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PP 8

Technology and Livelihood Education

Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Module 1
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)
Environment and Market (EM)
Technology Livelihood Education - Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Module 1: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies
Environment and Market

First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Gingoog City

Division Superintendent: Jesnar Dems S. Torres, PhD, CESO VI
Development Team of the Module

Author/s: Marvin A. Amarante

Illustrator and Layout Artist: Jonie Mar D. Rebucas
Management Team
Chairperson: Jesnar Dems S. Torres, PhD, CESO VI
Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairpersons: Conniebel C.Nistal ,PhD.

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Pablito B. Altubar, CID Chief

Members Elvira A. Almonte, EPS

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Department of Education – Division of Gingoog City
Office Address: Brgy. 23,National Highway,Gingoog City
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Technology Livelihood Education
Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Week 0 - Module 1
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)
Environment and Market (EM)
Table of Contents
What This Module is About ..................................................................................................................... i
What I Need to Know ............................................................................................................................... i
How to Learn from this Module............................................................................................................... i
Icons of this Learning Package ................................................................................................................ ii
What I Know........................................................................................................................................... iii
Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills needed in SMAW .................................. 1
What I need to know .......................................................................................................................... 1
What’s In ............................................................................................................................................. 1
What’s New ......................................................................................................................................... 1
What Is It ............................................................................................................................................. 2
............................................................................................................................................................ 3
What’s More ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Activity 2 : Aligning My PECs .............................................................................................................. 3
What I Have Learned........................................................................................................................... 4
Activity 3: My PECs that need to be further improved ................................................................... 4
........................................................................................................................................................ 5
What I can do ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Activity 7 Making MY SWOT ........................................................................................................... 5
Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Assessment: (Post-Test) .......................................................................................................................... 6
................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Key to Answer ......................................................................................................................................... 7
References .............................................................................................................................................. 8
What This Module is About
Welcome to the module in Identifying Hazards and Risks

This module deals with the skills, knowledge and attitude required in identifying
hazards and risks in workplace. This module is intended to help you understand the basics in
identifying hazards and risks in certain workplace. This exploratory module will tackle different
kinds of hazards, tips on how to prevent hazards and risks in the workplace and tips on good
housekeeping. This module covers competencies that a Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood
Education (TLE) student like you to achieve namely; Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies and Skills and Environment and Market. This common competency
comprises and covered separately in lessons. As listed, each lesson is directed to the
attainment of one or two learning outcomes namely: Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies and Skills needed in SMAW and Generate business idea that relates with
career choice in SMAW.

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each
learning outcome of the module. Each learning outcome there are information sheets and
assessment. The goal of this module is the development of practical skills. To gain these skills,
you must have learned the basic concept and terminologies. This module is prepared to help
you achieve the required competency in SMAW. This will be the source of information for you
to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular competency independently and at your own
pace, with minimum supervision or help from your teacher.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

LO 1 – Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PeCS) needed in

SMAW (TLE_PECS7/8-00-1)

LO 2 – Generate a business idea that relates with career choice in SMAW (TLE_PECS7/8-

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:

• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.

Answer all the given tests and exercises

Icons of this Learning Package

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that

Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

What I Know

Activity 1: BUSINESS 101

Direction: Read the question questions properly. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it on the blank provided at the left side of your paper
_____ 1. It is a character of a entrepreneur who is determined to run your own business?

a. Goal Oriented c. Self-confident

b. Hardworking d. Persistent

_____ 2. Concerned to know how well you are doing and keep track of your performance?

a. Hardworking c. Persistent
b. Open to Feedback d. Self-Confident
1. What activity is considered as unique to humans?
a. Preparing food with heat or fire c. Making processed foods
b. Eating voraciously d. Cooking using firewood.

_____ 3. It is a character of an entrepreneur setting aside your personal attachment of your

business, personal needs and your friends?

a. Committed c. Able to take risks

b. Reliable and has Integrity d. Hardworking

_____ 4. Character of an entrepreneur always looking forward to growth and development

of his/her business

a. Committed c. Goal Oriented

b. Hardworking d. Able to build on strength

_____ 5. What is stand for PECS?

a. Professional Economic Cooperation Skills

b. Personal Entrepreneurial Cooperation Skills
c. Personal Enterprise Competencies and Skills
d. Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills

_____ 6. Which of the following is not a character of an entrepreneur?

a. Wake Up Late, sleep early c. Able to take risks

b. Goal Oriented d. Committed

_____ 7. It is a character of a entrepreneur who possess strong faith in your ability to run
your business despite the many problems you will meet along the way

a. Self-confident c. Committed
b. Goal Oriented d. Reliable and has integrity

_____ 8. It is a character of an entrepreneur to listen to the advice, suggestions, and

recommendations of fellow entrepreneurs?

a. Committed c. Seek for an advice

b. Goal Oriented d. Willing to listen

_____ 9. It is a character of an entrepreneur engaged in business in a non- stop contract?

a. Goal Oriented c. Committed

b. Willing to Listen d. Future oriented
____ 10.It is a character of an entrepreneur in pursuing you vision to be successful

a. Able to cope with uncertainty c. Future oriented

b. Risk taker d. Willing to listen

Recognize Personal
Entrepreneurial Competencies
and Skills needed in SMAW

What I need to know

Personal Entrepreneurial Characteristics

It refers to the fundamental characteristics of an entrepreneur that best describe your

own personal traits. Entrepreneur are people with skills and capabilities to see and evaluate
opportunities. Entrepreneur are agent of economic change, they organize, manage and
assume risks of business. Individual that can strategically identify products or services needed
by the community and they have the capacity to deliver these at the right time at the right
place. Entrepreneurship is not just a simple business activity. It is a strategic process of
innovation and new venture creation. It is both an art and science of converting business ideas
into marketable products or services to improve the quality of living.

What’s In
Entrepreneurship is not just a simple business activity. It is a strategic process of innovation
and new venture creation. It is both an art and science of converting business ideas into
marketable products or services to improve the quality of living.

What’s New

Listed below are the important skills of a successful entrepreneur

Planner – planning is strategic thinking a setting of goals to achieve objectives by

carefully maximizing all the available resources. A good entrepreneur develops and applies
step-step plans to realize goals. A good entrepreneur knows that planning is an effective skill
only when combine with action.

People Skills- it’s a very important skills in order to be successful in any kind of
business. People skills refer to effective and efficient communication and relation to people
working in and out of your business. A well –developed people skill can spell out the difference
between success and failure of the business.

Decision Making- Successful entrepreneurs have the ability to think quickly and to make a
wise decision towards pre-determined set of objectives. No one can deny that the ability to
make wise decisions is an important skill that an entrepreneur should possess.

What Is It

LO 1 Recognize Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies and Skills (PECS ) needed


Personal Entrepreneurial Characteristics (PECs)

The following are the fundamental characteristics of an entrepreneur:

1. Hardworking. If you are determined to run your own business, you must devote your
time to it and wok hard as producer or seller. The success of your business depends
largely on the time and effort you spend on it.
2. Self-Confident – You must have a strong faith in your ability to run your business
despite the many problems you will meet along the way. Believe in yourself and think
3. Future-oriented- Once you go into business you must understand that you are
engaged in a non-stop contract.
4. Profit- oriented- When you enter the world of business, obviously, you are looking for
income. The amount of investment should indicate a positive return in a given period
of time.
5. Goal- oriented – An entrepreneur is looking forward to growth and development of
his/her business. You should set long and short-term goals in the 4 Ms in production,
namely, manpower, method, materials, and machineries. There must be a clear,
organized and well-planned production process in the achievement of your goal.
6. Persistent- Be persistent in any opinion and judgement. Your opponent can be a part
of rejection of what you intend to do. As an entrepreneur, you must be firm and
consistent to follow your own belief.
7. Able to cope with frustration and failure- As rule of thumb, learning from your
mistakes is the same of the game. As an entrepreneur, you must learn early on how
to deal with frustrations and failures. You must exercise flexibility and think affirmatively
on what you are planning.
8. Open to feedback- you must be concerned to know how well you are doing and keep
track of your performance. You must obtain useful feedback and advice from others,
and advice from others, and be able to respond accordingly.
9. Able to take the initiative-A successful entrepreneur takes initiative. You must put
yourself in a position where you personally are responsible for the failure and success
of the business.
10. Willing to listen- Take time to listen to the advice, suggestions, and recommendations
of fellow entrepreneurs. It will help your business grow.
11. Able to set your standards- This involves developing and using logical step by step
to reach the goal you have set for yourself or offer evaluation alternative, monitor
progress and switch to successful strategies for the goal you want to achieve. To be a
successful entrepreneur you must take into considerations that sales and production
depend on your own standards.
12. Able to cope with uncertainty- In pursuing you vision to be a successful
entrepreneur, you should know how to handle unusual events that may happen in the
business which include problems in managing the workers, problems in delivery of
goods and services and problems on demand and production. You must be patient in
dealing with uncertainties.
13. Committed- You should know that your business, your personal needs, attachment to
your friends, families and relatives are set aside. You must separate the money for you
business from the amount that you need to spend for personal obligations and
14. Able to build on strength- Successful business people base their work strengths.
Use your manual skills, knowledge in creating products or services, knowledge in trade
and industry, ability to make and use communication gadgets in order to build your
15. Reliable and has integrity- As an entrepreneur you must build a good reputation,
possess the courage to do the right thing, we do the right thing, do what you say, walk
your talk, be loyal, and be fair in dealing with the subordinates and customers.
16. Able to take risk- Risks sometimes cannot be anticipated. When misfortunes happen,
consider the challenges and work them out by setting good alternatives. Risks may
result to loss of your business or even bankruptcy.

Strengthening your identified PECs

Here is your guide on how to strengthen your own PECs

1. React positively to criticisms and be open to feedback.

2. Always demonstrate positive attitude to achieve desired goals.
3. Always project strong and well-balanced behavior.
4. Always exercise the assertive style in your work environment
5. Avoid being too passive and too aggressive
6. Don’t let anyone worsen your business life
7. Prioritize your business goal rather than personal goal in order to become a
successful entrepreneur
8. Acquire specific skills for creating and maintaining a conducive work environment
9. Be responsible in everything you do in your business
10. Always observe business ethics in putting up a business.

What’s More

Activity 2 : Aligning My PECs

Directions: Choose from the list below the traits that best describe your own personal
entrepreneurial characteristics. Find ways on how to align them according to the personal
characteristics of an entrepreneur.

Creative Resourceful Persistent Organized Independent

Confident Risk-Taker Observant Competent Trustworthy

Optimistic Passionate Flexible Sensitive Committed

Dynamic Efficient Hardworking Decision-Maker Reliable

Knowledgeable Persevering Strong- Minded Courteous

Activity Sheet:

MY PEC’s My Simple definition


What I Have Learned

Activity 3: My PECs that need to be further improved

Direction: Try to design a concept map that indicates your traits, characteristics, and skills. At
the end of the street are arrows where positive and negative characteristics and traits are to
be written. Identify the positive PECs that you are already strong at and write them down on
the blank arrows on the right side. PECs written on the arrows at the left side are the negative
characteristics that you need further improve.

Negative Characteristics Strong Character Traits Positive Characteristics

What I can do

Activity 7 Making MY SWOT

Direction: In this activity you need to answer the question that may lead to the generation of
your probable business.




1. 2.

2. 3.

3. 4.



1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

5. Weaknesses
 Low profits
 Unique Taste  No business
 Quality ingredient website
 Friendly Staff  Competition has
more offerings

 Market boom
 Negative reviews
 Could expand to
 Drought
add more pastries
 No stocks
 Can implement
loyalty program

According to Lloyd Shefsky , in his book entitled,Entrepreneurs are made not born,
defined entrepreneur by dissecting the word entrprener into three parts as follow Entre
means to enter,pre means before;and neur means nerve center.Which lead to the
definitions of the word as someone who enters a business.Entrepreneurs are people who
has the ability and evaluate business opportunity. Entrepreneurs are people who has the
ability and evaluate business opportunity. In this lesson you were thought to align one’s PECS
with those of a practioner/entrepreneur this is to help you prepared in your path in doing

Futher you were also given a chance to generate ideas in business that are closely
related to your career choice, you are thought to coduct and prepare your own SWOT
Analysis, identify the different products that are available in the market.You were also thought
determine potential customers and potential competitors and laslty to generate business
potential idea based on the SWOT analysis.

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Activity 8: Lets try Again

Direction :
1.The following are examples of peoples’ basic needs, except:
a. Recreation c.shelter
a. Clothing
2.Which of the following should be considered first by a prospective
entrepreneur in choosing the right location for his/her store?
b. Types of merchandise
c. Access of the target customers
d. The attractiveness of the store layout
e. The prevailing prices of goods in the area
3.Thong plans to put a “digi-print” studio in their locality. Which of the
following will help him determine a successful plan for setting up of his
f. Survey of consumer associations
g. Checking for similar business to avoid competition
h. Getting feedback on the quality of service
i. Conduct a SWOT analysis
4.Ceasar studies the population in his immediate community. He is doing this
j. identify his would be “suki” c. select his favorite costumers
k. predict his biggest buyer. d. Determine whom to sell his product
5.When an entrepreneur improves and alter products to make it more appealing
to target consumers, he/she is doing an -------- of the product.
a. alteration c. innovation
b. invention d. Improvisation

6.What is S stand for the acronym SWOT
a. Strenghts c. Sure
b. Sweet d. Safe
7.It consider as your as weak side of the plan in doing SWOT analysis.
a. Work c. Word
b. Weaknesses d. Wall
8.The following are example of the acronym SWOT except ?
a. Strenght c. Oppurtunities
b. Weaknesses d.Time
9. Entrepreneur are made, not ______?
a. Created c. Scripted
b. Born d. Buy
10. What is O stands for SWOT?
a. Observed c. Opportunities
b. Outdated d. Open

Key to Answer

10. I
9. H
8. F
7. G
6. J
5. A
4. C
3. E
2. D
1. B

Activity 4 What I can Do: Let’s do it again (pg.5)

(Answer may varry onstudents ideas/answer)

Activity 3 What I have Learned: My PECS need to be further improved (pg.4)

(Answer may varry on students ideas/answer)

Activity 2 What’s More: Aligning My PECS (pg.3)

10. A
9. D
8. D
7. A
6. A
5. D
4. C
3. A
2. B
1. B

Activity 1 What I Know: Business 101

10. C
9. B
8. D
7. B
6. A
5. B
4. C
3. D
2. B
1. A

Activity 8 Assessment: Let’s try again (pg.13)

(Answer may varry on students ideas/answer)

Activity 7 What I can Do: Making my SWOT (pg.11)

(Answer may varry on students ideas/answer)

Activity 6 What I have Learned: Planning my Business (pg.10)

(Answer may varry on students ideas/answer)

Activity 5 What’s More: Mini Survey (pg.8)



Technology & livelihood Education- Module 1

Learner’s Manual, IA-Shielded Metal Arc Wleding

First Edition

Department of Education › blog › decision-making-process

For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Department of Education – Division of Gingoog City

Office Address: Brgy. 23, National Highway,Gingoog City
Telefax: 088 328 0108/ 088328 0118
E-mail Address: [email protected]


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