FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence.
IMPORTANT Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.
BURN HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach dangerous temperatures.
ARC FLASH HAZARD: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a motor control center, to alert people to potential Arc Flash. Arc Flash will
cause severe injury or death. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Follow ALL Regulatory requirements for safe work practices and for
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Rockwell Automation recognizes that some of the terms that are currently used in our industry and in this publication are not in
alignment with the movement toward inclusive language in technology. We are proactively collaborating with industry peers to
find alternatives to such terms and making changes to our products and content. Please excuse the use of such terms in our
content while we implement these changes.
Chapter 1
Welcome to FactoryTalk Linx What is FactoryTalk Linx Gateway?........................................................... 11
Gateway Overview of basic concepts ........................................................................13
FactoryTalk Services Platform .............................................................13
FactoryTalk Directory .................................................................... 14
FactoryTalk Live Data .................................................................... 14
FactoryTalk Diagnostics ................................................................ 14
FactoryTalk Administration Console ........................................... 14
FactoryTalk Security ...................................................................... 14
FactoryTalk Activation Manager .................................................. 14
Application types .................................................................................. 15
Quick start: Set up and use FactoryTalk Linx Gateway ........................... 15
Chapter 2
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway System requirements .................................................................................17
installation method Hardware requirements .......................................................................17
Tested FactoryTalk Linx Gateway update rates ................................. 18
Software requirements ....................................................................... 20
Software compatibility ....................................................................... 20
Prerequisite software .......................................................................... 20
System features .......................................................................................... 21
Where to install FactoryTalk Linx Gateway..............................................23
Download a localized version of FactoryTalk Linx Gateway .................. 26
Chapter 3
About Remote FactoryTalk Linx Where to install Remote FactoryTalk Linx Gateway (OPC DA client
Gateway computer configuration) ..................................................................... 27
Configure Windows firewall for Remote FactoryTalk Linx Gateway27
Install FactoryTalk Linx Gateway ............................................................. 28
Change DA access ...................................................................................... 30
Chapter 4
Start FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Application authentication level for DCOM security .............................. 33
and explore the user interface Start FactoryTalk Linx Gateway................................................................ 35
About the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration dialog box ............ 35
Server Configuration ........................................................................... 37
UA Tag List ............................................................................................39
Set up and use UA Tag List ............................................................ 41
Access configuration in UA Tag List............................................ 42
Data type in UA Tag List and OPC UA/DA Client ........................45
Custom UA Namespace .......................................................................45
Name format in Custom UA Namespace .................................... 46
Add a namespace .......................................................................... 46
Configure the data types of a namespace ....................................47
Configure tags' properties for the UA namespace ..................... 48
Add a tag for the UA namespace .................................................. 48
Add an existing tag from a data source ....................................... 48
Map a tag for the UA namespace ................................................. 49
Delete the data type and namespace ........................................... 50
Custom RTD/DDE Namespace .......................................................... 50
Name format in Custom RTD/DDE Namespace........................ 50
Configure tags' properties for the RTD/DDE namespace .......... 51
Map a tag for the RTD/DDE namespace ...................................... 51
Remote Proxy Service .......................................................................... 53
Enable remote proxy service ......................................................... 55
Select FactoryTalk Directory ............................................................... 55
UA Server Endpoints ........................................................................... 55
Approaches for OPC UA clients to connect to FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway .......................................................................................... 57
About .................................................................................................... 58
Advanced Settings............................................................................... 60
Enable configuration of OPC UA namespace index .................. 60
Custom Namespace ............................................................................. 61
FactoryTalk Diagnostic Log ................................................................. 61
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Use FactoryTalk Diagnostics About FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor ................................... 67
Counter Monitor with Run FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor ...................................... 69
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Create a snapshot file ................................................................................ 70
Use FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor to troubleshoot
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway ........................................................................ 70
Chapter 7
Back up and restore FactoryTalk Back up FactoryTalk Linx Gateway configuration .................................. 73
Linx Gateway configuration Restore FactoryTalk Linx Gateway configuration ................................... 74
Use commands to back up and restore .................................................... 75
Chapter 8
Troubleshoot FactoryTalk Linx What to check first if difficulties are experienced .................................. 77
Gateway Troubleshooting Tools ............................................................................... 77
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration Tool .................................. 77
FactoryTalk Diagnostics ..................................................................... 78
FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor ....................................... 78
FactoryTalk Live Data Test Client ...................................................... 78
OPC Test Client ................................................................................... 78
Troubleshooting topics ............................................................................. 78
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway's OPC UA service does not appear in the
OPC Local Discovery Service (LDS) ................................................... 78
Troubleshoot Excel RTD ......................................................................79
Troubleshoot DDE .............................................................................. 80
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway activations ............................................... 80
FactoryTalk Security ............................................................................ 81
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway service (starting and stopping) .............. 81
Data quality .......................................................................................... 81
Communication slow or unreliable ................................................... 83
Contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support .................................. 84
Phone ................................................................................................... 84
Worldwide web ................................................................................... 84
Hours of operation .............................................................................. 84
Before you call ..................................................................................... 84
Appendix A
Appendix B
Install FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Perform unattended installation .............................................................. 93
with command line syntax Parameters ................................................................................................. 93
Examples .................................................................................................... 95
Appendix C
About FactoryTalk Linx Overview of FactoryTalk Linx ................................................................... 97
Appendix D
Secure FactoryTalk Linx About FactoryTalk Security ..................................................................... 105
Gateway using FactoryTalk Secure the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration tool.................... 105
Security Secure runtime actions ........................................................................... 106
Secure tag write access for an application or area ................................ 108
Secure tag write access for a computer ..................................................108
Feature Security Properties ..................................................................... 109
Appendix E
Use Excel RTD Excel RTD formula sample ....................................................................... 112
RTD advantages over DDE ....................................................................... 112
Appendix F
Use DDE DDE format sample .................................................................................. 116
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code sample ................................... 117
Glossary A-F .............................................................................................................. 119
H-U ............................................................................................................ 125
About this publication The Getting Results Guide provides you with information on installing and
using FactoryTalk® Linx Gateway.
Tip: The Getting Results Guide is included in a portable document format (PDF) on your FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway software installation DVD. These files must be viewed using the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader
Help The Help includes overview, procedural, screen, and reference information
for the product. The Help contains these basic components:
• Overview topics
• Quick-start topics
• Step-by-step procedures
• Dialog box descriptions
To view the Help, click Help in the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration
Release Notes The Release Notes provide information updates that are necessary to use
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway effectively. The Release Notes contains the
following components:
• System requirements
• System features
• Anomalies
• Functional changes
• Application notes
To view the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Release Notes, download them from the
Product Compatibility and Download Center.
Technical support Questions concerning installation and use of FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
software are handled by the Rockwell Automation Customer Support Center.
The center is staffed Monday through Friday, except on U.S. holidays, from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time zone for calls originating within the U.S. and
To reach the Customer Support Center, call 440-646-3434 and follow the
prompts. For calls originating outside the U.S. or Canada, locate the number
in your country by visiting
When you call, you should be at your computer and be prepared to provide the
following information:
• The product version number
• The type of hardware you are using
• The exact wording of any errors or messages that appeared on your
• A description of what happened and what you were doing when the
problem occurred
• A description of how you tried to solve the problem
Training programs Rockwell Automation offers a wide range of training programs, from
regularly scheduled classes to custom-tailored classes conducted at your site.
If you need more information about these training programs, visit the
Rockwell Automation site or contact the Rockwell Automation Training
Coordinator. The website address and telephone numbers are available at the
bottom of the back cover.
Legal Notices Rockwell Automation publishes legal notices, such as privacy policies, license
agreements, trademark disclosures, and other terms and conditions on the
Legal Notices page of the Rockwell Automation website.
From FactoryTalk Linx Gateway version 6.00.00, only the four activations
below are available for new users. However, the other legacy activations used
in previous versions of the product are still supported.
Activation Name Activation Tag Limit (UA) FactoryTalk Directory Distributed Activates FactoryTalk Linx Data
Network Bridge
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway LINXGW.PROFESSIONAL 500,000* Local or Network Y Y
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway LINXGW.DISTRIBUTED 32,000 Local or Network Y N
Note: Starting from FactoryTalk Linx Gateway version 6.30.00, Professional activation tag limit is
changed from unlimited to 500,000.
From FactoryTalk Linx Gateway version 6.21.00, three activations are added
for users.
Activation Name Activation Tag Limit (UA) FactoryTalk Directory Distributed Activates FactoryTalk Linx Data
Network Bridge
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway LINXGW.EXTENDED 15,000 Local or Network N N
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Verifies its operating on a CompactLogix 5480 500 Local or Network N N
Embedded windows core
FactoryTalk Linx Data Bridge Verifies its operating on a CompactLogix 5480 500 Local or Network N Y
Embedded windows core
For more information regarding OPC, refer to the OPC Foundation Web site:
Overview of basic concepts Because FactoryTalk Linx Gateway enables OPC clients to connect to
FactoryTalk applications, it is important to understand some basic concepts
about FactoryTalk. For more detailed information about FactoryTalk, refer to
the FactoryTalk Services Platform Help.
FactoryTalk Live Data FactoryTalk Live Data manages connections between FactoryTalk products
and data servers. It reads values from and writes values to OPC Unified
Architecture (UA), OPC Classic Data Access (DA), and Live Data servers on
behalf of client software products, such as FactoryTalk View and FactoryTalk
Transaction Manager.
FactoryTalk Diagnostics FactoryTalk Diagnostics provides the ability to log errors, warnings, and other
status messages generated throughout a FactoryTalk-enabled system to a
central location called an event log. If you encounter a problem, you can
review the events in the log that led up to the problem to assist in determining
the cause. Or, you can monitor the log to identify potential problems and take
corrective action before a problem occurs.
Note that FactoryTalk Diagnostics messages are displayed for the local
workstation only.
Refer to the FactoryTalk Services Platform Help for more information about
FactoryTalk Diagnostics and the event log. Refer to the FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway Help for more information about diagnostic messages specific to
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
Quick start: Set up and use IMPORTANT If there is a possibility that a client will attempt to access tags during setup, before
continuing, shut down all OPC clients and inhibit FactoryTalk Linx Gateway services using
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration Tool > Server Configuration. This prevents
the services from automatically starting while making changes.
Use the following checklist to guide you through the process of setting up and
using FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
6 Create a FactoryTalk application (or point to an existing FactoryTalk Services Platform Help
7. Add a FactoryTalk Linx data server or an HMI server. FactoryTalk View Site Edition Help or
FactoryTalk Services Platform Help.
9. Start FactoryTalk Linx Gateway by clicking Start > Start FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway > FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration.
10. Select the scope using the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway About the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
Select FactoryTalk Directory dialog box. Scope Selection dialog box on page
11. Configure to make sure DA or UA Server in Server Server Configuration on page 37
Configuration tab is running and not inhibited.
12. Configure OPC UA server endpoint in the UA Server FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Help
Endpoints tab
13. (Optional) Enable and configure tag list and tag list Tag List on page 39
access to decide if all data to be available or limit it to
specific items or if an OPC UA client to be able to access
structures and arrays. If disable all available tags from
FactoryTalk data servers, the tag list will be available to
all OPC Clients.
14. When the OPC client makes a connection with OPC client documentation
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway, enter FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway as the server name to which you wish to
connect. If the OPC client supports browsing, select
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway from the list of available
15. If OPC UA endpoint security is enabled, trust incoming Certificate Management on page 58
certificate from the UA client in the Certificate
Management tab.
16. Run the OPC client and select the tags you want to OPC client documentation
access (up to, but not exceeding, the activation count).
The FactoryTalk Linx Gateway installation DVD provides wizards to guide you
through the installation process.
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway supports two installation methods: Setup wizard
installation and automated installation with command line syntax. This
chapter uses the Setup wizard installation method to illustrate the steps. The
automated installation with command line syntax reduces user interaction
and provides command line parameters to install FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
See Install FactoryTalk Linx Gateway with command line syntax on page 93.
This chapter contains the following information:
• System requirements
• Where to install FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
• Install FactoryTalk Linx Gateway for the first time
• Update an existing system
• Install Remote FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
System requirements To use FactoryTalk Linx Gateway, your personal computer must meet the
following minimum hardware and software requirements:
Hardware requirements FactoryTalk Linx Gateway recommends the following hardware for
applications with typical data acquisition needs:
• Intel® Core™ i5 Standard Power processor
• Total processor cores are recommended to be no less than 4 for virtual
• 4 GB of memory
Lower level x86 based CPUs will also work in standalone configurations with
reduced data acquisition needs.
For small applications, the following configuration was also evaluated:
• Intel® Atom™ CPU E3845 @ 1.91 GHz (4 CPUs)
• 4 GB of memory
• 1500 data points
It is recommended to run a performance validation test on the planned
computer hardware to ensure that the desired capacity and performance can
be achieved.
Note: Many of the FactoryTalk services use change of state processing. The high data value change
rate used in this test was selected to place a high processing load on the system to evaluate the
computer’s CPU impact. Because each system has different operational requirements, testing should
be performed to determine how a proposed system will operate.
These values are tested on a computer with a dual-core Intel® Core™ i3-2120
processor, 3.3 GHz, with 4G of RAM. The single core test is run using only one
of the cores to provide a basis for comparison. FactoryTalk Linx Gateway and
FactoryTalk Linx are installed and configured on the same computer for the
The largest impact on CPU utilization is the rate that the data is changing
even if the data server (in this case, FactoryTalk Linx) is local or remote to the
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
The total amount of memory used for the runtime tests was approximately
700 MB. Additional memory would be used if browsing occurred.
Note: This data was based on tests with the Folder with scalar data enabled in the UA server. This data
is provided as an example to show how tag quantity will impact the speed that data can be delivered.
The test did not verify all value changes that were delivered. Because each system has different
operational requirements, testing should be performed to determine how a proposed system will
• Example test for OPC UA using tag list:
Number of Active Tags Requested Rate (ms) Achieved Update Rate (ms)
10,000 500 500
50,000 500 500
100,000 500 500
150,000 500 1,000
200,000 500 2,000
250,000 500 2,000
300,000 500 2,000
350,000 500 2,000
400,000 500 2,500
450,000 500 3,000
500,000 500 4,000
Note: This data was based on tests with the UA tag list enabled. This data is provided as an example to
show how tag quantity will impact the speed that data can be delivered. The test did not verify all value
changes that were delivered. Because each system has different operational requirements, testing
should be performed to determine how a proposed system will operate.
• Example test for OPC UA using custom namespace:
Number of Active Tags Requested Rate (ms) Achieved Update Rate (ms)
10,000 500 495
50,000 500 570
100,000 500 1,003
150,000 500 1,335
200,000 500 1,977
250,000 500 2,257
300,000 500 2,557
350,000 500 2,885
400,000 500 2,351
450,000 500 3,433
500,000 500 4,006
These values are tested on a computer with Win 10 enterprise 64 bit, 8G RAM,
Intel® Xeon® CPU, E5-2699A v4 @ 2.40 GHz 2.39 GHz 4v CPU.
Software requirements FactoryTalk Linx Gateway was tested on the following operating systems:
• Windows 10* (v2004, v20H2, v21H1, and v21H2)
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway adopts .NET 4.8 which is only supported in
Windows 10 v1803 and later.
• Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC)
• Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2021 Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC)
• Windows 11
If you use FactoryTalk Linx Gateway on Windows 11, you must update
Windows 11 with patch KB5008215.
• Windows Server® 2012
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server 2019
• Windows Server 2022
*For additional information about Windows 10 Support for the FactoryTalk
Suite of Rockwell Software® products, refer to Knowledgebase Document ID:
IN4493 - Windows 10 Support for the FactoryTalk Suite of Rockwell Software
Software compatibility FactoryTalk Linx Gateway version 6.31.00 is compatible with these Rockwell
Software products:
• FactoryTalk Activation Manager version 5.00.11
• FactoryTalk Services Platform version 6.31.00
• FactoryTalk View version 13.00.00
• FactoryTalk Linx version 6.31.00
Prerequisite software FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Setup wizard supports to automatically install a
series of Rockwell software and the necessary prerequisite software,
Rockwell Software
• FactoryTalk Services Platform version 6.31.00 (CPR 9 SR 13)
• FactoryTalk Activation Manager version 5.00.11
Prerequisite software
• FactoryTalk Diagnostics version 6.31.00
• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86) 14.31
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) 14.31
• Microsoft ODBC Driver 18.0 for SQL Server (x86)
• Microsoft ODBC Driver 13.1 for SQL Server (x64)
• OPC .NET API 2.01
• Windows Firewall Configuration Utility 1.00.16
• Wibu CodeMeter Runtime Kit v7.51
• Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime 102.0
Download a localized Starting from version 6.30.00, FactoryTalk Linx Gateway is available with
limited localized language support. FactoryTalk Linx Gateway provides
version of FactoryTalk Linx language-specific installation packages that are available as optional
Gateway downloads from the Rockwell Automation download center.
Where to install Remote Install Remote Gateway (DA Client remote configuration) on the same
computer as an OPC DA client that does not support server enumeration.
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
(OPC DA client computer Shown below are multiple OPC DA clients connecting to a single FactoryTalk
Linx Gateway OPC DA server. Remote Gateway (DA Client remote
configuration) configuration) is installed once per computer that hosts an OPC DA client.
Configure Windows firewall If you install Remote FactoryTalk Linx Gateway on a remote third party OPC
client, you need to configure Windows firewall to allow connections with the
for Remote FactoryTalk Linx FactoryTalk Linx Gateway server. This is automatically configured after
Gateway installation of FactoryTalk Gateway version 3.90.00 and later. If you want to
Install FactoryTalk Linx You can install one or more Rockwell Automation software products to a
single personal computer.
IMPORTANT The user installing or configuring FactoryTalk Linx Gateway must have administrative
rights in Windows on the computers where the software is being installed or configured.
The Windows domain Administrator account has these rights, for example.
Uninstall FactoryTalk Linx To uninstall FactoryTalk Linx Gateway software, do any of the following:
Update an existing Note the following before upgrading FactoryTalk Linx Gateway:
installation • The user installing or configuring FactoryTalk Linx Gateway must have
administrative rights in Windows on the computers where the
Before you begin to upgrade software is being installed or configured.
FactoryTalkLinx Gateway • If you upgrade from RSOPC Gateway 1.00 (CPR 7), do not use
Add/Remove Programs from Windows Control Panel to uninstall
RSOPC Gateway 1.00 (CPR 7). Using this method to remove RSOPC
Gateway 1.00 (CPR 7) deletes RSOPC Gateway 1.00 (CPR 7)
configuration files.
• If you upgrade from FactoryTalk Gateway v3.90 or earlier to
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway v6.00 or later, uninstall FactoryTalk Gateway
using Add/Remove Programs before installing FactoryTalk Linx
Upgrade FactoryTalk Linx Perform the following steps to upgrade to the latest version of FactoryTalk
Gateway Linx Gateway:
1. Stop the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway services by selecting the Inhibit
checkbox in FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration Tool > Server
2. If FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor is running, exit the
3. Close the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration Tool.
4. Insert the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway product DVD. Perform the
installation steps as presented on the screen.
5. Restart your computer.
Note: You must restart your computer after installing Rockwell Automation software products. If
you are installing multiple products, you must restart your computer after all of the products
are installed.
Install Remote FactoryTalk Remote FactoryTalk Linx Gateway enables an OPC DA client to access a
Linx Gateway remote OPC DA server like FactoryTalk Linx Gateway without installing
Rockwell Automation software on the OPC DA client computer. It is intended
for use with OPC DA clients that do not support server enumeration and
cannot discover or identify remote OPC DA servers.
Remote FactoryTalk Linx Gateway does not have a configuration interface.
Remote FactoryTalk Linx Gateway does not support connections to OPC UA
We recommend installing the latest version of Rockwell Automation software
or installing the patch for the corresponding software version.
To avoid the compatibility issue, make sure all Rockwell Automation
applications you use are updated.
If any computers within your network have not installed the Microsoft patch
or some Rockwell Automation applications are not updated to the latest
version, you can lower the DCOM application authentication level on all
computers. To do so, do one of the following:
• Remove the Microsoft DCOM patch from all workstations in the
• Switch the DCOM authentication level on all workstations in the
system using one of the following methods:
• Use Registry Editor.
• FactoryTalk software
• Open Registry Editor, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >
SOFTWARE > WOW6432Node > Rockwell Software >
FactoryTalk > Platform, right-click DCOMAuthLevel >
Modify, and then edit the Value data to 1. The default value
after upgrading the Rockwell Automation application is 5
• RSLinx Classic software
• Open Registry Editor, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >
SOFTWARE > WOW6432Node > Rockwell Software >
RSLinx, right-click DCOMAuthLevel > Modify, and then edit
the Value data to 1. The default value after upgrading the
Rockwell Automation application is 5
• Use the DCOMAuthLevel utility.
• Open DCOMAuthLevel, select None (for backward
compatibility), and then click OK.
• The authentication level lower than 5 will not be supported after installing the
Microsoft patch.
• This utility will adjust the Authentication level for FactoryTalk Services Platform,
FactoryTalk Live Data OPC DA client interface, FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC DA
server interface, and RSLinx Classic’s OPC DA server interface.
• The Windows Component Services DCOM configuration setting is not utilized or
supported by FactoryTalk software or RSLinx Classic.
Start FactoryTalk Linx Start FactoryTalk Linx Gateway by selecting Start > Programs > Rockwell
Software > FactoryTalk Linx Gateway > FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
Configuration. (Or click on the FactoryTalk Administration Console
menu bar.) The FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration dialog box opens.
The default setting exposes all projects in the directory under the Network
Tip: To start or stop the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway service, you must be either a Windows Administrator
or Power User of the computer.
About the FactoryTalk Linx The FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration dialog box shows the Server
Configuration, OPC UA Server Endpoints, software revision and activation
Gateway Configuration information, and certificate and diagnostic information.
dialog box Note: If there is a possibility that a remote client can start the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway service, you
must disable the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway service via the Windows Control Panel (or all of the OPC
clients should be stopped or shut down) before you reconfigure the scope. This will prevent the service
from automatically starting while you are making changes to the scope configuration. The default DCOM
settings prohibit launching the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway remotely and is the recommended setup.
Item Description
1 The File button contains information about:
• Log On
• Log Off
• Exit FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration.
2 The Help button contains information about:
• Release Notes.
• Help Content
• Software version number.
• Activation
• Copyright
• Contact information
3 The Server Configuration tab contains information about:
• FactoryTalk Directory scope selection.
• OPC UA server name, status, OPC discovery service URL, status, and service inhibit checkbox.
• OPC DA server status and service inhibit checkbox.
4 The UA Server Endpoints tab contains information about:
• OPC UA server name, port, and URL.
• Security mode and policy.
• Authentication settings.
• Diagnostic logging settings.
Tip: The red boxes and text indicate the configuration is incomplete or invalid and requires changes to
permit normal operation.
Server Configuration Use Server Configuration to set FactoryTalk application scope and global
server properties for the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway service.
Global Settings
Field Description
UA Server Settings
Field Description
Service Name Sets the OPC UA service name visible to OPC UA clients.
Disable Disables or enables the OPC UA service.
• Checked: Disables the OPC UA service from operating.
• Unchecked: Enables the OPC UA service. (default)
Tip: To restart the service, select the Disable check box, and then apply the change. Once the service is stopped, clear
the Disable checkbox, and then apply the change to restart the service.
Folders with scalar data Allows OPC UA Clients to access all data as scalar from all FactoryTalk application sources.
Tag List and structure / array access Controls which FactoryTalk Application data are accessible to specific OPC UA Clients and to access complex types using
structures (Logix UDTs) and arrays. When enabled, OPC UA Clients will be limited to the items selected on the UA Tag List
Custom namespace Permits the creation of user defined structures and tags within FactoryTalk Linx Gateway and assigns these definitions to
tag data from FactoryTalk application data sources. This allows you to reorganize or remap the underlying information to
support a different naming convention often required to support OPC UA Companion data models.
Discovery service URL Lists the URL at which the OPC UA service can be accessed.
Tip: Copy the URL text into the OPC UA client that accesses information from the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC UA
Register with Discovery Service Sets whether the OPC UA service is listed as part of the local OPC UA discovery service.
DA Server Settings
Field Description
Disable Disables or enables the OPC DA service.
• Checked: Disables the OPC DA service from operating.
• Unchecked: Enables the OPC DA service. (default)
Tip: If the system only utilizes one of the OPC services, We recommends that you disable the other service to reduce the
impact on the host computer and eliminate unwanted communications.
To restart the service, select the Disable check box, and then apply the change. Once the service is stopped, clear the
Disable checkbox, and then apply the change to restart the service.
DA Access Changes the DA access after installation. This setting is only available when the current FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
Configuration is relaunched as administrator.
• Selects Only local DA clients to allow DA client and FactoryTalk Linx Gateway to operate on the same computer.
• Selects Local or remote DA clients to allow DA client to operate on the same or on a remote computer.
If this is selected, security risk might occur with higher DCOM privilege.
Tip: This configuration will not be backed up.
For more information about DCOM authorization level change, see Application authentication level for DCOM security on
page 33.
Tip: The UA tag list does not support FactoryTalk Diagnostic Audit message.
Set up and use UA Tag List Configure UA Tag List on page 39 to add tags to groups, set access right on
page 42 and user group of tags, export and import tags, and enable client to
monitor and edit tags.
Use the Export function to back up tags to a CSV file, which simplifies the
operations of adding and editing multiple tags and tag groups.
Use the Import function to import tags and tag groups in bulk.
In the Add Tag window, the left side shows Folder and Structure. Array is
listed in the right Tag Browsed pane.
The Tag Browsed pane only displays two access rights, ReadOnly and
• The access right column displays the level of access provided by the Logix controller associated with
the shortcut in the configuration. Utilize Studio 5000 Logix Designer to modify the controller’s tag
• If the tags or folders added in the UA tag list are invalid, the user should delete them or they will be
shown in the Client with bad quality.
To refresh namespace
• Click Refresh Namespace
Tip: When processing a namespace refresh operation, the UA tag list cannot be modified.
Access configuration in UA To improve security, set different accesses to each tag to different user
Tag List
Tags can be configured to be accessed by all users or a specific FactoryTalk
Security group. If tags are assigned to a FactoryTalk Security group, when an
OPC Client connects, its user ID and password are checked against
FactoryTalk Security. If a valid user ID is provided, the security groups for the
user are verified with the Security Groups associated with each tag group. If
the user is in a security group authorized to access a tag group, the client is
given access to the tags in the authorized tag groups.
Tip: Multiple OPC UA Clients can be configured in the same FT Security group. A FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway tag group can be assigned to multiple FactoryTalk Security groups.
Multiple tags can be configured in a single FactoryTalk Linx Gateway tag group. The read/write access
for tags is determined by the associated settings for the FactoryTalk Security group it is configured in.
The following table lists access configuration and results of tags when the UA
tag list is enabled or disabled.
Desired access Server Configuration OPC UA "Tag List OPC UA Server Endpoint Tag Group "Permission" setting
and structures / array access" Setting "Authentication" setting
The following table describes how to configure the security options from the
previous table.
Access configuration location and how to locate Access configuration
Tag Group Setting page Select Read only or Read and Write under Access
Click the UA Tag List on page 39 tab. Configuration.
Select a user group that is allowed to access the tags:
• All OPC UA client users can access
• Limit to selected FactoryTalk User Groups
Authentication Settings Set access to users:
Click the UA Server Endpoints on page 55 tab and find in the • Anonymous
Endpoints Properties pane. If the OPC UA endpoint is configured to accept Anonymous
users and the tag group access is set as Limit to selected
FactoryTalk User Groups on the Tag Group Setting pane,
the Anonymous user should be added as a member of the
selected FactoryTalk User Groups.
Configure read and write access to CIA message in the UA
Server Endpoints tab.
• Authenticate with FactoryTalk Security
FactoryTalk Administration Console Create a user in the desired FactoryTalk Security group for the
Open FactoryTalk Administration Console and expand System OPC UA Client to use as its Login ID and Password.
> Polices > Product Policies > FactoryTalk Linx Gateway. Set OPC UA Client Read and Write access to different user
Double-click Feature Security. groups. See more in Authenticate an OPC UA client
Controller The access set in the controller.
IMPORTANT The final access right of a tag is determined by the intersection of all the access
configuration results.
If a tag is set as Read Only in the controller and Read and Write in Tag Group, OPC UA
Client will quote the access as Read and Write set in the Tag Group. However, the tag's
actual access in OPC UA Client is Read Only, so it's unable to write.
Note: For Structure tag access right, if one element under the structure is set as Read Only, others are
set as Read and Write, when clients try to write the structure, the element with the Read Only access
fails to be written, while other elements are written successfully.
If an offline tag .ACD file contains tags with access right set to be None in the controller, when adding the
.ACD file in OPC UA Servers and adding its tags to a tag group in UA Tag List, the offline tags' actual
access is not able to be browsed in Tag Browsed pane.
Data type in UA Tag List and The data type shown in the UA Tag List on page 39 and Tag Browsed pane
OPC UA/DA Client uses the type names utilized by Logix5000 which is somewhat different from
the names defined by OPC UA and DA. To clarify the map of the data type
shown in different applications, the following table lists the corresponding
data type relationship.
Name format in Custom UA The following table shows the valid name format used in Custom UA
Type Limitation Maximum length Case-sensitive (Yes or No)
Namespace name The name must be from the 256 Yes
• 0-9
• a-z
• A-Z
Tag name The name must be from the 256 No
• 0-9
• a-z
• A-Z
Tip: The tag name and data type
name must be different.
Tag descriptions The descriptions cannot contain ". 256 N/A
Mapping ID The following metadata are 260 N/A
• .@timestamp
• .@quality
• .@TIMEstamp
• .@ua_
• .@UA_
Other metadata with ".@" are not
Quotation marks are not supported.
The space is supported.
Type name The name must be from the 256 Yes
• 0-9
• a-z
• A-Z
Tip: The tag name and data type
name must be different.
Type descriptions The descriptions cannot contain 256 N/A
quotation marks.
Type member name The name must be from the 256 Yes
• 0-9
• a-z
• A-Z
Type members description The descriptions cannot contain 256 N/A
quotation marks.
Add a namespace A namespace is initially created by default. You can add a namespace as
You can back up or restore the namespace when you click the namespace
To add a namespace
1. Click .
2. In the Namespace Properties pane, configure Name and Index for the
The valid range of Index is from 10 through 9,999.
The namespace name is case-sensitive.
Configure the data types of You can configure the data types as needed before mapping tags.
a namespace
To configure the data types of a namespace
1. Click the plus sign next to Types
2. Select the ways to add data types.
• Select Add New to add a data type.
a. In the UDT Properties pane, configure Name and Description for the
data types.
b. Add the data type:
• Click Insert to insert a data type member at any location.
• Enter the data type name in the Click here to Add box to add a
data type member at the bottom.
• Select Add from Logix Controller to add the existing data type in
the controller.
• Browse and select the tag with the data type.
3. (optional) You can rename the data type and configure its description
in the UDT Properties pane.
• The data type name and its element name are case-sensitive.
• When you click the Types node, you can see all the data types and their reference
relationships. Data types that are referenced by other tags or data types are not editable.
Delete the data type element Custom UA Namespace supports deleting a data type element.
Tip: You cannot delete a data type element if it is referenced by tags.
• Add multiple tags (scalar, array, or structure) from the Tag Browser
by selecting the last row Click here to Add.
3. (optional) Browse and select the data type of the tag. If you don’t add
data types, the data types will be added automatically when you map
tags from the Tag Browser.
Add an existing tag from a Follow these steps to add an existing tag from a data source like a controller.
data source
To add an existing tag from a data source
1. Expand a namespace, and then select the Tags.
2. In the Namespace_Tags pane, select Click here to Add.
Map a tag for the UA You need to map tags from a controller or an OPC data source to a tag or
element of a tag in a custom UA namespace to choose the data to be delivered
namespace to an external OPC UA client.
To map a tag
1. In the Mapping column, select the tag and browse to open the Tag
To delete a tag
1. Select one or multiple tags that you want to delete.
2. Click Delete.
Order the tag You can change the order of the tag.
Delete the data type and Custom UA Namespace supports deleting a data type and namespace.
To delete a data type
• Select the data type node, and then next to the data type, click .
To delete a namespace
• Select the namespace node, and then next to the namespace, click
Custom RTD/DDE How do I open Custom RTD/DDE Namespace?
Namespace 1. From the Start menu, select Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway Configuration.
2. In the Server Configuration pane, under Excel RTD Interface or DDE
Interface, select Custom namespace.
Use the Custom RTD/DDE Namespace editor to create tag definitions for the
Excel RTD and DDE interfaces and bind or map them to system data points to
provide consistent names for different components or to provide a limited list
of tags that can be accessed from an external DDE or Excel client.
If you do not use the Tag Browser to add or edit a tag in the Custom
RTD/DDE Namespace editor, you must ensure that the tag’s data type is the
same as the data source, such as the Logix controller, or OPC UA server
connected via the FactoryTalk Linx OPC UA Connector.
If you change a tag’s data type in a controller, you must ensure that the tag’s
data type is consistent in the Custom RTD/DDE Namespace editor is the
same as that in the controller. Otherwise, an error message
"BadTypeMisMatch" appears in the UA clients.
You can back up or restore the namespace when you click the namespace
Tip: Use Ctrl+rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in or zoom out the Custom RTD/DDE Namespace tab.
Name format in Custom The following table shows the valid name format used in Custom RTD/DDE
RTD/DDE Namespace Namespace.
Type Limitation Maximum length Case-sensitive (Yes or No)
Tag name The name must be from the 256 No
• 0-9
• a-z
• A-Z
Tag descriptions The descriptions cannot contain ". 256 N/A
Map a tag for the RTD/DDE You need to map tags to use the custom RTD/DDE namespace.
To map a tag
1. Select the Tags node.
2. Add a tag:
• Click Insert to insert a tag at any location.
Delete a tag for the RTD/DDE Custom RTD/DDE Namespace supports deleting a tag.
To delete a tag
1. Select one or multiple tags that you want to delete.
2. Click Delete.
Order the tag You can change the order of the tag.
• Enable Excel RTD Interface or DDE Interface in the Server
Configuration pane.
Remote Proxy
Field Description
Activation Status Shows the status of the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
Tip: The FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Professional activation is
required to utilize the Remote Proxy Service.
Enable remote proxy service Selects to enable the Remote Proxy Service and use this
workstation as the centralized server.
Refresh Selects to refresh the status of the server IP addresses.
Server IP Address Shows the IP addresses on this workstation.
This IP address is enabled and valid to be connected.
This IP address is disabled to be connected.
This IP address is enabled to be connected but is not valid.
See Information for the detailed reason.
Information Provides an description for connection issues for the
corresponding IP address.
Restrict Access Specifies the IP addresses for remote workstations that will
be permitted to access the Remote Proxy service on this
• All
Any remote workstation can access the remote proxy
• Listed IP Address
Lists the IP addresses that can access the Remote Proxy
• Defined by CIP Security
All connections between the server IP address and the
client IP address must be configured by CIP Security using
FactoryTalk Policy Manager. Selecting this option also
provides communications integrity and confidentiality.
This option may prevent RSLinx Classic on remote
workstations from accessing the Remote Proxy service.
Add Selects to add an IP address.
Delete Selects to delete the selected IP addresses.
Copy Selects to copy the selected IP addresses.
UA Server Endpoints
Field Description
UA Server Endpoints A list of all configured OPC UA server endpoint URLs, their security modes, and security policies.
Add Adds a new OPC UA server endpoint to the list.
Remove Removes the highlighted OPC UA server endpoint from the list.
Endpoint Properties
Field Description
Name Sets the name for the OPC UA server endpoint. The name must be unique. The server name displays in the OPC UA
namespace and is included in the full tag path for all nodes provided by the server.
Port Sets the port number for the OPC UA server endpoint. The port must be unique. The default port is 4990 and
increments by 1 for each additional endpoint.
URL Sets the network path to the OPC UA Server. The path must be in the format
opc.tcp://hostname_or_ip:port/Endpoint/Name where
hostname_or_ip, port, and /Endpoint/Name are replaced with the hostname or IP
address, port number, and endpoint name of the OPC UA server.
This URL must be provided to OPC UA client applications in order to connect to the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway UA
The firewall on the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC UA server must allow incoming connections to the selected port
for the connection to succeed.
Disable Turns off the endpoints.
Enable reversed connection Enables a server to initiate the connection to an OPC UA client.
Client URL Sets the URL to identify the OPC UA client the server will communicate with using the reversed connection.
The URL must be in the format opc.tcp://hostname_or_ip:port/Endpoint
where hostname_or_ip and port are replaced with the hostname or IP address and port number
of the OPC UA client. Endpoint is optional. Do not use the port that is already occupied by other clients.
The maximum number of Client URLs supported is 20 for each endpoint.
Max Connection Sets the maximum number of clients connected to the current UA server endpoint. These clients should be on the
same computer with the same client URL.
The valid range of Max Connection is 1–20.
Security Mode Displays the security method required for connections between OPC UA clients and the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
OPC UA server.
• Sign: Use signature to secure the connection.
• Sign & Encrypt: Use signature and encryption to secure the connection.
• Sign + Sign & Encrypt: Use either signature or signature and encryption to secure the connection.
Security Policy Displays whether security is required or optional for connections between OPC UA clients and the FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway OPC UA server.
There are four security algorithm suites:
• None
• Basic128Rsa15
• Basic256
• Basic256Sha256
Anonymous Sets Anonymous account with access to FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
Approaches for OPC UA There are two approaches for OPC UA clients to connect to FactoryTalk Linx
clients to connect to
• The OPC UA client connects to the OPC UA server directly.
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
• Use the Reverse Connection option to enable a server to initiate the
connection to an OPC UA client. For more details, see Configure
Reversed Connection on page 57.
Configure Reversed Usually, a connection is opened by the client before starting the UA-specific
Connection handshake. However, this will fail when servers are behind firewalls with no
open ports to connect to. In the reverse connectivity scenario, the server
opens the connection and starts with a ReverseHello message requesting that
the client establish a secure channel using this connection.
To use Reversed Connection, you should configure the connection in both
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway and the OPC UA client.
IMPORTANT Changing the Max Connection to 1 may prevent client communication because some OPC
UA clients require 2 connections to operate normally.
Use About to identify the version of the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway user
interface, OPC UA and DA servers, OPC Foundation Discovery Service, Excel
RTD Interface, DDE Interface, SDK Interface, and Remote Proxy Service and
to view the copyright and contact information of FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
Field Description
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway User Interface Revision Lists the version number of the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway user interface on
the local machine.
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC UA Server Revision Lists the version number of the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC UA service on
the local machine.
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC DA Server Revision Lists the version number of the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC DA service on
the local machine.
OPC Foundation Discovery Service Revision Lists the version number of the OPC Foundation Discovery Service on the
local machine.
Excel RTD Interface Revision Lists the version number of the Excel RTD interface on the local machine.
DDE Interface Revision Lists the version number of the DDE interface on the local machine.
FactoryTalk Linx SDK Revision Lists the version number of the FactoryTalk Linx SDK interface on the local
FactoryTalk Linx Remote Proxy Service Revision Lists the version number of the FactoryTalk Linx Remote Proxy service on
the local machine.
Certificate properties
Field Description
Name Displays the name of the security certificate.
Status Displays the certificate status, either Trusted or Rejected.
Location Displays the path to the security certificate on the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway computer.
Application Name Displays the application from where the certificate is presented.
Organization Displays the organization name that submitted to CA when requesting the certificate.
Application URI Displays the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway application URI associated with the security certificate.
Domain Displays the workstation name.
Subject Name Displays the subject properties on the certificate. For example, Common Name (CN).
Valid From The date and time when the security certificate is valid.
Expiration Time The date and time when the security certificate expires.
Thumbprint A short sequence of bytes created by applying the cryptographic hash function to identify a certificate.
Certificate actions
Button Description
Import Specifies and import the certificate to be used as incoming certificate or outgoing certificate.
Reject Moves the specific certificate(s) from Trusted Certificates list to Rejected Certificates list. The client(s) cannot
communicate with FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
Remove Removes the specific certificate(s) from Trusted Certificates list or Rejected Certificates list. The client(s) cannot
communicate with FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
Trust The specific certificate is added to Trusted Certificates list and the client can communicate with FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
Create CSR Creates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and save the request as a CSR file.
Regenerate Creates another certificate to renew the valid period.
Refresh Refreshes to display the latest certificates.
Manage Access Limits access to security certificate management operations to administrators or individuals approved by an administrator.
This function is only available to Administrator.
To add user or group:
1. On Certificate Management tab, click Manage Access.
2. In Manage Access dialog, click Add.
3. In Select User or Group dialog, click Advanced > Find Now.
4. In Search results, select the name of the user or group you want to add.
5. Click OK.
Tip: If you are Administrator and in the Administrator group but this option is still not available, do the following:
1. Launch Run.
2. Enter gpedit.msc and click OK.
3. In Local Group Policy Editor dialog, select Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local
Policies > Security Options.
4. Double-click User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode.
5. Select Disabled.
Enable configuration of OPC A "namespace index" is a number a client can utilize to identity the data to be
accessed from an OPC UA server. Changes to the configuration may cause the
UA namespace index namespace index values to also be modified, causing difficulty for some OPC
UA clients. FactoryTalk Linx Gateway provides the ability to override the
default namespace index numbers and assign numbers to help OPC UA
clients connect to the service.
With the Enable configuration of OPC UA namespace index option turned
• A single namespace index is used for data from FactoryTalk Directory.
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway pulls data from multiple tags and structures
which can exist in multiple controllers that use the same datatype
name with the prefix [Shortcut name] but defined by a different
With the Enable configuration of OPC UA namespace index option turned
• The namespace index can represent each data source of FactoryTalk
Linx shortcuts or UA Connector endpoints to avoid a collision where
two sources have different types with identical type and tag names.
The common index is 10 for other types of data servers.
FactoryTalk Diagnostic Log Use FactoryTalk Diagnostic Log to view historical error, warning, and
information level diagnostic messages about the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
services on the current computer.
Select the scope The scope is the area or application from which you want to access data. The
main FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration dialog box shows the current
scope. The supported scope will depend on the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
activation purchased. For more information on supported scopes and
activation, see Activation types on page 88.
A local scope means that only one instance of a FactoryTalk Linx data server
can be configured, and resides on the local host computer. A network scope
means that multiple FactoryTalk Linx data servers can be configured and may
• Tip: If there is a possibility of a remote or local client requesting tag data from FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway, you must disable the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway service via the Windows Control Panel, or
stop or shut down all of the OPC clients before you reconfigure the scope. This will prevent the service
from automatically starting while you are configuring the scope. The default DCOM settings prohibit
launching the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC <DA> service remotely and is the recommended setup.
• You must stop the service before you can configure the scope. Note that if you do not have read
permission, an error message opens when you configure scope. Refer to the FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway Help. You must be logged into FactoryTalk to be able to configure the scope. If you have not
already done so, you will be prompted to log in when you click Select.
• When using a new system, or if you need to change the scope, use the FactoryTalk Administration
1. In the scoped FactoryTalk application, add a FactoryTalk Linx data
2. In the scoped FactoryTalk application, create a shortcut from the
application to the server hosting the tag data.
a. In FactoryTalk View Studio or FactoryTalk Administration
Console, open Communication Setup.
b. In Device Shortcuts, click Add.
Item Description
Workstations are manually added to or removed from a tree in the Navigator area. If FactoryTalk Linx or FactoryTalk Linx Gateway is installed on a
workstation, FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor automatically detects and shows them on the tree under the associated workstation.
The values of the selected diagnostic items are displayed in the Data area.
The Data area contains the following columns:
• Name: At the root, provider, and client levels, this is the name of the diagnostic counter. At the group level, this is the tag name.
• Value: At the root and provider levels, this is the returned data value of the diagnostic counter. At the group level, this indicates the status of the tag:
Active or Inactive.
Note that neither the list of names nor their values can be modified.
For a description of each counter, refer to the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor Help.
Viewer, which contains two tabs:
• Troubleshooting Resources
The Help is integrated into FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor using this viewer.
• FactoryTalk Diagnostics Messages
Error messages associated with FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor are logged to FactoryTalk Diagnostics. These messages are also displayed on
the FactoryTalk Diagnostics Messages viewer. This enables you to see if there is any correlation between the logged messages and the values of the
diagnostic items displayed in the Data area. Note that FactoryTalk Diagnostics messages are displayed for the local workstation only.
clicking .
Enter the hostname or the device name of the workstation that
contains the diagnostics you want to view, and click OK. For more
information about the Enter Workstation IP Address/Hostname
dialog box, refer to FactoryTalk Diagnostics Counter Monitor Help.
Note that the default workstation is localhost.
troubleshoot FactoryTalk 1. Start FactoryTalk Linx Gateway. (Start > Programs > Rockwell
Linx Gateway Software > FactoryTalk Linx Gateway > FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
Back up FactoryTalk Linx FactoryTalk Services Platform provides an option to back up FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway configuration configured on the same computer. You can back up
Gateway configuration the current settings and restore them later to control the settings, especially
when the application or scope (Local or Network) of FactoryTalk Linx is
The backup operation cannot include:
• Incoming and outgoing certificates of FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
• Trusted and rejected lists
• DA Access option
• The list of approved users that can manage certificates
Refer to Restore FactoryTalk Linx Gateway configuration on page 74 to find
steps to restore FactoryTalk Linx Gateway configuration on the local
computer and distributed data servers.
• Identify the security permissions needed to perform the backup
operation. Backup is only available when you have the access in
FactoryTalk Security (System > Policies > System Policies > User
Rights Assignment > Backup and Restore).
• Identify the security permissions needed to perform the restore
operation. Restore is only available when you have the access in
FactoryTalk Security (System > Policies > System Policies > User
Rights Assignment > Backup and Restore).
Troubleshooting Tools To help you isolate, diagnose, and correct any problems you may experience
using FactoryTalk Linx Gateway, use the following troubleshooting tools:
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Use the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration Tool to view status and
diagnostic information. Server Configuration displays the server status.
Configuration Tool About > FactoryTalk Historical Diagnostics displays FactoryTalk Diagnostics
messages scoped to the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway service.
FactoryTalk Diagnostics FactoryTalk Diagnostics provides the ability to log errors, warnings, and other
status messages generated throughout a FactoryTalk-enabled system to a
central location called an event log. If you encounter a problem, you can
review the events in the log that led up to the problem to assist in determining
the cause. Or, you can monitor the log to identify potential problems and take
corrective action before a problem occurs.
Note that FactoryTalk Diagnostics messages are displayed for the local
workstation only.
Refer to the FactoryTalk Services Platform Help for more information about
FactoryTalk Diagnostics and the event log. Refer to the FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway Help for more information about diagnostic messages specific to
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
FactoryTalk Live Data Test FactoryTalk Live Data Test Client is a utility to test your OPC DA connection
after you have configured the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway. This utility is
Client installed automatically with FactoryTalk Services Platform. This utility can
only test connections to the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC DA service. While
this test client is not able to interface with the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway OPC
interface, it can be used to verify if FactoryTalk Linx is able to access the
desired data.
OPC Test Client OPC Test Client is a utility that enables you to test your data connections if
you are using remote OPC Client functionality. This utility is installed
automatically as part of Remote FactoryTalk Linx Gateway on the FactoryTalk
Linx Gateway product DVD.
The OPC Foundation provides an OPC UA sample client, available for
download at
Troubleshooting topics The topics below provide information to help you troubleshoot FactoryTalk
Linx Gateway.
Troubleshoot DDE The DDE interface is not working. Use these steps to troubleshoot.
• Verify if DDE Interface is enabled in FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
• Verify if DDE is turned on in clients. Take Excel (Microsoft 365) as an
1. Open Excel.
2. Select File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings >
External Content.
3. Select Enable Dynamic Data Exchange Server Lookup and Enable
Dynamic Data Exchange Server Launch.
• Verify if an available activation is used in FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
• Disable DDE Interface, click Apply, then enable DDE Interface, and
click Apply.
• Restart DDE clients.
• Restart the computer.
• Verify if there are any tag names using a format that matches an Excel
cell reference. The tag name should not be the same as the Excel cell
reference, for example, A1 or tag1. Otherwise, DDE will not work when
reopening Excel.
• Verify the tag names used to reference data in Excel use the correct
format defined in FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
If you switch Windows users when you are using DDE, DDE may not work as
intended. Sign out users and then sign in.
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway If you are experiencing activation problems, refer to:
Communication slow or There are many factors to consider when diagnosing communication
• Computer effect on communication
• Memory, disk space, and anti-virus scans can affect computer
performance. Refer to System requirements on page 17.
• Firewalls and switches can completely or partially block
• The typical timing factor for communication updates is the CPU
load. Rockwell Automation recommends a 40% maximum steady
state CPU loading. This balances utilization of the hardware and
gives enough bandwidth for peak loading.
• Multiple clients effect on communication
• The packaging of data to OPC standards takes computer CPU power
to achieve, and this can be significant depending on the data
• The number of clients requesting data from a single OPC data
server can also significantly impact computer CPU loading,
particularly if they are not requesting the same items (tags).
• Clients creating and destroying groups can significantly impact
CPU usage.
• Network effect on communication
• An incorrect network configuration can reduce communication
effectiveness. Verify your network configuration as well as your
installation. Refer to Install FactoryTalk Linx Gateway on page 17.
• Controller effect on communication
• For ControlLogix controllers, data requests are handled by a CPU
separate from the control program CPU. (FlexLogix controllers have
one CPU to handle all tasks.) However, eventually these data
requests are handled by the controller program. This affects
communication efficiency since the controller is performing higher
priority tasks and handles communication when CPU time is
available. You can monitor task utilization using Logix 5000 Task
Monitor on the Logix Designer utilities DVD.
• Data requests are sent to controllers via a network port (for
example, Ethernet, ControlNet, DeviceNet). For ControlLogix
Hours of operation Support staff are available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday,
except holidays.
Before you call Before you call, you should be at your computer and be prepared to give the
About Activations
5. Click Continue.
You can still activate FactoryTalk Linx Gateway via FactoryTalk Activation
Manager by clicking the Explore other options link in the Software Activation
dialog box. The link provides direct access to the FactoryTalk Activation
Manager software. To activate your copy of FactoryTalk Linx Gateway in the
FactoryTalk Activation Manager, click Get New Activations and follow the
instructions in the FactoryTalk Activation Manager.
Activation types The activation type determines feature support and the maximum capacity of
unique tags that can be added to the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway server. The tag
limit is for all unique tags, including active, inactive, and valid tags. However,
the OPC DA service, UA service, DDE interface, and Excel RTD interface tag
limits are separate. For example, a 1,000 tag limit activation can
simultaneously serve 1,000 tags to DA clients, 1,000 tags to UA clients, 1,000
DDE tags, and 1,000 Excel RTD tags. For detailed information, refer to the
following table.
If a valid activation cannot be found, FactoryTalk Linx Gateway operates
under a grace period. The grace period activates FactoryTalk Linx Gateway at
the professional level for 7 days.
Note: When the activation has changed, you need to restart services or interfaces to detect a new
Beginning with version 6.20, the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Basic and
Standard activations can operate with a FactoryTalk View SE station or
distributed application using a network directory when there is a single
FactoryTalk Linx data server operating on the same workstation FactoryTalk
Linx Gateway is installed on. Version 6.21 added the Extended activation with
the same local and network/station capability. A patch is also available to
support a similar operation and Extended activation for FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway version 6.00 to version 6.20 and for FactoryTalk Gateway version 3.74
to version 3.90.
A FactoryTalk application can be configured using a Local or Network
directory. These options are determined by the capabilities defined by the
license/activation that is being used.
1. Local - Small application where the FactoryTalk Linx or FactoryTalk
Linx OPC UA Connector communications service is operated on the
same workstation as FactoryTalk Linx Gateway. A local application is
configured with a single level where all communications services are
defined at the same top level (no areas are supported).
Note: Grace period is a seven-day free trial of FactoryTalk Linx Gateway during which, a user
has the tag subscription capability equals to the "Professional" activation. When the grace
period is over, the OPC UA/DA clients cannot connect to the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
2. Network -This configuration uses the Network directory. A network
station application permits areas to be created to improve the
FactoryTalk RSOPCD. 70,000 70,000 N N Local or Network Y None N N
Gateway 70000
FactoryTalk RSOPCD. 32,000 32,000 N N Local or Network Y None N N
Gateway 32000
FactoryTalk RSOPCS. 32,000 32,000 N N Local N None N N
Gateway 32000
Station 32000
FactoryTalk RSOPCD. 5,000 5,000 N N Local or Network Y None N N
Gateway 5000
FactoryTalk RSOPCS. 5,000 5,000 N N Local N None N N
Gateway 5000
Station 5000
FactoryTalk RSOPCD. 1,500 1,500 N N Local or Network Y None N N
Gateway 1500
FactoryTalk RSOPCS. 1,500 1,500 N N Local N None N N
Gateway 1500
Station 1500
Perform unattended To install FactoryTalk Linx Gateway in the unattended mode, follow the steps
below. The steps may vary slightly. Follow the on-screen instructions that
installation apply to your operating system.
1. Close all open Windows programs.
2. Open the Command Prompt window as administrator.
3. In the Command Prompt window, navigate to D:, where D: is the drive
containing the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway installation DVD or
installation package, and press Enter.
Tip: The User Account Control dialog box may show after you press Enter, click Yes to
continue. The silent installation requires the Windows Administrator privilege.
4. Type a command line with the following syntax:
Setup.exe {/Q | /QS}
5. Press Enter. The installation process starts with the parameters you
6. For detailed description about each parameter, see Parameters on page
93. You can also type Setup /? in the Command Prompt window, and
press Enter to view the help information of all parameters and
Parameters The parameters and values are not case sensitive. If the value includes spaces,
Examples The following examples show how to use the commands during the
unattended installation.
Example 1
Setup.exe /Q /IAcceptAllLicenseTerms /Product="Gateway
Server OPC UA and DA (local or remote DA clients)"
The FactoryTalk Linx Gateway unattended installation uses the default
settings during the installation process, with no user interface.
Example 2
Setup.exe /QS /IAcceptAllLicenseTerms /AutoRestart
/SetupLanguage=CHS /Product="Gateway Server OPC UA and DA
(local or remote DA clients)" /InstallDrive=D:
/SerialNumber=0123456789 /ProductKey=ABCDE-FGHIJ
• During the installation, the progress, error, or complete messages
show on user interfaces. The displayed language is Chinese.
• FactoryTalk Linx Gateway will be installed to D:\Program Files
(x86)\Rockwell Software
• The setup will get activation keys during installation if the serial
number 0123456789 and product key ABCDE-FGHIJ are valid.
• After the installation, if a restart is required, the computer will be
restarted automatically.
Example 3
Setup.exe /Q /Uninstall /Product="Gateway Server OPC UA and
DA (local or remote DA clients)"
• The software is uninstalled silently with no user interface.
Overview of FactoryTalk FactoryTalk® Linx is a FactoryTalk® Live Data server and communications
service designed to deliver control system information from Allen-Bradley®
Linx control products to the Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk® software portfolio
and Studio5000® design software. While FactoryTalk Linx can communicate
with most Allen-Bradley Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC®) and many
other control products, it is specifically optimized to work with Logix 5000™
Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC) and the PlantPax process
controller using EtherNet/IP. This gives the fastest data rates and capacity
possible while minimizing the impact on automation networks and control
system operation. Use FactoryTalk Linx to:
• Browse devices in the network - The network browser provides the
ability to discover devices in an automation system, permit the user to
navigate the topology, perform device commissioning, access device
properties and diagnostic statistics.Browse
• Acquire data - FactoryTalk Linx provides a scalable solution that can
support small applications running on a single computer with a single
controller, to large distributed and even redundant data server
configurations communicating with many controllers.
• Use the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Remote Proxy Server - Remote
Devices via Proxy Service allows FactoryTalk Linx on one computer to
bridge through a central FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Professional
workstation on the network to communicate with automation system
devices on a different network.
FactoryTalk Linx:
FactoryTalk Linx version 5.90.00 and earlier:
• Is delivered and installed with the FactoryTalk Services Platform which
is included with most Rockwell Automation software products.
FactoryTalk Linx is also delivered within the PanelView Plus Electronic
Operator Interface (EOI) terminal’s firmware.
Tip: The FactoryTalk Services Platform Installation includes several useful tools. Use
FactoryTalk Live Data Test Client to interface with FactoryTalk Linx to read and write data
directly to controllers. For more information about FactoryTalk Live Data Test Client, see
FactoryTalk Services Platform Online Help.
• Is accessed as an embedded component within each software package
that utilizes its services. Configure FactoryTalk Linx using the
Secure the FactoryTalk Linx The FactoryTalk Linx Gateway Configuration tool enables you to start or stop
the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway service and configure the scope. To configure
Gateway Configuration tool security for the tool, in the FactoryTalk Administration Console, right-click
the network (the highest level of the tree), and select Security from the menu.
The following example shows the steps to restrict a user from changing the
Secure tag write access for When using the Anonymous Logon, the system administrator can manage
an application or area tag write access in an application, area, or sub-area for FactoryTalk Linx
Gateway servers. Tag write access is enabled (Write Tag permission is set to
Allow) by default.
As the product policy is configured upon the logon scope, make sure the
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway server logon scope is the same with FactoryTalk
Diagnostics scope.
The following table shows the relationship between FactoryTalk Linx Gateway
feature security policies and securable actions that the user can perform:
Feature security policy Allow Deny
View Gateway Server Properties Allow users to view information in Server Configuration tab Hide UA Server and DA Server information. Users can only
including: select scope in Server Configuration tab.
• FactoryTalk Diagnostics Scope
• UA Server Service Name
• UA Server status
• Local Discovery Service URL and status.
• DA Server status
Modify Tag List Configuration Allow user to modify tag list configuration in the UA Tag List tab User cannot modify tag list in the UA Tag List tab
Manage Incoming Certificate Allow users to view and import, reject, trust and remove certificates in Set the Import, Reject, Trust, and Remove button as
Certificate Management tab. unavailable.
View Outgoing Certificate Properties Allow users to view the outgoing certificates information in Set the outgoing certificate properties unavailable. When
Certificate Management > Outgoing Certificate tab. switching to Outgoing Certificate tab, the Certificate
Properties area still shows the Incoming Certificate
Modify Outgoing UA Certificate Properties Allow users to regenerate an outgoing certificate when the old one is Set the Regenerate button as unavailable.
expired or there is a need to do so.
OPC UA Client Read Access Allow OPC UA clients to read data values through FactoryTalk Linx OPC UA clients cannot read data values through
Gateway server. FactoryTalk Linx Gateway server. An access denied error
occurs during communication.
OPC UA Client Write Access Allow OPC UA clients to read and write data values through OPC UA clients cannot write data values through
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway server. FactoryTalk Linx Gateway server. An access denied error
occurs when editing tag values.
Excel RTD formula sample Use these formulas to read tag values under different options.
On the Server Configuration tab, under Excel RTD Interface,
• If you select Folders with scalar data, the RTD formula could be:
=RTD("FTLinxGatewayRTD ","","area:FactoryTalk
=RTD("FTLinxGatewayRTD ",""," :FactoryTalk
• If you select Custom namespace, the RTD formula could be:
RTD advantages over DDE RTD offers these distinct advantages over software using a DDE connection:
• RTD communicates with the Excel spreadsheet using a push-pull
mechanism. Therefore, it is extremely fast and efficient when handling
updates to data in real-time.
For example:
You can use the L modifier by VBA. All versions of Excel support to use L
modifier by VBA. For VBA samples, see Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
code sample.
For more information on the L modifier, see FactoryTalk Linx Help > Configure
for local stand-alone applications > Modifiers in FactoryTalk Linx.
Tip: If the DDE interface fails to get data, it will return the following errors to Excel:
• #REF: The tag does not exist.
• #NA: The DDE interface is unable to read the tag due to errors, such as the tag's data type mismatch
between the custom namespace and the data source.
• #Value: There are communication errors.
DDE format sample Use these formats to read tag values under different options. Any sections in
the DDE format with square bracket must be surrounded by single quotation
Tip: The tag name should not be the same as the Excel range name, for example, A1 or tag1.
Otherwise, DDE will not work when reopening Excel.
Visual Basic for Applications You can also perform a DDE read and write from a Visual Basic application to
FactoryTalk Linx Gateway.
(VBA) code sample
The following sample code reads the tag value.
Sub prRead()
'Initiate DDE
FTLGW_DDE = DDEInitiate("FTLinxGatewayDDE",
'read tag value
tagValue = DDERequest(FTLGW_DDE, "TagName")
access path
An access path defines the computer, driver, networks, and communication
devices used to communicate with a destination device or processor in Object
Linking and Embedding for Process Control (OPC) conversations.
acknowledgment (ACK)
An ASCII control character is used to acknowledge the reception and
acceptance of a transmission block.
To make a Rockwell Software product active so that it can run without the
limitations imposed by demonstration mode. Without activation, some
Rockwell Software products will not run, some will run with diminished
functionality, and others will run for a limited period of time and then shut
down with or without warning.
activation file
A text file that contains all of the activation information that is required to
license a software product and allow it to function properly. While the file is
simply plaintext, the contents of the file are protected by a signature.
activation host
The device associated with an activation by a unique ID.
activation server
An activation server is any computer that hosts concurrent activations. The
activation server manages the activations and shares them with other
configured computers on the network.
A logical name for a variable in a device or memory. Similar to a tag.
A machine or process monitored and controlled by a controller or the use of
computer-based or controller-based routines for specific purposes.
API stands for Application Programming Interface. APIs are mechanisms that
enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set
of definitions and protocols.
An area organizes and subdivides a distributed Network application into
logical or physical divisions.
A unit of signaling speed equal to the number of discrete conditions or signal
events per second. Where one bit is encoded on each signaling event, the
number of baud is the same as the number of bits per second.
A digital certificate is an electronic representation of an identity. A certificate
binds the identities public key to its identifiable information, such as name,
organization, email, username, and/or a device serial number. A certificate is
CIA Messaging
To access information inside of devices that support the Open Device Vendors
Association (ODVA) Common Industrial Protocol (CIP), using the Class,
Instance, and Attribute (CIA) messaging with the CIP Object -
Class/Instance/Attribute Message shortcut type.
A component or subsystem that uses data or functionality provided by some
other component or subsystem (the server). The term can also refer to the
computer that executes this software, connecting to a server computer across
a communication network.
CIP security
CIP security has multiple layers of security that enables a CIP-connected
device to protect itself from malicious CIP communications. Then the device
can reject data that has been altered, reject messages sent by untrusted people
or untrusted devices, and reject messages that request actions that are not
allowed. CIP security defines the notion of a security profile, which is a set of
well-defined capabilities to facilitate device interoperability and end-user
selection of devices with the appropriate security capability.
concurrent activation
A type of activation that allows multiple computers across a network to use
Rockwell Software products at the same time. Concurrent activations include
floating activations and borrowed activations.
A file that contains information about the physical structure you defined for
your system. This file includes all network paths, defined drivers and devices,
Data Providers, and object protocols.
connected messaging
A connected message opens a persisted link from the computer to a target
device. This form of communications allocates resources in every device in the
route to ensure responses and subsequent exchanges of information are able
to pass more efficiently.
custom namespace
Custom namespace permits the customers to define the structure definitions
and tags that will be exposed to an external client and then map these
defintions to underlying system data. This can improve the organization of
the automation system data, organize scalar data into structures, combine
data from multiple sources or programmable controllers into a structure,
apply a different naming convention for the automation system data, and
limit or secure the automation system data that is available to clients.
data element
An individually addressable item of data. For example, an OPC tag, an HMI
tag, a graphic display, an event file, a node, and a channel.
data provider
One of the building blocks of FactoryTalk Linx, a data provider acts as a
multiplexer for multiple clients and optimizes what data can be read together
for more efficient handling.
data server
Data servers serve tags, or data items, contained in OPC-DA (Data Access)
servers. Clients that need access to data items use data server application
elements to locate the computers that are hosting OPC-DA 2.0 compliant data
Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) is a proprietary Microsoft
technology for communication between software components on connected
computers. It allows a computer to run programs over the network on a
different computer as if the program was running locally.
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is a standard inter-application
communication protocol built into Microsoft Windows operating systems and
supported by many applications that run under Windows. DDE takes data
from one application and gives it to another application. It allows Windows
programs that support DDE to exchange data between themselves.
A dongle is a security or copy-protection device for commercial computer
programs. When required by a program, a dongle must be connected to an
input/output port, such as a USB or parallel port of the computer, to allow the
program to run. Programs that use a dongle query the port at startup and
programmed intervals thereafter, and close if the dongle does not respond
with the expected validation code.
An endpoint represents the set of configuration settings on an OPC UA Server
that determine how OPC UA clients will interface with the server. This
includes a Universal Resource Locator (URL) string, Transport Control
Protocol (TCP) port, security and data access settings.
In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding information. This
process converts the original representation of the information, known as
plaintext, into an alternative form known as ciphertext. Ideally, only
authorized parties can decipher a ciphertext back to plaintext and access the
original information. Encryption does not itself prevent interference but
denies the intelligible content to a would-be interceptor.
Excel RTD
Microsoft Excel provides a worksheet function, Real-time Data (RTD), that
allows you to call a Component Object Model (COM) Automation server for
the purpose of retrieving data in real-time. RTD components are introduced
so that real-time data can stream into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The RTD
server communicates with Excel in a hybrid push-pull mechanism, greatly
increasing the efficiency of the update.
External Access
A property that allows you to specify the level of access (Read-Only,
Read/Write, or None) external applications and devices have to tags.
floating activation
A type of concurrent activation that requires a continuous network
connection and allows multiple computers to use Rockwell Software products
concurrently. An activation server manages a predetermined number of
activations in a pool and makes these activations available to any configured
computer on the network.
HMI server
The software module that is responsible for performing core run-time
operations such as data collection, alarm detection, historical data logging
and retrieval, and for providing FactoryTalk View SE Clients with graphic
displays, runtime data, and events.
Incoming Certificate
Certificate provided by an OPC UA client to FactoryTalk Linx Gateway when
the client initiates a communications request. Note that incoming certificates
are not trusted until a user accepts or trusts them through the FactoryTalk
Linx Gateway’s user interface.
IP Address
Each server or client on a TCP/IP internet is identified by a numeric IP
(Internet Protocol) address. The two types of IP addresses are the IPv4 (IP
version 4) address and the IPv6 (IP version 6) address.
IP addresses are managed and allocated to users by the Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority (IANA) and its delegates. The internet address specifies
both the network and the individual host. This specification varies with the
size of the network. An IP address identifies a machine in an IP network and
is used to determine the destination of a data packet. Port numbers identify a
particular application or service on a system.
Software Localization is the process of adapting or translating software to a
specific locale's language, culture, and legal requirements. Localization will
require modifications to the user-visible components of software such as the
user interface, images, and documentation.
L modifier
L modifier indicates the length (block size), or the number of items to be read.
Use the L modifier in a client application to read the data block (for example,
array tag) in a single action.
A collection of information that a Server makes visible to its Clients.
Namespace index
The numeric values used to identify OPC UA namespaces correspond to the
index in the NamespaceArray.
A numeric or text value that uniquely identifies a data value in an OPC UA
Server. An OPC UA client will receive NodeIDs from an OPC UA server while
browsing its namespace and will make read, write, and subscription requests
for data by delivering the NodID back to the OPC UA server.
OPC (Open Platform Communications) Data Access (DA) is a non-proprietary
technical specification that defines a set of standard interfaces based on
Microsoft’s OLE/COM (Component Object Model) technology. Applying OPC
DA standards makes interoperability possible among automation and control
applications, field systems and devices, and business and office applications.
The FactoryTalk Services Platform supports and extends the OPC DA 3.0
specification, which includes the ability to browse data items.
For more information on OPC DA, see https://opcfoundation.org.
OPC (Open Platform Communications) Unified Architecture (UA) is a
platform-independent service-oriented architecture that integrates the
individual OPC Classic specifications into one extensible framework.
Applying OPC UA standards makes interoperability possible among
automation and control applications, field systems and devices, and business
and office applications.
For more information on OPC UA, see https://opcfoundation.org.
Outgoing Certificate
Certificate generated by FactoryTalk Linx Gateway and delivered to OPC UA
clients when they initiate a communications request. Note that many OPC UA
clients require manual approval when they receive a certificate to enable
communications with an OPC UA server.
Systematically request data from a device.
poll rate
Often how data is requested from a device. Poll rates are typically specified in
milliseconds. (A poll rate of 1000 ms results in data being requested every
port number
A port number is a way to identify a specific process to which an internet or
other network message is to be forwarded when it arrives at a server. All
network-connected devices come equipped with standardized ports that have
an assigned number. These numbers are reserved for certain protocols and
their associated function.
Proxy is a function that acts as an intermediary between a client requesting a
Refer to Excel RTD.
Cryptographic digital signatures use public key algorithms to provide data
integrity. When you sign data with a digital signature, someone else can verify
the signature, and can prove that the data originated from you and was not
altered after you signed it.
Scalar tag
Defines a reference so a single memory variable represented using an
elemental type, for example, BOOL, BYTE, SINT, INT, UINT, DINT, UDINT,
The level at which tags and routines may be created. They can be created at the
controller level (accessible to all routines), or the program level (accessible to
only the routines within a single program).
A software development kit (SDK) is a collection of software development
tools in one installable package. They facilitate the creation of applications by
having a compiler, debugger, and sometimes a software framework. They are
normally specific to a hardware platform and operating system combination.
A symbolic reference to a physical device that you want to connect to on the
network, and the data that device contains. The communication path
associated with the shortcut tells the application where to find that data.
A data structure is a compound data record that can contain multiple data
elements each defined as a scalar, array or nested structures.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a standard that defines how to
establish and maintain a network conversation through which application
programs can exchange data. TCP works with the Internet Protocol (IP),
which defines how computers send packets of data to each other.
A named area of the process-connected device or controller’s memory where
data is stored. It is the basic mechanism for allocating memory, referencing
data from logic, and monitoring data.
tag group
A set of data items defined in the FactoryTalk Linx Gateway's UA Tag List
interface that share a set of security settings enabling authorized OPC UA
clients to access the data.
The way a network is physically structured. This includes all networks, nodes,
devices, Data Providers, drivers/channels, and object protocols. In FactoryTalk
Linx, this is presented in tree form (the communications tree).
UA tag list
The UA tag list configuration determines the data values that each OPC UA
Client can access from FactoryTalk Linx Gateway. The UA tag list option
provides both enhanced security and complex type information (for example,
structures and arrays). When the UA tag list option is disabled, all tags that
are available from data sources in a FactoryTalk Application (for example,
controllers and hardware via FactoryTalk Live, OPC DA, and OPC UA servers)
Unconnected messaging
An unconnected message permits the computer to perform a single
interaction with a device. While an unconnected message can be simpler to
initiate, the entire route must be included in every request. Processing of the
unconnected message request and response are lower priority than other
forms of communications making this a less efficient form of
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a reference to an OPC UA Server that
specifies its location on a computer network and the TCP port used to
interface with it.
VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications. Excel VBA is Microsoft's
programming language for Excel. For more information, refer to Getting
started with VBA in Office.
installing FactoryTalk Gateway 17, 28
accessing data 64 Knowledgebase 7
activations, about 87
Anonymous Logon 108
applications, about 15 Local applications 15
consulting services 8 Network applications 15
data OPC Test Client 78
accessing 63, 64
bad quality or none 81 P
Diagnostics Counter Monitor Prerequisite software 20
about 67
running 69 Q
using to troubleshoot FactoryTalk Gateway Quick start 15
Release Notes 7
FactoryTalk Activation 14 Remote FactoryTalk Gateway, installing 31
FactoryTalk Administration Console 14 RSLinx Enterprise, about 97
FactoryTalk Diagnostics 14
FactoryTalk Directory 14 S
FactoryTalk Gateway
activating 87 scope, selecting 63
activations 88 securing tag write access 108
Configuration dialog 35 about 67
installing 28 creating 70
Quick start 15 software compatibility 20
Scope Selection dialog 55 software requirements 20
starting 35 starting FactoryTalk Gateway 35
system requirements 17 system requirements 17
troubleshooting 77
troubleshooting tools 77 T
updating an existing installation 31
where to install 23 tag write access, securing 108
FactoryTalk Gateway Configuration dialog Test Client 78
box 35 training programs 8
FactoryTalk Gateway Scope Selection dialog troubleshooting 77
box 55 communications slow or unreliable 81, 83
FactoryTalk Live Data 14 data quality 81
FactoryTalk Security 14, 105 FactoryTalk Gateway activations 80
FactoryTalk Services Platform 13 starting and stopping service 81
FactoryTalk, basic concepts 13 troubleshooting tools 77
updating an existing FactoryTalk Gateway
Literature Library Find installation instructions, manuals, brochures, and technical data publications. rok.auto/literature
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