2 under a pressure of 2 atm, 2 litre of O2 at 5.5 atm and 3 litre of CO2 at 5 atm are
mixed. The resultant volume of the mixture is 15 litre. Calculate the total pressure of the mixture
and partial pressure of each constituent.
Q.4 A 10 litre flask at 298 K contains a gaseous mixture of CO and CO2 at a total pressure of 2
atm. If 0.20 mole of CO is present , find its partial pressure and also that of CO2.
Q.5 1500 mL flask contains 400 mg O2 and 60 mg H2 at 100ºC.
(a) What is the total pressure in the flask ?
(b) If the mixture is permitted to react to form water vapour at 100ºC, what will be their
partial pressures ?
Q.6 32 cc of hydrogen diffuses through a fine hole in 1 minute. What volume of CO2 will diffuse in
1 minute under the same conditions ?
Q.7 180 mL of a hydrocarbon diffuses through a porous membrane in 15 minutes while 120 mL of
SO2 under identical conditions diffuses in 20 minutes. What is the molecular mass of the
hydrocarbon ?
Q.8 At room temperature, ammonia gas at one atmospheric pressure and hydrogen chloride at P
atmospheric pressure are allowed to effuse through identical pinholes from opposite ends of a
glass tube of one metre length and of uniform cross reaction. NH4Cl is first formed at a distance
of 60 cm from the end through which HCl gas is sent in. What is the value of P ?
Q.9 The rate of effusion of an unknown gas (X) through a pin hole is found to be 0.279 times the
rate of effusion of hydrogen gas through the same pinhole, if both are at STP. What is the
molecular mass of the unknown gas ?
Q.10 If a 2 m long narrow tube, HCl is allowed to diffuse in the tube from one end and NH3 from the
other end. If diffusion is started at the same time, predict at what point the white fumes of
NH4Cl will form?

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