IpQ Product Brochure

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Performance Monitoring
Service Assurance through QoE and QoS insight
ipQ See your network through

the eyes of your customers

The quest for fewer support calls,

reduced churn rates and increased
data revenues depends on delivering
broadband quality that meets customer
Yet seeing a converged view of both
subscriber QoE and core network QoS
has been an elusive challenge – until

ipQ measures performance throughout

the network and directly to the edge – TM

smartphones, tablets and computers

– to give you real-world insight on a
virtually limitless scale.
Finally, you can see your network
through the eyes of your customers.
ipQ Edge-to-Edge Monitoring ipQ probes measure edge-to-edge

performance from internet end points,

throughout the core network and –
critically – directly to subscriber devices.

Edge-to-Edge QoE Testing

enterprises and
core networks Public
Access Endpoints

Peering &
Backhaul Packet Core
UE Internet
Turn thousands
of UE devices from
field engineers,
employees and
subscribers into
real-time test

Last Mile Backhaul Packet Core Peering & Internet

Access Backhaul Understand Backbone Internet

Monitor Fixed, Mobile and middle mile bandwidth Manage wholesale See true edge-to-edge network
WiFi access issues bandwidth, 3rd party performance in-country or to
suppliers and more international peering points
ipQ Solution Architecture Fully control performance monitoring

and view the results anywhere an

online connection is available.  

Management Data Collection Probes Data Servers Analysis

Core Network AT200


Edge AT100
Computers AT50 Hosted or
Stand Alone
Management Platform

Tablets & Smartphones AT50M & Analytics

± Full control of test ± Measure from the core and access points ± Recall vast ± View historical trends, and test results
configurations, with the range of hardware probes and amounts of test with the QoE/QoS Analysis Dashboard
scheduling, probe software test apps results quickly and
management on demand ± S ee real-time customer-affecting
faults with the the Service Assurance
and alert thresholds
ipQ Service Assurance Dashboard Your first point of reference for viewing

real-time performance quality and alert


All network paths are Click on any network

displayed on a map. path on the map to
Amber lines indicate see the latest test
warnings. Red lines results. Warnings
show where a quality and critical levels are
threshold has been highlighted in the
breached. table.

A dedicated window
instantly highlights
critical and warning
threshold breaches as
they happen.
No other monitoring solution matches the power and
ipQ Analytics Dashboard
flexibility of the ipQ Analytics Dashboard. Interactive maps,

charts and graphs empower you to fully investigate the data

collected from each probe.

Map – Geographical
performance and
coverage is displayed
on colour-coded grid
maps with drill-down
Filters – Quickly filter capability
down a dataset to
display only relevant

Views – See each KPI in

a ‘real-world’ context;
by device type, access
technology, location
and more

Charts, Graphs, Tables

– Instantly visualise
performance results
and drill down to find
root causes of issues
ipQ Management Platform

Manage probes,
configure all tests,
Full control over test configurations, probe assignment and test control scheduling
scheduling is at your fingertips with the ipQ Management

and set up reports

Platform. With remote access or scheduled upgrades, you can
change the test profiles of any probe in the field.

Commission new
probes from anywhere
an on-line connection
is available

Create endless test

variations with unique
test parameters
ipQ Data Collection Probes

The range of test apps and data collection probes lets you collect data from the edge,
customer premises and the core network. All data collected uses the same test methodology
to ensure results from any probe can be accurately compared and utilised. With the centralised
management capability from the Management Platform, full control of ipQ ’s portfolio of probes

is always at your fingertips, no matter where they are installed.

The AT50 Test App can be The AT50M Test App captures The AT100 Edge Probe offers The AT200 Core Network /
deployed to tens-of-thousands data performance, radio a suite of fundamental test Mesh probe, with ethernet
of PCs for comprehensive test coverage and geo-location measurements at a cost that connectivity, runs the full
coverage of a country or multi- information from Android and allows it to scale practically for complement of tests to
site enterprise. iOS –based smartphones. residential installation or to measure throughout an
enterprises. operator or enterprise network.
± Windows-based app ± Active and passive testing
± Enterprise hub & spoke ± AC / DC operation
± Virtually unlimited scaling ± Fully manage battery and network test scenarios
data consumption ± Remote access and
± Fixed, WiFi or mobile management
tethered ± Residential CPE connection
± Ideal for crowd source,
drive, walk or dedicated ± Easy installation ± Virtually unlimited Mesh
± Fully brandable probe testing connections
± Fully brandable ± Service operator or
multi-site enterprise
± Mobile and WiFi networks
ipQ Measurements and Test Capabilities

ipQ has a suite of KPIs and application-based test capabilities with flexible parameter

settings. Each measurement is taken in context of the time-of-day, device type, location and
access technology/bearer type.

TCP Throughput Latency Web Browsing VoIP Gaming

Test speeds up to 1Gbps Understand latency to Understand the time to Assess VoIP quality using Understand the
as a time-bounded key peering points and/ load real web pages ITU-T G.107 E-model performance of specific
(fixed duration) or byte or to gateways at the with a fixed rate UDP games with fixed rate
± Specify the URLs from stream configured to UDP streams that
bounded (fixed data edge of your network which the web page
size) test simulate the traffic simulate the traffic
± Measure 2-way, is requested
signature of VoIP signatures of popular
± Validate traffic round-trip latency C ontrol the
±  online gaming services
management control either using an ICMP Simulate a wide
embedded content to ± 
through port selection ping or a TCP 3-way be downloaded
range of VoIP ± Measure delivered
handshake CODECs throughput, packet
± Fully test capacity ± S imulate popular loss, jitter, packet
with concurrent TCP ± Test to any publically browsers through ± Measure UDP packet delta as well as
connections hosted server, or to a loss, jitter and
control of Threads network round trip
specific ipQ server network latency, with
± Apply DSCP QoS per Domain time
a MOS score
marking to test traffic
± Optionally by-pass ± See network
priority performance any caches present in performance by
± Configure lead-in the network Game
time to allow for the
impact of TCP slow-
ipQ KPIs, Ancillary Information and Configuration Options

The extensive list of KPIs and options for test configuration parameters make the ipQ

Performance Monitoring Solution an obvious choice for Mobile Network Operators,

Internet Service Providers, WiFi Network Operators and multi-site Enterprises with
VPN mesh networks.

KPIs Options

IP Data Measurements Passive Measurements Test Scheduling

TCP Throughput Data Connection State Fixed
UDP Network Quality Cellular Service State Periodic
UDP Packet Loss Application Throughput Window based
UDP Jitter Application Bandwidth Event based
UDP Two-way latency Consumption On idle
UDP Echo Web Browser Throughput
Network Interfaces
ICMP Latency TCP / UDP Network Traffic
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
TCP Latency Geolocation IEEE 802.11 Wireless
DNS Lookup GPS
Internet Protocols
Application Measurements Triangulation
ITU-T G.107 E-model IP Geolocation
Call Success Rate (Dropped
Calls) IP QoS Control
UDP Gaming DiffServ DSCP
P2P Bandwidth
HTTP Web Browsing
ipQ Mobile Networks

Seeing true coverage and the actual performance of services delivered to

subscribers gives MNOs the ability to proactively manage subscriber retention
and customer satisfaction based on both real-time QoE and QoS insight.
± Create coverage maps from real-world
measurements that reveal black spots, over-
stressed cells and dropped call areas
± Analyse your network and your competitors by
crowd-sourcing, drive and walk testing
± Measure 3G and 4G data with active & passive
± S ee all network performance results in real-time
by handset type, LAC, Cell ID, bearer and more



Peering &
4G Backhaul Packet Core

Last Mile Backhaul Packet Core Peering & Internet
ipQ Wireline Networks

ISPs striving to manage quality can benefit from seeing the service quality
delivered to subscriber PCs, the CPE and key points throughout the network.

± Manage wholesale bandwidth to meet end-user

quality targets
± Create competitive analysis panels with the highly
scalable test apps and residential probes
± M
 anage the SLAs of 3rd Party DNS and bandwidth
± Ensure new services like FTTX and video CDS meet
subscriber expectations
± Monitor Traffic Management and Traffic Priority


Peering &
Backhaul Packet Core

AT100 Backhaul Packet Core IP Internet
ipQ WiFi Networks

Whether it is a public access area, hospitality site, campus or nation-wide

network, ipQ data collection options and comprehensive KPIs provide the
insight needed to manage quality WiFi performance.
± Use smartphones and computers for low-overhead
24 x 7 monitoring, indoors and outdoors
± S ee coverage and performance on coverage maps
± Collect BSSID, Net ID, SSID, RSSI, Link Speed – and
± Understand the impact of offload from mobile


Peering &
Backhaul Packet Core

Backhaul Packet Core Internet

AT50M AT50M Venue
ipQ Enterprise Networks

The challenge of ensuring VPN links are meeting quality expectations – and SLA
requirements – is an easy task with ipQ’s mesh testing capability.

± React immediately to problems and pinpoint link

failures with ipQ’s Alerting and Mesh Mapping
± Recoup SLA penalty fees with detailed reports
±  over all hub & spoke locations with a range of
data collection probes that scale economically
± Test performance to important off-net URLs or
partner sites
± G
 o beyond the VPN and manage fixed and mobile
corporate communications quality

Backhaul Packet Core Internet


Backhaul Packet Core Internet

AT100 AT100 AT100

ipQ Your System. Your Options.

The ipQ Performance Monitoring Solution is provided as a


managed service for effortless start-up or a stand-alone system.

Either way you get the Behind our technology is

full complement of ipQ’s a dedicated analysis and
capability and the ability to support team ready to help
add, change or modify the with analysis of your test
scope and configuration of results, training, changes
any testing. More probes to your system and other
can be added or easily requirements. Maintenance
re-assigned as your plans and system upgrade
network grows. options ensures your system
remains in-sync with new
technology developments for
years to come.
ipQ A True Vision of QoE & QoS

Delivering a quality network service has never been more

critical as user demand for fixed and mobile data reaches
an all-time high.
Whether your challenge Monitoring Solution gives ✔ Edge-to-Edge QoE
is resolving user-affecting you edge-to-edge insight and
faults, driving new revenue the vision to see your network ✔ Core Network QoS
or managing third-party through the eyes of your ✔ Mesh Testing
SLAs, the ipQ Performance
✔ Fixed, Mobile, WiFi
✔ Powerful On-Line Dashboard
✔ Centralised Management
About Epitiro

For over a decade Epitiro has been To find out more about how our Epitiro Group Limited
providing industry leaders such quality intelligence solutions can 10/11 Raleigh Walk
as BT, Vodafone, O2, Ofcom, the benefit your company, contact Waterfront 2000, Brigantine Place
GSMA and others with solutions Epitiro. Cardiff CF10 4LN
for understanding network quality
We’re ready to help you measure, Registered in England and Wales
and true customer experience.
manage and deliver. no: 3940403
More than just tools that collect
measurements, our solutions turn Tel: +44 (0) 870 850 6563
data into intelligence with bespoke [email protected]
dashboards, alerting and reporting

www.epitiro.com 20-104-1004.001

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