630 Series: IEC 60870-5-103 Communication Protocol Manual

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630 series
IEC 60870-5-103 Communication
Protocol Manual
Document ID: 1MRS757203
Issued: 2019-02-25
Revision: D
Product version: 1.3

© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved

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ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of the ABB Group. All other brand or
product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.

Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative.

The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept or
product description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed properties.
All persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this manual must
satisfy themselves that each intended application is suitable and acceptable, including
that any applicable safety or other operational requirements are complied with. In
particular, any risks in applications where a system failure and/or product failure
would create a risk for harm to property or persons (including but not limited to
personal injuries or death) shall be the sole responsibility of the person or entity
applying the equipment, and those so responsible are hereby requested to ensure that
all measures are taken to exclude or mitigate such risks.

This product has been designed to be connected and communicate data and
information via a network interface which should be connected to a secure network.
It is the sole responsibility of the person or entity responsible for network
administration to ensure a secure connection to the network and to take the necessary
measures (such as, but not limited to, installation of firewalls, application of
authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of anti virus programs, etc.)
to protect the product and the network, its system and interface included, against any
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This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be
completely ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to
notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no
event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use
of this manual or the application of the equipment.
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for
use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This
conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product
standards EN 50263 and EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product
standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive. The product is
designed in accordance with the international standards of the IEC 60255 series.
Table of contents

Table of contents

Section 1 Introduction.......................................................................5
This manual........................................................................................ 5
Intended audience.............................................................................. 5
Product documentation.......................................................................6
Product documentation set............................................................6
Document revision history............................................................. 6
Related documentation..................................................................7
Symbols and conventions...................................................................7
Document conventions.................................................................. 7

Section 2 IEC 60870-5-103 overview...............................................9

IEC 60870-5-103 standard................................................................. 9
Communication system principle.................................................10

Section 3 Communication engineering...........................................11

Engineering in PCM600....................................................................11
Specific IEC 60870-5-103 settings .................................................. 11
IEC 60870-5-103 time synchronization............................................ 12

Section 4 Vendor specific implementation..................................... 15

Signals in monitoring direction..........................................................15
Measurands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103MEAS............................. 15
Function block........................................................................ 15
Functionality........................................................................... 15
Settings.................................................................................. 16
Supported information types.................................................. 17
Measurands user defined signals for IEC 60870-5-103
Function block........................................................................ 17
Functionality........................................................................... 18
Settings.................................................................................. 18
Supported information types.................................................. 19
Function status auto-recloser for IEC 60870-5-103 I103AR........19
Function block........................................................................ 19
Functionality........................................................................... 20

630 series 1
Communication Protocol Manual
Table of contents

Settings.................................................................................. 20
Supported information types.................................................. 20
Function status earth-fault for IEC 60870-5-103 I103EF.............21
Function block........................................................................ 21
Functionality........................................................................... 21
Settings.................................................................................. 21
Supported information types.................................................. 21
Function status fault protection for IEC 60870-5-103
I103FLTPROT............................................................................. 22
Function block........................................................................ 22
Functionality........................................................................... 22
Settings.................................................................................. 24
Supported information types.................................................. 24
IED status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103IED.................................... 26
Function block........................................................................ 26
Functionality........................................................................... 26
Settings.................................................................................. 26
Supported information types.................................................. 26
Supervison status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103SUPERV................27
Function block........................................................................ 27
Functionality........................................................................... 27
Settings.................................................................................. 28
Supported information types.................................................. 28
Status for user defined signals for IEC 60870-5-103
Function block........................................................................ 29
Functionality........................................................................... 29
Settings.................................................................................. 30
Supported information types.................................................. 30
Commands in control direction......................................................... 31
Function commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103CMD.................. 31
Function block........................................................................ 31
Functionality........................................................................... 31
Settings.................................................................................. 32
Supported information types.................................................. 32
IED commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103IEDCMD.................... 32
Function block........................................................................ 32
Functionality........................................................................... 33

2 630 series
Communication Protocol Manual
Table of contents

Settings.................................................................................. 33
Supported information types.................................................. 33
Function commands user defined for IEC 60870-5-103
Function block........................................................................ 34
Functionality........................................................................... 34
Settings.................................................................................. 35
Supported information types.................................................. 35
Function commands generic for IEC 60870-5-103
Function block........................................................................ 36
Functionality........................................................................... 36
Settings.................................................................................. 36
Supported information types.................................................. 36
IED commands with position and select for IEC 60870-5-103
Function block........................................................................ 37
Functionality........................................................................... 37
Settings.................................................................................. 37
Supported information types.................................................. 38
Disturbance recorder file transfer..................................................... 39
Disturbance upload .....................................................................39
Deviations from the standard ......................................................39

Section 5 Interoperability profile for 630 series IEC 60870-5-103..43

Physical layer................................................................................... 43
Electrical interface....................................................................... 43
Optical interface...........................................................................43
Transmission speed.................................................................... 43
Link layer.......................................................................................... 43
Application layer............................................................................... 43
Transmission mode for application data......................................43
COMMON ADDRESS of ASDU.................................................. 44
Selection of standard information numbers in monitor direction..44
System functions in monitor direction.....................................44
Status indications in monitor direction....................................44
Supervision indications in monitor direction........................... 45
Earth fault indications in monitor direction..............................45
Fault indications in monitor direction...................................... 45
Auto-reclosure indications in monitor direction.......................46

630 series 3
Communication Protocol Manual
Table of contents

Measurands in monitor direction............................................ 46

Generic functions in monitor direction.................................... 46
Selection of standard information numbers in control direction...47
System functions in control direction......................................47
General commands in control direction..................................47
Generic functions in monitor direction.................................... 47
Basic application functions.......................................................... 48

Section 6 Glossary......................................................................... 51

4 630 series
Communication Protocol Manual
1MRS757203 D Section 1

Section 1 Introduction

1.1 This manual

The communication protocol manual describes a communication protocol supported

by the protection relay. The manual concentrates on vendor-specific

1.2 Intended audience

This manual addresses the communication system engineer or system integrator

responsible for pre-engineering and engineering the communication setup in a
substation from a protection relay's perspective.

The system engineer or system integrator must have a basic knowledge of

communication in protection and control systems and thorough knowledge of the
specific communication protocol.

630 series 5
Communication Protocol Manual
Section 1 1MRS757203 D

1.3 Product documentation

1.3.1 Product documentation set

deinstallation & disposal


Planning &


Quick start guide
Quick installation guide
Product guide
Operation manual
Installation manual
Engineering manual
Technical manual
Application manual
Communication protocol manual
Point list manual
Commissioning manual
GUID-C8721A2B-EEB9-4880-A812-849E1A42B02C V1 EN

Figure 1: The intended use of documents during the product life cycle

Product series- and product-specific manuals can be downloaded

from the ABB Web site http://www.abb.com/relion.

1.3.2 Document revision history

Document revision/date Product series version History
A/2011-02-23 1.1 First release
B/2012-08-29 1.2 Content updated to correspond to the
product series version
C/2014-11-28 1.3 Content updated to correspond to the
product series version
D/2019-02-25 1.3 Content updated

Download the latest documents from the ABB Web site


6 630 series
Communication Protocol Manual
1MRS757203 D Section 1

1.3.3 Related documentation

Product-specific point list manuals and other product series- and product-specific
manuals can be downloaded from the ABB Web site

1.4 Symbols and conventions

1.4.1 Symbols

The caution icon indicates important information or warning related

to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of
a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage to
equipment or property.

The information icon alerts the reader of important facts and


The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your
project or how to use a certain function.

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, it is necessary to understand

that under certain operational conditions, operation of damaged equipment may result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
comply fully with all warning and caution notices.

1.4.2 Document conventions

A particular convention may not be used in this manual.

• Abbreviations and acronyms are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also
contains definitions of important terms.
• Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the
push button icons.
To navigate between the options, use and .
• Menu paths are presented in bold.
Select Main menu/Settings.
• WHMI menu names are presented in bold.
Click Information in the WHMI menu structure.
• LHMI messages are shown in Courier font.
To save the changes in nonvolatile memory, select Yes and press .
• Parameter names are shown in italics.

630 series 7
Communication Protocol Manual
Section 1 1MRS757203 D

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
• The ^ character in front of an input or output signal name in the function block
symbol given for a function, indicates that the user can set an own signal name in
• The * character after an input or output signal name in the function block symbol
given for a function, indicates that the signal must be connected to another
function block in the application configuration to achieve a valid application

8 630 series
Communication Protocol Manual
1MRS757203 D Section 2
IEC 60870-5-103 overview

Section 2 IEC 60870-5-103 overview

2.1 IEC 60870-5-103 standard

IEC 60870-5-103 is defined as a companion standard for the informative element of

protection equipment. While the official IEC 60870-5-103 standard dates back to
1997, the protocol has its roots in the VDEW6 communication protocol from the late
1980’s. A VDEW6 device can be seen as a subset of an IEC 60870-5-103 device but
not the opposite.

IEC 60870-5-103 defines communication for a serial, unbalanced link only.

Communication speeds are defined as either 9600 or 19200 baud.

Standard documentation
This manual assumes that the reader has some basic knowledge of the IEC
60870-5-103 protocol and the standard IEC 60870 documents relating to the protocol.
Table 1: Standard IEC 60870 documents relating to IEC 60870-5-103
IEC 60870 Description
document part
5-1 Transmission frame formats
5-2 Link transmission procedures
5-3 General structure of application data
5-4 Definition and coding of application information elements
5-5 Basic application functions
5-6 Conformance testing guidelines
5-103 Companion standard for the informative interface of protection equipment.

The IEC 60870-5-1…6 parts are also used in communication protocols like IEC
60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104.

Interoperability and interchangeability

An IEC 60870-5-103 device can be interoperable and interchangeable or only
interoperable. Interoperability means that any required application data in the device,
which can be coded into an IEC 60870-5-103 data type, can be mapped into the IEC
60870-5-103 address space. This data is recognized by any IEC 60870-5-103 master.

Interchangeability means supporting the application data (informative elements)

whose semantics are pre-defined by the IEC 60870-5-103 standard. However, only a
very limited set of application data informative elements has been defined by the
standard. It should also be noticed that these sets of data are mainly defined for a

630 series 9
Communication Protocol Manual
Section 2 1MRS757203 D
IEC 60870-5-103 overview

single-function protection IED. The 630 series IEDs in turn are multifunctional
protection and control IEDs whose internal data model is based on the IEC 61850

Interoperability list
The standard requires the IEC 60870-5-103 device to provide an interoperability list,
which actually is more an interchangeability list. See the vendor-specific
implementation section in this manual for the interoperability list.

2.1.1 Communication system principle


Control Center
Station HSI


Star coupler


IEC05000660 V4 EN

Figure 2: Example of IEC 60870-5-103 communication structure for a

substation automation system

IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol is mainly used when a protection IED

communicates with a third party control or monitoring system. This system must have
software that can interpret the IEC 60870-5-103 communication messages.
Table 2: Max. distances between IED/nodes
Connector Distance
Glass (ST connector) <1000 m according to optical budget

10 630 series
Communication Protocol Manual
1MRS757203 D Section 3
Communication engineering

Section 3 Communication engineering

3.1 Engineering in PCM600

Application Configuration and Parameter Setting in PCM600 are used to configure

the communication for IEC 60870-5-103 protocol.

1. Add the desired IEC 60870-5-103 function blocks to the application

configuration in the Application Configuration tool.
2. Connect the outputs of desired protection and monitoring function in the
application configuration to the inputs of the corresponding IEC 60870-5-103
function block.
3. Set the function type and desired information number, where an information
number must be supplied, for each IEC 60870-5-103 function block instance in
the Parameter Setting tool.
4. Set the general communication parameters for IEC 60870-5-103 and time
synchronization parameters in the Parameter Setting tool.

3.2 Specific IEC 60870-5-103 settings

Set parameter Operation to On either in Parameter Setting tool or from the local HMI.

Parameter Operation is found under IED Configuration/Station communication/

IEC60870-5-103:1 in PST. The IED is automatically restarted when any general
parameter is changed.

The general settings for IEC 60870-5-103 communication are the following:
• SlaveAddress and BaudRate: Settings for slave number and communication
speed (baud rate).
The slave number can be set to any value between 1 and 31. The communication
speed, can be set either to 9600 bits/s or 19200 bits/s.
• RevPolarity: Setting for connection idle state (light on or light off).
• CycMeasRepTime: Setting for CycMeasRepTime must be coordinated with the
xDbRepInt and xAngDbRepInt reporting setting on the MMXU measurement
function blocks. See I103MEAS function block for more information.
• EventRepMode: Defines the mode for how events are reported.

The event buffer size is 1000 events.

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Section 3 1MRS757203 D
Communication engineering

Event reporting mode

If "SeqOfEvent" is selected, all GI and spontaneous events will be delivered in the
order they were generated by BSW. The most recent value is the latest value delivered.
All GI data from a single block will come from the same cycle.

If "HiPriSpont" is selected, spontaneous events will be delivered prior to GI event. To

prevent old GI data from being delivered after a new spontaneous event, the pending
GI event is modified to contain the same value as the spontaneous event. As a result
the GI dataset is not time-correlated.

3.2.1 Settings
Table 3: IEC60870-5-103 Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off - - Off Operation
SlaveAddress 1 - 31 - 1 1 Slave address
BaudRate 9600 Bd - - 9600 Bd Baudrate on serial line
19200 Bd
RevPolarity Off - - On Invert polarity
CycMeasRepTime 1.0 - 1800.0 s 0.1 5.0 Cyclic reporting time of measurments
MasterTimeDomain UTC - - UTC Master time domain
Local with DST
TimeSyncMode IEDTime - - IEDTime Time synchronization mode
EvalTimeAccuracy 5ms - - 5ms Evaluate time accuracy for invalid time
EventRepMode SeqOfEvent - - SeqOfEvent Event reporting mode

3.3 IEC 60870-5-103 time synchronization

An IED with IEC 60870-5-103 protocol can be used for time synchronization, but for
accuracy reasons, it is not recommended. In some cases, however, this kind of
synchronization is needed, for example, when no other synchronization is available.

First, set the IED to be synchronized via IEC 60870-5-103 from IED Configuration/
Time/Synchronization/TIMESYNCHGEN:1 in PST.

12 630 series
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Communication engineering

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Figure 3: Settings under TIMESYNCHGEN:1 in PST

Only CoarseSyncSrc can be set to IEC 60870-5-103, not FineSyncSource.

After setting up the time synchronization source, the user must check and modify the
IEC 60870-5-103 time synchronization specific settings, under: IED Configuration/
Communication/Station communication/IEC60870-5-103:1.
• MasterTimeDomain specifies the format of the time sent by the master. Format
can be:
• Coordinated Universal Time ("UTC")
• Local time set in the master ("Local")
• Local time set in the master adjusted according to daylight saving time
("Local with DST")
• TimeSyncMode specifies the time sent by the IED. The time synchronisation is
done using the following ways:
• "IEDTime": The IED sends the messages with its own time.
• "LinMasTime": The IED measures the offset between its own time and the
master time, and applies the same offset for the messages sent as in the
"IEDTimeSkew". But in "LinMasTime" it applies the time changes
occurred between two synchronised messages.
• IEDTimeSkew: The IED measures the offset in between its own time and
the master time and applies the same offset for the messages sent.
• EvalTimeAccuracy evaluates time accuracy for invalid time. Specifies the
accuracy of the synchronization (5, 10, 20 or 40 ms). If the accuracy is worse than
the specified value, the “Bad Time” flag is raised. To accommodate those masters
that are really bad in time sync, the EvalTimeAccuracy can be set to "Off".

According to the standard, the “Bad Time” flag is reported when synchronization has
been omitted in the protection for >23 h.

630 series 13
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation

Section 4 Vendor specific implementation

The signal and setting tables specify the information types supported by the IEDs with
the communication protocol IEC 60870-5-103 implemented.

The information types are supported when corresponding functions are included in the
protection and control IED.

4.1 Signals in monitoring direction

4.1.1 Measurands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103MEAS Function block


IEC10000287 V1 EN

Figure 4: Function block Functionality

103MEAS is a function block that reports all valid measuring types depending on
connected signals.

The measured values come from the corresponding MMXU function block and are
depending on the function block settings. The event reporting interval is set by the
CycMeasRepTime parameter of the IEC 60870-5-103 communication settings.

Input signals of the IEC 60870-5-103 I103MEAS block should be connected to the
corresponding outputs of the MMXU application functions. Depending on the
connected input signals, the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol automatically selects the
proper ASDU Meas 3 or Meas 9 to be used as Class 2 data.

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Vendor specific implementation Signals
Table 4: I103MEAS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of service value reporting
IL1 REAL 0.0 Service value for current phase L1
IL2 REAL 0.0 Service value for current phase L2
IL3 REAL 0.0 Service value for current phase L3
IN REAL 0.0 Service value for residual current IN
UL1 REAL 0.0 Service value for voltage phase L1
UL2 REAL 0.0 Service value for voltage phase L2
UL3 REAL 0.0 Service value for voltage phase L3
UL1L2 REAL 0.0 Service value for voltage phase-phase L1-L2
UN REAL 0.0 Service value for residual voltage UN
P REAL 0.0 Service value for active power
Q REAL 0.0 Service value for reactive power
F REAL 0.0 Service value for system frequency Settings
Table 5: I103MEAS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 1 Function type (1-255)
MaxIL1 1 - 99999 A 1 3000 Maximum current phase L1
MaxIL2 1 - 99999 A 1 3000 Maximum current phase L2
MaxIL3 1 - 99999 A 1 3000 Maximum current phase L3
MaxIN 1 - 99999 A 1 3000 Maximum residual current IN
MaxUL1 0.05 - 2000.00 kV 0.05 230.00 Maximum voltage for phase L1
MaxUL2 0.05 - 2000.00 kV 0.05 230.00 Maximum voltage for phase L2
MaxUL3 0.05 - 2000.00 kV 0.05 230.00 Maximum voltage for phase L3
MaxUL1-UL2 0.05 - 2000.00 kV 0.05 400.00 Maximum voltage for phase-phase L1-L2
MaxUN 0.05 - 2000.00 kV 0.05 230.00 Maximum residual voltage UN
MaxP 0.00 - 2000.00 MW 0.05 1200.00 Maximum value for active power
MaxQ 0.00 - 2000.00 MVA 0.05 1200.00 Maximum value for reactive power
MaxF 50.0 - 60.0 Hz 10.0 50.0 Maximum system frequency

Maximum value corresponds to the value 4096 on the master side.

16 630 series
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Vendor specific implementation Supported information types

Measurands in public range, I103MEAS

Number of instances: 1

The IED reports all valid measuring types depending on connected signals.

According to standard the upper limit for measured currents, active/reactive-power is

2.4 times rated value.

According to standard the upper limit for measured voltages and frequency is 1.2
times rated value. The rated values can be seen from the settings of the I/O modules
(AIM2 for example).

Only the measurand standard frames defined in IEC 60870-5-103 are supported.
Table 6: Interchangeable Class 2 measurand frames
Frame No ASDU FUN1) INF Number of data Data in the Class 2 frame
1 3 1 144 1 IL2
2 3 1 145 2 IL2, U12
3 3 1 146 4 IL2, U12, P3, Q3
4 3 1 147 2 Io, Uo
5 9 1 148 9 IL1, IL2, IL3, UL1, UL2,
UL3, P3, Q3, f

1) FUN = 1 means that the Function type is coded as the Device function type which in turn is defined by
the setting parameter FunctionType.

4.1.2 Measurands user defined signals for IEC 60870-5-103

I103MEASUSR Function block


IEC10000288 V1 EN

Figure 5: Function block

630 series 17
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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation Functionality

I103MEASUSR is a function block with user defined input measurands in monitor

direction. These function blocks include the FunctionType parameter for each block
in the private range, and the Information number parameter for each block.

If I103MEASUSR is used to report angles, they are in radians. Signals
Table 7: I103MEASUSR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of service value reporting
INPUT1 REAL 0.0 Service value for measurement on input 1
INPUT2 REAL 0.0 Service value for measurement on input 2
INPUT3 REAL 0.0 Service value for measurement on input 3
INPUT4 REAL 0.0 Service value for measurement on input 4
INPUT5 REAL 0.0 Service value for measurement on input 5
INPUT6 REAL 0.0 Service value for measurement on input 6
INPUT7 REAL 0.0 Service value for measurement on input 7
INPUT8 REAL 0.0 Service value for measurement on input 8
INPUT9 REAL 0.0 Service value for measurement on input 9 Settings
Table 8: I103MEASUSR Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 25 Function type (1-255)
InfNo 1 - 255 - 1 1 Information number for measurands
MaxMeasur1 0.05 - - 0.05 1000.00 Maximum value for measurement on input
10000000000.00 1
MaxMeasur2 0.05 - - 0.05 1000.00 Maximum value for measurement on input
10000000000.00 2
MaxMeasur3 0.05 - - 0.05 1000.00 Maximum value for measurement on input
10000000000.00 3
MaxMeasur4 0.05 - - 0.05 1000.00 Maximum value for measurement on input
10000000000.00 4
MaxMeasur5 0.05 - - 0.05 1000.00 Maximum value for measurement on input
10000000000.00 5
MaxMeasur6 0.05 - - 0.05 1000.00 Maximum value for measurement on input
10000000000.00 6
Table continues on next page

18 630 series
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Vendor specific implementation

Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

MaxMeasur7 0.05 - - 0.05 1000.00 Maximum value for measurement on input
10000000000.00 7
MaxMeasur8 0.05 - - 0.05 1000.00 Maximum value for measurement on input
10000000000.00 8
MaxMeasur9 0.05 - - 0.05 1000.00 Maximum value for measurement on input
10000000000.00 9 Supported information types

Measurands in private range, I103MEASUSR

Number of instances: 3

Function type parameter for each block in private range. Default values are defined in
private range 25...27. One for each instance.

Information number must be selected for measurands.

Table 9: I103MEASUSR supported measurands
Information number Message Supported
*1) Meas1 Yes

* Meas2 Yes
* Meas3 Yes
* Meas4 Yes
* Meas5 Yes
* Meas6 Yes
* Meas7 Yes
* Meas8 Yes
* Meas9 Yes

1) User defined information number

4.1.3 Function status auto-recloser for IEC 60870-5-103 I103AR Function block


GUID-DE0A1065-4170-4F25-B74B-6CE24F42CC8D V1 EN

Figure 6: Function block

630 series 19
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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation Functionality

I103AR is a function block with defined functions for autorecloser indications in

monitor direction. This block includes the FunctionType parameter, and the
information number parameter is defined for each output signal. Signals
Table 10: I103AR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of status reporting
16_ARACT BOOLEAN 0 Information number 16, auto-recloser active
128_CBON BOOLEAN 0 Information number 128, circuit breaker on by auto-
130_UNSU BOOLEAN 0 Information number 130, unsuccessful reclosing Settings
Table 11: I103AR Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 1 Function type (1-255) Supported information types

Autorecloser indications in monitor direction, I103AR

Number of instances: 1

Function type is selected with parameter FunctionType.

Information number is defined for each output signal.

Table 12: I103AR supported indications
Information number Message Supported
16 Autorecloser active Yes
17 Teleprotection active No
18 Protection active No
128 CB on by Autorecloser Yes
129 CB ‘on’ by long-time AR No
130 Autorecloser blocked Yes

20 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation

4.1.4 Function status earth-fault for IEC 60870-5-103 I103EF Function block


IEC10000290 V1 EN

Figure 7: Function block Functionality

I103EF is a function block with defined functions for earth fault indications in monitor
direction. This block includes the FunctionType parameter, and the information
number parameter is defined for each output signal. Signals
Table 13: I103EF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of status reporting
51_EFFW BOOLEAN 0 Information number 51, earth-fault forward
52_EFREV BOOLEAN 0 Information number 52, earth-fault reverse Settings
Table 14: I103EF Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 160 Function type (1-255) Supported information types

Earth fault indications in monitor direction, I103EF

Number of instances: 1

Function type is selected with parameter FunctionType.

Information number is defined for each output signal.

630 series 21
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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation

Table 15: I103EF supported indications

Information number Message Supported
48 Earth fault L1 No
49 Earth fault L2 No
50 Earth fault L3 No
51 Earth fault forward Yes
52 Earth fault reverse Yes

4.1.5 Function status fault protection for IEC 60870-5-103

I103FLTPROT Function block


IEC10000291 V1 EN

Figure 8: Function block Functionality

I103FLTPROT is used for fault indications in monitor direction. Each input on the
function block is specific for a certain fault type and therefore must be connected to a
correspondent signal present in the configuration. For example, 68_TRGEN

22 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation

represents the General Trip of the device, and therefore must be connected to the
general trip signal SMPPTRC_TRIP or equivalent.

The delay observed in the protocol is the time difference in between the signal that is
triggering the Disturbance Recorder and the respective configured signal to the IEC
60870-5-103 I103FLTPROT. Signals
Table 16: I103FLTPROT Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of status reporting.
64_STL1 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 64, start phase L1
65_STL2 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 65, start phase L2
66_STL3 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 66, start phase L3
67_STIN BOOLEAN 0 Information number 67, start residual current IN
68_TRGEN BOOLEAN 0 Information number 68, trip general
69_TRL1 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 69, trip phase L1
70_TRL2 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 70, trip phase L2
71_TRL3 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 71, trip phase L3
72_TRBKUP BOOLEAN 0 Information number 72, back up trip I>>
73_SCL REAL 0 Information number 73, fault location in ohm
74_FW BOOLEAN 0 Information number 74, forward/line
75_REV BOOLEAN 0 Information number 75, reverse/busbar
76_TRANS BOOLEAN 0 Information number 76, signal transmitted
77_RECEV BOOLEAN 0 Information number 77, signal received
78_ZONE1 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 78, zone 1
79_ZONE2 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 79, zone 2
80_ZONE3 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 80, zone 3
81_ZONE4 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 81, zone 4
82_ZONE5 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 82, zone 5
84_STGEN BOOLEAN 0 Information number 84, start general
85_BFP BOOLEAN 0 Information number 85, breaker failure
86_MTRL1 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 86, trip measuring system
phase L1
87_MTRL2 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 87, trip measuring system
phase L2
88_MTRL3 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 88, trip measuring system
phase L3
89_MTRN BOOLEAN 0 Information number 89, trip measuring system
neutral N
90_IOC BOOLEAN 0 Information number 90, over current trip, stage low
91_IOC BOOLEAN 0 Information number 91, over current trip, stage high
Table continues on next page

630 series 23
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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation

Name Type Default Description

92_IEF BOOLEAN 0 Information number 92, earth-fault trip, stage low
93_IEF BOOLEAN 0 Information number 93, earth-fault trip, stage high
ARINPROG BOOLEAN 0 Autorecloser in progress (SMBRREC- INPROGR)
FLTLOC BOOLEAN 0 Faultlocator faultlocation valid (LMBRFLO-


Input signal ARINPROG shall be connected to the autorecloser output signal

ACTIVE, which indicates that the reclosing is started and the sequence is ongoing.
The purpose of the ARINPROGRESS input is to establish the base time for the
relative timestamps. While ARINPROGRESS is asserted, a new fault does not reset
the base for the relative time reported for trip indications, and all timestamps will be
relative to last fault with ARINPROGRESS deasserted.


Input signal FLTLOC shall be connected to the fault locator output signal
CALCMADE, the trigger to send the 73_SCL value. Settings
Table 17: I103FLTPROT Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 128 Function type (1-255) Supported information types

Function status fault protection for IEC60870-5-103, I103FLTPROT

Number of instances: 1

Function type is selected with parameter FunctionType.

Information number is defined for each input signals.

Table 18: I103FLTPROT supported indications
Information Message Supported Type GI COT
64 Start phase L1 Yes 2 Y 1,7,9
65 Start phase L2 Yes 2 Y 1,7,9
66 Start phase L3 Yes 2 Y 1,7,9
67 Start residual Yes 2 Y 1,7,9
current IN
68 Trip general Yes 2 N 1,7,9
Table continues on next page

24 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation

Information Message Supported Type GI COT

69 Trip phase L1 Yes 2 N 1,7
70 Trip phase L2 Yes 2 N 1,7
71 Trip phase L3 Yes 2 N 1,7
72 Back up trip Yes 2 N 1,7
73 Fault location Yes 4 N 1,7
in ohm
74 Forward/line Yes 2 N 1,7
75 Reverse/ Yes 2 N 1,7
76 Signal Yes 2 N 1,7
77 Signal Yes 2 N 1,7
78 Zone 1 Yes 2 N 1,7
79 Zone 2 Yes 2 N 1,7
80 Zone 3 Yes 2 N 1,7
81 Zone 4 Yes 2 N 1,7
82 Zone 5 Yes 2 N 1,7
83 Zone 6 No 2 N 1,7
84 Start general Yes 2 N 1,7,9
85 Breaker failure Yes 2 N 1,7
86 Trip Yes 2 N 1,7
system phase
87 Trip Yes 2 N 1,7
system phase
88 Trip Yes 2 N 1,7
system phase
89 Trip Yes 2 N 1,7
system neutral
90 Over current Yes 2 N 1,7
trip, stage low
91 Over current Yes 2 N 1,7
trip, stage high
92 Earth-fault Yes 2 N 1,7
trip, stage low
93 Earth-fault Yes 2 N 1,7
trip, stage high

630 series 25
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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation

4.1.6 IED status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103IED Function block


GUID-26FA1D91-FD53-46B3-834C-6639F625EE02 V1 EN

Figure 9: Function block Functionality

I103IED is a function block with defined IED functions in monitor direction. This
block uses parameter as FunctionType, and information number parameter is defined
for each input signal. Signals
Table 19: I103IED Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of status reporting
19_LEDRS BOOLEAN 0 Information number 19, reset LEDs
21_TESTM BOOLEAN 0 Information number 21, test mode is active
23_GRP1 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 23, setting group 1 is active
24_GRP2 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 24, setting group 2 is active
25_GRP3 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 25, setting group 3 is active
26_GRP4 BOOLEAN 0 Information number 26, setting group 4 is active Settings
Table 20: I103IED Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 1 Function type (1-255) Supported information types

Terminal status indications in monitor direction, I103IED

Number of instances: 1

Function type is selected with parameter FunctionType.

26 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation

Information number is defined for each input signals.

Table 21: I103IED supported indications
Information number Message Supported
19 LED reset Yes
20 Monitor direction blocked No
21 TestMode Yes
22 Local Parameter setting No
23 Setting group 1 active Yes
24 Setting group 2 active Yes
25 Setting group 3 active Yes
26 Setting group 4 active Yes

4.1.7 Supervison status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103SUPERV Function block


IEC10000293 V1 EN

Figure 10: Function block Functionality

I103SUPERV is a function block with defined functions for supervision indications

in monitor direction. This block includes the FunctionType parameter, and the
information number parameter is defined for each output signal. Signals
Table 22: I103SUPERV Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of status reporting
32_MEASI BOOLEAN 0 Information number 32, measurand supervision of I
33_MEASU BOOLEAN 0 Information number 33, measurand supervision of
37_IBKUP BOOLEAN 0 Information number 37, I high-high back-up
Table continues on next page

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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation

Name Type Default Description

38_VTFF BOOLEAN 0 Information number 38, fuse failure VT
46_GRWA BOOLEAN 0 Information number 46, group warning
47_GRAL BOOLEAN 0 Information number 47, group alarm Settings
Table 23: I103SUPERV Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 1 Function type (1-255) Supported information types

Supervision indications in monitor direction, I103SUPERV

Number of instances: 1

Function type is selected with parameter FunctionType.

Information number is defined for output signals.

Table 24: I103SUPERV supported indications
Information Message Supported Type GI COT
32 Measurand Yes 1 Y 1,7,9
supervision I
33 Measurand Yes 1 Y 1,7,9
supervision U
35 Phase No 1 Y 1,7,9
36 Trip circuit No 1 Y 1,7,9
37 I>>back-up Yes 1 Y 1,7,9
38 VT fuse failure Yes 1 Y 1,7,9
39 Teleprotection Yes 1 Y 1,7,9
46 Group Yes 1 Y 1,7,9
47 Group alarm Yes 1 Y 1,7,9

28 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation

4.1.8 Status for user defined signals for IEC 60870-5-103

I103USRDEF Function block


IEC10000294 V1 EN

Figure 11: Function block Functionality

I103USRDEF is a function blocks with user defined input signals in monitor

direction. These function blocks include the FunctionType parameter for each block
in the private range, and the information number parameter for each input signal.

I103USRDEF can be mapped to the INF that are not supported directly by specific
function blocks, for example, INF17, INF18, INF20 or INF35. After connecting the
appropriate signals to the I103USRDEF inputs, the user must also set the InfNo_x
values in the settings

GUID-391D4145-B7E6-4174-B3F7-753ADDA4D06F V1 EN

Figure 12: I103USRDEF example settings

630 series 29
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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation Signals
Table 25: I103USRDEF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of status reporting
INPUT1 BOOLEAN 0 Binary signal Input 1
INPUT2 BOOLEAN 0 Binary signal input 2
INPUT3 BOOLEAN 0 Binary signal input 3
INPUT4 BOOLEAN 0 Binary signal input 4
INPUT5 BOOLEAN 0 Binary signal input 5
INPUT6 BOOLEAN 0 Binary signal input 6
INPUT7 BOOLEAN 0 Binary signal input 7
INPUT8 BOOLEAN 0 Binary signal input 8 Settings
Table 26: I103USRDEF Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 5 Function type (1-255)
InfNo_1 1 - 255 - 1 1 Information number for binary input 1
InfNo_2 1 - 255 - 1 2 Information number for binary input 2
InfNo_3 1 - 255 - 1 3 Information number for binary input 3
InfNo_4 1 - 255 - 1 4 Information number for binary input 4
InfNo_5 1 - 255 - 1 5 Information number for binary input 5
InfNo_6 1 - 255 - 1 6 Information number for binary input 6
InfNo_7 1 - 255 - 1 7 Information number for binary input 7
InfNo_8 1 - 255 - 1 8 Information number for binary input 8
(1-255) Supported information types

Function status indications in monitor direction, user-defined,

Number of instances: 20

Function type is selected with parameter FunctionType for each function block
instance in private range. Default values are defined in private range 5...24. One for
each instance.

30 630 series
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Vendor specific implementation

Information number is required for each input signal. Default values are defined in
range 1...8.
Table 27: I103USRDEF supported indications
Information number Message Supported
1 Binary signal input Yes
2 Binary signal input Yes
3 Binary signal input Yes
4 Binary signal input Yes
5 Binary signal input Yes
6 Binary signal input Yes
7 Binary signal input Yes
8 Binary signal input Yes

4.2 Commands in control direction

4.2.1 Function commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103CMD Function block


IEC10000282 V1 EN

Figure 13: Function block Functionality

I103CMD is a command function block in control direction with pre-defined output

signals. Signals
Table 28: I103CMD Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of commands

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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
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Table 29: I103CMD Output signals

Name Type Description
16-AR BOOLEAN Information number 16, block of autorecloser
17-DIFF BOOLEAN Information number 17, block of differential
18-PROT BOOLEAN Information number 18, block of protection Settings
Table 30: I103CMD Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 1 Function type (1-255) Supported information types

Function commands in control direction, pre-defined I103CMD

Number of instances: 1

Function type is selected with parameter FunctionType.

Information number is defined for each output signal.

Table 31: I103CMD supported commands
Information number Message Supported
16 Auto-recloser on/off Yes
17 Teleprotection on/off Yes
18 Protection on/off Yes

4.2.2 IED commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103IEDCMD Function block


IEC10000283 V1 EN

Figure 14: Function block

32 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation Functionality

I103IEDCMD is a command block in control direction with defined IED functions. Signals
Table 32: I103IEDCMD Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of commands

Table 33: I103IEDCMD Output signals

Name Type Description
19-LEDRS BOOLEAN Information number 19, reset LEDs
23-GRP1 BOOLEAN Information number 23, activate setting group 1
24-GRP2 BOOLEAN Information number 24, activate setting group 2
25-GRP3 BOOLEAN Information number 25, activate setting group 3
26-GRP4 BOOLEAN Information number 26, activate setting group 4 Settings
Table 34: I103IEDCMD Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 255 Function type (1-255) Supported information types

Commands in control direction, I103IEDCMD

Number of instances: 1

Function type is selected with parameter FunctionType.

Information number is defined for each output signal.

Table 35: I103IEDCMD supported commands
Information number Message Supported
19 LED Reset Yes
23 Activate setting group 1 Yes
24 Activate setting group 2 Yes
25 Activate setting group 3 Yes
26 Activate setting group 4 Yes

630 series 33
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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation

4.2.3 Function commands user defined for IEC 60870-5-103

I103USRCMD Function block


IEC10000284 V1 EN

Figure 15: Function block Functionality

I103USRCMD is a command block in control direction with user defined output

signals. These function blocks include the FunctionType parameter for each block in
the private range, and the Information number parameter for each output signal. Signals
Table 36: I103USRCMD Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of commands

Table 37: I103USRCMD Output signals

Name Type Description
OUTPUT1 BOOLEAN Command output 1
OUTPUT2 BOOLEAN Command output 2
OUTPUT3 BOOLEAN Command output 3
OUTPUT4 BOOLEAN Command output 4
OUTPUT5 BOOLEAN Command output 5
OUTPUT6 BOOLEAN Command output 6
OUTPUT7 BOOLEAN Command output 7
OUTPUT8 BOOLEAN Command output 8

34 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation Settings
Table 38: I103USRCMD Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 1 Function type (1-255)
PulseMode Steady - - Pulsed Pulse mode
PulseLength 0.200 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.400 Pulse length
InfNo_1 1 - 255 - 1 1 Information number for output 1 (1-255)
InfNo_2 1 - 255 - 1 2 Information number for output 2 (1-255)
InfNo_3 1 - 255 - 1 3 Information number for output 3 (1-255)
InfNo_4 1 - 255 - 1 4 Information number for output 4 (1-255)
InfNo_5 1 - 255 - 1 5 Information number for output 5 (1-255)
InfNo_6 1 - 255 - 1 6 Information number for output 6 (1-255)
InfNo_7 1 - 255 - 1 7 Information number for output 7 (1-255)
InfNo_8 1 - 255 - 1 8 Information number for output 8 (1-255) Supported information types

Function commands in control direction, user-defined, I103USRCMD

Number of instances: 4

Function type for each function block instance in private range is selected with
parameter FunctionType. Default values are defined in private range 1...4. One for
each instance.

Information number must be selected for each output signal. Default values are 1...8.
Table 39: I103USRCMD supported commands
Information number Message Supported
1 Output signal 01 Yes
2 Output signal 02 Yes
3 Output signal 03 Yes
4 Output signal 04 Yes
5 Output signal 05 Yes
6 Output signal 06 Yes
7 Output signal 07 Yes
8 Output signal 08 Yes

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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
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4.2.4 Function commands generic for IEC 60870-5-103

I103GENCMD Function block


IEC10000285 V1 EN

Figure 16: Function block Functionality

I103GENCMD is used for transmitting generic commands over IEC 60870-5-103.

The function has two outputs signals CMD_OFF and CMD_ON that can be used to
implement double-point command schemes. Signals
Table 40: I103GENCMD Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of command

Table 41: I103GENCMD Output signals

Name Type Description
CMD_OFF BOOLEAN Command output OFF
CMD_ON BOOLEAN Command output ON Settings
Table 42: I103GENCMD Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 127 - 1 1 Function type (1-127)
PulseLength 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.400 Pulse length
InfNo 32 - 239 - 1 32 Information number for command output
(32-239) Supported information types

Function commands generic for IEC60870-5-103, I103GENCMD

Number of instances: 50

36 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation

Function type for each function block instance is selected with parameter

Information number must be selected for command output.

4.2.5 IED commands with position and select for IEC 60870-5-103
I103POSCMD Function block


IEC10000286 V1 EN

Figure 17: Function block Functionality

I103POSCMD is used for controllable switching devices. It has double-point position

indicators that are getting the position value as an integer (POSITION output of the
GNRLCSWI function block) and sending it over IEC 60870-5-103 (1=OPEN;
2=CLOSE).The standard does not define the use of values 0 and 3 . However, when
connected to a switching device, these values are transmitted.

The BLOCK input blocks only the signals in monitoring direction (the position
information), not the commands via IEC 60870-5-103. The SELECT input is used to
indicate that the monitored apparatus has been selected (in a select-before-operate
type of control) Signals
Table 43: I103POSCMD Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of command
POSITION INTEGER 0 Position of controllable object
SELECT BOOLEAN 0 Select of controllable object Settings
Table 44: I103POSCMD Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FunctionType 1 - 255 - 1 1 Fucntion type (1-255)
InfNo 160 - 196 - 4 160 Information number for command output

630 series 37
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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation Supported information types

IED commands with position and select for IEC60870-5-103,

Number of instances: 50

Function type for each function block instance is selected with parameter

Information number must be selected for command output.

Table 45: Each I103POSCMD has four INF forming four commands and two indications
INF Inst 1 Inst 2 Inst 3 Type Purpose Comment
Base + 0 160 164 168 20 Direct Set position
operate direct
Base + 1 161 165 169 20 Select Select
Base + 2 162 166 170 20 Operate Set position
Base + 3 163 167 171 20 Cancel Cancel
Base + 0 160 164 168 1 Position Current
Base + 1 161 165 169 1 Selected Device

Use the same RII for both Select and Operate. Otherwise, the Operate
command results in a NAK signal.

The current implementation of the IEC 60870-5-103 commands

rejects any new command if a previously issued command has not yet
been completed.

The value of the control model parameter of the switching device has
no effect on operation.

38 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation

4.3 Disturbance recorder file transfer

4.3.1 Disturbance upload

The transfer functionality is based on the Disturbance recorder function. The analog
and binary signals recorded are reported to the master by file transfer. The eight last
disturbances that are recorded are available for transfer to the master. A file that has
been transferred and acknowledged by the master cannot be transferred again.

The binary signals reported by polling are connected to the disturbance function
blocks B1RBDR to B4RBDR. These function blocks include the function type and the
information number for each signal. The reported analog channels are connected to
the disturbance function blocks A1RADR to A4RADR. The eight first ones belong to
the public range and the remaining ones to the private range.

See the technical manual for more information on the description of

the disturbance report.

The following elements are used in the ASDUs defined in the standard.

Analog signals, 40 channels: the channel number for each channel has to be specified.
Channels 1...8 are used in the public range.

• IL1 connected to channel 1 on disturbance function block A1RADR

• IL2 connected to channel 2 on disturbance function block A1RADR
• IL3 connected to channel 3 on disturbance function block A1RADR
• IN connected to channel 4 on disturbance function block A1RADR
• UL1E connected to channel 5 on disturbance function block A1RADR
• UL2E connected to channel 6 on disturbance function block A1RADR
• UL3E connected to channel 7 on disturbance function block A1RADR
• UEN connected to channel 8 on disturbance function block A1RADR

Channel numbers used for the remaining 32 analog signals are numbers in the private
range 64...95.

Binary signals, 64 channels: for each channel the user can specify a function type and
an information number.

4.3.2 Deviations from the standard

For each input of the Disturbance recorder function there is a setting for the
information number of the connected signal. The information number can be set to any
value between 0...255. Default value is “0”.

Furthermore, there is a setting on each input of the Disturbance recorder function for
the function type.

630 series 39
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Section 4 1MRS757203 D
Vendor specific implementation

Disturbance upload

All analog and binary signals that are recorded with disturbance recorder can be
reported to the master. The last eight disturbances that are recorded are available for
transfer to the master. A successfully transferred disturbance (acknowledged by the
master) will not be reported to the master again.

When a new disturbance is recorded by the IED a list of available recorded

disturbances (ASDU 23) will be sent to the master, an updated list of available
disturbances will also be sent whenever something has happened to disturbances in
this list. For example, when a disturbance is deleted (by other client, for example,
PCM600) or when a new disturbance has been recorded or when the master has
uploaded a recording.

Deviations from the standard

This section describes all data that is not exactly as specified in the standard.


In ‘list of recorded disturbances’ (ASDU23) an information element named SOF

(status of fault) exists. This information element consists of 4 bits.

• Bit TP: the protection equipment has tripped during the fault
• Bit TM: the disturbance data are currently being transmitted
• Bit TEST: the disturbance data have been recorded during normal operation or
test mode.
• Bit OTEV: the disturbance data recording has been initiated by another event than

The only information that is easily available is test-mode status. The other information
is always set (hard coded) according to the following table.
Table 46: Default bit descriptions
Bit Description
TP Recorded fault with trip [1]
TM Disturbance data waiting for transmission [0]
OTEV Disturbance data initiated by other events [1]

Another information element in ASDU23 is the FAN (fault number). According to the
standard this is a number that is incremented when a protection function takes action.


When a disturbance has been selected by the master; (by sending ASDU24), the
protection equipment answers by sending ASDU26, which contains an information
element named NOF (number of grid faults). This number must indicate fault number
in the power system,that is, a fault in the power system with several trip and auto-
reclosing has the same NOF (while the FAN must be incremented).

40 630 series
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1MRS757203 D Section 4
Vendor specific implementation

To get INF and FUN for the recorded binary signals there are parameters on the
disturbance recorder for each input. The user must set these parameters to identify the
corresponding inputs.


To use the full dynamic range of the transfer representation, RPV is set to the
maximum dynamic value in the recorded signal, RSV to 1.0 and RFA to 1 - 2e-15.

630 series 41
Communication Protocol Manual
1MRS757203 D Section 5
Interoperability profile for 630 series IEC 60870-5-103

Section 5 Interoperability profile for 630 series IEC


5.1 Physical layer

5.1.1 Electrical interface

⃞ EIA RS-485
⃞ Number of loads ........................ for one protection equipment

5.1.2 Optical interface

⊠ Glass fibre
⃞ Plastic fibre
⃞ F-SMA type connector
⊠ BFOC/2,5 type connector

5.1.3 Transmission speed

⊠ 9 600 bit/s
⊠ 19 200 bit/s

5.2 Link layer

There are no choices for the link layer.

5.3 Application layer

5.3.1 Transmission mode for application data

Mode 1 (least significant octet first), as defined in 4.10 of IEC 60870-5-4, is used
exclusively in this companion standard.

630 series 43
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Section 5 1MRS757203 D
Interoperability profile for 630 series IEC 60870-5-103


⊠ One COMMON ADDRESS OF ASDU (identical with station address)

5.3.3 Selection of standard information numbers in monitor

direction System functions in monitor direction

INF Semantics
⊠ <0> End of general interrogation
⊠ <1> Time synchronization
⊠ <2> Reset FCB
⊠ <3> Reset CU
⊠ <4> Start/restart
⊠ <5> Power on Status indications in monitor direction

INF Semantics
⊠ <16> Auto-recloser active
⃞ <17> Teleprotection active
⃞ <18> Protection active
⊠ <19> LED reset
⃞ <20> Monitor direction blocked
⊠ <21> Test mode
⃞ <22> Local parameter setting
⊠ <23> Characteristic 1
⊠ <24> Characteristic 2
⊠ <25> Characteristic 3
⊠ <26> Characteristic 4
⃞ <27> Auxiliary input 1
⃞ <28> Auxiliary input 2
⃞ <29> Auxiliary input 3
⃞ <30> Auxiliary input 4

44 630 series
Communication Protocol Manual
1MRS757203 D Section 5
Interoperability profile for 630 series IEC 60870-5-103 Supervision indications in monitor direction

INF Semantics
⊠ <32> Measurand supervision I
⊠ <33> Measurand supervision V
⃞ <35> Phase sequence supervision
⃞ <36> Trip circuit supervision
⊠ <37> I>> back-up operation
⊠ <38> VT fuse failure
⃞ <39> Teleprotection disturbed
⊠ <46> Group warning
⊠ <47> Group alarm Earth fault indications in monitor direction

INF Semantics
⃞ <48> Earth fault L1

⃞ <49> Earth fault L2

⃞ <50> Earth fault L3

⊠ <51> Earth fault forward, for example line

⊠ <52> Earth fault reverse, for example busbar Fault indications in monitor direction

INF Semantics
⊠ <64> Start /pick-up L1

⊠ <65> Start /pick-up L2

⊠ <66> Start /pick-up L3

⊠ <67> Start /pick-up N

⊠ <68> General trip
⊠ <69> Trip L1

⊠ <70> Trip L2

⊠ <71> Trip L3

⊠ <72> Trip I>> (back-up operation)

⊠ <73> Fault location X in ohms
⊠ <74> Fault forward/line
⊠ <75> Fault reverse/busbar
⊠ <76> Teleprotection signal transmitted
⊠ <77> Teleprotection signal received
⊠ <78> Zone 1
Table continues on next page

630 series 45
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Section 5 1MRS757203 D
Interoperability profile for 630 series IEC 60870-5-103

⊠ <79> Zone 2
⊠ <80> Zone 3
⊠ <81> Zone 4
⊠ <82> Zone 5
⃞ <83> Zone 6
⊠ <84> General start/pick-up
⊠ <85> Breaker failure
⊠ <86> Trip measuring system L1

⊠ <87> Trip measuring system L2

⊠ <88> Trip measuring system L3

⊠ <89> Trip measuring system E

⊠ <90> Trip I>
⊠ <91> Trip I>>
⊠ <92> Trip IN>
⊠ <93> Trip IN>> Auto-reclosure indications in monitor direction

INF Semantics
⊠ <128> CB ’on’ by AR
⃞ <129> CB ’on’ by long-time AR
⊠ <130> AR blocked Measurands in monitor direction

INF Semantics
⊠ <144> Measurand I
⊠ <145> Measurands I, V
⊠ <146> Measurands I, V, P, Q
⊠ <147> Measurands IN, VEN

⊠ <148> Measurands IL1,2,3, VL1,2,3, P, Q, f Generic functions in monitor direction

INF Semantics
⃞ <240> Read headings of all defined groups
⃞ <241> Read values or attributes of all entries of one group
⃞ <243> Read directory of a single entry
⃞ <244> Read value or attribute of a single entry
Table continues on next page

46 630 series
Communication Protocol Manual
1MRS757203 D Section 5
Interoperability profile for 630 series IEC 60870-5-103

⃞ <245> End of general interrogation of generic data

⃞ <248> Write entry
⃞ <249> Write entry with confirmation
⃞ <250> Write entry with execution
⃞ <251> Write entry aborted

5.3.4 Selection of standard information numbers in control

direction System functions in control direction

INF Semantics
⊠ <0> Initiation of general interrogation
⊠ <0> Time synchronization General commands in control direction

INF Semantics
⊠ <16> Auto-recloser on/off
⊠ <17> Teleprotection on/off
⊠ <18> Protection on/off
⊠ <19> LED reset
⊠ <23> Activate characteristic 1
⊠ <24> Activate characteristic 2
⊠ <25> Activate characteristic 3
⊠ <26> Activate characteristic 4 Generic functions in monitor direction

INF Semantics
⃞ <240> Read headings of all defined groups
⃞ <241> Read values or attributes of all entries of one group
⃞ <243> Read directory of a single entry
⃞ <244> Read value or attribute of a single entry
⃞ <245> End of general interrogation of generic data
⃞ <248> Write entry
⃞ <249> Write entry with confirmation
⃞ <250> Write entry with execution
⃞ <251> Write entry aborted

630 series 47
Communication Protocol Manual
Section 5 1MRS757203 D
Interoperability profile for 630 series IEC 60870-5-103

5.3.5 Basic application functions

⊠ Test mode
⃞ Blocking of monitor direction
⊠ Disturbance data
⃞ Generic services
⊠ Private data

5.3.6 Miscellaneous
Measurands are transmitted as Class2 data using ASDU 3 or ASDU 9. The maximum
MVAL can either be 1.2 or 2.4 times the rated value. No different rating shall be used
in ASDU 3 and ASDU 9, that is, there is only one choice for each measurand.

Measurand Max. MVAL = rated value times

1.2 or 2.4
Current L1 ⊠ ⊠

Current L2 ⊠ ⊠

Current L3 ⊠ ⊠

Voltage L1-E ⊠ ⊠

Voltage L2-E ⊠ ⊠

Voltage L3-E ⊠ ⊠

Active power P ⊠ ⊠
Reactive power Q ⊠ ⊠
Frequency f ⊠ ⊠
Voltage L1 - L2 ⊠ ⊠

Recorded analog channels are sent with ASDU26 and ASDU31. One information
element in these ASDUs is called ACC and it indicates the actual channel to be
processed. The channels on disturbance recorder are sent with an ACC according to
the following table.
Table 47: ACC information
DRA#-Input ACC IEC103 meaning
1 1 IL1
2 2 IL2
3 3 IL3
4 4 IN
5 5 UL1
6 6 UL2
7 7 UL3
Table continues on next page

48 630 series
Communication Protocol Manual
1MRS757203 D Section 5
Interoperability profile for 630 series IEC 60870-5-103

DRA#-Input ACC IEC103 meaning

8 8 UN
9 64 Private range
10 65 Private range
11 66 Private range
12 67 Private range
13 68 Private range
14 69 Private range
15 70 Private range
16 71 Private range
17 72 Private range
18 73 Private range
19 74 Private range
20 75 Private range
21 76 Private range
22 77 Private range
23 78 Private range
24 79 Private range
25 80 Private range
26 81 Private range
27 82 Private range
28 83 Private range
29 84 Private range
30 85 Private range
31 86 Private range
32 87 Private range
33 88 Private range
34 89 Private range
35 90 Private range
36 91 Private range
37 92 Private range
38 93 Private range
39 94 Private range
40 95 Private range

630 series 49
Communication Protocol Manual
1MRS757203 D Section 6

Section 6 Glossary

ACC Actual channel, related to IEC 60870-5-103 disturbance

ASDU Application-layer service data unit
COT Cause of transmission
EIA RS-485 Electrical communication interface standard
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
FAN Fault number
FUN Function type
GI General interrogation
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 60870-5-101 Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks
IEC 60870-5-103 1. Communication standard for protective equipment
2. A serial master/slave protocol for point-to-point
IEC 60870-5-104 Network access for IEC 60870-5-101
IED Intelligent electronic device
INF Information number
LHMI Local human-machine interface
NAK Negative acknowledgement
NOF Number of grid faults
OTEV Disturbance recording triggered from start bit
PCM600 Protection and Control IED Manager
RFA Reference factor
RII Return information identifier
RPV Rated primary value
RSV Rated secondary value
SOF Status of fault
TEST Disturbance data recorded in test mode bit
TM Disturbance data transmission in progress bit
TP Disturbance data recorded with or without trip bit
VDEW6 Communication protocol standard for protection devices

630 series 51
Communication Protocol Manual
Section 6 1MRS757203 D

WHMI Web human-machine interface

52 630 series
Communication Protocol Manual

ABB Distribution Solutions
Distribution Automation
P.O. Box 699
FI-65101 VAASA, Finland
Phone +358 10 22 11

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