BERT A Review of Applications in Sentiment Analysis

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HighTech and Innovation

Vol. 4, No. 2, June, 2023
ISSN: 2723-9535

Review Article

BERT: A Review of Applications in Sentiment Analysis

Md Shohel Sayeed 1* , Varsha Mohan 1, Kalaiarasi Sonai Muthu 1
Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Multimedia University, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia.

Received 14 February 2023; Revised 19 May 2023; Accepted 24 May 2023; Published 01 June 2023

E-commerce reviews are becoming more valued by both customers and companies. The high demand for sentiment
analysis is driven by businesses relying on it as a crucial tool to improve product quality and make informed decisions in
a fiercely competitive business environment. The purpose of this review paper is to explore and evaluate the applications
of the BERT model, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique, in sentiment analysis across various fields. The
model has been utilized in certain studies for various languages, restaurant businesses, agriculture, Automated Essay
Scoring (AES), Twitter, and Google Play. The BERT model's fine-tuning steps involve using pre-trained BERT to perform
various language understanding tasks. Text pre-processing is conducted to clean up the data and convert it to numbers
before feeding it into BERT, which generates vectors for each input token. We found that BERT outperformed the norm
on a range of general language understanding tasks, including sentiment analysis, paraphrase recognition, question-
answering, and linguistic acceptability. The detection of neutral reviews and the presence of false reviews in the dataset
are two problems that have an impact on the model's accuracy. Training is also slow because it is huge and there are many
weights to update. Additional research could be conducted to improve the BERT model's accuracy by constructing a false
review categorization model and providing more training to the model in recognizing neutral reviews.
Keywords: Natural Language Processing; BERT; Fine-Tuning; Machine learning; Sentiment Analysis.

1. Introduction
The word "e-commerce" refers to the exchange of goods and services over the internet. It offers a variety of tools,
guidelines, plus resources for both buyers and sellers, including cash on delivery, mobile shopping alternatives, and
encryption for online payments [1]. Consumers and businesses alike are valuing reviews more and more. Consumers
may use internet reviews to assist their decision about whether to buy a product. Reviews often include text and a rating.
The score, which is often a number from 1 to 5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best, is the reviewer's reflection
on the text.
As illustrated in Figure 1, a survey by the marketing company Fan & Fuel (2023) found that 92% of consumers
are swayed by the lack of online evaluations. This group expressed substantial uncertainty about what would happen
next; 35% said they were less likely to buy, 32% said they would postpone their purchase until they could do more
study, 23% said it would be challenging to make their decision, and 2% said they would simply not b uy the product
or service [2, 3].

* Corresponding author: [email protected]
 This is an open access article under the CC-BY license (
© Authors retain all copyrights.

HighTech and Innovation Journal Vol. 4, No. 2, June, 2023

Figure 1. Poll Results on No Customer Reviews on An E-Commerce Shop [2]

Sentiment analysis is the activity of categorizing views and mining emotional words using text mining and natural
language processing methods. Sentiment analysis involves a variety of tasks, approaches, and types of analysis.
Sentiment analysis is an essential tool for many businesses, particularly e-commerce, to improve the quality of their
products and support them in making wise decisions in the increasingly competitive business world of today. The three
techniques utilized in sentiment analysis are lexicon-based, hybrid learning, and machine learning (ML). Each of these
areas has its own division, as shown in Figure 2.
Supervised learning is the approach to machine learning that is most well-known and regularly utilized [4]. It is
common to discuss both supervised and unsupervised machine learning together. In contrast to supervised learning,
unsupervised learning uses unlabeled data. The patterns created from these data can be used to solve clustering or
association problems. This is quite helpful when subject-matter experts are not aware of common features in a data set.
K-means, hierarchical clustering methods, and Gaussian mixture models are commonly employed [5]. However,
traditional sentiment analysis methods have encountered limitations in accurately capturing the intricacies of language,
especially in the context of nuanced and context-dependent expressions.

Figure 2. The Classification of Sentiment Techniques [5]

In recent years, a breakthrough in Natural Language Processing (NLP), known as “Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers” (BERT), has emerged as a powerful and transformative technique, filling the gap
in sentiment analysis by surpassing conventional approaches and enhancing language understanding. BERT is able to
enhance context understanding and offers a pre-trained model that is quick and simple to modify for a range of
downstream uses. There are also pre-trained models accessible in various languages. BERT can process more text and
language despite the model's size (due to the training structure and corpus) and slow training time. It has a high degree
of accuracy in the analysis and amplification of human-like languages [6]. In general, one of the most frequently used
NLP models currently available is BERT. It takes little data and task-specific adjustment to deliver cutting-edge
outcomes for a variety of NLP tasks. As a result, BERT has emerged as a game-changer in sentiment analysis, addressing
the gaps left by conventional methods and altering the way businesses harness the power of customer sentiment for
strategic decision-making and product enhancement. This review paper aims to explore and evaluate the applications of
the BERT model in sentiment analysis across various fields and to highlight the significance of sentiment analysis in the
context of e-commerce reviews and its impact on both customers and businesses. Additionally, the paper seeks to identify
the strengths and weaknesses of the BERT model, particularly concerning its performance in sentiment analysis tasks.

HighTech and Innovation Journal Vol. 4, No. 2, June, 2023

2. Related Work
Vietnamese sentiment analysis with BERT fine-tuning, Nguyen et al. (2020) demonstrate that BERT could be merged
with models built using Recurrent Convolutional Network (RCNN) or other recurrent and convolutional model-
combining architectures. According to the experimental findings, the accuracy performance for sentiment analysis on
datasets containing Vietnamese reviews is improved using the BERT-RCNN model [7].
Many scientists have been drawn to it and have tried to apply it to a variety of NLP applications. The challenges of
text summarization, automated grading, text similarity score prediction, enhanced sentiment categorization, and
reranking have all been the subject of several experiments in the past few years [8]. Some works of literature have been
seen to work on sentiment analysis using the BERT model for different languages. The model has been used in
Indonesian [9, 10] and Bangla customer feedback [11], which yields a high accuracy rate of 94.15% by combining
Bangla-BERT and LSTM. BERT has been used in Chinese stock reviews [12], Arabic aspect-based reviews [13], and
Urdu user reviews [14]. The model has been experimented with in Bahasa Melayu [15], French [16], and Malayalam-
English [17]. BERT has also contributed to Ukrainian and Russian media reports [18], hate speech detection in Hindi-
English [19], and Tamil-English mixed text classification [20].
Numerous studies have focused on the analysis of Twitter data sentiment due to easy access to a vast amount of real-
time data [21–25]. The outcomes indicated the effectiveness of the BERT model in analyzing the sentiment provided by
the users and showed considerable improvements in sentiment classification performance.
In the food service industry, a company may choose to alter the flavor or ingredients in specific locations to match
the regional flavor recommended by the reviews, employing the most well-liked terms or phrases from the score ratings.
This is accomplished by utilizing the BERT model, where the outcomes can be exploited to produce greater success
[26]. In a study for Automated Essay Scoring (AES) [27], the BERT model was employed. It is said to be one of the
most difficult issues in NLP. The essay's length, the presence of spelling errors that detract from its quality, and how the
essay is represented in terms of the necessary criteria for effective essay grading are among the major problems faced.
The BERT model was combined in various ways to assess the effectiveness of AES models. It was determined that deep-
encoded features and manually extracted features both improve the functionality of AES models.
Additionally, the BERT model was used to analyze the sentiment of online reviews on Google Play [28]. The results
gathered can help with app development. Yelp was also the subject of a sentiment analysis study employing the BERT
model [29]. This study tackles Yelp's two main issues at the moment. First, it can be difficult for users to read every text-
based review on Yelp due to the site's enormous volume of reviews. Second, Yelp's existing one-to-five star rating
system lacks specificity, making it impossible to infer the consumers' motivations if they have given the same rating.
The BERT model was able to determine if a review was good or negative based on its content and predict the strength
of that positivity or negativity.
In the agriculture sector, consumers are able to assess the quality of agricultural goods, and businesses can improve
and upgrade their products by applying sentiment analysis of online customer reviews of agricultural products. The
BERT model-based agricultural assessment classification algorithm successfully identified the emotion conveyed in the
text, assisting in the subsequent analysis of network evaluation data, the extraction of useful information, and the
realization of emotion visualization [30].
A study was conducted by Durairaj & Chinnalagu (2021) to construct a refined BERT model to predict user attitudes
using customer reviews from Yelp, Amazon, Twitter, and IMDB Movie Reviews. Hybrid fastText-BiLSTM, BiLSTM,
fastText, and Linear Support Vector Machine (LSVM) models were compared. The proposed BERT model performed
better in terms of accuracy and model performance, and the model training and data preparation procedures generally
required less time. This experiment shows that, compared to other traditional models, the BERT model required greater
CPU resources during training. Due to the improved BERT model, sentiment analysis on huge datasets is easier to do
A study conducted by Sousa et al. (2019) in the stock market industry attempts to address the issues of news quantity
and news analysis response times. In order to perform stock market sentiment analysis, they set out to examine BERT.
The outcomes show that BERT outperforms word embeddings and convolutional neural networks in terms of
performance. The results demonstrated that one can extract certain news from particular companies and conduct data
processing and analysis on the value of their stock as future work. Additionally, one can observe news about a company,
gather its accounting information, and develop a more accurate prediction. The outcomes could enhance the quality of
financial agents' decisions [32].
A study conducted by Lee et al. (2022) used Word2Vec, Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF),
BERT, and word embeddings to examine the effects of objectivity and subjectivity on sentiment analysis. There were
two datasets used in this study: data from Wikipedia and Shopee user reviews. Results from their research indicate that
BERT embedding, with an accuracy score of 99.77%, provided the best result for subjectivity classification [33].

HighTech and Innovation Journal Vol. 4, No. 2, June, 2023

3. Methods
In order to assess the effectiveness of BERT in comparison to more established techniques, the results of BERT are
compared with a number of models, including Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest, Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bi-directional LSTMs, Decision Trees (DT), Valence-Aware Dictionarys, and Sentiment
Reasoners (VADER). These methods are each described briefly.
The BERT model produces cutting-edge outcomes independent of the specific NLP problem. High-quality models
can be produced quickly and effectively with little effort and training. It focuses on employing the novel Masked
Language Model (MLM) as opposed to the conventional one-way language model or the technique of shallow splicing
two one-way language models for pre-training in order to construct an intricate bidirectional language representation
[34]. Despite the model being large and slow to train due to the training framework and corpus, BERT can process more
text and language. It has a high degree of accuracy in its ability to analyze and fine-tune human-like languages. In
essence, one of the most widely used NLP models at the moment is BERT. It provides cutting-edge outcomes for a
number of NLP tasks with less data and task-specific adaptability [7, 9].
Naive Bayes is a simple yet effective statistics-based method for predictive modeling. The Bayesian theorem, based
on likelihood, calculates the probability for each event. The highest probability output is expected since this method
assumes that each characteristic is independent. The NB classifier has the benefit of using little training data while still
producing effective results. The issue with this technique is that it makes poor estimates since it assumes that each
attribute is independent [35–38].
SVM analyzes data and searches for patterns using a variety of directed learning approaches for regression
classification and analysis. SVM has the benefits of performing exceedingly well when groups of data items are clearly
distinct from one another, being able to be applied to both regression and classification problems, and being highly
effective even with high-dimensional data. The difficult work of choosing the best kernel had to be completed, and it
took more time to train SVM on a big data set when classes in the data were not well divided by points, as this indicates
the presence of overlapping classes [39–43].
RF is an ensemble method that uses many different decision trees. By averaging the results of various decision trees,
the RF algorithm's output is determined. It automatically fills up any data that has missing values. Consequently, as the
number of trees grows, the RF's accuracy grows as well. Additionally, the RF technique solves the overfitting issue that
the DT algorithm encountered [39, 41, 43–45].
Long-term dependency is a problem with RNNs that is solved by LSTM. LSTM also addresses the issues with
vanishing gradients and extending gradients that emerge throughout the training phase. In contrast to the majority of ML
models, LSTM has a long-term memory. This is made possible by its architecture's cell-named explicit memory unit.
LSTMs are built as a series of repeated neural network modules. One of its shortcomings is that, because of its
complexity, it consumes more resources than standard RNNs. Compared to standard RNNs, it takes longer to train. The
interpretation of LSTM can be difficult [44, 46–49].
Bi-directional LSTMs are used to educate both the forward and backward time dependencies. It resolves the fixed
sequence-to-sequence prediction issue. Each unit is divided into two independent ones in a bidirectional LSTM, each of
which is linked to the same output and has the same input. The forward time sequence employs one unit, whereas the
reverse time sequence employs the other. As a result, while learning from time-series data with a long history, it shows
improved results without lengthening the training period. Bi-directional LSTM is expensive since it uses two LSTM
cells [44, 47, 49].
The DT is a logic-based method that divides a single complex decision into numerous straightforward, easier
judgments. It is a mathematical model that is used to depict the process of making decisions. This method allows for the
construction of a logical tree with numerous tiers of logical conditions and possibilities to get the desired outcome [50–
The primary tool that VADER uses to analyze emotions and sentiments is its diction, which developers must
download in order to execute the tool. The dictionary records whether a term is good, neutral, or negative. Additionally,
a compound score is kept for each word. VADER calculates the compound score of the sentence after compiling the
compound scores for each word contained in the sentiment. The sentiment is positive if the score is higher than the cutoff
point; otherwise, it is negative. Due to its simplicity in implementation and adjustment, VADER has an advantage.
Despite the benefit, VADER has a drawback when interacting with terms it is unfamiliar with. If a word is found outside
of VADER's diction, it merely receives a neutral score of 1 and a compound score of 0. Furthermore, developing the
diction for VADER is both costly and time-consuming [54, 55].

3.1. BERT Model Fine-Tuning

BERT performed better than average on a range of general language understanding tasks, including sentiment
analysis, question-answering, paraphrase identification, and linguistic acceptability. Think about the case where we are

HighTech and Innovation Journal Vol. 4, No. 2, June, 2023

creating a question-and-answer application. When a question is given as input, the application's goal is to choose a
suitable response from a corpus. This is fundamentally a prediction problem. The model then uses a question and a
context paragraph to predict a start token and an end token from the paragraph that most likely answers the query.
Therefore, using BERT, a model for our application may be created by learning two more vectors that signify the start
and end of the response [21].
Before the text data is sent to the BERT model, it will be cleaned up using text pre-processing. In the text pre-
processing and numerical conversion workflow, raw text data undergoes cleaning steps to remove noise, punctuation,
and variable capitalization. After lowercasing and tokenization, common stopwords are eliminated to streamline the data.
The final stage involves converting the tokenized text into a numerical format, enabling machines to process the
information effectively. This processed and numerical representation of the text is then ready to be fed into the BERT
model for sentiment analysis or other natural language processing tasks. Figure 3 shows the data pre-processing steps of
the BERT model.

Noise and
Text Stopword Text Numerical
punctuation Lowercasing Tokenization
Pre-processing removal Conversion

Figure 3. Data Pre-Processing steps

Numerous downstream activities, such as categorization and question-answering, are made possible by the BERT
architecture [26]. A pre-trained BERT will produce H = 768-shaped vectors, which are intended to be a black box, for
each input token (word) in a sequence. Here, the sequence may begin with a token [CLS] and may contain either a single
sentence or two sentences divided by the separator [SEP]. Figure 4 shows the overall process of the BERT model.

Figure 4. Overall Process of BERT Model [56]

4. Results and Discussion

In the study conducted by Kang et al. (2021), sentiment analysis was performed to gauge the public sentiment towards
Malaysian Airlines using six different models, namely the Linear Support Vector Classifier, BERT Model, Ensemble
Method, Multinomial Naive Bayes, Bi-LSTM, and Random Forest [43]. The research findings revealed that deep
learning techniques exhibited superior performance compared to traditional machine learning approaches. Specifically,
the Bidirectional LSTM achieved an accuracy of 77%, while the BERT model outperformed all other models with an
impressive accuracy of 86%. The experiments further demonstrated that BERT's performance surpassed that of common
pre-processing methods, such as decapitalization, punctuation removal, stopword removal, and emoji conversion to text.
Additionally, the BERT model also surpassed the results of unsupervised text categorization, indicating its ability to
effectively capture and analyze sentiment patterns. Overall, the research highlighted the remarkable effectiveness of the
BERT model, establishing it as a powerful tool for sentiment analysis and affirming its superiority over the other models
tested in the study [44].
In the Naver (2021) study, the objective was to classify Swedish sentences based on their tenses using LSTM, Naive
Bayes, and BERT models. The results demonstrated that BERT outperformed the other models, achieving an impressive

HighTech and Innovation Journal Vol. 4, No. 2, June, 2023

accuracy of 96.3% [37]. This accuracy level aligns with the findings of a study by Holmer [56], who also employed the
same pre-trained BERT model to classify Swedish text. The superior performance of the BERT model can be attributed
to its extensive pre-training on Swedish language data, which allowed it to grasp the intricacies of the language better.
As a result, fine-tuning BERT for specific tasks might not require as much additional training data. Moreover, the
researcher found out that BERT's bidirectional nature enables it to excel in distinguishing between words with similar
spellings but different meanings, as well as being more contextually aware, which provides a significant advantage in
language understanding and classification tasks [37].
In another study done by Geetha & Karthika Renuka (2021), consumer review data was categorized into positive and
negative emotions using sentiment analysis. LSTM, BERT, Naive Bayes Classification, and SVM were used to classify
reviews using the various classification models. BERT outperforms other predictive models in terms of accuracy,
according to performance evaluation criteria and comparison. Tests that combined the results of the BERT model with
the performance of other machine learning algorithms showed that the BERT model outperformed other machine
learning algorithms in terms of performance measures. BERT produces better accuracy, which was 88.48%. Many of
the SA methods currently in use for this text data from online customer product reviews are erroneous and frequently
require more training time. This study demonstrated that the sentiment analysis problem might be resolved using the
BERT model, a potent Deep Learning model. The BERT model outperformed the other machine learning techniques in
the experimental evaluation with high prediction and good accuracy [38].
A different study revealed that the BERT model's accuracy was 79% in estimating reviewer satisfaction from the text
description of Amazon Fine Food [26]. The researchers employed three epochs and a learning rate of 1e-5. They used
so few epochs in their model analysis because the model was well-trained and only a small number of epochs were
required for fine-tuning. The approach helps food service businesses forecast their overall performance locally or
nationwide. One of the challenges encountered during the research was the possibility that false reviews could affect the
model's accuracy. The researchers suggested that the accuracy of the BERT model would be increased if a false review
categorization model was already created and included in the model analysis. This would help remove the fake reviews.
A word cloud was done to analyze the sentiment of customers, as shown in Figure 5. The words with the highest
frequency were “well”, “gluten-free”, and “taste like”. It can be seen that the vast majority of customers have worries
about products that contain gluten. The comparison of foods is another way that individuals use the phrase "taste like."

Figure 5. Word Cloud of the Sentiment among Amazon Fine Food Customers [16]

In an experiment conducted by Azhar & Khodra (2021) to assess Indonesian aspect-based sentiment analysis using
the BERT model, the researchers used a batch size of 32 with a learning rate of 2e-5 and 25 epochs. They have
encountered difficulties primarily related to misclassifications in the data. These misclassifications were attributed to
incorrectly labeled data and the presence of keywords for aspect categories or other emotions that were mistakenly
considered neutral in sentiment polarity. Consequently, such instances couldn't be definitively associated with either
positive or negative feelings. Additionally, a significant challenge arose when a single statement contained conflicting
attitudes toward one or more aspect categories. In such cases, the occurrences were marked as having negative
sentiments, even when the data also contained keywords with positive sentiments. This conflicting information made it
challenging for the BERT Model to make accurate predictions, leading to sub-optimal performance in sentiment analysis
In research conducted by Kusnadi et al. (2021), the BERT model was applied to analyze sentiment in a dataset from
Google Play's Genshin Impact mobile game [28]. The researchers used a fine-tuning hyper-parameter of 32 batch size
with a learning rate (Adam) of 2e-5 and 10 epochs. The model demonstrated impressive performance in predicting
positive sentiment, achieving a precision score of 0.86%, an f1-score of 0.82%, and a recall score of 0.78%. These results
are promising and offer valuable insights for game improvement, as positive sentiment plays a crucial role in user
satisfaction and engagement. However, the research also highlighted a challenge faced in sentiment analysis, which is

HighTech and Innovation Journal Vol. 4, No. 2, June, 2023

the detection of neutral sentiment, which proved to be more difficult for the model [28]. The accuracy score for neutral
sentiment was relatively lower compared to the scores for positive and negative sentiments. This observation aligns with
the findings of other studies [10], underscoring the complexity of accurately classifying neutral sentiments in text data.

5. Conclusion
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the versatile applications of the BERT Model across diverse fields
and languages, showcasing its capability in resolving a range of challenging NLP tasks, including sentiment analysis for
discerning positive and negative reviews. The contextualized, pre-trained language representations of BERT have proven
to be highly effective in capturing the nuanced meanings and semantic relationships within text data, elevating sentiment
analysis to new heights of accuracy and understanding. However, the BERT model does encounter certain challenges
that warrant further attention. Notably, the model faces difficulties in accurately detecting neutral sentiment, which can
impact the overall performance of sentiment analysis tasks. Moreover, the presence of false reviews within the dataset
poses a significant hurdle to the model's accuracy, potentially leading to misclassifications. In order to address this issue,
researchers can look into the integration of a dedicated fake review classification model into the BERT analysis pipeline,
enabling the identification and elimination of false reviews. Another aspect that demands exploration is the effective
handling of conflicting sentiments present within the data. As some reviews may contain mixed emotions or ambiguous
expressions, devising robust strategies to address such misclassification scenarios becomes crucial for further improving
the BERT model's accuracy. Researchers should endeavor to devise innovative techniques that allow the model to better
weigh and contextualize multiple sentiments within a single text, enabling more accurate sentiment predictions and
reducing misclassifications.
In conclusion, the BERT Model's significant performance in sentiment analysis and other NLP tasks has
revolutionized the field, offering a powerful tool for gaining deeper insights into customer sentiments and preferences.
In order to harness its full potential, addressing the challenges of detecting neutral sentiment and handling false reviews
is essential. This allows BERT's effectiveness in sentiment analysis to be further optimized, increasing its position as an
important instrument for businesses seeking to make informed decisions and cater to customer needs in an increasingly
competitive landscape.

6. Declarations
6.1. Author Contributions
Conceptualization, M.S.S. and V.M.; methodology, M.S.S.; validation, V.M.; formal analysis, V.M.; investigation,
K.S.M.; writing—original draft preparation, V.M. and M.S.S.; writing—review and editing, M.S.S. and K.S.M.;
visualization, V.M.; supervision, M.S.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

6.2. Data Availability Statement

No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is not applicable to this article.

6.3. Funding
The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

6.4. Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

6.5. Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

6.6. Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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