Literature Review

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Literature Review
2.1.1 Background

Sentiment analysis and opinion mining is an area that has experienced considerable growth over the last
decade. This area of research attempts to determine the feelings, opinions, emotions, among other things,
of people on something or someone. To do this, natural language techniques and machine learning
algorithms are used. Opinions are central to almost all human activities because they are a key influence
on people’s behavior. Each time a decision needs to be made; humans look for others’ opinions. In the
real world, enterprises and organizations seek to know public opinion about their products and services.
In turn, customers want to know others’ opinion about a certain product before buying it.[1] Recently an
increasing amount of research has been devoted to investigating methods of recognizing favorable and
unfavorable sentiments towards specific subjects within natural language texts. Areas of application for
such analysis are numerous and varied, ranging from newsgroup flame filtering and informative
augmentation of search engine responses to analysis of public opinion trends and customer feedback. For
many of these tasks, classifying the tone of the communication as generally positive or negative is an
important step.[2] Microblogging websites have evolved to become a source of varied kind of
information. This is due to nature of microblogs on which people post real time messages about their
opinions on a variety of topics, discuss current issues, complain, and express positive sentiment for
products they use in daily life. In fact, companies manufacturing such products have started to poll these
microblogs to get a sense of general sentiment for their product. Many times these companies study user
reactions and reply to users on microblogs. One challenge is to build technology to detect and summarize
an overall sentiment.[3]

1.2 Some Key Issues and Challenges in the area ‘Sentiment Analysis’:
The following key issues or challenges are identified in field of Sentiment Analysis[4] :
(i) Subjective and polarity Classification of the data
(ii) Opinion Summarization and visualization of the data
(iii) Sarcasm detection of the data
(iv) Entity, opinion holder and time extraction
(v) Sentiment lexicon generation
(vi) Opinion spam detection
A comprehensive review of the work reported in literature described as follows:

Paper 1 (Year 2019) [1]

Title: Sentiment analysis and opinion mining applied to scientific paper reviews

Authors: Brian Keith Norambuena∗, Exequiel Fuentes Lettura and Claudio Meneses Villegas

Publisher: ResearchGate

Journal: Intelligent Data Analysis February 2019 23(1):191-214

Cited By: 2,687

This article has studied the application of sentiment analysis techniques in the domain of paper
reviews. Specifically, it has applied supervised methods (NB and SVM), an unsupervised
method (the scoring algorithm) and a hybrid approach (HS-SVM) in the classification of 382
(non-empty Spanish) reviews of research papers of an international conference. The best
performance is obtained with binary classification, corresponding to the simplest version of the
problem studied. Performance gradually decreases as more classes are added (such as the neutral
one or those corresponding to extreme values). In this sense, the HS-SVM method is more robust
than the others in relation to the number of classes.


One of the most interesting results is improvement obtained by the combination of the scoring
algorithm and SVM. by adding new semantic information (e.g. the score) to traditional machine
learning methods, an improvement is expected to be obtained in the results of sentiment
classification as compared with a pure method.


To better evaluate results of this paper, it is necessary to have the tags for each aspect. These
should be manually obtained in analyzing each review, although the weakness of this study is its
subjectivity. So, automatic forms of generating tags for each aspect could be explored.
Paper 2 (Year 2018) [2]

Title: Sentiment analysis using support vector machines with diverse information sources

Authors: Tony Mullen and Nigel Collier

Publisher: ResearchGate and IEEE

Journal Proceedings of EMNLP-04, 9th Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language


Cited By: 5,5536

The method introduced in this paper allows several methods of assigning semantic values to
phrases and words within a text to be exploited in a more useful way than was previously
possible, by incorporating them as features for SVM modeling, and for explicit topic information
to be utilized, when available, by features incorporating such values. Combinations of SVMs
using these features in conjunction with SVMs based on unigrams and lemmatized unigrams are
shown to outperform models which do not use these information sources. The approach
presented here is flexible and suggests promising avenues of further investigation.
 The accuracy value represents the percentage of test texts which were classified correctly
by the mode.
 At the level of the phrasal SO assignment, it would seem that some improvement could
be gained by adding domain context to the AltaVista Search.
 It also seems likely that the topic-relations aspect of the present research only scratches
the surface of what should be possible. There is still considerable room for improvement
in performance.
[1] Brian Keith Norambuena∗ , Exequiel Fuentes Lettura and Claudio Meneses Villegas, “Sentiment
analysis and opinion mining applied to scientific paper reviews”,Feb-2019
[2] Tony Mullen and Nigel Collier National Institute of Informatics (NII), “Sentiment analysis using
support vector machines with diverse information sources”,Sep-2018
[3] Apoorv Agarwal Boyi Xie Ilia Vovsha Owen Rambow Rebecca Passonneau Department of Computer
Science Columbia University, “Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data”,Jan-2020
[4] F.A. Pozzia, E. Fersinib, E. Messinab, B. Liuc SAS Institute Srl, Milan, Italy, “CHALLENGES OF
The following methodology will be followed to achieve the objectives defined for proposed research

1. Detailed study of ..................................... will be done.

2. Installation and hand on experience on existing approaches of ............................will be done. Relative

pros and cons will be identified.

3. Various parameters will be identified to evaluate the proposed system.

4. Comparison of new implemented approach with exiting approaches will be done.

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