Tennis and Badminton Activity Programme: Week 1: The Serve
Tennis and Badminton Activity Programme: Week 1: The Serve
Tennis and Badminton Activity Programme: Week 1: The Serve
v=25hhDULAXTQ (the bucket activity at
the end is great for improving your
Remember that you shouldn’t push yourself too far. If you are ill or sustain an injury then always give
yourself adequate time to recover before exercising. Make sure that you warm up and cool down
properly to help avoid injury. I also suggest that you join Mr Davies Zoom City from 2:45-3:45. The Zoom
ID for that is 741 525 1890
During the start of Core Sport sessions Mr Bignell will be available on zoom if you have any
questions. His Zoom ID is 741 525 1890
On Wednesday afternoons I will be available on zoom between 15:45 & 16:00 if you have any
questions. my Zoom ID is 530 162 2415