Soal Pemantapan Dan Pembahasan Bagian 5a

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Review Unit V

Version A

I.     Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer.

 A.   Listening Sectiono

Question 1 refers to the following dialog.

Boy :  Where do you want to continue your studies after graduation?

Girl  :  Actually I want to study abroad. However, it seems that my parents will not let me go.

Boy :  Why?

Girl  :  You know, I am the only child in my family.


1.    Why does the girl think that her parents won’t allow her to study abroad?

       A.    She will need much money.     

       B.    She will live far from her family.           
       C.    She is the only child in her family.
       D.   She has never lived abroad.
       E.    She is still young.


C.   Anak perempuan itu berkata bahwa ia ingin melanjutkan pendidikannya ke luar negeri.
Akan tetapi, ia merasa bahwa orang tuanya tidak akan mengizinkan karena ia
adalah anak tunggal. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat anak perempuan tersebut, ”You
know, I am the only child in my family.” yang artinya ”Kamu tahu, saya anak tunggal
dalam keluarga saya.”. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar.

Question 2 refers to the following dialog.

Man :   Hey, stop your dancing.

Girl  :   What’s the matter?

Man :   You have danced gracefully, but you still lack total comprehension.

Girl  :   What do you mean?

Boy :   It’s a Balinese dance. Your eye movements don’t show that.


2.    What does the man criticize about the girl?         

       A.    She doesn’t pay attention to her movement.

       B.    She still lacks total comprehension.      
       C.    She doesn’t dance gracefully.
       D.   She shows bad performance.
       E.    She is not well dressing. 


B.   Laki-laki tersebut mengritik anak perempuan itu dengan berkata, ”You have danced
gracefully, but you still lack total comprehension.”. Jadi, laki-laki itu mengritik bahwa
anak perempuan itu masih kurang penghayatan, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban

Question 3 refers to the following dialog.

Man       :                   Have you finished designing my new house?

Woman  :                   Yes, I have. Here it is.

Man        :                   Let me see. What a very nice design! This is the design I want.

Woman  :                   Thanks.


3.    What did the woman make?        

       A.    A design of an office.                          

       B.    A design of a mall.                  
       C.    A fashion design.                                
       D.   A design of a house.               
       E.    A design of a bridge.   


D.   Laki-laki tersebut bertanya kepada wanita tersebut apakah wanita itu telah selesai
membuat desain rumah barunya (kalimat ”Have you finished designing my new
house?”). Itu menunjukkan bahwa wanita tersebut membuat desain sebuah rumah,
sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (D).

Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog.

       Although it is an old movie, Pasir Berbisik or Whispering Sands is one of the best

Indonesian movies. Let’s review it.

       Directed by Nan Achnas, Indonesia’s most prominent woman director, Pasir

Berbisik has an enchanted, dreamlike atmosphere. It took East Java desert as its setting.
The widescreen landscape shots of shifting sands and swirling dust storms are both
gorgeous and haunting.

       The film is filled with the mythological beliefs of residents of the village where it is set
and the way figures emerge, ghostlike, from the dust and sand that constantly blows across
the land to give them a mystical presence. The heart of the story is the relationship between
a woman named Berlian and her daughter, Daya. An intriguing mix of other worldly visions
and real-world turmoil, Pasir Berbisik haunts the viewer with images that linger in the mind
long after the film ends.

Adopted from: (April 2, 2012)


4.            Where was the film set? 

       A.    On the sandy beach.               

       B.    On the grassland.                   
       C.    On the desert.                         
       D.   On a farmland.
       E.    At the bank of a river.


C.   Film itu mengambil tempat di padang pasir di Jawa Timur, sesuai dengan pilihan
jawaban (C). Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat ”It took East Java desert as its
setting.” yang artinya ”Film itu mengambil padang pasir di Jawa Timur
sebagai setting.”.

5.    According to the reviewer, what is the heart of the story? 

       A.    Togetherness among villagers.

       B.    A relationship among close friends.      
       C.    A love story between a boy and a girl.  
       D.   A relationship between two old friends.
       E.    A relationship between a woman and her daughter.


 E.   Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai dengan kalimat ”The heart of the story is the relationship
between a woman named Berlian and her daughter, Daya.” yang artinya ”Inti dari cerita
tersebut adalah hubungan antara seorang wanita yang bernama Berlian dan anak
perempuannya, Daya.”.

This is the end of the listening section. 

B.   Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7.

       Good news for Plankton lovers! Your favorite band, Plankton, has released a new
album entitled I Luv U. The album contains two new songs and also three old songs with
new arrangement. So, what are you waiting for? Get the CD from your favorite CD store
and always remember, buy original CDs.

 6.   What is the advertisement about?

       A.    A new song.                           

       B.    A new song album.
       C.    A famous movie.                     
       D.   A famous band.
       E.    A new music arrangement.

B.   Iklan tersebut tentang album lagu baru (a new song album), sesuai dengan pilihan
jawaban (B). Hal itu disimpulkan dari keseluruhan isi teks serta kalimat ”Your
favorite band, Plankton, has released a new album entitled I Luv U.”. 

 7.   “. . . and always remember, buy original CDs.”

       What is similar to ‘original’?

A.    Cheap.                   B.    Exclusive.

C.    Temporary.             D.   Genuine.
E.    False.


D.   Kata ’original’ dan ’genuine’ memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu asli. Pilihan jawaban

yang lain salah; (A) artinya murah, (B) artinya eksklusif, (C) artinya sementara,
dan (E) artinya palsu/bajakan. 
The following text is for questions 8 to 12.

Movie Review: Gie

By Ayesa Vawandia

       Gie is a film adapted from a book entitled Catatan Seorang Demonstran (Notes of

a Demonstrator), a collection of journal entries by Soe Hok Gie. The film tells the life story of
the famous young, Indonesian-Chinese activist named Gie.

       The movie starts from Gie’s teenage life during high school. Some scenes show the
critical nature of Gie and the fact that he always expresses his opinion since he was young.
Also, several scenes show his interest in languages and books. He spends his free time by
reading, or writing articles and he always writes in his journal every day. His critical behavior
reaches a peak when he enters University of Indonesia, Facully of Letters, majoring in
History. There is revolution at that time. Gie then decides to establish a new organization
with his friends named “MAPALA”. Gie also writes articles about Indonesia’s government for
several newspapers, such as Kompas and Sinar Harapan.

       The film not only tells Gie’s life as an activist. There are also several scenes focused on
Gie’s private life, with the role of fictional characters intended to dramatize the story. All of
them can be played by Nicholas Saputra as the main character.

       The film’s duration prevented director Riri Riza from being able to deliver a complete
picture of Gie. Some parts seem unclear, such as Gie’s father’s silent and reclusive
characteristics. Gie himself doesn’t seem as outspoken as we would expect from a young
       Overall, this movie is about Soe Hok Gie’s path of life. This is a good movie for anyone
who wants to know more, or recall the figure of Soe Hok Gie— a young famous activist in
the 60’s.

Adopted from: (March 24, 2012)

 8.   What does Gie tell us about?

A.    The life story of an activist.

B.    The life story of a journalist.     
C.    The life story of a student.                   
D.   A student’s criticism against the government.
E.    The establishment of “MAPALA” organization.


A.   Film Gie menceritakan kehidupan seorang aktivis yang bernama Gie, sesuai dengan
pilihan jawaban (A). Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat terakhir paragraf satu, ”The film
tells the life story of the famous young, Indonesian-Chinese activist named Gie.”. 

 9.   According to the text, what does Gie usually do in his spare time?

       A.    Goes on a strike.                                 

       B.    Hanging out with his friends.                
       C.    Reading and writing articles.                
       D.   Reading and writing literary arts.
       E.    Having discussions with his friends.


 C.   Pilihan jawaban (C) sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf dua, ”He spends his free
time by reading, or writing articles and he always writes in his journal every day.” yang
artinya ”Ia menghabiskan waktu senggangnya dengan membaca atau menulis artikel, dan
ia selalu menulis di jurnalnya setiap hari.”.

10.  Which statement is NOT TRUE about Gie?

A.   He always expresses his opinions since he was young.

B.   He and his friends establish “MAPALA”.
C.   He is interested in languages and books.
D.   He studies in the Faculty of Letters.     
E.   He only writes articles for a certain newspaper.   


 E.   Pilihan jawaban (E) salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf
dua, ”Gie also writes articles about Indonesia’s government for several newspapers, such
as Kompas and Sinar Harapan.”. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf
dua, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf tiga, (C) sesuai dengan kalimat ketiga
paragraf dua, dan (D) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf tiga.               

11.  What is the main idea of paragraph two?

       A.    What the movie is based on.

       B.    The story plot of Gie.              
       C.    The weakness of Gie.             
       D.   Gie’s father’s characteristics.
       E.    The reviewer’s conclusion about the movie.


B.   Paragraf dua teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang alur cerita film Gie, sesuai dengan
pilihan jawaban (B). Dalam paragraf tersebut dijelaskan aktivitas Gie sejak remaja hingga
kuliah di perguruan tinggi. Pilihan jawaban (A) terdapat dalam paragraf satu, (C) dan (D)
terdapat dalam paragraf empat, dan (E) terdapat dalam paragraf lima. 

12.  “Gie himself doesn’t seem as outspoken as we would expect from a young activist.”

       The underlined word is similar to ________.

A.    private                   B.    close

C.    blunt                      D.   secret
E.    mysterious


C.   Kata yang memiliki makna sama dengan kata ’outspoken’ adalah (C) blunt karena

kedaunya artinya terang-terangan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena maknanya
berbeda; (A) artinya pribadi, (B) artinya tertutup, (D) artinya rahasia, dan (E) artinya

The following text is for questions 13 and 14.

Adopted from: sys_tandm/8796231106590.jpg (March 19, 2012)

13.  What is the advertisement about?

       A.    Packets of fruit and vegetables.           

       B.    Tinned fruit and vegetables.
       C.    Mixed vegetables.                   
       D.   Fresh fruit and vegetables.
       E.    Fruit and vegetables growth.


D.   Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ”What better way to benefit
from eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day than growing your own?”. 

14.  “FREE with the purchase of any . . . .”

       What is the opposite of ‘purchase’?

A.    Demand.                B.    Offer.

C.    Sale.                      D.   Rent.
E.    Planting.


C.   Kata ’purchase’ artinya pembelian. Kata tersebut berlawanan makna dengan

kata ’sale’ yang artinya penjualan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (A) artinya permintaan,
(B) artinya penawaran, (D) artinya persewaan, dan (E) artinya penanaman. 
15.  Jean          :   Actually I want to stay at home. What do you think?

       Mrs. Miller  :   ________

       A.    I prefer visiting grandma.

       B.    I’d rather visit grandma.
       C.    I’d prefer to visit grandma.
       D.   I would prefer visiting grandma.
       E.    I’d rather you visited grandma, with us.


E.   Jean menyatakan bahwa sebenarnya ia ingin tinggal di rumah. Respons yang tepat
adalah mengungkapkan rasa keberatan ”I’d rather you visited grandma, with us.” yang
artinya ”Saya ingin kamu ikut berkunjung ke rumah nenek bersama-sama dengan kami.”. 

The following text is for questions 16 to 20.

Review: Hugo

By Manohla Dargis

       Hugo, an enchantment from Martin Scorsese, is the 3-D children’s movie that you
might expect from the director of Raging Bull and Goodfellas. It’s serious, beautiful, wise to
the absurdity of life and in the embrace of a piercing longing. The movie is based on the
book The Invention of Hugo Cabret, but is also very much an expression of the filmmaker’s
love for the movies.

       Gracefully adapted by John Logan, the movie involves a lonely, melancholic orphan,
Hugo (Asa Butterfield), who in the early 1930s tends to all the clocks in a Parisian train
station. Seemingly abandoned by his uncle, the station’s official timekeeper (Ray Winstone),
Hugo lives alone, deep in the station’s interior, in a dark, dusty, secret apartment that was
built for employees. There he sleeps and naturally dreams, mostly of fixing a delicate
automaton that his dead father, a clockmaker (Jude Law), found once upon a time. The
automaton is all that remains of a happy past.

       Hugo is the tale of a boy, one of fiction’s sentimental orphans. While you can guess
what happens, it’s the getting there—how the clock is wound—that surprises and often
delights. Waves of melancholy wash over the story.

       There is something poignant and paradoxical about Mr. Scorsese’s honoring a film
pioneer in digital (and in 3-D, no less), yet these moving pictures left for a time and entered
once again through the love of the audience.

Adopted from:

adxnnl=1&pagewanted= all&adxnnlx= 1332562174-MbiGw1O/s9UoHkqDgeKoKQ (March 24, 2012)

16. What did Hugo’s father do?

A.    A timekeeper.        
B.    A clockmaker.
C.    A filmmaker.          
D.   A comedian.
E.    An actor.


B.   Ayah Hugo adalah tukang arloji (a clockmaker), sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (B). Hal
itu diketahui dari kalimat dalam paragraf dua, ”. . . that his dead father, a
clockmaker (Jude Law), found once upon a time.” yang artinya ”. . . yang dulu
diperoleh ayahnya yang telah meninggal dunia, seorang tukang arloji (Jude Law).”. 

17.  Where does Hugo live?

       A.    On the street.

       B.    In an apartment.                      
       C.    In an orphanage.                     
       D.   In his uncle’s house.                            
       E.    In the station’s inferior.


E.   Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai dengan kalimat dalam paragraf dua, ”. . ., Hugo lives alone,
deep in the station’s interior, in a dark, dusty, secret apartment that was built for
employees.” yang artinya ”. . ., Hugo tinggal sendirian, di bagian dalam stasiun, dalam
apartemen yang gelap, berdebu, dan rahasia yang dibangun untuk karyawan.”. 

18. What is Hugo’s dream?

       A.    To be an adventurer.                           
       B.    To make some clocks.                        
       C.    To fix a delicate automaton.                 
       D.    To be a machine repairman.     
       E.    To be an employee in a train station.    


C.   Impian Hugo adalah memperbaiki benda yang bergerak secara otomatis, sesuai
dengan pilihan jawaban (C). Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat dalam paragraf dua, ”There he
sleeps and naturally dreams, mostly of fixing a delicate automaton that his dead father, a
clockmaker (Jude Law), found once upon a time.” yang artinya ”Di sana ia tidur dan
bermimpi secara alamiah, kebanyakan memperbaiki benda yang bergerak secara otomatis
yang dulu ditemukan ayahnya yang telah meninggal dunia, seorang tukang arloji (Jude

19. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

       A.    Hugo’s uncle is a timekeeper in a station.
       B.    Hugo, the main character, is an orphan.
       C.    Hugo is based on a book.
       D.    Hugo lives with his family.
       E.    Hugo is a 3-D movie.


D.   Pilihan jawaban (D) yang artinya Hugo tinggal dengan keluarganya tidak sesuai dengan
kalimat dalam paragraf dua, ”. . . Hugo lives alone, . . . .”. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai
dengan kalimat kedua paragraf dua, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf
dua, (C) sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf satu, dan (E) sesuai dengan
kalimat pertama paragraf satu. 

20.  “. . . secret apartment that was built for employees.” (Paragraph 2)

       What is similar to ‘secret’?

A.    Confidential.           B.    Special.          

C.    Dirty.                     D.   Clean. 
E.    Small.


A.   Kata ’secret’ dan ’confidential’ memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu rahasia. Pilihan

jawaban yang lain salah; (B) artinya khusus/istimewa, (C) artinya kotor, (D) artinya
bersih, dan (E) artinya kecil. 

 II.     Create a dialog using the expressions you have learned in this unit.

 Contoh jawaban:

Yuki :   Have you heard that someone will crawl on the high tower walls like Spiderman?

Bam :   Yes, I have. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Yuki :   It is, but it will be very dangerous. Do you think he could do it successfully?

Bam :   Yes, I do.

Yuki :   But it is very difficult, you know.

Bam :   It can be. However, I am sure that the man will succeed in doing it. He must have
some tricks for it.

Yuki :   You’re right.

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