Explanation Text: Solar Eclipse

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Explanation Text

Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse occurs during the day. Process beginning with the Moon is covered the
Sun so brightly lit circumstances gradually became dark. Solar eclipses occur because of sunlight
during the day is eclipsed by the moon. As a result, for a few moments the Sun is covered by the
moon and not visible from Earth. When the position of the solar eclipse, the Sun, moon, and
Earth are on one line. As a result of the Moon‘s shadow will hit the Earth. Because the Moon is
smaller than the Sun then just some place of the Earth’s surface are exposed to the shadow of the
moon. Or just some of the places that experience a solar eclipse.

Eclipse of the Sun was divided into three types: total solar eclipses, partial solar eclipse,
Solar Eclipse and ring.
Total solar eclipse: the occurrence of a total solar eclipse is took place only at the Earth’s
surface is exposed to the core shadow (umbra) of the month. Because the Moon is smaller
compared to the Earth. Then the total solar eclipse can not last long. Total solar eclipses usually
only lasts about 7 minutes. Total solar eclipses always starts and ends by the partial solar eclipse.
Partial solar eclipse: the occurrence of partial solar eclipse when the Moon’s surface close a
portion of the surface of the Sun.
Solar Eclipse ring: the occurrence of a solar eclipse ring when the Moon is at the farthest point
and the nearest point on the Earth is from the Sun.

Gerhana Matahari
Sebuah gerhana matahari terjadi selama sehari. Proses diawali dengan bulan ditutupi
matahari begitu terang benderang keadaan berangsur-angsur menjadi gelap. Gerhana matahari
terjadi karena sinar matahari siang hari terhalang oleh bulan. Akibatnya, untuk beberapa saat
matahari tertutup dan tidak terlihat dari bumi. Ketika posisi gerhana matahari, matahari, bulan
dan bumi yang pada satu baris. Sebagai hasil dari bulan, bayangan akan mengenai bumi. Karena
bulan lebih kecil daripada Matahari kemudian hanya beberapa tempat yang terkena bayangan
bulan di permukaan bumi. Atau hanya beberapa tempat yang mengalami gerhana matahari.

Gerhana matahari dibagi menjadi tiga jenis: total gerhana matahari, gerhana matahari
parsial, Solar Eclipse dan cincin.
Total gerhana matahari: terjadinya gerhana matahari total terjadi hanya pada permukaan
bumi yang terkena bayangan inti (umbra) bulan. Karena bulan lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan
bumi. Kemudian gerhana matahari total dapat tidak berlangsung lama. Total solar gerhana
biasanya hanya berlangsung sekitar 7 menit. Gerhana matahari total selalu dimulai dan berakhir
dengan gerhana matahari parsial.
Gerhana matahari parsial: terjadinya gerhana matahari parsial ketika bulan permukaan menutup
sebagian dari permukaan matahari.
Solar Eclipse cincin: terjadinya gerhana matahari cincin ketika bulan berada pada titik yang
terjauh dan titik terdekat di bumi adalah dari matahari.
1. Social function: To explain about solar eclipse

2. Generic structure :

 Paragraph 1 : General statement

 Paragraph 2 : Explanation
 Paragraph 3 : Explanation

3. Passive voice

1. the Moon is covered the Sun so brightly

 the sun covers the moon so brightly

2. sunlight during the day is eclipsed by the moon

the moon eclipses sunlight during the day

3. the Sun is covered by the moon and not visible from Earth

the moon covers the sun and not visible from earth

4. the Earth’s surface are exposed to the shadow of the moon

 The shadow of the moon expose the earth’s surface

6. Eclipse of the Sun was divided into three types

 into three types devided eclipse of the sun

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