Physical Education and Health 3: FITT Goals To Achieve Health-Related Fitness (HRF)

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Senior High School

First Semester – Module 3
FITT Goals to Achieve
Health-Related Fitness (HRF)

Department of Education  Republic of the Philippines

Published by the
Department of Education
Region X - Northern Mindanao
Copyright 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Region X – Northern Mindanao

Regional Director: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO V
Office Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1, Cagayan de Oro
City, Cagayan de Oro, Lalawigan ng Misamis Oriental
Senior High School

First Semester – Module 3
FITT Goals to Achieve
Health-Related Fitness (HRF)

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by

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Department of Education  Republic of the Philippines


Title Page
Title Page ……………………………………… i
Overview ……………………………………… 1
Objective ……………………………………… 1
Lesson 1: Risk Factors of Lifestyle Disease ……………………… 2
Pre-Assessment ……………………………………… 2
Activity 1 ……………………………………… 4
Activity 2 ……………………………………… 5
Activity 3 ……………………………………… 8
Lesson 2: Stress Management ……...…………………………. 9
Activity 1 ……………………………………… 9
The Eight Foundations in Performing Yoga …………………….. 10
Summary ……………………………………... 13
What activities make up your day? Do you have time to be active? Are you particular of
the food you intake daily? Today’s pandemic makes us realize how our health is very important
to each one of us. Yes, our daily household chores and activities, and the food we intake can
either make us healthier or it can put us at risk even at a young age. For you to become familiar
about lifestyle and weight management, this module will help you take the positive steps to have
a healthier lifestyle through active recreation. Enjoyable activities offers satisfying to one’s life
and enhance its quality. We need to understand the importance of taking care of your health
through physical activities and proper eating habits. You will understand the lifestyle and weight
management will enhance not just your personal fitness but your family’s fitness. So lets get
involved and be part of Active Recreation.

What this module is all about?

This module is designed to help you achieve physical fitness for health reasons through
health-related fitness (HRF) components and the application of the FITT (Frequency, Intensity,
Time, and Type).

Frequency = how often do you performed physical activities

Intensity = how hard you performed these activities

Time = how long do you perform such activities and:

Type = mode of physical activities

Lesson 1: Risk Factors of Lifestyle Disease

Lesson 2: Stress Management

What you are expected to learn from this module?

Learning Competencies
 assess the physical activity, exercises and eating habit
 determine risk factors for lifestyle disease
 apply correct techniques to minimize risk of injuries

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

 Apply what you have learned about HRF and FITT to improve physical well-being.
 Determine the risk factors for healthy lifestyle diseases.
 Perform correct techniques to minimize risk injuries.

Lesson 1

What I need to know

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to know the risk factors of lifestyle


Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in a given statement.

________1. How can one maintain an ideal weight?

a. Follow good eating habits.

b. Balance the amount of food you take in with physical activity.
c. Consult a doctor about an effective diet pill that you need to take.
d. Believe in the power of genes.

________2. A desirable level of fitness can be achieved through at least how many work outs
per week?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

________3. Which of the following food groups should be consumed sparingly?

a. fats, oils and sweets

b. fruits
c. vegetables
d. milk, yogurt and cheese

________4. Your body composition is influenced by which of the following?

a. genetics
b. age
c. gender
d. all of the above

________5. Which of the following is not a positive outcome of personal fitness?

a. improved physical appearance

b. enhanced self- esteem
c. hypertension
d. stress reduction

________6. Which of the following can help you determine which fitness and recreational
activities are realistic for you?

a. cost
b. skills and attitude
c. social needs
d. all of the above

________7. Among are the benefits of walking, except for one. Which one is it?

a. helps with weight management

b. lowers blood pressure
c. high impact exercises
d. builds aerobic fitness

_______8. Participation in active recreation is everyone’s responsibility. Which of the following

is the best reason for doing as such?
a. to have a healthy lifestyle
b. maintain ideal body weight
c. keep physically fit
d. have fun.

_______9. People who lead sedentary lifestyles are often referred to as ________.

a. couch potatoes
b. athletes
c. physically fit
d. low-health-risk people

_______10. How many servings from bread, rice cereal and pasta group should you eat each

a. one
b. two to three
c. four to five
d. six to eleven

Now check the result of your pre-assessment from your teacher and get ready for the
succeeding activities.

What I Know

Activity 1: Fitness Survey

This activity will ask you to reflect on your fitness habits.

To describe your health and fitness habits and how it can affect your lifestyle.

1. pen
2. activity notebook

1. Reflect on the different physical activities you have participated during the
previous years.
2. Using the questionnaire below, put a check on the appropriate column.
3. Tally the number of Yes and No answers. Discuss in class why you answered
a Yes or a No.

Are you into----? Yes No

Household chores
Yoga exercise
Aerobics exercise
Ballroom dancing
Strenght training

Your way of life, simply termed as lifestyle, has great influence on your health and
fitness. Are you ready to discover more about your fitness journey? Answer the wellness
lifestyle questionnaire below to analyze your current lifestyle habit.

Reflective questions

1. What are your benefits after engaging the activities?

2. Who are the people influence your choice of physical activity?
3. How these activities affect you and your lifestyle?

Activity 2: You want to be fit? Stretch it out

In this activity, you will perform basic stretching and warm-up exercises to condition your
body in performing a variety of fitness activities in this module.

The Warning Effect

An effective warm-up exercise should:

1. Increase blood flow to muscles.

2. Increase core body temperature
3. Gently raise heart rate
4. Increase muscle elasticity and:
5. Increase mental alertness


1. Perform the following warm-up exercises with the help of your family member.
2. Observe proper posture and correct execution in doing different exercises.

A. Neck Stretch
a. Bend your head forward and slightly to the right.
b. With your right hand, gently pull your head downward to stretch your neck.
c. Hold for about 16 counts. Repeat on the opposite side.

B. Shoulder Rolls
a. Stand in upright position. Roll shoulders in circular motion forward to backward.

C. Side Arm Strecth
a. Stand in upright position. Extend the right arm to the left. Use the left
arm/hand to gently push the right arm towards the body to straighten and
stretch it. Hold the stretch for 16 counts. Repeat on the left arm

D. Triceps Stretch
a. Extend one hand on the center of your back, fingers pointing downward.
b. Use the other hand to grasp the elbow and stretch your triceps muscle.
c. Hold the stretch for 16 counts. Repeat on the opposite arm.

E. Hamstring Stretch
a. Stand with your feet shoulder –width apart, one foot extended half a step
b. Keeping the front leg straight, bend your rear leg, resting both hands on the
bent thigh.
c. Stretch for 16 counts. Repeat on the opposite leg.

F. Quadricep Stretch
a. Stand near a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment support.
b. Grasp your ankle and gently pull your heel up and back until you feel a stretch in
front of your thigh.
c. Hold for about 16 counts. Switch legs and repeat.

Other warm-up exercises:

a. Hip Circles
b. March on the spot
c. Jog in place
d. Waist turns
e. Knee lifts
f. Jumping jacks

Reflective questions

1. How did you perform the different warm-up and stretching exercises?
2. What are the benefits of warm-up and stretching exercises?

Activity 3: Wellness Lifestyle Questionnaire

This activity you will be asked to assess your wellness lifestyle.

To discuss opportunities of becoming more active based on your daily routine

 activity notebook
 pen

1. Place a check in the column corresponding to your answer for each question. Get
your final score according to the guidelines provided at the end of the questionnaire
2. Answer the following reflective questions below.

Wellness lifestyle questionnaire Always Nearly Often Seldom Never

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. I eat 3 regular meals that include a

wide variety of food everyday.
2. I can perform effective stress
management technique.
3. I do not spend time and talent
worrying about failures.
4. I spend the most of my leisure
time in wholesome recreational
5. I eat fruits and vegetables
6. I study in a clean environment
7. I associate with people who have
a positive attitude about life.
8. I readily recognize problems and
act on it when I am under
excessive tension and stress.
9. I participate in vigorous aerobic
activity for 20 minutes, 3x a day
10. I avoid being alone in public
places out until midnight
11. I participate in strength training
exercise, 2 or more days per week
12. I have close friends and relatives
with whom I can discuss personal
problems and approach for help
when needed.
13. I perform flexibility exercises a
minimum of 2x per week

14. I limit the amount of fats in my diet
on most days of the week
15. I maintain my recommended body

How to score?

1. Enter the score corresponding to your score for each question in the space provided below.
2. Total the score for each specific wellness lifestyle category and obtain a rating for each
category according to the criteria provided below.

Health-Related Nutrition Stress Emotional Personal Environmental

Fitness management well-being safety Health &
1. 4. 7. 9. 11. 13.
2. 5. 8. 10. 13. 14.
3 6. 15.

Stress Management
Lesson 2

What I need to know

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to know how to manage stress.

What I need to know

Activity 1: The Wonder of Yoga Exercises

The benefits of Yoga exercise

1. A good form of meditation
2. Relaxing. Low dynamic and static movements
3. Increases respiratory efficiency
4. Best way to build core strength
5. Decreases anxiety and depression
6. Improves posture and balance

7. Tests mental endurance and physical stamina
8. Increases one’s endurance and energy
9. Improves memory, concentration, mood and self-
10. Increases one’s flexibility and is good for muscle

To perform the different basic yoga poses properly to avoid muscle injuries.

 speaker
 yoga music/instrumental music


1. Discuss the benefits of yoga exercises to one’s health

2. Perform the following warm-up and stretching exercises before performing the yoga
a. neck stretches
b. upper back and side stretches
c. lower back stretch
d. inner thigh stretch
e. hamstring stretch
f. groin stretch
g. calf stretch

The Eight Foundation Postures in Performing Yoga

1. Downward Facing Dog Position

2. Mountain Pose

3. Warrior Pose 1

4. Warrior Pose 2

5. Extended side angle

6. Triangle Pose

7. Cat-Cow Stretch

8. Staff Pose

Now that you have learned the concept of active recreation and how it can maintain and
improve your life, it is now time to share what you have learned with your family while staying at
home. The true measure of your understanding of the concepts and principles of active
recreation, fitness and a healthy lifestyle is your capacity to apply it in your daily life. Yoga
exercises will also help relieve stress and become healthier in mind and body.


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