Day 4

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Petrel 2013 Geophysics

Seismic Visualization and Interpretation

Module 5: Seismic Restoration 2D

Learning Objectives

In this module, you will learn about:

 why seismic restoration is useful for interpreters
 restoration workflow
 restoration attributes.
Seismic Restoration 2D

 Reconstruct or restore seismic

horizons to a specified flat level.
 Limited user interaction.
 Handy utility for interpretation QC.
 Gradually remove the influence of
the fault network.
 Restore the chronostratigraphy.
Seismic Restoration 2D: Workflow
Restoring a Seismic Section (1)

1. For Restoration, open an

Interpretation window and display
a seismic section (inline, crossline,
random line, or a 2D line) in time
or depth domain.
2. Display the fault and horizon(s)
interpretation to be used by the
restoration process.
Note: It is important that the horizons are 1
arranged in increasing geological age in
the Input pane.
Restoring a Seismic Section (2)

3. From the Input pane, highlight the

horizon(s) and select Flatten horizon(s)
using currently visible objects.
4. The Restoration model is created in the
Models pane.
5. You can add or interpret new horizons in
the restored space.


Restored Seismic Section Xline - 470

View the Restored Seismic

Click in the Seismic interpretation toolbar to

turn on/off the restored seismic view.
Toggle on/off restoration mode: Moves the view
from normal to reconstructed space. If the active
restoration model is not cached, this action also
causes the model computation to be triggered.
Refresh the restoration model: Refreshes the
model. This action is used after you update parts
of the model (e.g., horizons and faults, or model
QC the Interpretation in Restored Section

1. You can quickly spot a mis-picked horizon in the restored section.

2. Correct your interpretation and refresh the restoration to view the
corrected restored section.
A misinterpreted horizon is spotted in the restored space. Refined and corrected interpretation in the restored space.

1 2
Restoration Attributes: Triangle Mesh (1)

Triangle Mesh displayed in Triangle Mesh displayed in

an unrestored section a restored section
Restoration Attributes: Zones (2)

Zones displayed in an Zones displayed in a

unrestored section restored section
Restoration Attributes: Implicit Function (3)

Implicit Function displayed in Implicit Function displayed in

an unrestored section a restored section
Restoration Attributes: Dilatation (4)

Dilatation displayed in Dilatation displayed in

an unrestored section a restored section
Restoration Attributes: Shearing (5)

Shearing displayed in an Shearing displayed in a

unrestored section restored section
Settings for Restoration Model

Update model in the Model settings dialog or via the Seismic

restoration process dialog. Right-click on the Restoration model in
Models pane and go to the Settings dialog.
Petrel 2013 Geophysics
Seismic Visualization and Interpretation

Module 6: Depth Conversion

Domain Conversion: Objectives

 Create a velocity model and perform domain conversion

 Quality control time/depth relationships for wells
 Define velocity model intervals
 Create an uncorrected velocity model using well data
 Create a final corrected velocity model using well data
 Create a velocity model with uncertainty
 Depth convert a 3D grid
 Depth convert by active velocity model
 General depth conversion.
Module 6
Lesson 1: Basic Velocity Modeling
Velocity Modeling: Overview

 Define the velocity model by:

– Surfaces/constants
– Well time/depth relation
– Velocity cubes
– 3D grids with velocity property
– Horizon tied seismic velocities.
 Convert both ways with the same velocity model
 Convert objects independent of 3D grid and well control
 Interactively switch between time and depth for converted objects.
Petrel Velocity Modeling Course

Preparation of well data:

 Quality control and edit of check-shot data
 Check shot calibration of sonic logs
 Quality control of time surfaces.
Velocity modeling well data:
 Velocity law discussion
 Velocity modeling using check shots/sonic
logs and well tops.
Seismic velocities:
 Nature of seismic velocities
 Surface-based seismic velocity modeling Domain conversion
 3D grid-based seismic velocity modeling Modeling of structural uncertainty
 User-defined velocity function. Petrel Velocity modeling is a 3-day advanced course
Velocity Model: Bridges the Gap Between Time and
Depth Domain

Velocity model

Time domain Time -> depth conversion Depth domain

Depth -> time conversion

The Process
Datum 1. Constant
Intervals 2. Surface
3. Horizon*
1. Constant
2. Surface
Corrections 3. Horizon*
4. Well Tops
5. Or none
1. Calculated; Correction (Vo) or based on TDR (Vo & k)
2. User defined; Constant or Surface input
Velocity Vo + kz 3. Velocity SEGY (average)
4. 3D velocity property (average)
Vo + k(z-z0)
5. Horizon tied velocity points

Datum 1. Velocity surfaces 4. Residual points

Vo + 2.
kzWell data points 5. QC Functions
Output Vo
Vo + k(z-z0) 3. Time & velocity logs 6. Output sheet
* Horizon from 3D Grid
Contemporary Workflow
Time-depth Minimum error V0 surface
relationship in wells LinVel model estimation
V0 V
x x

Active (selected)
velocity model

Domain conversion
of objects
Crossplot Well TDR Data (1)

1. Open a new Function window.

2. Find and expand the check-shot object under Global 1
well logs.
3. Crossplot Interval velocity against TWT picked (in the
Attributes sub-folder).

Crossplot Well TDR Data (2)

4. Right-click the check-shot object and open the Spreadsheet.

5. Click Select/pick mode or Select using
freehand draw to capture one or more 5
data points.
6. Edit or remove the highlighted points in the

Velocity Modeling using Well Data
In Settings for Wells > Time tab, select checkshots, well tops, or corrected sonic
logs as the source for time-depth by moving the preferred source to the top,
toggling ON the checkbox, and clicking Run.
The quality of the velocity
model depends on the
quality of the source for
the TDR.

The LinVel method

(V=V0+K*Z) in Petrel can
derive V0 and K values
using the Well TDR.
Define Velocity Intervals (1)

1. In the Processes pane, open the Make velocity model found

under Geophysics.
2. Choose the appropriate datum for the project.
3. Click Append item in table to add all the input objects.

Define Velocity Intervals (2)

4. Change the Base interval to

the desired type, select it
from Input or Models pane,
click its name, and drop it
into the dialog box using the
drop-in arrow .
5. Specify the Correction of the
velocity model.
4 5
Velocity Modeling Using Well Data

1. Choose the type of velocity model for each interval. When using the
Linvel function for modeling, constants/surfaces, Well TDR, or corrections
can be used as input.
2. Set V0 to Well TDR – Surface/Constant.
3. Set K to Well TDR – Surface/Constant.

1 3
Velocity Modeling: Correction and Output

1. Click to see the controlling parameters.

2. Specify tolerance, gridding algorithm, and correction.
3. Choose outputs for the velocity model (full model QC outputs).
Well points

Velocity function

Velocity Modeling: Well TDR Estimation
1. Open the Well TDR estimation sub-tab.
2. Depending on the TDR estimation method selected, go to the Interval velocity or
Linear velocity sub-tab.
3. Choose methods and estimation parameters for the selected intervals.
4. Specify outputs for the modeled velocity intervals.


4 Error function
Velocity Modeling with Uncertainty (1)
1. Create a new velocity model with Well tops correction.
2. Click Activate uncertainty page to insert a Std Dev column
and to activate the Uncertainty tab.
3. Fill in appropriate standard deviation numbers.
4. Fill in appropriate Variogram parameters.
5. Toggle ON the Iconize uncertainty error surface checkbox.

Velocity Modeling with Uncertainty (2)

6. Click Apply. A velocity model is generated containing velocity surfaces

with uncertainty built into them.
7. Check uncertainty statistics and display the corresponding deterministic
and stochastic V0-surfaces.
Deterministic V0-surface Stochastic V0-surface

Module 6
Lesson 2: Domain Conversion
Domain Convert by Active Velocity Model

1. Make sure the correct Velocity

model is active. 1
2. From the Input pane, right-click the
object to be depth converted and
select Domain convert by active
velocity model.
3. Click the in front of the depth-
3 2
converted object to show the available
time and depth domains for the object.
4. The Time-depth settings can be
changed in the top toolbar. Alternate 4
between TWT and TVD while
observing the effect in a 3D window.
General Depth Conversion

1. To domain convert several objects simultaneously, open the General depth conversion
process dialog box.
2. Choose the correct velocity model from the drop-down menu.
3. Drop in the objects by clicking their names in the Input pane and clicking Append
selected item in the Process dialog box.
4. The Time-depth settings can be changed in the top toolbar. Alternate between TWT
and TVD while observing the effect in a 3D window and the Input pane.

Seismic Data Domain Conversion

1. Open the Volume attributes process under

Geophysics in the Processes pane. 1
2. Under Category, choose Depth conversion.
Under Attribute, choose General depth
conversion. 2 3
3. Toggle ON Realize to create a Virtual
volume (or toggle it OFF).
4. For Input, choose the seismic cube to be
depth converted. Optionally, specify the
Output name. 4
5. On the Parameters tab, specify the velocity 5
model to use for domain conversion as well
as the interpolation quality.
Depth Convert a 3D Grid
1. Verify that the correct 3D model is active.
2. From the Processes pane, under Corner point gridding,
select Depth convert 3D grid.
3. Choose the appropriate
Velocity model. 3
4. Alternatively, change the
pillar geometry types for
faulted and non-faulted
pillars. A new 3D grid shows
in the Models pane with the
name of the input and 4
velocity model extension.

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