Quality Filtering On Structural Dip Analysis - Updated2 - 6673945 - 02
Quality Filtering On Structural Dip Analysis - Updated2 - 6673945 - 02
Quality Filtering On Structural Dip Analysis - Updated2 - 6673945 - 02
Dip Quality curve
In order to use, in a later stage, only high quality dips for a structural dip analysis, a
new classification has to be created.
To do that, a stereonet plot will be used.
Start the Structural dip analysis (Geology tab > WBI > Dips handling > Structural dip
analysis), Drag and drop a dip dataset and go to the parameters tab.
Now it’s possible to consider the high quality structure dips (Shale bedding +
Heterolethic bedding of a quality value above 0.6 for our example) only.