QX - 100 P 000021 e 05

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High Pressure Internal Gear Pumps

Series QX

motion and progress

1 / 32 Classification: 410.10.50.00
Reference: 100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04

1 General
1.1 Product description 3
1.2 Advantages 3

2 Technical data
2.1 General 3
2.2 Main characteristics for pressure range 1 4
2.3 Main characteristics for pressure range 2 5
2.4 Main characteristics for pressure range 3 5

3 Performance graphs
3.1 Noise level 6
3.2 Efficiency 6--7
3.3 Operation with variable--speed drives 8--9

4 Single pumps
4.1 Dimensions 10
4.2 Pressure range 1 11
4.3 Pressure range 2 11
4.4 Pressure range 3 11
4.5 Ordering code for single pumps 12
4.6 Standard configuration 12
4.7 Special features 12

5 Double pumps
5.1 Selection table 13
5.2 Dimensions 14--22
5.3 Ordering code for double pumps 23

6 Triple pumps
6.1 Selection table 24
6.2 Ordering code for triple pumps 25

7 Pressure-holding pumps
7.1 Generals 26
7.2 Technical data 26
7.3 Main characteristics for pressure range 4 26
7.4 Caracteristic curves / Effciency 27
7.5 Dimensions / Pressure range 4 27
7.6 Ordering code 27

8 Fluid cleanliness 28

9 Note 28

10 Accessories
10.1 Bolt--on valves -- SAE 3000 pattern 28
10.2 Pipe flanges -- high pressure type for up to 420 bar -- SAE 3000 pattern 29
10.3 Low pressure type for up to 16 bar -- SAE 3000 pattern 29

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1 General

1.1 Product description A new tooth profile, conceived and op- 1.2 Advantages
timised with the help of CAE, has yiel- S High pressures
The QX pumps are the 5th generation
ded another significant reduction in
of Bucher internal gear pumps, which S Low noise level
noise levels. Large sealing areas result
have proven themselves in thirty years
in higher efficiencies. S Long service life
of service around the world. Numerous
improvements have been made to the The internal gear ring is supported by a S Negligible flow-- and pressure--
straightforward and robust design. hydrodynamic/ hydrostatic lubricating pulsations
film, which allows operation at low vi- S Can be used with fire--resistant
Advances in the manufacturing pro-
scosities or low and high speeds. QX fluids (HFB, HFC and HFD = QXV),
cess have made it possible -- without
pumps are therefore suitable for use fuels, biodegradable and low--vi-
making higher demands on individual
with variable--speed drives, where they scosity fluids
components -- to build pumps that are
can provide variable deliveries. S Insensitive to contamination of the
considerably lighter and more com-
pact. fluid
S can be used as motor = QXM
as flow divider = QXT and as inter-
nal gear pumps for low--viscosity
fluids = QXV

2 Technical data

2.1 General

Installation attitude unrestricted

Mounting method (standard) oval 2--hole flange to ISO 3019/1 (SAE): QXM 3--6
oval 2--hole flange to ISO 3019/2 (metric) QXM 2+8
Direction of rotation right, alternatively left (but not reversible)

Pump drive method in--line, through a flexible coupling

Volumetric efficiency ηv better than 95%

Fluids HLP mineral oils to DIN 51524, Part 2

HFC fluids to VDMA 24317
other fluids -- contact Bucher Hydraulics

Minimum fluid cleanliness NAS 1638, Class 9 or ISO 4406, code 20/18/15

Viscosity range 10 ... 300 mm2/s (cSt) (for values outside this range, contact Bucher)

Fluid temperature range HLP--mineral oils -- 80_C max.

HFC 50_C max.

Inlet pressure maximum 1.5 bar absolute (without external drain connection)
minimum 0.5 -- 0.85 bar absolute (dependent on pump frame size and speed,
see example in section 3.3.2, page 8)

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2.2 Main characteristics for pressure range 1

Pressure range 1

Effective Flow rate 1)) Maximum Type Mineral oil to HFC to Torque 3)) Power
displacement speed
p DIN 51524 VDMA 24317 requirement
Continuous/Max. interm. press. 2)

cm3/rev l/min rpm bar bar Nm kW

10,3 14,9 4500 QX21--010 160/210 130/180 26 4,0

12,6 18,3 4000 QX21--012 125/160 100/135 25 3,8
15,9 23,0 3600 QX21--016 100/125 80/100 25 3,9

20,0 29,0 3600 QX31--020 160/210 130/180 51 7,7

25,3 36,7 3250 QX31--025 125/160 100/135 50 7,7
31,2 45,2 3000 QX31--032 100/125 80/100 50 7,5

40,7 59,0 3000 QX41--040 160/210 130/180 104 15,7

50,3 72,9 2600 QX41--050 125/160 100/135 100 15,2
64,7 93,8 2300 QX41--063 100/125 80/100 103 15,6

78,6 114 2300 QX51--080 160/210 130/180 200 30,4

101,1 146 2100 QX51--100 125/160 100/135 201 30,5
127,3 184 18005) QX51--125 100/125 80/100 203 30,8

160,5 232 18006) QX61--160 160/210 130/180 409 62,0

202,1 293 18006) QX61--200 125/160 100/135 402 61,0
249,7 362 18006) QX61--250 100/125 80/100 397 60,4

326,0 472 18006) QX81--315 160/210 130/180 830 126,0

402,6 583 18006) QX81--400 125/160 100/135 801 121,6
498,5 722 15006) QX81--500 100/125 80/100 793 120,5

2.2.1 Suction arrangements for pump types QX61 and QX81

Minimum inlet pressure is 0.85 bar absolute with viscosity 10... 300 mm2/s (cSt)

Speed 1500 rpm Speed 1800 rpm

Suction height Suction height
up to 150 mm over 150 mm up to 150 mm over 150 mm
QX61--160 l l l ll
QX61--200 l l l ll
QX61--250 l ll ll ll
QX81--315 l ll ll ll
QX81--400 ll ll ll --
QX81--500 ll ll -- --

l = standard pump with one suction port

ll = model with two suction ports
All pump types coded II can be used without the second suction port up to 1200 rpm

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2.3 Main characteristics for pressure range 2

Pressure range 2
Effective Flow rate 1)) Maximum Type Mineral oil to HFC to Torque 3)) Power
displacement speed DIN 51524 VDMA 24317 requirement
Continuous/Max. interm. press. 2)
cm3/rev l/min rpm bar bar Nm kW
5,1 7,4 QX22--005 17 2,6
6,3 9,1 5000 QX22--006 210 / 250 180 / 210 21 3,2
8,0 11,5 QX22--008 27 4,0
10,0 14,5 QX32--010 34 5,1
12,6 18,3 4300 QX32--012 210 / 250 180 / 210 42 6,4
15,6 22,6 QX32--016 52 7,9
20,4 29,5 QX42--020 68 10,4
25,1 36,4 3600 QX42--025 210 / 250 180 / 210 84 12,7
32,4 46,8 QX42--032 108 16,5
39,3 56,9 QX52--040 132 19,9
50,6 73,2 3000 QX52--050 210 / 250 180 / 210 170 25,7
63,7 92,1 QX52--063 213 32,3
80,2 116 QX62--080 268 40,7
101,0 146 2300 QX62--100 210 / 250 180 / 210 338 51,2
124,8 181 QX62--125 417 63,4
163,0 236 1800 QX82--160 544 82,7
201,3 291 1800 QX82--200 210 / 250 180 / 210 672 102,1
249,2 361 15007) QX82--250 833 126,5

2.4 Main characteristics for pressure range 3

Pressure range 3
Effective Flow rate Maximum Type Mineral oil to HFC to Torque Power
displacement 1)) speed DIN 51524 VDMA 24317 3)) requirement
Continuous/Max. interm. press. 2)
cm3/rev l/min rpm bar bar Nm kW
5,1 7,4 QX23--005 26 4,0
6,3 9,1 5000 QX23--006 320 / 400 280 / 350 32 4,9
8,0 11,5 QX23--008 41 6,2
10,0 14,5 QX33--010 51 7,7
12,6 18,3 4300 QX33--012 320 / 400 280 / 350 64 9,7
15,6 22,6 QX33--016 80 12,1
20,4 29,5 QX43--020 104 15,8
25,1 36,4 3600 QX43--025 320 / 400 280 / 350 128 19,4
32,4 46,8 QX43--032 165 25,0
39,3 56,9 QX53--040 200 30,4
50,6 73,2 3000 QX53--050 320 / 400 280 / 350 258 39,1
63,7 92,1 QX53--063 321 49,3
80,2 116 QX63--080 409 62,0
101,0 146 2300 QX63--100 320 / 400 280 / 350 514 78,1
124,8 181 QX63--125 636 96,5
163,0 236 1800 QX83--160 830 126,0
201,3 291 1800 QX83--200 320 / 400 280 / 350 1025 155,7
249,2 361 15007) QX83--250 1270 192,7

The operating data are valid for hydraulic oils as well as fire--resistant and
environmentally--friendly fluids with a viscosity of 42 mm2/s (cSt)
1) at speed n = 1450 rpm
2) maximum intermittent pressure for max. 20 sec. and not more than 10% of the duty cycle
3) theoretical value at the max. permitted continuous pressure for mineral oil
4) theoretical value at the max. permitted continuous pressure for mineral oil at n = 1450 rpm
5) max. suction height 150 mm at speed n = 1800 rpm
6) max. speed only possible with second suction port, see section 2.2.1, page 4
7) higher speed only possible with positive pressure at inlet (contact Bucher)

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3 Performance graphs
The performance graphs shown are valid for the specified pump models.
For other pump sizes, contact Bucher Hydraulics.

3.1 Noise level 80

measured to DIN 45635, Part 26, in 360
Stuttgart University’s low--echo noise
measurement chamber; 70 180
measurement distance 1 m; 92
speed n = 1500 rpm
viscosity = 42 mm2/s (cSt) 46

Flow rate l/min

Noise leveil in dB(A)


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 125 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 210 2 Pressure range
40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 3
Pressure p in bar
3.2 Efficiency

3.2.1 Pressure range 1 100

measured at speed 1450 rpm QX81

viscosity 42 mm2/s (cSt)
Volumetric efficiency in %



0 50 100 125 160 210
Pressure p in bar


Overall efficiency in %



0 50 100 125 160 210
Pressure p in bar

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3.2.2 Pressure range 2 100

measured at speed 1450 rpm

viscosity 42 mm2/s (cSt)
90 QX82

Volumetric efficiency in %
solid line = continuous pressure QX62
dashed line = maximum intermittent pressure QX52


0 50 100 150 200 250
Pressure p in bar


Overall efficiency in %

80 QX52


0 50 100 150 200 250
Pressure p in bar

3.2.3 Pressure range 3 100

measured at speed 1450 rpm

viscosity 42 mm2/s (cSt)
90 QX83
solid line = continuous pressure QX63
Volumetric efficiency in %

dashed line = maximum intermittent pressure QX53



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Pressure p in bar



Overall efficiency in %

80 QX53


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Pressure p in bar

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3.3 Operation with variable-speed drives

3.3.1 Minimum speed as a function of pressure

Pump QX52--063 measured: 300

with viscosity 42 mm2/s (cSt)


Intermittent operation--
contact Bucher
Pressure p in bar


Continuous operation

0 100 200 300 400 500
Speed n in rpm

3.3.2 Minimum pressure at suction port as a function of speed

Pump QX52--063 measured: 1,0

with viscosity 42 mm2/s (cSt)


Inlet pressure (absolute) in bar

Continuous operation


Operation prohibited

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Speed n in rpm

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3.3.3 Typical loading cycle for a QX pump with variable--speed drive

Pump QX53--063 with separate drain connection

measured with: viscosity 20 mm2/s (cSt)



Speed n in rpm




Pressure 300

Pressure p in bar







Pressure holding Q = 0 l/min
Flow rate in l/min



0 20 40 60 80 100

Time t in seconds

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4 Single pumps

4.1 Dimensions

Frame size 2 3 4 5 6 8
Pressure range 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Suction port:
to standard S G1“ 10) G1 1/4” 10) 1 1/2” 2” 2 1/2” 3”
SAE J518 8) thread thread
Pressure port:
to standard P G1/2” 10) 11) G3/4” 10) 11) 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2”
SAE J518 8) thread thread
Mounting:g A 118 132 170 212 267 330
oval 2
flange to ISO B (SAE) -- 106 146 181 229 --
3019/1 B (Metr.) 100 109 140 180 224 280
ISO 3019/2 C 9 11 14 18 22 26
N (SAE) -- 82,55 -- 0,05 101,6 -- 0,05 127 -- 0,05 152,4 -- 0,05 --
N (Metr.) 63 h8 80 h8 100 h8 125 h8 160 h8 200 h8
O 8,5 8,5 10,5 12,5 16,5 20
V 6 6 7 7 7 9
4--hole flange
g X (Metr.) 9 9 12 14 18 22
ISO 3019/2
Y (Metr.) 85 103 125 160 200 250
Shaft end: D 20 j6 25 j6 32 j6 40 j6 50 j6 63 j6
parallel to
ISO/R775 E 36 42 58 82 82 105
F 6 8 10 12 14 18
G 22,5 28 35 43 53,5 67
I 45 50 68 92 92 117
g K 37,5 44 52,5 60,5 74 90
L 136 118 153 164 144 189 202 176 232 242 210 280 288 248 338 361 331 446
M -- 55 90 -- 69,5 114 -- 87 143 -- 102 172 -- 119 209 -- 151 266
T 85 107 133 177 214 220 220 273 275 275
Z 50 60 62,5 78 97,5 125
Weight kg 5 5 6,5 10 9,5 12,5 18 17 22 33 31 40 64 60 76 130 120 160

8) for SAE 3000 pipe flange dimensions, see section 10.2

9) for other shaft ends, contact Bucher Hydraulics

10) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2

11) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

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4.2 Pressure range 1

External drain port-- see Special model:
special feature 06 4--hole flange
ISO 3019/2




O Pressure port P Suction port S

Depending on operating conditions, a second suc-

tion port may be required on QX61 (SAE 2”) and
QX81 (SAE 2--1/2”) -- see section 2.2.1, page 4

4.3 Pressure range 2

L Special model:
External drain port-- see
special feature 06 4--hole flange
I K M ISO 3019/2




V Pressure port P Z Z
Suction port S

4.4 Pressure range 3

L External drain port-- see Special model:

special feature 06 4--hole flange
I K M ISO 3019/2



V Pressure port P Z Z

O Suction port S

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4.5 Ordering code for single pumps

Q X 5 3 - 0 4 0 R * *

Series = QX

Frame size =2/3/4/5/6/8

Pressure range =1/2/3

Displacement in cm3/rev = 005 -- 500

Rotation right (CW) = R

viewed from shaft end left (ACW) = L

Variants / special features

(to be inserted by the factory, see section 4.7 for a selection)

Ordering example:

Required: single pump

Displacement: 40cm3/rev
Continuous pressure: 300 bar
for use with mineral oil
Ordering code: QX53--040R
4.6 Standard configuration
S direction of rotation -- right (CW)
S 2--hole mounting flange to ISO 3019/1 (SAE): sizes QX 3--6
S 2--hole mounting flange to ISO 3019/2 (metr.): sizes QX 2+8
S Nitrile seals
S parallel shaft end to ISO/R775
4.7 Special features

06 = separate drain port in the pump rear cover

QX 2--5 G1/4”
QX 6 G3/8”
QX 8 G1/2”
09 = Viton seals
12 = 2--hole mounting flange to ISO 3019/2 (metric): size QX3--6
65 = 4--hole mounting flange to ISO 3019/2 (SAE): size QX2+8
66 = 4--hole mounting flange to ISO 3019/2 (metric): size QX 3--6
14 = operating temperatures to 160_C
29 = for HFB and HFC fluids, frame sizes 2 -- 5
86 = for HFB and HFC fluids, frame sizes 6 + 8
83 = second suction port on:
QX61 = SAE 2”
QX81 = SAE 2 1/2”

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5 Double pumps

QX double pumps consist of two single the shaft end (the drive side) and is re- shown at the intersection point of the
pumps mounted on a common drive ferred to as Pump I. With equal frame si- two pumps, the letter identifies the
shaft. Hydraulically, the two pumps zes, the pump with the larger displace- page in section 5.2 that contains the re-
operate independently of one another ment is situated at the drive side. levant dimensional drawing. If there is
but they share a common suction port no letter at the intersection point, then
Double pumps can be combined as
in the pump’s centre section. The larger that pump combination is not possible.
shown in the following table. If a letter is
pump of the combination is situated at
5.1 Selection table

Pump 2
Displacement in cm3/rev
5/6/8 10/12/16 20/25/32 40/50/63 80/100/125 160/200/250 400
Maximum intermittent pressure in bar
125 125 125 125 125 125
250 400 160 250 400 160 250 400 160 250 400 160 250 400 160 250 400 160

210 210 210 210 210 210

Maximum permiss
shaft torque (Nm))

















250 QX22.. E
5 6 8

400 QX23.. H I 65

125/160 B C A
10 12 16

250 QX32.. E F D E

400 QX33.. H I G H I 130

125/160 B C A B C A
0 25 32

ssure iin bar

250 QX42.. E F D E F D E

400 QX43.. H I G H I G H I 260

nt press
ementt in cm

125/160 B C A B C A B C A
mp 1


0 50 6


250 QX52.. E F D E F D E F D E

ximum iinterm


400 QX53.. H I G H I G H I G H I 520


125/160 B C A B C A B C A B C A

0 100 1


250 QX62.. E F D E F D E F D E

400 QX63.. H I G H I G H I G H I 1050

125/160 B C A B C A B C A B C A

160 200 2

250 QX82.. E F D E F D E F D E

400 QX83.. H I G H I G H I G H I 2100

125/160 B C A B C A B C A B C A

210 QX81..

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5.2 Dimensions
A Double pump QX.1/.1

S = common suction port


M1 M2



Depending on operating conditions, a second suc-

P1 P2 tion port may be required -- see section 2.2.1, page 4
QX61 SAE 2”, QX81 SAE 2 1/2”

Shaft and mounting dimensions -- see section 4

Type L L1 K M1 M2 Q1 Q2 I Z S P1 P2

QX21/21 296 251 141 18 18 45 50 G 1 1/4” 1) G 1/2” 1) 2)

G 1/2” 1) 2)
QX31/21 343 293 30
-- -- 1) 1) 2)
171 26 50 60 G 1 1/2” G 3/4”
QX31/31 358 308 26 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX41/21 396 328 35 G 1/2” 1) 2)
201 20 15 68 63 SAE 2” SAE 1”
QX41/31 411 343 33 15 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX41/41 449 381 208 28 28 23 23 1” SAE
QX51/21 468 376 43 -- G 1/2” 1) 2)
241 23 15 SAE 2 1/2”
QX51/31 483 391 39 15 G 3/4” 1) 2)
92 78 SAE 1 1/4”
QX51/41 521 429 32 23 SAE 1”
249 30 28
QX51/51 547 455 30 28 SAE 1 1/4”
SAE 3”
QX61/31 541 449 24 47 17 14 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX61/41 564 472 27 39 26 27 SAE 1”
92 98 SAE 1 1/2”
QX61/51 601 509 40 28 SAE 1 1/4”
292 32 35
QX61/61 628 536 32 35 SAE 1 1/2”
SAE 3 1/2”
QX81/41 679 562 51 25 SAE 1”
35 25
QX81/51 705 588 47 30 SAE 1 1/4”
359 117 125 SAE 2”
QX81/61 732 615 45 35 SAE 1 1/2”
38 40 SAE 4”
QX81/81 774 657 38 40 SAE 2”

1) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2

2) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

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B Double pump QX.1/.2

L S = common suction port


M1 M2



Depending on operating conditions, a second suction

P1 port may be required -- see section 2.2.1, page 4
P2 QX61 SAE 2”, QX81 SAE 2 1/2”

Shaft and mounting dimensions -- see section 4

Type L L1 K M1 M2 Q1 I Z H S P1 P2
QX21/22 278 233 141 18 67 45 50 G 1 1/4” 1) G 1/2” 1) 2)
50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
QX31/22 325 275 26 79
-- 1) 1) 2)
171 50 60 G 1 1/2” G 3/4”
QX31/32 338 288 87 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX41/22 378 310 20 84 50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
201 15 68 63 SAE 2” SAE 1”
QX41/32 391 323 92 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX41/42 423 355 208 28 111 23 63 SAE 1”
QX51/22 450 358 23 92 50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
241 15 SAE 2 1/2”
QX51/32 463 371 100 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
92 78 SAE 1 1/4”
QX51/42 495 403 30 118 63 SAE 1”
249 28
QX51/52 515 423 127 78 SAE 1 1/4”
SAE 3”
QX61/32 521 429 24 112 17 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX61/42 538 446 27 123 26 63 SAE 1”
92 98 SAE 1 1/2”
QX61/52 569 477 32 137 78 SAE 1 1/4”
292 35
QX61/62 588 496 149 98 SAE 1 1/2”
SAE 3 1/2”
QX81/42 653 536 35 141 63 SAE 1”
QX81/52 673 556 150 78 SAE 1 1/4”
359 117 125 SAE 2”
QX81/62 692 575 38 162 98 SAE 1 1/2”
40 SAE 4”
QX81/82 724 607 179 125 SAE 2”

1) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2

2) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

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C Double pump QX.1/.3

L S = common suction port


M1 M2



Depending on operating conditions, a second suction

port may be required -- see section 2.2.1, page 4
QX61 SAE 2”, QX81 SAE 2 1/2”


Shaft and mounting dimensions -- see section 4

Type L L1 K M1 M2 Q1 I Z H S P1 P2
QX21/23 313 268 141 18 102 45 50 G 1 1/4” 1) G 1/2” 1)
-- 50 2) 1/2” 1) 2)
G 1/2
QX31/23 360 310 114
171 26 50 60 G 1 1/2” 1) G 3/4” 1)
QX31/33 383 333 132 60 2) G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX41/23 413 345 119 50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
201 20 15 68 63 SAE 2” SAE 1”
QX41/33 436 368 137 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX41/43 479 411 208 28 167 23 63 SAE 1”
QX51/23 485 393 127 50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
241 23 15 SAE 2 1/2”
QX51/33 508 416 145 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
92 78 SAE 1 1/4”
QX51/43 551 459 174 63 SAE 1”
249 30 28
QX51/53 585 493 197 78 SAE 1 1/4”
SAE 3”
QX61/33 566 474 24 157 17 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX61/43 594 502 27 179 26 63 SAE 1”
92 98 SAE 1 1/2”
QX61/53 637 545 207 78 SAE 1 1/4”
292 32 35
QX61/63 678 586 239 98 SAE 1 1/2”
SAE 3 1/2”
QX81/43 709 592 197 63 SAE 1”
35 25
QX81/53 743 626 220 78 SAE 1 1/4”
359 117 125 SAE 2”
QX81/63 782 665 252 98 SAE 1 1/2”
38 40 SAE 4”
QX81/83 839 722 294 125 SAE 2”
1) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2
2) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

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D Double pump QX.2/.1

S = common suction port

M1 M2



Depending on operating conditions, a second suction port

P1 P2 may be required -- see section 2.2.1, page 4, QX61 SAE 2”

Shaft and mounting dimensions -- see section 4

Type L L1 K M1 M2 Q2 I Z S P1 P2
QX32/21 323 273 151 87 30 50 60 G 1 1/2” 1) G 3/4” 1) 2)
-- G 1/2” 1) 2)
QX42/21 370 302 103 35
175 68 63 SAE 2” SAE 1”
QX42/31 385 317 33 15 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX52/21 436 344 120 43 -- G 1/2” 1) 2)
209 92 78 SAE 2 1/2” SAE 1 1/4”
QX52/31 451 359 39 15 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX52/41 489 397 217 127 32 23 SAE 1”
SAE 3”
QX62/31 501 409 47 14 G 3/4” 1) 2)
247 144 92 98
QX62/41 524 432 39 27 SAE 1”
SAE 1 1/2”
QX62/51 561 469 252 149 40 28 SAE 1 1/4”
QX82/41 629 512 51 25 SAE 1”
SAE 3 1/2”
309 179 117 125 SAE 2”
QX82/51 655 538 47 30 SAE 1 1/4”
QX82/61 682 565 45 35 SAE 4” SAE 1 1/2”

1) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2

2) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

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E Double pump QX.2/.2

L S = common suction port

M1 M2



Shaft and mounting dimensions -- see section 4

Type L L1 K M1 M2 I Z H S P1 P2
QX22/22 260 215 123 67 67 45 50 G 1 1/4” 1) G 1/2” 1) 2)
50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
QX32/22 305 255 79
151 87 50 60 G 1 1/2” 1) G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX32/32 318 268 87 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX42/22 352 284 84 50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
175 103 68 63 SAE 2” SAE 1”
QX42/32 365 297 92 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX42/42 397 329 182 111 111 63 SAE 1”
QX52/22 418 326 92 50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
209 120 SAE 2 1/2”
QX52/32 431 339 100 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
92 78 SAE 1 1/4”
QX52/42 463 371 118 63 SAE 1”
217 127
QX52/52 483 391 127 78 SAE 1 1/4”
SAE 3”
QX62/32 481 389 112 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
247 144
QX62/42 498 406 123 63 SAE 1”
92 98 SAE 1 1/2”
QX62/52 529 437 137 78 SAE 1 1/4”
252 149
QX62/62 548 456 149 98 SAE 1 1/2”
SAE 3 1/2”
QX82/42 603 486 141 63 SAE 1”
QX82/52 623 506 150 78 SAE 1 1/4”
309 179 117 125 SAE 2”
QX82/62 642 525 162 98 SAE 1 1/2”
SAE 4”
QX82/82 674 557 179 125 SAE 2”

1) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2

2) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 18 / 32
F Double pump QX.2/.3

L S = common suction port

M1 M2





Shaft and mounting dimensions -- see section 4

Type L L1 K M1 M2 I Z H S P1 P2
QX32/23 340 290 151 87 114 50 60 G 1 1/2” 1) G 3/4” 1) 2)
50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
QX42/23 387 319 119
175 103 68 63 SAE 2” SAE 1”
QX42/33 410 342 137 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX52/23 453 361 127 50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
209 120 92 78 SAE 2 1/2” SAE 1 1/4”
QX52/33 476 384 145 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX52/43 519 427 217 127 174 63 SAE 1”
SAE 3”
QX62/33 526 434 157 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
247 144 92 98
QX62/43 554 462 179 63 SAE 1”
SAE 1 1/2”
QX62/53 599 507 252 149 207 78 SAE 1 1/4”
QX82/43 659 542 197 63 SAE 1”
SAE 3 1/2”
309 179 117 125 SAE 2”
QX82/53 693 576 220 78 SAE 1 1/4”
QX82/63 732 615 252 98 SAE 4” SAE 1 1/2”

1) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2

2) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 19 / 32
G Double pump QX.3/.1

L S = common suction port

M1 M2



Depending on operating conditions, a second suction port

P2 may be required -- see section 2.2.1, page 4, QX61 SAE 2”

P1 S

Shaft and mounting dimensions -- see section 4

Type L L1 K M1 M2 Q2 I Z S P1 P2
QX33/21 368 318 196 132 30 -- 50 60 G 1 1/2” 1) G 3/4” 1) 2)
G 1/2” 1) 2)
QX43/21 426 358 35
231 159 68 63 SAE 2” SAE 1”
QX43/31 441 373 33 15 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX53/21 506 414 43 -- G 1/2” 1) 2)
279 190 92 78 SAE 2 1/2” SAE 1 1/4”
QX53/31 521 429 39 15 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX53/41 559 467 287 197 32 23 SAE 1”
SAE 3”
QX63/31 591 499 47 14 G 3/4” 1) 2)
337 234 92 98
QX63/41 614 522 39 27 SAE 1”
SAE 1 1/2”
QX63/51 651 559 342 239 40 28 SAE 1 1/4”
QX83/41 744 627 51 25 SAE 1”
SAE 3 1/2”
424 294 117 125 SAE 2”
QX83/51 770 653 47 30 SAE 1 1/4”
QX83/61 797 680 45 35 SAE 4” SAE 1 1/2”

1) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2

2) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 20 / 32
H Double pump QX.3/.2

L S = common suction port

M1 M2




P1 S

Shaft and mounting dimensions -- see section 4

Type L L1 K M1 M2 I Z H S P1 P2
QX23/22 295 250 158 102 67 45 50 50 G 1 1/4” 1) G 1/2” 1) 2)
G 1/2” 1) 2)
QX33/22 350 300 79
196 132 50 60 G 1 1/2” 1) G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX33/32 363 313 87 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX43/22 408 340 84 50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
231 159 68 63 SAE 2” SAE 1”
QX43/32 421 353 92 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX43/42 453 385 238 167 111 63 SAE 1”
QX53/22 488 396 92 50 SAE 2 1/2”
/ G 1/2” 1) 2)
279 190
QX53/32 500 408 100 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
92 78 SAE 1 1/4”
QX53/42 533 441 118 63 SAE 1”
287 197
QX53/52 553 461 127 78 SAE 1 1/4”
SAE 3”
QX63/32 571 479 112 60 G 3/4” 1)
337 234
QX63/42 588 496 123 63 SAE 1”
92 98 SAE 1 1/2”
QX63/52 619 527 137 78 SAE 1 1/4”
342 239
QX63/62 638 546 149 98 SAE 1 1/2”
SAE 3 1/2”
QX83/42 718 601 141 63 SAE 1”
QX83/52 738 621 150 78 SAE 1 1/4”
424 294 117 125 SAE 2”
QX83/62 757 640 162 98 SAE 1 1/2”
SAE 4”
QX83/82 789 672 179 125 SAE 2”

1) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2

2) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 21 / 32
I Double pump QX.3/.3

L S = common suction port

M1 M2



P1 S

Shaft and mounting dimensions -- see section 4

Type L L1 K M1 M2 I Z H S P1 P2
QX23/23 330 285 158 102 102 45 50 G 1 1/4” 1) 2) G 1/2” 1) 2)
50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
QX33/23 385 335 114
196 132 50 60 G 1 1/2” 1) 2) G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX33/33 408 358 132 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
QX43/23 442 374 119 50 G 1/2” 1) 2)
231 159 68 63 SAE 2” SAE 1”
QX43/33 466 398 137 60 G 3/4” 1)
QX43/43 509 441 238 167 167 63 SAE 1”
QX53/23 523 431 127 50 SAE 2 1/2”
/ G 1/2” 1) 2)
279 190
QX53/33 546 454 145 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
92 78 SAE 1 1/4”
QX53/43 589 497 174 63 SAE 1”
287 197
QX53/53 623 531 197 78 SAE 1 1/4”
SAE 3”
QX63/33 616 524 157 60 G 3/4” 1) 2)
337 234
QX63/43 644 552 179 63 SAE 1”
92 98 SAE 1 1/2”
QX63/53 689 597 207 78 SAE 1 1/4”
342 239
QX63/63 728 636 239 98 SAE 1 1/2”
SAE 3 1/2”
QX83/43 774 657 197 63 SAE 1”
QX83/53 808 691 220 78 SAE 1 1/4”
424 294 117 125 SAE 2”
QX83/63 847 730 252 98 SAE 1 1/2”
SAE 4”
QX83/83 904 787 294 125 SAE 2”

1) threaded port to DIN 3852, Part 2

2) pressure port to SAE J 518 can be supplied for pressure ranges 2+3

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 22 / 32
5.3 Ordering code for double pumps

Q X 6 3 - 0 8 0 / 3 1 - 0 2 0 R * *

Series = QX

Frame size =2/3/4/5/6/8

Pressure range =1/2/3

Displacement in cm3/rev = 005 -- 500

Frame size =2/3/4/5/6/8

Pressure range =1/2/3

Displacement in cm3/rev = 005 -- 500

Rotation right (CW) =R

(viewed from shaft end) left (ACW) =L

Variants / special features (to be inserted by the factory, see section 5.7 for a selection)

Ordering example:
Required: double pump
Pump 1
Displacement: 80 cm3/rev
Continuous pressure: 300 bar
Type: 63--080
Pump 2
Displacement: 20 cm3/rev
Continuous pressure: 160 bar
Type: 31--020
for use with mineral oil
Ordering code: QX63--080/31--020R

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 23 / 32
6 Triple pumps
All of the triple pump combinations that with the main characteristics shown in to as Pump 1. For equal frame sizes,
can be supplied are listed in the follo- section 2. the pump with the larger displacement
wing table. The individual pumps 1, 2 is situated at the drive side. Pumps 2
The largest pump of the combination is
and 3 must be specified in accordance and 3 have a common suction port.
situated at the shaft end and is referred

6.1 Selection table

Frame size of Pump 1

QX2. QX3. QX4. QX5. QX6. QX8.

QX21/21/2. QX31/31/3. QX41/41/4. QX51/51/5. QX61/61/6. QX81/81/8.

QX21/22/22 QX31/32/32 QX41/42/42 QX51/52/52 QX61/62/62 QX81/82/82
QX21/22/23 QX31/32/33 QX41/42/43 QX51/52/53 QX61/62/63 QX81/82/83
QX22/22/22 QX32/32/32 QX42/42/42 QX52/52/52 QX62/62/62 QX82/82/82
QX22/22/23 QX32/32/33 QX42/42/43 QX52/52/53 QX62/62/63 QX82/82/83
QX2./23/23 QX3./33/33 QX4./43/43 QX5./53/53 QX6./63/63 QX8./83/83
QX31/3./2. QX41/4./3. QX51/5./4. QX61/6./5. QX81/8./6.
QX32/32/2. QX42/42/3. QX52/52/4. QX62/62/5. QX82/82/6.
QX3./33/2. QX4./43/3. QX5./53/4. QX6./63/5. QX8./83/6.
QX3./21/2. QX41/4./2. QX51/5./3. QX61/6./4. QX81/8./5.
QX3./22/22 QX42/42/2. QX52/52/3. QX62/62/4. QX82/82/5.
QX3./22/23 QX4./43/2. QX5./53/3. QX6./63/4. QX8./83/5.
QX3./23/23 QX4./31/3. QX51/5./2.* QX61/6./3. QX81/8./4.
QX4./32/32 QX52/52/2. QX62/62/3. QX82/82/4.
QX4./32/33 QX5./53/2. QX6./63/3. QX8./83/4.
QX4./33/33 QX5./41/4. QX6./51/5. QX8./61/6.
QX4./21/2. QX5./42/42 QX6./52/52 QX8./62/62
QX4./22/22 QX5./42/43 QX6./52/53 QX8./62/63
QX4./22/23 QX5./43/43 QX6./53/53 QX8./63/63
QX4./23/23 QX5./4./2. QX6./5./3. QX8./6./4.
QX5./31/3. QX6./5./2. QX8./6./3.
QX5./32/32 QX6./41/4. QX8./51/5.
QX5./32/33 QX6./42/42 QX8./52/52
QX5./33/33 QX6./42/43 QX8./52/53
QX5./21/2. QX6./43/43 QX8./53/53
QX5./22/22 QX6./4./2. QX8./5./3.
QX5./22/23 QX6./31/3. QX8./5./2.
QX5./23/23 QX6./32/32 QX8./41/4.
QX6./32/33 QX8./42/42
QX6./33/33 QX8./42/43
65 130 260 520 1050 2100
Maximum permissible drive shaft torque in Nm

In the above type codes, any dots (.)

can be replaced by the pressure range
1, 2 or 3.
* this pump is used as the ordering ex-
ample in section 6.2

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 24 / 32
6.2 Ordering code for triple pumps

Q X 5 1 - 1 2 5 / 5 1 - 0 8 0 / 2 3 - 0 0 8 R * *

Series = QX

Frame size =2/3/4/5/6/8

Pressure range =1/2/3

Displacement in cm3/rev = 005 -- 500

Frame size =2/3/4/5/6/8

Pressure range =1/2/3

Displacement in cm3/rev = 005 -- 500

Frame size =2/3/4/5/6/8

Pressure range =1/2/3

Displacement in cm3/rev = 005 -- 500

Rotation right (CW) = R

(viewed from shaft end) left (ACW) = L

Variants / special features (to be inserted by the factory, see section 4.7 for a selection)

Ordering example:
Required: triple pump
Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3
Displacement: 125 cm3/rev Displacement: 80 cm3/rev Displacement: 8cm3/rev
Continuous pressure: 80 bar Continuous pressure: 150 bar Continuous pressure: 320 bar
Type: 51--125 Type: 51--080 Type: 23--008

For use with mineral oil

Referring to the selection table in sect. 6.1,
QX51/51/23 is an obtainable combination.
Ordering code: QX51--125/51--080/23--008R

6.2.1 Layout of the selected pump

S1 = Pump 1 S2 = common suction port for pumps 2 and 3

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 25 / 32
7 Pressure-holding pumps
7.1 Generals
The QX high pressure internal gear tends the low--flow capability of the QX S Long service life
pump is a further development of the range. S Negligible flow-- and pressure--
Bucher internal gear pump, which has pulsations
proven itself in more than 30 years of
S High pressures S Insensitive to contamination of the
service around the world. With dis-
placements of 3 and 4 cm3/rev, it ex- S Low noise level

7.2 Technical date

Mounting attitude unrestricted

Mounting method (standard) oval 2--hole flange to ISO 3019/2 (metric)
Direction of rotation right, alternatively left (but not reversible)
Pump drive method in--line, mounted behind another QX pump via an adapter
Fluids HLP mineral oils to DIN 51524, Part 2
HFC fluids to VDMA 24317
other fluids -- consult Bucher Hydraulics
Minimum fluid cleanliness NAS 1638, class 9 or ISO 4406, code 20/18/15
Viscosity range 20 ... 300 mm2/s (cSt) (for values outside this range, consult Bucher)
Fluid temperature HLP mineral oils 80 _C max.
HFC 50 _C max.
Minimum inlet pressure 0.85 bar absolute
Maximum pressure at drain port 1.5 bar absolute
External drain port is always provided

7.3 Main characteristics for pressure range 4

Effective Flow rate Maximum Type Mineral oil to HFC to Torque Power
displacement 1)) speed DIN 51524 VDMA 24317 3)) requirement
Cont./Max. interm. pressure 2)
cm3/rev l/min rpm bar bar Nm kW
3.3 4.8 3600 QX24--003 320 / 400 280 / 350 17 2.6
4.2 6.2 3600 QX24--005 320 / 400 280 / 350 21 3.2

This operating data is valid for hydraulic oils as well as fire--resistant and environmentally--friendly fluids with a viscosity of 42
mm2/s (cSt)
3) at speed n = 1450 rpm (theoretical)
4) maximum intermittent pressure for max. 20 sec. but not more than 10% of the duty cycle
5) theoretical value at the max. permitted continuous pressure for mineral oil
6) theoretical value at the max. permitted continuous pressure for mineral oil at n = 1450 rpm

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 26 / 32
7.4 Efficiency

Measured at speed n = 1450 rpm 100

Viscosity 42 mm 2/s (cSt)

Efficiency ηvol in %


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Pressure p in bar

7.5 Pressure range 4

19 179.5 Dimension A depends on

37.5 113 External drain port
G 1/4”
the driving QX pump model
QX pump A
QX21--... 33.5
QX22--... 26.5
QX31--... 35
QX32--... 26


QX41--... 35
QX42--... 28
* for other shaft end styles,
consult Bucher Hydraulics

A G 1” 50 50
G 1/2”
* Splined shaft profile to DIN 5480
W18x1x30x16x8f Pressure port P Suction port S

7.6 Ordering code

Q X 2 4 - 0 0 4 R V H

Series = QX

Size =2

Pressure range =4

Displacement in cm3/rev = 003 or 004

Direction of rotation right =R

left =L

Pressure--holding pump = VH

100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 27 / 32
8 Fluid cleanliness 9 Note

QX pumps require fluid with a minimum This catalogue is intended for users
cleanliness level of NAS 1638, Class 9 with specialist knowledge. The user
or ISO 4406, code 20/18/15. This can must check the suitability of the equip-
be achieved with a filter ratio of ß10 ment described herein in order to en-
≥100. sure that all of the conditions necessary
for the safety and proper functioning of
the system are fulfilled. If you have any
doubts or questions concerning the
use of these pumps, please consult Bu-
cher Hydraulics.

10 Accessories

10.1 Bolt-on valves - SAE 3000 pattern

Pressure relief Pressure relief Pressure relief

solenoid control proportional solenoid control
Ordering details S S S S
Symbols P T P T P T


Unloading valve Accumulator charging valve S = for pipe flange SAE

3000 pattern
Ordering details S
AG SF R = with threaded port
Symbols P T P T



100--P--000021--E--05 / 07.04 28 / 32
10.2 Pipe flange - high pressure type for up to 420 bar - SAE 3000 pattern


Retaining screws


Threaded pipe flanges are spot--faced Material: ST37

for DIN 2353 pipe fittings For Viton seals, contact
Bucher Hydraulics
Order- Ordering Size D∅ E F H L R X Y O--ring 90 Retaining Torque
ingnum- code Shore ’A’ screws
ber DIN912--12.9 Nm
037000 RF 01--R08 G 1/2” 12,5 16 27 13 54 23 17,5 38 20,24x2,62 M 8x30 24
037010 RF 02--R10 G 3/4” 20 18 30 12 65 26 22,2 47,6 26,65x2,62 M 10x30 48
037020 RF 03--R11 G 1” 25 20 34 13 70 29 26,2 52,4 32,99x2,62 M 10x35 48
037030 RF 04--R12 G 1 1/4” 32 22 38 14 80 36 30,2 58,6 40,86x3,53 M 10x40 48
037040 RF 05--R13 G 1 1/2” 38 24 41 19 94 41 35,7 70 44,04x3,53 M12x45 80
037050 RF 06--R14 G 2” 50 26 45 20 102 48 42,9 77,8 59,92x3,53 M12x50 80
055470 RF 07--R16 G 2 1/2” 63 30 50 18 114 57 50,8 89 72,62x3,53 M12x45 80
* at RF07 only to 210 bar be allowed

10.3 Low pressure type for up to 16 bar - SAE 3000 pattern

Retaining screws

Material: ST37
For Viton seals, contact Bucher Hydraulics

SAE Retaining Connecting

Order- Ordering flange O -ring
O- ring 90 screws pipe 1)
ing code Size D K F H L R X Y Z Shore ’A’ DIN O/dia. Wall-
number 912--8.8 ap- thick.
prox. max.
062450 RF 07--S 2 1/2” 63 75 35 14 120 57 51 89 M12 69,44x3,53 M 12x30 75
063880 RN 08--S 3” 76 88 140,5 68 62 106,5 85,32x3,53 M 16x30 88 6
063890 RN 09--S 3 1/2” 89 100 40 19 158,5 73 70 120,3 M16 98,02x3,53 M 16x40 100
063900 RN 10--S 4” 103 115 168 79 78 130 110,72x3,53 M 16x40 115

1) We recommend the use of seamless precision steel tube to DIN 2391

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BUCHER HYDRAULICS www.bucherhydraulics.com
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Phone +49 7742 85 20 Phone +33 389 64 22 44 Phone +31 79 34 26 24 4 Phone +44 24 76 35 35 61 Phone +1 262 605 82 80
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Phone +41 33 67 26 11 1 Phone +39 0522 92 84 11 Phone +43 6216 44 97 Phone +86 512 6 322 12 99 Phone +41 41 757 03 33
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We reserve the right of modification without prior notice.

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