Hip Lan Manual

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Address: A unique number assigned to something to completely identify the
item within many other items. For example, in the ship’s spare locker the main
engine tools box number is 26. Now if we need some tool for ME overhauling we
should look for box 26 although there are many other boxes. This is because we
already know the tool-box number for ME. This number 26 is the address of ME
tool box because it clearly identifies our required box. Any one knows the number
can find tools for ME overhauling. Now, let’s suppose our box number is always a
two-digit number. Then what is the highest box number?? Too easy haa!! Yes 99.
Well how many boxes we can address/number in that spare locker??? Not that
easy haa!! OK Max 99 boxes can be numbered in there excluding the number
00(starting from 01 to 99). Mathematically, 10x10=100-1(because 00 is excluded)
=99 boxes which is permutation of 10 elements taken any 2 at a time. For un-
careful reader 100 cannot be a box address/number because it is a three-digit
number. Which contradicts with our hypotheses that the address/number can
only be a 2-digit number. Similarly, in computing world addressing is extensibily
used. For example, we commonly say 64-bit address bus or simply say 64-bit
computer. What does it mean???? This means processor installed (core i3/i5/i7 or
dual core/Pentium I/II/III/IV or Celeron/ARM or whatever it is) has 64 wires for
addressing any memory each of which represents one byte. Therefore, this
processor can address at max 2 64=2,305,843,009,213,693,952 bytes =
2,251,799,813,685,248 Kilo-Bytes=20,480 Mega-Bytes =20 GB RAM memory
points each a size of 1 byte (8 bits in a byte). Also note IP address is 32 bit (4
bytes). Therefore, with this addressing scheme we can address max
232=4,294,967,296 unique points/devices. IP is discussed further below. Same is
true for hard disk, USB, PCI, I2C BUS and every digital device which needs

BUS: A common transportation medium free for all to use. Suc as the green line
bus service we use travelling which is free for all to use. In computing world BUS is
a wire or a set of wires to which two or more devices are connected for internal
communication. Since, two or more devices is connected to same set of wires
therefore it is a shared resource. Now imagine two device starts communicating
in the same time then what will happen??? Uncontrolled haphazard condition!!!!
Yes. So in this type of shared resource we need an arbitrator which is also called
bus master. Any device wants to communicate with other device should first
contact the arbitrator/bus master for permission to transmit. Bus master will see
if the line/bus is free or not. If line is free the master will give permission to the
device otherwise will put the device on hold. Router is the bus mater in a LAN.
Platform Hub controller(PCH) is a bus master in modern computer motherboard

Network: Interconnection of two or more devices for the purpose of

communication. If the interconnected devices use Internet protocol, then each of
them must have a unique IP number/Address assigned to them by their bus

LAN: local area network. Two or more computer connected to each other
through a network master/bus master(router).
Internet: Two or more inter connected network(LAN).

IP: Internet protocol. The well-defined manner in which two operating system
internet layer software communicate with same layer on another

IP address: A unique number assigned to each device connected to the network.

The IP address is assigned to each device by the router/Bus master. Any two
devices in same LAN/network cannot have same IP address but two devices in
different LAN/network can have same IP address. However, each device in any
network layer will have one public IP address which is visible to any other device
in the internet. So to access one device in a LAN from outside of that network we
must use the public IP address. To find your IP address do following:
 Press wind logo key+R
 Type cmd and press Enter
 In the command prompt type ipconfig
 Look for your adapter (If your connected by LAN Cable the look for Ethernet
 The find IP4 address. For example, in the following figure the computer has
IP address assigned to it by the router.
Figure: 1

Subnet: Sub-network. IP address is 32 bit in Binary but for our convenience we

always write in decimal such as Kindly note router/machine
always use the binary part and never uses the decimal part. The decimal part is
only for human understandability. In binary the same number is: 1100 0000 1010
1000 0001 1100 0110 0110(total 32 bits = 4 bytes). Please do not ask me why.
Therefore, with 32 bit addressing maximum 2 32 = 4,294,967,296 unique IP
addresses are possible. For example, 1100 0000 1010 1000 0001 1100 0110
0110( & 1100 0000 1010 1000 0001 1100 0010
1101( both are unique IP address. In such way we can make
maximum 4,294,967,296 IP address. What if all the IP addresses are consumed???
Now a day’s networks are growing very fast and internet is evolving. So it is very
normal to think that within a very short time all the IP range will be consumed. To
tackle this problem, the idea of subnet has been introduced. In this idea a
network address is divided into two part: Network address & sub-network
address. Network address is the main ID to which we have to knock. The specific
device we are looking for is in the sub-network of the main network. Subnet mask
or subnet is basically a masking number which is logically ANDed with the IP
address to get the network number. For example, in figure 1

Computer IP : 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1000 0000 1010(

Subnet Mask : 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100 0000(

AND operation: 1100 0000 1010 1000 0000 1000 0000 0000 (
And we get the main Network number. Therefore, the computer is located in the
network number 192.168.8(It’s main network number/router network number) &
in this network the computer has the address 10, it’s subnetwork number. In this
way the router knows exactly which device should receive the packet when any
request arrives to the router within many devices connected to it. Please Notice in
this network (192.168.8) the last six bits (6 least significant bits) are designated
for subnetwork device addresses assignment. Therefore, at max 2 6=64 devices can
be connected in this network. For enthusiastic readers, there are four type of IP
address (A, B, C &D). IP means all device in the network and
used during initialization phase and for radio transmit. IP is reserved for
this device. Please google it.

Router: A device act as the bus master/Network master in the network. Router
assigns a unique IP Number/address to each device connected to it (by twisted
pair cable: CAT-5, CAT-6 or by Wi-Fi). Router also maintains a table of IP address
vs Devices. The connected devices directly send their request to the router to
which it is connected(Gateway) with sender IP address and Receiver IP address.
When any IP packet arrives at the router the router checks the sender address
and destination address and looks for it in the table. If a match found in the
LAN/same network, then the packet is sent to the appropriate device else the
packet is transmitted to the upper level router (It’s Gateway). In other words, the
router routes Internet packets to appropriate destination. Modern routers have
the capability to decide the best routing path in which the packet will be delivered
in shortest time. Router also maintain a path table for each destination along with
ARP table.

ARP: Address resolution protocol. IP is a software layer it does not know

anything about below hardware level. In the hardwire level devices communicate
using 1 and 0(high/low voltage). Each such device is assigned a unique number or
machine address called MAC address hardcoded during manufacturing. Any two
devices in this world does not have same MAC address. Every router also
maintains a table called ARP table. In this table the router maintains the list of
MAC address against its IP address and the cable/port through which each device
is connected to it. The IP layer just gives the source and destination IP address to
the next layer (Hardware/machine layer). The machine layer then got to the ARP
table to find the MAC address of the given device and finds the port number then
transmits the data in that line/port. To find the ARP table entries of your
computer list of your do followings:
 Press wind logo key+R
 Type cmd and press Enter
 In the command prompt type arp -a
Figure: 2

Router Basics:
Prerequisite: Please go through network basics first.
Gateway: The IP address of the upper level router to which this device/router is
connected to. In figure 1 the computer is connected to the gateway
which is the IP address of the router to which it is connected. Therefore, this
computer will send all of its request/packets to the gateway router. In case of
router it will first find out whether the destination address is its own network or
other. If the packet is for a device in the same network as of the router, then
router will directly route the packet to appropriate LAN cable/Port. And if the
packet/request is for other network then router will transmit the packet to upper
layer router which is its gateway.
Subnet MASK: Please refer to Network Basics Chapter.
LAN page: User can define the range of IP numbers the router can assign to the
devices connected to it’s lines/channels/LAN ports.
DHCP: Dynamic Host Control Protocol. The router refers to the devices connected
to it as hosts. Router assigns each host connected to it a unique IP number. Now
how the IP number can be assigned?? Well router uses two methods. One of
them is DHCP. IF DHCP is enabled then the situation is like this: a host is
connected to a router using SSID or LAN Cable. First the device tells the router “I
am here along with it’s MAC address”. Router replies the device with a unique IP
address on the way which is usually randomly selected from it’s IP address range
defined in the LAN page section and saves the IP number in it’s routing table.
Normally the IP number is leased to the device for a certain time. After the time
expires, router will renew the device with different IP number. This scheme is
maintenance free. Any device will simply connect to the router and get an IP
automatically. Router will do the job. But if you need to control who can use the
router services and who cannot then this is not a good idea. In that case you must
use Static IP address scheme.
You can enable/disable DHCP in DHCP page. Refer to below figure 3:

Static IP Address: In this IP address scheme user

Static IP: If don’t want any device to use your router’s service but only some
selected devices then your option is switch to static routing. Go through following
 First Login to your router
 Go to DHCP
 Click DHCP setting (Figure 3)
 Disable DHCP server (Figure 3)
 Now click Address reservation (Figure 4)
 Now click Add new (Figure 4)

SSID: The service Identification identity transmitted through Wi-Fi by a

router/LAN master/bus master and visible to receiving devices.

Figure: 4
 On next page insert the MAC address of the device you want to allow
(Figure 5).
 Also input the IP address you want the device to have (Figure 5).
 Now click Save. You can add as many devices as you want depending on
your subnet.
 The added device list will appear in the previous page (Figure 4).
 Now only the devices listed in Figure 4 can have access to router.

Figure: 5
DHCP but permanent IP: If you want any device can use your router’s service but
always your device will get the same IP no matter what then follow this:
 First enable DHCP (Figure 3)
 Then go to Address reservation (Figure 4)
 In address reservation page click “Add New” (Figure 4).
 Then follow step depicted in figure 5.
Routing Table: Suppose your computer IP is, your network number
is, subnet mask is and your gateway is
But you want to communicate with a computer having IP address
but located in another network, subnet mask
having it’s gateway Now if the router of your destination computer
is connected to your router through on of your own router’s LAN port having IP
address then you can do the trick. Just tell your router that
whenever your computer asks for IP range in network then forward
the request in IP address The scenario is diagrammatically
represented below:

Figure: 6

Your Computer’s Course of action is as follows:

 Send request to your gateway (your router) with destination IP address as
 Your router recognize this is not IP is not in it’s network. So it will look for
an entry in the routing table (Coming to it shortly).
 For this network ( routing table has an entry which says it to
transmit the request in it’s LAN device having IP which is the
IP of other router.
 Other router receives the destination IP and immediately recognizes that
the destination device is in its LAN. So it directs the packet to appropriate
Setup Your Routing Table:
 Browse to advance routing (Figure 7)
 Click “Add new”. (Figure 7)
 In the next page fill up following data (Figure 8):
 Destination network number (e.g.
 Subnet mask of destination network (e.g.

Figure: 7
 Default gateway: This is confusing. This gateway is the IP address of the
router to which your router wants to connect. For example, a router in
engine room is connected to your router through one of your routers
LAN port (Ref. figure 6). So your router has assigned some IP number to
that E/R router. Well in this case this IP address which your router has
assigned to the E/R router is our required gateway.
 Click save. Your job is done.
Figure: 8

Internet Access control: Suppose you router has access to internet and many device is connected to your
router. But you want some of the devices to access internet and deny for others. Do it in following way:

 Browse to Access control menu(Figure 9)

 First Tick/Enable Access control
 The select deny the packets option
 Press save.
 Now click Add New.
 On the next page fill up following Data(figure 10):
 Rule name: Just a name. I sugest please write the name of the device.
 Host: The list of connected host will be available here. Select the appropriate host for whom
you want to block internet access.
 Target: Best choose “any target”. Otherwise you have to go through some detail process so
please ignore it.However “ any target” servce our purpose very well.
 Status: Offcourese enable.
 Finally press save.If done succesfully the list will apear in previous page(Figure 9).

Figure: 9
Figure: 10

MT Banglar Agrajatra Present Network Layout

IP Address table


Computer MAC IP Type IP Address Physical Network ROUTER

Name Location Number
Captain 00-E0-2D-F2-20- RESERVE Master’s 192.168.0. MASTER
5A D 6 Cabin 0
Wheelhous 30-9c-23-c5-64-13 DYNAMI N/A WHEELHOUS 192.168.0. MASTER
e1 C E 0
Wheelhous 30-9c-23-ef-4a-01 DYNAMI N/A WHEELHOUS 192.168.0. MASTER
e2 C E 0
CCR 30-9C-23-EF-DD- DYNAMI N/A CCR 192.168.0. MASTER
86 C 0
D-DECK AC-84-C6-70-B7- DYNAMI N/A D-DECK 192.168.0. MASTER
1D C 0
ROUTER C/E D8-47-32-B0-04- RESERVE C/E CABIN 192.168.0. MASTER
B3 D 9 0



Computer MAC IP Type IP Address Physical Network ROUTER

Name Location Number
Cheng 10-E7-C6-3E-D5- STATIC C/E’s Cabin
192.168.20. C/E
B5 0
Router E/R C4-E9-0A-45-1D- STATIC E/R 192.168.20. C/E
DB 0
Router STATIC 2/E CABIN 192.168.20. C/E
2/eng 0
Router STATIC C/OFF CABIN 192.168.20. C/E
C/off 0



Computer MAC IP Type IP Address Physical Network ROUTER

Name Location Number
ECR MAIN 10-E7-C6-3E-D5- STATIC E/R 192.168.20. E/R
B9 0
ECR SUB 30-9C-23-EF-54- STATIC E/R 192.168.20. E/R
7C 0



1. Router is reset by pressing by the reset button

2. New router has been installed
3. All LAN data has been reset accidentally
Now go through following steps:
->Power up the router by connecting the power cable disconnect all LAN cables.
->Wait for the router to start up fully.
->Router’s default SSID will be broad casted (e.g. tplink_XXXXX)
->Open your mobile/laptop’s Wi-Fi and login to the SSID. (Default Password/Pin is available at
the back of the router/manual provided with it)
->If cannot login using SSID/Wi-Fi then plug one LAN cable in one of the yellow ports of the
router and other end to your computer’s/laptop’s LAN port.
->Check if you are connected to the router or not.
->Now open any browser (Chrome/internet explorer/Firefox)
->In the address bar type: and press enter
->Router login page will be visible.
->Type user name: admin, password: admin (confirm from the back of your router/manual)
->First click the DHCP
->Click Address reservation
->Add the IP address of the Captain PC ( & Router in C/E’s cabin (
accordingly as shown in the IP address tables chapter.
->Now go to access control page
->Limit access control of Wheelhouse1, Wheelhouse2 & CCR computer.
->Now Plug in the unlimited data connection coming from V-SAT in the blue port of the router
->Click ‘status’ in the side menu. Now if you see something like following figure then you are all
set up. Connect all other LAN cables.
->Again Go to “wireless” page from side menu

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