Probset - Mech 2 - Dynamics

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Baggage on the floor of the baggage car of a high-speed train is not prevented from moving other
than by friction. Determine the smallest allowable value of the coefficient of static friction between a
trunk and the floor of the car if the trunk is not to slide when the train decreases its speed at a
constant rate from 200 km/h to 90 km/h in a time interval of 12 s. (0.260)
A sailboat weighing 500 kg with its occupants is running downwind at 12 km/h when its spinnaker is
raised to increase its speed. Determine the net force provided by the spinnaker over the 10-s interval
that it takes for the boat to reach a speed of 18 km/h.( Fn = 83 3 . N)
An 8-kg cylinder C rests on a 4-kg platform A supported by a cord which passes over the pulleys D and
E and is attached to a 4-kg block B. Knowing that the system is released from rest, determine (a) the
velocity of block B after 0.8 s, (b) the force exerted by the cylinder on the platform. (3.92 m/s, FC =
39. 2 N)

A 2 kg collar which can slide on a frictionless vertical rod is acted upon by a force P which varies in
magnitude as shown. Knowing that the collar is initially at rest, determine its velocity at ( a) t = 2 s, (b)
t = 3 s. (v2 = 9.23m/s, v3 = 24.4m/s)

A 60 kg block initially at rest is acted upon by a force P which varies as shown. Knowing that the
coefficients of friction between the block and the horizontal surface are ms = 0.50 and mk = 0.40,
determine (a) the time at which the block will start moving, (b) the maximum speed reached by the
block, (c) the time at which the block will stop moving.( t1 = 4.71s, vm = 18.42m/s,tm = 18.76s)
A 1.2-kg collar C may slide without friction along a horizontal rod. It is attached to three springs, each
of constant k = 400 N/m and 150-mm undeformed length. Knowing that the collar is released from
rest in the position shown, determine the maximum speed it will reach in the ensuing motion.( v2 =
3.19 m/s´)

A 10-kg collar slides without friction along a vertical rod as shown. The spring attached to the collar
has an undeformed length of 100 mm and a constant of 600 N/m. If the collar is released from rest in
position 1, determine its velocity after it has moved 150 mm to position 2. (v2 = 1.481m/s)
A thin circular rod is supported in a vertical plane by a bracket at A. Attached to the bracket and
loosely wound around the rod is a spring of constant k = 50 N/m and undeformed length equal to the
arc of circle AB. A 250 gm collar C, not attached to the spring, can slide without friction along the rod.
Knowing that the collar is released from rest at an angle q with the vertical, determine (a) the
smallest value of q for which the collar will pass through D and reach Point A, (b) the velocity of the
collar as it reaches Point A.( 43.20)

A 300-g pellet is released from rest at A and slides with friction along the surface shown. Determine
the force exerted on the pellet by the surface (a) just before the pellet reaches B, (b) immediately
after it has passed through B.(2.55N, N = 6.96 N)

A package is projected up a 15º incline at A with an initial velocity of 8 m/s. Knowing that the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the package and the incline is 0.12, determine (a) the maximum
distance d that the package will move up the incline, (b) the velocity of the package as it returns to
its original position.(8.7m, 4.94m/s)

A package is projected 10 m up a 15º incline so that it just reaches the top of the incline with zero
velocity. Knowing that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the package and the incline is 0.12,
determine (a) the initial velocity of the package at A, (b) the velocity of the package as it returns to
its original position.(8.57m/s,5.3m/s)
Two identical blocks are released from rest. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and the effect of
friction, determine (a) the velocity of Block B after it has moved 2 m, (b) the tension in the cable. (vB
= 3.69 m/s, 10.19 N)

Blocks A and B have masses of 11 kg and 5 kg, respectively, and they are both at a height h = 2 m
above the ground when the system is released from rest. Just before hitting the ground, Block A is
moving at a speed of 3 m/s. Determine (a) the amount of energy dissipated in friction by the pulley,
(b) the tension in each portion of the cord during the motion.(83.2, 60.3)
A projectile starting from ground hits a target on the ground located at a distance of 1000 meters
after 40 seconds.
a) What is the size of the angle θ?
b) At what initial velocity was the projectile launched?(82.7, 196.8)
A ball of 600 grams is kicked at an angle of 35° with the ground with an initial velocity V 0.
a) What is the initial velocity V 0 of the ball if its kinetic energy is 22 Joules when its height is
b) What is the maximum height reached by the ball)10.4m/s,1.8m)

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