ENG105 Engineering Dynamics Tutorial 05

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ENG105 Engineering Dynamics Tutorial 05

1. A lawn bowl weighing 500g is rolled across a green so that it comes to rest in 7 sec
after travelling 15m on grass. Determine (a) the initial velocity of the ball, (b) the
coefficient of friction between the ball and the grass. (vi = 4.3 m/s, µ = 0.062)

2. The two blocks A (15kg) and B (20kg) are initially at rest. Neglecting the masses of
the pulleys and ropes and the effect of friction in the pulleys and assuming that the
coefficients of friction between block A and the horizontal surface are µs = 0.35, µk =
0.30, determine (a) the acceleration of each block, (b) the tension in the cable.
(aA = -1.23 m/s2, aB = 0.41 m/s2, T = 62.7 N)

3. During a high speed car chase shoot for a Hollywood movie, a 1.5 tonne sports car
travelling at 200 km/hr just losses contact with the ground as it passes over the crest
of a hill. Determine (a) the radius of curvature of the hill at the crest, (b) Using the
radius of curvature of (a) determine the force exerted on a 100 kg driver by the seat of
his 1.5 tonne car now travelling at 70 km/hr. (315 m, 861N)

4. A 1 tonne car travelling at 100 km/hr approaches a horizontal curve of radius 100 m.
Knowing the coefficient of static friction between the tyres and the road surface is
0.50, determine the safe speed for the driver if the super-elevation (road surface angle
with the horizontal, sloping into centre of curvature) is (a) 6°, (b) 0° due to road
subsidence. (90 km/hr, 80 km/hr)

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