FlipFactory UserGuide
FlipFactory UserGuide
FlipFactory UserGuide
User’s Guide
ii February 2012
iv February 2012
Table of Contents
February 2012 v
vi February 2012
February 2012 ix
Factories......................................................................................................... 5-7
Creating a New Factory ..................................................................... 5-7
Duplicating a Factory......................................................................... 5-8
Deleting a Factory.............................................................................. 5-8
Monitors......................................................................................................... 5-9
FlipFactory Monitors ....................................................................... 5-10
Adding and Deleting Monitors ........................................................ 5-12
Using the Monitor Editor Panel ....................................................... 5-14
Monitors with Metadata Processing ................................................ 5-15
Processing and Analysis Tools..................................................................... 5-18
Creating and Deleting Process/Analysis Tools ................................ 5-23
Using the Process/Analysis Tool Editor .......................................... 5-24
Products ....................................................................................................... 5-25
Creating and Deleting Products ....................................................... 5-25
Redirector Metafiles .................................................................................... 5-27
Codecs.......................................................................................................... 5-28
Media Formats ............................................................................................. 5-29
Filters ........................................................................................................... 5-31
Creating and Deleting Filters ........................................................... 5-40
Setting up a Filter............................................................................. 5-41
Destinations ................................................................................................. 5-41
Adding & Deleting Destinations...................................................... 5-42
Using the Destinations Editor .......................................................... 5-44
Notifications................................................................................................. 5-44
Creating and Deleting Notifications ................................................ 5-45
Using the Notifications Editor ......................................................... 5-46
x February 2012
February 2012 xi
Appendix A Troubleshooting
FlipEngine..................................................................................................... A-1
Playback/Trim Editor.................................................................................... A-1
Troubleshooting Symptoms and Probable Causes........................................ A-3
February 2012 xv
List of Figures 81183
xx February 2012
81183 List of Figures
List of Tables 81183
Table 6–10. Components that support the Playback/Trim label set ........ 6-13
Table 6–11. Playback/Trim Label Parameters ........................................ 6-13
Table 6–12. Components that support the Review label set ................... 6-14
Table 6–13. Review Label Parameters .................................................... 6-14
Table 6–14. Seachange MVL Label Parameters ..................................... 6-15
Table 6–15. Components that support the Spot label set ........................ 6-16
Table 6–16. Commercial Label Parameters ............................................ 6-16
Table 6–17. Streaming Label Parameters ............................................... 6-17
Table 7–1. Username, Password, and Path Details ............................... 7-16
Table 7–2. Store Registry Key Entries and Description ....................... 7-18
Table 7–3. Drives Registry Key Values and Description ...................... 7-21
Table 7–4. Offset Values and Description ............................................. 7-21
Table 7–5. End Frame Offset Registry Key Entry and Description ...... 7-22
Table 7–6. Administrator Values and Description ................................ 7-23
Table 7–7. SQL Database Registry Key Values and Description ......... 7-25
Table A–1. Troubleshooting Symptoms and Probable Causes ............... A-3
International See our Web site for your regional authorized Telestream distributor.
Appendix A, Troubleshooting
Use this appendix to identify likely causes for problems you may
encounter when using FlipFactory.
The guide uses certain conventions used to make the guide more readable.
Notes, Tips & Note paragraphs are set in italic type to draw your attention to special
Cautions circumstances or configurations for proper operation of FlipFactory:
Notes highlight important information about the topic you’re
studying. Be sure to read this information before continuing.
Tip paragraphs are also set in italic; they provide helpful information you
may not be aware of, or that may make using FlipFactory easier:
Tips are bits of information you might not be aware of, or that
make using FlipFactory easier.
Cautions identify actions that may cause data loss or other
permanent changes to FlipFactory or your media assets.
Certain typographical conventions are used as visual clues in this guide.
Sample information, or a specific format to be used when entering
information, is shown in italics, or in a courier-style font.
For example: Type your domain (mydomain.com) in the domain field.
Enter import FileName where FileName is the fully-qualified path.
FlipFactory™ is the dependable, powerful, scalable way to automatically
transcode and publish your digital media. FlipFactory provides a versatile
suite of workflow automation tools, allowing broadcast, VOD & cable
companies, post houses, enterprises and other media publishers to build
workflows to meet their exact media encoding requirements.
FlipFactory enables you to create custom work flows that automatically
transcode (flip) your source media into a wide variety of streaming and
broadcast formats, and delivers the encoded media to destinations you
specify, including media and catch servers, network folders, SAN pools,
automation systems, and FTP sites.
Whether you’re automating the production of multiple streaming formats,
re-purposing existing programing, or automating reception, processing
and distribution of digital media at your TV station, there is a FlipFactory
edition for you. FlipFactory also provides tools for production of mobile
media, HD media, news, broadcast, and graphics files.
FlipFactory also allows you to set up workflows to ingest XML-based
metadata to transform and deliver metadata along with your media—a
powerful way of re-purposing media for VOD and online markets.
FlipFactory operates as a multi-user process on major Windows
platforms, and allows operators to access, manage and operate
FlipFactory from consoles on Windows and MacOS computers.
With FactoryArray, FlipFactory can be scaled to support multiple servers
with a centralized database to implement database redundancy and load
balancing, which improves system uptime, and speeds job execution.
engine under the hood, TrafficManager automates the entire process from
ingest to playout, including media receipt, dub list matching, notification,
tracking, previewing, reformatting and delivery to destination devices.
For information about setting up and using TrafficManager, see the
TrafficManager User’s Guide.
If you are upgrading your current FlipFactory server, performing custom
or complex installations, or just want detailed, step-by-step installation
instructions, proceed directly to Installing FlipFactory on page 2–1 to
install FlipFactory in your environment.
To install FlipFactory and get up and running quickly, follow these steps:
Step 1 Review Installing FlipFactory on page 2–1 to ensure your server platform
meets the requirements and you are familiar with installation procedures
for your environment.
Step 2 Use Installing FlipFactory on a Clean Server on page 2–4 to install
FlipFactory on a new server, and to obtain and install the license from
Step 3 Take the tours in Chapter 3 Guided Tours on page 3–1. In about 45
minutes, you’ll learn how to use the FlipFactory console to flip
(transcode) your first media, produce media files, and monitor their
Use this chapter to qualify your platform for FlipFactory version 7.3,
download the FlipFactory installer and install or upgrade FlipFactory,
install the FlipFactory Console, obtain a license, and validate installation.
Telestream does not support FlipFactory V3.1.16333 or earlier.
Go to www.telestream.net//flipfactory/overview.htm to download
User Guides, App Notes, Data Sheets, and Market Briefs. You
can also download FlipFactory, GraphicsFactory, FactoryArray,
other software and updates.
Read this section before starting any installation tasks, so that
you understand what actions the FlipFactory installer performs.
Then, proceed to Installation Tracks, immediately following.
Be sure to read Release Notes as well for late-breaking news.
If you plan to connect this FlipFactory to a load balance group or
FactoryArray, you should externalize all stores definitions and
replicate custom registry settings to all FlipFactory servers
(Implementing a Load Balance Group (page 9-2)).
To install FlipFactory, choose from these tracks:
Clean Install – Installing FlipFactory on a Clean Server (following)
when performing a clean installation on a computer that has never
had FlipFactory installed, or has just had a clean installation of
Windows, including reformatting the hard drive, deleting all
applications, registry, and user data.
Downgrading – Downgrading To Earlier Versions on page 2–5
when downgrading from FlipFactory 5.1 or later to an older version
back to Version 3.0 (Telestream does not provide support for
FlipFactory Version 3.1.16333 or earlier)
Upgrading – Upgrading from Earlier Versions on page 2–5
Upgrading from FlipFactory Version 3.0 or greater.
Proceed to the section for your situation and perform the specified tasks.
If you are installing or upgrading GraphicsFactory, you must
install the same version of FlipFactory and GraphicsFactory.
If you are installing or upgrading a load balance group, or
FactoryArray, you must install the same version of FlipFactory
on all servers using the central database.
If you do not use the same license on all Flip Engines in the
group/array, you must configure monitors to only submit jobs to
FlipEngines that are licensed to meet the requirements of the
specific factory, or the job will fail.
To implement a FactoryArray or load balance group, refer to the
FactoryArray User’s Guide.
The ability to produce SpectreView products is a licensed option
from Telestream. Contact Telestream to obtain the installers and
dongles, then install the Spectreview WMV or MPEG-1 codecs.
See SpectreView WMV Codec Installation (page 2-27) and
SpectreView MPEG-1 Codec Installation (page 2-30) for
If you want to obtain a clean Windows registry, you need to re-
install Windows and perform a clean Windows install after
formatting the drive. Otherwise, your registry is untouched.
FlipFactory customers who have a current annual
maintenance and support agreement can confirm the status
of their annual maintenance and support agreement, by
emailing [email protected].
If your maintenance has expired and you upgrade your
FlipFactory server, it will not function after you upgrade.
Telestream recommends that you run a separate instance
of the new FlipFactory version in parallel with your
production workflow before updating your production
FlipFactory servers. Telestream provides a limited license
so that you can configure and qualify the new version prior
to upgrading your production servers.
For details of how to replicate your FlipFactory database to
a test server to test all of your workflows, See Database
Implementations & Operations (page 10-1).
Before performing an upgrade, be sure to read the
installation notes that accompany the installer for last
minute details on a successful FlipFactory upgrade.
Step 7 If you use stylesheets for metadata processing or other workflows, and
have modified the default XML templates, to preserve your settings,
make a copy of each modified stylesheet and change its name to
something unique to your environment.
Stylesheets used in FlipFactory are stored in
C:\Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\http\metadata\stylesheets.
Restart the FlipFactory service and select the newly-named stylesheet in
the factory where it is used. FlipFactory will not overwrite uniquely-
named stylesheets during installation.
Step 8 Download FlipFactory installation software (Downloading the
FlipFactory Installer on page 2–13). You can download the FlipFactory
software from the Telestream Web site.
Step 9 Uninstall FlipFactory as described in Uninstalling FlipFactory on page B–
Step 10 Install FlipFactory (Installing FlipFactory on page 2–13).
Step 11 Obtain and install a current FlipFactory license (Obtain the License on
page 2–17). Log on to the Telestream Web site to obtain a FlipFactory
Step 12 Review the release notes that accompany this release. Make note of any
components that are in use in any factories: monitors, process/analyze
tools, encoders, filters, notifications, and destinations.
Step 13 Upgrade the existing factories in your accounts (Updating Your Factories
on page 2–21). This process analyzes each component of pre-existing
factories and updates them to drop old settings and add new ones.
Step 14 Install the FlipFactory console (Installing The FlipFactory Console on
page 2–18).
Step 15 Validate the FlipFactory installation (Validating Installation on page 2–
22). After installation is complete, perform a specified series of tests in
FlipFactory to validate successful installation.
For best performance, operate FlipFactory on a dedicated
server. Telestream recommends that you install FlipFactory
on a clean server with a recently-formatted hard drive.
To effectively operate FlipFactory with other networked devices
or systems, you must disable the Windows Firewall.
If you utilize anti-virus software, you should identify FlipFactory
as a safe or trusted application. Also, be sure to turn off anti-
virus software during FlipFactory installation, or install the anti-
virus software after you install FlipFactory.
In the list on the right, check the box for Windows Media Player 11.
Click Review and Install Updates.
Click Install Updates.
Restart your FlipFactory server after installation if you already installed
If your system administrator has modified your system to prevent
obtaining updates from the Microsoft Web site, see him for assistance.
Windows Server AVI Cinepak codec by Radius Windows Server 2003 does not
2003 Requirements include the AVI Cinepak codec by Radius. If you plan to use this codec,
see Installing Radius AVI Cinepak Codec on page 7–27.
Windows Server Prior to installing FlipFactory, the Desktop Experience must be installed
2008 Requirements under Server Manager > Features. From the same menu, Telnet Client and
Telnet Server may also be installed as optional features.
Telestream recommends that FlipFactory be installed by right-clicking the
installation file and selecting Run as Administrator. Although set by
default on the standard distribution of Server 2008, ensure that the
Computer Browser service is enabled.
FlipFactory supports Version 4 IP addresses; IP Version 6 is not
When the installer runs, it checks for QuickTime 7.6 or later. If
QuickTime is not installed in the default directory, the installer
will advise you to install QuickTime and terminate.
Java Runtime The FlipFactory Engine requires Java Runtime Environment 6.0 (Java 1.6
Requirements Update 21). The FlipFactory Console uses Java 1.6 or later.
Server Hardware The minimum recommended server hardware requirements depend on the
Requirements amount of media you plan to process and the turn around time you require
during transcoding. FlipFactory is optimized for dual quad-core Intel and
Intel-compatible processors that support Windows operating systems.
The Telestream Transcode and Analysis Engine in FlipFactory
has a 32 core limit. When running on a server with 32 or more
cores (physical or hyper-threaded), jobs hang at 0% on encode
and eventually fail.
If you need to run on FlipFactory on a server with 32 or more
cores, you may be able to configure the BIOS to disable some
cores or turn off hyperthreading to bring the total number of
active cores to less than 32.
Disk Space The recommended disk space is about 500GB. The space includes 146GB
Requirements for FlipFactory, 300GB disk space for localized media, plus disk space for
your FlipFactory SQL Server 2005 Express database, which has a 4GB
size limit.
If you are implementing another database engine, consult Chapter 10,
Database Implementations & Operations (page 10-1).
Disk requirements depend on inbound and outbound media (if any) to be
stored on the server. Inbound media is typically discarded immediately
after a job completes.
Each server may be configured to operate independently with its own
storage system (either local or a partition of a SAN pool), or several
servers may be configured in a group with one server owning the file
system and managing the files database. Other servers in the group must
have shared access to the storage.
Be sure to name your FlipFactory servers using only approved
characters, patterns and length of string, per Microsoft naming
conventions for your operating system, which generally follow
DNS naming conventions (RFC952). Failure to do so will result
in networking problems, especially in a FactoryArray.
If you must rename your server after installing FlipFactory, you should
run the Rename utility (Renaming Your FlipFactory Server (page 10-11))
to keep FlipFactory operational.
These tasks are optional, but highly recommended:
Step 3 Ensure that no other network services (mail, Web, or FTP servers or other
media processing servers) are operating on this server.
If you utilize anti-virus software, you should identify FlipFactory
as a safe or trusted application. Also, be sure to turn off anti-
virus software during FlipFactory installation, or install the anti-
virus software after you install FlipFactory.
To perform a FlipFactory installation, follow these steps:
Make sure you uninstall any previous versions before upgrading
(Uninstalling FlipFactory (page B-1)). Don’t install FlipFactory
over a previous version.
Uninstalling FlipFactory does not remove the database (user
data storage), or remove any other user data.
Step 1 Log on with the specific account set up for FlipFactory (Accessing
Network Resources on page 7–8), and make sure that virus-checking
software and the Windows Firewall control panel is turned off.
Step 2 Locate the FlipFactory installer on a network server if performing a
network installation, download/copy the FlipFactory installer
(FlipFactorySetup_7.3.293.79653.exe, for example) to your server, or
obtain the FlipFactory CD.
Telestream recommends that you install/upgrade all
subsystems or FlipFactory may not operate correctly.
Step 6 When asked, Do you wish to install these components?, click Install to
install the following components: Bonjour, Bonjour Helper, FlipFactory
Database Installer, Intel Performance Images, Java 1.6 Update 21
Runtime Environment, and Telestream Transcode Installer.
Installing Bonjour If Bonjour is not present or current, it will be installed for use by
FlipFactory. The installer displays Bonjour installer. Click Continue to
display the license agreement.
Bonjour runs as a service in Windows, and when installed by the
FlipFactory installer, the service’s Startup Type is set to Manual.
To use Bonjour with Pipeline or to easily connect the FlipFactory
console to a FlipEngine on the network, you must start Bonjour:
Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services >
Bonjour > right-click to display Properties – change Startup Type
to Automatic and click Start.
Step 7 License Agreement. Read the license agreement, Select I accept if you
agree to the terms, then click Next to continue installation.
When installer completes, the FlipFactory installer continue.
Installing SQL If you are performing a new installation of FlipFactory with no SQL
Server 2005 Server present, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with SP3 is installed. If
MSDE is present in the default location, it is upgraded if the version of
Express and SQL Server is earlier than SQL Server 2005. However, if Microsoft SQL
FlipFactory Server 2005 is present without SP3, this installation does not
Default Database automatically upgrade to SP3 and the existing service pack level will
Installing Java If Java 2 Standard Edition Runtime Environment 6.0 (also known as Java
1.6 Update 21) is not present, it will be installed for use by the FlipEngine
service. JRE 1.4.2 (or other versions) may also be present, and is ignored
and unused by FlipFactory service. The installer displays the Java
Runtime Environment installer, then automatically displays the license
Step 10 License Agreement. Read the license agreement. Click Next if you agree
to the terms.
Step 11 Setup Type. Click Next to perform a typical J2SE installation
(recommended). The Setup Status window provides status messages and a
progress bar to inform you of progress.
Step 12 When installation is complete, click Finish. If the restart dialog displays,
click No, and continue these installation steps.
Installing the To install the Telestream Media Transcoding and Analysis Engine,
Telestream Media continue these installation steps.
Transcoding &
Analysis Engine
Step 13 Welcome Window. Click Next to display the license agreement.
Step 14 License Agreements. Read the FlipFactory Software License Terms and
Condition, then click I Accept... if you agree to the license terms. Click
Next to continue.
Step 15 Destination Folder. Accept the default folder or click Change to select an
alternate folder. Click Next.
Step 16 Ready to Install the Program. Click Install to begin component
installation and updates as necessary.
Step 17 Installation Wizard Completed. When installation is done, the
Installation Wizard Completed window displays. Click Finish.
Be sure to restart your server before proceeding with any other
FlipFactory configuration.
You can download and install FlipFactory without a license.
However, you can’t perform production transcoding without
obtaining a license from Telestream. Certain functionality is
limited without a specific license key – for example, direct
conversion transcoding. To use these capabilities for evaluation,
please send the licensing group an email request (see Support
and Information in About This Guide).
Obtain the License You must provide Telestream the MAC address of the FlipFactory server,
when requesting a license.
To display server’s Mac address of the Ethernet LAN card/connector:
1. Click start > Run.
2. Enter cmd and press Return.
3. Enter ipconfig /all to display details and find the Physical Address of
the Ethernet adapter Local Area connection. (e.g. 00-11-12-13-14-1D).
The license key enables all the features you purchased, and does not
expire. Your license key is keyed to your FlipFactory server’s Ethernet
MAC address or hard disk serial number you provided to Telestream.
Evaluation/Demo If you’re evaluating FlipFactory, the demo license key enables all of
License FlipFactory’s features, and expires on the date shown in the feature
section at the bottom of the email (usually 15 days from its start date).
If you registered with Telestream to download FlipFactory, Telestream
verifies your customer information and emails you a no-cost demo license
file, usually within one business day of registering.
Load Balance Group If you are establishing a load balance group, you must obtain a separate
and FactoryArray license for each FlipFactory server.
Telestream recommends that all FlipFactories in a load balance
group/FactoryArray have the same license, so all jobs can be
processed by any FlipFactory. If a job is sent to a FlipEngine
that isn’t licensed for a required feature, the job will fail.
If you do not use the same license, you must configure monitors
to only submit jobs to FlipFactories that are licensed to meet the
requirements of the specific factory.
On the licensing Web page, click Obtain License and complete the form
once for each FlipFactory server in a load balance group or FactoryArray,
and supply the MAC address or hard disk serial number from each server.
The license key enables all the features you purchased, and does not
expire. Your license key is keyed to your FlipFactory server’s Ethernet
MAC address or hard disk serial number you provided to Telestream.
Install the License When you receive the FlipFactory License File email, open it to verify
that the server has the same identifier in your license file, a copy of which
is included in the FlipFactory License File email. If the identifier does not
match, contact Telestream’s licensing department via email or by
telephone (see Support and Information in About This Guide).
Do not edit the license file. It may render it unusable.
Follow these steps to install the license on your server (and each server in
your load balance group or FactoryArray):
Step 1 Save the attachment (license.dat) in a folder.
Step 2 Copy the file and place it in the FlipFactory license folder (default
C:\Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\License).
Step 3 If you haven’t restarted your server after installation, restart it now.
If you restarted the server after installation, restart FlipFactory service:
Step 4 Click Start > Settings > Control Panel to open the Control Panel window.
Step 5 Open Administrative Tools and launch Services.
Step 6 Select FlipEngine and stop and restart the service (right-click to start and
stop, or use the icons in the Services toolbar).
Java Runtime 1.6 Update 21 is required on all workstations
where you install and run the FlipFactory console. The JRE
installer is available at www.java.com.
The first time the console launches after installation, the
Security Warning window may display. Click Always to continue.
(Click More details to view certificate information).
Step 2 Click Always to continue if you trust the Telestream certificate. For
details about the certificate, click More Details.
Step 3 On the FlipFactory Console Installer Web page, click Install FlipFactory
Console. (For details, see Installing the Console on Local FlipEngine
(page 4-4).
When installation is complete, a Telestream > FlipFactory > FlipFactory
Console entry is installed in your Program menu. A Console shortcut is
also added to your desktop. Telestream recommends that you name the
console shortcut with the name of the FlipFactory server, to uniquely
identify which FlipServer this console connects to.
Step 4 Select Demo from the Account dropdown menu in the bottom panel.
Click Login to test connectivity. There is no password on the Demo
account by default.
Do not log on to the same account on two different
workstations and edit factories – the last one to save will
destroy the earlier editor’s changes.
However, you can view factories, submit jobs, and view
status windows when logged on to the same account.
The Update Process To upgrade a factory to the current version, right-click on a specific
factory or right-click on the Factories node for all factories and select
As the upgrade processes each factory, it displays a progress dialog.
When changes are complete, the modified factories are highlighted in
yellow to distinguish them from others. You should review them for
accuracy and run test jobs through them to validate correct operation.
Click Save to save all of the upgraded factories in your account.
Using Saved Account Each time you save changes, the previous factory settings are saved in an
Files XML file in the <FlipFactory Install Dir>\XML\accounts\backup
directory. The XML file is time-stamped to make it easy to identify.
You can import an existing account in two ways:
First, delete the account in Administer Accounts. Then, copy the account
XML file into the C:\Program
Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\XML\accounts\import directory. The file
will be automatically imported only if an account with the same name
does not exist.
You can also import an account using Telnet. See Importing Accounts on
page 10–9 for details. This method will overwrite existing accounts.
Automatic Account To enable automatic account updates, log into the FlipFactory console,
Upgrades display System Settings under Advanced Settings (bottom), select
Automatic Account Upgrade. Check Enabled to cause FlipFactory to
upgrade all accounts on startup.
For large accounts, this process may take as long as 20 or 30 minutes
(depending on size of course). During this time, FlipFactory will not
accept jobs for processing.
Manually Rebuilding Some factories and editor panels may not upgrade automatically or
Factories elements of the editor panel may not display and you will need to
manually rebuild these factories.
After installing FlipFactory, the FlipFactory console, and installing the
license, run the FlipFactory console and log on to the Demo account to
validate that:
The FlipFactory console security certificate is accepted, and the
console operates correctly
The FlipFactory build and version number are correct
The license is correctly installed
You can log on as an administrator and view accounts
You can log on as a user and view factories
Step 1 To run the console, select Programs > Telestream > FlipFactory >
FlipFactory Console. Or, double-click the Console shortcut on your
The FlipFactory console should display:
Figure 2–3. FlipFactory console
Step 3 Validate the FlipFactory version and build number (your build number
may be different than the number displayed in Figure 2–4, above).
If the console displays the version previously installed, you
probably did not uninstall the console. See Uninstalling
FlipFactory on page B–1. Then, return to step 1 and try again.
Step 4 In the bottom panel, open several of the objects in the FlipEngine
discovery tree to display the license status. Each object should indicate
that it is licensed. If the license status displays Not Licensed, you have not
yet obtained a valid license or it is not installed in the correct directory.
For details about obtaining and installing a license, see Obtaining and
Installing the FlipFactory License on page 2–16. For further assistance,
contact Telestream by sending an email or calling the licensing group
(Support and Information, in About This Guide).
Step 5 Close the About window.
The first time you click any administrator icons after launching
the console you must log on to FlipFactory as an administrator
using the Connect window.
To modify the administrator user name and password, see
Changing the Administrator’s Password on see Changing the
Administrator’s Parameters on page 7-23.
The first time you click any administrator icon after launching the
console, the Connect window displays and identifies the name of the
server where FlipFactory is running.
Figure 2–5. Enter administrator user name and password to log on
For security purposes, be sure to change your
administrator username and password immediately after
installing FlipFactory (see Changing the Administrator’s
Parameters on page 7-23).
Step 8 The Administer Accounts window (Figure 2–6.) should display the single
default user name supplied with Telestream, demo.
Step 9 Close the Administer Accounts window and display the console again.
Figure 2–7. FlipFactory User panel before logging in
Step 10 With Demo (demo) selected (the default FlipFactory user), click Login to
log on to the Demo account as a user.
After successfully logging in to a user account, FlipFactory changes the
user panel to display user icons:
Figure 2–8. Users panel when logged on to a user account
Step 11 When the panel displays the Users icons, click on Manage Factories.
Figure 2–9. Manage Factories window
You should only install update packs for the FlipFactory
version you are using.
If you are installing on Windows Server 2003, 64-bit version,
please contact Customer Service for new installation
Step 4 Copy the license text file that you received to a folder on the FlipFactory
server (e.g. C:\IPV).
The path in the KeyFile setting should point to the license text file In this
example the license file is named dongle20006.txt and has been placed in
the C:\IPV directory. Modify this line to point to the directory where your
license file is stored, and make sure the file name is correct.
Step 6 Next, change both of the DongleHost entries to the IP address of the
computer that you plugged the dongle into. If the dongle has been
attached to this computer, the DongleHost entry under ASFLib should be
localhost instead of an IP address.
Example registry settings for a local dongle, on a computer with IP
address Note that the SVServer still uses the IP address.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Step 7 Save the file with your changes, and close Wordpad.
Step 8 Double-click the file to add these registry entries to the Windows registry.
Step 3 Install the Sequencer program.(If you already installed the Sequencer
program during the WMV installation process, skip to Step 4.)
Run the Sequencer installer (SVSequencer v2.0 b2.msi) to install the
No registry entries are required for the IPV MPEG-1 installation.
The more you know about FlipFactory, the better it will serve your needs.
In these short guided tours, you’ll learn how FlipFactory is designed to
work. You’ll learn how managers can create accounts and how you can
build factories to manage your workflow and process media – including
monitors to automatically submit media without human intervention.
When you’ve completed the tours, you’ll be ready to create accounts for
your organization and build factories for the kinds of jobs you need to
process. Next, you’ll be able to submit and monitor jobs as FlipFactory
goes to work – automatically transcoding and delivering your media – to
the right place at the right time.
The tours in this chapter use the default FlipFactory installation
and the Demo account and demo factory. Features of
FactoryArray are not used in these tours. For details about
FactoryArrays, see the FactoryArray User’s Guide.
FlipFactory Server The server portion of FlipFactory consists of two programs – flip server
and FlipEngine. The FlipEngine is responsible for interacting with the
client, maintaining the FlipFactory database and processing jobs as they
are submitted. The flip server is the workhorse of FlipFactory. It accepts
jobs from the FlipEngine and transcodes the input media into the
appropriate output media. These jobs are prioritized on a first come-first
served basis.
FlipFactory runs on Windows platforms with fast media drives and access
to a LAN and/or WAN. For practical purposes, the FlipFactory server
programs are collectively often referred to simply as FlipFactory or
To accommodate departmental transcoding jobs or to increase system
durability and/or job capacity, you may install several independent
FlipFactory systems, each operating on different servers. Each
FlipFactory operates as a stand-alone implementation and does not
interact with other FlipFactories.
FlipFactory In some cases, a single FlipFactory meets the needs of all the personnel in
Groups and a department or organization. In high-volume, high-workload
environments you can balance workloads and improve efficiency by
FactoryArrays installing multiple FlipFactory servers on a network and organize them to
create a FlipFactory group.
You can also purchase a license and implement a FactoryArray to add
additional services to a FlipFactory group, including job and monitor
recovery, and database mirroring and recovery, based on your
The FactoryArray Database Mirroring (FADM) service enables you to
safeguard your FlipFactory database against hardware and system
failures. The FADM ensures that your database is always mirrored in real-
time, and automatically switches to the mirrored version whenever the
primary database is unavailable. As a result, your FlipFactory
The FlipFactory database is a SQL Server 2005 database. By
default, it is installed on the same platform as FlipFactory.
However, it may be installed on another server and accessed
remotely to accommodate an existing database or to improve
up-time availability, by isolating services to reduce the risk of
failure of one component affecting the availability of others. This
is particularly effective in a load balance group or FactoryArray.
For details about setting up and configuring a FactoryArray, see
the FactoryArray User’s Guide.
For details about setting up and configuring a load balance
group, see Implementing a Load Balance Group (page 9-2).
FlipFactory Client The FlipFactory console (usually referred to as the console) is a Java
– the Console program. Multiple users can use the console to access FlipFactory, build
or modify factories, and submit jobs for transcoding media (flipping). A
client station only requires a Java Runtime Environment to install and
display the FlipFactory console – it does not require additional software.
Always remember to save changes to your FlipFactory settings
and factories before closing the Manage Factories window.
End users (Users in the console) use the FlipFactory console to configure
the system, manage accounts, build and update factories, and submit and
monitor media processing jobs. FlipFactory provides password-protected
accounts for security, and to separate factories or groups of factories by
department, project, or workflow. You log into a FlipFactory account to
begin your work.
FlipFactory does not prevent users from logging in to the
same account on different workstations. Each user should
only use their assigned accounts, or you should assign
specific accounts to a specific workstation. If two users log
on in to the same account at the same time and save
changes, only the last changes are saved.
FlipFactory You create and use accounts in FlipFactory to manage job workflow.
Accounts & Accounts identify users or groups submitting jobs and are used to
improve job monitoring and management. For example, a television
Factories network may have three accounts to manage its jobs: one for affiliate jobs,
one for news, and one for advertisements.
Workflow is controlled on a job-by-job basis, and jobs are submitted to
specific factories – the rules of how to perform a specific type of job.
These factories are built by account owners and stored in their own
account. Each account may have one or more factories, each set up to
process specific types of jobs. For example, you might set up a factory to
produce Windows Media, another for QuickTime media, another for
DVD media, and yet another to produce frame-accurate editable proxies.
Factories Perform Six Each factory performs six separate tasks for each job it processes:
Transactional Tasks
Step 1 Monitor file systems for new media files to process.
Step 2 Accept and automatically submit media processing jobs (you can also
submit jobs manually).
Step 3 Localize media files for processing by the job.
Step 4 Transcode Media – multiple steps in a single atomic transaction,
including decoding, transforming field and frames, and encoding.
Optional metadata processing is part of the transcoding process.
Step 5 Deliver newly-created media files.
Step 6 Notify other systems.
These steps are performed linearly, and each step must complete normally
before the next transaction can execute.
Figure 3–2. FlipFactory jobs have six steps to transcode media
1 2 3
Monitor file systems Submit Jobs Localize media
Localize media
for new media files for processing FFDB forprocessing
for processing
Transcode Media
Process - resize fields/frames,
perform rate conversions,
apply filters, convert between
Decode media to interlace & progressive Encode media based
uncompressed digital video on codec settings
5 6
Deliver output media Notify systems
to file systems of job completion
Localize FlipFactory in almost all cases duplicates the input media file
to a store – a specific directory (local or on a share) that is identified to the
FlipFactory server, to optimize file access and speed decoding.
Automatic Job In the event of a FlipFactory failure, each FlipFactory recovers its job in
Recovery & progress beginning at the last complete checkpoint when it re-starts.
Completion Auto-recovery and completion significantly reduces monitoring and
restarting of jobs, and increases throughput.
If the failed FlipFactory is part of a FactoryArray, another FlipFactory in
the array will re-start the failed FlipFactory's monitors and re-start any
jobs that the failed FlipFactory that have not yet completed to keep the
entire workflow operating correctly.
Step 1: Start the You can start the FlipFactory console in two ways:
FlipFactory • Double-click the FlipFactory Console shortcut on the desktop
Console • Click start > Programs > Telestream > FlipFactory > FlipFactory Console
If you haven’t installed the FlipFactory console, follow the steps
in Installing the Console on Local FlipEngine (page 4-4) before
taking this tour.
The first time the console launches after installation, the
Security Warning window is displayed. Click Always to continue.
(Click More details to view certificate information).
Click the About button to display the About Window, which provides
details about this FlipFactory installation, including all of its capabilities.
For example, click the Encoders, then File to display all of the file codecs
that are installed. Open a specific codec (3GP for example) to display its
version and license status.
Now, close the Encoders, and open the Monitors to display all of the
monitor plug-ins installed. Now, lets close this window and continue.
Click the Help button to display the FlipFactory User’s Guide PDF
document. This is a comprehensive reference to all of the features of
FlipFactory. Take a moment to browse around, and then continue.
Step 2: Log in to a To begin, log into the Demo account. This account has no password.
FlipFactory Figure 3–3. User’s Log in panel at bottom of console
Select Demo from the dropdown menu of users.
In the Users (bottom) panel, select Demo from the popup list of accounts.
Click Login to log in. When you log in, FlipFactory displays the
following functions: Manage Factories, Submit Job, and Job Status.
Step 3. Review the Jobs are processed by factories you create. Each factory is set up to
Demo Factory produce a specific type of media from your input.
Click Manage Factories to display a list of factories in this account, and
create new ones.
Figure 3–4. Manage Factories button in console User’s panel
The top folder identifies this account. Open the Factories folder to display
the list of factories that have been created in this account. In this demo
account, there is only factory – Demo.
Open the Demo factory, then open each succeeding folder (color-coded
for clarity) to display objects inside to get a sense of how factories are
organized. There is a permanent folder (and optionally, more than one),
Click on each type of folder and object. Notice that some folders and
objects display a tabbed editor panel where you can configure it. Each
factory is created with five building blocks:
Monitors periodically query specific directories on various servers to
watch for incoming media; perform localization and submit the media to
the factory to begin the transcoding process.
There are no monitors in this factory. Jobs are submitted to this factory
manually, using the Submit Job window. Click Monitors to display a
tabbed panel of the types of monitors you can create. Take a moment to
click on some of them and read about their settings.
Process/Analyze Tools
The Process/Analyze component includes analysis tools for video
thumbnails, audio level, vertical blanking and others.
There are no processes in this demo factory. Click Process/Analyze to
view the list of analyses that may be performed.
The Products component is configured by you to specify audio and video
codec parameters, metadata, and pre-processing filters – everything
necessary to encode the incoming media correctly after it has been
decoded and produce an output file in the file/wrapper format you specify.
You do not have to configure or specify the input media format or
encoding details; FlipFactory automatically detects this information.
For each product, you can identify one or more destinations: a directory
on a Windows local or network server, on-air servers, ClipMails, and
other specialized digital media systems.
If you don’t specify a destination, the product (the newly-encoded media
file) is stored in the default local server’s store (usually, media).
If you want to play media directly from FlipFactory (using the Play button
in Message Viewer and Job Status or Resubmit/Forward windows), you
must specify Web Server Local as the destination for your proxy products
or manually provide a URL in the Alias URL field. This creates a URL to
identify the file for FlipFactory’s built-in Web server.
Notifications initiate processes in specialized digital media systems after
job completion. Notifications may target other factories, dub list
generation, Reuters, and other systems. Click the Notifications folder to
view the various notification methods that are available.
For this tour, don’t make any changes to the account. Close the Manage
Factories window when you’re done checking out the demo factory.
Step 4: Submit a Now you’re ready to view the Submit Job window, become familiar with
Job its important input fields, and submit your first job.
Figure 3–6. Submit Job button in console User’s panel
In the Factories near the top, notice that the WMV factory is already
selected, because its the only factory in this account. When you have
more than one factory, select the factory you want to use for processing
this job. Optionally, select a priority for the job (it defaults to Normal).
In the Subject field enter a subject – testflip for this tour, and optionally,
enter a description.
Use the Schedule area to defer a job for processing until later. If you don’t
want the job processed immediately when you submit it then check Defer,
and enter schedule information. For this tour, leave Defer unchecked so
that the job will be processed immediately upon submission.
In the Source field, make sure File (as opposed to Stream) and Local File
is selected. Click Browse and locate the sample file FlipDemo.mss in
C:\Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\http\Media.
In the Content Name field, provide the new clip a name – enter testflip.
FlipFactory appends the output file name with the appropriate suffix.
The FlipEngine popup list contains the names of all FlipFactory servers in
the group, plus the option Any Available.
The Store popup list displays all stores for this FlipFactory. In a default
installation, there is a single media store which defines the drive and
directory where media is localized (copied to the specified drive) for
processing and delivered when complete if there are no other destinations.
For this tour, do not enable metadata.
Step 5: Flip It! Click the Flip It! button at the bottom of the window to submit the job to
FlipFactory. The console notifies you of any errors in the job, or displays
the Status dialog.
Figure 3–8. Job submission confirmation dialog
Step 6: View Job View the Status of the job you just submitted, click Job Status (located in
Status the User panel). FlipFactory displays the Job Status window.
Figure 3–9. Job Status window
The Job Status window displays jobs that are in progress in the upper
(Active Jobs) panel, and displays all jobs in the lower (All Jobs) panel.
You click a job to select and manage it, or double-click it to view job
details in the Message Viewer window.
Step 7: Display When the job is complete, the media has been converted from MPEG4 to
Your New Clip Windows Media by the default encoder, and you can view your new clip.
Double-click the testflip job in the All Jobs panel of the Job Status
window to display the Message Viewer window and details about each
product (new media file) in the job.
Figure 3–10. Message Viewer window
Since you didn’t specify a destination, the new media file was stored in
the default media store, inside a folder created with a name to specifically
identify this job. You can’t click the Play icon (right arrow) to play the
clip, because no URL was created by using a specific destination and
supplying the Alias URL (one is provided automatically if you choose
Web Server (Local) destination.
Go to Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\http\Media (the default
directory identified by the default store, media). Locate the folder that is
Now that you’ve viewed a factory and learned how to submit and monitor
jobs, you’re ready to build your own factory (including a Destination) and
process another job.
Step 1. Start the If you closed the console after the previous tour, double-click the
Console & Log On FlipFactory shortcut again to display the console.
To begin work, log in to FlipFactory. Because there are no other users and
there is no password on the Demo account, just click Login.
Step 2. Create a Click Manage Factories to display the Manage Factories window. You use
New Factory the Manage Factories window to create, build, and manage factories.
Figure 3–12. Creating a factory
Highlight the
Factories folder.
Then, right-click
the Factories
folder and select
New Factory to
create a new
factory in the
Demo account.
Click the Save icon (disk icon, left, at top) to update the information and
save your work. Notice that when you change information in your
account by creating or changing factories, the disk icon becomes active.
Its a good idea to get in the habit of saving your work frequently. Each
time you save your work, the FlipFactory database is updated.
Step 3. Set up Before you set up a FlipFactory monitor (a directory on a server that is
Monitor and continually polled by FlipFactory to identify new media files that have
been saved in the directory), first open the C drive in Windows Explorer
Destination and create a folder; name it AMonitor. While you’re at it, also create a
Folders destination folder so FlipFactory can deliver the transcoded media. Create
a new folder on the C drive and name it ADestination. You’ll use both of
these directories – one as a monitor, the other as a destination – in the
course of this tour.
These arbitrary names just make them easy to find – when creating
monitor and destination directories you should name them in a practical
manner for the workflow you’re establishing. You can also put a monitor
on network servers or other systems on the network.
Step 4. Add and To add and configure the monitor, return to the Manage Factories window
Configure the and open the OmneonFactory factory. Next, select the Monitors folder in
the OmneonFactory to display the Monitors editor.
(If the Monitors folder is gray (inactive), you do not have a license or it is
not installed in the proper directory. If a monitor tab is disabled, you are
not licensed to use it.)
Figure 3–14. Adding a monitor to a factory
Click the Local Folder tab and then click Add. (You can only add one
monitor of each type to a factory.)
When the Local Folder monitor is added, FlipFactory creates a monitor
icon in the Monitors folder (named for the monitor type) and then
monitors the specified target you configure for new media to ingest as a
job, to direct-convert or transcode.
Click the new Local Folder icon directly under the Monitors icon, to
display the Local Folder monitor editor panel.(Each type of monitor has a
editor panel specifically for its settings and configuration requirements.)
Notice that you can enable or disable a monitor, specify priority, run the
monitor on a specific FlipEngine when configured in a load balance group
or FactoryArray, and recover media.
You can also select a specific target system and directory, and determine
how to select and process new media, and alternatively, process metadata.
Figure 3–16. Toolbar in Manage Factories for common commands
Using Online Help Main console pages, as well as each monitor, process/analyze tool,
product, and notification has its own online help page. Click the green
help button (far right, at top of window in toolbar) to display the Help
page for the Local Folder Monitor as you review the editor.
Figure 3–17. Displaying FlipFactory online help
Each help page describes how to use the monitor or other function in
FlipFactory, and describes each setting and configuration option. Click
Done to close the window.
Now, click Browse under Monitored Folder, and locate the folder named
AMonitor on your C drive and click Select.
Save your work in progress – click the disk icon again. When you save
your new monitor, it is automatically started and begins polling the
directory you selected. Now you have a folder (AMonitor) to save media
into, which your Factory monitor will identify, and submit a job for
processing (based on your factory settings) each time a new media file is
identified in this folder.
Process/Analyze Before creating your product, take a moment and open the Process/
Tools Operate on Analyze folder to view the tools that are available to manipulate or
Input Media analyze the input file. Some tools may not display or be available,
depending on your license.
Figure 3–18. Process/Analysis tools operate on input files
You can use these tools to add watermarks, process VBI data, and other
special processing. Descriptions of each tool are in the online help pages.
Step 5. Create a To specify the product itself (how the incoming media is to be converted
Product and saved as a new media file), click the Products folder to select it.
Figure 3–19. Creating a new product in a factory
Next, right-click and select New Product from the dropdown menu.
Open the Products folder to display the new Product folder. Select the
Product folder to display the Product selector panel (if only Duplicate
Original is active, you don’t have a license or it isn’t installed correctly).
Figure 3–20. Selecting the media format for your new media
This panel displays all of the different wrappers and/or file formats you
can save your media in.
Next, click to select Omneon Server format. FlipFactory automatically
enters the format name into the Product Name field – which you can
change based on your workflow requirements.
(You select Duplicate Original when you want FlipFactory to replicate the
file exactly (by performing a file copy process) in the destination, without
opening the file, changing the wrapper, or altering the essence.)
Save the updates to your factory – note the name change of the folder
from Product to Omneon.
Now, open the Omneon folder and open its Format folder (named for the
product type you selected – Omneon Server) to display three folders:
Metafiles, Codecs, and Filters.
The Metafiles folder is for codecs that utilize Redirector metadata.
The Codecs folder is used to specify how you want to transcode the video
and audio essence by selecting and configuring the encoders.
The Filters folder allows you to perform various essence-manipulation
during the transcode process, including visual effects (saturation,
sharpening, telecine, etc.) and other utilities including frame order
conversion, text overlays, and others.
Select the Codecs folder to display the codec list editor.
Figure 3–21. Codec selector panel (typical)
This is a typical video codec editor panel – each video codec has a unique
set of configuration and settings options, based on the codec itself.
In this panel, you can select the output file type – an MXF self-contained
(Op1a) movie or a self-contained or reference QuickTime movie.
If you made changes, click Save and continue.
Next, select AIFF Audio to display the audio codec editor panel.
Figure 3–23. Typical audio codec editor panel
This is also a typical audio codec editor panel. You can make the
following changes in the audio codec editor:
Select the number of channels you want in the output – up to 8 (based on
how many channels you have on input).
You can also select the maximum number of audio channels per file.
The sample rate for output is fixed at 48 kHZ.
If you made changes, click Save and continue.
Filters Operate on Now, select the Filters folder to view a list of filters you can use. Filters
Output Media always operate on output media, to alter the visual or audio quality of the
video. That is why filters are always enabled on a given product, while
If you’re setting up a direct-convert factory, the only filters that apply are
audio filters. If you are transcoding video, you can implement one or
more video filters as well.
Some filters may not display or be available, depending on your license.
Finally, select the Destinations folder to display the Destinations panel.
Figure 3–25. Adding a Destinations folder
FlipFactory can deliver media to a variety of servers. Note that the list of
destinations is for the most part, very similar to the list of monitors.
For this tour, select Local Folder and click Add.
Now open the Destinations folder. Select the new Local Folder
destination icon to display the editor.
Figure 3–26. Configuring a Destinations folder
Optionally, click Replace existing files so you can run jobs several times
and still use the same original file name for the output.
Browse to the C:\ADestination folder you created earlier in this tour and
select it.
Click Save to update your factory with your new settings, close the
Manage Factories window and continue.
Step 6: Submit a In this tour, you’re submitting a job by placing a media file in AMonitor,
Job the folder being monitored by your new factory.
To initiate the job, you’ll drag and drop (or copy and paste) a file into the
monitored folder (C:\AMonitor) – follow these steps:
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Program
Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\http\Media and copy the file named
Next, open the monitored folder (C:\AMonitor) and paste the file into the
folder. By default, monitors check on the status of their target every 60
seconds, so it can take up to 60 seconds for FlipFactory to detect the new
file and submit the job.
To view the action in FlipFactory as you submit a job, display the
FlipFactory console and open both the System Status (in the
Administrators panel) and Job Status windows (in the Users panel) and
arrange them so you can see both windows.
Figure 3–27. System Status window
In about a minute, the monitor identifies the new media and automatically
submits a job for FlipFactory to process.
Watch the System Status window (under the status column for the Local
Folder monitor) where you can view the monitor’s activities. Status
changes as the monitor is initialized, no new files are observed, then a
new file is detected (the one you just dropped in AMonitor).
Next, note in the Job status window as FlipFactory processes the job. In
the Job Status window, you’ll see the different processing stages of the
job that was submitted when you copied the file into the monitored folder.
Step 7: View Job When the job completes, the new media file has been created and saved in
Status & Details the destination (C:\ADestination), and you can view details about the job.
In the Job Status window, select the job record and click the Open icon
(3rd from right on the toolbar) to display the Message Viewer window.
Figure 3–29. Message Viewer window
For more details about each job step, click History. Click Done to close
the window.
Step 1. Start the If you closed the console, double-click the FlipFactory shortcut again to
Console & Log On display the console.
To begin work, log in to FlipFactory. Because there are no other users and
there is no password on the Demo account, just click Login.
Step 2. Create a Click Manage Factories to display the Manage Factories window.
New Factory To create a factory, open the Demo account folder if it isn’t already open
and select the Factories folder.
With the Factories folder selected, right-click on the Factories folder and
select New Factory as shown in Figure 3–12. FlipFactory creates a new
factory (named untitled).
Select the untitled factory to display the factory editor in the right panel.
Figure 3–30. Naming a new factory with the Factory Editor
Step 3. Set up To set up a FlipFactory monitor, first open the C drive in Windows
Monitor and Explorer and create a folder and name it AMonitor. (Of course, you can
name monitored folders any legal Windows folder name.)
While you’re at it, also create a destination folder so FlipFactory can
deliver the transcoded media. Create a new folder on the C drive and
name it ADestination.
These arbitrary names just make them easy to find – when creating
monitor and destination directories you should name them in a practical
manner. You can also put a monitor on network servers and other systems
on the network.
Step 4. Configure To configure the monitor, return to the Manage Factories window and
the Monitor select the Monitors folder in the FirstFactory to display the Monitors
editor. (If the Monitors folder is gray (inactive), you do not have a license
or it is not installed in the proper directory. If a particular monitor tab is
disabled, you are not licensed to use it.)
Figure 3–31. Adding monitors to a factory
Click the Local Folder tab and then click Add. You can only add one
monitor of each type to a factory. When the Local Folders monitor is
added, FlipFactory creates a monitor icon in the Monitors folder (named
for the monitor type) and monitors the specified target you configure for
new media to transcode.
Click the Local Folder icon to display the Local Folder monitor editor
Browse and locate the folder named AMonitor on your C drive and click
Save your work in progress – click the disk icon again. When you save
your new monitor, it is automatically started and begins polling the
Step 5. Configure FlipFactory’s Process and Analyze tools are a collection of software
Filters in Process/ processes that allow you to trim media, perform basic audio, VBI, and
video analysis of your media for further processing, and other tasks.
To set up your new factory’s filters in the Process/Analyze folder, follow
these steps:
Select the Process/Analyze folder to display the editor (shown with tasks
Figure 3–32. Enabling audio and video analysis processing
Select Create Waveform Display. When the job is complete, you can view
a summary audio waveform of the clip. Optionally, adjust the response
Next, click the Video Analysis icon to display the video analysis editor.
Click the Keyframe Extraction tab and click Enabled to extract keyframes
from your input media. Next, scroll to the bottom of the panel and select
Repeat from the dropdown menu under Capture Mode. FlipFactory will
create one key frame for every segment (default 5 seconds). You can view
the key frames at the completion of the job. (This tool places the key
frame JPEGs in the database for review – there is a separate Keyframe
codec that allows you to set up and extract JPEG files in a folder for use
Save your work and continue.
Step 6. Create a To specify the product itself (how the incoming media is to be transcoded
Product and saved as a new media file), follow these steps:
Click the Products folder in your factory to select it.
Figure 3–34. Creating a new product in a factory
Bump the Maximum Frame Rate to 15 and reduce Video Quality to 15.
(You can use the slider to adjust the value by its allowed increment, or use
the left or down arrow keys to reduce the value and the right and up arrow
keys to increment the value. You can also just type the new values.)
Next, scroll down and locate Video Stream 2, the high-quality stream for
this factory. Display the settings and make these changes:
Select Windows Media Video V9 from the dropdown menu.
Set the Video Bit Rate to approximately 50,000 bps and set the maximum
frame rate to 30.
Now, scroll down to display the Audio Codec details.
Figure 3–39. Audio codec editor
In Audio Profile select 160 Kbps, 48 kHz, Stereo from the menu.
Save your work.
Next, select the Destinations folder to display the Destination List editor.
Figure 3–40. Adding a Destinations folder
Click the Web Server (Local Folder) tab and click Add to create a new
Web Server (Local) destination. The Web Server (Local) destination
automatically creates a URL so that you can play proxy files directly from
Optionally, click Replace existing files so you can run jobs several times
and still use the same original file name for the output.
The Stores location (where the file is saved) defaults to media, which
points to the Program Files/Telestream/FlipFactory/http/Media directory
on your C drive if installed with default values.
Click Save to update your factory with your new settings, close the
Manage Factories window and continue.
Step 7: Submit Job In this tour, you’re submitting a job by placing a media file in a monitored
folder, rather than using the manual method (submitting a job) you
learned about in Tour 2.
To view the action in FlipFactory as you submit a job, display the
FlipFactory console and open both the System Status (in the
Administrators panel) and Job Status windows (in the Users panel) and
arrange them so you can see both windows.
Figure 3–42. System Status window
To initiate the job, you’ll drop an input media file into the monitored
folder – follow these steps:
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Program
Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\http\Media and copy the file named
Next, open the monitor folder (C:\AMonitor) and paste the file into the
Step 8: View Job The FlipFactory Local Folder monitor polls the local folder every 60
Status & Details seconds. In a minute or two, the FlipFactory monitor will identify the new
media and automatically submit a job for FlipFactory to process. You can
view the monitor in System Status, and the job the monitor submitted in
the Job Status window. When the job completes you can view details
about the new clip.
In the Job Status window, select your clip and click the open folder icon to
display the Message Viewer.
Figure 3–44. Message Viewer window
Next, click the Keyframes tab to view the keyframes generated by the
Video Analysis tool you enabled and configured.
Figure 3–46. KeyFrames tab
Step 9: Play Your Now, view your clip. In the Message View window, select the clip in the
New Clip table and click the Play button to play the media in Windows Media
Figure 3–48. Playing transcoded media in Windows Media Player
This chapter provides information about how you use the major features
of FlipFactory via the FlipFactory console, either directly or from another
computer on the network or Internet.
FlipFactory organizes its features by administrator and user.
Administrators configure FlipFactory system settings, set up user
accounts, and monitor system status. Administrative tasks are displayed
as icons in the Administrators panel in the console. FlipFactory
customization – configuring it to meet your specific needs – is described
in Chapter 7, Customizing FlipFactory on page 7–1.
Users perform production work (creating factories, and submitting and
monitoring transcoding jobs). To perform these tasks, users click the
icons in the Users panel at the base of the console. When you log on as a
user, the console displays the features you can use to build and manage
factories, and submit and monitor jobs. (These topics are described in
detail in following chapters.)
Stopping the Right-click the Flip Engine service and select Stop from the context
FlipEngine menu, or click the stop icon in the toolbar, or right-click and select
Properties. In the properties window, click Stop. Wait approximately 30
seconds before re-starting.
If you want pending/in-process jobs to complete normally,
first disable monitors, stop submitting jobs and wait until
all jobs are complete before stopping the FlipEngine.
When you stop a FlipEngine (using the Services control
panel), all pending/in-process jobs in this FlipEngine are
immediately halted, including transcoding tasks.
Unfinished media is unusable, but jobs are marked as
complete. Jobs and monitors belonging to the stopped
FlipFactory which is part of a FactoryArray are not
recovered, because the service was shut down manually.
Starting the Right-click the service and select Start from the context menu, or select
FlipEngine the service and click the start icon in the toolbar, or right-click and select
Properties. In the properties window, click Start.
Wait approximately 30 seconds before attempting to open the console.
Starting and Alternatively, select start > run to display the Run window. Type cmd and
Stopping via press enter to display the command window.
Command Prompt To stop the FlipEngine, type net stop “Flip Engine” and press Enter.
To start the FlipEngine, enter net start “Flip Engine” and press Enter.
Bonjour uses multi-cast traffic to publish devices on a network. If
you have a large, switched network, your IT department may
have to enable multi-cast replication in your switches for
Pipelines and FlipEngines to display and connect properly.
Starting Bonjour Bonjour runs as a service in Windows, and when installed by the
FlipFactory installer, the service’s Startup Type is set to Manual. To use
Bonjour with Pipeline or to easily connect the FlipFactory console to a
FlipEngine on the network, you must start Bonjour: Click Start > Control
Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Bonjour > right-click to
display Properties – change Startup Type to Automatic and click Apply.
Connecting Consoles Usually, FlipFactory consoles connect to the FlipEngine locally – that is,
to FlipEngines on on the same computer where the FlipEngine service is running. However,
Your Network you can also install and connect the FlipFactory console to any
FlipEngine on your network, either by knowing the IP address, or by
using Bonjour. To use Bonjour, see Using Bonjour to Display FlipEngines
on page 4–4.
Using Bonjour with FlipFactory requires Bonjour to connect to Pipeline devices. Before using
Pipeline FlipFactory with Pipelines, be sure to start Bonjour by setting its Startup
Type to Automatic and starting the service or restarting the server.
After starting Bonjour, open Internet Explorer (or Safari on MacOS) and
select View > Explorer Bar > Bonjour to display your Pipelines.
If you are using a load balance group or FactoryArray, you
continue to log on to a specific FlipFactory – which one is
immaterial, because all FlipFactories in a load balance group or
array use a single, central database.
The modification you make to factories, and the jobs you submit
are automatically stored in the central database serving all the
FlipFactories in the group/array, and the database is replicated
continually if you have redundant FactoryArray servers.
Console Windows To run the FlipFactory console on a PC or Macintosh, it must have a Java
and MacOS Platform Runtime Environment installed. JRE 5.0 (Java 1.6) or greater is
Requirements recommended.
Installing the Console To install the FlipFactory console directly on the FlipFactory server,
on Local FlipEngine double-click the shortcut named “Install FlipFactory Console” on your
desktop. Or, open a Web browser window and type http://
localhost:9000 to display the installer Web page.
Installing the Console You can install the FlipFactory console on other computers in your
on Other Computers network, and access any of the FlipEngines you have installed to manage
them over the network.
To install the FlipFactory console on another computer that is not the
FlipFactory server, open a Web browser window on the target computer
and type http://<FlipFactoryServer>:9000 where <FlipFactoryServer>
is the name of the server or its IP address, to display the FlipFactory
Console Installer Web page. Run the installer, which installs the console
and customizes it to connect via the LAN to the target FlipServer.
Using Bonjour to Alternatively, use Bonjour to display all of your FlipFactories (and
Display FlipEngines Pipelines), and select the one you want to connect to. Launch Internet
Explorer (or Safari, in Mac OS X), and select View > Explorer Bar >
The FlipFactory server and client computer should have their
Windows firewall turned off or you may not be able to connect.
Click the link on this page to install the required Java files for the
FlipFactory Console if necessary, add a shortcut to your desktop named
FlipFactory Console, and add a program entry in the start menu at
Programs > Telestream > FlipFactory > FlipFactory Console.
If you are using – or upgrading from – Java 1.4.2, you must click
the link again to update the shortcut, so that you can launch the
Launching the To launch the FlipFactory console directly on the FlipFactory server or on
Remote Console another computer to access your FlipFactory, load balance group, or array,
double-click the FlipFactory shortcut on the desktop.
Figure 4–3. Shortcut to FlipFactory console
Or, select start > Programs > Telestream > FlipFactory > FlipFactory
If you plan to connect to FlipFactory via the Internet, you
should use a VPN or other secure connection method.
To correct the problem, make sure that the local FlipEngine is started
(Starting the FlipEngine on page 4–2), turn off all firewalls, and try again.
Using Java If this is the first time the FlipFactory console has been launched on this
Runtime computer, the Java Runtime Environment displays this window:
Environment Figure 4–6. Java Security Warning – click Always
You can view details about FlipFactory and your license by clicking
About at the top of the window. To view the User’s Guide (in PDF
format) with Adobe Acrobat, click Help. All administrator commands are
displayed as icons in the Administrators panel (administrator security is
provided by providing network credentials); users commands are in the
Users panel.
Users are required to log on to an account with a username and optional
password before they may use FlipFactory. When a user logs in, the login
panel is replaced by this Users panel:
Figure 4–8. FlipFactory Console users panel
Click Manage Factories to create & configure factories.
Click Submit Jobs to send media to a factory for processing.
Click Job Status to display all jobs and details.
At the top is the version and build number, plus software component
credits and a link to the End User License Agreement.
Open each object in the list to display each of the components in the
group: build number and license status.
If you close any windows in the FlipFactory console
(Manage Factories, or Administer Accounts, for example)
without saving your changes, Safari does not warn you that
you will lose your changes. Always click the disk icon to
save changes before closing the windows or you’ll lose the
changes you’ve made.
Logging on as The first time you click on any administrator task icon after you launch
Administrator the console, you must log on. The console displays the following window:
Figure 4–11. Administrator log on window
Enter your user name and password and click OK to log on.
To modify the user name and password, see Changing the
Administrator’s Password on see Changing the Administrator’s
Parameters on page 7-23.
List of User
FlipFactory provides a default Demo account for use in the tours
in Chapter 3, Guided Tours.
Creating a New To create a new account, click the New Account icon (the icon on the far
Account right of the tool bar, at the top of the Administer Accounts window).
FlipFactory displays the Create a User Account window.
Figure 4–13. Create User Account window
Updating User As administrator, you can make changes to any user account. Users can
Accounts also make changes to certain properties – login name, password, personal
name, forwarding email address, and email Monitor notification. Users
can update these fields directly in the Manage Factories window when the
account icon is selected (the top icon, named with the account name).
Select the account in the list to display account details and update them.
Figure 4–14. User account details
The user supplies the name granting authority or rejecting the request and
clicks OK to continue. FlipFactory generates an email to the
Administrator, containing job details and notification of approval or
rejection as an audit.
Submit Job: Check Use Simple Job Submit Window to display an
abbreviated version of the Job Submit window, which contains only a list
of factories and a source selector, when the user clicks Submit Job in the
console. For details about Job Submit windows, see Submitting a Job
Manually on page 6–3.
Modify the details (except for the account name, which may not be
modified), and click the Save icon (disk image – left icon in toolbar) to
save the new account information.
Exporting an To export an account, (exporting an account copies all factories and all
Account settings in them to an XML file for storage or transfer to another
FlipFactory database or to Telestream for customer service) select the
account to export.
Next, click the Export icon to display the Export Account dialog. Select a
destination (default directory: <FlipFactoryInstallDrive>/My Documents)
for the account’s XML file (and optionally rename it), then click Export.
When the XML file has been saved, you can import it into another
FlipFactory database (Importing Accounts on page 10–9), save it for later
use, or send it to Telestream for support, for example.
For more details on exporting and importing accounts to create a
centralized database of accounts and factories for a load balance group or
FactoryArray, see Importing and Exporting User Accounts and Factories
(page 10-6).
When you delete an account, it is a permanent operation.
FlipFactory removes every factory created by this account
from the database. Be certain that you understand the
consequences of your action before proceeding. You
cannot delete an account when a job is executing, or a
monitor in any account factory is active.
If you close windows in the FlipFactory console (including
Manage Factories, or Administer Accounts) without saving
your changes, you will lose your changes. Always click the
disk icon to save changes before closing console windows.
Two icons (in addition to the standard Help icon) are displayed in the
toolbar at the top of the window:
Save – Click to update the registry entries before closing the window.
This icon is active when changes have been made.
Email Settings – Click to email system information to Telestream
Technical Support.
Sending Email to To send an email with FlipFactory settings to Telestream Tech Support for
Tech Support assistance, click the Email Settings button in the toolbar.
When you click the button, FlipFactory displays this window:
Figure 4–17. System Settings window
Check the options for sending the email, and also for copying the files
listed below to a SupportInfo folder at C:\Program
In a FactoryArray, engine logs from all FlipEngines in the array
are copied to the SupportInfo folder (in subdirectories named
after the host) on the system executing the command.
Make your selections and click OK to collect the system information per
your choices, and send the email to the address you specified. The
following files and information are sent to the address:
Your computer system information (Windows sysinfo.nfo file)
FlipFactory tree path registry settings
FlipFactory license file
FlipFactory Capability XML file
factory XML files
account XML files
advanced settings file
FlipFactory engine logs, stdout logs, and stderr logs.
System Settings Make changes and re-start the FlipEngine for changes to take effect.
Table 4–1. System Settings Fields and Descriptions
Component Description
Capability File Identifies location of capabilities file, primarily used to identify this Flip
Engine’s capabilities, and store metadata labels. This file is created
each time the FlipEngine starts. ClipMail Pro users can click the
FlipFactory Metadata button to retrieve the set of metadata labels for
this Flip Engine from the capability file. Then, fill in the metadata labels
out before sending the job to FlipFactory, guaranteeing proper
System Administrator Email The email address of the person to be notified when FlipFactory sends
emails to notify of impending license expirations, etc.
Database Server When located on same server as the target FlipEngine, identified as
localhost. When located on a separate network server, specified by
the workgroup or host name, or IP address.
When this FlipEngine is part of a FlipFactory group or a FactoryArray,
enter the host name or IP address of the server where the group
database is located or enter the virtual IP address assigned to the
FactoryArray Database Mirroring service, if utilized.
You must obtain an IP address (to use as a Virtual IP Address) from
your system or network administrator. Enter the Virtual IP address in
the Database Server field when installing and implementing the
FactoryArray Database Mirroring service.
Specify Database Port Check to display the port field. Check and modify the port only when
you did not name the instance FLIPINSTANCE.
Require Subject in Check this option when you require all manually submitted jobs to have
Submit Job a string in the Subject line (Submitting a Job Manually (page 6-3)).
FlipEngine HTTP Host Fully-qualified URL of FlipEngine when accessed via HTTP.
HTTP Port Port address of the FlipEngine database when accessed via HTTP.
Incoming SMTP Server Provides SMTP service for incoming email. Enter domain or host name
Domain Name of the SMTP server (default: flipfactory.com).
Component Description
Incoming SMTP Port TCP/IP port listening for connections to the incoming SMTP server
(default: 25).
SMTP Server Provides authenticated SMTP service for outgoing emails, such as
notifications. Enter the domain or host name where the SMTP email
server is running. Used when the SMTP server is not local to this
domain, and is used to bounce messages to a different network.
SMTP Port TCP/IP port listening for connections to the SMTP server (default: 25).
Outgoing SMTP Host Check when your outgoing SMTP server requires authentication
Requires Authentication before sending. Displays Username and Password fields for entry.
Username Enter the username for the System Administrator Email account.
Password Enter the password for the System Administrator Email account.
Flip Server Limit Maximum simultaneous transcodes (task slots) allowed per Flip Engine
server. The default is 4.
For each step in a job, a queue and process go together. The localize
queue places one job at a time into the localize process, up to the
maximum of the limit at any one time in the process. Once a job
finishes localizing it is passed into the transcode queue and the next
job in the localize queue drops into the localize process. Every stage:
localize, transcode, delivery works in the same way.
For example if the limit is 4, a job that produces 5 products
(simultaneous encodes) will start and perform 4 encodes, then start
and perform 1 encode when the first encode completes. Usually, you
set the server limit at one to three slots per processor. Thus, on a 4-
processor server you can set the limit up to 12 slots.
Telestream recommends setting the Flip Server limit to match the
number of processors on the server, then experimenting with
performance. If you set the limit too high, you may cause inefficiencies
by adding unnecessary context-swapping overhead. A higher number
may be appropriate for many small jobs; a lower number is suggested
when you have fewer, larger jobs (involving input clips that are a few
minutes in duration or longer).
See Advanced Settings (Advanced System Settings (page 7-2) and
Tuning Queues|Limits|Flip Limits for High Volume Use (page 7-6) for
more details.
Note: Restart the FlipEngine service for Flip Server Limit changes to
take effect.
Advanced Settings Advanced customization settings, accessible from the user interface
instead of registry settings. See Advanced System Settings (page 7-2).
When you have updated the system settings, click Save to update the
settings in the registry.
FlipFactory displays
details about each
job it is processing in
the Jobs table.
Load Balance Groups If your FlipFactory server is part of a load balance group or FactoryArray,
& FactoryArrays each FlipFactory server in the group or array is displayed in a tab.
Figure 4–19. System Status window displays jobs and monitors
Click a
server to
view active
jobs and
for the
FlipFactory displays the jobs in progress in the Active Jobs panel at the
top. The bottom panel (Active Monitors) displays the monitors.
Viewing Job If more jobs are displayed than may be shown, adjust the vertical slider to
Status display more of the Jobs panel, or scroll through the jobs.
Field Description
Source Fully-qualified name of store or directory being monitored. Not used for
manually submitted jobs.
User Name of account that owns the factory processing this job.
Subject Value from Subject line in Submit Job record. Not used for jobs from
monitored locations.
Priority Job priority assigned when submitting this job manually, or Job Priority
in monitor where this job was submitted.
To view details about each task in a job, select the job and click the
magnify icon. FlipFactory displays the tasks for this job in the Message
Progress window.
Figure 4–20. Message Progress window
Each action in the job is displayed in the dialog box. FlipFactory displays
details about each task: each action (in progress or complete), session
information, and the time stamp for the start and end of each task.
Viewing Monitor The Monitors table displays the status of each monitor in the FlipFactory.
Table 4–3. Monitor Status Fields
Field Description
User Name of account that owns the factory this monitor is located in.
When you log in, FlipFactory displays the tasks you can perform.
Figure 4–22. Icons are located in the Users Panel
Create and manage factories.
Manually submit a job to a factory.
Check on jobs in progress or view completed jobs.
Click here to log out
Click the Manage Factories icon to display the Manage Factories
window. Each time you open the Manage Factories window, FlipFactory
obtains information from the database about each factory in your account
and displays it. You use this window to build and manage your factories.
If you close any windows in the FlipFactory console
(Manage Factories, or Administer Accounts, for example)
without saving your changes, Safari does not warn you that
you will lose your changes. Always click the disk icon to
save changes before closing the windows or you’ll lose the
changes you’ve made.
The Manage Factories window is used to create view, and manage each of
your factories. When you create a new factory, or make changes, the disk
icon in the toolbar highlights, indicating you have unsaved changes. Click
it to save the changes to your account in the FlipFactory database.
You must disable all monitors and save your changes before
you can delete or rename a factory.
If you attempt to close the window with unsaved changes, the console
displays this warning message:
Figure 4–25. Console Save Changes dialog
When you close a console window with the close icon in
the title bar, the console displays a warning dialog if you
have unsaved changes. If you click OK to close the window
without saving changes, you will permanently lose any
changes you made since the last time you saved changes.
To save your changes, first click Cancel. Then click the
Save icon before closing the Manage Factories window.
Modifying User To view or change your account information, click the top level icon (this
Account Information icon displays your account’s login name and personal name).
Figure 4–26. User account details in Manage Factories panel
User Login Name: The name that appears in the accounts list popup
menu. Enter up to 32 letters and numbers; spaces and other special
characters are not allowed.
Personal Name: Used in notification emails as the User’s name.
You use this window to manually select an input media file, set it up for
processing and submit it to a factory. For complete details about
submitting jobs, see Submitting & Working with Jobs (page 6-1).
You use this window to check on jobs in progress and view jobs that are
complete. For details about monitoring jobs, see Chapter 6, Submitting &
Working with Jobs (page 6-1).
This chapter describes generally how to build and manage factories – the
workhorses of FlipFactory. You build each factory to transcode and
deliver media based on your workflow and production requirements.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to create and delete factories, and
customize the four building blocks specifically for your media-processing
requirements. You’ll also learn how to create and set up monitors,
processes, filters, media formats and codecs, and delivery methods.
The unique details of setting up and configuring specific
monitors, process and analysis tools, codecs, filters, and
deliveries and notification is provided in the online help pages
for each specific entity you’re using.
Products Each factory can have one or more products that it produces.
Each Product includes a specification for an output format and codec,
including encoders for producing mobile, SD and HD media in all major
media formats, movie, audio/video codecs, metadata, plus
case, the Notifications folder is empty, but you can’t delete the folder
itself – it is a permanent part of each factory.
FlipFactory Stores FlipFactory uses stores to provide an abstract, flexible reference to disk
Control Media File storage space. Stores make it easy to logically organize media by task or
workflow, and control when FlipFactory deletes old media files, when
Disk Storage they are no longer needed.
Because stores play an important, central role in job processing, its
important to have a high level understanding of how they are used, and
you create, configure and use them in your factories.
All monitors except the Local Folder monitor localize media (copy the
file) into a store (usually pointing to a specific directory on a local drive
(using drive-letter syntax) to improve transcoding performance. Stores are
also used by some destinations. Some destinations also use stores.
Each time FlipFactory localizes a file for transcoding, it creates a unique
subdirectory in the selected store, to avoid duplicate file names in the
same directory. The subdirectory is named with the root file name plus a
date-time stamp. When the file is deleted, the subdirectory is also deleted.
By default, FlipFactory defines a Media store and the associated directory
is C:\Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\HTTP/Media. In many
cases, FlipFactory users never change the associated directory or add any
other custom stores to their system. However, as you add more
workflows, increase production volume, or implement a load balance
group or FactoryArray, you’ll probably add more stores, or modify the
settings of the media store.
Stores are defined using the Windows Registry. Three keys are involved:
The store key identifies the store entity itself
The volumes key identifies the physical drive, volume, or path where
the media files are written and read
The drives key provides authentication.
Full details about creating and configuring stores is provided in
Adding Custom Stores on page 7–16.
When an icon in the toolbar is appropriate for you to use (Save, for
example, when you make a change to an account or copy, when you’ve
selected an object or some text), it is enabled. Otherwise, the icon is
disabled and displayed in gray.
Save The Save icon is enabled when you have made a change to your
account (by creating or deleting a factory, or making some change to a
factory). Click Save to update your account in the FlipFactory database.
Cut, Copy, and Paste When you select an object in the factory panel
you can cut, copy, or paste it. For example, you can select a factory and
copy it, then paste it and rename it to make a second factory. You can also
copy and paste objects from one account to another. You can also cut and
paste text.
Search Click Search to display a search dialog, where you can enter the
name (or partial name) of a factory and find it. This is particularly useful
in accounts with lots of factories.
Figure 5–4. Manage Factories window – toolbar and work areas
Help Click Help to display the online help page for the selected codec,
process/analyze tool, filter, monitor, destination or notify.
Work Areas The Manage Factories window is composed of three work areas:
Factory Panel The factory panel displays each factory in an account. Use this panel to
create and build factories, create various factory components, and select
Click directly on a folder to select and operate on it. Click the Open/Close
key to display (or hide) the folder’s contents. Alternatively, double-click
the folder to open or close it.
When you select a factory (or any object in it), FlipFactory displays either
an editor panel or an enabler panel to the right of the factory panel.
Enabler Panels Some folders allow you to add (or create) objects in your factory,
including Monitors, Process/Analyze, Destination, and Notifications
folders. These folders display a panel of available objects when selected.
Figure 5–6. Use enabler panels to create factory objects
Click Add (or Enable) to create
an instance of the item in this
factory. Next, select and
configure it using the Editor
You use this panel to select a specific type of object and add it to the
factory by checking the Enable checkbox, or clicking the Add button. For
example, if you click the Local Folder tab and click Enabled, FlipFactory
creates a Local Folder monitor and displays it in the Monitors folder.
Below each tab, FlipFactory displays online help, including an
explanation and details about each setting, value or parameter. When you
are setting up an object in the editor panel, this is a great way to learn
about each choice you need to make to set it up properly for your use.
After you create the object in the Enabler panel, click the new object to
select it for editing. FlipFactory displays the proper editor panel for this
type of object.
Editor Panels FlipFactory provides editor panels to allow you to customize a specific
object: a monitor, a video analysis, a codec, a notification method, and
others. Whenever you select an editable object, FlipFactory displays the
editor for that type of object.
For example, when you select a Local Folder destination FlipFactory
displays the Local Folder editor.
Figure 5–7. Typical Factory editor panel
You use editor panels to view the current values and settings, and make
changes. Some editors are simple (as in this case); others are complex.
FlipFactory allows you to create multiple factories in an account.
Factories are displayed in alphabetic order by name.
Creating a New FlipFactory provides two ways of making new factories: creating a new
Factory factory, or duplicating an existing factory.
Duplicating a You can also create a new factory by copying and pasting a factory you
Factory already created. If the new factory is similar to an existing one, this
method may be more efficient than building a factory from scratch. You
can duplicate factories across accounts: copy the factory in one account,
then log onto another account and paste it.
To create a new factory by copying and pasting, follow these steps:
Step 1 Select the Factory to copy, then right-click on it and select Copy from the
context menu.
Step 2 Click on the Factories icon. Click Paste in the toolbar, or right-click the
Factories folder and select Paste from the context menu.
Step 3 Click the new copy of the factory to display the factory editor.
Step 4 Update the factory name and description in the appropriate fields.
Step 5 Click Save to update the account in the database.
Once you have created a factory, you can modify your factory to
transcode incoming media in a specific manner, store one or more output
media files, and optionally notify recipients.
Deleting a Factory To permanently remove a factory, select the Factory you want to delete,
then right-click it and select Delete from the context menu, or click Delete
in the toolbar. You cannot delete a factory that has active monitors.
You must disable all monitors and save your changes before
you can delete a factory.
Before deleting a factory, you should save any changes you’ve made, so
that the factory can be correctly deleted and all processes associated with
the factory terminated (monitors, for example).
Deleting a factory is a permanent action. The only way to
restore the factory is to import the account from an archive,
if one was previously created.
Monitors are processes in FlipFactory that track changes in directories
and other data stores on a wide variety of general computing, server, and
specialized media platforms, in order to detect new media for automatic
submission to a specified factory. After you add a monitor, you must
configure it for use for your specific store and for use on your network.
Monitors you add to a factory, by default, are always on. To temporarily
disable a monitor so that it will not process jobs on media added to the
target directory, uncheck the Enable box in the monitor’s editor panel and
click Save. To turn it on again, open the editor panel, click Enable and
click Save.
When new media is placed in the monitored location (a specific network
server and folder, for example), the monitor initiates action with the
media (according to its settings) to submit a job to FlipFactory.
When you are moving media files to a network or FTP folder,
Telestream recommends that you perform a Copy operation, not
a Move operation. Copy operations actually duplicate the media
file; move operations only alter the file structure, and cause the
media to be considered new instantly.
Telestream recommends limiting new media file moves to 50 at
a time. Significant volumes of new files can overwhelm the
monitor process and take significant time to recover.
If you have a FactoryArray, you should not use Local Folder
monitors if you want all monitors to be recovered in the event of
a FlipFactory failure. Local monitors are not recovered, because
they use drive letter format to identify the folder. Local folder
monitors do not refer jobs to other FlipFactories in the array,
because the job references media in a local store.
To monitor a directory that is local to the FlipFactory engine,
create a network monitor and select the local folder using a
network path.
Monitor Help Pages The help page for each monitor displays in the monitor selection panel
(Manage Factories > [account name] > Factories > [factoryname] >
Monitors). Online help pages provide descriptions for each monitor, plus
parameter specifications and application notes.
You can also display help pages for monitors you’ve added to your
factory. Open the Monitors folder and select the monitor whose help page
you want to display. Click the Help button (at the far right of the toolbar at
the top of the window) to display the help page in a new window.
Monitor Failure Each FlipFactory account can be set up so that FlipFactory will send a
Notification warning to the account’s email address whenever a monitor in a factory
goes offline or becomes disconnected. To enable monitor warning emails,
see Updating User Accounts on page 4–12 and Modifying User Account
Information on page 4–25.
FlipFactory provides monitors for various directories and media
servers – these are displayed in the Monitors editor panel. You
can build your own monitors as well. Contact Telestream for
information about building monitors using the FlipFactory SDK.
When new media arrives in one of these monitored folders (except for
Local Folder), it is localized to the default store on the FlipFactory server
and the job is automatically submitted to the factory for processing.
Adding a Playback/ In Network Folder and Local Folder monitors, you can add a playback/
Trim Label trim label set for incoming media. The Playback/Trim label set is used to
enter Start and Stop times for clips.
These values are entered in the output media, and passed to the Process/
Analyze process where the values are used to trim the file if Media
Processing is enabled, or utilized by playback systems that utilize logical
start and stop times during playback.
Parameter Description
Start Time (inclusive) New beginning of clip in HH:MM:SS:FF format, plus FPS designation.
End Time (exclusive) New end of the clip in HH:MM:SS:FF format, plus FPS designation.
Adding and To add or delete a monitor, open a factory and click to select the Monitors
Deleting Monitors folder. FlipFactory display the Monitors Enabler panel:
Figure 5–8. The Monitor enabler panel
Click the Monitors folder to display the Enabler panel.
The Enabler
panel displays
monitors, and
details about
the monitor.
You can have multiple monitors in your factory, but you may only
have one monitor of each type. Details for each monitor are
displayed in the console when Monitors is selected.
Step 1 Click the tab of the monitor you want to add to this factory.
Step 2 Click Add to create this monitor. FlipFactory immediately displays the
monitor icon in your Monitors folder.
Step 3 Next, click on the monitor icon to display its editor.
Step 4 Set up the monitor to transcode and deliver media per your requirements.
Step 5 Click Save to update the factory.
If you create a Drive entry in the registry, you must restart the server to
validate network share access. If the factory is part of a FlipFactory
group, restart the FlipEngine to enable the monitor.
After you create or change a monitor, be sure to display the
System Status window and determine that the Monitor is active
and operational (Status: Online). If it displays Disconnected
(with a stop sign icon), the target server or directory may be
unavailable, the network may have failed, or you may have an
incorrect setting in your monitor.
Duplicating a Monitor To duplicate a monitor from one factory to another, follow these steps:
Step 1 Open the Monitors folder to display the monitors in this factory.
Step 2 Right-click the monitor you want to duplicate and select Copy from the
context menu.
Step 3 Open the target factory, and right-click the monitors folder and select
Paste from the context menu. You can only create one monitor of each
type in a factory.
Step 4 Configure the monitor to meet your requirements.
Step 5 Click Save to update the factory.
Deleting a Monitor To permanently remove a monitor from a factory, follow these steps:
Step 1 Open the Monitors folder to display the monitors in this factory.
Step 2 Right-click the monitor you want to remove and select Delete from the
context menu.
FlipFactory immediately and permanently removes the monitor from the
Monitors folder.
Step 3 Click Save to update the factory.
Using the Monitor When you select a monitor in the Monitors folder, FlipFactory displays
Editor Panel the monitor editor, customized for the specific monitor parameters.
Figure 5–9. Sample monitor editor
Some controls are common to all monitors, some are common to specific
types of monitors (file systems, for example), some are licensed features
(FactoryArray, for example), and others are unique to a specific monitor.
Set up the monitor by selecting options, enabling or disabling features,
and specifying values. For details about each monitor provided in
FlipFactory, select the Monitors folder in the console and display the tab
of the monitor you’re configuring to display online help, which describes
each control in the panel. You can also display help for a specific monitor
you’ve already created, by selecting it in the left panel to display its editor
panel on the right, then clicking Help.
When you create or change a monitor, be sure to display the
System Status window and determine that the Monitor is active
and operational (Status: Online). If it displays Disconnected
(with a stop sign icon), the target server or directory may be
unavailable, the network may have failed, the FlipEngine may
not have correct authentication for the monitored folder, or you
may have an incorrect setting in your monitor.
If you specify a FlipEngine in the monitor which is part of a load
balance group or FactoryArray – not the local FlipEngine – you
must restart that FlipEngine to activate the monitor. When the
FlipEngine restarts, FlipFactory adds this monitor to the list of
monitored locations.
Monitors with FlipFactory provides some monitors that enable optional metadata
Metadata processing. These monitors are designed to offer you the ability to pass
through metadata as part of your workflow.
Avid Monitor You can configure an Avid monitor to process vendor-specific spot label
metadata. You can select two metadata sources: a specific XML file, to
produce spot labels for promos for example, or you can select Parse
media filename, to create specifically-formatted file names including
House ID, ISCI code, duration and spot title, both options allowing the
metadata to pass through with the job.
If you select XML file, your operators will submit two files, the media file
and the associated spot label XML file. The XML file must be named
identically to the media file, plus the suffix xml. For example,
joecool.mpg, and joecool.mpg.xml.
If you select Parse media filename, you select which elements you’re
including (House ID, ISCI code, duration, spot title) and then edit the
input media’s file name accordingly, using the underscore character as a
separator: billorielly_AUCD5543-VLET-422-
25121_00074000_oprah.mpg, for example.
Network & Local Network and Local monitors are equipped with general purpose spot label
Monitors metadata processing, to extract the labels and attach them to the job.
(These two monitors are also capable of FlipScan processing if licensed;
generally, you should not check both at the same time.)
You can select an XML file or parse a media filename, as described above
(in Avid Monitor).
To enable metadata processing, follow these steps:
Step 1 Open the Network monitor editor panel.
Step 2 Check Process and Attach Metadata.
You should submit two files simultaneously: the media file and the
associated XML file. The XML file must be named identically to the
media file, plus the suffix xml. For example, joecool.mpg, and
joecool.mpg.xml. If you don’t submit the XML file in the same directory
as the media file, specify the path in the XML File Location field.
For more details, see the online Network or Local Monitor help page.
Network + Metadata & Network + Metadata and Local + Metadata monitors are equipped with
Local + Metadata advance, general-purpose metadata processing, but do not support
Monitors FlipScan.
To enable metadata processing, follow these steps:
Step 1 Enable either the Network + Metadata or Local + Metadata monitor in
your workflow.
Step 2 Open the monitor editor panel.
Step 3 Check Advanced to display this monitor’s configuration options.
Step 4 Select one of these choices from the Attach Metadata from dropdown
menu: a matching XML file or a metadata template. If you select a
matching XML file, supply the XML extension. If you select a template,
supply the template name.
Step 5 Select how to insert the data into the job ticket: as a metadata label, the
last child of the XPath selected node, or a replacement of the XPath
selected node.
Step 6 If you transform the metadata, the results of the transformation are
inserted; otherwise, the entire XML file content is serialized and placed in
the job ticket intact. When transforming metadata, you can choose an xsl
stylesheet supplied, or you can use them as templates for modification, or
write your own to meet your output specifications.
You should submit your XML file simultaneously with the media file.
The XML file must be named identically to the media file, plus the suffix
you specify.
For more details, see the online Network + Metadata or Local + Metadata
Monitor help page.
Online help, including template editor specifications and
application notes are displayed in the Manage Factories
console when the Process/Analyze folder is selected. Click a
process/analyze tool tab to enable or disable it and to read
about how to set it up in the editor panel.
You can also display the help page for tools you’ve enabled in
your factory. Open the Process/Analyze folder and select the
tool whose help page you want to display. Click the Help button
(at the far right of the toolbar at the top of the window) to display
its help page in a new window.
Arbitron Audio The Arbitron Audio Watermark tool adds an inaudible watermark to the
Watermark audio track during transcoding. This is an optional, licensed feature.
Media license files are provided by Arbitron.
Audio Analysis The Audio Analysis tool provides audio processing functions including
level analysis, gain correction, and a waveform display.
This tool also implements ITU-R BS.1770 loudness measurement, which
is available in TrafficManager and AdManager, and may be used in other
editions with an optional license.
The Audio Analysis tool measures the audio signal over the entire
duration of the media content. The results of the analysis are added to the
job as a metadata label (Audio Level) that contains the following
— Peak signal level on any audio channel
— Peak loudness of the audio content. Loudness is determined by
calculating the RMS value of the signal over a certain number of
audio samples
— Gain (or attenuation) required to correct the content so that the peak
loudness does not exceed the reference level.
The Audio Gain filter (available in all Telestream supplied encoders) can
use this information to automatically correct the audio levels to a specific
Color Remapping The Color Remapping tool controls the assignment and mixing of the
input color channels to the output color channels.
Composite Audio The Composite Audio tool detects and decodes Dolby E audio that is
interleaved with PCM audio.
Media Expansion The Media Expansion tool allows you to add black video and silent audio
as fill to the head and/or tail (or to internal segments – Segment Media
Insertion) of the media as it is being transcoded. You can also use the
Media Expansion tool to insert IMX MPEG video.
You should not use both the Media Expansion and Media Processing tool
in the same factory. Instead, forward it to a second factory, where the
Media Processing tool can be applied as the next step.
Media Processing The Media Processing tool allows you to trim media and perform slate/
spot detection.
Two steps are required to trim a clip:
1. Enable this clip trimming tool in the factory
2. Add a Playback/Trim metadata label when submitting a job to that
To use slate/spot detection, enable the tool and configure according to
your requirements (see online help for details).
Metadata Processing The Metadata Processing tool inserts the configured template’s metadata
into the job ticket for each job in this factory.
Use the Metadata tool whenever additional custom metadata must be
added to the transcode process. These jobs are submitted via the Local
Folder + Metadata monitor. A variety of templates, schemas, and maps
are available, and you can create your own. For more details on metadata
processing, contact Customer Service or log on to the Telestream’s Web
site, go to the FlipFactory section, and view metadata processing app
VBI Extractor The VBI Extractor tool VBI lines from 720 x 512 or 720 x 608 video,
leaving the original MPEG video stream unchanged. The VBI Extractor
tool is only designed for use with MPEG2 Direct Convert processing. It
will fail if used with other codecs. There are no user-configurable
controls, so there is no user interface in the editor panel.
Vertical Blanking Vertical blanking is comprised of several tools, which provide processing
and analysis of Vertical Blanking Interval (VBI) data and VANC data.
The VBI tool allows blanking data to either be extracted and decoded, or
synthesized given alphanumeric input.
VITC Decoder
The VITC Decoder tool enables you to choose the line you want the
caption analysis and decoding to take place on. If unchecked, the default
closed caption lines (NTSC: 21 & PAL: 22) are searched.
In-band The entire VBI is compressed along with the active picture area
as a single image. This method is common in motion JPEG compression
systems and is also employed in MPEG2 ML@422 profile encoding.
Timecode Override
The Timecode Override tool enables a factory to override the timecode if
the transcoder does not have a source timecode available.This allow
transcodes to preserve source timecode and override to a set timecode
value when the source file does not have any timecode.
Video Analysis The Video Analysis tool provides various video processing and analysis
functions including keyframe extraction.
KeyFrame Extraction
The Keyframe Extraction tool captures still frames from the source media
as it is being flipped. The tool can be configured to capture a single
image, capture multiple images at regular intervals, or automatically
capture a variable number of images based upon scene transitions.
For single capture mode, the timecode parameter determines when to
capture the image.
For regular intervals, the time parameter determines the interval of time at
which to repeatedly capture images.
Timecode Burn-in
The Timecode Burn-in tool allows the source timecode, when present, to
be overlaid onto the current video image. The source material must have
timecode present, in a detectable format by FlipFactory. As a rule of
thumb, if timecode is presented in the clip properties portion of the Job
Status window; this timecode will also be burned-in to the newly created
media format.
Creating and To add or remove a process or analysis tool from a factory, open the
Deleting Process/ factory and click on the Process/Analyze folder. FlipFactory displays the
Enabler panel:
Analysis Tools
Figure 5–10. Process/Analyze tools enabler panel
Enabler panel
displays each
Click Enabled to
add the tool to
your factory.
Read Online
Help here.
Enabling a Process/ To add a process or analysis tool to your factory, follow these steps:
Analysis Tool
Step 1 Click the tab of the tool you want to add.
Step 2 Click the Enabled checkbox to enable the tool. FlipFactory immediately
displays the icon in your process/analyze folder.
Step 3 Next, click on the new icon to display its editor.
Using the Process/ When you select a specific tool in the Process/Analyze folder which
Analysis Tool you’ve enabled, FlipFactory displays its editor. The fields and controls in
each editor vary, depending on the tools feature set.
Figure 5–11. Sample Process/Analysis tool editor
You specify transcoding options for each media file (product) you want to
produce by selecting and setting up a media encoder/ format (and its
codecs) in the Product folder. You also use the Product folder to specify
delivery options for each media file produced, as well as specify metadata
and pre-processing filter parameters.
Most products produce media files that have been decoded and
re-encoded or direct-converted from one file format to another.
However, several specialized products are available. For
example, Duplicate Original is a file copy process, and Analysis
is a ‘no-op’ hook that enables you to submit input media files for
processing only by process/analysis tools, for example.
Output media files from most products can be used as input
when resubmitting/forwarding a job. To make the output media
available, check the Resubmit/Forward button at the bottom of
the Product selection panel on the Resubmit/Forward window.
You cannot resubmit/forward jobs that produce a reference file
(QuickTime, for example, and Omneon jobs) or that produce
multiple, component output files (separate audio and video, for
example) for systems including Matrox and Seachange.
Creating and To create or delete a product, open your factory to display the factory’s
Deleting Products folders.
Naming & Specifying To specify each output media file that this factory should create with a
Media Format specific wrapper/media format, you add a new product to your factory. To
create the product, follow these steps:
Step 1 Select the Products folder in your Factory, then right-click it and select
New Product from the context menu.
FlipFactory creates and displays a folder named Product in your Products
folder. When you first create a new product folder, it only contains a
Destinations folder.
Step 2 Next, click on the Product folder you created to display its editor.
Figure 5–12. Products editor panel (scrolled to bottom)
Select the
Products folder.
Then, right-click
and select New
Product to
create a new
Step 3 Identify the folder by entering a product name (or leave it blank – it
defaults to the name of the wrapper/media format you select). Optionally,
a phrase you want appended to the output filename.
For example, if you create a product folder for a QuickTime media file,
the product name QuickTime is entered automatically, and a project
phrase which appends to each file; TreeClimb, for example.
Step 4 Select the media format for this product.
When you select a media/server/file format, FlipFactory creates the media
format folder. You may change the media format at any time, but you
should update the product name field when you do, to avoid misleading
product folder names.
If you plan to resubmit or forward jobs using the media from this factory,
check Use this Product for Resubmit/Forward. Optionally, you can add a
Duplicate Original product.
You can create a new product by copying and pasting an
existing product. If the new product is very similar to an existing
one, this may be easier than creating it from scratch.
Deleting a Product To permanently remove a product from a factory, follow these steps:
Step 1 Open the Products folder to display the products.
Step 2 Right-click the product you want to remove and select Delete from the
context menu
– or –
Select the product folder and click the Delete icon in the toolbar.
Step 3 FlipFactory immediately (and permanently) removes the product and its
icon from the folder.
Step 4 Click Save to update the factory.
Two media formats have redirector metadata: Windows Media and Real
Media. When you click the Metafiles folder in these media folders,
FlipFactory displays the editor.
Step 1 Select the Redirector alias.
Step 2 Click the newly-created metafile to display its editor.
Step 3 Enter the metafile data.
Step 4 Save the factory.
Each product has a specified media format, which provides one or more
movie, video, or audio codecs from which you can select (depending on
the media format you specified), often with optional settings.
To make codec selections, open the Products > Product folder (named by
you); then open the Codecs folder. FlipFactory displays the Codec
Enabler panel for the selected product (encoder) and displays the codecs.
Figure 5–13. Typical Codec Enabler panel
Click Codecs
folder to display
Media Format
Codec enabler
Select from the available movie, video and audio codecs for
this media format.
Select a movie codec (if available in this media format), or select from the
available video and/or audio codecs, depending on the media format.
Click Save to update your account.
Next, open the Codecs folder to display the codecs you’ve selected. Click
on each codec to set it up by selecting options, enabling or disabling
features, and specifying values. FlipFactory displays the editor panel for
the selected codec.
Figure 5–14. Typical Codec Editor panel
Check and update each setting, provide values as required, and enable or
disable options. You may have to scroll down to view the entire editor.
(You can use the slider to decrement and increment values by its allowed
increment or you can use the left or down arrow keys to reduce the value
and the right and up arrow keys to increment the value.)
When you’re done setting up codecs, click Save to update the account.
FlipFactory encodes media into these media formats (your set of encoders
may vary. The encoders that you can use is based on your license or the
FlipFactory edition you have installed.)
Miscellaneous The following formats are specialized formats used to produce specific
Formats output, and are not actually transcoders.
Table 5–2. Miscellaneous formats
Duplicate Original Analysis
Analysis The Analysis product does not encode or copy media and
thus, there is no output media file. The Analysis product is used as an
access point for users who want to submit input media for pre-processing
by one or more process/analysis tools.
Streaming Media Table 5–3. Streaming media formats
3GP MPEG-4 (Apple)
3GP Advanced QuickTime
Flash 9 QuickTime Streaming
Flash VP6 (Flash8) Smooth Streaming Writer
Flix Exporter WAVE Audio
H.264 WebM
MP3/M2A Encoder Windows Media Format
Filters operate on output media – the files you make in a factory by
transcoding the input. You can enable as many filters as you need in each
product in your factory. For each set of filters enabled in a given product,
you can only have one filter of each type.
FlipFactory provides the following filters:
Table 5–6. FlipFactory Filters
Audio Channels Mask
Audio Fade Up/Down MotionResolveTM
Audio Level Noise Reduction
Audio New Channel Content Non-Linear Resize
Audio Phase Invert Overlay
Audio WAV Insertion QuickTime Overlay
Blur Saturation
Color Rescale Screen Subtitles
Contrast Sharpen
Crop Source Video Timing
Darken Region Telecine Options
Down Convert Temporal Interpolation
Field Order Conversion Text Overlay
Frame Mode Vertical Blanking Synthesis
Gamma Correction Video Fade In/Out
GraphicsFactory Template Video Filter Override
Some filters may not display, because they optional and are only
enabled in specific editions or via an additional license.
To process a media file more than once with the same filter, you should
set up cascading jobs that process the same file.
Cascading jobs are enabled by creating one factory that places its output
media in the next factory’s monitored folder, so that the output of the first
job is processed by second factory, etc.
Filter Help Pages The help page for each filter displays in the filter enabler panel. Online
help pages provide descriptions for each filter, plus parameter
specifications and app notes.
You can also display help pages for filters you’ve enabled in your factory.
Open the Filters folder and select the filter whose help page you want to
display. Click the Help button (at the far right of the toolbar at the top of
the window) to display its help page in a new window.
Audio Channels Filter The Audio Channels filter controls the assignment and mixing of the
input audio channels to the output audio channels.
Audio Fade Up/Down The Audio Fade Up/Down filter fades the audio up from silence at the
Filter start of the clip, and fades the audio down to silence at the end of the clip.
Audio Level Filter The Audio Level filter adjusts the overall level of the audio to be
encoded. The amount of gain (or attenuation) applied by this filter is
determined by adding two values together: the value specified in the
Master Gain parameter (below), plus the Gain Correction parameter from
the Audio Level metadata label. This label is produced by the Audio
analysis tool in Process/Analyze, and is used to automatically correct the
audio to a specific reference level.
Audio New Channel The Audio New Channel Content tool allows you to specify silence as the
Content Filter content for new channels in your output file.
If your output file specifies more audio channels than are provided in the
input media you supply for transcoding, FlipFactory, by default, uses the
audio in channel 1 when creating each additional audio channel. When
this option is checked, no audio is supplied to the additional channels;
instead they are created with silence - zero decibels of audio.
Audio Phase Invert The Audio Phase Invert filter inverts the audio phase. The filter only
Filter applies to 2 channel input having 16-bits per sample.
Audio WAV Insertion The Audio WAV Insertion filter replaces audio tracks in the source file,
Filter with audio tracks from specified WAV files in the output file.
Blur Filter The Blur filter decreases the sharpness and detail of the video in a two-
step process. First, a blurring filter is applied to the entire source image.
The window parameter determines the number of neighboring pixels used
by the filter and the amount of softness applied.
The blurred image is then mixed with the original image further
controlling the effective softness.
Color Rescale Filter The Color Rescale filter allows you to intensify your video, or reduce the
intensity of your video. When intensifying video, lighter colors get lighter
and darker colors become darker. When reducing intensity, lighter colors,
become darker, and darker colors become lighter.
Contrast Filter The Contrast filter enhances the contrast of the video. Contrast values
greater than zero generate images with more contrast in the mid-intensity
range of the video color components, while contrast values less than zero
generate images with less contrast in the mid-intensity range.
Crop Filter The Crop filter crops the outer edges of each frame of the input file,
immediately before transcoding occurs. If your output is larger than the
remaining input (converting to the same size output from cropped
(smaller) input, or upconverting to HD, for example) cropping will cause
the image to be expanded to account for the cropped pixels in each
dimension: horizontal (left and right) and vertical (top and bottom).
Conversely, when you are downconverting, the remaining pixels in the
image (after cropping) will be sampled to provide the new, smaller output
If you want to crop your input without resizing the remaining image, you
need to add a mask filter of exactly the same dimension, to replace the
cropped region on the output frame.
Image distortion can occur if the selected horizontal and vertical crop
values do not maintain the original image aspect ratio.
Darken Region Filter The Darken Region filter allows you to darken a region of the output
video. This filter is useful for drop shadows, or as a background behind
The Darken Region filter is often used in conjunction with the Overlay
filter to apply an image in the darkened region.
Down Convert Filter The Down Convert filter allows you to specify a down-conversion
method when converting HD to SD content. Use of this filter eliminates
the need to apply crop or mask filters when down-converting. Down
convert options include Center Cut (crop left and right), Letter Box (mask
top and bottom), and Resize (no crop or mask).
Field Order The Field Order Conversion filter determines the method used to convert
Conversion Filter one video field, upper or lower, to the other. The filter affects field order
only when the following conditions are met:
1. Input media is interlaced
2. Output media is interlaced
3. Input field rate is the same as output field rate
4. Input field ordering is opposite of output field ordering
There are three Field Order Conversion modes:
Spatially Interpolate (default) inverts field ordering by interpolating
lower field lines to generate upper field lines, and by interpolating upper
field lines to generate lower field lines.
Frame Line Shift Up inverts field ordering by shifting input frame up
one frame line.
Frame Line Shift Down inverts field ordering by shifting input frame
down one frame line.
Frame Mode Filter The Frame Mode filter is used to identify your input media: default based
on suffixes and frame size, or specifically as progressive or interlaced
video, and further specify lower and upper field dominance on interlaced
video. It is also used to specify how the output media is created: default
based on suffixes and frame size, or as progressive or interlaced video,
and further specify lower and upper field dominance on interlaced video.
This filter must be used when you are processing certain types of media
that is not encoded in the manner that FlipFactory processes by default.
FlipFactory by default, processes MPEG interlaced NTSC video as upper
field first. Therefore, if your NTSC video is lower field first, you must
enable the Frame Mode filter and select Interlaced Lower Field First or
your output quality will be compromised.
FlipFactory processes incoming media as progressive unless it has a valid
PAL or NTSC frame height or a frame height of 1080.
FlipFactory processes incoming media as interlaced for the following
frame heights: 480, 486, 512, 576, 608, 1080, 1088.
Interlaced video is processed as Upper Field First unless frame height =
576 or 608.
Conversely, FlipFactory processes MPEG interlaced PAL video lower
field first. Therefore, when processing interlaced PAL that is upper field
first, you must enable the Frame Mode filter and select Interlaced Upper
Field First, or your output quality will be compromised.
For a detailed discussion of dealing effectively with variations in
video interlacing field dominance, see the FlipFactory Video
Interlacing App Note on Telestream’s Web site at
Gamma Correction The Gamma Correction filter applies gamma correction to the output
Filter video. Gamma correction compensates for the non-linearity of a CRT
monitor. Pixels having color components nearer to mid-range intensity
are most affected. Pixels having color components near very dark or very
light are least affected. Positive gamma values will make the image
lighter while negative gamma values make the image darker.
Television and computer monitors have very different gamma
characteristics. Material originally produced for television viewing will
often look dark when played on a computer monitor requiring a positive
gamma correction.
GraphicsFactory The GraphicsFactory Template filter specifies the template to use when
Template processing a GraphicsFactory job to produce media with graphics overlay
Enable this filter only when your template has no variables, or variables
with default values that don’t need to be modified during job processing
(via the Resubmit button using Duplicate Original).
Hue Filter The Video Hue Rotation filter adjusts the color of the video by rotating
the hue. The rotation value ranges from -180 degrees to +180 degrees.
Mask Filter The Mask filter masks a region which lies outside of the output image,
and inside of the output rectangle. Masking causes the output image to be
resized (scaled down) to fit into the masked region in each dimension:
horizontal (left and right) and vertical (top and bottom). The masked
region may be set in one of two modes:
To use Letterbox mode, the output rectangle aspect ratio must
be 4:3, which is a function of the output rectangle dimensions
that are specified in the encoder setup.
For more information on the use of mask and overlay filters
when converting SD and HD media, see the FlipFactory SD/HD
Conversion app note.
MotionResolve Filter The MotionResolve filter controls which internal video frame and field
processing methods are employed during transcoding, to provide the best
encoded image quality. MotionResolve processing is based on perception
of motion - or lack of it - between input fields over time. The
MotionResolve processing algorithms work best when input video is of
highest quality and noise introduced by low-quality video or previous
compression, for example, is not falsely detected as true motion.
When operating in MotionResolve mode, the MotionResolve filter
increases (on a variable scale, up to approximately triple) the time to
transcode a given file. Transcode time is significantly affected by frame
The Advanced MotionResolve option uses a more complex (and time-
consuming) algorithm to determine areas of motion within the video with
better noise immunity. Check Use Advanced MotionResolve to display
and configure advanced settings; descriptions are in Parameters, below.
The MotionResolve filter should only be enabled when your input media
is interlaced.
Noise Reduction The Noise Reduction filter reduces video noise by applying a median
Filter filter to the entire source image.
The noise reduction window parameter determines the number of
neighboring pixels that will be utilized in the noise reduction process for
each input pixel. A small window (3x3) will reduce random noise and
improve image compression. Larger windows will remove more noise but
can cause the image to look blurry or pixelated.
Non-Linear Resize The non-linear resize filter controls non-linear (or mixed-linear / non-
Filter linear) horizontal resizing of video frames.
Overlay Filter The Overlay filter adds a graphic overlay to the output image. The
overlay image can be in any of the following file formats: PNG, BMP,
The overlay image file can be resized and positioned anywhere within the
output image. If the overlay contains an alpha channel it will be used to
determine the portion of the overlay that is visible.
Ideally, the size of the image file used as the overlay should have a 1 to 1
relationship with the pixel dimensions of the output region.
The Overlay filter is often paired with the Mask filter, which creates
additional rectangular regions, where you can apply the overlay.
For example, when converting 16:9 format media to 4:3 Letterbox, you
apply a mask to create the letter box, and you can optionally apply an
overlay. In this example, you could create a 720 x 480 PNG image, with
60 pixels on top and bottom of image to fit the mask you’ve created, and
the remaining 360 vertical pixel region in the center is transparent (the
alpha channel), to display the video.
For more information on the use of mask and overlay filters
when converting SD and HD media, see the FlipFactory SD/HD
Conversion app note, available on the Telestream Web site.
QuickTime Overlay The QuickTime Overlay filter is a licensed option. This filter allows you
Filter to overlay QuickTime movies (including movies with an alpha channel)
that FlipFactory can read over the video that you are transcoding.
The overlay image file can be resized and positioned anywhere within the
output image. If the overlay contains an alpha channel it will be used to
determine the portion of the overlay that is visible.
Saturation Filter The Saturation filter controls the amount of color in video. Saturation
values range from -100% (no color) to 100% (5 times normal saturation).
Screen Subtitles Filter Screen Subtitling for FlipFactory enables you to apply burnt-in (or open)
subtitles to video during the transcoding process. Subtitles are generated
from subtitle files, which include details of text, timing and format.
FlipFactory Screen Subtitling typically uses pac subtitle files generated
by subtitle preparation systems from Screen Subtitling Systems (http://
www.screen.subtitling.com). Alternatively, European Broadcast Union
(EBU) stl subtitle files may be used.
Screen Subtitling for FlipFactory is a licensed option implemented as a
filter, which may be purchased, and downloaded by registered
FlipFactory users via our Web site at http://www.telestream.net.
To perform screen subtitling on a media file, you set up a factory in a
FlipFactory Version 6.0 (or later) server which has the Screen Subtitling
option installed and licensed, configure the Screen Subtitles filter on the
product you’ve specified to identify the subtitle and optionally,
configuration file, and submit the source media for processing.
For additional details, see the FlipFactory Screen Subtitling App Note,
available on our Web site.
Sharpen Filter The Sharpen filter increases sharpness and detail in a two step process:
1. An edge enhancement filter is applied to the entire source image. The
window parameter determines the number of neighboring pixels used by
the filter and the amount of edge enhancement.
2. The edge enhanced image is mixed with the original image further
controlling the effective sharpness.
Source Video Timing The Source Video Timing filter replaces the internally-generated video
Filter timing with the native source input timing. Native timing is subject to
variation in duration and starting frame time. The internally-generated
timing ensures that the input frame duration is constant. In general,
constant input frame duration results in smoother output video motion.
Telecine Options The Telecine Options filter allows you to perform either telecine (3:2
Filter pulldown) or inverse telecine operations when processing media that was
previously run through a telecine process.
percent of each that is appropriate. For example, if the timing is 30% past
source field 1 and 70% prior to source field 2, FlipFactory blends the two
fields using 30% of the content of field 1 and 70% of the content of field 2
to create the new destination field.
When enabled, blending is disabled and the nearest field is picked in the
right order to produce the output. In the case of 24 fps -> 30 fps
conversion, the technique is also referred to as 3:2 pulldown.
Text Overlay Filter The Text Overlay filter allows you to generate text elements over the
video that you are transcoding.
Vertical Blanking The Vertical Blanking Synthesis filter in the Vertical Blanking tool takes
Synthesis Filter source closed-caption textual information and synthesizes an analog
signal based upon the source information.
The Blanking Synthesis filter works by converting closed-caption text
provided by a source decoder. This text is synthesized into an analog
representation of the underlying alphanumeric data. The Vertical
Blanking Synthesis tool can also work in replacement mode, whereby a
source with in-band data (for example, a 720x512 NTSC frame) can have
the blanking area replaced with synthesized information provided by the
source filter.
Video Fade In/Out The Video Fade In/Out filter fades the video in from the specified color at
Filter the start of the clip. It also fades the video out to the specified color at the
end of the clip.
Video Override Filter The Video Override filter provides the option to bypass all video
processing operations to decrease the time it takes to process a given file.
The Video Override filter is only applied if the input video frame size is
equal to the output video frame size.
This filter shouldn’t be used unless the input frame rate is
equal to the output frame rate. Unequal rates may cause
audio sync issues, fast/slow playback, or other problems.
If the Video Override filter is applied the following filters will not be
applied, even though they are enabled in the factory:
Blur Color Rescale Contrast
Crop Darken Region Field Order Conversion
Frame Mode Gamma Correction MotionResolve
Hue Mask Overlay
Noise Reduction Non-Linear Resize Screen Subtitles
Creating and To create or delete a filter, open the product folder inside the Products
Deleting Filters folder and select the Filters folder to display the Filter enabler panel.
Figure 5–15. Filters enabler panel
Setting up a Filter To edit a filter, select it in the Filters folder. FlipFactory displays the
editor panel for the selected filter.
Figure 5–16. Typical filter editor panel
Check and update each setting, provide values as required, and enable or
disable options. You may have to scroll down to view the entire editor.
When you’re done setting up each filter, click Save to update the account.
FlipFactory allows you to deliver your output media to locations via a
variety of delivery methods, or destinations, including local folders,
network folders, FTP folders, and broadcast servers. For each product,
you can have multiple destinations. FlipFactory places a copy of the
output media file on each destination when the job is complete.
FlipFactory provides the following destinations (the enabled destinations
depend on the edition you license).
Adding & Deleting To add or delete a destination, open the factory. Open the Product folder
Destinations and then the products folder (which is named by you when created) and
select the Destinations folder.
Adding a Destination To add a destination for the selected product, follow these steps:
Step 1 Click the tab of the destination type you want to add to this product.
Step 2 Click Add to add this destination. FlipFactory immediately displays the
destination icon in your Destinations folder.
Step 3 Next, click on the destination icon to display its editor.
Step 4 Set up the destination to meet your requirements.
Step 5 Click Save to update the factory.
Deleting a Destination To permanently delete a destination from a product, follow these steps:
Step 1 Open the Destinations folder.
Step 2 Right-click the destination you want to remove and select Delete from the
context menu. FlipFactory permanently removes the destination (and its
icon) from the Destinations folder.
Step 3 Click Save to update the factory.
Using the When you click a specific destination in the Destinations folder,
Destinations FlipFactory displays its editor. The fields and controls in each editor vary,
depending on the destination itself.
Figure 5–18. Typical Destination editor
FlipFactory provides several methods for notifying users and systems that
a job has been completed and the output media delivered. FlipFactory
provides the following notifications:
Table 5–8. FlipFactory Notifications
Avid Auto Forward Pathfire
Avid Interplay Transfer Engine Protrack
Dub List Reuters NewsML
External Shell Screen DVB
Extract Metadata Screen DVB Teletext
Florical SeaChange MVL
Forward Slate/Spot Auto Forward
HTTP Sundance
IBM VideoCharger Telestream ClipMail
IBMS Telestream ClipMail FTP
iPhone Multi-Rate Forward Virage VideoLogger
Mail VOD Transform
MDML File Sample XSL Transform
Creating and To create and delete notifications, open the factory. Select the Notification
Deleting folder to open and display the Notifications panel.
Notifications Figure 5–19. Notifications panel
Adding a Notification Click the tab of the notification you want to add.
Click Add to create a notification. (Unlike monitors, you can create
multiple notifications of the same type in a single factory.) FlipFactory
immediately displays the notification icon in your Notifications folder.
Next, click on the notification icon to display its editor.
Deleting a Notification To permanently remove a notification from a factory, follow these steps:
Step 1 Open the Notifications folder to display the notifications in this factory.
Step 2 Right-click the notification you want to remove and select Delete from
the context menu.
FlipFactory immediately (and permanently) removes the notification and
its icon from the folder.
Step 3 Click Save to update the factory.
Step 3 Open the target factory, right-click Notifications folder and select Paste
from the context menu.
Step 4 Configure the notification to meet your requirements.
Step 5 Click Save to update the factory.
Using the When you click a specific notification in the Notifications folder,
Notifications FlipFactory displays its editor. The fields and controls in each editor vary,
depending on the notification itself.
Figure 5–20. Typical Notifications editor
The Priority slider sets the Notification priority. Notifications will
be processed based on this setting. Those with higher priority
are processed first. Telestream recommends that Email
notifications occur with the lowest priority, so that they can notify
users of failures that occurred during other notifications.
This chapter describes how to submit jobs manually, via the Submit Job
window. You’ll also learn how to submit jobs automatically by setting up
monitors, how to monitor jobs in progress, and how to view details about
jobs that have already been processed by FlipFactory.
FlipFactory has fault-tolerance built in. Each job is segmented into
specific tasks. Each task is recorded in the database after it has completed
successfully. In the event that a specific task does not complete
successfully, FlipFactory determines the last successfully completed task
and restarts the job at the next task.
However, if a task does not complete because of a license problem, an
incorrect FTP address or other type of error, FlipFactory notifies you of
the probable cause. It does not retry the job.
FlipFactory provides several different ways to submit a job.
For complete details on using Pipeline in FlipFactory workflows,
see the Pipeline User’s Guide.
The Job Submit window displayed above is the standard Job Submit
window. A simplified Job Submit window may also be displayed, by
checking the Simple Job Submit window in the user account properties
dialog. For more information, see Updating User Accounts on page 4–12.
You configure your job, and click Flip It! at the bottom of the window.
Complete details follow.
Simple Job Submit When Use Simple Job Submit Window is checked in User Accounts
Window (Updating User Accounts on page 4–12), the following, simplified Job
Submit window displays:
Figure 6–2. Standard Submit Job window
Use this option when your operators only need to select a factory and a
source file (see details below).
Configuring the Job Make selections or enter values for each field or control:
Submit Window Priority of Submitted Jobs (required). Select the job submission
priority (1 - 4). When the FlipEngine accepts another job from the job
queue, it selects the job to process next, based on its job priority.
Factories (required). Select a factory from the Factories list. To select
more than one factory, use the Control or Shift key. The account you used
to log in determines the factories you can submit to – only those created in
this account.
Subject (optional). Type the subject for this job (required). This
information is included in the notification email sent to the account owner
and displayed with the job entry in the Job Status window.
Description (optional). Type a Description. This information is also
included in the notification email sent to the account owner and displayed
with the job entry in the Job Status window.
Schedule (optional). Leave Defer unchecked to process this job
immediately upon submission. To delay processing, click to select Defer.
Enter the time, and select the month and date and year. When you submit
a deferred job, FlipFactory accepts the job and stores it in the database for
later processing at the time you specify.
Source (required). Click File or Stream, and select the type of server
where the source media is located from the dropdown menu. Custom
sources are listed first (in blue), and system sources are displayed next.
Both custom and system sources are listed alphabetically.
This selection is saved, and displayed as the default selection the next
time you display the Submit Job window.
Now, enter a full path and file name (to override any default folder
displayed below), enter a partial path and file name (to complete the
default folder displayed below) or enter the file name itself when located
directly in the default folder displayed below. You can also click the
Browse button to find the file if the remaining fields in the window are
The remaining fields in the Source section are dependent on the type of
File or Stream source you choose.
You should not select Local File when submitting a job to a
FlipFactory in a FlipFactory group/array. Local files by definition
are only accessible by the FlipEngine where the folder resides,
so any other FlipEngine that receives the job for processing will
not be able to access the media in a local folder.
Saving and Deleting For sources other than Local File, you can define a source, connection,
Custom Sources and login details, then name and save it for use later. These icons display
only when Local File is not selected:
Delete a Source – Click to delete the custom source you selected (created
earlier by you).
Save – Click to save a custom source and its details.
FlipFactory displays this window:
Figure 6–3. Save Custom Source dialog
Supported Media FlipFactory supports the ability to ingest and decode file-based media of
Sources these file types and/or from these sources:
Table 6–1. File Media Sources
Adstream Catch Server Network File
Akamai StreamOS/AMD Network File (Copy)
Avid Playback Service Catch Omneon Director
Centaur Catch Server Omneon Director FTP
ClipMail Pro/Express On The Spot Catch Server
DG BXF FTP Open Media Framework
DG Systems Pathfire AdExchange Catch
Dmds Catch Server PitchBlue FTP
e-VTR Server Quantel Server (ISA Gateway)
Extreme Reach Catch Server QuickTime Reference Movie
FastForward Digital Catch Radiance AD Catch Server
FTP Server Reuters Network Folder
FTPS Server SeaChange BML
GV K2 SeaChange BMS/BMC
GV Profile SFTP Server
GV Profile PDR/XP/MAN SmartJog Gateway
Harris LXF WANStreamer Sony MAV70 Server
Hula MX Catch Server SpotGenie AdDelivery Catch
Javelin FTP Spottraffic Catch Server
Liquid Network File Stitch Multiple Files
Local File Vortex Network File
Local File (Copy) Vyvx Catch Server
MediaStream Web Server
Mijo Database Server XDCAM Server
(ISCI / House ID / File)
Stream sources do not localize media to the FlipFactory server.
These source files are opened directly and segments are read
and processed. In most cases this significantly reduces time job
processing time, but it may require changes to Windows access
& authentication settings.
Source Name (Browse). Enter the fully-qualified path and name of the
input file or streaming media name or click Browse to locate and select it.
When browsing a server, you can click the Details icon (far right) to view
details, and sort the file names in ascending or descending order.
You can manually enter a fully-qualified path, then click Browse to jump
to the target directory.
To submit more than one media file when browsing, use shift-click or
control-click. When more than one file is selected or entered manually,
the string must be enclosed in double quotes, separated by a single space.
Content Name. Type the name of the encoded media output file. If left
empty, the name of the output file is the same as the input file.
When Stitch Multiple Files is selected for the source, the file is named
Stitched_<Content_Name> if present, or Stitched_<First_Clip_Name>
when left empty.
If the suffix is not specified, the suffix is provided, based on the media
format/product you choose. For example, if you enter Flipper and
encode the file as Windows Media Format, the resulting file is named
Flipper.wmv. The destination is specified in the Destinations folder of the
factory to which the job is submitted.
FlipEngine. When using a load balance group or FactoryArray, in the
dropdown list select Any Available or select a specific FlipEngine to
process this job (see FactoryArray User’s Guide).
Store. Select a localization store (Adding Custom Stores (page 7-16)).
Metadata. To include metadata labels, click Metadata to check the
option. Click the tab corresponding to the label you want to use and
complete the fields in the editor panel. The available labels are
Flip It!
Click Flip It! To submit the job for processing.
In addition to the metadata available within each product, FlipFactory
allows you to provide additional labels for the job. FlipFactory labels are
activated when a corresponding Factory filter, process/analyze tool,
monitor, destination, or notification is enabled which can utilize the
For each label set, you must enable a feature using the Manage Factories
window before you can enable and configure the label set in the Submit
Job window. The following sections describe how to enable each label set
and use the label set controls:
• Arbitron Audio Watermark on page 6–10
• Florical Label on page 6–10
• House Label on page 6–11
• Kasenna MediaBase Label Set on page 6–12)
• Leader/Trailer Media Expansion on page 6–12
• News Label Set on page 6–12
• Playback/Trim Label Set on page 6–13
• Review Label Set on page 6–14
• Seachange MVL Label Set on page 6–15
• Segment Media Insertion Label on page 6–15
Arbitron Audio The Arbitron Audio Watermark label set is available when the Arbitron
Watermark Audio Watermark feature in the Process/Analysis tool is enabled.
Parameter Description
Override Filter Settings Check this checkbox to override the filter settings defined in the
Arbitron Audio Watermark feature that is enabled in the Process/
Analyze tool.
Florical Label The Florical label is available when the Florical feature in the
Notifications tool is added.
The Florical metadata label is not intended for manual UUID entry. This
metadata label is updated when FlipFactory notifies Florical of a
submitted job destined for a Florical server. The Florical system returns a
UUID, which is passed through and returned to Florical when the media
is delivered.
Table 6–4. Florical Label Parameters
Parameter Description
House Label House label metadata is supported for the components listed in Table 6–5
on page 11. The DubList monitor matches the ISCI code of the job with
the House ID and updates the House Identifier metadata tag.
Table 6–5. Components that support the House label set
Parameter Description
Kasenna The Kasenna MediaBase label set displays when Kasenna MediaBase is
MediaBase Label added as a product destination.
Table 6–7. Leader/Trailer Media Expansion Label Parameters
Parameter Description
Leader/Trailer The Leader/Trailer Media Expansion label set is available when the
Media Expansion Media Expansion feature in the Process/Analysis tool is enabled. The
values listed below override values set in the filter.
Table 6–8. Leader/Trailer Media Expansion Label Parameters
Parameter Description
Specify Lead In Duration Specifies the amount of time to add to the beginning of media. If no file
is selected, video black is used.
Specify Trailer Duration Specifies the amount of time to add to the end of the media. If no file is
selected, video black is used.
News Label Set The News label is available when either the MediaBrowse or the Pathfire
feature is added in the Notifications tool. An AIF file can be populated
with the values in the News metadata label set.
Table 6–9. News Label Parameters
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Categories Check the checkbox for each listed category that applies
Notifications Florical
Parameter Description
Start Time (inclusive) The new beginning of the clip (HH:MM:SS:FF), plus FPS designation.
End Time (exclusive) The new end of the clip (H:MM:SS:FF), plus FPS designation.
Review Label Set Review label metadata is supported for the components listed in Table 6–
12 on page 14. This data is intended to be passed to automation systems.
Table 6–12. Components that support the Review label set
Parameter Description
Seachange MVL The Seachange MVL label set is available when the SeaChangeMvl
Label Set feature in the Notifications panel is added.
Parameter Description
Segment Media The Segment Media Insertion label is available when the Media
Insertion Label Expansion feature in the Process/Analysis tool is enabled.
Spot Label Set Spot label metadata is supported for the components listed in Table 6–15
on page 16. Spot metadata can be used for short form commercial spots
Parameter Description
Streaming Label The Streaming label set is supported for the following factory products:
Set Flash - VP6 (Flash 8)
Windows Media Format.
Table 6–17. Streaming Label Parameters
Parameter Description
Syndication Label The Syndication label is available when the Pathfire feature in the
Monitor panel is added.
When sending from ClipMail to FlipFactory you need these
parameters to build a FlipFactory address on the ClipMail:
Account Name–Name of account that owns the factory
Factory Name–Name of factory you’re submitting the media to
SMTP Server –FlipFactory SMTP server domain name.
(Displayed in System Settings of console)
IP address of FlipFactory server–The IP address of server
where FlipFactory is running.
See the Pipeline User’s Guide for details on submitting media
from Pipeline to FlipFactory and for submitting TIFO files to
Factories designed to process media from Pipelines must have at least one
transcoding product. In addition to the one required product, you can also
add another product to create a TIFO file (use the Duplicate Original
product) as an archive/intermediate file, in a single streaming session.
You can also submit TIFO files as input to factories for transcoding to
other formats and essences. When you submit a TIFO file to a factory for
processing, FlipFactory can open and begin processing the file in real
time if it is in the process of being written.
Submit Pipeline Jobs You can add an EDL monitor to a factory, then use the Pipeline Control
via EDL Monitor application’s Live panel to control the VTR, make in/out marks, and add
them to the EDL. When you’re done, you save the EDL file in the EDL
Monitor folder – the target of the EDL monitor.
When the EDL is saved, FlipFactory submits one or more Pipeline jobs.
Each job is submitted by processing each entry in the EDL on the Pipeline
and its associated VTR to produce a stream from the selected Pipeline
encoder. FlipFactory transcodes the stream in near real-time, based on
your FlipFactory factory’s Product settings.
Crash Record Media You can also configure FlipFactory without an EDL monitor to crash
record streaming media. To crash record streaming media from the
Pipeline, you use the Manual Submit panel to submit a job. On the
Manual Submit panel, select Pipeline from the stream source and select
the target Pipeline which is streaming live data.
In the top panel, FlipFactory displays active and scheduled jobs; in the
bottom panel, FlipFactory displays all of the jobs in your account.
For each entry, details include the source of the job (a monitor or manual
submission), the factory which processed it, the server on which the job
ran, a receipt date/time stamp, the subject (if one was entered), and status
Select a job to view details, and optionally, operate on it.
Toolbar Commands The Job Status window displays a toolbar for convenient access to
common job commands:
Figure 6–7. Toolbar in Job Status window
Help icon: DIsplay Help for Job
Status window.
Resubmit/Forward: Display Message Viewer window.
Open icon: Display details about the selected job.
Preview icon: Play the media (Req’s URL of playable media).
Repeat Find icon: Repeat search of previously located term.
Find icon: Search for terms in the subject field of a job.
History/Status icon: Display the status or history of selected job.
Delete icon: Delete the selected job.
When a toolbar icon is appropriate to use (save, for example,
when you make a change to the account), it is activated.
Otherwise, it is disabled and displays in gray.
Deleting a Job You can delete any job that has not yet started, is being flipped, or is
complete. Jobs in other states may not be deleted until they are complete.
Step 1 To delete a job, select the job and click the Delete icon.
Step 2 FlipFactory displays a confirmation dialog.
Step 3 Click Yes to permanently remove the job or No to cancel.
To select multiple jobs, press the shift key to make a contiguous
selection; press the control key to make a non-contiguous
selection of jobs.
Displaying Job To display the status of a job in progress or the history of a complete job,
History/Status select the job in either panel and click the History/Status icon (2nd from
left – hover to view name) in the toolbar.
FlipFactory displays the Message Progress window and displays each
action in the selected job.
Figure 6–8. History/Status Window of job in process
When you display the job status of a job in progress, FlipFactory displays
each action, the session or action information, start time and status, sorted
by the start time. If an action contains no sessions, just the action is
displayed as an entry. If an action has one or more session, each session is
If a job is scheduled for future processing, no actions are displayed.
To display the status of a job, double-click it in the All Jobs panel
of the Job Status window or select it and click the Job Details
icon in the toolbar.
When you display the job status of a complete job, FlipFactory displays
each action, the session information, start time, and the complete time in
the status column.
Finding Jobs by To locate a job listed in the All Jobs (lower) panel of the Job Status
Subject window by searching the subject fields, click the Find icon in the toolbar.
FlipFactory displays a Find window.
Figure 6–10. Use Find dialog to search for jobs by subject
Enter the text you want to search for and click OK. (To find an exact
match, check the Find Exact Subject checkbox.) FlipFactory begins at the
top of the list and searches. If FlipFactory finds a match, it is highlighted;
if not, FlipFactory advises you via a dialog. Once you have found a
match, the Repeat Find icon (to the right of the Find icon) is activated.
Click it to repeat your search downward through the list.
Playing a Proxy File Proxy files are media files that are playable on your computer.
You can play MPEG2 files in Windows Media Player when you
run it directly on your FlipFactory server, because FlipFactory
installs the required plug-in.
For a specific media file to be playable, you must have the following:
You must have a suitable media player (Windows Media Player,
QuickTime Player, etc.)
The MIME types must be set correctly in your Web browser
There must be a URL or UNC to point to the target Web folder
(automatic or manual)
The target server must have an HTTP (Web) server to respond to the
HTTP request.
When you click the Preview button on the Job Status or Job Details
window, FlipFactory attempts to find a specific type of media to play, in a
specific order:
1. The version with the specified suffix, if present
2. The original version of the media
3. The duplicate version of the media
4. The first playable version that doesn’t meet the previous criteria.
To specify a file type (by suffix) that FlipFactory should play first, see
Modifying the Default Preview File Type on page 7–27.
Playing Media
To play the proxy media file, select the completed job and click the
Preview icon in the Job Status window or the Job Details (Message
Viewer) window. FlipFactory locates the media via its URL, and plays the
media in an appropriate player – Windows Media Player, QuickTime
Player, Web page with plug-in, etc.
Proxy files are often sent to a Web Server (Local) destination, stored (by
default) in C:\Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\http\Media, and are
served by FlipFactory’s Web server when you play them. The Web Server
(Local) destination automatically creates the URL and stores it for use
when you click Play.
You can also send media to other destinations, including FTP servers,
local files, and others. In each case, you must provide a valid URL or
UNC in the Alias URL/UNC field of the destination:
http://localhost:9000/media, where localhost is the FlipFactory built-in
Web server, port 9000 is the default HTTP port for TCP traffic, and media
is the default target directory (which resolves to Program Files/
Telestream/FlipFactory/http/Media folder), because the Program Files/
You can not play a media file from FlipFactory unless the path is
an HTTP path (by using the Web Server (Local) destination).
Viewing Job Details To view details about a job, double-click the job in the All Jobs panel or
select it and click the Open icon in the toolbar.
FlipFactory displays the Message Viewer window and displays
information for the selected job.
Figure 6–11. Job details in Message Viewer window
File name if submitted by
monitor; value of Subject field
when submitted manually or
via ClipMail.
Description text (manual) and
task execution results.
Use this window to view the details about this job, modify or add
metadata, and resubmit the job.
Commands in the Job Use these buttons at the bottom of the window to operate on this job
Details Window record:
Cancel. Click to close this window without updating the job record in the
FlipFactory database.
History. Click to display the current status or history in the Message
Progress window. For details, see Displaying Job History/Status on page
Resubmit. When a job from a factory has a product with Use this Product
for Resubmit/Forward checked (Naming & Specifying Media Format
(page 5-26)), or the factory has a Duplicate Original product, and the file
has been delivered to local storage, Resubmit is activated. Click Resubmit
to display the Resubmit/Forward window, update job details and submit
this job to the same factory or forward it to another account and factory
based on your destination settings.
Update the details and click Submit. For details, see Resubmitting a Job
on page 6-30.
Done. Click to update the job record in the FlipFactory database and close
the window.
Viewing and Updating If you plan to resubmit or forward this job, you can update fields in this
Job Details window and click Resubmit.
Subject. The value in the Subject field is the subject name entered in the
Submit Job window when submitted manually (or via ClipMail) or the
file name when the job was submitted via a monitor.
Notes. The Notes field contains the Description text when the job is
submitted manually, plus notes from the factory as it executes each step.
If the job was submitted automatically via a monitor, the field does not
Content Panel
Content. Displays the name of the output media, and the files associated
with the content. If there is more than one output media in a job, left and
right arrows are displayed directly above the Content area. Use the arrows
to scroll through and view the details of the content.
Content Name. This is the name of the output media file.
Files. Displays a list of files that have been produced, and details about
each file, including the location, size, format and expiration date. To play
a proxy file, select the file and click the Play icon above the table; or
double-click the file itself.
Right arrow. Select a job, and click this icon to play the proxy file.
Select the metadata label from the dropdown menu and click OK.
FlipFactory displays a new tab for the selected metadata label. Fill in each
field and select options for this metadata.
Metadata Editor Click the tab to display metadata from the processed media. For each
Panels process/analyze tool you enable, FlipFactory performs the analysis,
generates the metadata and displays in these metadata tabs.
Audio Level Metadata This tab is active when you process a job through a factory where the
Audio Level Analysis tool has been enabled. Click the tab to view the
metadata generated by FlipFactory for this metadata.
Figure 6–13. Audio level Metadata Editor panel
The results of this analysis include the peak signal level, peak loudness
level, and suggested gain correction. The gain correction value is
forwarded to an Operation account that contains an Audio filter with Auto
levels enabled.
Keyframes Metadata The Keyframes Metadata tab is active when you process a job through a
factory where the Keyframes Extraction tool has been enabled. Click the
tab to view the metadata generated by FlipFactory for this metadata.
Figure 6–14. Keyframes Metadata panel
Closed Caption This tab is active when you process a media file that contains closed
Metadata caption content and the factory processing the job has the Vertical
Blanking process tool enabled. Click the tab to view the metadata
generated by FlipFactory for this metadata.
Figure 6–15. Closed caption decoder Metadata Editor panel
FlipFactory displays a table with each time code and text caption in the
media listed in ascending order.
Audio Waveform This tab is active when you process a job in a factory that has the Audio
Metadata Analysis process tool enabled and Create Waveform Display checked.
Click the tab to view the audio waveform metadata generated by
Figure 6–16. Audio waveform panel
Use the Audio Waveform graph to view and validate the audio level
parameters, and make adjustments as necessary.
Spot Metadata This tab is active when you process a job through a factory that receives
the source media from a commercial (spot) catch server. Click the tab to
view the metadata generated by the catch server.
Figure 6–17. Spot Metadata Editor panel
The Spot tab includes metadata from edge server databases or entered
manually. Values are Work Order/House Number, ISCI code, Title,
Client, Agency, Product Name/Info and Duration.
Playback Metadata This tab is active when this job has processed media from a catch server
monitor or when you are using a factory with media trimming enabled.
Click the tab to view the metadata generated by the catch server.
Figure 6–18. Playback/Trim Metadata Editor panel
Playback may be used to obtain the SOM and EOM for the media. These
values may be entered via the Playback editor or manually, in frame or
time mode. For details about using the Playback Editor, see the
TrafficManager Users’ Guide.
In certain circumstances, the Playback Editor button may not display, or
when clicked, QuickTime may display an error. For details, see Playback/
Trim Editor in Troubleshooting (page A-1).
Vertical Blanking This tab is active when you process a media file that contains closed
Synthesis caption content and the factory processing the job has the Vertical
Blanking Synthesis tool enabled. Click the tab to view the graph of the
first two bytes in the first frame synthesized by FlipFactory.
Figure 6–19. Synthesized blanking Waveform panel
FlipFactory displays a table with each time code and text caption in the
media listed in ascending order.
Resubmitting a Click Resubmit to submit a job to the same factory or to another factory
Job for processing again. FlipFactory displays the Resubmit/Forward
You can resubmit or forward jobs in this manner when the job is from a
factory which has a product with Use this Product for Resubmit/Forward
checked (Naming & Specifying Media Format (page 5-26)) or the factory
has a Duplicate Original product, and the file has been delivered to local
FlipFactory’s Resubmit/Forward job feature is an important,
customized workflow enabler. You can set up accounts and jobs
to permit operator intervention, validating and adding metadata
and submitting for final processing, etc.
TrafficManager, for example, enables workflow processes
between operations and traffic departments to process incoming
spots through to on air servers with a resubmit process.
GraphicsFactory also utilizes the resubmit process to allow
operators to add variable data to GraphicsFactory jobs being
submitted via a GraphicsFactory Template which requires run-
time information for generation of graphics overlay clips.
For details on workflow configuration and operation in
TrafficManager or GraphicsFactory, see their user guides.
The Message Viewer window displays each of the fields, panels and
functionality of the Job Details window described in the Job Details
section (Viewing Job Details (page 6-24)). When resubmitting a job, you
may select a new account and factory.
The expiration date specifies when this file is automatically
deleted from the server.
Click Submit to send this job to the selected factory for processing.
FactoryArray users should never use drive letters in stores, and
always replicate FlipFactory registry settings and custom stores
across all FlipFactory servers in the array or load balance group.
Advanced settings display at the bottom of the window, and they are
organized by category. Select a category from the dropdown menu and
These settings are stored directly in the FlipFactory database instead of
the Windows registry, and they are effective for a single FlipFactory or all
Some Advanced System Settings may also be set in the
Windows registry Registry entries take precedence over the
same settings stored in the FlipFactory database.
If you plan to use Advanced System Settings, make sure you do
not have registry settings that conflict on any FlipFactory server
in a load balance group or FlipFactory Array.
Engine Settings Use these setting to make changes in the categories of interrupted job
recovery, database management, and delivery, monitor, and notification
behavior and functionality. This detailed information is also available by
clicking the Help button in the System Settings window toolbar.
Recover Jobs Enter the text string on to cause the FlipEngine attempt to restart jobs that
are pending or were in process when the FlipEngine failed or was
stopped. These jobs remain in the database, and are marked as waiting or
Enter the text string off to disable job recovery. When Recover jobs is
off, in-process jobs are ignored when FlipFactory restarts. Sometimes
during debugging you may not want FlipFactory to automatically re-start
a large volume of waiting jobs when it starts – so you can turn Recover
Jobs off before shutting down.
Enter the text string registry to set up the Recover Interrupted Jobs
option in the registry. For details on these registry entries, contact
Telestream Customer Service.
Expiration Frequency
This value determines how old expired jobs must be before they are
purged from the database.
Debug XML
When set to a qualified path (C:\Program
Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\DeliveryMsg, for example), for each
delivery, the MDML Delivery Message (an XML file) is saved in this
location. For details on the MDML format, see the FlipFactory SDK.
Cycle Time
This value determines how frequently jobs submitted by monitors and
inserted in the database are retrieved and processed by the Flip Engine.
Debug XML
When set to a qualified path (C:\Program
Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\MonitorMsg, for example), for each
delivery, the MDML Monitor Message (an XML file) is saved in this
location. For details on the MDML format, see the FlipFactory SDK.
Debug XML
When set to a qualified path (C:\Program
Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\NotifyMsg, for example), for each delivery,
the Monitor Message (an XML file) is saved in this location. For details
on the MDML format, see the FlipFactory SDK.
Queues FlipFactory has queues for jobs in each stage of the processing pipeline –
monitor, localize, transcode, deliver, and notify. These queues are used to
store jobs so that each of the processing threads in FlipFactory will take
the next job with the highest priority from the stack of jobs in the previous
queue and begin this phase of processing. All the stages of the pipeline
can occur simultaneously; thus, for example, many localize tasks can
occur at the same time as transcoding is occurring, speeding total
Potentially, however, if you have queues with large limits, a significant
volume of localize task for example, could stack up waiting for
transcoding, and eventually use up all available memory on the server. To
limit this problem, FlipFactory limits the queue sizes to specified values.
These values have been studied under performance load and defaults have
been assigned. The monitor queue has a maximum size of 20, localize 5,
transcode is 4, delivery 5, and notify 5.
The queue limit is not the number of activities that can happen at the same
time, it just indicates the maximum number of tasks that can be available
for the next process. Thus, if the transcode queue is full, it will back up
into the localize queue, and back into the monitor queue, and actually
eventually into the http queue, which defines how many http connections
the flip engine allows.
Performance can be shaped accordingly for the most demanding edge
cases. For most FlipFactory systems, these queue sizes never need to be
changed. The monitor queue is stored in the database and thus does not
have a hard coded limit. This means there should never be a backup
problem in FlipFactory related to the queue size and console lockups due
to the http limit being backed up are unlikely to occur.
Limits Each stage also has a limit setting, which governs the number of actual
simultaneous jobs which can be processed. Queues and limits interact in
that a new job is taken off the queue for processing, until the limit is
reached, after which no more jobs are taken from the queue until a current
job completes in this phase. Adjusting the limit value to a lower number
may cause the queue to back up quicker, but it will also tends to serialize
jobs since there are less jobs being processed simultaneously.
Flip Limit For the transcode stage there is one additional limit, called the flip limit.
The flip limit value controls the number of simultaneous flip.exe's that
can be run per job. The term job is an important word, in that each row in
the job status window is a single job. A single job can have multiple
products: therefore, a flip.exe (as displayed in the Task Manager) must be
run for every product defined in a factory.
The term flip limit does not specify the maximum number of flips running
at one time – thus viewed, in the Windows Task Manager simultaneously.
The flip limit is actually the simultaneous job limit on a per job basis. If a
job has multiple products and you have a transcode limit greater than 1
you can have an actual maximum equal to the transcode limit multiplied
by the flip limit. For example, if you have a flip limit of 4 and a transcode
limit of 4 you can have up to 16 flip.exe's running at the same time. To see
this in operation, you would have to define a factory with at least 4
products and submit 20 jobs immediately, so that the flip limit could be
reached for each one of those jobs.
In most cases, factories don't have are large volume of products in a given
factory, so the number of flip.exe's in the Task Manager seems to hover at
or near the flip limit – when in actuality, it is hovering exactly at the
transcode limit. These two values follow each other (if you change the
flip limit in Advance Settings, the transcode limit is also changed by
default) to reduce the confusion by the seeming contradiction between the
flip limit and transcode limit!
Impact Setting the limits correctly is an important part of system tuning and one
often overlooked when installing FlipFactory systems for high volume
job processing. Tuning these queues effectively can make the difference
between a highly functioning system and an overloaded, sluggish system.
Conclusion Each stage in FlipFactory has a queue and a limit. The queue is the
maximum number of jobs that can stack up waiting for processing in that
stage. The limit is the max number of jobs that can be processing at the
same time. The transcode stage has one additional limit called the flip
limit, which caps the number of simultaneous flip.exe's that can be run per
job. Thus, the maximum number of flip.exe's is equal to: Flip Limit
multiplied by Transcode Limit.
If you have questions about how to tune your FlipFactory for efficient,
high-volume job processing, please contact Customer Service for
In some situations, certain network resources require additional
authentication parameters. See Accessing Network Shares with
Custom IDs (page 7-14).
You may choose to use local accounts and create shares to
obtain the same operational status between servers, but the
responsibility is yours to ensure that FlipFactory services have
proper access to all other servers in the array, including monitor
and destination systems and shares.
privileges – create a directory and copy a file into it, then delete the
Step 3 Make sure that you log on using this account when you install software.
Step 4 In a workgroup environment, make sure that you set up each MS SQL,
and Flip Engine service to use this account:
Step 5 Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, select each
service (SQL Server (FLIPINSTANCE) and Flip Engine) and right-click
to display Properties.
Figure 7–2. Windows Services window
The specified account must have administrator privileges on the
local computer and network servers. This account is utilized in
the configuration of the other servers and must have
administrative privileges on those servers as well.
Step 8 Enter the account to be used or click Browse to display a local or domain
user list and select a user account if the FlipEngine is part of a domain.
(The account name must be registered to the domain).
Step 9 Enter a password and confirm the password. Click OK to save settings.
Step 10 In the Services window, stop the FlipEngine service.
Step 11 Wait approximately 30 seconds.
Step 12 Next, click Start to restart the FlipEngine with the new settings and close
the Services window.
Restart the FlipEngine service to use the new database ().
If the group/array database port number has changed, or you
entered it incorrectly, FlipFactory will notify you when it launches
and attempts to attach to the database. You cannot log on as a
user or perform administrative tasks if you are not connected to
the group/array database.
Editing the registry incorrectly may cause FlipFactory to
fail, or your server to stop operating correctly. Back up your
registry so you can restore it if you make an error. If you are
unsure of how to back up the registry or perform editing
correctly, check with your system administrator.
Using the Registry To use the Registry Editor to make FlipFactory registry entries, click Start
Editor > Run to display the Run window.
Figure 7–4. Use Run window (start > Run) to launch Regedit
Step 11 Setup a static factory in the console (Manage Factories) to reflect the
codecs and settings and destinations that will be exemplary of the
workflow you are trying to accomplish with SDK integration.
Step 12 Use Submit Job to submit a good sample source file to the newly created
Step 13 Copy the XML output to a new location and view with an XML editor
like XML Spy, <Oxygen/>, or Jedit.
The example shown here illustrates how you change the
expiration date for media files in the default store. For details,
see Adding Custom Stores on page 7-16 to create new stores.
When you establish a load balance group or a FactoryArray, you
must update each FlipEngine server with these registry entries
so that jobs can be processed by any FlipEngine.
Step 3 Right-click the drives folder and select New > Key to create a new key.
Step 4 Provide a name for this new drive entry (this can be any name you
choose). You can use a single letter or give it a more verbose name. (Java
is case-sensitive. To use an uppercase letter, precede it with a forward-
slash character (/). For example, /Unity or /U/N/I/T/Y).
Step 5 Next, enter the path and authentication parameters. Right-click your drive
entry and select New > String Value.
Step 6 Rename the string value path (all lower case).
Step 7 Next, open the path string entry. In the Value data field, enter the UNC
path to the shared network folder, in the form \\server\share or \\server,
where server is the IP address or server name. For example,
\\NEWSSERVER\inmedia or \\NEWSSERVER. For monitors and
destinations, just use the server host name or IP address.
Step 8 Right-click your drive entry again and select New > String Value.
Name this string value username (all lower case).
Step 9 Open the string entry. In the Value data field, enter the username required
to connect to the shared folder. If the user account is part of a domain, the
username must include the domain name as well, in the format
domain\username. For example, TELESTREAM\ffuser.
Step 10 Right-click once more on the drive entry and create another string value.
Step 11 Name this string value password (all lower case).
Step 12 Open the string entry and enter the password (if required) to connect as
the specified user in the Data value field.
Value Description
Username The username required to connect to the shared folder. If the user
account is part of a domain, the username must include the domain or
computer name, in the format Domain\Username or
ComputerName\Username. For example, ACMECORP\ffuser or
If the username is part of a workgroup, just enter the username.
Path A UNC path to the shared network folder, in the form \\server\share or
\\server. For example, \\NEWSSERVER\inmedia or \\NEWSSERVER,
in the form of host name or IP address.
The default Store is named media and the default Volume
(associated with the default store) is named default.
The default location of this physical volume is C:\Program
Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\HTTP\media folder.
The default store and volume should be changed to external
volumes when using any edition of FlipFactory in a FactoryArray
or load balance group to improve recovery opportunities.
Each store defined in the Registry must have a volume (also defined in the
registry), to write and read the files, during job processing. A volume is
associated with a store by virtue of a key in the volume, with the same
name as the store. If you do not create a volume in the registry and
connect it to a store, that store utilizes the default volume, which is the
C:\Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\HTTP directory.
If the userID that the FlipEngine service runs under does not have
credentials to access the required LAN servers, you either have to provide
those credentials to the FlipEngine service’s user ID or you have to create
Drive keys, associated with volumes, to provide read/write credentials to
the FlipEngine service when it accesses a store.
Adding Stores Each store has a unique name and file expiration period (specified in
days). Files placed in the store are automatically deleted by FlipFactory
after the expiration date.
When a FlipEngine starts, it identifies all stores, then creates a directory
in its associated volume(s) for each one. For example, the default store
media causes a media directory to be created in the default volume at
C:\Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\HTTP.
Value Description
Expires The maximum number of days that media files will remain in this store.
If left blank, defaults to 14 days.
Adding Volumes Volumes are registry entries you create, which define physical disk
directories where the media identified with a store is written or read. Each
volume has a path, and a key.
Volumes should always be configured as external volumes
(network-accessible SANs, RAIDs, or file servers – ideally
connected via Gig-E Ethernet) when using any edition of
FlipFactory in a FactoryArray or load balance group, to improve
recovery opportunities.
Adding When the FlipEngine on one server must access a store on another server,
Authentication it must have authenticated access the volume on which the store exists. If
the userID used by the FlipEngine service does not have proper access,
you can add authentication using a Drives key.
You add values to the drives key (with the store name) to store the
authentication information. (If the store has a local volume, you can skip
this step.)
The username and password are required for network shares.
Value Description
path The name or IP address for the volume in UNC format (\\server).
Value Description
Entry Description
Value Description
password The password (if required) to log on as the administrator, entered in the
System Settings window and encrypted for storage.
email The email address used when FlipFactory sends emails as part of its
notification process, for example, when a job is submitted. Entered in
the System Settings window and saved in this value. Emails sent by
FlipFactory will use this email address in the From and Reply to fields
Step 4 Double-click the username, and set the data value to the username you
Step 5 Close the Registry Editor.
Step 6 Restart the FlipEngine service to use the email value in FlipFactory. Stop
and restart the console to use the new username/password values.
Step 3 Right-click and create/edit 4 string values (select New > String Value).
Table 7–7. SQL Database Registry Key Values and Description
Value Description
Server (do not edit; The name or IP address of the server hosting the FlipEngine®
see Configuring System SQL database. (default: localhost)
Settings on page 4-15)
Port (do not edit here; The TCP/IP port of the SQL server instance.
see Configuring System (default: <dynamic>)
Settings on page 4-15)
Test the Read-only Now, test your new Job Status window:
Job Status Window
Step 8 Open Internet Explorer and enter http://<FlipFactoryServer>:9000/
<username>.html, where <FlipFactoryServer> is localhost if you’re on
the FlipFactory server itself, or the server name or IP address if you’re
connecting via the network. <username> is the name of the user you
entered as part of the html file name.
Step 9 Internet Explorer displays the Job Status Window Launcher page:
Figure 7–9. Read-Only Job Status Window Launcher page
Step 10 Click the link on this page to install the required Java files for the FF
Console, add a shortcut to your desktop, and add a program entry at in the
start menu at Programs > Telestream > FlipFactory for your new
<username> console.
Step 11 Select the program entry or double-click the shortcut to display the read-
only job status window you just created – notice the missing Delete and
Resubmit/Forward button from the toolbar at the top of the window.
Figure 7–10. Read-only Job Status – no Delete or Resubmit/Forward
Multi-Thread Codec Global.Load.Control – This value controls the threading for all of the
Limits Registry FlipFactory multi-threaded components. If there is a component-specific
Settings value, it overrides the global value.
DNxHD.Decompressor.Load.Control – controls threading for
decoding DNxHD.
DVCProHD.Decompressor.Load.Control – controls threading for
decoding DVCProHD (DV100).
DNxHD.Compressor.Load.Control – controls threading for encoding
DVCProHD (DV100).
Implementing FlipFactory workflows involving metadata may require
creating, editing, and debugging documents using XML technology.
XML, XSD and XPath development should be performed by a person
skilled in the art. For more information, see www.w3schools.com.
Transcode Media Resize fields and frames,
perform rate conversions,
Decode media to apply filters, convert between Encode media based
uncompressed digital video interlace & progressive on codec settings
Deliver Media & Metadata 6
Deliver output media Deliver Metadata Notify systems
to file systems of job completion
If you are creating a single-stage factory (because you do not
need to manually edit the metadata during the FlipFactory
workflow), the selected Schema and Map documents are
ignored. The Schema and Map documents are only used in a
two-stage factory where the template-based metadata is edited
in the MetaFlip Editor. In a single-stage factory with templates
enabled, the metadata must be correct at submission time.
Metadata in the job ticket is passed through to the next job step.
Optionally, in a two-stage workflow, you can enable the MetaFlip
editor so that an operator can manually update the metadata
elements on a job-by-job basis, before submitting the job output
of the first-stage factory to the second-stage factory for final
media production.
The Metaflip editor utilizes the Metadata Processing Process/
Analyze tool where you specify the Template, Schema, and Map
XML files to configure the editor’s user interface and the editing
and validation. The Template is ignored when you submit
metadata files along with media in monitors.
Notify External systems are notified as usual, if any notifications are set
up. During this step, the metadata is written out to an XML file at the
target destination – a local folder.
If you want to automate delivery of the associated metadata file (to the
same location as the media or to another external system) to a non-local
destination, create a post-processing factory with a Duplicate Original
product, to deliver the output metadata file(s) from the local directory to
the target directory of the external system specified in the Notify.
Schema Document
Located in the default directory, in http\metadata\schemas. The schema
document defines the structural constraints of the template – used in
conjunction with the map document (following), instructing the MetaFlip
Editor about each element and its display rules (if any) in the editor panel,
among other things. The schema also allows the MetaFlip Editor to
validate information typed into the form. Not used when factories are
configured without metadata editing enabled.
Map Document
Located in \http\metadata\loaders. A map document relates the individual
elements in the schema document to the user interface components
displayed in the form. The Metadata editor uses this document to identify
each type found in the template document, then determine how to display
it in the metadata editor panel by identifying a matching type element in
the map document, which specifies which display class to use in the
The map document can be modified so that types can be changed from a
radio button to a check box, or to define how new types that have been
added to the template document should be displayed, etc. The map
document is not used when factories are configured without metadata
editing enabled.
XSL Templates
These stylesheets are located in \http\metadata\stylesheets. These
stylesheets can be enabled to process the FlipFactory job tickets during
the ingest phase (via the Local Folder + Metadata monitor) and after
transcoding completes in the Notify phase (enabled in the Notify), to
transform and export information located in the ticket, including
filenames, file sizes, codec types, etc.
This four-document arrangement provides an ideal technological
arrangement because the data restrictions such as the options that can be
chosen, or which strings are allowed in a field are constrained by the
XML schema document, while the preset or sample information is created
by the template document.
With this arrangement, technicians who maintain these schema can enter
often-used values in the XML template so that a data entry operator can
view the normal value and have the option to change the value.
The schema document can be modified independently from the template
to add, for example, an additional option to a list of choices while keeping
the normal value as the default setting.
Local and Network When you design a workflow where you submit metadata and media in
Metadata Monitors parallel for transcoding or pass-through, you should use the Local Folder
+ Metadata monitor or the Network + Metadata monitor.
Use the Local Folder + Metadata monitor when you want to monitor a
directory that is local to the FlipFactory server; use the Network Folder +
Metadata monitor when you are monitoring a share on a Windows server
on network.
Configuration These monitors have configurable features for ingesting media and
Options associated metadata when processing media files.
If media and metadata is best submitted from a remote system
(that is not a Windows share), set up a Duplicate Original factory
with an appropriate remote monitor. Use this factory and monitor
to deliver the media and metadata to a second factory,
configured with the Local Folder + Metadata monitor.
In addition to the features found in most other monitors (see the online
help page for Metadata monitor’s full feature set), the Metadata monitors
have metadata-specific features.
By default, each Metadata monitor searches each cycle (default 60
seconds) for an XML file named the same as each new input media file
(minus the extension – myfile.mpg, and myfile.xml, for example), and will
not wait another cycle for the XML file to arrive. If the XML file search
fails, the media job is submitted in the normal manner, without metadata.
If the paired XML file does exist, the data is inserted into the FlipFactory
job ticket – often called an MDML message – to carry it through the
entire job process.
The data is inserted as a special metadata label in the MDML as:
<label uuid=“{b75ec5c6-4fdc-4692-a2ef-adf743a45ca6}” name=
“General Metadata” description=“Provides a Standard Metadata Label
which can contain any other label and will try to load the “Metadata
Editor”.” copyright=“Copyright (c) 2006, Telestream”>.
The Local Folder + Metadata and Network Folder + Metadata
monitors do not localize files.
Advanced Options The Advanced option allows you to specify other interactions with
template files, including transform before insert, and insert to any location
in the MDML. You can also specify how many poll cycles to wait for the
associated metadata file to arrive.
If the MDML schema is not correctly edited (the schema is
violated) when the data is inserted as a metadata label, then
the job (specifically transcoding or notification) may fail.
Insert The choices in this menu allow you to specify whether to insert
the metadata as Metadata Label or to insert it as the last child of XPath
selected node in the MDML.
When you select as Metadata Label, the XML from the input file is
inserted as a standard metadata label in the job ticket.
When you select last child of XPath selected node, you need to enter a
valid XPath query in the XPath Query field to specify exactly where in
the job ticket to insert this element.
Each FlipFactory job ticket is XML, in Telestream’s MDML
format. XPath processing must be implemented to insure that
the modified job ticket contains fully-compliant XML that
adheres to MDML specifications (see FlipFactory SDK).
Wait for Metadata File to Exist This option causes the monitor to
wait for the metadata to become available (either as a matching file or a
template file). You specify a maximum number of cycles before
submitting the file. You can enter any positive integer in this field, or the
keyword Forever. If Forever is entered, the monitor will not submit the
media file until the metadata file exists.
Dropping Media and Typically, an operator drops a media file and its metadata file into the
Metadata into target directory of the Metadata Monitor (local or network), and the
Monitored Folder monitor submits it to FlipFactory. To use this method, perform these
Set up a Local Folder or Network + Metadata monitor and specify the
target local folder. Set up the following controls as required:
Dropping Metadata You can also process metadata by itself, without media. To do so, set up a
Only into Monitored factory with a Duplicate Original product. In the Metadata monitor, set
Local Folder the accept pattern to *.xml. Drop your XML file into the target directory
to initiate a metadata-only FlipFactory job. Set up and configure the XSL
Transform Notify as required for your workflow.
Ingest Media and If you need to ingest media and metadata from an external file system that
Metadata Files from is not a Windows server or you can not publish a share on it, you need to
External Systems move the media and metadata to FlipFactory using a different monitor. To
set up a workflow for this situation, perform these tasks:
Set up a factory and name it appropriately – FTP Metadata Monitor,
for example.
Add a monitor to this factory that can access your source file system
(FTP in this example), and set it up to monitor the target file system
and directory, accepting the proper file types by setting up the Accept
File Pattern entries correctly: *.MPG | *.XML, for example.
Create a product and specify Duplicate Original as the media format,
so that FlipFactory will simply duplicate the files.
Add a destination and specify the local directory on your FlipFactory
server that your Local Folder + Metadata monitor is targeting for
incoming media and metadata.
Manually Submitting You can manually submit media and associated metadata to a factory that
Media and Metadata has been configured to process metadata (RSS, VOD, podcast, etc.). The
workflow can be a single factory or two factories (so that you can edit
metadata before final processing).
To submit a job with metadata, perform these tasks:
Set up a single factory or two factories (see Appendices G and H for
Display the Manual Submit window, select the factory, add the media
and click Submit.
If you submit multiple media files in a single job, you must check
Submit Multiple Files as Separate Jobs when processing associated
metadata, or the job will not produce correct XML files.
You must restart FlipFactory after placing the XSLT stylesheets
in the directory, so that FlipFactory recognizes them.
Transforming XML You can use XSL stylesheets to transform the metadata during the
Before Attaching to monitor phase when:
Job You want to reduce the overhead in the job ticket by selecting only
necessary data from the XML file for insertion into the job
You want to trim metadata down for just editable or output elements
You want to reduce XML complexity to keep job processing and
editing simple.
Transforming XML You can also transform the metadata during the Notify phase for the same
Before Delivery reasons mentioned above, or to extract dynamic values from a
FlipFactory job ticket – output file name, size and clip duration, etc.
You can also create an XSL stylesheet to output RSS-compatible XML
for ingest by external systems.
Validation with schemas in FlipFactory is limited. The
xs:enumeration is the most completely-handled restriction.
Contact Telestream for detailed information regarding the
progress, or any requirements your organization may have for
strong schema validation.
The MetaFlip Editor is not limited to specific XML data. It is designed for
flexibility, and can be used to render XML data into any form of display,
regardless of the data types specified in the XML elements.
The MetaFlip Editor requires that you supply a well-formed XML
template, a valid schema for the template, and a map document that
specifies the user interface components, used to render the XML provided
in the template.
To modify, extend, and create your own custom forms in FlipFactory,
you should be familiar with XML, XPath, XSD and related
technologies. More information can be found at www.w3schools.com,
in the section entitled XML Tutorials.
Metadata Editor The documents required by the MetaFlip Editor are stored in the
Documents $FLIPFACTORY\http\metadata directory in subdirectories named
according to their types. FlipFactory loads new documents placed in these
subdirectories when you restart the FlipEngine service.
In most cases, you can modify these documents without restarting
FlipFactory. The exception: some changes may only apply on jobs
processed after the change occurs. For example, if the selected template in
the Metadata Processing Process/Analyze tool is updated, only jobs
initiated after this saved change will reflect the updated template.
The schema document provides the restrictions (as they are called in
XML schema terms) on the fields, order, and number in a document
which claims compliance with this schema. Since restrictions are
specified in the schema document, the dynamic user interface generated
for the editor uses the schema to obtain the list of values to display in a
drop down box, or to verify that the text entered satisfies the requirements
(for example, it is a text value, or an email address, or pure number with
no characters), etc.
The MetaFlip Editor then maps the elements found in the template with
its type declared in the schema document, and then determines which user
interface component (a drop-down, or a text field, or other type) to
display, based on the type-to-component mapping in the map file.
For the editor user interface to be composed correctly, all elements in the
template must be properly declared in the schema.
Additionally, an element’s schema type is explicitly stated by the schema
and can be seen in the example above. For example:
<xs:element name="Title" type="title">.
This element specifies that the Title element has a type of title. The
specific title specification is included later in the document, but the title
name is the schema-type-name that must be stated in the map document to
specify the user interface component used to render this data element.
XML Map Document The XML map document provides specifications for the user interface
size, initial position on the monitor, and the mappings from schema types
to user interface components. Sample map document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Document : classLoader.xml
This document specifies the class to xs:type mappings
so that the UI display can be controlled by the xsd type
declarations. -->
<defaultPosition x="150" y="0"/>
<defaultSize width="600" height="700" hard="false"/>
<type schema-type-name="xs:string"
<type schema-type-name="xs:decimal"
<type schema-type-name="TVCategoryType"
net.telestream.ui.custom.ui.LabelTextField LabelTextField
displays a label with the name of the element and the text value displayed
in a text field.
net.telestream.ui.custom.ui.LabelTextFieldMDMLSelect This
component is the same LabelTextField, except the label text can be an
xpath selection from the MDML message (given the current element as
the context…or the "." element). This is specified by putting the
following special element in the schema document inside an annotation
element. The LabelTextFieldMDMLSelect renders the "./@name" xpath
selected value for the label on any Summary_Short element.
net.telestream.ui.custom.ui.EmptyCanvas EmptyCanvas
displays an empty box – not displayed. This is useful for hiding elements
from the form editor. This component will not prevent further child
elements from being displayed according to their type mapping.
changes are necessary. You can open the next job in the editor to
display the fields rendered correctly.
4. If a new type was added in addition to new data, the map
document must be edited so that the new type is rendered properly.
Elements found in the template that are not specifically referenced
in the loader document (by type) are displayed as an empty box
with the element's name as a title.
Inside the box labeled Metadata, two elements are displayed as small
boxes with the start of a text title. These elements are typically displayed
when an element that has no default type specified in the loader document
is contained in the template. This occurs because the defaultType element
specified in the Loader document is being used to render that XML data
in the editor. The defaultType element is currently set to
net.telestream.ui.custom.ui.DefaultPanel, which provides an empty box
inside which child elements can be rendered.
Good Template Sometimes, your user interface requirements for the editor may not
Design correlate directly to the basic template you design. In these situations, the
best solution often is to create an XML template which makes it easy to
create the required user interface, and then implement an XSL Transform
in the Notify step to transform the edited data in the template to the meet
the output data requirements.
The CableLabs1.1VOD document set provided with FlipFactory is a good
example of this problem.
The intended output – ADI.dtd compliant XML – is poorly typed, and
includes redundant fields. Redundant fields are not beneficial in the editor
panel, given that it is inefficient to enter the same data more than once.
Also, the poorly-typed characteristics of the ADI.dtd files prevent a form
designer from selecting streamlined UI components.
For example, the Rating drop-down is not actually a different type than
the Description field in the ADI.dtd-compliant file. The Rating field is
best selected using a drop-down component, but the Description field is
best entered via a text field. If the ADI.dtd file was used as the template,
the editor could only display these fields as one type or the other.
In the CableLabs template and schema, a template was specifically
designed to aid in creating the editor panel. This enables the Rating field
to be classified as a different type than the Description field in the schema
document, and thus can have a different mapping in the loader file. Now,
the editor can display the Rating types as drop-downs and the Description
types as text edit fields.
The template is then transformed (because it contains all the data required
in the output ADI.dtd compliant file, in a different order) into the output
ADI file using the XSL Transform Notify.
If you are creating a FactoryArray, you should create load
balance group, then install FADM, per the FactoryArray User’s
To implement FlipFactory using SQL Server on an independent
database server for use with a load balance group, see
Installing a Stand-Alone SQL Server Database (page 10-4).
If you are installing or upgrading a load balance group or
FactoryArray, you must install the same version of FlipFactory
on all servers using the central database, the same registry
keys, and the same externalized stores.
If you do not use the same license on all Flip Engines in the
group/array, you must configure monitors to only submit jobs to
FlipEngines that are licensed to meet the requirements of the
specific factory, or the job will fail.
When you implement a load balance group, all FlipFactory
servers in the group use a single database. If the server hosting
the group database fails, all FlipFactory servers in the group are
rendered inoperative until the server is restored, because they
rely on the group database for factory and job data.
However, automatic job and monitor recovery, plus database
mirroring and recovery is enabled when you implement
Externalize Stores You should follow these stores configuration requirements when
implementing FlipFactories in a load balance group in order to ensure
complete access to media, monitor and destination shares, and job
To eliminate media access failures in a load balance group, you should not
use local (server-based) drives or volumes – always use external storage –
dedicated file servers, SANs or RAIDS; ideally connected via GigE for
highest file transfer speed via LAN. Also, you must never reference drive
letters; always use Shares and always use UNC paths to reference them.
FlipFactory (all editions) has specific store configuration requirements
that you must follow in a load balance group, in order to ensure full
access to media, monitor and destination shares, and job recovery – all
aspects of ensuring the most durable configuration.
When load balancing, job and monitor recover occurs, FactoryArray may
assign a different FlipEngine to the process the job. Load balance groups
centralize all account, factory, and job specifications in its single, shared
FlipFactory database.
To eliminate media access failures in a load balance group, you should
refrain from using local (FlipEngine server) drives or volumes unless
you’re certain that your capacity and performance requirements are met
using them. Telestream recommends using external storage – network file
servers, SANs or RAIDS; ideally connected via GigE for highest network
speed. If you do use local (FlipEngine server) drives, never reference
drive letters; always use Shares on file servers, and always use UNC paths
to reference volumes.
If you don’t follow these requirements, load balancing and job and
monitor recovery may fail, for typical reasons including:
The assigned FlipFactory can’t recover a monitor configured with a
store pointing to a folder on a local drive of the failed FlipEngine,
when the FlipEngine server fails (software or hardware), or the
network connection is severed
The assigned FlipFactory can’t recover a monitor configured with a
local folder pointing to a folder on a local drive of the failed
FlipEngine using a drive letter reference (which is invalid on another
computer), or lacks credentials, causing authentication problems.
For a complete discussion of stores, with instructions for
implementing and configuring them using Registry keys, see
Adding Custom Stores in the FlipFactory User’s Guide, Chapter
6, Customizing FlipFactory. Make sure all registry keys are
identical across each FlipEngine server in a load balance group.
Stores Must be When you define stores for use by any factory in FlipFactory in a load
Network-accessible balance group, you should always make sure that each store points to a
Shares share or other network-accessible store (SAN or RAID), not a local drive.
Additionally, the share should be on a dedicated file server, RAID, or
SAN, and ideally connected via GigE Ethernet for high speed access.
Using shares ensures that any FlipEngine in the FactoryArray which is
assigned to recover a monitor and process jobs from a failed FlipFactory
server can still access the media.
The default FlipFactory store is named media, and it is defined as a local
folder: C:\Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\HTTP\Media.
The default media store must be published as a network-accessible
share and always referenced using its UNC path.
However, if the server fails and the job is recovered, the recovering
FlipFactory server won’t reference the C drive on the failed server, it will
reference its own, which is incorrect. You must modify the Registry
settings for the default media store and all other stores, to reference a
network share before putting each FlipFactory server into a load balance
Replicating Custom To duplicate customized registry settings across all FlipFactory servers in
FlipFactory Registry a load balance group, first make sure each factory is working properly.
Settings Next, make a list of all registry settings you’ve customized. For details on
FlipFactory and registry settings, see Using the Windows Registry to
Customize FlipFactory (page 7-11).
Now, open Regedit on your first FlipFactory, and select the highest group
key that will catch all custom keys (without going so high in the key chain
that you catch keys that should be unique). Export this branch, making
note of the file name you assigned. Repeat this process for all keys you
Move these files onto each FlipFactory server in the load balance group
(or put them in a share), and then, on each FlipFactory server in the group,
double-click each file to add it to the registry on that server.
When you’re done, restart the FlipEngine and test.
Each time you install FlipFactory on a server, both the Flip Engine and
the database are installed. When you connect a FlipFactory to a load
balance group, its database simply remains unused.
Figure 9–1. Load balance jobs to improve performance
Media and Jobs Each FlipFactory server in a group is responsible for expiring its own
Expiration media from its stores and jobs it has run, from the database. For example,
Figure 9–1 depicts FlipFactory Server 1 and FlipFactory Server 2.
FlipFactory Server 1 is operating a monitor – only one FlipFactory
operates a monitor at any given time. If the FlipFactory operating the
Prerequisites Before you configure a load balance group, perform these tasks:
Install FlipFactory on each FlipFactory server.
Each FlipFactory in the group must have a separate license file
or it will not be able to flip media. You may not share licenses
among FlipFactories – you must obtain a separate license for
each FlipFactory server you install.
All servers in the group you create must be located on the same subnet,
the same network domain, and each user account must be in the domain.
Most transactions in FlipFactory are time-stamped from the time value in
the FlipFactory database. However, if you have Flip Engines in a
FactoryArray|load balance group in different time zones, when you
schedule jobs, the time value is from the Flip Engine where the job was
Set up each user account for FlipFactory with network access.
The specified account must have administrator privileges on the
local computer. This account is utilized in the configuration of
the other servers and must have administrative privileges on
those servers as well.
Validating your Load After you have configured your load balance group, you should test each
Balance Group FlipFactory for proper operation, following these steps:
Step 1 On each FlipFactory server in the group, launch the FlipFactory console
and make sure that you can log in as a user. This validates connection to
the Flip Engine and the group database.
Step 2 On each FlipFactory server, display System Status and verify that each
Flip Engine in the group is displayed in a tab.
Figure 9–2. System Status displays all FlipFactories in group
On a single FlipFactory, stop the FlipEngine service before
performing database operations.
In a load balance group, stop all FlipEngine services.
In a FactoryArray, you should never perform database
operations without first shutting down the FADM service on the
target server to avoid changes in the database during
FLIPINSTANCE Two file property settings in the FLIPINSTANCE database can cause
Database Settings database errors in FlipFactory: file growth, and maximum file size.
Figure 10–1. flip properties - Data Files settings
Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager. Open Microsoft SQL Servers >
SQL Server Group > <Computer>FLIPINSTANCE > databases > flip.
Made sure that the flip_Data file has Automatically Grow File checked,
and Unrestricted File Growth selected.
Database Capacity When the data in the database exceeds 80 percent of the 4 GB maximum
Warning size limit set by Microsoft, an email is automatically sent to the
FlipFactory system administrator (Configuring System Settings (page
4-15)), and a dialog, warning of the limit, also displays on the FlipFactory
You should stop submitting jobs and reduce the job expiration period, by
adjusting the job expiration period in Advanced System Settings (page
If this action does not result in a reduction of the database size and return
to normal operations, contact Telestream Customer Service for assistance.
Exceeding Database When the database reaches the 4GB size limit, jobs you submit are no
Capacity longer processed because they can’t be saved in the database. You should
immediately stop submitting jobs and reduce the job expiration period, by
adjusting the job expiration period in Advanced System Settings (page
If this action does not result in a reduction of the database and return to
normal operations, contact Telestream Customer Service for assistance.
You can upgrade SQL Server for use with any edition or
configuration of FlipFactory, load balance groups, or
FactoryArray systems.
Implementation Steps To upgrade SQL Server for your FlipFactory server, follow these steps:
Step 1 Stop the Flip Engine Service or services (in a group or FactoryArray) and
back up the database with SQL 2005 Management Studio. If you do not
have Management Studio, you can download and install it. Follow the
procedures at http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads.
If this is a clean FlipFactory install, skip this step.
Step 2 Download the SQL Server edition you want and use it to upgrade the
target database server.
If you don’t name the instance FLIPINSTANCE, you must
identify the port number used by SQL Server and change
FlipFactory system settings Database Port field accordingly –
see FlipFactory User’s Guide for details.
Implementation Steps
Step 1 Perform a FlipFactory installation on the target database server, so that
the installer installs SQL Server, and names the instance FLIPINSTANCE.
Step 2 Do not purchase or install a FlipFactory license on this server.
Step 3 With the FLIPINSTANCE of the SQL Server database installed, uninstall
FlipFactory. The FlipFactory software and service is uninstalled, but the
SQL Server FLIPINSTANCE remains for you to connect other
FlipFactory servers to.
Step 4 Optionally, upgrade your SQL Server to another edition (Upgrading MS
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (page 10-3)).
Step 5 Note the IP address or host name of the new database server, for use later
when you’re updating system settings on the FlipFactory servers that you
want to connect to this database.
Step 6 Review your accounts and modify their names to be unique. If you are
migrating a single FlipFactory (or a new installation), skip this step.
For each existing FlipFactory you want to merge into the new database
server, identify all of the accounts on each FlipFactory server. Rename
any accounts that are duplicated across FlipFactory servers to make sure
that all accounts are unique and can be replicated on the new database.
Step 7 Change system settings to point to the new database server.
For each FlipFactory server you’re connecting to the new database,
display the System Settings window and update the Database Server field
to the host name or IP address of the new database server. Save the
settings, log off and close the console.
Step 8 Now that the Flip Engine service is pointing to the new database server,
stop the service immediately to prevent any factories from failing.
Step 9 For each FlipFactory server you’re connecting to the new database server,
display the Services window and stop the Service:
Right-click SQL Server (FLIPINSTANCE) and display Properties. On the
General tab, set Startup type to Disable and click OK to update. This
instance is no longer used. When FlipFactory restarts, it will connect to its
new database.
Step 10 Back up your production FlipFactory’s database.
If you do not have Microsoft back up software, you can download and
install SQL 2005 Management Studio. Follow the procedures at http://
If this is a clean FlipFactory install, skip this step.
Step 11 Now, for a single FlipFactory, restore the production database using SQL
2005 Management Studio.
If this is a clean FlipFactory install, skip this step.
Step 12 For multiple, existing production FlipFactories you plan to merge into the
new database server, back up the database on each FlipFactory server.
For multiple, existing production FlipFactories you want to merge into the
new database server, merge the current production databases to the new
database server by exporting all accounts (Exporting Accounts (page
10-7)) and then importing them Importing Accounts (page 10-9) into the
new central database.
When you export accounts and import them into a clean
database (either from one or many), you lose your job
history. If you do not want to lose your job history, contact
Telestream Customer Service.
Step 13 Restart the Flip Engine Service. For multiple FlipFactory servers, go to
each FlipFactory server (now pointing to the new database server), and
restart the service.
Step 14 Test each FlipFactory for proper operation with the new database.
Before combining two or more FlipFactory databases by
exporting and importing accounts, make sure that each account
is named uniquely before exporting them.
If you have accounts in one or more FlipFactories that you are including
in a load balance group, you should move the accounts to the new load
balance group database. Once a FlipFactory is part of a load balance
group, it obtains its User Account list of factories directly from the
centralized load balance group database.
Moving an account is a two-step process. First, export the account from
the current FlipFactory database into an XML-format account file. You
can export all accounts or a single account via the FlipFactory console
(Exporting All Accounts below or Exporting a Single Account on page
10–7) or using Telnet (Exporting a Single Account via Telnet on page 10–
After exporting accounts, you can import them into the load balance
group database. The process of importing accounts is explained in Auto-
You can export accounts in several ways, depending on your
Exporting All Accounts (below)
Exporting a Single Account (page 10-7)
Exporting a Single Account (page 10-7)
Exporting All To export all accounts from a FlipEngine database via the FlipFactory
Accounts console, follow these steps:
Step 1 On the FlipFactory console, click System Settings to display the System
Settings window.
Step 2 Click the Email Technical Support button in the toolbar display the Email
System Info to Tech Support dialog.
Step 3 Select Copy Files... and click OK.
When all of the files have been saved in the C:\Program
Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\SupportInfo directory, open this directory to
display them. Locate each of your account XML files, and use them to
import into another FlipFactory database (Importing Accounts on page
10–9), save them for later use, or send them to Telestream Customer
Service, for example.
Exporting a Single To export one account at a time from a FlipEngine database via the
Account FlipFactory console, follow these steps:
Step 1 On the FlipFactory console, click Administer Accounts to display the
Administer Accounts window.
Step 2 Select the account to export.
Step 3 click the Export icon in the toolbar to display the Export Account dialog.
Step 4 Select a destination for the XML file (and optionally rename it), then
click Export.
When the XML file has been saved, you can import it into another
FlipFactory database (Importing Accounts on page 10–9), save it for later
use, or send it to Telestream for support, for example.
Exporting a Single To export one account at a time from a FlipEngine database using Telnet,
Account via Telnet follow these steps:
When using Telnet with FlipFactory, you must type the
command line correctly, or it will not execute. If you make a
typing error, press Enter and enter the command again.
Make sure that the account name you export does not overlay
an account of the same name in the new database. If you have
accounts with the same name in different databases, but want to
save both, you must rename one of them to a unique name
before exporting the account.
Step 1 On the FlipFactory server where you are exporting an account, click Start
> Run to display the Run window.
Step 2 Type cmd to display the command window.
Step 3 Type Telnet localhost to log on to the target FlipEngine’s
command line interface.
Step 4 FlipFactory displays a username prompt.
Figure 10–2. Logging on to database
If no path is specified, FlipFactory stores the file in the path
%systemroot%\System32 (where %systemroot% is the drive
where your operating system is installed).
Step 9 Press Enter to execute the command. The FlipEngine creates the file and
exports the account definition in XML format.
Step 10 Type logout and press Enter to disconnect from the FlipEngine and
terminate Telnet.
You can import accounts from the console or via Telnet.
Auto-importing Accounts (below)
Importing an Account via Telnet (page 10-10)
When importing an account into another FlipFactory server, be
sure to consider there may be different licenses, different stores,
variances in access to various input/output systems, shares,
etc. that render factories inoperable on another FlipFactory.
Factories imported into another FlipFactory are not assured of
working correctly, due to configuration and system access
Auto-importing If you are implementing FlipFactory on a new server, or you are creating
Accounts a central database for a load balance group or a FactoryArray, you can
place all your accounts in a single folder and FlipFactory will import them
automatically when it starts up. However, FlipFactory will not overlay
existing accounts. FlipFactory will not overwrite an existing account.
Instead, it adds the suffix alreadyexists to the file (for example,
demo.xml.alreadyexists) if the file you are importing is named the same as
an account that already exists in the database. To replace an account, you
must first delete it from FlipFactory.
To automatically import one or more accounts into a FlipFactory server,
follow these steps:
Step 1 Move the individual account XML file(s) to the local server that is
operating as the FlipFactory group database server or to the FlipFactory
server you are going to perform the import into, or place them in a
network-accessible share and mount the share on the target server.
Step 2 Move all XML files you want imported (each account must have a unique
name) into the directory C:\Program
Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\XML\accounts\import (this is the default
installation directory, which may be different on your server).
Step 3 Restart the FlipEngine service and FlipFactory will automatically import
all accounts into its database.
Successfully imported account files are appended with imported (for
example, demo.xml.imported). Files that could not be processed
successfully are suffixed with invalid (demo.xml.invalid).
Step 4 Log back onto the console to display the new (or updated) account.
Importing an Account The Telnet command for importing accounts into FlipFactory is import:
via Telnet import {filename} [-monitor] [-notify] [-mdml [path]]
Imports a user account from the XML file specified by the {filename}
If the account exists it is overwritten, otherwise a new account is created.
Monitors that reside in the imported account will be started on the
FlipEngine that these accounts were imported into.
-monitor disables all Monitors
-notify removes all Notifications
-mdml adds MDML Notification to each factory. If specified, 'path'
sets the Destination Path. If not specified, it will be set to C:\Program
Step 6 Type logout and press Enter to disconnect from FlipFactory and
terminate Telnet.
Step 7 Restart the FlipEngine service and log back onto the FlipFactory console
to display the new (or updated) account.
Rename utility reconfigures SQL Server 2005 and FlipFactory to use the
new server name.
The Rename utility is located in the utilities folder in the FlipFactory
directory on the FlipFactory server. Follow the directions in the readme
If you contact Customer Service regarding problems with a FlipFactory
engine, you should know about the error logs written to engine.log files,
and stored (default) in C:\Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory. You
may be asked to send one or more engine logs to Telestream for review.
You can also automatically collect all relevant files and send them to
Telestream Customer Service by clicking the Email button on the System
Settings window (Sending Email to Tech Support (page 4-16)).
On Windows Server 2003, Security Update KB908531 interferes with
FlipFactory operations involving various versions of QuickTime. If you
are experiencing difficulty with QuickTime-related operations including
playback/trim and resubmit/forward, remove Security Update KB908531
and retry.
Under certain conditions related to QuickTime for Java, the playback/trim
editor may be unavailable. The playback/trim editor is launched in the
Message Viewer window’s Playback/Trim tab by clicking the Playback
Editor button.
Troubleshooting 81183
Symptoms include:
The Playback Editor button in the Message Viewer window’s
Playback/Trim tab may not display.
QuickTime may display the QTComponent Missing error window.
You click on the Playback Editor button and the playback editor never
displays, or QuickTime displays an error message.
When this occurs, locate the file QTJava.zip in the QuickTime installation
directory, usually at C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem.
Place this file in a specific location in the most recent JRE install
directory. For instance if you have installed JRE 1.5.0_06, it should be
placed at: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\lib\ext.
I just installed FlipFactory, Verify these common problems are not the source of difficulty:
and it is not working correctly. 1. The database has been installed in the proper location, with
When I make a new product appropriate permissions.
in a factory, only Duplicate
Original is active as a media 2. The license file has been placed in /program files/telestream/
format. flipfactory/license/license.dat and you rebooted the server or
restarted the service.
3. There is only one DAT file in the folder. If you have a copy of a
license file, put another suffix on the file.
The server and user permissions are set appropriately.
FlipFactory displays an error The probable cause is that the server does not have 1GB or more RAM
window “Error communicating – it may only have 512MB of RAM. FlipFactory requires a minimum of
with server”, and displays a 1GB RAM.
URL with CGI parameters. Make sure the server has at least 1GB RAM and retry.
My console displays the 1. Check to see if FlipEngine is started. Display the Services
Cannot display page error window in the Control Panel.
when I launch it.
2. If the FlipEngine is started, determine if HTTP port 9000 is
already in use by another application or service. If it is, change
the HTTP port number to an unused port number above 9000.
FlipFactory displays an error 1. Make sure the license.dat file provided by Telestream has
message indicating that this been placed in the Program
FlipFactory is missing the Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\License folder.
proper license.
2. Re-boot the server or restart the service after installing the
license file.
3. You may be attempting to flip your media into a format that is
not supported in you license. At the top of the console, click
About to display your license capabilities.
4. Make sure there is only one DAT file in the folder. If you have
a copy of a license file, put another suffix on the file.
I can’t install FlipFactory on You can install FlipFactory on any partition you select. However, the
my F (or other) drive. I don’t installer uses space on the C drive for the installation process. Make
have enough space on my C sure there is at least 350MB of space on your C drive before installing
drive. FlipFactory.
FlipFactory does not display Make sure that the FlipEngine is logged in with network permissions.
any files when I browse to For details, see Accessing Network Resources (page 7-8).
network locations in console. Make sure that the target folder is shared.
No encoders are available for Make sure the license.dat file provided by Telestream is in the Program
my factory. Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\License folder.
Make sure you reboot after installing the license file, or restart the
FlipEngine service.
When using the Playback/ Uninstall Quicktime (complete) and reinstall Quicktime from Program
Trim feature, I get an error Files/Telestream/FlipFactory/Redis. Perform a custom install and when
message. asked which features to install, select all. See Playback/Trim Editor
(page A-1)
The Transport Stream VOD Transport Stream replaced MPEG2 Transport Stream. Users with
missing from encoder list. Broadcast module who need Transport Stream need a new license.
When using the MOG license Go into the registry and delete the following key:
and decoding with the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Media Type\Extensions\.mov.
Omneon QuickTime decoder, Restart the server and try again.
jobs get stuck at 0%.
The AC3 audio in my MPEG1 When FlipFactory decodes an MPEG1 media stream which contains
input media is not encoded. two audio payloads – MPEG1 audio and AC3 audio – it uses the
Why not? MPEG1 audio for output. AC3 is only used when it is the only audio
stream in the file.
I can't delete FlipFactory Be sure to turn off any active monitors before deleting an account.
Uninstalling FlipFactory 81183
If you do not uninstall the FlipFactory console before uninstalling
FlipFactory, you must uninstall the FlipFactory console via the
Java Control Panel. In the control panel’s General tab, click
View under Temporary Internet files. Select the FlipFactory
Console and click the Delete button to uninstall it.
The supporting subsystems (IPP, DirectX on Windows 2000,
QuickTime, Java Runtime Environment, and MS SQL Server
2005 Express Edition are not removed. Factories and accounts
– stored in the database – plus media you created, are not
If you are uninstalling FlipFactory Version 7.1 or older, there is
no Telestream Media Transcoding and Analysis Engine to
uninstall, and you can skip this procedure. Prior to FlipFactory
Version 7.2, the functionality provided by the Telestream Media
Transcoding and Analysis Engine was built into FlipFactory.
Step 2 Select Telestream Media Transcoding and Analysis and click Remove.
Windows removes the Telestream Media Transcoding and Analysis
engine from your server.
Step 3 Close the Add/Remove Programs window.
The supporting subsystems (IPP, DirectX on Windows 2000,
QuickTime, Java Runtime Environment, and MS SQL Server
2005 Express Edition are not removed. Factories and accounts
– stored in the database – plus media you created, are not
The supporting subsystems (IPP, DirectX on Windows 2000,
QuickTime, Java Runtime Environment, and MS SQL Server
2005 Express Edition are not removed. Factories and accounts
– stored in the database – plus media you created, are not
Step 2 Select FlipFactory (with version and build) and click Remove. Windows
removes FlipFactory from your server.
Step 3 If GraphicsFactory has been installed, select GraphicsFactory and click
Remove. Windows removes GraphicsFactory from your server.
Step 4 Close the Add/Remove Programs window.
The supporting subsystems (IPP, DirectX on Windows 2000,
QuickTime, Java Runtime Environment, and MS SQL Server
2005 Express Edition are not removed. Factories and accounts
– stored in the database – plus media you created, are not
Step 5 In FlipFactory 6.0 or earlier, locate and delete the following directories:
<Install Dir>Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\Plugins
<Install Dir>Program Files\Telestream\FlipFactory\backup
In FlipFactory 6.1 and later, these two directories are removed
Deleting the default database permanently destroys
FlipFactory accounts, factories, and job history.
Index 81183
console filters
cannot display A-3 Audio Channels 5-32
launching 4-4 Audio Fade Up/Down 5-32
console errors A-3 Audio Level 5-32
conventions, notational 1-4 Audio New Channel Content 5-32
custom storage, adding to Flip Engine 7-16 Audio Phase Invert 5-32
Audio WAV Insertion 5-32
D Blur 5-32
Darken Region filter 5-33 Color Rescale 5-32
database capacity warning 10-2 creating 5-40
database errors 10-2 Darken Region 5-33
database port 4-17 deleting 5-40
default store, specifying 7-26 described 5-2
deleting a factory 4-13 Down Convert 5-33
destinations Field Order Conversion 5-34
adding 5-43 Frame Mode 5-34
described 5-2 Gamma Correction 5-35
list of 5-41 GraphicsFactory 5-35
removing 5-43 Hue 5-35
setting up 5-44 list of supported 5-31
using, generally 5-41 Mask 5-35
dongle, required for SpectreView products 2-3, 2-27, MotionResolve 5-36
2-30 Noise Reduction 5-37
Down Convert filter 5-33 Non-Linear Resize 5-37
downgrading FlipFactory 2-5 Overlay 5-37
Duplicate Original Screen Subtitles 5-38
produces TIFO file from Pipeline 6-19 setting up 5-41
Sharpen 5-38
E Source Video Timing 5-38
Telecine Options 5-38
EDL Monitor, for Pipeline jobs 6-19
Temporal Interpolation 5-38
end frame offsets for 29.97 fps, calculating 7-22
Text Overlay 5-39
exporting accounts and factories 10-7
using, generally 5-31
F Vertical Blanking Synthesis 5-39
Video Bypass 5-39
factory Video Fade In/Out 5-39
building a, described 3-29 Flip Engine
building, generally 5-1 HTTP host 4-17
creating new 5-7 logging on as Local System account 7-9
deleting 5-8 logging on as This account 7-10
described 3-5 starting and stopping via command prompt 4-3
importing and exporting 10-7 flip limit settings 7-6
moving between FlipFactory servers 10-6 flip limit, queue and limit settings 7-6
updating from older version 2-21 Flip Server limit 4-18
FactoryArray FlipEngine
generally 1-2 starting and stopping 4-2
Local Folder monitor not recovered 5-9
Field Order Conversion filter 5-34
metadata labels O
generally 6-9
Overlay filter 5-37
list of 6-9
Metadata Processing Process/Analysis Tool 5-20 P
Microsoft SQL 2005 Express, default database
installed 10-2 Pipeline
Microsoft SQL Server 2005, installing 2-14 requires Bonjour 4-3
Modify Account window 4-23 submitting jobs from 6-18
monitors playback/trim
configuring 5-14 label set 6-13
deleting 5-13 label, adding 5-11
described 5-2 metadata 7-21
list of 5-10 resolving problems with A-5
must be disabled to delete factory 5-8 ports, used by FlipFactory 2-10
submit file limit (50) 5-9 Process/Analysis Composite Audio 5-19
submit multiple files via Copy operation 5-9 Process/Analysis Tool, GraphicsFactory Template 5-19
using with Windows Networking 5-15 Process/Analysis Tools
MotionResolve filter 5-36 Closed Caption Decoder 5-21
MPEG-1 SpecteView, licensed option 2-30 KeyFrame Extraction 5-22
MPEG-1 SpectreView, licensed option 2-3, 2-27 Media Expansion 5-20
MS SQL Server 2005, installing 2-14 Media Processing 5-20
MS SQL Server Express 2005, requires .Net 2.0 Metadata Processing 5-20
Framework x64 on Windows Server 2003 on 64 bit SCC File Generator 5-22
machines 2-9 SCC File Reader 5-22
MSDE database, standalone, implementing 10-4 Timecode Burn-in 5-23
M-Series iVDR, destination 5-42 Timecode Override 5-21, 5-22
Multi-Threaded codecs, regulating 7-31 VBI Extractor 5-20
Vertical Ancillary Data Insertion 5-22
N Vertical Blanking 5-20
Vertical Blanking Synthesis 5-21
Network + Metadata monitor, processing metadata
Video Analysis 5-22
with 5-16
VITC Decoder 5-21
Network monitor, processing metadata with 5-16
Process/Analysis tools
network share, accessing via FlipFactory 7-14
Arbitron Audio Watermark 5-19
News label set 6-12
Audio Analysis 5-19
NewsManager, described 1-3
Color Remapping 5-19
Noise Reduction filter 5-37
process/analyze tools
Non-Linear Resize filter 5-37
creating 5-23
notational conventions 1-4
deleting 5-24
described 5-2
creating 5-45
list of 5-18
deleting 5-45
described 5-2
creating 5-26
list of 5-44
deleting 5-27
setting up 5-46
described 5-2
using, generally 5-44
generally 5-25
Warranty and Disclaimers 1-iii
watch dog kill timeout, changing 7-25
Administer Accounts 4-11
factory delete Approve/Reject 4-13
Job Status 4-26
Job status 6-20
Manage Factories 5-4
Modify Account 4-23
New Account 4-12
System Status 3-27, 4-19, 4-20
Windows .Net 2.0 Framework x 64, required for MS
SQL Server Express 2005 on Windows Server
2003 2-9
Windows Media 2-2
redirector metadata with 5-27
Windows Media Format
streaming label metadata 6-17
Windows Media Format 11 SDK, required for use of
Windows Media Video V9 Advanced Profile (VC1
Advanced Profile) codec 2-9
Windows Media Player 11, required for use of Windows
Media Video V9 Advanced Profile (Advanced
Profile) codec 2-8
Windows Media Video V9 Advanced Profile (Advanced
Profile) codec, requires Windows Media Player
11 2-8, 2-9
Windows registry, warning about modifying 7-11
Windows Server 2003, requires .Net 2.0 Framework x64
for MS SQL Server Express 2005 2-9
WMV SpectreView, licensed option 2-3, 2-27, 2-30