TVL-SMAW 12 - Week 6 - Lesson 1 - Welding Procedure Specification

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Week 6, Lesson 1

Self - Learning
Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City
Capsulized Self - Learning Empowerment Toolkit

TOPIC Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)

1.4 Conducts visual inspection on the finished
weldment in accordance with welding standards TLE_IAAW9-12FW-Ia-IIj-3

LEARNING 1.Discuss the term welding procedure specification, welding procedure

OBJECTIVES qualification, and welding performance qualification.

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the learner’s activity and
assessment sheets provided separately.

A welded construction applies, quality prescriptions concerning design production and use.
Therefore, clients in chemical industry claims approved welding procedures. Welding requires skill.
Determining "how to weld" requires knowledge regarding the materials being welded and welding
process, among numerous other factors. Because of huge number of variables involved, the
knowledge of the welding engineer and the skill of the welder need to be validated by a s eries of
tests. This information is documented Section IX of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), on: a) Welding Procedure Specification (WPS); b)
Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR); and Welding Performance Qualification (WPQ).

Welding Procedure Specification

The Welding Procedure Specification is a required document for all code welding. Your
customer either directly or indirectly specifies to what code your company must qualify. The WPS
outlines all of the parameters required to perform your welding operation.
In short the WPS is the recipe for your welding operation . It describes the welding process or
processes used, the base materials used, the joint design and geometry, gases and flow rates,
welding position and includes all of the process conditions and variables. Each code has a
recommended format.

Welding Procedure Qualification Record

The Welding Procedure Qualification Record is the document that qualifies the Welding
Procedure Specification. In order to qualify your WPS, a procedure qualification plate is welded the
code requirements. The actual test parameters are recorded at the time of welding to ensure the
WPS was being followed. Generally any supporting documentation, such as material specifications,
electrode specifications and shielding gas specifications, are included as part of the WPQR. All
required testing, both non-destructive and destructive, is recorded as well. These tests typically

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include X-Ray examinations, ultrasonic examinations, tensile testing, bend testing and when required
impact testing.

The WPQR combines all of the information of the WPS and adds the test results to provide a
complete document that certifies the welding specification. This document is also required by all
Welder Performance Qualification

A Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ) is a test certificate that shows whether a welder
possesses the necessary experience and knowledge to perform the specifications of a particular weld
procedure. Manufacturing Execution System (MES) conducts destructive and non-destructive tests
on a weld coupon provided by the welder to determine whether the welder is capable of producing a
good weld quality using the welding processes, materials and prescribed procedures. Upon passing
the procedure requirements, a welder is given a qualification record (WPQR) specific to the
procedure weld variables.

SAQ-1: What is the role of Welding Procedure Specification in welding operations?

SAQ-2 :Why there is need to acquire Welder Performance Qualification?

Let’s Practice!

(Answer on the Answer Sheet provided for Activity and Assessment.)

Directions: Fill-in the details needed below. Write the answer on the answer sheet provided.

Key Points

➢ The details on Welding Procedure Specification, Welding Procedure Qualification Record ,an d
Welding Performance Qualification describe on Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.
➢ A Welder Performance Qualification is a test certificate.
➢ WPS is the recipe of welding operation.
➢ Welding is a skill that requires process through constant application.

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Let’s see how much have you learned today!
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets)

Assessment 1

Directions: Answer/Give what is/are being asked. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.
1. Give the full/complete words of the following abbreviation.
a. WPQ
b. MES
c. WPS

2. Discuss comprehensively the following abbreviations

a. WPS
b. WPQ

REFERENCE/S • Taiza,Guillermo M. 2019. Weld Carbon Steel Plates & Pipes Using SMAW.
Competency-Based Learning Material (CBLM) for Shielded Metal-Arc Welding NC II

This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of which has
not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making this
resources in our efforts to provide printed and e-copy leaning resources available
for the learners in reference to the continuity plan of this division in this time of
This LR is produced and distributed locally without profit and will be used for
educational purposes only. No malicious infringement is intended by the writer.
Credits and respect to the original creator/ owner of the materials found in this
learning resource.

Written by:
Teacher II
DPLMHS Stand-Alone Senior High School

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Learner’s Activity and Assessment Sheets

SAQ 1: What is the role of Welding Procedure Specification in welding operations?
What is Digestion?

SAQ 2: Why there is need to acquire Welder Performance Qualification?

What is Digestion?

Let’s Practice!

Directions: Fill-in the details needed below. Write the answer on the answer sheet provided.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Assessment 1
Directions: Answer/Give what is/are being asked. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.
1. Give the full/complete words of the following abbreviation.
a. WPQ
b. MES
c. WPS
g. Discuss comprehensively the following abbreviations
a. WPS
b. WPQ
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Topic: Welding Procedure Specification
Learning Competency: 1.4 Conducts visual inspection on the finished weldment in accordance with
welding standards

Let’s Practice

• The Welding Procedure Specification is a required document for all code

welding. Your customer either directly or indirectly specifies to what code
your company must qualify. The WPS outlines all of the parameters
required to perform your welding operation.
• The Welding Procedure Qualification Record is the document that
qualifies the Welding Procedure Specification
• A Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ) is a test certificate that shows
whether a welder possesses the necessary experience and knowledge to
perform the specifications of a particular weld procedure.

Directions: Answer/Give what is/are being asked. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.
1. Give the full/complete words of the following abbreviation.
a. WPQ- Welding Procedure Qualification
b. MES- Manufacturing Execution System
c. WPS- Welding Procedure Standard
d. WPQR- Welding Procedure Qualification Record
e. ASME- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
f. BPVC- Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

(ASME) Discuss comprehensively the following abbreviations

a. WPS
b. WPQ

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Zamboanga City



Learning Area: TVL-IA Shielded Metal-Arc Welding Grade Level: 12

Title: Welding Procedure Specification
Quarter: 1
Week: 6
Learning Competency: 1.4 Conducts visual inspection on the finished weldment in accordan ce
with welding standards


1. Read carefully the learning resource (LR) page by page to evaluate the LR for compliance to standards indicated
in the criterion items under each factor below.
2. Put a check mark (/) in the appropriate column beside each criterion item. If your answer is NO, cite specific
page/s, briefly indicate the errors found, and give your recommendations in the attached Summary of Findings
3. Write Not Applicable (NA) for criterion items that does not apply in the LR evaluated.

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Factor I. Intellectual Property Rights Compliance
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Factor III. Instructional Design and Organization
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2. Sequencing of contents and activities from /
lesson facilitates achievement of objectives.

7 |P a g e
3. Content is suitable to the target learner’s level of /
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4. Content reinforces, enriches, and / or leads to the /
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Factor V. Assessment
1. The LR provides useful measures and information that /
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the target competencies.
2. Assessment aligns with the learning competency/ies. /

3. Assessment provides clear instructions in the TRY /

4. Assessment provides correct answer/s. /
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compliance to this factor. Complied
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Factor VI. Readability
1. Vocabulary level is adapted to target users’ experience /
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5. The LR provides appropriate mother tongue for the /
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Factor I. Physical Attributes
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Factor IV. Visuals
1. It contains visuals that illustrate and clarify the concept. /
2. It has images that are easily recognizable. /
3. Layout is appropriate to the child. /
4. Text and visuals are properly placed. /
Note: All criterion items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not
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Recommendation: (Please put a check mark (/) in the appropriate box.)

Minor revision. This material is found compliant to the minimum requirements in all six factors. Revision based on the
recommendations included in the Summary of Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes must be implemented.
Major revision. This material is non-compliant to the requirements in one or more factors. Revision based on the
recommendations included in the Summary of Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes must be implemented.
For field validation. This material is found compliant to all factors with NO corrections.
I certify that this evaluation report and the recommendation(s) in the summary report are my own and have been made
without any undue influence from others.

Name/s Signature/s

Evaluator/s: ROMMEL H. GUADALUPE ________________________

NOMER P. DE LOS REYES ________________________

JAMES B. DE LOS REYES ________________________

Date accomplished: July 30, 2020

This tool is anchored on the Guidelines in ADM Content Evaluation, Guidelines in ADM Layout Evaluation
and Level 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating Sheet for 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating Sheet for Story Books and Big Books.

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Summary of Content Findings, Corrections and Review for Locally Developed

Title of the CapSLET: Welding Procedure Specification Grade Level: 12

Week: 6
Part of the Brief Specific Put a check mark
CapSLET/ descriptio recommendati
Paragraph n of ons for
/ Line / Errors/ improving the
Page Findings/ identified Not
number (in Observatio criterion Implement
chronologi ns ed
cal order)

Legend: (Type of Error) C - Content, L – Language, DL – Design and Layout

Other Findings: Write additional comments and recommendations not cap tured in the
evaluation tools used.
Prepared by: Date accomplished:
(Signature Over Printed Name)

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