Number On His Back On His Jersey We Are Only Referring To That Person. Live Ball It Means That The Ball Is in Play For Example: T

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 Now when we talk about the player control in the other hand, we are only referring to the specific

ic person with the

number on his back on his jersey we are only referring to that person.
 live ball and the dead ball
- live ball it means that the ball is in play
For example: the ball is literally being played by the players and then also there are no violations or fouls being
called by the referee
- dead ball
For example: the ball is out of bounds (for instance we have restricted lines in the whole basketball court. once
the ball is accidentally taken behind or outside those lines then the ball is
automatically dead or it becomes a dead ball)

the ball becoming dead or dead ball is when there is a timeout or there is a break. so once a
referee calls for a violation or a foul automatically the ball becomes dead.

now if the ball is being played by the two teams by the players in each team going at it at their
best with consuming all of their energy then that is all right
Basketball court
-restricted area/line
-back line
-center line
-side line

- timeout as a form of interruption in a certain game in which uh it is being admitted it is being called by the coach
by the head coach or the assistant coach. ( Zolt Hartyani, Basketball for everyone)
- duration of time out: 1 minute
- how many time outs: two halves in basketball; so the first half is the first we have the first and the second
quarter the first in the second quarter or the first and second periods so that is
the first half. The second half is the third and the fourth periods or quarters.
- Now in the first half you are your team is given a total of two timeouts so in general totally you have two minutes
long of time out.
- It does not matter where you call your time out on.
- you can call the two timeouts during the first period or first quarter it doesn't matter but you are only given two time
outs for the first half for the first and second periods of the game.
- For the second half the third and the fourth quarters you are given a total of three time outs so you have three
timeouts and once again it does not matter where you put or you call your timeout on so if you consume the three
given timeouts during the third quarter then during the fourth quarter, obviously you will not be eligible to call
another time out.
- For instance, you were unable to utilize your timeouts in the first half can you call it or can you use it to the second
No, you cannot transfer you cannot use the time out that uh intended only for the first half that is in the rule of
basketball so if you were unable to use the first two timeouts in the first half then i'm sorry you cannot use that it is
going to be nullified so during the second half that is the time you are only given three timeouts so you cannot use
those unused timeouts in the game and have it transferred to another half.
- TOTAL: FIVE TIMEOUTS (FIVE MINUTES) long timeout all in all

- Refers to another duration of game that will be added that must be added once uh during the first four or the first
two halves are played the teams have the same score or identical um points then they there will be an overtime.
- during an overtime it's um usually five minutes long that's uh that's the overtime each team will be given one
timeout so they are entitled only for one timeout.
- once again the timeouts unused on the first and second half cannot be transferred onto the other duration of play or
another overtime.
- According to Hartyani, substitution as another interruption in which a player a certain player or players is or are
substituted by a player or players in basketball
- you can technically call for a substitution during a dead ball situation
For example: for instance there was a violation called. there was an um there was an injury one of the players
were accidentally injured in the game and cannot play then automatically there should be
a substitute or there there must be a substitution that must be carried out by the coach by
the by the team affected by that situation
- refers to the activities that has that have something to do with the infraction of rules that are committed by the
- Different violations
- in basketball obviously in order to deliver or in order to transfer the ball from the front cord to the
backboard or the other way around it is a need one of the requirements is a common requirement is
dribbling the ball or maybe you can if you're not that good at dribbling you can do something you can
be clever like uh more on doing more on or investing more in passing so once you have the ball you
pass it to another teammate of yours.

- now in basketball we cannot kick the ball even if it's in unintentional but that's some uh well with
regard to the update on the rules of fiba if it depends on the situation so at some cases referees
May decide not to call a kickball violation onto a player if it's um really unintentional but if it's
deliberate or if it's uh intentional then it is a kickball violation

-so remember this is basketball and this is not football or soccer


-now when we say player out of bounds it means that the player, specifically the one who is in
control of the ball has somehow mean.
for example: step on accidentally on outside or directly onto the restricted lines or the boundary
lines, (now one of the examples of boundary lines in basketball we have the back line so the back
line is directly located on the front or on the back court), now if you are an offensive player then you
accidentally uh step directly or outside or right behind that uh borderline or backline then that is
considered as a player out of bounds

-another example is when you are on the offensive team okay so the offensive players or the
offensive team refers to the team or to the group of players in which they have the control or the
possession of the ball. now if you are on the offensive side or offensive team in basketball then you
must not you must not step once again onto the center line or else there will be another violation
which is known as the backcourt violation

- so it is important that we are very mindful that we are very attentive of our surroundings
especially the boundary line so that we can get away from player out of bounds.


- so in basketball once you dribble you cannot just dribble the um or should they say in order to
uh dribble the ball effectively you just have to keep in mind that you have and you must dream you
have you must dribble the ball continuously right.
- so it means that uh you should not have the uh once you once you have the ball rest on your
palm or on your hands when you hold it even if it's unintentional and then
for example: you are dribbling the ball continuously and then all of a sudden you um get a hold
of it even for just split seconds and then the official sees it and then you will be called with double
dribble violation.
- so if you are dribbling you have already started to dribble the basketball and then you
for some reasons unintentional reasons, you got trip for instance and then you accidentally hold the
ball and have it rested on your hands you hold it then you cannot dribble it once again.
- in order to dribble it once again the one of the things that you can do is to um let your opponent
touch it first and then when you are not holding the ball any longer you can pick it up once again and
then you can dribble that once again or you can just have it passed on to one of your teammates and
then pass it to you once again and then you can just dribble the basketball once again so that's
double dribble.


-still has something to do with dribbling or ball handling. the double dribble it's quite relative
however it's different. now when we say illegal carrying of the ball you must not have the ball rest on
your palm once you are dribbling the ball
so if you are dribbling the basketball
and then
um accidentally or unexpectedly
unintentionally you
uh have it rest on your on your
palm like this so you are dribbling and
you suddenly have the rest like
this on your palm then it
is considered as illegal carrying
of the ball

so remember you have to make

at all times that you must not have the
ball rest on your
hand on your hands

what is
traveling violation um well in
in in the standard basketball five on
five and even in 3x3
every player once he or she has the ball
with him or her
uh he or she is just allowed to
step three three steps
in basketball now once you exceed
the steps especially for example you
decided to
have uh to execute a layup
or a layup shot and then unintentionally
you got tripped once again and then you
you accidentally step or your steps
exceeded from
three steps then it is considered as
a traveling violation

another example
or instance of traveling violation is
um you have the uh it's
relative to the pivot foot so what is
the pivot foot
so the pivot foot is the
foot that is being uh used as the
main it is the it is the balance it's
the stationary
foot that we are using once we are
pivoting our body

for example if we are

trying to look for a teammate of ours to
pass the ball to so the pivot foot must
stay stationary so it should not
move or even slide if it slides and then
referee sees it then automatically that
is a traveling violation


so this is something to do
with the back court violation
so we have this um
term offensive and defensive
team or players who are the offensive
they are the ones who are in control
or in possession of the ball and then on
the other hand the defensive
team or the defensive players they are
the one who are um
in charge of defending so if you don't
have the ball
so team a for instance versus team b
so if the ball is in the possession of
any player of a certain player of
team a then the team a is considered as
the offensive team
and then team b is the defensive team
now where does this backcourt violation
or the eight second
violation gets in now if you are
in the offensive um team now
you are expected to travel or to go
to the front court
remember the front court is where
the basket you are about
you must create the basket into or the
into okay so that is not really your
that is the enemies basket so
remember that now you are given
eight seconds okay
eight seconds to travel from the back
court going to the front court
so the back court on the other hand
is where the basket or
of your team lies so remember
remember that the backcourt is where
your your basket lies and then
the front port is where your opponent's
basket stays and that is why they are
defending that so that they can
stop you from creating a basket so
you are given eight seconds to transfer
or to deliver
the ball from the back court going to
the front court
now once that eight seconds is over and
you are still
on the back court then there will be
a backcourt violation or eight
seconds violation

7. relative to backcourt violation is

returning the ball to the back court

now like what i said a few moments ago

backcourt violation uh you're in
backward violation in transferring or
delivering the ball from the backboard
going to the front port it takes eight
okay now once you are in the
uh once you are in the front court now
you cannot deliberately or easily
go back to the back port or else
if you step onto the center line
which can which is considered as the
boundary line for the front court in the
back court
then you will be uh called
with a violation of uh illegal stepping
on or going back to the back
court so it's it's another type of
however if the ball is um for some
it is uh it was tapped by the defender
your opponent
and then you um you unintentionally
so it's it's beyond your control you
um get off with the basketball then
uh the ball was tr uh the ball got into
the back court and then you
you ran for it and then you take it once
again and then you have it dribbled you
uh get back to the front court then that
is good that is legal but
if you yourself get
uh get back to the back court once you
are already in the front court
deliberately then it will be considered
as another violation
8. throw-in violation or the
throw-in violation

now if you are in the

and you are about to pass the ball
to another teammate of yours so that the
ball can be live already
you will be given you cannot really stay
there forever
or um you cannot stay there at
your own uh at your own desire
but you will be given five seconds
to pass or to have the uh to get the
into the playing court okay
so if with uh if the five seconds is
over and you are still unable to pass
the ball onto your uh
teammate then it will be a five-second
throw-in violation and then the ball
will be given or awarded to the opposing
another violation uh with the five
seconds is we have this the closely
violation so if you for example
i am dribbling the ball i am in control
of the ball
and then uh someone is trying to snatch
the ball away from me
then uh what i did was to stop for a
moment and then i
am looking for a teammate
to pass the ball to however
because the because my defender was
really good he was really skilled at
defense i could hardly pass the ball
to another teammate then i will be given
five seconds so every player with the
ball is given five seconds
once he or she stops or b becomes
so the referee is going to count five
now if the five seconds is already
or it's already over then uh the
referee will call five seconds violation
to that certain player and then the ball
will be given
to the opposing team or to the defending
so that is the five seconds violation
closely guarded basketball is
a time restricted or a time oriented
game or it is also known as a time
pressure game so
it really based uh it is based on
the time given now that is why
time is really gold in basketball now if
you are
playing basketball especially five on
you will be introduced to the
24 second shot clock
so we have this rule now if you violate
it is called this is 24 shot clock
now what what is that about now
every player or every team sorry every
team is
given 24 seconds
upon rebounding or above upon getting
the ball so the moment a team member
gets the ball or ha uh is is dribbling
the ball now
he if he or she is now ready to travel
or to transfer
from the backcourt going to the front
now he or she and his or her
team will be given a total of 24 seconds
to create a shot or even to attempt
to score to create a hook
now if the team is unable to do that
they are just
for example they're just trying to delay
the game by
passing the ball so on and so forth they
they're just trying to
um they're just trying to transfer the
ball from
from one player to another and it keeps
on going
then there can be a
and then the 24 seconds is over then it
will become
a 24 second violation
so you we really have to be
mindful of the 24 second shot clock
next up we have the goal tending
now goaltending violation is very common
the philippine basketball association
and the
national basketball association because
technically speaking there are lots of
tall guys there so what is goaltending
violation it's
um when you try to deliberately or even
uh unintentionally um well in the
in the judgment of the official or the
referee you try to prohibit
you try to um stop the opposing team or
the player that is trying to
who is attempting to create a basket or
trying to generate a point
and then you stop the uh you stop
you're trying to stop his or her action
um shooting the ball well specifically
and technically speaking when the ball
is already released
from the hand upon shooting and then the
is already airborne and then
the ball is already on the downward
of the uh once it is already airborne
and it is already on the downward curve
it is already about to
reach the basket then you
because of the well commonly um usually
it is something to do with um very tall
or really big
players and then they uh sometimes
instead of blocking they are um
doing a goaltending but they commit
they're subjected to goaltending
violation and then
they uh they try to block that
uh ball once it is in the mid air and it
is on the downward uh
part of the curve then you then the
player suddenly taps or blocks or
even spikes the ball from uh
once it is still suspended suspended on
the air it is called uh it is considered
as a goaltending violation
however if um upon releasing the ball
okay upon releasing the ball and then
the ball is
still on it's it's just about to start
travel on the uh on the curve and it has
not completed the curve
it is just um it is just on the
um starting point so from point a and
the going to the curve to point b if
it's just
half of the point of the curve on
starting on the point a then you try to
that a player tries to block that then
it is considered as a clean
or legal block or defense
now if someone committed uh
a goaltending violation then
the basketball officials will award
two points to the
um players or to the team in which
it in which the violation is committed
to by the other player so that's
violation next is the
interference now interference is
different from goal tending when we say
there is something this is a uh there is
something that is being done that
prohibits the
or that stops the uh
action of shooting or creating a point
of a certain player from uh from for
example the team a and then the team b
now we have the player a and then the
player b now player
a tries to shoot the ball
and then the ball goes in almost into
the basket and then
uh the player b decides to
uh jump and then
he tries to move or
he tries to tap the net the basketball
net so the net
is the uh the the one that is hung
into the uh beneath the basket
now when as player b taps
the or moves the the
basketball net the ball that was shot
a few seconds by
the by player a got off the
basket now that is an uh a very good
example of
interference okay so
the player will be given an interference
violation and then just like in the
goaltending violation
two points will be awarded to the
team with in which the violation has
been committed to by the other team
another example of interference is when
someone intentionally or
unintentionally moves or
taps or maybe uh
they try to tackle they they tackle the
the basketball ring
so for for some reasons it moved and
um the attempt of creating a shot was
uh unable to be completed because
because the the ring or the basket moved
from its original position then it can
called it can be considered as a form of
another um another rare or
uh this is not that common another
but this is another type of violation in
it's punching directly the
ball for example it is um it is airborne
and then when it is about to
strike the ground and then um suddenly
punches it it is considered as a form of
violation but
sometimes it depends on uh the
intensity or the manner of how the ball
is uh or how uh it
uh how the situation is seen by the
now if it's deliberately executed
so it is it's been a player is really
trying to
punch the ball then
it can be uh it it can be considered as
a form of
foul or what we call a technical foul
so this disciplinary actions can be
can be um called or can be
given by certain uh certain officials
if uh another another factor is for the
safety of the player so
if someone keeps on punching the ball
the basketball and then
it hits someone and uh that person is
really hurt
then it can be upgraded from
violation to a foul so
we cannot really punch the basketball
so it is not part technically of
another instance is spiking the ball
so when you try to spike the ball or you
use your
you use your elbows just like in wide
or you you're a volleyball player you're
good at valuable player and then you
you for example you cross training
basketball and then what you're doing is
instead of shooting it you try to spike
it then
it can be considered as a form of
so the ball will be turned over to the
team so in basketball there is a need
for us
to play safely and one of the
one of the ways of doing that is by
doing or executing the exact skills
relative to basketball
and and then we have the three seconds
violation the three seconds violation
can be
committed by any offensive player
so it means that if you have if your
has the ball control if you have the
in your in your possession at your
disposal then
you are the ones who are prone to three
seconds violation
now the three seconds violation can be
committed by
any player that
is staying too much
inside the restricted area
of the front of his or her or their
court so the restricted area
just like what i said in my previous
on the uh by on the basic rules of
basketball so
the restricted area is where
it is the one with the red paint or the
the red color red with the red lines
is uh that is that is quite rectangular
so that is where the restricted area
now in order to have a balance or
um in order to create
um an advantage or to
or should i say to reduce too much
advantage among the offensive players
every offensive player is given
just three seconds to get away from
the restricted area or the restricted
if they are in the restricted area then
they can be called with a three seconds
the main purpose of this uh violation
the main purpose of the three second
violation is to um
create an equal opportunity at some
point so two
for for both teams especially for the
defensive players
because if there was no
three seconds violation the advantage
of the offensive players will be
too much so this is something to do with
establishing fair play this is one of
uh one of the one of the things that
basketball has really
arranged with with its uh with its rules
that uh it has implemented so that
it will it can give still uh advantage
somehow for the defensive players
all right so we are we are done with
some of the very common violations
in basketball now in in violation how
can you determine that you have
committed a violation or
if there is a call of violation in
you just have to look at the um
hand signal of the referee or the
so if there is a violation the hand
signal of the referee
is like this an open palm like this with
the palm
facing forward the
fingers are close to each other
all right so that's it for the
uh violations on the next uh
video i am going to share with you
the vowels the different types of files
now we have to remember that violations
in files
are different from each other


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