REX610 Tech 2NGA000825 ENb

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Technical Manual
Document ID: 2NGA000825
Issued: 2022-06-29
Revision: B
Product version: 1.0

© Copyright 2022 ABB. All rights reserved

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ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of the ABB Group. All other brand or
product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.

Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative.
The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept
or product description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed
properties. All persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this
manual must satisfy themselves that each intended application is suitable and
acceptable, including that any applicable safety or other operational requirements
are complied with. In particular, any risks in applications where a system failure
and/or product failure would create a risk for harm to property or persons
(including but not limited to personal injuries or death) shall be the sole
responsibility of the person or entity applying the equipment, and those so
responsible are hereby requested to ensure that all measures are taken to exclude or
mitigate such risks.

This product has been designed to be connected and communicate data and
information via a network interface which should be connected to a secure
network. It is the sole responsibility of the person or entity responsible for network
administration to ensure a secure connection to the network and to take the
necessary measures (such as, but not limited to, installation of firewalls, application
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etc.) to protect the product and the network, its system and interface included,
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This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be
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no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from
the use of this manual or the application of the equipment. In case of discrepancies
between the English and any other language version, the wording of the English
version shall prevail.
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European
Communities on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive 2014/30/EU) and concerning
electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive
2014/35/EU). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by the third party
testing laboratory KEMA in accordance with the product standard EN 60255-26
for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN
60255-27 for the low voltage directive. The product is designed in accordance with
the international standards of the IEC 60255 series.
Table of contents

Table of contents

Section 1 Introduction.....................................................................17
This manual...................................................................................... 17
Intended audience............................................................................ 17
Product documentation.....................................................................18
Product documentation set..........................................................18
Document revision history........................................................... 18
Related documentation................................................................18
Symbols and conventions.................................................................18
Document conventions................................................................ 19
Functions, codes and symbols.................................................... 20

Section 2 REX610 overview...........................................................23

Product version history................................................................ 23
PCM600 and relay connectivity package version........................23
Relay hardware................................................................................ 23
Local HMI......................................................................................... 25
Keypad........................................................................................ 27
Audit trail......................................................................................30
Station communication..................................................................... 31
Modification Sales............................................................................ 31

Section 3 Basic functions............................................................... 33

General parameters..........................................................................33
Communication ................................................................................35
Secure communication................................................................ 36
Communication services ............................................................ 36
Ethernet ports.........................................................................36
USB port (front port)............................................................... 37
Serial port supervision SERLCCH...............................................38
Function block........................................................................ 38
Functionality........................................................................... 38
Settings.................................................................................. 39
Monitored data....................................................................... 39
Physical locations of the serial channels..................................... 39

REX610 1
Technical Manual
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RS-485 bias and termination settings..........................................40

Serial link diagnostics and monitoring......................................... 41
Modbus protocol MBSLPRT........................................................ 42
Function block........................................................................ 42
Functionality........................................................................... 42
Self-supervision................................................................................ 42
Internal faults............................................................................... 43
Warnings..................................................................................... 46
Programmable LEDs........................................................................ 48
Identification................................................................................ 48
Function block............................................................................. 48
Functionality................................................................................ 48
Monitored data.............................................................................54
Time synchronization........................................................................55
Time master supervision GNRLLTMS.........................................55
Function block........................................................................ 55
Functionality........................................................................... 55
Settings.................................................................................. 57
Monitored data....................................................................... 58
Generic protection control PROTECTION........................................59
Function block............................................................................. 59
Functionality................................................................................ 59
Local/Remote control CONTROL..................................................... 62
Function block............................................................................. 62
Functionality................................................................................ 62
L/R control access....................................................................... 63
Control mode............................................................................... 64
Monitored data.............................................................................66
Nonvolatile memory..........................................................................67
SD card.............................................................................................67
Analog measurement channels........................................................ 67
Binary inputs.....................................................................................68
Binary input threshold voltage..................................................... 69
Threshold hysteresis................................................................... 69
Binary input filter time.................................................................. 70
Binary input inversion.................................................................. 71

2 REX610
Technical Manual
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Oscillation suppression................................................................71
Binary outputs...................................................................................71
Power outputs..............................................................................72
Preprocessing blocks....................................................................... 73
Phase current preprocessing ILTCTR......................................... 73
Identification........................................................................... 73
Function block........................................................................ 73
Functionality........................................................................... 74
Settings.................................................................................. 75
Residual current preprocessing RESTCTR ................................75
Identification........................................................................... 75
Function block........................................................................ 75
Functionality........................................................................... 75
Settings.................................................................................. 76
Phase and residual voltage preprocessing UTVTR.....................77
Identification........................................................................... 77
Function block........................................................................ 77
Functionality........................................................................... 77
Reference angle calculation................................................... 78
Residual voltage scaling.........................................................79
Settings.................................................................................. 81
Monitored data....................................................................... 82
GOOSE function blocks....................................................................82
Received GOOSE binary information GOOSERCV_BIN............ 82
Function block........................................................................ 82
Functionality........................................................................... 82
Received GOOSE measured value information
Function block........................................................................ 83
Functionality........................................................................... 83
Received GOOSE interlocking information GOOSERCV_INTL.. 84
Function block........................................................................ 84
Functionality........................................................................... 84
Type conversion function blocks...................................................... 85
Good signal quality QTY_GOOD.................................................85
Function block........................................................................ 85
Functionality........................................................................... 85

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Bad signal quality QTY_BAD.......................................................85
Function block........................................................................ 85
Functionality........................................................................... 86
Configurable logic blocks..................................................................86
Minimum pulse timer................................................................... 86
Minimum pulse timer, two channels TPGAPC (ANSI 62TP).. 86
Minimum pulse timer second resolution, two channels
TPSGAPC (ANSI 62TPS)...................................................... 88
Minimum pulse timer minutes resolution, two channels
TPMGAPC (ANSI 62TPM)..................................................... 90
Time delay off, eight channels TOFGAPC (ANSI 62TOF).......... 91
Identification........................................................................... 91
Function block........................................................................ 91
Functionality........................................................................... 92
Settings.................................................................................. 93
Monitored data....................................................................... 93
Technical data........................................................................ 94
Time delay on, eight channels TONGAPC (ANSI 62TON)..........94
Identification........................................................................... 94
Function block........................................................................ 94
Functionality........................................................................... 94
Settings.................................................................................. 96
Monitored data....................................................................... 96
Technical data........................................................................ 97
Programmable buttons FKEYGGIO (ANSI FKEY)...................... 97
Identification........................................................................... 97
Function block........................................................................ 97
Functionality........................................................................... 97
Operation principle................................................................. 98
Monitored data....................................................................... 98
Standard logic operators.................................................................. 99
OR gate with two inputs OR, six inputs OR6 and twenty
inputs OR20.................................................................................99
Function block........................................................................ 99
Functionality........................................................................... 99
Settings................................................................................ 101
AND gate with two inputs AND, six inputs AND6 and twenty
inputs AND20............................................................................ 101

4 REX610
Technical Manual
Table of contents

Function block...................................................................... 101

Functionality......................................................................... 101
Settings................................................................................ 103
XOR gate with two inputs XOR ................................................ 103
Function block...................................................................... 103
Functionality......................................................................... 103
Settings................................................................................ 104
NOT gate NOT.......................................................................... 104
Function block...................................................................... 104
Functionality......................................................................... 104
Settings................................................................................ 104
Rising edge detector R_TRIG....................................................105
Function block...................................................................... 105
Functionality......................................................................... 105
Settings................................................................................ 105
Falling edge detector F_TRIG................................................... 105
Function block...................................................................... 105
Functionality......................................................................... 106
Settings................................................................................ 106
SR flip-flop, volatile SR..............................................................106
Function block...................................................................... 106
Functionality......................................................................... 106
RS flip-flop, volatile RS..............................................................107
Function block...................................................................... 107
Functionality......................................................................... 107
Factory settings restoration............................................................ 108
Ethernet channel supervision functions..........................................108
Ethernet channel supervision SCHLCCH..................................109
Function block...................................................................... 109
Functionality......................................................................... 109
Settings................................................................................ 109
Monitored data..................................................................... 110

Section 4 Protection functions......................................................111

Three-phase current protection...................................................... 111

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Technical Manual
Table of contents

Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection

PHxPTOC (ANSI 51P-1, 51P-2, 50P)....................................... 111
Identification......................................................................... 111
Function block...................................................................... 111
Functionality......................................................................... 111
Analog input configuration....................................................112
Operation principle............................................................... 112
Measurement modes............................................................115
Timer characteristics............................................................ 115
Settings................................................................................ 124
Monitored data..................................................................... 127
Technical data...................................................................... 128
Three-phase directional overcurrent protection DPHxPDOC
(ANSI 67P/51P-1, 67P/51P-2)...................................................129
Identification......................................................................... 129
Function block...................................................................... 129
Functionality......................................................................... 129
Analog channel configuration............................................... 129
Operation principle .............................................................. 130
Measurement modes............................................................135
Directional overcurrent characteristics ................................ 136
Settings................................................................................ 147
Monitored data..................................................................... 150
Technical data...................................................................... 152
Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and
distribution transformers T1PTTR (ANSI 49F).......................... 153
Identification......................................................................... 153
Function block...................................................................... 153
Functionality......................................................................... 153
Analog channel configuration............................................... 153
Operation principle............................................................... 154
Settings................................................................................ 158
Monitored data..................................................................... 159
Technical data...................................................................... 159
Loss of phase, undercurrent PHPTUC (ANSI 37)..................... 159
Identification......................................................................... 159
Function block...................................................................... 160
Functionality......................................................................... 160

6 REX610
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Analog input configuration....................................................160

Operation principle............................................................... 160
Settings................................................................................ 163
Monitored data..................................................................... 163
Technical data...................................................................... 163
Earth-fault protection...................................................................... 164
Non-directional earth-fault protection EFxPTOC (ANSI
51G/51N-1, 51G/51N-2, 50G/50N)............................................164
Identification......................................................................... 164
Function block...................................................................... 164
Functionality......................................................................... 164
Analog channel configuration............................................... 164
Operation principle............................................................... 165
Measurement modes............................................................167
Timer characteristics............................................................ 167
Settings................................................................................ 170
Monitored data..................................................................... 173
Technical data...................................................................... 174
Directional earth-fault protection DEFxPDEF (ANSI
67G/N-1 51G/N-1, 67G/N-1 51G/N-2)....................................... 174
Identification......................................................................... 174
Function block...................................................................... 175
Functionality......................................................................... 175
Analog channel configuration............................................... 175
Operation principle............................................................... 176
Directional earth-fault principles .......................................... 181
Measurement modes............................................................187
Timer characteristics............................................................ 188
Directional earth-fault characteristics................................... 189
Settings................................................................................ 200
Monitored data..................................................................... 204
Technical data...................................................................... 205
Unbalance protection......................................................................206
Negative-sequence overcurrent protection NSPTOC (ANSI
46M).......................................................................................... 206
Identification......................................................................... 206
Function block...................................................................... 206
Functionality......................................................................... 206

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Technical Manual
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Analog channel configuration............................................... 206

Operation principle............................................................... 207
Settings................................................................................ 210
Monitored data..................................................................... 211
Technical data...................................................................... 211
Phase discontinuity / Single phasing protection for motor
PDNSPTOC (ANSI 46PD).........................................................212
Identification......................................................................... 212
Function block...................................................................... 212
Functionality......................................................................... 212
Analog channel configuration............................................... 212
Operation principle............................................................... 213
Settings................................................................................ 216
Monitored data..................................................................... 216
Technical data...................................................................... 216
Voltage protection...........................................................................217
Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV (ANSI 59)......... 217
Identification......................................................................... 217
Function block...................................................................... 217
Functionality......................................................................... 217
Analog channel configuration............................................... 217
Operation principle............................................................... 218
Timer characteristics............................................................ 222
Settings................................................................................ 223
Monitored data..................................................................... 225
Technical data...................................................................... 225
Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV (ANSI 27)....... 225
Identification......................................................................... 225
Function block...................................................................... 226
Functionality......................................................................... 226
Analog channel configuration............................................... 226
Operation principle............................................................... 227
Timer characteristics............................................................ 231
Settings................................................................................ 232
Monitored data..................................................................... 234

8 REX610
Technical Manual
Table of contents

Technical data...................................................................... 234

Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV (ANSI 59G/59N).. 234
Identification......................................................................... 234
Function block...................................................................... 235
Functionality......................................................................... 235
Analog channel configuration............................................... 235
Operation principle............................................................... 236
Settings................................................................................ 237
Monitored data..................................................................... 238
Technical data...................................................................... 238
Multipurpose protection MAPGAPC (ANSI MAP)...........................239
Identification.............................................................................. 239
Function block........................................................................... 239
Functionality.............................................................................. 239
Operation principle.................................................................... 239
Application................................................................................. 241
Monitored data...........................................................................242
Technical data........................................................................... 242

Section 5 Protection related functions..........................................243

Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR (ANSI 68HB)................... 243
Identification.............................................................................. 243
Function block........................................................................... 243
Functionality.............................................................................. 243
Analog channel configuration.................................................... 243
Operation principle.................................................................... 244
Application................................................................................. 245
Monitored data...........................................................................246
Technical data........................................................................... 247
Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF (ANSI 50BF)............. 247
Identification.............................................................................. 247
Function block........................................................................... 247
Functionality.............................................................................. 247
Analog channel configuration.................................................... 248
Operation principle.................................................................... 248
Application................................................................................. 257

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Monitored data...........................................................................260
Technical data........................................................................... 260
Master trip TRPPTRC (ANSI 94/86)...............................................260
Identification.............................................................................. 260
Function block........................................................................... 261
Functionality.............................................................................. 261
Operation principle.................................................................... 261
Application................................................................................. 262
Monitored data...........................................................................264

Section 6 Supervision functions................................................... 265

Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR (ANSI TCM)............................. 265
Identification.............................................................................. 265
Function block........................................................................... 265
Functionality ............................................................................. 265
Operation principle.................................................................... 265
Application................................................................................. 266
Monitored data...........................................................................276
Current circuit supervision CCSPVC (ANSI CCM)......................... 276
Identification.............................................................................. 276
Function block........................................................................... 276
Functionality.............................................................................. 277
Analog channel configuration.................................................... 277
Operation principle.................................................................... 278
Application................................................................................. 280
Monitored data...........................................................................285
Technical data........................................................................... 285
Fuse failure supervision SEQSPVC (ANSI VCM, 60).................... 285
Identification.............................................................................. 285
Function block........................................................................... 286
Functionality.............................................................................. 286
Analog channel configuration.................................................... 286
Operation principle.................................................................... 287
Application................................................................................. 290
Monitored data...........................................................................292
Technical data........................................................................... 292

10 REX610
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Section 7 Condition monitoring functions..................................... 293

Circuit-breaker condition monitoring SSCBR (ANSI 52CM)........... 293
Identification.............................................................................. 293
Function block........................................................................... 293
Functionality.............................................................................. 293
Analog input configuration......................................................... 293
Operation principle.................................................................... 294
Circuit breaker status........................................................... 295
Circuit breaker operation monitoring.................................... 296
Breaker contact travel time...................................................297
Operation counter.................................................................299
Accumulation of Iyt................................................................300
Remaining life of circuit breaker........................................... 302
Circuit breaker spring-charged indication.............................303
Gas pressure supervision.....................................................304
Application................................................................................. 304
Monitored data...........................................................................309
Technical data........................................................................... 310

Section 8 Measurement functions................................................ 311

Basic measurements...................................................................... 311
Functions................................................................................... 311
Measurement functionality.........................................................311
Measurement function applications........................................... 315
Three-phase current measurement CMMXU (ANSI IA, IB, IC). 316
Identification......................................................................... 316
Function block...................................................................... 316
Functionality......................................................................... 316
Analog channel configuration............................................... 316
Settings................................................................................ 317
Monitored data..................................................................... 318
Technical data...................................................................... 319
Three-phase voltage measurement VMMXU (ANSI VA, VB,
VC)............................................................................................ 319
Identification......................................................................... 319
Function block...................................................................... 319
Functionality......................................................................... 319
Analog channel configuration............................................... 319
Settings................................................................................ 321

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Technical Manual
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Monitored data..................................................................... 321

Technical data...................................................................... 322
Residual current measurement RESCMMXU (ANSI IG)...........323
Identification......................................................................... 323
Function block...................................................................... 323
Functionality......................................................................... 323
Analog channel configuration............................................... 323
Settings................................................................................ 324
Monitored data..................................................................... 325
Technical data...................................................................... 325
Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU (ANSI VG/VN)... 325
Identification......................................................................... 325
Function block...................................................................... 325
Functionality......................................................................... 326
Analog channel configuration............................................... 326
Settings................................................................................ 327
Monitored data..................................................................... 327
Technical data...................................................................... 328
Sequence current measurement CSMSQI (ANSI I1, I2, I0)...... 328
Identification......................................................................... 328
Function block...................................................................... 328
Functionality......................................................................... 328
Analog channel configuration............................................... 328
Settings................................................................................ 329
Monitored data..................................................................... 330
Technical data...................................................................... 331
Disturbance recorder (common functionality) RDRE (ANSI DFR). 331
Identification.............................................................................. 331
Function block........................................................................... 331
Functionality.............................................................................. 331
Recorded analog and binary inputs......................................332
Triggering alternatives..........................................................332
Length of recordings.............................................................333
Sampling frequencies...........................................................334
Uploading of recordings....................................................... 334
Deletion of recordings.......................................................... 335
Storage mode.......................................................................335
Pre-trigger and post-trigger data.......................................... 336
Operation modes..................................................................336
Exclusion mode.................................................................... 336

12 REX610
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Configuration............................................................................. 337
Application................................................................................. 338
Monitored data...........................................................................340
Disturbance recorder, analog channels 1...8 A1RADR.................. 340
Function block........................................................................... 340
Disturbance recorder, binary channels 1...32 B1RBDR................. 341
Function block........................................................................... 341

Section 9 Control functions.......................................................... 343

Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR (ANSI 52)................................... 343
Identification.............................................................................. 343
Function block........................................................................... 343
Functionality.............................................................................. 343
Operation principle.................................................................... 343
Application................................................................................. 348
Monitored data...........................................................................351
Disconnector position indication DCSXSWI and Earthing
switch position indication ESSXSWI (ANSI 29DS, 29GS)..............351
Identification.............................................................................. 351
Function block........................................................................... 351
Functionality.............................................................................. 351
Operation principle.................................................................... 352
Application................................................................................. 352
Monitored data...........................................................................354
Autoreclosing DARREC (ANSI 79).................................................354
Identification.............................................................................. 354
Function block........................................................................... 355
Functionality.............................................................................. 355
Protection signal definition................................................... 355
Zone coordination.................................................................356
Master and slave scheme.................................................... 356
Thermal overload blocking................................................... 357
Operation principle.................................................................... 358
Counters.................................................................................... 372

REX610 13
Technical Manual
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Application................................................................................. 372
Shot initiation........................................................................374
Sequence............................................................................. 377
Configuration examples........................................................378
Delayed initiation lines..........................................................382
Shot initiation from protection start signal............................ 383
Fast trip in Switch on to fault................................................ 384
Monitored data...........................................................................388
Technical data........................................................................... 390

Section 10 General function block features....................................391

Definite time characteristics............................................................391
Definite time operation...............................................................391
Current based inverse definite minimum time characteristics........ 394
IDMT curves for overcurrent protection..................................... 394
Standard inverse-time characteristics.................................. 398
User-programmable inverse-time characteristics................. 413
RI and RD-type inverse-time characteristics........................ 413
Reset in inverse-time modes..................................................... 417
Inverse-timer freezing................................................................426
Voltage based inverse definite minimum time characteristics........ 427
IDMT curves for overvoltage protection.....................................427
Standard inverse-time characteristics for overvoltage
User programmable inverse-time characteristics for
overvoltage protection.......................................................... 433
IDMT curve saturation of overvoltage protection..................434
IDMT curves for undervoltage protection.................................. 434
Standard inverse-time characteristics for undervoltage
User-programmable inverse-time characteristics for
undervoltage protection........................................................437
IDMT curve saturation of undervoltage protection............... 438
Measurement modes......................................................................438
Calculated measurements..............................................................441
Test mode.......................................................................................442
Functionality.............................................................................. 442
Application configuration and Test mode.................................. 443
Control mode............................................................................. 444
Application configuration and Control mode..............................444
LHMI indications........................................................................ 445

14 REX610
Technical Manual
Table of contents

Section 11 Requirements for measurement transformers..............447

Current transformers...................................................................... 447
Current transformer requirements for overcurrent protection.... 447
Current transformer accuracy class and accuracy limit
factor.................................................................................... 447
Non-directional overcurrent protection................................. 448
Example for non-directional overcurrent protection..............449

Section 12 Protection relay's physical connections........................451

Module diagrams............................................................................ 451

Section 13 Technical data.............................................................. 455

Section 14 Protection relay and functionality tests.........................461

Section 15 Applicable standards and regulations.......................... 465

Section 16 Glossary....................................................................... 467

REX610 15
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 1

Section 1 Introduction

1.1 This manual

The technical manual contains application and functionality descriptions and lists
function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and
technical data sorted per function. The manual can be used as a technical reference
during the engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and during
normal service.

1.2 Intended audience

This manual addresses system engineers and installation and commissioning

personnel, who use technical data during engineering, installation and
commissioning, and in normal service.

The system engineer must have a thorough knowledge of protection systems,

protection equipment, protection functions and the configured functional logic in
the protection relays. The installation and commissioning personnel must have a
basic knowledge in handling electronic equipment.

REX610 17
Technical Manual
Section 1 2NGA000825 B

1.3 Product documentation

1.3.1 Product documentation set

deinstallation & disposal


Planning &


Quick start guide purchase
Quick installation guide
Product guide
Operation manual
Installation manual
Connection diagram
Engineering manual
Technical manual
Communication protocol manual
IEC 61850 engineering guide
Cyber security deployment guideline

GUID-36243071-4B06-48B2-B2D9-3CE41B04C031 V1 EN-US

Figure 1: The intended use of documents during the product life cycle

1.3.2 Document revision history

Document revision/date Product version History
A/2022-04-21 1.0 First release
B/2022-06-29 1.0 Content updated

1.3.3 Related documentation

Download the latest documents from the ABB Web site

1.4 Symbols and conventions

1.4.1 Symbols

The electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard

which could result in electrical shock.

18 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 1

The warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could

result in personal injury.

The caution icon indicates important information or warning related

to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence
of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage
to equipment or property.

The information icon alerts the reader of important facts and


The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your
project or how to use a certain function.

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, it is necessary to

understand that under certain operational conditions, operation of damaged
equipment may result in degraded process performance leading to personal injury
or death. Therefore, comply fully with all warning and caution notices.

1.4.2 Document conventions

A particular convention may not be used in this manual.

• Abbreviations and acronyms are spelled out in the glossary. The glossary also
contains definitions of important terms.
• Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the
push button icons.
To navigate between the options, use and .
• Menu paths are presented in bold.
Select Main menu/Settings.
• LHMI messages are shown in Courier font.
To save the changes in nonvolatile memory, select Yes and press .
• Parameter names are shown in italics.
The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
• Parameter values are indicated with quotation marks.
The corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".
• Input/output messages and monitored data names are shown in Courier font.
When the function starts, the START output is set to TRUE.
• Values of quantities are expressed with a number and an SI unit. The
corresponding imperial units may be given in parentheses.

REX610 19
Technical Manual
Section 1 2NGA000825 B

• This document assumes that the parameter setting visibility is "Advanced".

• A functional earth terminal is indicated in figures with the symbol .
• Equipment protected throughout by double insulation or reinforced insulation
(equivalent to class II of IEC 61140) is indicated in figures with the symbol

1.4.3 Functions, codes and symbols

All available functions are listed in the table. All of them may not be applicable to
all products.
Table 1: Functions included in the relay
Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI
Three-phase non-directional PHLPTOC 3I> 51P-1
overcurrent protection, low stage
Three-phase non-directional PHHPTOC 3I>> 51P-2
overcurrent protection, high stage
Three-phase non-directional PHIPTOC 3I>>> 50P
overcurrent protection,
instantaneous stage
Three-phase directional overcurrent DPHLPDOC 3I> -> 67P/51P-1
protection, low stage
Three-phase directional overcurrent DPHHPDOC 3I>> -> 67P/51P-2
protection, high stage
Non-directional earth-fault EFLPTOC Io> 51G/51N-1
protection, low stage
Non-directional earth-fault EFHPTOC Io>> 51G/51N-2
protection, high stage
Non-directional earth-fault EFIPTOC Io>>> 50G/50N
protection, instantaneous stage
Directional earth-fault protection, low DEFLPDEF Io> -> 67G/N-1 51G/N-1
Directional earth-fault protection, DEFHPDEF Io>> -> 67G/N-1 51G/N-2
high stage
Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR 3I2f> 68HB
Three-phase thermal protection for T1PTTR 3Ith>F 49F
feeders, cables and distribution
Negative-sequence overcurrent NSPTOC I2>M 46M
Phase discontinuity / Single phasing PDNSPTOC I2/I1> 46PD
protection for motor
Loss of phase, undercurrent PHPTUC 3I< 37
Three-phase undervoltage PHPTUV 3U< 27
Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV 3U> 59
Table continues on next page

20 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 1

Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI

Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV Uo> 59G/59N
Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF 3I>/Io>BF 50BF
Master trip TRPPTRC Master Trip 94/86
Multipurpose protection MAPGAPC MAP MAP
Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR I <-> O CB 52
Disconnector position indication DCSXSWI I <-> O DC 29DS
Earthing switch position indication ESSXSWI I <-> O ES 29GS
Autoreclosing DARREC O -> I 79
Condition monitoring and supervision
Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR TCS TCM
Fuse failure supervision SEQSPVC FUSEF VCM, 60
Circuit-breaker condition monitoring SSCBR CBCM 52CM
Current circuit supervision CCSPVC MCS 3I CCM
Three-phase current measurement CMMXU 3I IA, IB, IC
Residual current measurement RESCMMXU Io IG
Sequence current measurement CSMSQI I1, I2, I0 I1, I2, I0
Three-phase voltage measurement VMMXU 3U VA, VB, VC
Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU Uo VG/VN
Traditional LED indication
Programmable LED control LED LED LED
Logging functions
Disturbance recorder (common RDRE DR DFR
Disturbance recorder, analog A1RADR A1RADR A1RADR
channels 1…8
Disturbance recorder, binary B1RBDR B1RBDR B1RBDR
channels 1...32
Communication protocols

REX610 21
Technical Manual
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REX610 overview

Section 2 REX610 overview

2.1 Overview

REX610 is a freely configurable all-in-one protection relay that covers the full
range of basic power distribution applications, without forgoing simplicity. The
small number of variants translates into easy ordering, setup, use and maintenance.
Although rich in functionality, REX610 represents a cost-effective choice. The
fully modular hardware, unlocking all available functionality, and continuous
access to new developments allow easy and flexible customization, modification
and adaptation to changing protection and communication requirements at any

REX610 is a member of the renowned Relion® protection and control family of

relays, building on ABB’s strong heritage of freely configurable multifunctional
relays and many proven protection algorithms.

2.1.1 Product version history

Product version Product history
1.0 Product released

2.1.2 PCM600 and relay connectivity package version

• Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600 Ver.2.11 or later
• REX610 Connectivity Package Ver.1.0 or later

Download connectivity packages from the ABB Web site or directly with Update Manager in

2.2 Relay hardware

The relay has mandatory and optional slots. A mandatory slot always contains a
module but an optional slot may be empty, depending on the composition variant

REX610 23
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Section 2 2NGA000825 B
REX610 overview

Table 2: Module slots

Module Slot A1 Slot A2 Slot B Slot C1 Slot C2 Slot D1 Slot D2
AIC2001 o
AIC2002 o
AIU2001 o
COM2001 ●
DIO2001 ●
PSU2001 ●
● = Mandatory to have the modules in the slot
o = Optional to have one of the allocated modules in the slot

GUID-24D5F963-9C71-45E6-A4E5-3574A1466AF7 V1 EN-US

Figure 2: Hardware module slot overview of the REX610 relay

24 REX610
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REX610 overview

Table 3: Module description

Module Description
AIU2001 Analog input 4 × VT compression
AIC2001 Analog input 4 × CT compression
AIC2002 Analog input 4 × CT ring lug
PSU2001 24...250 VDC / 48...240 VAC + 2 × PO
DIO2001 Digital I/O 6 × BI + 4 × SO
COM2001 1 × RJ-45 + 1 × RS-485
PO = Power Output
SO = Signal Output

The relay has a nonvolatile memory which does not need any periodical
maintenance. The nonvolatile memory stores all events, recordings and logs to a
memory which retains data if the relay loses its auxiliary supply.

2.3 Local HMI

The LHMI is used for setting, monitoring and controlling the protection relay. The
LHMI comprises the display, buttons, LED indicators and communication port.

REX610 25
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Section 2 2NGA000825 B
REX610 overview

GUID-8E4EB9A8-0A01-4DD3-A8F3-0E116433B5E4 V1 EN-US

Figure 3: Example of the LHMI

2.3.1 Display
The LHMI includes a graphical display that supports two character sizes. The
character size depends on the selected language. The amount of characters and
rows fitting the view depends on the character size.
Table 4: Display

Character size1) Rows in the view Characters per row

Small, mono-spaced (6 × 12 pixels) 5 20

1) Depending on the selected language

The display view is divided into four basic areas.

26 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 2
REX610 overview

1 2

REX610 !A

3 4
GUID-D34F760A-B650-4287-B798-F0494E6A63AA V1 EN-US

Figure 4: Display layout

1 Header
2 Icon
3 Content
4 Scroll bar (displayed when needed)

2.3.2 LEDs
The LHMI includes three protection indicators in the upper-right corner: Ready,
Start and Trip.

There are 10 matrix programmable LEDs on front of the LHMI. The LEDs can be
configured with PCM600 and the operation mode can be selected with the LHMI
or PCM600.

2.3.3 Keypad
The LHMI keypad contains push buttons which are used to navigate in different
views or menus. Using the push buttons, open or close commands can be given to
objects in the primary circuit, for example, a circuit breaker. The push buttons are
also used to acknowledge alarms and reset indications.

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REX610 overview

GUID-40FE903E-0B44-40CA-B1FD-E1FFB51D2D90 V1 EN-US

Figure 5: LHMI keypad with object control, navigation and command push
buttons and USB communication port

2.4 Authorization

Four factory default user accounts have been predefined, each with different rights
and default passwords. The roles for these four user accounts are the same as the


The default passwords in the protection relay delivered from the factory can be
changed with Administrator user rights or by the users themselves.

Each protection relay supports four roles and eight user accounts. Each user can be
mapped to only one role.

IED Users in PCM600 is used to manage the local user accounts.

• User accounts can be created under any role.

• Administrator needs to share the default password generated for the user
account by the tool with the users and recommend the user to change the
• The user accounts’ password can be changed by the users from IED Users or
from the LHMI.
• Administrator can reset the user passwords.

28 REX610
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REX610 overview

The user account information is written to the protection relay from IED Users in
PCM600. The user account information is securely maintained in a local database
in the protection relay.

Any user logging into the protection relay from LHMI or PCM600 (FTPS/USB) is
authenticated based on the user account information and this user’s rights are
defined by the user’s role.
Table 5: Default user roles
Role Description
VIEWER Viewing what objects are present in the logical device
OPERATOR Viewing what objects are present in the logical device
Performing control operations such as opening or closing the circuit
ENGINEER Viewing what objects are present in the logical device
Making parameter setting and configuration changes in addition to
having full access to the data sets and files
ADMINISTRATOR Superset of all the roles

Table 6 describes the default mapping of all the user rights associated with all the
roles in the protection relay. This mapping can be modified according to the user
Table 6: Default roles-to-rights mapping
Settings & Read/Write Read/Write Read Read
Settings Group Read/Write Read Read/Write Read
Control Read/Write Read Read/Write Read
Record Handling Read/Write Read/Write Read Read
Test Mode Read/Write Read/Write Read Read
System Update Read/Write Read Read Read
User Read/Write Read Read Read

User account information can be exported from IED Users in PCM600 to an

encrypted file which can be imported into another protection relay.

User authorization is disabled by default for LHMI.

REX610 29
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Section 2 2NGA000825 B
REX610 overview

For user authorization for PCM600, see PCM600 documentation.

The Administrator user shall not be allowed to delete the last

ADMINISTRATOR user and itself. FTP/FTPS logins are done by
entering the username and password; there is no role selection
required. The highest role for the username is automatically
selected by the protection relay. Performing the Restore Factory
settings operation in IED Users in PCM600 restores user accounts
to the factory user accounts.

2.4.1 Audit trail

The protection relay offers a large set of event-logging functions. Critical system
and protection relay security-related events are logged to a separate nonvolatile
audit trail for the administrator.

Audit trail is a chronological record of system activities that allows the

reconstruction and examination of the sequence of system and security-related
events and changes in the protection relay. Both audit trail events and process
related events can be examined and analyzed in a consistent method with the help
of Event List in LHMI and Event Viewer in PCM600.

The protection relay stores 2048 audit trail events to the nonvolatile audit trail.
Additionally, 1024 process events are stored in a nonvolatile event list. Both the
audit trail and event list work according to the FIFO principle. Nonvolatile memory
is based on a memory type which does not need battery backup nor regular
component change to maintain the memory storage.

Audit trail events related to user authorization (login, logout) are defined according
to the selected set of requirements from IEEE 1686. The logging is based on
predefined user names or user categories. The user audit trail events are accessible
from Event Viewer in PCM600.
Table 7: Audit trail events
Event ID Audit trail event Description
1110 Login Successful login from LHMI and PCM600
1210 Logout Successful logout from LHMI, PCM600 or
IEC 61850
1130 Login failure Login failed for using the wrong user
13200 Configuration transfer Configuration transferred successfully to
the device
1380 Parameter change Parameter changed successfully
1460 Parameter change fail Parameter change failed
Table continues on next page

30 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 2
REX610 overview

Event ID Audit trail event Description

1520 Software update Software updated successfully
1610 Software update fail Software update failed
2210 Password change User password changed successfully
2220 Password change fail User password change failed
5270 System startup Software reset
6110 Test on Test mode started
6120 Test off Test mode ended
6130 Control operation Control operation performed successfully
5120 Reset trips Latched trips reset

PCM600 Event Viewer can be used to view the audit trail events and process
related events. Audit trail events are visible through dedicated Security events
view. Since only the administrator has the right to read audit trail, authorization
must be used in PCM600. The audit trail cannot be reset, but PCM600 Event
Viewer can filter data.

2.5 Station communication

Operational information and controls are available through a wide range of

communication protocols including IEC 61850 and Modbus®. Full communication
capabilities, for example, horizontal communication between the relays, are only
enabled by IEC 61850.

The IEC 61850 protocol is a core part of the relay as the protection and control
application is fully based on standard modelling. The relay supports Edition 2
version of the standard. With Edition 2 support, the relay has the latest
functionality modelling for substation applications and the best interoperability for
modern substations.

2.6 Modification Sales

Modification Sales is a concept that provides modification support for already

delivered relays. Under Modification Sales it is possible to add protection functions
by adding a hardware module. The same options are available as when a new relay
variant is configured and ordered from the factory: it is possible to add new
hardware modules into empty slots or change the type of the existing modules
within the slots.

REX610 31
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Basic functions

Section 3 Basic functions

3.1 General parameters

Table 8: Authorization Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Remote override 0=False 1=True Disable authority
Local override 0=False 1=True Disable authority

Table 9: Authorization Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Change password 0 Change user password

Table 10: IO-modules Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Input osc. level 2...50 events/s 1 30 Binary input oscillation suppression
Input osc. hyst 2...50 events/s 1 10 Binary input oscillation suppression

Table 11: Ethernet-rear-port Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
IP address IP address for rear port(s)
Subnet mask Subnet mask for rear port(s)
Default gateway Default gateway for rear port(s)
Mac address XX-XX-XX-XX- Mac address for rear port(s)

REX610 33
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Basic functions

Table 12: System Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Rated frequency 1=50Hz 1=50Hz Rated frequency of the network
Phase rotation 1=ABC 1=ABC Phase rotation order
Blocking mode 1=Freeze timer 1=Freeze timer Behaviour for function BLOCK inputs
2=Block all
Bay name REX610 Bay name in system

Table 13: System Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
IDMT Sat point 10...50 I/I> 1 50 Overcurrent IDMT saturation point
Enable USB 0=False 0=False Enable USB connection

Table 14: HMI Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
FB naming convention 1=IEC61850 1=IEC61850 FB naming convention used in IED
Default view 1=Measurements 2=Main menu LHMI default view
2=Main menu
Backlight timeout 1...60 min 1 3 LHMI backlight timeout
Autoscroll delay 0...30 s 1 0 Autoscroll delay for Measurements view

Table 15: IEC-61850-8-1-MMS Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset counters 0=False 0=False Reset MMS counters

Table 16: MODBUS Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Port 1=COM 1 3=Ethernet - TCP Port selection for this protocol instance.
3=Ethernet - TCP 1 1 Select between serial and Ethernet
based communication.
Address 1...254 1 1 Unit address
Write authority 0=Read only 2=Full access Selects the control authority scheme
1=Disable 0x write
2=Full access
Table continues on next page

34 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Client1 IP Sets the IP address of the client1. If set
to zero, connection from any client is
ControlStructPWd 1 **** Password for control operations using
Control Struct mechanism, which is
available on 4x memory area.
ControlStructPWd 2 **** Password for control operations using
Control Struct mechanism, which is
available on 4x memory area.
Parity 0=none 2=even Parity for the serial connection.
Operation 1=on 5=off Enable or disable this protocol instance
Client2 IP Sets the IP address of the client2. If set
to zero, connection from any client is
Reset counters 0=False 0=False Reset counters

Table 17: MODBUS Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
TCP port 1...65535 1 502 Defines the listening port for the Modbus
TCP server. Default

3.2 Communication

The protection relay supports communication protocols including IEC 61850,

Modbus® over TCP and serial RS-485. Operational information and controls are
available through these protocols. However, some communication functionality,
for example, horizontal communication between the protection relays, is only
enabled by the IEC 61850 communication protocol.

The IEC 61850 communication implementation supports all monitoring and

control functions. Additionally, parameter settings can be accessed using the IEC
61850 protocol. Disturbance recordings are available to any Ethernet-based
application in the IEC 60255-24 standard COMTRADE file format. The protection
relay can send and receive binary signals from other devices (so-called horizontal
communication) using the IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE profile. Furthermore, the
protection relay supports sending and receiving of analog values using GOOSE
messaging. The protection relay meets the GOOSE performance requirements for
tripping applications in distribution substations, as defined by the IEC 61850

REX610 35
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Basic functions

The protection relay can support three simultaneous clients. If PCM600 reserves
one client connection, only two client connections are left, for example, for IEC
61850 and Modbus.

3.2.1 Secure communication

The protection relay supports secure communication for file transfer protocol using
Transport Layer Security protocol. File transfer client must use explicit FTPS to
communicate to the relay.

FTPS is always enabled by default but the relay also supports FTP communication.
PCM600 always uses FTPS to communicate with the relay.

It is recommended to always use FTPS communication.

3.2.2 Communication services Ethernet ports

The protection relay allows the use of a rear port IP address for the station ports on
the communication module.

The rear port IP network is assigned to a single Ethernet port and it can be used to
make separate networks for different communication protocols or, for example, a
separate service network for configuration purposes. Multicast station/bus
communication, such as GOOSE, is supported on this interface.

The parameters for setting the rear port IP network are located under
Configuration/Communication/Ethernet/Rear port(s).
Table 18: Default rear port IP address parameters
Parameter Option Default Description
Configuration/ IP address for rear
Communication/ port(s)
Port{s)/IP address
Configuration/ Subnet mask for rear
Communication/ port(s)
Ethernet/Rear Port{s)/
Subnet mask
Configuration/ XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX Mac address for rear
Communication/ port(s)
Port{s)/Mac address

36 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions USB port (front port)

The protection relay supports the use of a front port (USB port) for device
configuration and powering up the relay.

USB communication over the USB port is disabled by default. The Enable USB
parameter must be set to "True" via Configuration/System to enable the USB
communication. The authorization for USB communication can be enabled by
setting the Remote Override parameter to "False" via Configuration/

When the device is powered by the USB port, protection functions

are disabled.

Device can powered by USB even when the configuration

parameter Enable USB is set to "False".

When Remote override is set to "False", the user is asked to enter

username and password on the LHMI when connecting to the
relay’s front USB port.

Table 19:
Parameter Option Default Description
Configuration/ True / False TRUE Disable authority
Configuration/System/ True / False FALSE Enable or Disable
Enable USB Communication

REX610 37
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

3.2.3 Serial port supervision SERLCCH Function block


GUID-80EDD5DC-F5E0-4676-A560-1BE0ED6CFD39 V1 EN-US

Figure 6: Function block Functionality

The serial port supervision function SERLCCH represents one serial

communication port driver. The device hardware supports one galvanic (RS-485)
UART-based communication port. The protection relay uses the port for serial
communication protocol links.

The relay supports one serial communication COM1 which corresponds to function
block SERLCCH. The COM port driver has its own setting parameters on the HMI
under Configuration/Communication/COM1.

Output LNKxLIV is active (TRUE) whenever characters are received on the serial
interface. Output CHxLIV is active (TRUE) while complete link frames are
received. Both outputs go to FALSE state after 15 seconds of inactivity on the port. Signals
Table 20: SERLCCH Output signals
Name Type Description
CH1LIV BOOLEAN Communication channel live

38 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions Settings
Table 21: SERLCCH Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Baudrate 1=300 6=9600 Baudrate
Serial mode 1=RS485 2Wire 1=RS485 2Wire Serial mode
Reset counters 0=False 0=False Resets counters

1) Recommended baud rate for optimum performance Monitored data

Table 22: SERLCCH Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
Characters received UINT32 0...2147483646 Characters received
Parity errors UINT32 0...2147483646 Number of parity errors
Overrun errors UINT32 0...2147483646 Number of overrun
Framing errors UINT32 0...2147483646 Number of framing

3.2.4 Physical locations of the serial channels

The relay's communication interfaces are located on the lower left side of the
protection relay when viewing it from the rear.

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Basic functions

GUID-CE04A326-5EF0-45FF-8229-40E11E43F1A1 V1 EN-US

Figure 7: RS-485 4-pin terminal

Table 23: RS-485 connector pins

Pin RS-485 connector pin signal type
1 A_485 Data signal A (normal)
2 B_485 Data signal B (inverted)
3 SHIELD AC coupled shield pin
4 GND_485 Common pin for A/B

3.2.5 RS-485 bias and termination settings

The isolated RS-485 interface is available at a 3-pin compression type connector
X102. It features a bidirectional balanced communication bus (A and B) and a
connection for the shield wire/ground reference. Typical connection is through a
shielded twisted pair (STP) cable. The RS-485 connection is compliant with TIA/
EIA-485. Bus termination can be activated or deactivated though a jumper on the
PSU module. Jumper X3 on PSU PCBA provides a user installable termination
option. Total termination is 120 Ω if jumper X3 is inserted.

See the installation manual for instructions on how to change termination


40 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

GUID-640F5578-E005-44B8-B2EA-C42F6111697F V1 EN-US

Figure 8: Serial termination jumper

3.2.6 Serial link diagnostics and monitoring

Serial communication diagnostics and monitoring is divided between the serial link
driver and the serial communication protocol. The lower level physical and
protocol-independent aspects of the UART-based serial communication are
monitored in the serial link driver. Diagnostic counters and monitoring values are
found via the LHMI in Monitoring/Communication/COM1.
Table 24: Setting parameters
Parameter Description
Serial mode Used for galvanic RS-485 mode, 2-wire
Baudrate Communication speed used

Table 25: Monitoring data for COM channel

Parameter or counter Description
LNKxLIV TRUE whenever characters are received on the
serial interface
CHxLIV TRUE while complete link frames are received
Characters received Counts all incoming non-erroneous characters.
This counter operates regardless of whether the
serial driver is set to detect a whole protocol link
frame or just separate characters.
Parity errors Counts the number of parity errors detected in
characters received
Table continues on next page

REX610 41
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Parameter or counter Description

Overrun errors Counts the number of overrun errors detected in
characters received
Framing errors Counts the number of framing errors detected in
characters received
Reset counter Resets all counters to zero

3.2.7 Modbus protocol MBSLPRT Function block


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Figure 9: Function block Functionality

The function block represents a Modbus server protocol instance in the protection
relay. Function block settings include communication interface assignment for the
instance, that is, Ethernet/TCP or serial.

A Modbus server protocol instance is activated if the function block instance is

added to the application configuration. The setting Operation should be "On" and
setting Port should have the communication interface assignment.

The STATUS output of the function block is active if Modbus client requests have
been received on the communication interface within 15 seconds.

By default no Modbus data is mapped to the protocol interface. Protocol data has to
be created using Communication Management in PCM600. There is only one
mapping set provided. Several Modbus protocol instances can point to the same
mapping set.

For more information on the Modbus server protocol, see the Modbus
communication protocol manual.

3.3 Self-supervision

The protection relay's extensive self-supervision system continuously supervises

the relay’s software, hardware and certain external circuits. It handles the run-time
fault situation and informs the user about a fault via the LHMI, the relay's main
unit power module Ready LED and through the communication channels. The
target of the self-supervision is to safeguard the relay’s reliability by increasing

42 REX610
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Basic functions

both dependability and security. The dependability can be described as the relay’s
ability to operate when required. The security can be described as the relay
scheme’s ability to refrain from operating when not required. The dependability is
increased by letting the system operators know about the problem, giving them a
chance to take the necessary actions as soon as possible. The security is increased
by preventing the relay from making false decisions, such as issuing false control

There are two types of fault indications.

• Internal faults
• Warnings

Warnings are indications of less severe situations which can also be caused by
external reasons such as a missing relay configuration.

The self-supervision page is available under Main menu/Monitoring/Self-

supervision node. The self-supervision page has the Internal fault and Warning
indications. In normal operation, ALL OK is displayed for the Internal fault and
Warning indications. The self-supervision also controls the status of IRF output
relay. The IRF output relay is energized under normal conditions and de-energized
under internal fault conditions.

Self-supervision A
=All ok
Internal Fault
=All ok
GUID-239EB0F6-710D-4608-AA01-096D10C8FB0B V1 EN-US

Figure 10: Relay self-supervision status on local HMI

In addition, the boot reason is available in the audit trail events in Event Viewer in
PCM600 under the Security events.

3.3.1 Internal faults

When an internal relay fault is detected, relay protection operation is disabled, the
green Ready LED begins to flash and the self-supervision output contact is

Internal fault indications have the highest priority on the LHMI.

None of the other LHMI indications can override the internal fault

An indication about the fault is shown as a message on the LHMI. The text
Internal Fault with an additional text message, a code, date and time, is
shown to indicate the fault type.

REX610 43
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Basic functions

Self-supervision !A
=All ok
Internal Fault
=DIO card error
GUID-3D5BD717-F051-45BE-87DF-06CD133D47D9 V1 EN-US

Figure 11: Internal fault in LHMI self-supervision page

If an internal fault disappears, the green Ready LED stops flashing and the
protection relay returns to the normal service state. The fault indication message
remains on the display until manually cleared.

The self-supervision signal output operates on the closed-circuit principle.

• Normal conditions with empty application configuration
• DIO2001 pins 16 and 17 are closed, pins 16 and 18 are open.
• Normal conditions with application configuration
• DIO2001 pins 16 and 17 are open, pins 16 and 18 are closed.
• USB powered with or without application configuration
• DIO2001 pins 16 and 18 are closed, pins 16 and 17 are open.

GUID-F300611C-FD28-484C-9BD8-3A1EF067D942 V1 EN-US

Figure 12: Output contact

The internal fault code indicates the type of internal relay fault. When a fault
appears, the code must be recorded so that it can be reported to ABB customer

The display code format for internal faults is

44 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

• aa: Reserved for future

• bb: Error domain
• 1: HW error
• 2: Runtime error
• 3: Communication error
• cc: Component
• Range 0...11
• ddd: Error category
• ee: Offset
• Range 0...255

Internal Fault
Code 00. 01. 08. 008. 19
20. 01. 2021
22: 20: 34. 690
GUID-3C2CEBF9-8D06-4D1F-AF38-50A7E3E330F9 V1 EN-US

Figure 13: Fault indication

Table 26: Internal fault indications and codes

Fault indication Error category Additional information
File system error 7 A file system error has occurred
Test 8 Internal fault test activated by the user
USB powered 12 Device powered with USB
RAM error 801) Memory error

ROM error 81 Failure in internal NV memory

PSU traceability invalid 160 Invalid PSU card traceability data
DIO traceability invalid 161 Invalid DIO card traceability data
AIU traceability invalid 162 Invalid AIU card traceability data
AIC traceability invalid 163 Invalid AIC card traceability data
HMI traceability invalid 164 Invalid HMI card traceability data
Product traceability invalid 165 Invalid product traceability data
LHMI LCD error 166 Failure in LCD detection
AIU card error 171 Error in the AIU card
DIO card error 172 Error in the DIO card
AIC card error 173 Error in the AIC card
Firmware update error 1751) Software update failed

CPU exception 1761) CPU exception

Table continues on next page

REX610 45
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Fault indication Error category Additional information

HW config mismatch 177 Mismatch between the HW
configuration and the HW cards
connected to the relay
System Boot up failure 1791) Error during system bootup

HMI Card error 181 Error in the HMI card

RTC Error 182 Error in the RTC
Device Resource error 183 IRF triggered
One of the mandatory files missing
COM failure 1841) COM failure

ADC Error 1851) Analog samples missing

1) Used for software simulation

For further information on internal fault indications, see the operation manual.

3.3.2 Warnings
In case of a warning, the protection relay continues to operate except for those
protection functions possibly affected by the fault, and the green Ready LED
remains lit as during normal operation.

Warnings are indicated with the text Warning additionally provided with the
name of the warning, a numeric code and the date and time on the LHMI. The
warning indication message can be manually cleared.

If a warning appears, record the name and code so that it can be

provided to ABB customer service.

The display code format for the warning codes is

• aa: Reserved for future

• bb: Error domain
• 1: HW error
• 2: Runtime error
• 3: Communication error
• cc: Component
• Range 0...11
• ddd: Warning category
• ee: Offset
• Range 0...255

46 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Watchdog reset
GUID-316DF700-DA41-4807-8882-B5CA65448685 V1 EN-US

Figure 14: Warning

Table 27: Warning indications and codes

Warning indication Warning category Additional information
System 2 Error in file operations
Watchdog reset 10 Watch dog reset has occurred
Power down det. 11 Auxiliary supply voltage dropped too
Modbus warning 21 Error in Modbus communication
Dataset error 24 Error in data set(s)
Report cont. Error 251) IEC report error

SCL config error 27 Error in SCL configuration file or the

file is missing
Logic warning 28 Too many connections in the
SMT connect error 29 Error in SMT connections
GOOSE input warning 301) Error in GOOSE connections

ACT Config. mismatch 37 Configuration mismatch

SDcard mount Warn 156 SD card mount error 1601) PSU traceability warning 1611) DIO traceability warning 1621) AIU traceability warning 1631) AIC traceability warning 1641) HMI traceability warning

LHMI keyscan error 1691) Keyscan error

GOOSE receive error 170 Error in GOOSE message receiving

GOOSE publish error 1711) Error in GOOSE publish

SDcard memory full 172 SD card memory is full

Device Cert. Expired 173 Device certificate expired
SDcard error 174 Error in SD card
SNTP error 175 Error in the SNTP module
Internal voltage error 1761) Voltage error detected

Inter. humidity sensor error 177 Error in internal humidity sensor

Inter. temp. sensor error 178 Error in internal temperature sensor
Access Errx 179 Setting write failure
Table continues on next page

REX610 47
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Warning indication Warning category Additional information

Config. not available 181 Error in ACT connections/ACT
Configuration not available
SCL validation warning 182 Failure in SCL file validation
MMS report warning 1831) MMS report warning

MMS service warning 1841) MMS service warning

1) Used for software simulation

For further information on warning indications, see the operation manual.

3.4 Programmable LEDs

3.4.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE
identification identification identification
Programmable LEDs LED LED LED

3.4.2 Function block

GUID-F22EF8E9-25F8-400A-B949-1958D2CE6E72 V1 EN-US

Figure 15: Function block

3.4.3 Functionality
The programmable LEDs reside on the right side of the display on the protection

48 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

GUID-8E4EB9A8-0A01-4DD3-A8F3-0E116433B5E4 V1 EN-US

Figure 16: Programmable LEDs on the right side of the display

All the programmable LEDs in the HMI of the protection relay have two colors,
green and red. For each LED, the different colors are individually controllable.

Each LED has two control inputs, ALARM and OK. The color setting is common for
all the LEDs. It is controlled with the Alarm colour setting, the default value being
"Red". The OK input corresponds to the color that is available, with the default
value being "Green".

Changing the Alarm colour setting to "Green" changes the color behavior of the OK
inputs to red.

The ALARM input has a higher priority than the OK input.

Each LED is seen in the Application Configuration tool as an individual function

block. Each LED has user-editable description text for event description. The state
("None", "OK", "Alarm") of each LED can also be read under a common
monitored data view for programmable LEDs.

REX610 49
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

The LED status also provides a means for resetting the individual LED via
communication. The LED can also be reset from configuration with the RESET

The resetting and clearing function for all LEDs is under the Clear menu.

The menu structure for the programmable LEDs is presented in Figure 17. The
common color selection setting Alarm colour for all ALARM inputs is in the
General menu, while the LED-specific settings are under the LED-specific menu

Programmable LEDs
General Alarm color Red
Alarm mode

Programmable LED description

GUID-0DED5640-4F67-4112-9A54-E8CAADFFE547 V1 EN-US

Figure 17: Menu structure

Alarm mode alternatives

The ALARM input behavior can be selected with the alarm mode settings from the
alternatives "Follow-S", "Follow-F", "Latched-S" and "LatchedAck-F-S". The OK
input behavior is always according to "Follow-S". The alarm input latched modes
can be cleared with the reset input in the application logic.

GUID-58B6C3F2-873A-4B13-9834-9BB21FCA5704 V1 EN-US

Figure 18: Symbols used in the sequence diagrams

"Follow-S": Follow Signal, ON

In this mode ALARM follows the input signal value, Non-latched.


GUID-952BD571-874A-4572-8710-F0E879678552 V1 EN-US

Figure 19: Operating sequence "Follow-S"

50 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

"Follow-F": Follow Signal, Flashing

Similar to "Follow-S", but instead the LED is flashing when the input is active,

"Latched-S": Latched, ON
This mode is a latched function. At the activation of the input signal, the alarm
shows a steady light. After acknowledgement by the local operator pressing any
key on the keypad, the alarm disappears.



GUID-055146B3-780B-43E6-9E06-9FD8D342E881 V1 EN-US

Figure 20: Operating sequence "Latched-S"

"LatchedAck-F-S": Latched, Flashing-ON

This mode is a latched function. At the activation of the input signal, the alarm
starts flashing. After acknowledgement, the alarm disappears if the signal is not
present and gives a steady light if the signal is present.



GUID-1B1414BD-2535-40FA-9642-8FBA4D19BA4A V1 EN-US

Figure 21: Operating sequence "LatchedAck-F-S"

3.4.4 Signals
Table 28: Input signals
Name Type Default Description
OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 1
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 1
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 1
Table continues on next page

REX610 51
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Name Type Default Description

OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 2
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 2
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 2
OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 3
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 3
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 3
OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 4
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 4
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 4
OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 5
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 5
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 5
OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 6
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 6
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 6
OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 7
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 7
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 7
OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 8
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 8
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 8
OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 9
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 9
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 9
OK BOOLEAN 0=False Ok input for LED 10
ALARM BOOLEAN 0=False Alarm input for LED 10
RESET BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for LED 10

3.4.5 Settings
Table 29: LED settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Alarm colour 1=Green 2=Red Colour for the alarm state of the LED
Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 1
Description Programmable Programmable LED description
Table continues on next page

52 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 2
Description Programmable Programmable LED description
Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 3
Description Programmable Programmable LED description
Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 4
Description Programmable Programmable LED description
Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 5
Description Programmable Programmable LED description
Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 6
Description Programmable Programmable LED description
Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 7
Description Programmable Programmable LED description
Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 8
Description Programmable Programmable LED description
Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 9
Description Programmable Programmable LED description
Alarm mode 0=Follow-S 0=Follow-S Alarm mode for programmable LED 10
Description Programmable Programmable LED description

REX610 53
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

3.4.6 Monitored data

Table 30: Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
1 1=Ok LED 1
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
2 1=Ok LED 2
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
3 1=Ok LED 3
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
4 1=Ok LED 4
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
5 1=Ok LED 5
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
6 1=Ok LED 6
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
7 1=Ok LED 7
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
8 1=Ok LED 8
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
9 1=Ok LED 9
Programmable LED Enum 0=None Status of programmable
10 1=Ok LED 10

Table 31: IEC 61850 mapping

LED instance in Application Configuration Mapping in IEC 61850 data model (ALARM and
OK signals)

54 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

3.5 Time synchronization

3.5.1 Time master supervision GNRLLTMS Function block

GUID-00452AE5-6042-4B15-9CE6-18EF5E2CF542 V1 EN-US

Figure 22: Function block Functionality

The protection relay has a disciplined RTC in hardware with a resolution of one
millisecond. The clock can be either free-running or synchronized to an external
source. The RTC is used to time-stamp events, recorded data, disturbance
recordings, sampled measured values and various other system services.

The protection relay supports SNTP to synchronize the RTC. The accuracy is ±5
ms with SNTP.

Real-time clock at power off

During power off, the system time is kept in a separate capacitor-backed RTC. This
RTC provides a millisecond resolution and digital temperature compensation for
the crystal oscillator. Typical accuracy is 10 ppm which means the time may drift
maximum 1 second per day. This RTC runs on a stored charge in a supercapacitor
at least for 48 hours. After the capacitor has been discharged, the time is lost.

Real-time clock at power-up

At startup, the initial system time is recovered from the capacitor-backed RTC or
set to 01-01-2010 if the RTC time was lost. The clock is free-running until the
selected synchronization source becomes available. The first synchronization
message sets the time to an accurate value and later synchronization messages
additionally discipline the clock so that the time drift between synchronization
messages is minimized. If the synchronization source is lost, the drift can be 0.25
ppm if the external clock source was a high-quality clock and the surrounding
temperature is constant.

The setting Synch source determines the method for synchronizing the RTC. If it is
set to "None", the clock is free-running and the settings Date and Time can be used
to set the time manually. In this mode the typical accuracy is 10 ppm and the time
may drift maximum 1 second per day.

REX610 55
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Other setting values activate a communication protocol that provides the time

The relay can use one of two SNTP servers, the primary or the secondary server.
The primary server is mainly in use whereas the secondary server is used if the
primary server cannot be reached. While using the secondary SNTP server, the
relay tries to switch back to the primary server on every SNTP request attempt to
the primary server. If both SNTP servers are offline, event time stamps have the
time invalid status.

If one SNTP server is used, it is recommended to set IP SNTP secondary as

"". This disables the server redundancy scheme and prevents the IED from
attempting to access a non-existing secondary server.

The time is requested from the SNTP server every 60 seconds. Supported SNTP
versions are 3 and 4. SNTP requires a high-performance server to meet the
performance expectations. Signals
Table 32: GNRLLTMS Output signals
Name Type Description
ALARM BOOLEAN Alarm status for clock
Always FALSE with Synch
source set to "None"
WARNING BOOLEAN Warning status for clock
Always FALSE with Synch
source set to "None"

Table 33: SNTP Output signals

Name Type Description
ALARM BOOLEAN Alarm status for clock
TRUE if the connection to both
primary and secondary SNTP
servers has been lost.
FALSE if the connection to the
secondary SNTP server is
WARNING BOOLEAN Warning status for clock
TRUE if the connection to
SNTP primary server has been
lost. Otherwise FALSE.

56 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Table 34: Time Output signals

Name Type Description
Table 35: Time format Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Time format 1=24H:MM:SS:MS 1=24H:MM:SS:M Time format
2=12H:MM:SS:MS S
Date format 1=DD.MM.YYYY 1=DD.MM.YYYY Date format

Table 36: Time Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Synch source 0=None 1=SNTP Time synchronization source
Date 0 Date
Time 0 Time
Local time offset -840...840 min 1 0 Local time offset in minutes
IP SNTP primary IP address for SNTP primary server
IP SNTP secondary IP address for SNTP secondary server
DST in use 0=False 1=True DST in use setting
DST on time (hours) 0...23 h 1 2 Daylight saving time on, time (hh)
DST on time (minutes) 0...59 min 1 0 Daylight saving time on, time (mm)
DST on date (day) 1...31 1 1 Daylight saving time on, date (dd:mm)
DST on date (month) 1=January 5=May Daylight saving time on, date (dd:mm)
Table continues on next page

REX610 57
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

DST on day (weekday) 0=reserved 0=reserved Daylight saving time on, day of week
DST off time (hours) 0...23 h 1 2 Daylight saving time off, time (hh)
DST off time (minutes) 0...59 min 1 0 Daylight saving time off, time (mm)
DST off date (day) 1...31 1 25 Daylight saving time off, date (dd:mm)
DST off date (month) 1=January 9=September Daylight saving time off, date (dd:mm)
DST off day (weekday) 0=reserved 0=reserved Daylight saving time off, day of week
DST offset -720...720 min 1 60 Daylight saving time offset Monitored data

Table 37: Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
Synch source Enum 0=Not defined Time
1=SNTP primary synchronization
2=SNTP source
99=Free running
Synch status Bool 0=Down Time
1=Up synchronization
Synch accuracy Int 0...128 Time
Number of the
significant bits in
fraction of

58 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Table 38: Time Monitored data

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
Synch source Enum 0=Not defined Current time source
1=SNTP primary
running, locally
Synch status BOOLEAN 0=Down Time channel status (up/
1=Up down)

3.6 Generic protection control PROTECTION

3.6.1 Function block

GUID-15072E6F-9160-461B-90EC-78BD730F32F3 V1 EN-US

Figure 23: Function block

3.6.2 Functionality
Setting group control
The protection relay supports four setting groups. Each setting group contains
parameters categorized as group settings inside application functions. The customer
can change the active setting group at run time.

The active setting group can be changed by a parameter or via binary inputs
depending on the mode selected with the Configuration/Setting Group/SG
operation mode setting.

The default value of all inputs is FALSE, which makes it possible to use only the
required number of inputs and leave the rest disconnected. The setting group
selection is not dependent on the SG_x_ACT outputs.

REX610 59
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Table 39: Optional operation modes for setting group selection

SG operation mode Description
Operator (Default) Setting group can be changed with the setting
Settings/Setting group/Active group.
Value of the SG_LOGIC_SEL output is FALSE.

Logic mode 1 Setting group can be changed with binary inputs

(BI_SG_2...BI_SG_4). The highest TRUE
binary input defines the active setting group.
Value of the SG_LOGIC_SEL output is TRUE.

Table 40: SG operation mode = "Logic mode 1"

BI_SG_2 BI_SG_3 BI_SG_4 Active group
any any TRUE 4

Setting group 1 can be copied to any other or all groups from HMI (Copy group 1).

Test mode
The function has two outputs, BEH_TST and BEH_BLK, which are activated in test
mode according to Table 41.
Table 41: Test mode
Test mode Description Protection Protection
Normal mode Normal operation FALSE FALSE
IED blocked Protection works as in TRUE FALSE
“Normal mode” but the
ACT configuration can
be used to block
physical outputs to
process. Control
function commands
are blocked.
IED test Protection works as in FALSE TRUE
“Normal mode” but
protection functions
work in parallel with
test parameters.
IED test and blocked Protection works as in TRUE TRUE
“Normal mode” but
protection functions
work in parallel with
the test parameter.
The ACT configuration
can be used to block
physical outputs to
process. Control
function command is

60 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

For more information, see the Test mode section in this manual.

Special function block outputs

The function block has a few outputs dedicated for special purposes.
Table 42: Special function block outputs
Output Description
CNF_CHANGE Any setting change in the protection relay
activates this output for a short period of time
(100...200 ms).
GRPOFF Some application function blocks do now allow
unconnected analog inputs. In such a case,
GRPOFF must be connected to such an input.

DEV_WARN A protection relay's internal warning activates

this output. For more information, see Warnings
under the Self-supervision section.

3.6.3 Signals
Table 43: PROTECTION Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BI_SG2 BOOLEAN 0 Setting group 2 is
BI_SG3 BOOLEAN 0 Setting group 3 is
BI_SG4 BOOLEAN 0 Setting group 4 is
MOD_TEST BOOLEAN 0 Activation of test mode
MOD_BLK BOOLEAN 0 Block test mode

Table 44: PROTECTION Output signals

Name Type Description
SG_LOGIC_SEL BOOLEAN Logic selection for setting
SG_1_ACT BOOLEAN Setting group 1 is active
SG_2_ACT BOOLEAN Setting group 2 is active
SG_3_ACT BOOLEAN Setting group 3 is active
SG_4_ACT BOOLEAN Setting group 4 is active
CNF_CHANGE BOOLEAN Active after any setting change
BEH_TEST BOOLEAN Logical device LD0 test status
Table continues on next page

REX610 61
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Name Type Description

BEH_BLK BOOLEAN Logical device LD0 block status
GRPOFF Group signal Group off signal for function
DEV_WARN BOOLEAN Protection relay internal

3.6.4 Settings
Table 45: PROTECTION Settings
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
SG operation mode 1=Operator 1=Operator Operation mode for
2=Logic mode 1 setting group

3.7 Local/Remote control CONTROL

3.7.1 Function block

GUID-66BEA1EE-B7F5-40C1-9179-40198AE443F4 V1 EN-US

Figure 24: Function block

3.7.2 Functionality
Depending on the relay configuration, the selection of the local/remote mode can
be made via a binary input or it can be setting based. The control via binary input
can be enabled by setting the value of the LR control setting to "Binary input". The
binary input control requires that the CONTROL function is instantiated in the
product configuration. The control via setting can be enabled by setting LR control
to "Setting based", and L/R control is realized by setting the value of Control

In binary input control, the actual Local/Remote control state is evaluated by the
priority scheme on the function block inputs. If more than one input is active, the
input with the highest priority is selected. The priority order is “off”, “local”,
“remote”, “all”.

62 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

The actual state is reflected on the CONTROL function outputs. Only one output is
active at a time.
Table 46: Truth table for CONTROL
Input Output

3.7.3 L/R control access

Only one Local/Remote access scenario is possible: "L,R, L+R".

Control access can be simultaneously permitted from local or remote location.

Simultaneous local or remote control operation is not allowed as only one client
and location at a time can access controllable objects, and they remain reserved
until the previously started control operation is first completed by the client.
Control access with IEC 61850 originator category station is interpreted as remote

The present control status can be monitored in the HMI or PCM600 via
Monitoring/Control command with the LR state parameter or from the IEC
61850 data object CTRL.LLN0. LocKeyHMI.

IEC 61850 command originator category is always set by the IEC 61850 client.

IEC 61850 IEC 61850 IEC 61850 IEC 61850 IEC 61850 IEC 61850 IEC 61850 IEC 61850
remote remote remote remote remote remote remote remote


GUID-553C1DA0-34C7-46D5-B730-63E50E3535CF V1 EN-US

Figure 25: LR control access "L, R, L+R"

REX610 63
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Table 47: LR control access “L,R,L+R” using R/L button

Setting based control L/R Control status Control access
Control authority L/R state Local user IEC 61850 client
Local 1 x
Remote 2 x
Local + Remote 4 x x
Off 0

3.7.4 Control mode

The function has two outputs BEH_TST and BEH_BLK which are activated in test
mode according to Table 48.
Table 48: Control mode
Control mode Description Control BEH_BLK
On Normal operation FALSE
Blocked Control function commands TRUE
Off Control functions disabled FALSE

For more information, see the Test mode chapter in this manual.

3.7.5 Signals
Table 49: CONTROL Input signals
Name Type Default Description
CTRL_OFF BOOLEAN 0 Control input OFF
CTRL_LOC BOOLEAN 0 Control input Local
CTRL_REM BOOLEAN 0 Control input Remote
CTRL_ALL BOOLEAN 0 Control input All

Table 50: CONTROL Output signals

Name Type Description
OFF BOOLEAN Control output OFF
LOCAL BOOLEAN Control output Local
REMOTE BOOLEAN Control output Remote
Table continues on next page

64 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Name Type Description

ALL BOOLEAN Control output All
BEH_BLK BOOLEAN Logical device CTRL block
BEH_TST BOOLEAN Logical device CTRL test status

3.7.6 Settings
Table 51: Control Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
LR control 2=Binary input 3=Setting based LR control based on setting or binary
3=Setting based input
Control authority 1=OFF 1=OFF Setting based control selection

Table 52: Control Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Control mode 1=On 1=On Enabling and disabling control

REX610 65
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

3.7.7 Monitored data

Table 53: Control Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
Command response Enum 0=No commands Latest command
1=Select open response
2=Select close
3=Operate open
4=Operate close
5=Direct open
6=Direct close
10=Object status
11=Object direct
12=Object select
13=RL local
14=RL remote
15=RL off
16=Function off
21=Close not
22=Open not
23=Internal fault
25=Wrong client
26=RL station
27=RL change
28=Abortion by
29=Reed not
31=Motor wrong
LR state Enum 0=Off LR state monitoring

66 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

3.8 Nonvolatile memory

The relay does not include any battery backup power. If the auxiliary power is lost,
critical information such as relay configuration and settings, events, disturbance
recordings and other critical data are saved to the relay’s nonvolatile memory. The
relay’s real-time clock keeps running via a 48-hour capacitor backup.

• Up to 1024 events are stored. The stored events are visible in HMI and Event
viewer tool in PCM600.
• Circuit breaker condition monitoring
• Latched alarm and trip LEDs' statuses
• Trip circuit lockout
• Counter values

3.9 SD card

SD card can be used to store the disturbance records available in the relay by using
the Disturbance recorder setting.
Table 54: SD Card Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Disturbance recorder 0=Cancel 0=Cancel Transfer disturbance recorder

Table 55: SD Card Monitored data

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
Memory remaining FLOAT32 0...64000 MB SD card memory
Safe removal BOOLEAN 0=No SD card safe removable
1=Yes indication
Mounted BOOLEAN 0=No SD card mounted status
1=Yes indication

3.10 Analog measurement channels

The maximum number of physical analog measurement channels is eight. This can
be achieved with two analog input modules. In addition to the local channels, a
certain number of numerical channels is always calculated from physical
measurements. This number also depends on the connection type of the TVTR
function block

REX610 67
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Table 56: TVTR/TCTR connection types and numerical channels

Connection type Function block Physical channels Numerical channels
ULx × 1 ULxTVTR 1 0
ULx × 2 (Wye/Delta) ULxTVTR 2 4
ULx × 2 + URES ULxTVTR 3 4
ULx × 3 (Delta) ULxTVTR 3 3
ULx × 3 (Wye) ULxTVTR 3 4
ILx × 3 ILxTCTR 3 1

The maximum number of measurement channels is 19. This can be calculated by

adding physical and numerical channels together.

In REX610 relays, the UTVTR functions automatically calculate missing signals if

enough information is available. If measured Uo is needed for calculations but it is
not provided, it is assumed to be zero. Table 57 shows possible voltage connections
and outcome of the UTVTR function. A three-phase current connection in the
ILTCTR function always provides a calculated Io channel.
Table 57: Calculated voltages for different connection types
Voltage connection Phase-to-phase Phase-to-neutral Residual voltage Uo
voltages (Ph-Ph) voltages (Ph-n)
3 × ph-n yes, calculated yes yes, calculated
3 × ph-n + Uo yes, calculated yes yes
2 × ph-n yes, calculated1) yes, missing ph-n no
2 × ph-n + Uo yes, calculated yes, missing ph-n yes
3 × ph-ph yes yes, calculated1) no

3 × ph-ph + Uo yes yes, calculated yes

2 × ph-ph yes, missing ph-ph yes, calculated1) no
2 × ph-ph + Uo yes, missing ph-ph yes, calculated yes

1) Uo assumed zero

3.11 Binary inputs

The binary inputs are mainly assembled in groups of two inputs that have one
common connection. The binary inputs are bipolar so the common connection can
be tied to ground or to supply voltage. Input groups are isolated from each other

68 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

and from the secondary side.- For more information, see the Module diagrams
section in this manual.

Every binary input has an oxide-burn feature, that is, wetting current. The oxide-
burn feature can be disabled only on binary input 14 that can be used as a pulse
counter input.

The pulse counter input is enabled by setting the parameter Input 14 counter-mode
in Configuration/I/O modules/Slot #/Input filtering. When enabled, the pulse
counter input has dedicated Input counter threshold voltage and Input counter
threshold hysteresis settings.

3.11.1 Binary input threshold voltage

The parameter Input threshold voltage is used to set the threshold level of the
binary inputs. Input threshold voltage determines the voltage level for the
activation of the inputs. The threshold can be set for every module or slot
specifically depending on the Slot specific threshold setting. Binary inputs are
configurable to both AC and DC voltage type.
Table 58: Input threshold voltage parameters
Parameter Values Default
Slot specific threshold 0=False 0=False
Input DC voltage 16…176 V 16 V
voltage AC voltage 34...168 V 34 V

3.11.2 Threshold hysteresis

Threshold hysteresis is used to determine the deactivation threshold for the binary
inputs in case of voltage drops in the auxiliary voltage supply. Threshold hysteresis
value determines how low the deactivation voltage is compared to the activation
voltage as a percentage. Hysteresis can be set for every module or slot specifically
depending on the Slot specific hysteresis setting.

The oscillation hysteresis must be set lower than the oscillation

level to enable the input to be restored from oscillation. When the
input returns to a non-oscillating state, the binary input is de-
blocked (the status is valid) and an event is generated.

Binary inputs always deactivate when the voltage level drops below
14 V.

REX610 69
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Table 59: Threshold hysteresis parameters

Parameter Values Default
Slot specific hysteresis 0=False 0=False
Input threshold hysteresis 10…50% 10%
OSC.level 2...50 events 30 events
OSC.hyst 2...50 events 10 events

3.11.3 Binary input filter time

The filter time eliminates debounces and short disturbances on a binary input. The
filter time is set for each binary input of the protection relay.

1 2

5 5
GUID-74E0D03C-B25C-462F-B910-8A51778D017E V1 EN-US

Figure 26: Binary input filtering

1 t0

2 t1

3 Input signal
4 Filtered input signal
5 Filter time

At the beginning, the input signal is at the high state, the short low state is filtered
and no input state change is detected. The low state starting from the time t0
exceeds the filter time, which means that the change in the input state is detected
and the time tag attached to the input change is t0. The high state starting from t1 is
detected and the time tag t1 is attached.

Each binary input has a filter time parameter "Input # filter", where # is the number
of the binary input of the module in question (for example "Input 1 filter").

70 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Table 60: Input filter parameter values

Parameter Values Default
Input # filter time 10...100 ms 10 ms

3.11.4 Binary input inversion

The parameter Input # invert is used to invert a binary input.
Table 61: Binary input states
Control voltage Input # invert State of binary input
No 0 FALSE (0)
Yes 0 TRUE (1)
No 1 TRUE (1)
Yes 1 FALSE (0)

When a binary input is inverted, the state of the input is TRUE (1) when no control
voltage is applied to its terminals. Accordingly, the input state is FALSE (0) when
a control voltage is applied to the terminals of the binary input.

3.11.5 Oscillation suppression

Oscillation suppression is used to reduce the load from the system when a binary
input starts oscillating. A binary input is regarded as oscillating if the number of
valid state changes (= number of events after filtering) during one second is equal
to or greater than the set oscillation level value. During oscillation, the binary input
is blocked (the status is invalid) and an event is generated. The state of the input
will not change when it is blocked, that is, its state depends on the condition before

The binary input is regarded as non-oscillating if the number of valid state changes
during one second is less than the set oscillation level value minus the set
oscillation hysteresis value.
Table 62: Oscillation parameters
Parameter Value Default
Input osc. level 2...50 events/s 30 events/s
Input osc. hyst 2...50 events/s 10 events/s

3.12 Binary outputs

The protection relay provides a number of binary outputs used for tripping,
executing local or remote control actions of a breaker or a disconnector, and for

REX610 71
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

connecting the protection relay to external annunciation equipment for indicating,

signaling and recording. The contacts used for external signaling, recording, and
indicating the signal outputs need to adjust to smaller currents but they can require
a minimum current (burden) to ensure a guaranteed operation.

The binary outputs are implemented by software-controlled mechanical relays. At

power-up (cold boot), all relays are OFF through power-on reset of the micro-
controller. In case of a warm boot, the relays remain in the state they are. They can
be forced into OFF state by activating the RESET of the micro-controller. The
micro-controller controls the relays through logic control lines. To improve
robustness, control and switching functions in the relay driver are double mainly to
prevent a single error from tripping the binary output relay. All contacts are freely
programmable, except for the internal fault output IRF.
Table 63: Binary outputs
Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry 5A
Make and carry for 3.0 s 10 A (normal BO) and 15 A (SO1 type)
Make and carry for 0.5 s 15 A/30 A (SO1 type)
Breaking capacity when the control-circuit time IEC: 1 A/0.25 A/0.15 A
constant L/R <40 ms, at 48/110/220 V DC UL: According to component manufacturer’s
Contact operating time <7 ms
Channel to channel isolation BOs shall be isolated from each other so that
they can be connected freely to external

3.12.1 Power outputs

The protection relay contains two binary power outputs. These power outputs
connect externally to circuit breakers and are normally used for energizing the
breaker closing coil and trip coil. The binary power outputs (also called TRIP
relays) are implemented by software controlled mechanical relays. At power-up
(cold boot), all relays are OFF through power-on reset of the micro-controller. In
case of a warm boot, the relays remain in the state they are. They can be forced into
OFF state by activating the RESET of the micro-controller. The micro-controller is
located on the DIO module and controls the relays on the PSU module through
logic control lines. To improve robustness, control and switching functions in the
relay driver are double mainly to prevent a single error from tripping the power
binary output relay.

72 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Table 64: Power binary outputs with TCS functionality

Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry 8A
Make and carry for 3.0 s 15 A
Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 A
Breaking capacity when the control-circuit time 5 A/3 A/1 A
constant L/R <40 ms, at 48/110/220 V DC (two
contacts connected in series for double pole
power outputs)
Contact operating time <10 ms
Trip-circuit supervision Control voltage range 20...250 V AC/DC
Current drain through ~1.5 mA
the supervision circuit
Minimum voltage over 20 V AC/DC (15...20 V)
the TCS contact
Channel to channel isolation BOs shall be isolated from each other so that
they can be connected freely to external
In addition to all the type tests, fully isolated
outputs must pass dielectric isolation test
requirements as mentioned in the type test

3.13 Preprocessing blocks

3.13.1 Phase current preprocessing ILTCTR Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Phase current preprocessing ILTCTR ILTCTR ILTCTR Function block

GUID-E778131C-9D63-42D0-82FF-8961BE69C166 V1 EN-US

Figure 27: Function block

REX610 73
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Functionality

The phase current preprocessing function ILTCTR is used for setting up the three
phase current measurement channels. The input channels for ILTCTR are from
physical hardware. The output I3P channel of ILTCTR can be connected to
different applications which require 3 phase current and positive- and negative-
sequence current. The output IRES_CLC can be connected to functions using the
calculated residual current.

The CT's primary rated current can be set using Primary current setting. The
setting Secondary current defines the nominal current of the CT's secondary
winding. This is used as a reference to scale the measurements accordingly. These
settings also affect the scaling of the calculated residual current.

Current magnitude correction of an external CT can be made using settings

Amplitude Corr A, Amplitude Corr B and Amplitude Corr C.

Current angle correction of an external CT can be made using settings Angle Corr
A, Angle Corr B and Angle Corr C.

Reverse polarity setting is used to reverse the polarity of phase CTs.

All three phases must be always connected. Signals
Table 65: ILTCTR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IL1 SIGNAL - Analog input
IL2 SIGNAL - Analog input
IL3 SIGNAL - Analog input

Table 66: ILTCTR Output signals

Name Type Description
I3P SIGNAL Three-phase currents
IRES_CLC SIGNAL Residual current, calculated
IRES_CLC_DR SIGNAL Residual current, calculated, for disturbance
IL1_DR SIGNAL Phase current IL1 for disturbance recorder
IL2_DR SIGNAL Phase current IL2 for disturbance recorder
IL3_DR SIGNAL Phase current IL3 for disturbance recorder

74 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions Settings
Table 67: ILTCTR Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Primary current 1.0...15000.0 A 0.1 100.0 Rated primary current
Amplitude Corr A 0.9000...1.1000 0.0001 1.0000 Phase A amplitude correction factor
Amplitude Corr B 0.9000...1.1000 0.0001 1.0000 Phase B amplitude correction factor
Amplitude Corr C 0.9000...1.1000 0.0001 1.0000 Phase C amplitude correction factor
Angle Corr A -8.0000...8.0000 deg 0.0001 0.0000 Phase A angle correction factor
Angle Corr B -8.0000...8.0000 deg 0.0001 0.0000 Phase B angle correction factor
Angle Corr C -8.0000...8.0000 deg 0.0001 0.0000 Phase C angle correction factor
Secondary current 0.10...10.00 A 0.01 1.00 Rated secondary current

Table 68: ILTCTR Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reverse polarity 0=False 0=False Reverse the polarity of the phase CTs

3.13.2 Residual current preprocessing RESTCTR Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Residual current preprocessing RESTCTR RESTCTR RESTCTR Function block

GUID-5ED46D8D-80B2-4C7E-8EC9-983750912905 V1 EN-US

Figure 28: Function block Functionality

The residual current preprocessing function RESTCTR is used for setting up the
residual current measurement channels. Input channels for RESTCTR are from
physical hardware. The output IRES_MEAS channel of RESTCTR can be
connected to different applications which require measured residual current.

REX610 75
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

The residual CTs' primary rated current can be set using Primary current setting.
The setting Secondary current defines the nominal current of the CT's secondary
winding. This is used as a reference to scale measurements accordingly.

Residual current magnitude correction of an external CT can be made using the

Amplitude Corr setting.

Residual current angle correction of an external CT can be made using the Angle
correction setting.

The Reverse polarity setting is used to reverse the polarity of the residual CT. Signals
Table 69: RESTCTR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IRES SIGNAL - Residual current

Table 70: RESTCTR Output signals

Name Type Description
IRES_MEAS SIGNAL Residual current, measured
IRES_MEAS_DR SIGNAL Residual current, measured, for disturbance
recorder Settings
Table 71: RESTCTR Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Primary current 1.0...6000.0 A 0.1 100.0 Primary current
Secondary current 0.10...10.00 A 0.01 1.00 Secondary current
Amplitude Corr 0.9000...1.1000 0.0001 1.0000 Amplitude correction
Angle correction -8.0000...8.0000 deg 0.0001 0.0000 Angle correction factor

Table 72: RESTCTR Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reverse polarity 0=False 0=False Reverse the polarity of the residual CT

76 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

3.13.3 Phase and residual voltage preprocessing UTVTR Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Phase and residual voltage UTVTR UTVTR UTVTR
preprocessing Function block

GUID-5C00DFE2-D4D9-4930-A589-885ADA72EEDB V1 EN-US

Figure 29: Function block Functionality

The phase and residual voltage preprocessing function UTVTR is used for setting
up the three phase voltage measurement channels and residual voltage
measurement. The input channels for UTVTR are from physical hardware.

The output channel U3P of UTVTR can be connected to different applications

which require phase voltage, positive and negative sequence.

Outputs URES_MEAS and URES_CLC can be connected to different applications

which require measured residual voltage or calculated residual voltage (from phase
voltages), respectively.

If only two phase-to-earth/phase-to-phase voltages are available,

then the third phase-to-earth/phase-to-phase voltage can be
calculated without URES input connected (assumed to be zero in
that case). Positive- and negative-sequence components are also
calculated using these voltages. The accuracy of the calculated
values is affected if the actual residual voltage is not zero.

The VTs' primary rated voltage can be set using Primary voltage setting. The
setting Secondary voltage defines the nominal voltage of the VT's secondary
winding. This is used as a reference to scale the measurements accordingly.

REX610 77
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

The Voltage (Uo) residual voltage settings are also used for scaling the calculated
residual voltage in comparison to the measured residual voltage.

The Voltage (Uo) settings must be set for output URES_MEAS and
URES_CLC scaling. If the residual voltage is not connected to
UTVTR, Voltage (Uo) settings must be set only for the calculated
residual voltage URES_CLC scaling.

If the residual voltage is not connected to UTVTR, the Voltage

(Uo)/Primary voltage cannot be set smaller than 1/√3 times
Voltage (3U)/Primary voltage.

Voltage magnitude correction can be made using settings Amplitude Corr A,

Amplitude Corr B and Amplitude Corr C for an external three-phase VT and
Amplitude Corr setting for an external residual VT.

Voltage angle correction can be made using settings Angle Corr A, Angle Corr B
and Angle Corr C for an external three-phase VT and Angle correction setting for
an external residual VT.

The VT connection can be set using VT connection. For three phase-to-earth

voltage measurements, VT connection can be set to "Wye", and for three phase-to-
phase voltage measurements, VT connection can be set to "Delta".

The MINCB_OPEN input signal is connected through a relay binary input to the
NC auxiliary contact of the MCB protecting the VT secondary circuit. The
MINCB_OPEN signal receives information about the MCB open state. When
MINCB_OPEN is active, the outputs ALARM and WARNING are activated.

Output WARNING is always internally active whenever output ALARM is active. Reference angle calculation

If only Voltage Preprocessing (UTVTR) is available, or if both Voltage

Preprocessing (UTVTR) and Current Preprocessing (ILTCTR) are available, the
voltage angle is taken as a reference for angle calculation.

If only Current Preprocessing (ILTCTR) is available, the current angle is taken as a

reference for angle calculation.

In measurement functions CMMXU, VMMXU, RESVMMXU and RESCMMXU,

the execution order of UTVTR should be set to a lower value (O:1 or lower
execution number) for the voltage angle to be taken as reference. If lower
execution order is not set, voltage angle from the previous execution round is taken
as a reference for the measurement angle calculation. The execution order can be
set as illustrated in Figure 30.

78 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

GUID-80F0C22A-C7F0-4B85-AC31-7D408102DAF6 V1 EN-US

Figure 30: Execution order example Residual voltage scaling

Calculated U0 is scaled to the same level as measured U0. The scaling is

determined by the ratio of ULTVTR primary voltage and RESTVTR primary
voltage within one UTVTR instance. The assumption is open-delta U0
measurement type.

Typical markings of an open-delta U0 transformer in a 20 kV network can be:

20kV/sqrt(3) :100V/sqrt(3) :100V/3. In case of a solid earth fault, this transformer
gives 100 V output which corresponds to 11.547 kV. If ULTVTR primary voltage
is set to 20 kV and RESTVTR primary voltage is set to 11.547 kV when this
transformer is used, URES_CLC and URES_MEAS output equal amplitude.

REX610 79
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

GUID-13D7BDE2-6644-4D5F-9D4B-BC1BF4674F21 V1 EN-US

Figure 31: UTVTR1 configured with both measured and calculated U0

The VT connection mode must be "WYE".

In this case, ROVPTOV1 and ROVPTOV2 in Figure 32 can both use the same U0
reference level in their settings. URES_CLC and URES_MEAS in Figure 31 are
scaled to the same level.

GUID-518EEED1-A00A-42BE-B7AE-6C54E077E880 V1 EN-US

Figure 32: Two ROVPTOV instances, one using calculated U0 and the other
measured U0 Signals
Table 73: UTVTR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
UL1 SIGNAL - Analog input
UL2 SIGNAL - Analog input
UL3 SIGNAL - Analog input
MINCB_OPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Active when external MCB opens protected
voltage circuit
URES SIGNAL - Residual voltage

Table 74: UTVTR Output signals

Name Type Description
U3P SIGNAL Three-phase voltages
URES_CLC SIGNAL Residual voltage, calculated
Table continues on next page

80 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Name Type Description

URES_MEAS SIGNAL Residual voltage, measured
URES_CLC_DR SIGNAL Residual voltage, calculated, for disturbance
URES_MEAS_DR SIGNAL Residual voltage, measured, for disturbance
U1_DR SIGNAL Phase voltage U1 for disturbance recorder
U2_DR SIGNAL Phase voltage U2 for disturbance recorder
U3_DR SIGNAL Phase voltage U3 for disturbance recorder Settings
Table 75: UTVTR Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Primary voltage 0.100...440.000 kV 0.001 20.000 Primary rated voltage
Secondary voltage 57...250 V 1 100 Secondary rated voltage
VT connection 1=Wye 2=Delta Voltage transducer measurement
2=Delta connection
Amplitude Corr A 0.9000...1.1000 0.0001 1.0000 Phase A Voltage phasor magnitude
correction of an external voltage
Amplitude Corr B 0.9000...1.1000 0.0001 1.0000 Phase B Voltage phasor magnitude
correction of an external voltage
Amplitude Corr C 0.9000...1.1000 0.0001 1.0000 Phase C Voltage phasor magnitude
correction of an external voltage
Angle Corr A -8.0000...8.0000 deg 0.0001 0.0000 Phase A Voltage phasor angle correction
of an external voltage transformer
Angle Corr B -8.0000...8.0000 deg 0.0001 0.0000 Phase B Voltage phasor angle correction
of an external voltage transformer
Angle Corr C -8.0000...8.0000 deg 0.0001 0.0000 Phase C Voltage phasor angle
correction of an external voltage
Secondary voltage 57...250 V 1 100 Secondary voltage
Primary voltage 0.100...440.000 kV 0.001 11.547 Primary voltage
Amplitude Corr 0.9000...1.1000 0.0001 1.0000 Amplitude correction
Angle correction -8.0000...8.0000 deg 0.0001 0.0000 Angle correction factor

REX610 81
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Monitored data

Table 76: UTVTR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
MINCB_OPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Active when external
1=True MCB opens protected
voltage circuit

3.14 GOOSE function blocks

Common signals
The VALID output indicates the validity of received GOOSE data, which means in
case of valid, that the GOOSE communication is working and received data quality
bits (if configured) indicate good process data. Invalid status is caused either by
bad data quality bits or GOOSE communication failure. See IEC 61850
engineering guide for details.

The OUT output passes the received GOOSE value for the application. Default
value (0) is used if VALID output indicates invalid status. The IN input is defined
in the GOOSE configuration and can always be seen in SMT sheet.

The GOOSE function blocks do not have any parameters available in LHMI or

3.14.1 Received GOOSE binary information GOOSERCV_BIN Function block

GUID-180C83BD-FD74-40F7-8339-08839B2D805D V1 EN-US

Figure 33: Function block Functionality

The received GOOSE binary information function GOOSERCV_BIN is used to

connect the GOOSE binary inputs to the application.

82 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions Signals
Table 77: GOOSERCV_BIN Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN BOOLEAN 0 Input signal

Table 78: GOOSERCV_BIN Output signals

Name Type Description
OUT BOOLEAN Output signal
VALID BOOLEAN Output signal

3.14.2 Received GOOSE measured value information

GOOSERCV_MV Function block

GUID-B1E801F1-DCAF-4ECB-A50E-366F08FCB714 V1 EN-US

Figure 34: Function block Functionality

The received GOOSE measured value information function GOOSERCV_MV is

used to connect the GOOSE measured value inputs to the application. Signals
Table 79: GOOSERCV_MV Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN FLOAT32 0 Input signal

Table 80: GOOSERCV_MV Output signals

Name Type Description
OUT FLOAT32 Output signal
VALID BOOLEAN Output signal

REX610 83
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

3.14.3 Received GOOSE interlocking information

GOOSERCV_INTL Function block

GUID-EFA94662-CF1C-4A1E-ABA8-52238A6FD227 V1 EN-US

Figure 35: Function block Functionality

The received GOOSE interlocking information function GOOSERCV_INTL is

used to connect the GOOSE double binary input to the application and extracting
single binary position signals from the double binary position signal.

The OP output signal indicates that the position is open. Default value (0) is used if
VALID output indicates invalid status.

The CL output signal indicates that the position is closed. Default value (0) is used
if VALID output indicates invalid status.

The OK output signal indicates that the position is neither in faulty or intermediate
state. The default value (0) is used if VALID output indicates invalid status. Signals
Table 81: GOOSERCV_INTL Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN Dbpos 00 Input signal

Table 82: GOOSERCV_INTL Output signals

Name Type Description
OP BOOLEAN Position open output signal
CL BOOLEAN Position closed output signal
OK BOOLEAN Position OK output signal
VALID BOOLEAN Output signal

84 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

3.15 Type conversion function blocks

3.15.1 Good signal quality QTY_GOOD Function block

GUID-F3E39454-D8B7-4BA3-957D-6E2C92B1C627 V1 EN-US

Figure 36: Function block Functionality

The good signal quality function QTY_GOOD evaluates the quality bits of the
input signal and passes it as a Boolean signal for the application.

The IN input can be connected to any logic application signal (except

preprocessing block). Due to application logic quality bit propagation, each (simple
and even combined) signal has quality which can be evaluated.

The OUT output indicates quality good of the input signal. Input signals that have
no quality bits set or only test bit is set, will indicate quality good status. Signals
Table 83: QTY_GOOD Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN Any 0 Input signal

Table 84: QTY_GOOD Output signals

Name Type Description
OUT BOOLEAN Output signal

3.15.2 Bad signal quality QTY_BAD Function block


Figure 37: Function block

REX610 85
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Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Functionality

The bad signal quality function QTY_BAD evaluates the quality bits of the input
signal and passes it as a Boolean signal for the application.

The IN input can be connected to any logic application signal (except

preprocessing block). Due to application logic quality bit propagation, each (simple
and even combined) signal has quality which can be evaluated.

The OUT output indicates quality bad of the input signal. Input signals that have
any other than test bit set, will indicate quality bad status. Signals
Table 85: QTY_BAD Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN Any 0 Input signal

Table 86: QTY_BAD Output signals

Name Type Description
OUT BOOLEAN Output signal

3.16 Configurable logic blocks

3.16.1 Minimum pulse timer Minimum pulse timer, two channels TPGAPC (ANSI 62TP)

Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Minimum pulse timer, two channels TPGAPC TP 62TP

Function block

GUID-00B75746-1000-4A9E-A89D-1C1EFC5FFB1B V1 EN-US

Figure 38: Function block

86 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

The minimum pulse timer, two channels, function TPGAPC contains two
independent timers. The function has a settable pulse length (in milliseconds). The
timers are used for setting the minimum pulse length for example, the signal
outputs. Once the input is activated, the output is set for a specific duration using
the Pulse time setting. Both timers use the same setting parameter.

GUID-B744FA36-0C8F-42B5-8237-503FE49C80C2 V1 EN-US

Figure 39: A = Trip pulse is shorter than Pulse time setting, B = Trip pulse is
longer than Pulse time setting

Table 87: TPGAPC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2

Table 88: TPGAPC Output signals

Name Type Description
OUT1 BOOLEAN Output 1 status
OUT2 BOOLEAN Output 2 status

Table 89: TPGAPC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Pulse time 0...60000 ms 1 150 Minimum pulse time

REX610 87
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Monitored data
Table 90: TPGAPC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
OUT1 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 1 status
OUT2 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 2 status
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2
1=True Minimum pulse timer second resolution, two channels TPSGAPC


Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Minimum pulse timer second TPSGAPC TPS 62TPS
resolution, two channels

Function block

GUID-1B3879B9-65FC-4E64-AEE8-06BA6E464D08 V1 EN-US

Figure 40: Function block

The minimum pulse timer second resolution, two channels, function TPSGAPC
contains two independent timers. The function has a settable pulse length (in
seconds). The timers are used for setting the minimum pulse length for example,
the signal outputs. Once the input is activated, the output is set for a specific
duration using the Pulse time setting. Both timers use the same setting parameter.

88 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

GUID-B744FA36-0C8F-42B5-8237-503FE49C80C2 V1 EN-US

Figure 41: A = Trip pulse is shorter than Pulse time setting, B = Trip pulse is
longer than Pulse time setting

Table 91: TPSGAPC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2

Table 92: TPSGAPC Output signals

Name Type Description
OUT1 BOOLEAN Output 1 status
OUT2 BOOLEAN Output 2 status

Table 93: TPSGAPC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Pulse time 0...300 s 1 0 Minimum pulse time

Monitored data
Table 94: TPSGAPC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
OUT1 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 1 status
OUT2 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 2 status
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2

REX610 89
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Minimum pulse timer minutes resolution, two channels TPMGAPC


Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Minimum pulse timer minutes TPMGAPC TPM 62TPM
resolution, two channels

Function block

GUID-AC73BFA7-F059-40F5-BA05-B8AD9E7735FE V1 EN-US

Figure 42: Function block

The minimum pulse timer minutes resolution, two channels, function TPMGAPC
contains two independent timers. The function has a settable pulse length (in
minutes). The timers are used for setting the minimum pulse length for example,
the signal outputs. Once the input is activated, the output is set for a specific
duration using the Pulse time setting. Both timers use the same setting parameter.

GUID-B744FA36-0C8F-42B5-8237-503FE49C80C2 V1 EN-US

Figure 43: A = Trip pulse is shorter than Pulse time setting, B = Trip pulse is
longer than Pulse time setting

Table 95: TPMGAPC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2

90 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Table 96: TPMGAPC Output signals

Name Type Description
OUT1 BOOLEAN Output 1 status
OUT2 BOOLEAN Output 2 status

Table 97: TPMGAPC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Pulse time 0...300 min 1 0 Minimum pulse time

Monitored data
Table 98: TPMGAPC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
OUT1 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 1 status
OUT2 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 2 status
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2

3.16.2 Time delay off, eight channels TOFGAPC (ANSI 62TOF) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Time delay off, eight channels TOFGAPC TOF 62TOF Function block

GUID-9B65D436-A475-47B6-803E-D4114B6F9280 V1 EN-US

Figure 44: Function block

REX610 91
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Functionality

The time delay off, eight channels, function TOFGAPC can be used, for example,
for a drop-off-delayed output related to the input signal. The function contains
eight independent timers. There is a settable delay in the timer. Once the input is
activated, the output is set immediately. When the input is cleared, the output stays
on until the time set with the Off delay time setting has elapsed.

GUID-4EFC931B-9140-434F-B9D7-3B1E11F278DD V2 EN-US

Figure 45: Timer operation Signals
Table 99: TOFGAPC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1 status
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2 status
IN3 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 3 status
IN4 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 4 status
IN5 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 5 status
IN6 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 6 status
IN7 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 7 status
IN8 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 8 status

Table 100: TOFGAPC Output signals

Name Type Description
Q1 BOOLEAN Output 1 status
Q2 BOOLEAN Output 2 status
Q3 BOOLEAN Output 3 status
Q4 BOOLEAN Output 4 status
Q5 BOOLEAN Output 5 status
Q6 BOOLEAN Output 6 status
Q7 BOOLEAN Output 7 status
Q8 BOOLEAN Output 8 status

92 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions Settings
Table 101: TOFGAPC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Off delay time 1 0...3600000 ms 10 0 Off delay time
Off delay time 2 0...3600000 ms 10 0 Off delay time
Off delay time 3 0...3600000 ms 10 0 Off delay time
Off delay time 4 0...3600000 ms 10 0 Off delay time
Off delay time 5 0...3600000 ms 10 0 Off delay time
Off delay time 6 0...3600000 ms 10 0 Off delay time
Off delay time 7 0...3600000 ms 10 0 Off delay time
Off delay time 8 0...3600000 ms 10 0 Off delay time Monitored data

Table 102: TOFGAPC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
Q1 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 1 status
Q2 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 2 status
Q3 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 3 status
Q4 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 4 status
Q5 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 5 status
Q6 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 6 status
Q7 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 7 status
Q8 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 8 status
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1 status
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2 status
IN3 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 3 status
IN4 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 4 status
IN5 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 5 status
Table continues on next page

REX610 93
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description

IN6 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 6 status
IN7 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 7 status
IN8 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 8 status
1=True Technical data

Table 103: TOFGAPC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms

3.16.3 Time delay on, eight channels TONGAPC (ANSI 62TON) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Time delay on, eight channels TONGAPC TON 62TON Function block

GUID-59D6EAE8-E4A9-410E-8494-5A8032164F94 V1 EN-US

Figure 46: Function block Functionality

The time delay on, eight channels, function TONGAPC can be used, for example,
for time-delaying the output related to the input signal. TONGAPC contains eight
independent timers. The timer has a settable time delay. Once the input is activated,
the output is set after the time set by the On delay time setting has elapsed.

94 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions


Figure 47: Timer operation Signals
Table 104: TONGAPC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2
IN3 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 3
IN4 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 4
IN5 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 5
IN6 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 6
IN7 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 7
IN8 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 8

Table 105: TONGAPC Output signals

Name Type Description
Q1 BOOLEAN Output 1
Q2 BOOLEAN Output 2
Q3 BOOLEAN Output 3
Q4 BOOLEAN Output 4
Q5 BOOLEAN Output 5
Q6 BOOLEAN Output 6
Q7 BOOLEAN Output 7
Q8 BOOLEAN Output 8

REX610 95
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Settings
Table 106: TONGAPC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
On delay time 1 0...3600000 ms 10 0 On delay time
On delay time 2 0...3600000 ms 10 0 On delay time
On delay time 3 0...3600000 ms 10 0 On delay time
On delay time 4 0...3600000 ms 10 0 On delay time
On delay time 5 0...3600000 ms 10 0 On delay time
On delay time 6 0...3600000 ms 10 0 On delay time
On delay time 7 0...3600000 ms 10 0 On delay time
On delay time 8 0...3600000 ms 10 0 On delay time Monitored data

Table 107: TONGAPC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
Q1 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 1
Q2 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 2
Q3 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 3
Q4 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 4
Q5 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 5
Q6 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 6
Q7 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 7
Q8 BOOLEAN 0=False Output 8
IN1 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 1
IN2 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 2
IN3 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 3
IN4 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 4
IN5 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 5
Table continues on next page

96 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description

IN6 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 6
IN7 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 7
IN8 BOOLEAN 0=False Input 8
1=True Technical data

Table 108: TONGAPC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms

3.16.4 Programmable buttons FKEYGGIO (ANSI FKEY) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Programmable buttons (2 buttons) FKEYGGIO FKEY FKEY Function block

GUID-5202BE3A-4D13-4200-82B8-EFD5BAE164DB V1 EN-US

Figure 48: Function block Functionality

The programmable buttons function FKEYGGIO is a simple interface between the

panel and the application. The user input from the buttons available on the front
panel is transferred to the assigned functionality and the corresponding LED is ON
or OFF for indication. The behavior of each function key in the specific application
is configured by connection with other application functions. This gives the
maximum flexibility.

REX610 97
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Operation principle

L1 and L2 represent the LEDs on the protection relay's LHMI. When an input is
set to TRUE, the corresponding LED is lit. When a function key on LHMI is
pressed, the corresponding output, K1 or K2, is set to TRUE. Signals
Table 109: FKEYGGIO Input signals
Name Type Default Description
L1 BOOLEAN 0=False LED 1
L2 BOOLEAN 0=False LED 2

Table 110: FKEYGGIO Output signals

Name Type Description
K2 BOOLEAN KEY 2 Monitored data

Table 111: FKEYGGIO Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
L1 BOOLEAN 0=False LED 1
L2 BOOLEAN 0=False LED 2
K1 BOOLEAN 0=False KEY 1
K2 BOOLEAN 0=False KEY 2

98 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

3.17 Standard logic operators

3.17.1 OR gate with two inputs OR, six inputs OR6 and twenty
inputs OR20 Function block

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Figure 49: Function blocks Functionality

OR, OR6 and OR20 are used to form general combinatory expressions with
boolean variables.

The O output is activated when at least one input has the value TRUE. The default
value of all inputs is FALSE, which makes it possible to use only the required
number of inputs and leave the rest disconnected.

OR has two inputs, OR6 six and OR20 twenty inputs. Signals
Table 112: OR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
B1 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 1
B2 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 2

REX610 99
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Table 113: OR6 Input signals

Name Type Default Description
B1 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 1
B2 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 2
B3 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 3
B4 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 4
B5 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 5
B6 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 6

Table 114: Input signals

Name Type Default Description
B1 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 1
B2 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 2
B3 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 3
B4 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 4
B5 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 5
B6 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 6
B7 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 7
B8 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 8
B9 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 9
B10 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 10
B11 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 11
B12 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 12
B13 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 13
B14 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 14
B15 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 15
B16 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 16
B17 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 17
B18 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 18
B19 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 19
B20 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 20

Table 115: OR Output signals

Name Type Description
O BOOLEAN Output signal

Table 116: OR6 Output signals

Name Type Description
O BOOLEAN Output signal

100 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Table 117: OR20 Output signals

Name Type Description
O BOOLEAN Output signal

Table 118: OR20 Output signals

Name Type Description
O BOOLEAN Output signal Settings

The function does not have any parameters available in the LHMI or in PCM600.

3.17.2 AND gate with two inputs AND, six inputs AND6 and
twenty inputs AND20 Function block

GUID-B6339EC4-FDCE-4B9D-8C28-C75E1808309B V1 EN-US

Figure 50: Function blocks Functionality

AND, AND6 and AND20 are used to form general combinatory expressions with
boolean variables.

The default value in all inputs is logical TRUE, which makes it possible to use only
the required number of inputs and leave the rest disconnected.

AND has two inputs, AND6 six inputs and AND20 twenty inputs.

REX610 101
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Signals
Table 119: AND Input signals
Name Type Default Description
B1 BOOLEAN 1 Input signal 1
B2 BOOLEAN 1 Input signal 2

Table 120: AND6 Input signals

Name Type Default Description
B1 BOOLEAN 1 Input signal 1
B2 BOOLEAN 1 Input signal 2
B3 BOOLEAN 1 Input signal 3
B4 BOOLEAN 1 Input signal 4
B5 BOOLEAN 1 Input signal 5
B6 BOOLEAN 1 Input signal 6

Table 121: AND20 Input signals

Name Type Default Description
B1 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 1
B2 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 2
B3 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 3
B4 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 4
B5 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 5
B6 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 6
B7 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 7
B8 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 8
B9 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 9
B10 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 10
B11 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 11
B12 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 12
B13 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 13
B14 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 14
B15 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 15
B16 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 16
B17 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 17
B18 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 18
B19 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 19
B20 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 20

102 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Table 122: AND Output signals

Name Type Description
O BOOLEAN Output signal

Table 123: AND6 Output signals

Name Type Description
O BOOLEAN Output signal

Table 124: AND20 output signals

Name Type Description
O BOOLEAN Output signal Settings

The function does not have any parameters available in the LHMI or in PCM600.

3.17.3 XOR gate with two inputs XOR Function block

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Figure 51: Function block Functionality

The exclusive OR function XOR is used to generate combinatory expressions with

boolean variables.

The output signal is TRUE if the input signals are different and FALSE if they are
equal. Signals
Table 125: XOR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
B1 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 1
B2 BOOLEAN 0 Input signal 2

REX610 103
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Table 126: XOR Output signal

Name Type Description
O BOOLEAN Output signal Settings

The function does not have any parameters available in the LHMI or in PCM600.

3.17.4 NOT gate NOT Function block

GUID-789510A4-0482-4788-90F5-CA5A21416F1D V1 EN-US

Figure 52: Function block Functionality

NOT is used to generate combinatory expressions with boolean variables.

NOT inverts the input signal. Signals
Table 127: NOT Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I BOOLEAN 0 Input signal

Table 128: NOT Output signal

Name Type Description
O BOOLEAN Output signal Settings

The function does not have any parameters available in the LHMI or in PCM600.

104 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

3.17.5 Rising edge detector R_TRIG Function block

GUID-3EB22B1D-D409-4729-954D-C9D83806ED55 V1 EN-US

Figure 53: Function block Functionality

R_TRIG is used as a rising edge detector.

R_TRIG detects the transition from FALSE to TRUE at the CLK input. When the
rising edge is detected, the element assigns the output to TRUE. At the next
execution round, the output is returned to FALSE despite the state of the input. Signals
Table 129: R_TRIG Input signals
Name Type Default Description
CLK BOOLEAN 0 Input signal

Table 130: R_TRIG Output signals

Name Type Description
Q BOOLEAN Output signal Settings

The function does not have any parameters available in the LHMI or in PCM600.

3.17.6 Falling edge detector F_TRIG Function block

GUID-B7404F5A-6FB6-45F3-B55B-B75AF5BC99FF V1 EN-US

Figure 54: Function block

REX610 105
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Functionality

F_TRIG is used as a falling edge detector.

The function detects the transition from TRUE to FALSE at the CLK input. When
the falling edge is detected, the element assigns the Q output to TRUE. At the next
execution round, the output is returned to FALSE despite the state of the input. Signals
Table 131: F_TRIG Input signals
Name Type Default Description
CLK BOOLEAN 0 Input signal

Table 132: F_TRIG Output signals

Name Type Description
Q BOOLEAN Output signal Settings

The function does not have any parameters available in the LHMI or in PCM600.

3.17.7 SR flip-flop, volatile SR Function block

GUID-FEDF254C-417C-4760-837D-ED91DD2AF389 V1 EN-US

Figure 55: Function block Functionality

The SR flip-flop output Q can be set or reset from the S or R inputs. S input has a
higher priority over the R input. Output NOTQ is the negation of output Q.

The statuses of outputs Q and NOTQ are not retained in the

nonvolatile memory.

106 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

Table 133: Truth table for SR flip-flop

0 0 01)
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 1

1) Keep state/no change Signals
Table 134: SR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
S BOOLEAN 0=False Set Q output when set
R BOOLEAN 0=False Resets Q output when

Table 135: SR Output signals

Name Type Description
Q BOOLEAN Q status

3.17.8 RS flip-flop, volatile RS Function block

GUID-4C8A6461-20D6-4E7B-9BC7-5575967F6A77 V1 EN-US

Figure 56: Function block Functionality

The RS flip-flop output Q can be set or reset from the S or R inputs. R input has a
higher priority over the S input. Output NOTQ is the negation of output Q.

The statuses of outputs Q and NOTQ are not retained in the

nonvolatile memory.

REX610 107
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions

Table 136: Truth table for RS flip-flop

0 0 01)
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 0

1) Keep state/no change Signals
Table 137: RS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
S BOOLEAN 0=False Set Q output when set
R BOOLEAN 0=False Resets Q output when

Table 138: RS Output signals

Name Type Description
Q BOOLEAN Q status

3.18 Factory settings restoration

In case of configuration data loss or any other file system error that prevents the
protection relay from working properly, the whole file system can be restored to
the original factory state. All default settings and configuration files stored in the
factory are restored. As the relay has no configuration, a warning message
Config. not available is displayed.

For further information on restoring factory settings, see the operation manual.

3.19 Ethernet channel supervision functions

The protection relay offers a bandwidth rate limiting functionality to limit the
Ethernet/TCP network traffic. The main purpose of this feature is the possibility to
divide network segments for different multicast frame types and also to limit the
network congestion and traffic towards the protection relay processing during
network attacks (such as a Denial of Service attack) or in case of network
configuration issues.

108 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 3
Basic functions

The Ethernet rate limiter is configured for 1000 packets per second. The Ethernet
filter only allows the subscribed GOOSE packets.

3.19.1 Ethernet channel supervision SCHLCCH Function block

GUID-63326B82-5240-4CDD-BE3F-92D5E077067B V1 EN-US

Figure 57: Function block Functionality

Ethernet channel supervision SCHLCCH represents the rear LAN Ethernet


An unused Ethernet port can be set "Off" with the setting Configuration/
Communication/Ethernet/Rear port/Port Mode. This setting closes the port
from software, disabling the Ethernet communication in that port. Closing an
unused Ethernet port enhances the cyber security of the relay. Signals
Table 139: SCHLCCH Output signals
Name Type Description
CH1LIV BOOLEAN Ethernet channel live
LNK1LIV BOOLEAN Ethernet port 1 link status Settings
Table 140: SCHLCCH Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Port mode 0=Off 1=On Ethernet port mode

REX610 109
Technical Manual
Section 3 2NGA000825 B
Basic functions Monitored data

Table 141: SCHLCCH Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
CH1LIV BOOLEAN 0=False Ethernet channel live
LNK1LIV BOOLEAN 0=False Ethernet port 1 link
1=True status

110 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Section 4 Protection functions

4.1 Three-phase current protection

4.1.1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection

PHxPTOC (ANSI 51P-1, 51P-2, 50P) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Three-phase non-directional PHLPTOC 3I> 51P-1
overcurrent protection, low stage
Three-phase non-directional PHHPTOC 3I>> 51P-2
overcurrent protection, high stage
Three-phase non-directional PHIPTOC 3I>>> 50P
overcurrent protection, instantaneous
stage Function block

GUID-A4DE3E5F-93C0-4144-9479-C279459206F2 V1 EN-US

Figure 58: Function block Functionality

The three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection function PHxPTOC is used

as one-phase, two-phase or three-phase non-directional overcurrent and short-
circuit protection.

The function starts when the current exceeds the set limit. The operate time
characteristics for low stage PHLPTOC and high stage PHHPTOC can be selected
to be either definite time (DT) or inverse definite minimum time (IDMT). The
instantaneous stage PHIPTOC always operates with the DT characteristic.

In the DT mode, the function operates after a predefined operate time and resets
when the fault current disappears. The IDMT mode provides current-dependent
timer characteristics.

REX610 111
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs, timers or the function itself. Analog input configuration

PHxPTOC has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 142: Analog inputs
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

The operation of PHxPTOC can be described by using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

Phase Timer
I_B Level
I3P detector
I_C logic t OPERATE


BLOCK logic

GUID-8A0FB454-8189-4828-9395-17ED80DBB77F V1 EN-US

Figure 59: Functional module diagram

Level detector
The measured phase currents are compared phasewise to the set Start value. If the
measured value exceeds the set Start value, the level detector reports the exceeding
of the value to the phase selection logic. If the ENA_MULT input is active, the Start
value setting is multiplied by the Start value Mult setting.

112 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

The protection relay does not accept the Start value or Start value
Mult setting if the product of these settings exceeds the Start value
setting range.

The start value multiplication is normally done when the inrush detection function
(INRPHAR) is connected to the ENA_MULT input.

GUID-B69BD6DB-6322-4FB1-AE76-F72161751599 V1 EN-US

Figure 60: Start value behavior with ENA_MULT input activated

Phase selection logic

If the fault criteria are fulfilled in the level detector, the phase selection logic
detects the phase or phases in which the measured current exceeds the setting. If
the phase information matches the Num of start phases setting, the phase selection
logic activates the timer module.

Once activated, the timer activates the START output. Depending on the value of
the Operating curve type setting, the time characteristics are according to DT or
IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value of Operate delay time in
the DT mode or the maximum value defined by the inverse time curve, the
OPERATE output is activated.

When the user-programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operation time

characteristics are defined by the parameters Curve parameter A, Curve parameter
B, Curve parameter C, Curve parameter D and Curve parameter E.

REX610 113
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

If a drop-off situation happens, that is, a fault suddenly disappears before the
operate delay is exceeded, the timer reset state is activated. The functionality of the
timer in the reset state depends on the combination of the Operating curve type,
Type of reset curve and Reset delay time settings. When the DT characteristic is
selected, the reset timer runs until the set Reset delay time value is exceeded. When
the IDMT curves are selected, the Type of reset curve setting can be set to
"Immediate", "Def time reset" or "Inverse reset". The reset curve type "Immediate"
causes an immediate reset. With the reset curve type "Def time reset", the reset
time depends on the Reset delay time setting. With the reset curve type "Inverse
reset", the reset time depends on the current during the drop-off situation and the
value of START_DUR. The START output is deactivated when the reset timer has

The "Inverse reset" selection is only supported with ANSI or user

programmable types of the IDMT operating curves. If another
operating curve type is selected, an immediate reset occurs during
the drop-off situation.

The setting Time multiplier is used for scaling the IDMT operate and reset times.

The setting parameter Minimum operate time defines the minimum desired operate
time for IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.

The Minimum operate time setting should be used with great care
because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value of the Minimum operate time setting. For
more information, see the IDMT curves for overcurrent protection
section in this manual.

The timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operating time. The value is
available in the monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/
Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK signal activation is
preselected with the global setting Blocking mode.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the
whole function is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not

114 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions Measurement modes

The function operates on four alternative measurement modes: "RMS", "DFT",

"Peak-to-Peak" and "P-to-P + backup". Additionally, there is “Wide P-to-P”
measurement mode in some products variants. The measurement mode is selected
with the setting Measurement mode.
Table 143: Measurement modes supported by PHxPTOC stages
RMS x x
DFT x x
Peak-to-Peak x x
P-to-P + backup x
Wide P-to-P x

For a detailed description of the measurement modes, see the

Measurement modes section in this manual. Timer characteristics

PHxPTOC supports both DT and IDMT characteristics. The user can select the
timer characteristics with the Operating curve type and Type of reset curve settings.
When the DT characteristic is selected, it is only affected by the Operate delay
time and Reset delay time settings.

The protection relay provides 16 IDMT characteristics curves, of which seven

comply with the IEEE C37.112 and six with the IEC 60255-3 standard. Two curves
follow the special characteristics of ABB praxis and are referred to as RI and RD.
In addition to this, a user programmable curve can be used if none of the standard
curves are applicable. The DT characteristics can be chosen by selecting the
Operating curve type values "ANSI Def. Time" or "IEC Def. Time". The
functionality is identical in both cases.

The timer characteristics supported by different stages comply with the list in the
IEC 61850-7-4 specification, indicate the characteristics supported by different
Table 144: Timer characteristics supported by different stages
Operating curve type PHLPTOC PHHPTOC
(1) ANSI Extremely Inverse x x
(2) ANSI Very Inverse x
(3) ANSI Normal Inverse x x
(4) ANSI Moderately Inverse x
(5) ANSI Definite Time x x
Table continues on next page

REX610 115
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Operating curve type PHLPTOC PHHPTOC

(6) Long Time Extremely Inverse x
(7) Long Time Very Inverse x
(8) Long Time Inverse x
(9) IEC Normal Inverse x x
(10) IEC Very Inverse x x
(11) IEC Inverse x
(12) IEC Extremely Inverse x x
(13) IEC Short Time Inverse x
(14) IEC Long Time Inverse x
(15) IEC Definite Time x x
(17) User programmable x x
(18) RI type x
(19) RD type x

PHIPTOC supports only definite time characteristic.

For a detailed description of timers, see the General function block

features section in this manual.

Table 145: Reset time characteristics supported by different stages

Reset curve type PHLPTOC PHHPTOC Note
(1) Immediate x x Available for all operate time curves
(2) Def time reset x x Available for all operate time curves
(3) Inverse reset x x Available only for ANSI and user
programmable curves

The Type of reset curve setting does not apply to PHIPTOC or

when the DT operation is selected. The reset is purely defined by
the Reset delay time setting. Application

PHxPTOC is used in several applications in the power system. The applications

include but are not limited to:

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Protection functions

• Selective overcurrent and short-circuit protection of feeders in distribution and

subtransmission systems
• Backup overcurrent and short-circuit protection of power transformers and
• Overcurrent and short-circuit protection of various devices connected to the
power system, for example shunt capacitor banks, shunt reactors and motors
• General backup protection

PHxPTOC is used for single-phase, two-phase and three-phase non-directional

overcurrent and short-circuit protection. Typically, overcurrent protection is used
for clearing two and three-phase short circuits. Therefore, the user can choose how
many phases, at minimum, must have currents above the start level for the function
to operate. When the number of start-phase settings is set to "1 out of 3", the
operation of PHxPTOC is enabled with the presence of high current in one-phase.

When the setting is "2 out of 3" or "3 out of 3", single-phase faults
are not detected. The setting "3 out of 3" requires the fault to be
present in all three phases.

Many applications require several steps using different current start levels and time
delays. PHxPTOC consists of three protection stages.

• Instantaneous PHIPTOC

PHLPTOC is used for overcurrent protection. The function contains several types
of time-delay characteristics. PHHPTOC and PHIPTOC are used for fast clearance
of very high overcurrent situations.

Transformer overcurrent protection

The purpose of transformer overcurrent protection is to operate as main protection,
when differential protection is not used. It can also be used as coarse back-up
protection for differential protection in faults inside the zone of protection, that is,
faults occurring in incoming or outgoing feeders, in the region of transformer
terminals and tank cover. This means that the magnitude range of the fault current
can be very wide. The range varies from 6xIn to several hundred times In,
depending on the impedance of the transformer and the source impedance of the
feeding network. From this point of view, it is clear that the operation must be both
very fast and selective, which is usually achieved by using coarse current settings.

The purpose is also to protect the transformer from short circuits occurring outside
the protection zone, that is through-faults. Transformer overcurrent protection also
provides protection for the LV-side busbars. In this case the magnitude of the fault
current is typically lower than 12xIn depending on the fault location and
transformer impedance. Consequently, the protection must operate as fast as

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possible taking into account the selectivity requirements, switching-in currents, and
the thermal and mechanical withstand of the transformer and outgoing feeders.

Traditionally, overcurrent protection of the transformer has been arranged as

shown in Figure 61. The low-set stage PHLPTOC operates time-selectively both in
transformer and LV-side busbar faults. The high-set stage PHHPTOC operates
instantaneously making use of current selectivity only in transformer HV-side
faults. If there is a possibility, that the fault current can also be fed from the LV-
side up to the HV-side, the transformer must also be equipped with LV-side
overcurrent protection. Inrush current detectors are used in start-up situations to
multiply the current start value setting in each particular protection relay where the
inrush current can occur. The overcurrent and contact based circuit breaker failure
protection CCBRBRF is used to confirm the protection scheme in case of circuit
breaker malfunction.

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Figure 61: Example of traditional time selective transformer overcurrent


The operating times of the main and backup overcurrent protection of the above
scheme become quite long, this applies especially in the busbar faults and also in
the transformer LV-terminal faults. In order to improve the performance of the
above scheme, a multiple-stage overcurrent protection with reverse blocking is
proposed. Figure 62 shows this arrangement.

Transformer and busbar overcurrent protection with reverse blocking

By implementing a full set of overcurrent protection stages and blocking channels
between the protection stages of the incoming feeders, bus-tie and outgoing
feeders, it is possible to speed up the operation of overcurrent protection in the

118 REX610
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Protection functions

busbar and transformer LV-side faults without impairing the selectivity. Also, the
security degree of busbar protection is increased, because there is now a dedicated,
selective and fast busbar protection functionality which is based on the blockable
overcurrent protection principle. The additional time selective stages on the
transformer HV and LV-sides provide increased security degree of backup
protection for the transformer, busbar and also for the outgoing feeders.

Depending on the overcurrent stage in question, the selectivity of the scheme in

Figure 62 is based on the operating current, operating time or blockings between
successive overcurrent stages. With blocking channels, the operating time of the
protection can be drastically shortened if compared to the simple time selective
protection. In addition to the busbar protection, this blocking principle is applicable
for the protection of transformer LV terminals and short lines. The functionality
and performance of the proposed overcurrent protections can be summarized as
seen in the table.
Table 146: Proposed functionality of numerical transformer and busbar overcurrent protection.
DT = definite time, IDMT = inverse definite minimum time
O/C-stage Operating char. Selectivity mode Operation speed Sensitivity
HV/3I> DT/IDMT time selective low very high
HV/3I>> DT blockable/time high/low high
HV/3I>>> DT current selective very high low
LV/3I> DT/IDMT time selective low very high
LV/3I>> DT time selective low high
LV/3I>>> DT blockable high high

In case the bus-tie breaker is open, the operating time of the blockable overcurrent
protection is approximately 100 ms (relaying time). When the bus-tie breaker is
closed, that is, the fault current flows to the faulted section of the busbar from two
directions, the operation time becomes as follows: first the bus-tie relay unit trips
the tie breaker in the above 100 ms, which reduces the fault current to a half. After
this the incoming feeder relay unit of the faulted bus section trips the breaker in
approximately 250 ms (relaying time), which becomes the total fault clearing time
in this case.

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Figure 62: Numerical overcurrent protection functionality for a typical sub-

transmission/distribution substation (feeder protection not shown).
Blocking output = digital output signal from the start of a protection
stage, Blocking in = digital input signal to block the operation of a
protection stage

The operating times of the time selective stages are very short, because the grading
margins between successive protection stages can be kept short. This is mainly due
to the advanced measuring principle allowing a certain degree of CT saturation,
good operating accuracy and short retardation times of the numerical units. So, for
example, a grading margin of 150 ms in the DT mode of operation can be used,
provided that the circuit breaker interrupting time is shorter than 60 ms.

The sensitivity and speed of the current-selective stages become as good as

possible due to the fact that the transient overreach is very low. Also, the effects of
switching inrush currents on the setting values can be reduced by using the
protection relay's logic, which recognizes the transformer energizing inrush current
and blocks the operation or multiplies the current start value setting of the selected
overcurrent stage with a predefined multiplier setting.

Finally, a dependable trip of the overcurrent protection is secured by both a proper

selection of the settings and an adequate ability of the measuring transformers to
reproduce the fault current. This is important in order to maintain selectivity and
also for the protection to operate without additional time delays. For additional
information about available measuring modes and current transformer
requirements, see the Measurement modes chapter in this manual.

120 REX610
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Protection functions

Radial outgoing feeder overcurrent protection

The basic requirements for feeder overcurrent protection are adequate sensitivity
and operation speed taking into account the minimum and maximum fault current
levels along the protected line, selectivity requirements, inrush currents and the
thermal and mechanical withstand of the lines to be protected.

In many cases the above requirements can be best fulfilled by using multiple-stage
overcurrent units. Figure 63 shows an example of this. A brief coordination study
has been carried out between the incoming and outgoing feeders.

The protection scheme is implemented with three-stage numerical overcurrent

protection, where the low-set stage PHLPTOC operates in IDMT-mode and the
two higher stages PHHPTOC and PHIPTOC in DT-mode. Also the thermal
withstand of the line types along the feeder and maximum expected inrush currents
of the feeders are shown. Faults occurring near the station where the fault current
levels are the highest are cleared rapidly by the instantaneous stage in order to
minimize the effects of severe short circuit faults. The influence of the inrush
current is taken into consideration by connecting the inrush current detector to the
start value multiplying input of the instantaneous stage. By this way the start value
is multiplied with a predefined setting during the inrush situation and nuisance
tripping can be avoided.

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Protection functions


Figure 63: Functionality of numerical multiple-stage overcurrent protection

The coordination plan is an effective tool to study the operation of time selective
operation characteristics. All the points mentioned earlier, required to define the
overcurrent protection parameters, can be expressed simultaneously in a
coordination plan. In Figure 64, the coordination plan shows an example of
operation characteristics in the LV-side incoming feeder and radial outgoing

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Figure 64: Example coordination of numerical multiple-stage overcurrent protection Signals
Table 147: PHLPTOC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier

Table 148: PHHPTOC Input signals

Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier

Table 149: PHIPTOC Input signals

Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier

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Table 150: PHLPTOC Output signals

Name Type Description

Table 151: PHHPTOC Output signals

Name Type Description

Table 152: PHIPTOC Output signals

Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 153: PHLPTOC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3 1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
2=2 out of 3 activation
3=3 out of 3
Curve parameter A 0.0086...50000.000 0.0001 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
0 curve
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.0001 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...6.00 0.01 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 0.01 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable

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Table 154: PHLPTOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operating curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv. 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
2=ANSI Very inv.
3=ANSI Norm. inv.
4=ANSI Mod. inv.
5=ANSI Def. Time
6=L.T.E. inv.
7=L.T.V. inv.
8=L.T. inv.
9=IEC Norm. inv.
10=IEC Very inv.
11=IEC inv.
12=IEC Ext. inv.
13=IEC S.T. inv.
14=IEC L.T. inv.
15=IEC Def. Time
18=RI type
19=RD type
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn 0.01 0.05 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operate delay time 40...300000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time

Table 155: PHLPTOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
5=Wide P-to-P
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time

Table 156: PHLPTOC Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset

Table 157: PHHPTOC Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3 1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
2=2 out of 3 activation
3=3 out of 3
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 0.0001 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Table continues on next page

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Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.0001 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 0.01 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 0.01 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable

Table 158: PHHPTOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operating curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv. 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
3=ANSI Norm. inv.
5=ANSI Def. Time
9=IEC Norm. inv.
10=IEC Very inv.
12=IEC Ext. inv.
15=IEC Def. Time
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.10 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operate delay time 40...300000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time

Table 159: PHHPTOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time

Table 160: PHHPTOC Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset

Table 161: PHIPTOC Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3 1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
2=2 out of 3 activation
3=3 out of 3

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Table 162: PHIPTOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 1.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 1.00 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operate delay time 20...300000 ms 10 20 Operate delay time

Table 163: PHIPTOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time Monitored data

Table 164: PHLPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
PHLPTOC1 Enum 1=on Status

Table 165: PHHPTOC Monitored data

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
PHHPTOC1 Enum 1=on Status

Table 166: PHIPTOC Monitored data

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
PHIPTOC1 Enum 1=on Status

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Protection functions Technical data

Table 167: PHxPTOC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy PHLPTOC Depending on the frequency of current
measured: fn ±2 Hz

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In1)

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.007 × In2)

PHHPTOC ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In1)

and ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.007 × In2)
(at currents in the range of 0.1…10 × In)
±5% of the set value
(at currents in the range of 10…40 × In)

Start time3)4) Minimum Typical Maximum

IFault = 2 × set Start 12ms 20 ms 38 ms
IFault = 10 × set Start 8 ms 13 ms 31 ms
IFault = 2 × set Start 25 ms 35 ms 48 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±50 ms 5)
Suppression of harmonics RMS: No suppression
DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
Peak-to-Peak: No suppression
P-to-P+backup: No suppression

1) Measurement mode = "RMS", "DFT" and "Peak-Peak" mode with CT secondary >0.2 A
2) Measurement mode = "Peak-to-peak", CT Secondary <0.2 A
3) Measurement mode = default (depends on the stage), current before fault = 0.0 × In, fn = 50 Hz,
fault current in one phase with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based
on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
4) Includes the delay of the signal output contact (SO)
5) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in the range of 1.5...20

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Protection functions

4.1.2 Three-phase directional overcurrent protection DPHxPDOC

(ANSI 67P/51P-1, 67P/51P-2) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Three-phase directional overcurrent DPHLPDOC 3I> -> 67P/51P-1
protection, low stage
Three-phase directional overcurrent DPHHPDOC 3I>> -> 67P/51P-2
protection, high stage Function block

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Figure 65: Function block Functionality

The three-phase directional overcurrent protection function DPHxPDOC is used as

one-phase, two-phase or three-phase directional overcurrent and short-circuit
protection for feeders.

DPHxPDOC starts up when the value of the current exceeds the set limit and
directional criterion is fulfilled. The operate time characteristics for low stage
DPHLPDOC and high stage DPHHPDOC can be selected to be either definite time
(DT) or inverse definite minimum time (IDMT).

In the DT mode, the function operates after a predefined operate time and resets
when the fault current disappears. The IDMT mode provides current-dependent
timer characteristics.

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs, timers or the function itself. Analog channel configuration

DPHxPDOC has two analog group inputs which must be properly configured.

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Table 168: Analog inputs

Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents
U3P Three-phase voltages

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 169: Special conditions
Condition Description
U3P connected to real measurements The function can work with any two phase
voltage channels connected but it is
recommended to connect all three voltage

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

The operation of DPHxPDOC can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

130 REX610
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Protection functions

U_B_BC Timer
U2 Directional
I_A calculation Phase
I_B selection
I3P logic



BLOCK logic

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Figure 66: Functional module diagram

Directional calculation
The directional calculation compares the current phasors to the polarizing phasor.
A suitable polarization quantity can be selected from the different polarization
quantities, which are the positive sequence voltage, negative sequence voltage,
self-polarizing (faulted) voltage and cross-polarizing voltages (healthy voltages).
The polarizing method is defined with the Pol quantity setting.
Table 170: Polarizing quantities
Polarizing quantity Description
Pos. seq. volt Positive sequence voltage
Neg. seq. volt Negative sequence voltage
Self pol Self polarization
Cross pol Cross polarization

The directional operation can be selected with the Directional mode setting. The
user can select either "Non-directional", "Forward" or "Reverse" operation. By
setting the value of Allow Non Dir to "True", the non-directional operation is
allowed when the directional information is invalid.

The Characteristic angle setting is used to turn the directional characteristic. The
value of Characteristic angle should be chosen in such a way that all the faults in
the operating direction are seen in the operating zone and all the faults in the
opposite direction are seen in the non-operating zone. The value of Characteristic
angle depends on the network configuration.

Reliable operation requires both the operating and polarizing quantities to exceed
certain minimum amplitude levels. The minimum amplitude level for the operating

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quantity (current) is set with the Min operate current setting. The minimum
amplitude level for the polarizing quantity (voltage) is set with the Min operate
voltage setting. If the amplitude level of the operating quantity or polarizing
quantity is below the set level, the direction information of the corresponding phase
is set to "Unknown".

The polarizing quantity validity can remain valid even if the amplitude of the
polarizing quantity falls below the value of the Min operate voltage setting. In this
case, the directional information is provided by a special memory function for a
time defined with the Voltage Mem time setting.

DPHxPDOC is provided with a memory function to secure a reliable and correct

directional protection relay operation in case of a close short circuit or an earth
fault characterized by an extremely low voltage. At sudden loss of the polarization
quantity, the angle difference is calculated on the basis of a fictive voltage. The
fictive voltage is calculated using the positive phase sequence voltage measured
before the fault occurred, assuming that the voltage is not affected by the fault. The
memory function enables the function to operate up to a maximum of three seconds
after a total loss of voltage. This time can be set with the Voltage Mem time setting.
The voltage memory cannot be used for the "Negative sequence voltage"
polarization because it is not possible to substitute the positive sequence voltage for
negative sequence voltage without knowing the network unsymmetry level. This is
the reason why the fictive voltage angle and corresponding direction information
are frozen immediately for this polarization mode when the need for a voltage
memory arises and these are kept frozen until the time set with Voltage Mem time

The value for the Min operate voltage setting should be carefully
selected since the accuracy in low signal levels is strongly affected
by the measuring device accuracy.

When the voltage falls below Min operate voltage at a close fault, the fictive
voltage is used to determine the phase angle. The measured voltage is applied again
as soon as the voltage rises above Min operate voltage and hysteresis. The fictive
voltage is also discarded if the measured voltage stays below Min operate voltage
and hysteresis for longer than Voltage Mem time or if the fault current disappears
while the fictive voltage is in use. When the voltage is below Min operate voltage
and hysteresis and the fictive voltage is unusable, the fault direction cannot be
determined. The fictive voltage can be unusable for two reasons:

• The fictive voltage is discarded after Voltage Mem time

• The phase angle cannot be reliably measured before the fault situation.

DPHxPDOC can be forced to the non-directional operation with the NON_DIR

input. When the NON_DIR input is active, DPHxPDOC operates as a non-
directional overcurrent protection, regardless of the Directional mode setting.

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Figure 67: Operating zones at minimum magnitude levels

Level detector
The measured phase currents are compared phasewise to the set Start value. If the
measured value exceeds the set Start value, the level detector reports the exceeding
of the value to the phase selection logic. If the ENA_MULT input is active, the Start
value setting is multiplied by the Start value Mult setting.

The protection relay does not accept the Start value or Start value
Mult setting if the product of these settings exceeds the Start value
setting range.

The start value multiplication is normally done when the inrush detection function
(INRPHAR) is connected to the ENA_MULT input.

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Figure 68: Start value behavior with ENA_MULT input activated

Phase selection logic

If the fault criteria are fulfilled in the level detector and the directional calculation,
the phase selection logic detects the phase or phases in which the measured current
exceeds the setting. If the phase information matches the Num of start phases
setting, the phase selection logic activates the timer module.

Once activated, the timer activates the START output. Depending on the value of
the Operating curve type setting, the time characteristics are according to DT or
IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value of Operate delay time in
the DT mode or the maximum value defined by the inverse time curve, the
OPERATE output is activated.

When the user-programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operation time

characteristics are defined by the parameters Curve parameter A, Curve parameter
B, Curve parameter C, Curve parameter D and Curve parameter E.

If a drop-off situation happens, that is, a fault suddenly disappears before the
operate delay is exceeded, the timer reset state is activated. The functionality of the
timer in the reset state depends on the combination of the Operating curve type,
Type of reset curve and Reset delay time settings. When the DT characteristic is
selected, the reset timer runs until the set Reset delay time value is exceeded. When
the IDMT curves are selected, the Type of reset curve setting can be set to
"Immediate", "Def time reset" or "Inverse reset". The reset curve type "Immediate"

134 REX610
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Protection functions

causes an immediate reset. With the reset curve type "Def time reset", the reset
time depends on the Reset delay time setting. With the reset curve type "Inverse
reset", the reset time depends on the current during the drop-off situation and the
value of START_DUR. The START output is deactivated when the reset timer has

The "Inverse reset" selection is only supported with ANSI or user

programmable types of the IDMT operating curves. If another
operating curve type is selected, an immediate reset occurs during
the drop-off situation.

The setting Time multiplier is used for scaling the IDMT operate and reset times.

The setting parameter Minimum operate time defines the minimum desired operate
time for IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.

The Minimum operate time setting should be used with great care
because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value of the Minimum operate time setting. For
more information, see the IDMT curves for overcurrent protection
section in this manual.

The timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operating time. The value is
available in the monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/
Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK signal activation is
preselected with the global setting Blocking mode.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the
whole function is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not
activated. Measurement modes

The function operates on three alternative measurement modes: “RMS”, “DFT”

and “Peak-to-Peak” . The measurement mode is selected with the Measurement
mode setting.

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Table 171: Measurement modes supported by DPHxPDOC stages

Measurement mode DPHLPDOC DPHHPDOC
RMS x x
DFT x x
Peak-to-Peak x x Directional overcurrent characteristics

The forward and reverse sectors are defined separately. The forward operation area
is limited with the Min forward angle and Max forward angle settings. The reverse
operation area is limited with the Min reverse angle and Max reverse angle

The sector limits are always given as positive degree values.

In the forward operation area, the Max forward angle setting gives the
counterclockwise sector and the Min forward angle setting gives the corresponding
clockwise sector, measured from the Characteristic angle setting.

In the backward operation area, the Max reverse angle setting gives the
counterclockwise sector and the Min reverse angle setting gives the corresponding
clockwise sector, a measurement from the Characteristic angle setting that has
been rotated 180 degrees.

Relay characteristic angle (RCA) is set positive if the operating current lags the
polarizing quantity and negative if the operating current leads the polarizing

136 REX610
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GUID-54795C25-DC3D-49DB-8CA3-D1C2426E209E V1 EN-US

Figure 69: Configurable operating sectors

Table 172: Momentary per phase direction value for monitored data view
Criterion for per phase direction information The value for DIR_A/_B/_C
The ANGLE_X is not in any of the defined 0 = unknown
sectors, or the direction cannot be defined due
too low amplitude
The ANGLE_X is in the forward sector 1 = forward
The ANGLE_X is in the reverse sector 2 = backward
(The ANGLE_X is in both forward and reverse -1 = both
sectors, that is, when the sectors are

Table 173: Momentary phase combined direction value for monitored data view
Criterion for phase combined direction information The value for DIRECTION
The direction information (DIR_X) for all phases 0 = unknown
is unknown
The direction information (DIR_X) for at least one 1 = forward
phase is forward, none being in reverse
The direction information (DIR_X) for at least one 2 = backward
phase is reverse, none being in forward
The direction information (DIR_X) for some 3 = both
phase is forward and for some phase is reverse

REX610 137
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
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Self-polarizing as polarizing method

Table 174: Equations for calculating angle difference for self-polarizing method
Faulted Used fault Used Angle difference
phases current polarizing
A IA UA ANGLE _ A = ϕ (U A ) - ϕ (I A ) - ϕRCA
GUID-E915316C-5AA3-49F5-B5C7-5B0ADB27EF73 V1 EN-US (Equation 1)
B IB UB ANGLE _ B = ϕ (U B ) - ϕ (I B ) - ϕ RCA
GUID-65A09723-6B3F-40CA-86D2-AFF080BC1D83 V1 EN-US (Equation 2)
C IC UC ANGLE _ C = ϕ (U C ) - ϕ (I C ) - ϕ RCA
GUID-4BBE8D29-689B-43D9-9331-3245E15D90AF V1 EN-US (Equation 3)
A-B IA - IB UAB ANGLE _ A = ϕ (U AB ) - ϕ (I A - I B ) - ϕ RCA
GUID-84EFEF02-5484-4E03-9128-1883596BE3DB V1 EN-US (Equation 4)
B-C IB - IC UBC ANGLE _ B = ϕ (U BC ) - ϕ (I B - I C ) - ϕ RCA
GUID-75235DEE-77F7-4084-BDD8-99072DFF6937 V1 EN-US (Equation 5)
C-A IC - IA UCA ANGLE _ C = ϕ (U CA ) - ϕ (I C - I A ) - ϕRCA
GUID-DAF7131F-CD11-4174-AEB4-A8145C2282D8 V1 EN-US (Equation 6)

In an example case of the phasors in a single-phase earth fault where the faulted
phase is phase A, the angle difference between the polarizing quantity UA and
operating quantity IA is marked as φ. In the self-polarization method, there is no
need to rotate the polarizing quantity.

GUID-999F7D36-4C98-4A31-9062-1E364C8E8935 V1 EN-US

Figure 70: Single-phase earth fault, phase A

138 REX610
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In an example case of a two-phase short-circuit failure where the fault is between

phases B and C, the angle difference is measured between the polarizing quantity
UBC and operating quantity IB - IC in the self-polarizing method.

GUID-53CAA4AE-0268-4DC5-A309-5C8CBD721AC3 V1 EN-US

Figure 71: Two-phase short circuit, short circuit is between phases B and C

Cross-polarizing as polarizing quantity

Table 175: Equations for calculating angle difference for cross-polarizing method
Faulte Used Used Angle difference
d fault polarizing
phase current voltage
ANGLE _ A = ϕ (U BC ) - ϕ (I A ) - ϕ RCA + 90o
GUID-7DE1B989-9FC4-4B39-886E-49F238723C17 V1 EN-US (Equation 7)
ANGLE _ B = ϕ (U CA ) - ϕ (I B ) - ϕ RCA + 90o
GUID-2582E2FC-6BE1-47BA-BF81-946DB42555BE V1 EN-US (Equation 8)
ANGLE _ C = ϕ (U AB ) - ϕ (I C ) - ϕ RCA + 90o
GUID-541C8B33-F03B-4318-9643-EBA07217DE56 V1 EN-US (Equation 9)
ANGLE _ A = ϕ (U BC - U CA ) - ϕ (I A - I B ) - ϕRCA + 90o
GUID-14F08460-B195-45D4-B6C7-E4D6B0DF7181 V1 EN-US (Equation 10)
ANGLE _ B = ϕ (U CA - U AB ) - ϕ (I B - I C ) - ϕRCA + 90o
GUID-2FCD1D1D-87F3-47B9-B60C-FD2E527EE751 V1 EN-US (Equation 11)
ANGLE _ C = ϕ (U AB - U BC ) - ϕ (I C - I A ) - ϕ RCA + 90o
GUID-4E97305F-C786-4AEC-A58A-F7DAAAA71FB4 V1 EN-US (Equation 12)

REX610 139
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The angle difference between the polarizing quantity UBC and operating quantity
IA is marked as φ in an example of the phasors in a single-phase earth fault where
the faulted phase is phase A. The polarizing quantity is rotated with 90 degrees.
The characteristic angle is assumed to be ~ 0 degrees.

GUID-6EC57AED-3CE5-4CDF-8E44-A79712B07915 V1 EN-US

Figure 72: Single-phase earth fault, phase A

In an example of the phasors in a two-phase short-circuit failure where the fault is

between the phases B and C, the angle difference is measured between the
polarizing quantity UAB and operating quantity IB - IC marked as φ.

140 REX610
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GUID-461EE2E5-8346-4E79-A824-CBF66711A356 V1 EN-US

Figure 73: Two-phase short circuit, short circuit is between phases B and C

The equations are valid when network rotating direction is counter-

clockwise, that is, ABC. If the network rotating direction is
reversed, 180 degrees is added to the calculated angle difference.
This is done automatically with a system parameter Phase rotation.

Negative sequence voltage as polarizing quantity

When the negative voltage is used as the polarizing quantity, the angle difference
between the operating and polarizing quantity is calculated with the same formula
for all fault types:

ANGLE _ X = ϕ ( −U 2 ) − ϕ (I 2 ) − ϕRCA
GUID-7CCB1B2A-79BD-455D-8539-6DF0873BE250 V1 EN-US (Equation 13)

REX610 141
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This means that the actuating polarizing quantity is -U2.




GUID-951670B8-DB76-41EA-A227-573C0F16408A V1 EN-US

Figure 74: Phasors in a single-phase earth fault, phases A-N, and two-phase
short circuit, phases B and C, when the actuating polarizing
quantity is the negative-sequence voltage -U2

Positive sequence voltage as polarizing quantity

Table 176: Equations for calculating angle difference for positive-sequence quantity polarizing
Faulted Used fault Used Angle difference
phases current polarizing
A IA U1 ANGLE _ A = ϕ (U 1) − ϕ (I A ) − ϕRCA
GUID-BCA3F3AB-A4E6-4C2B-930C-5B224E98775D V1 EN-US (Equation 14)
ANGLE _ B = ϕ (U 1) − ϕ (I B ) − ϕRCA − 120o
GUID-0D8F3DB2-72EF-4CFD-94CD-145898410E51 V1 EN-US (Equation 15)
ANGLE _ C = ϕ (U 1) − ϕ (I C ) − ϕRCA + 120o
GUID-E722DC91-53CF-4A50-BE4D-3AE1FD8F5855 V1 EN-US (Equation 16)
A-B IA - IB U1
ANGLE _ A = ϕ (U 1) − ϕ (I A − I B ) − ϕRCA + 30o
GUID-62AD692C-5FA8-4A0D-9C04-63CBA54687F0 V1 EN-US (Equation 17)
B-C IB - IC U1
ANGLE _ B = ϕ (U 1) − ϕ (I B − I C ) − ϕRCA − 90o
GUID-C1B47B56-1D3C-41C7-80BE-C1AF407D745E V1 EN-US (Equation 18)
C-A IC - IA U1
ANGLE _ C = ϕ (U 1) − ϕ (I C − I A ) − ϕRCA + 150o
GUID-FC20AE2D-0E93-40DC-A013-9635CA70540A V1 EN-US (Equation 19)

142 REX610
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IB - Ic


GUID-DE5E5FFD-D45D-4501-8AD3-07C15B3522C8 V1 EN-US

Figure 75: Phasors in a single-phase earth fault, phase A to ground, and a

two-phase short circuit, phases B-C, are short-circuited when the
polarizing quantity is the positive-sequence voltage U1

Network rotation direction

Typically, the network rotating direction is counter-clockwise and defined as
"ABC". If the network rotating direction is reversed, meaning clockwise, that is,
"ACB", the equations for calculating the angle difference needs to be changed. The
network rotating direction is defined with a system parameter Phase rotation. The
change in the network rotating direction affects the phase-to-phase voltages
polarization method where the calculated angle difference needs to be rotated 180
degrees. Also, when the sequence components are used, which are, the positive
sequence voltage or negative sequence voltage components, the calculation of the
components are affected but the angle difference calculation remains the same.
When the phase-to-ground voltages are used as the polarizing method, the network
rotating direction change has no effect on the direction calculation.

The network rotating direction is set in the protection relay using

the parameter in the HMI menu Configuration/System/Phase
rotation. The default parameter value is "ABC".

REX610 143
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GUID-B568D9C7-20F5-4A82-9894-16F6D26C31B5 V1 EN-US

Figure 76: Examples of network rotating direction Application

DPHxPDOC is used as short-circuit protection in three-phase distribution or sub

transmission networks operating at 50 or 60 Hz.

In radial networks, phase overcurrent protection relays are often sufficient for the
short circuit protection of lines, transformers and other equipment. The current-
time characteristic should be chosen according to the common practice in the
network. It is recommended to use the same current-time characteristic for all
overcurrent protection relays in the network. This includes the overcurrent
protection of transformers and other equipment.

The phase overcurrent protection can also be used in closed ring systems as short
circuit protection. Because the setting of a phase overcurrent protection system in
closed ring networks can be complicated, a large number of fault current
calculations are needed. There are situations with no possibility to have the
selectivity with a protection system based on overcurrent protection relays in a
closed ring system.

In some applications, the possibility of obtaining the selectivity can be improved

significantly if DPHxPDOC is used. This can also be done in the closed ring
networks and radial networks with the generation connected to the remote in the
system thus giving fault current infeed in reverse direction. Directional overcurrent
protection relays are also used to have a selective protection scheme, for example
in case of parallel distribution lines or power transformers fed by the same single
source. In ring connected supply feeders between substations or feeders with two
feeding sources, DPHxPDOC is also used.

144 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Parallel lines or transformers

When the lines are connected in parallel and if a fault occurs in one of the lines, it
is practical to have DPHxPDOC to detect the direction of the fault. Otherwise,
there is a risk that the fault situation in one part of the feeding system can de-
energize the whole system connected to the LV side.

GUID-9BF64A76-15A5-4559-96FA-1068B8EC1EA5 V1 EN-US

Figure 77: Overcurrent protection of parallel lines using directional protection


DPHxPDOC can be used for parallel operating transformer applications. In these

applications, there is a possibility that the fault current can also be fed from the
LV-side up to the HV-side. Therefore, the transformer is also equipped with
directional overcurrent protection.

GUID-D664DE1E-DF2A-417D-9AC1-9180B7AFE811 V1 EN-US

Figure 78: Overcurrent protection of parallel operating transformers

Closed ring network topology

The closed ring network topology is used in applications where electricity
distribution for the consumers is secured during network fault situations. The
power is fed at least from two directions which means that the current direction can

REX610 145
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

be varied. The time grading between the network level stages is challenging
without unnecessary delays in the time settings. In this case, it is practical to use
the directional overcurrent protection relays to achieve a selective protection
scheme. Directional overcurrent functions can be used in closed ring applications.
The arrows define the operating direction of the directional functionality. The
double arrows define the non-directional functionality where faults can be detected
in both directions.

GUID-AC3F71F6-583A-466C-81EB-99E4F9EBA3E8 V1 EN-US

Figure 79: Closed ring network topology where feeding lines are protected
with directional overcurrent protection relays Signals
Table 177: DPHLPDOC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
U3P SIGNAL - Three-phase voltages
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
NON_DIR BOOLEAN 0=False Forces protection to non-directional

146 REX610
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Protection functions

Table 178: DPHHPDOC Input signals

Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
U3P SIGNAL - Three-phase voltages
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
NON_DIR BOOLEAN 0=False Forces protection to non-directional

Table 179: DPHLPDOC Output signals

Name Type Description

Table 180: DPHHPDOC Output signals

Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 181: DPHLPDOC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3 1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
2=2 out of 3 activation
3=3 out of 3
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 0.0001 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.0001 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 0.01 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 0.01 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable

REX610 147
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
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Table 182: DPHLPDOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operating curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv. 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
2=ANSI Very inv.
3=ANSI Norm. inv.
4=ANSI Mod. inv.
5=ANSI Def. Time
6=L.T.E. inv.
7=L.T.V. inv.
8=L.T. inv.
9=IEC Norm. inv.
10=IEC Very inv.
11=IEC inv.
12=IEC Ext. inv.
13=IEC S.T. inv.
14=IEC L.T. inv.
15=IEC Def. Time
18=RI type
19=RD type
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Start value 0.05...5.00 xIn 0.01 0.05 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operate delay time 40...300000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time
Directional mode 1=Non-directional 2=Forward Directional mode
Characteristic angle -179...180 deg 1 60 Characteristic angle
Max forward angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in forward
Max reverse angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in reverse
Min forward angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in forward
Min reverse angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in reverse

Table 183: DPHLPDOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Allow Non Dir 0=False 0=False Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir
1=True info is invalid
Min operate current 0.01...1.00 xIn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating current
Min operate voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating voltage

148 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Table 184: DPHLPDOC Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset
Voltage Mem time 0...3000 ms 1 40 Voltage memory time
Pol quantity 1=Self pol 5=Cross pol Reference quantity used to determine
4=Neg. seq. volt. fault direction
5=Cross pol
7=Pos. seq. volt.

Table 185: DPHHPDOC Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 0.0001 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.0001 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 0.01 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 0.01 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3 1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
2=2 out of 3 activation
3=3 out of 3

Table 186: DPHHPDOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.10 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Directional mode 1=Non-directional 2=Forward Directional mode
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Operating curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv. 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
3=ANSI Norm. inv.
5=ANSI Def. Time
9=IEC Norm. inv.
10=IEC Very inv.
12=IEC Ext. inv.
15=IEC Def. Time
Operate delay time 40...300000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time
Characteristic angle -179...180 deg 1 60 Characteristic angle
Table continues on next page

REX610 149
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Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Max forward angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in forward
Max reverse angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in reverse
Min forward angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in forward
Min reverse angle 0...90 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in reverse

Table 187: DPHHPDOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Allow Non Dir 0=False 0=False Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir
1=True info is invalid
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Min operate current 0.01...1.00 xIn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating current
Min operate voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating voltage

Table 188: DPHHPDOC Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset
Voltage Mem time 0...3000 ms 1 40 Voltage memory time
Pol quantity 1=Self pol 5=Cross pol Reference quantity used to determine
4=Neg. seq. volt. fault direction
5=Cross pol
7=Pos. seq. volt. Monitored data

Table 189: DPHLPDOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
FAULT_DIR Enum 0=unknown Detected fault direction
DIRECTION Enum 0=unknown Direction information
Table continues on next page

150 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description

DIR_A Enum 0=unknown Direction phase A
DIR_B Enum 0=unknown Direction phase B
DIR_C Enum 0=unknown Direction phase C
ANGLE_A FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase A
ANGLE_B FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase B
ANGLE_C FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase C
VMEM_USED BOOLEAN 0=False Voltage memory in use
1=True status
DPHLPDOC1 Enum 1=on Status

Table 190: DPHHPDOC Monitored data

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
ANGLE_A FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase A
ANGLE_B FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase B
ANGLE_C FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Calculated angle
difference, Phase C
FAULT_DIR Enum 0=unknown Detected fault direction
DIRECTION Enum 0=unknown Direction information
DIR_A Enum 0=unknown Direction phase A
DIR_B Enum 0=unknown Direction phase B
Table continues on next page

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Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description

DIR_C Enum 0=unknown Direction phase C
VMEM_USED BOOLEAN 0=False Voltage memory in use
1=True status
DPHHPDOC1 Enum 1=on Status
5=off Technical data

Table 191: DPHxPDOC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy DPHLPDOC Depending on the frequency of the measured
current: fn ±2 Hz

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In1)
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.007 × In2)
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
Phase angle: ±2°
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In1)
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.007 × In2)
(at currents in the range of 0.1…10 × In)
±5.0% of the set value
(at currents in the range of 10…40 × In)
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
Phase angle: ±2°

Start time3)4) Minimum Typical Maximum

IFault = 2 × set Start 28 ms 35 ms 42 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±50 ms5)
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Measurement mode = "RMS", "DFT" and "Peak-Peak" mode with CT secondary >0.2 A
2) Measurement mode = "Peak-to-peak", CT Secondary <0.2 A
3) Measurement mode and Pol quantity = default, current before fault = 0.0 × In, voltage before fault =
1.0 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, fault current in one phase with nominal frequency injected from random phase
angle, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
4) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
5) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in range of 1.5...20

152 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

4.1.3 Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and

distribution transformers T1PTTR (ANSI 49F) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Three-phase thermal protection for T1PTTR 3Ith>F 49F
feeders, cables and distribution
transformers Function block

GUID-F1192F93-46F6-49A2-952D-DB1D70CA0E03 V1 EN-US

Figure 80: Function block Functionality

The increased utilization of power systems closer to the thermal limits has
generated a need for a thermal overload function also for power lines.

A thermal overload is in some cases not detected by other protection functions, and
the introduction of the three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and
distribution transformers function T1PTTR allows the protected circuit to operate
closer to the thermal limits.

An alarm level gives an early warning to allow operators to take action before the
line trips. The early warning is based on the three-phase current measuring function
using a thermal model with first order thermal loss with the settable time constant.
If the temperature rise continues the function will operate based on the thermal
model of the line.

Re-energizing of the line after the thermal overload operation can be inhibited
during the time the cooling of the line is in progress. The cooling of the line is
estimated by the thermal model. Analog channel configuration

T1PTTR has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 192: Analog inputs
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents

REX610 153
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

The operation of T1PTTR can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

The function uses ambient temperature which can be measured locally or remotely.
Local measurement is done by the protection relay. Remote measurement uses
analog GOOSE to connect AMB_TEMP input.

If the quality of remotely measured temperature is invalid or

communication channel fails the function uses ambient temperature
set in Env temperature Set.

I_B Max current Temperature Thermal
I3P selector estimator counter
GUID-4FA2EBE1-0056-4622-BB7A-D78C96B63B6E V1 EN-US

Figure 81: Functional module diagram

Max current selector

The max current selector of the function continuously checks the highest measured
TRMS phase current value. The selector reports the highest value to the
temperature estimator.

Temperature estimator
The final temperature rise is calculated from the highest of the three-phase currents
according to the expression:

154 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

 I 
Θfinal =   ⋅ Tref
 Iref 
GUID-B89A7FFC-740E-40A7-A5D0-E70C7C674A44 V1 EN-US (Equation 20)

I the highest phase current

Iref set Current reference

Tref set Temperature rise

The ambient temperature is added to the calculated final temperature rise

estimation, and the ambient temperature value used in the calculation is also
available in the monitored data as TEMP_AMB in degrees. If the final temperature
estimation is higher than the set Maximum temperature, the START output is

Current reference and Temperature rise setting values are used in the final
temperature estimation together with the ambient temperature. It is suggested to set
these values to the maximum steady state current allowed for the line or cable
under emergency operation for a few hours per years. Current values with the
corresponding conductor temperatures are given in cable manuals. These values are
given for conditions such as ground temperatures, ambient air temperature, the way
of cable laying and ground thermal resistivity.

Thermal counter
The actual temperature at the actual execution cycle is calculated as:

 − 
Θn = Θn −1 + ( Θfinal − Θn −1 ) ⋅  1 − e τ 
 
GUID-BBF8C9B1-8019-4E4F-A368-C7CD57CB9B1B V1 EN-US (Equation 21)

Θn calculated present temperature

Θn-1 calculated temperature at previous time step

Θfinal calculated final temperature with actual current

Δt time step between calculation of actual temperature

t thermal time constant for the protected device (line or cable), set Time constant

The actual temperature of the protected component (line or cable) is calculated by

adding the ambient temperature to the calculated temperature, as shown above. The
ambient temperature can be given a constant value or it can be measured. The
calculated component temperature can be monitored as it is exported from the
function as a real figure.

When the component temperature reaches the set alarm level Alarm value, the
output signal ALARM is set. When the component temperature reaches the set trip

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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

level Maximum temperature, the OPERATE output is activated. The OPERATE

signal pulse length is fixed to 100 ms.

There is also a calculation of the present time to operation with the present current.
This calculation is only performed if the final temperature is calculated to be above
the operation temperature:

 Θ − Θoperate 
toperate = −τ ⋅ ln  final 
 Θfinal − Θn 
GUID-DC7C5841-5208-4AB2-B41B-E7972E7A5438 V1 EN-US (Equation 22)

Caused by the thermal overload protection function, there can be a lockout to

reconnect the tripped circuit after operating. The lockout output BLK_CLOSE is
activated at the same time when the OPERATE output is activated and is not reset
until the device temperature has cooled down below the set value of the Reclose
temperature setting. The Maximum temperature value must be set at least two
degrees above the set value of Reclose temperature.

The time to lockout release is calculated, that is, the calculation of the cooling time
to a set value. The calculated temperature can be reset to its initial value (the Initial
temperature setting) via a control parameter that is located under the clear menu.
This is useful during testing when secondary injected current has given a calculated
false temperature level.

 Θ −Θlockout _ release 
t lockout _ release = −τ ⋅ ln  final 
 Θfinal − Θn 

GUID-8BA1EB12-51DB-4BF8-A912-44797DEFFD78 V1 EN-US (Equation 23)

Here the final temperature is equal to the set or measured ambient temperature.

In some applications, the measured current can involve a number of parallel lines.
This is often used for cable lines where one bay connects several parallel cables.
By setting the Current multiplier parameter to the number of parallel lines (cables),
the actual current on one line is used in the protection algorithm. To activate this
option, the ENA_MULT input must be activated.

The ambient temperature can be directly connected through the AMB_TEMP input
of T1PTTR using GOOSE connection.

The Env temperature Set setting is used to define the ambient temperature if the
ambient temperature measurement value is not connected to the AMB_TEMP input.
The Env temperature Set setting is also used when the ambient temperature
measurement connected to T1PTTR is set to “Not in use” in the RTD function.

The temperature calculation is initiated from the value defined with the Initial
temperature setting parameter. This is done in case the protection relay is powered
up, the function is turned "Off" and back "On" or reset through the Clear menu.
The temperature is also stored in the nonvolatile memory and restored in case the
protection relay is restarted.

156 REX610
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Protection functions

The thermal time constant of the protected circuit is given in seconds with the Time
constant setting. Please see cable manufacturers manuals for further details.

T1PTTR thermal model complies with the IEC 60255-149

standard. Application

The lines and cables in the power system are constructed for a certain maximum
load current level. If the current exceeds this level, the losses will be higher than
expected. As a consequence, the temperature of the conductors will increase. If the
temperature of the lines and cables reaches too high values, it can cause a risk of
damages by, for example, the following ways:
• The sag of overhead lines can reach an unacceptable value.
• If the temperature of conductors, for example aluminium conductors, becomes
too high, the material will be destroyed.
• In cables the insulation can be damaged as a consequence of overtemperature,
and therefore phase-to-phase or phase-to-earth faults can occur.

In stressed situations in the power system, the lines and cables may be required to
be overloaded for a limited time. This should be done without any risk for the
above-mentioned risks.

The thermal overload protection provides information that makes temporary

overloading of cables and lines possible. The thermal overload protection estimates
the conductor temperature continuously. This estimation is made by using a
thermal model of the line/cable that is based on the current measurement.

If the temperature of the protected object reaches a set warning level, a signal is
given to the operator. This enables actions in the power system to be done before
dangerous temperatures are reached. If the temperature continues to increase to the
maximum allowed temperature value, the protection initiates a trip of the protected
line. Signals
Table 193: T1PTTR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLK_OPR BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for operate outputs
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable Current multiplier
AMB_TEMP FLOAT32 0 The ambient temperature used in the calculation

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Protection functions

Table 194: T1PTTR Output signals

Name Type Description
BLK_CLOSE BOOLEAN Thermal overload indicator. To inhibit reclose. Settings
Table 195: T1PTTR Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

Table 196: T1PTTR Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Time constant 60...60000 s 1 2700 Time constant of the line in seconds.
Current reference 0.05...4.00 xIn 0.01 1.00 The load current leading to Temperature
raise temperature
Temperature rise 0.0...200.0 °C 0.1 75.0 End temperature rise above ambient
Env temperature Set -50...100 °C 1 40 Ambient temperature used when no
external temperature measurement
Alarm value 20.0...150.0 °C 0.1 80.0 Temperature level for start (alarm)
Maximum temperature 20.0...200.0 °C 0.1 90.0 Temperature level for operate
Reclose temperature 20.0...150.0 °C 0.1 70.0 Temperature for reset of block reclose
after operate

Table 197: T1PTTR Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Initial temperature -50.0...100.0 °C 0.1 0.0 Temperature raise above ambient
temperature at startup

Table 198: T1PTTR Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Current multiplier 1...5 1 1 Current multiplier when function is used
for parallel lines

158 REX610
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Protection functions Monitored data

Table 199: T1PTTR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
TEMP FLOAT32 -100.0...9999.9 °C The calculated
temperature of the
protected object
TEMP_RL FLOAT32 0.00...99.99 The calculated
temperature of the
protected object relative
to the operate level
T_OPERATE INT32 0...60000 s Estimated time to
T_ENA_CLOSE INT32 0...60000 s Estimated time to
deactivate BLK_CLOSE
TEMP_AMB FLOAT32 -99...999 °C The ambient
temperature used in the
T1PTTR1 Enum 1=on Status
5=off Technical data

Table 200: T1PTTR Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
current: fn ±2 Hz

Current measurement:
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In
(at currents in the range of 0.01...4.00 × In)

Operate time accuracy1) ±2.0% of the theoretical value or ±0.50 s

1) Overload current > 1.2 × Operate level temperature

4.1.4 Loss of phase, undercurrent PHPTUC (ANSI 37) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Loss of phase, undercurrent PHPTUC 3I< 37

REX610 159
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions Function block

GUID-1D6D17B3-93B2-4914-8886-B7432F0E3C73 V1 EN-US

Figure 82: Function block Functionality

The phase undercurrent protection function PHPTUC is used to detect an

undercurrent that is considered as a fault condition.

PHPTUC starts when the current is less than the set limit. Operation time
characteristics are according to definite time (DT).

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs and reset the definite timer. Analog input configuration

PHPTUC has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 201: Analog inputs
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

160 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

The operation of PHPTUC can be described with a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

I_A Timer OPR_A
I_B Level t OPR_B
I3P detector 1
detector 2

GUID-706F7E57-ADDF-4BB1-8955-9DF7B4FDC410 V1 EN-US

Figure 83: Functional module diagram

Level detector 1
This module compares the phase currents (RMS value) to the Start value setting.
The Operation mode setting can be used to select the "3-phase" or "1-phase" mode.

If in the "3-phase" mode all the phase current values are less than the value of the
Start value setting, the condition is detected and an enable signal is sent to the
timer. This signal is disabled after one or several phase currents have exceeded the
set Start value value of the element.

If in the "1-phase" mode any of the phase current values are less than the value of
the Start value setting, the condition is detected and an enable signal is sent to the
timer. This signal is disabled after all the phase currents have exceeded the set Start
value value of the element.

The protection relay does not accept the Start value to be smaller
than Current block value.

Level detector 2
This is a low-current detection module that monitors the de-energized condition of
the protected object. The module compares the phase currents (RMS value) to the
Current block value setting. If all the phase current values are less than the Current
block value setting, a signal is sent to block the operation of the timer.

Once activated, the timer activates the START output and the phase-specific ST_X
output. The time characteristic is according to DT. When the operation timer has
reached the value set by Operate delay time, the OPERATE output and the phase-
specific OPR_X output are activated. If the fault disappears before the module

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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

operates, the reset timer is activated. If the reset timer reaches the value set by
Reset delay time, the operate timer resets and the START output is deactivated.

The timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operating time. The value is
available through the monitored data view.

The BLOCK signal blocks the operation of the function and resets the timer. Application

In some cases, smaller distribution power transformers are used where the high-
side protection involves only power fuses. When one of the high-side fuses blows
in a single-phase condition, knowledge of it on the secondary side is lacking. The
resulting negative-sequence current leads to a premature failure due to excessive
heating and breakdown of the transformer insulation. Knowledge of this condition
when it occurs allows for a quick fuse replacement and saves the asset.

The Current block value setting can be set to zero to not block PHPTUC with a low
three-phase current. However, this results in an unnecessary event sending when
the transformer or protected object is disconnected.

Phase-specific start and operate can give a better picture about the evolving faults
when one phase has started first and another follows.

PHPTUC is meant to be a general protection function, so that it could be used in

other cases too. Signals
Table 202: PHPTUC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block all binary outputs by resetting timers

Table 203: PHPTUC Output signals

Name Type Description
OPR_A BOOLEAN Operate phase A
OPR_B BOOLEAN Operate phase B
OPR_C BOOLEAN Operate phase C
ST_A BOOLEAN Start phase A
ST_B BOOLEAN Start phase B
ST_C BOOLEAN Start phase C

162 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions Settings
Table 204: PHPTUC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Operation mode 1=Three Phase 1=Three Phase Number of phases needed to start
2=Single Phase

Table 205: PHPTUC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.01...1.00 xIn 0.01 0.50 Current setting to start
Operate delay time 50...200000 ms 10 2000 Operate delay time
Current block value 0.00...0.50 xIn 0.01 0.10 Low current setting to block internally

Table 206: PHPTUC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time Monitored data

Table 207: PHPTUC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
PHPTUC1 Enum 1=on Status
5=off Technical data

Table 208: PHPTUC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
current: fn ±2 Hz

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In

Start time Typically <65 ms

Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 1.04
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms

REX610 163
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

4.2 Earth-fault protection

4.2.1 Non-directional earth-fault protection EFxPTOC (ANSI

51G/51N-1, 51G/51N-2, 50G/50N) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Non-directional earth-fault protection, EFLPTOC Io> 51G/51N-1
low stage
Non-directional earth-fault protection, EFHPTOC Io>> 51G/51N-2
high stage
Non-directional earth-fault protection, EFIPTOC Io>>> 50G/50N
instantaneous stage Function block

GUID-796000EA-F53E-447D-A470-F751E6D7AB63 V1 EN-US

Figure 84: Function block Functionality

The non-directional earth-fault protection function EFxPTOC is used as non-

directional earth-fault protection for feeders.

The function starts and operates when the residual current exceeds the set limit.
The operate time characteristic for low stage EFLPTOC and high stage EFHPTOC
can be selected to be either definite time (DT) or inverse definite minimum time
(IDMT). The instantaneous stage EFIPTOC always operates with the DT

In the DT mode, the function operates after a predefined operate time and resets
when the fault current disappears. The IDMT mode provides current-dependent
timer characteristics.

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs, timers or the function itself. Analog channel configuration

EFxPTOC has one analog group input which must be properly configured.

164 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Table 209: Analog inputs

Input Description
IRES Residual current (measured or calculated)

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 210: Special conditions
Condition Description
If connected to IRES_MEAS (function
RESTCTR), the residual channel saturation limit
is 19 A and 55 A for secondary current setting
range of 0.1...3 A and 3...10 A respectively. This
should be considered when setting Start value
for the function.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

The operation of EFxPTOC can be described by using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

Io Level
IRES detector

BLOCK logic

GUID-6604CFCD-9448-4C55-BE55-60B4ADB4013C V1 EN-US

Figure 85: Functional module diagram

Level detector
The measured residual current is compared to the set Start value. If the measured
value exceeds the set Start value, the level detector sends an enable-signal to the

REX610 165
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

timer module. If the ENA_MULT input is active, the Start value setting is multiplied
by the Start value Mult setting.

The protection relay does not accept the Start value or Start value
Mult setting if the product of these settings exceeds the Start value
setting range.

The start value multiplication is normally done when the inrush detection function
(INRPHAR) is connected to the ENA_MULT input.

Once activated, the timer activates the START output. Depending on the value of
the Operating curve type setting, the time characteristics are according to DT or
IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value of Operate delay time in
the DT mode or the maximum value defined by the inverse time curve, the
OPERATE output is activated.

When the user-programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operation time

characteristics are defined by the parameters Curve parameter A, Curve parameter
B, Curve parameter C, Curve parameter D and Curve parameter E.

If a drop-off situation happens, that is, a fault suddenly disappears before the
operate delay is exceeded, the timer reset state is activated. The functionality of the
timer in the reset state depends on the combination of the Operating curve type,
Type of reset curve and Reset delay time settings. When the DT characteristic is
selected, the reset timer runs until the set Reset delay time value is exceeded. When
the IDMT curves are selected, the Type of reset curve setting can be set to
"Immediate", "Def time reset" or "Inverse reset". The reset curve type "Immediate"
causes an immediate reset. With the reset curve type "Def time reset", the reset
time depends on the Reset delay time setting. With the reset curve type "Inverse
reset", the reset time depends on the current during the drop-off situation and the
value of START_DUR. The START output is deactivated when the reset timer has

The "Inverse reset" selection is only supported with ANSI or user

programmable types of the IDMT operating curves. If another
operating curve type is selected, an immediate reset occurs during
the drop-off situation.

The setting Time multiplier is used for scaling the IDMT operate and reset times.

The setting parameter Minimum operate time defines the minimum desired operate
time for IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.

The Minimum operate time setting should be used with great care
because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value of the Minimum operate time setting. For

166 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

more information, see the IDMT curves for overcurrent protection

section in this manual.

The timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operating time. The value is
available in the monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/
Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK signal activation is
preselected with the global setting Blocking mode.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the
whole function is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not
activated. Measurement modes

The function operates on three alternative measurement modes: "RMS", "DFT" and
"Peak-to-Peak". The measurement mode is selected with the Measurement mode
Table 211: Measurement modes supported by EFxPTOC stages
RMS x x
DFT x x
Peak-to-Peak x x x

For a detailed description of the measurement modes, see the

Measurement modes section in this manual. Timer characteristics

EFxPTOC supports both DT and IDMT characteristics. The user can select the
timer characteristics with the Operating curve type and Type of reset curve settings.
When the DT characteristic is selected, it is only affected by the Operate delay
time and Reset delay time settings.

REX610 167
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

The protection relay provides 16 IDMT characteristics curves, of which seven

comply with the IEEE C37.112 and six with the IEC 60255-3 standard. Two curves
follow the special characteristics of ABB praxis and are referred to as RI and RD.
In addition to this, a user programmable curve can be used if none of the standard
curves are applicable. The user can choose the DT characteristic by selecting the
Operating curve type values "ANSI Def. Time" or "IEC Def. Time". The
functionality is identical in both cases.

The following characteristics, which comply with the list in the IEC 61850-7-4
specification, indicate the characteristics supported by different stages.
Table 212: Timer characteristics supported by different stages
Operating curve type EFLPTOC EFHPTOC
(1) ANSI Extremely Inverse x x
(2) ANSI Very Inverse x
(3) ANSI Normal Inverse x x
(4) ANSI Moderately Inverse x
(5) ANSI Definite Time x x
(6) Long Time Extremely Inverse x
(7) Long Time Very Inverse x
(8) Long Time Inverse x
(9) IEC Normal Inverse x x
(10) IEC Very Inverse x x
(11) IEC Inverse x
(12) IEC Extremely Inverse x x
(13) IEC Short Time Inverse x
(14) IEC Long Time Inverse x
(15) IEC Definite Time x x
(17) User programmable curve x x
(18) RI type x
(19) RD type x

EFIPTOC supports only definite time characteristics.

For a detailed description of timers, see the General function block

features section in this manual.

168 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Table 213: Reset time characteristics supported by different stages

Reset curve type EFLPTOC EFHPTOC Note
(1) Immediate x x Available for all operate time curves
(2) Def time reset x x Available for all operate time curves
(3) Inverse reset x x Available only for ANSI and user
programmable curves

The Type of reset curve setting does not apply to EFIPTOC or when
the DT operation is selected. The reset is purely defined by the
Reset delay time setting. Application

EFxPTOC is designed for protection and clearance of earth faults in distribution

and sub-transmission networks where the neutral point is isolated or earthed via a
resonance coil or through low resistance. It also applies to solidly earthed networks
and earth-fault protection of different equipment connected to the power systems,
such as shunt capacitor bank or shunt reactors and for backup earth-fault protection
of power transformers.

Many applications require several steps using different current start levels and time
delays. EFxPTOC consists of three different protection stages.

• Instantaneous EFIPTOC

EFLPTOC contains several types of time-delay characteristics. EFHPTOC and

EFIPTOC are used for fast clearance of serious earth faults. Signals
Table 214: EFLPTOC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IRES SIGNAL - Residual current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier

Table 215: EFHPTOC Input signals

Name Type Default Description
IRES SIGNAL - Residual current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier

REX610 169
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Table 216: EFIPTOC Input signals

Name Type Default Description
IRES SIGNAL - Residual current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier

Table 217: EFLPTOC Output signals

Name Type Description

Table 218: EFHPTOC Output signals

Name Type Description

Table 219: EFIPTOC Output signals

Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 220: EFLPTOC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 0.0001 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.0001 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 0.01 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 0.01 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable

170 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Table 221: EFLPTOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.010...5.000 xIn 0.005 0.010 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operating curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv. 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
2=ANSI Very inv.
3=ANSI Norm. inv.
4=ANSI Mod. inv.
5=ANSI Def. Time
6=L.T.E. inv.
7=L.T.V. inv.
8=L.T. inv.
9=IEC Norm. inv.
10=IEC Very inv.
11=IEC inv.
12=IEC Ext. inv.
13=IEC S.T. inv.
14=IEC L.T. inv.
15=IEC Def. Time
18=RI type
19=RD type
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Operate delay time 40...300000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time

Table 222: EFLPTOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time

Table 223: EFLPTOC Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset

Table 224: EFHPTOC Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 0.0001 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.0001 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Table continues on next page

REX610 171
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 0.01 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 0.01 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable

Table 225: EFHPTOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.10 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operating curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv. 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
3=ANSI Norm. inv.
5=ANSI Def. Time
9=IEC Norm. inv.
10=IEC Very inv.
12=IEC Ext. inv.
15=IEC Def. Time
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Operate delay time 40...300000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time

Table 226: EFHPTOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time

Table 227: EFHPTOC Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset

Table 228: EFIPTOC Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

172 REX610
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Protection functions

Table 229: EFIPTOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 1.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 1.00 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operate delay time 20...300000 ms 10 20 Operate delay time

Table 230: EFIPTOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time Monitored data

Table 231: EFLPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
EFLPTOC1 Enum 1=on Status

Table 232: EFHPTOC Monitored data

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
EFHPTOC1 Enum 1=on Status

Table 233: EFIPTOC Monitored data

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
EFIPTOC1 Enum 1=on Status

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Protection functions Technical data

Table 234: EFxPTOC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the current
measured: fn ±2 Hz

EFLPTOC ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In

EFHPTOC ±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In

and (at currents in the range of 0.1…10 × In)
EFIPTOC ±5.0% of the set value
(at currents in the range of 10…40 × In)

Start time 1)2) Minimum Typical Maximum

IFault = 2 × set Start 22 ms 27 ms 37 ms
value 13 ms 18 ms 34 ms
IFault = 10 × set Start
EFLPTOC: 20 ms 30 ms 42 ms
IFault = 2 × set Start
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±50 ms 3)
Suppression of harmonics RMS: No suppression
DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…
Peak-to-Peak: No suppression

1) Measurement mode = default (depends on the stage), current before fault = 0.0 × In, fn = 50 Hz,
fault current in one phase with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based
on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact (SO)
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in the range of 1.5...20

4.2.2 Directional earth-fault protection DEFxPDEF (ANSI

67G/N-1 51G/N-1, 67G/N-1 51G/N-2) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Directional earth-fault protection, low DEFLPDEF Io> -> 67G/N-1
stage 51G/N-1
Directional earth-fault protection, high DEFHPDEF Io>> -> 67G/N-1
stage 51G/N-2

174 REX610
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Protection functions Function block


Figure 86: Function block Functionality

The directional earth-fault protection function DEFxPDEF is used as directional

earth-fault protection for feeders.

The function starts and operates when the operating quantity (current) and
polarizing quantity (voltage) exceed the set limits and the angle between them is
inside the set operating sector. The operate time characteristic for low stage
(DEFLPDEF) and high stage (DEFHPDEF) can be selected to be either definite
time (DT) or inverse definite minimum time (IDMT).

In the DT mode, the function operates after a predefined operate time and resets
when the fault current disappears. The IDMT mode provides current-dependent
timer characteristics.

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs, timers or the function itself. Analog channel configuration

DEFxPDEF has four analog group inputs which must be properly configured.
Table 235: Analog inputs
Input Description
Three-phase currents
I3P1) Necessary when Pol quantity is set to "Neg. seq.
IRES Residual current (measured or calculated)
Three-phase voltages
U3P1) Necessary when Pol quantity is set to "Neg. seq.
Residual voltage (measured or calculated)
URES2) Necessary when Pol quantity is set to "Zero seq.

1) Can be connected to GRPOFF if Pol quantity is set to "Zero seq. volt" or Directional mode is set to
2) Can be connected to GRPOFF if Pol quantity is set to "Neg. seq. volt" or Directional mode is set to

REX610 175
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources. The GRPOFF signal is available in the
function block called Protection.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 236: Special conditions
Condition Description
If connected to IRES_MEAS (function
RESTCTR), the residual channel saturation limit
is 19 A and 55 A for secondary current setting
range of 0.1...3 A and 3...10 A respectively. This
should be considered when setting Start value
for the function.
All three phase voltage channels need to be
U3P connected real measurements
Setting VT connection must be "Wye" in that
URES calculated
particular UTVTR.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

The operation of DEFxPDEF can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

I2 Timer
I3P Level
Uo detector OPERATE

BLOCK logic

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Figure 87: Functional module diagram

176 REX610
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Protection functions

Level detector
The magnitude of the operating quantity is compared to the set Start value and the
magnitude of the polarizing quantity is compared to the set Voltage start value. If
both the limits are exceeded, the level detector sends an enabling signal to the timer
module. When the Enable voltage limit setting is set to "False", Voltage start value
has no effect and the level detection is purely based on the operating quantity. If
the ENA_MULT input is active, the Start value setting is multiplied by the Start
value Mult setting.

If the Enable voltage limit setting is set to "True", the magnitude of

the polarizing quantity is checked even if the Directional mode was
set to "Non-directional" or Allow Non Dir to "True". The protection
relay does not accept the Start value or Start value Mult setting if
the product of these settings exceeds the Start value setting range.

Typically, the ENA_MULT input is connected to the inrush detection function

INRHPAR. In case of inrush, INRPHAR activates the ENA_MULT input, which
multiplies Start value by the Start value Mult setting.

Directional calculation
The directional calculation module monitors the angle between the polarizing
quantity and operating quantity. Depending on the Pol quantity setting, the
polarizing quantity can be the residual voltage (measured or calculated) or the
negative sequence voltage. When the angle is in the operation sector, the module
sends the enabling signal to the timer module.

The minimum signal level which allows the directional operation can be set with
the Min operate current and Min operate voltage settings.

If Pol quantity is set to "Zero seq. volt.", the residual current and residual voltage
are used for directional calculation.

If Pol quantity is set to "Neg. seq. volt.", the negative sequence current and
negative sequence voltage are used for directional calculation.

In the phasor diagrams representing the operation of DEFxPDEF, the polarity of

the polarizing quantity (Uo or U2) is reversed, that is, the polarizing quantity in the
phasor diagrams is either -Uo or -U2. Reversing is done by switching the polarity
of the residual current measuring channel (see the connection in the Protection
relay's physical connections section). Similarly the polarity of the calculated Io and
I2 is also switched.

For defining the operation sector, there are five modes available through the
Operation mode setting.

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Table 237: Operation modes

Operation mode Description
Phase angle The operating sectors for forward and reverse
are defined with the settings Min forward angle,
Max forward angle, Min reverse angle and Max
reverse angle.
IoSin The operating sectors are defined as "forward"
when |Io| x sin (ANGLE) has a positive value and
"reverse" when the value is negative. ANGLE is
the angle difference between -Uo and Io.
IoCos As "IoSin" mode. Only cosine is used for
calculating the operation current.
Phase angle 80 The sector maximum values are frozen to 80
degrees respectively. Only Min forward angle
and Min reverse angle are settable.
Phase angle 88 The sector maximum values are frozen to 88
degrees. Otherwise as "Phase angle 80" mode.

Polarizing quantity selection "Neg. seq. volt." is available only in

the "Phase angle" operation mode.

The directional operation can be selected with the Directional mode setting. The
alternatives are "Non-directional", "Forward" and "Reverse" operation. The
operation criterion is selected with the Operation mode setting. By setting Allow
Non Dir to "True", non-directional operation is allowed when the directional
information is invalid, that is, when the magnitude of the polarizing quantity is less
than the value of the Min operate voltage setting.

Typically, the network rotating direction is counter-clockwise and defined as

"ABC". If the network rotating direction is reversed, meaning clockwise, that is,
"ACB", the equation for calculating the negative sequence voltage component need
to be changed. The network rotating direction is defined with a system parameter
Phase rotation. The calculation of the component is affected but the angle
difference calculation remains the same. When the residual voltage is used as the
polarizing method, the network rotating direction change has no effect on the
direction calculation.

The network rotating direction is set in the protection relay using

the parameter in the HMI menu: Configuration/System/Phase
The default parameter value is "ABC".

If the Enable voltage limit setting is set to "True", the magnitude of

the polarizing quantity is checked even if Directional mode is set to
"Non-directional" or Allow Non Dir to "True".

178 REX610
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Protection functions

The Characteristic angle setting is used in the "Phase angle" mode to adjust the
operation according to the method of neutral point earthing so that in an isolated
network the Characteristic angle (φRCA) = -90° and in a compensated network
φRCA = 0°. In addition, the characteristic angle can be changed via the control
signal RCA_CTL. RCA_CTL affects the Characteristic angle setting.

The Correction angle setting can be used to improve selectivity due the
inaccuracies in the measurement transformers. The setting decreases the operation
sector. The correction can only be used with the "IoCos" or "IoSin" modes.

The polarity of the polarizing quantity can be reversed by setting the Pol reversal
to "True", which turns the polarizing quantity by 180 degrees.

For definitions of different directional earth-fault characteristics,

see the Directional earth-fault characteristics section in this manual.

The DIRECTION monitored data indicates on which operating sector the operating
quantity is measured. The FAULT_DIR monitored data indicates in which
operation sector the fault current is measured. The monitored data is operational
once the function is started.

The directional calculation module calculates several values which are presented in
the monitored data.
Table 238: Monitored data values
Monitored data values Description
ANGLE Also called operating angle, shows the angle
difference between the polarizing quantity (Uo,
U2) and operating quantity (Io, I2).

ANGLE_RCA The angle difference between the operating

angle and Characteristic angle, that is,
ANGLE_RCA = ANGLE – Characteristic angle.
I_OPER The current that is used for fault detection. If the
Operation mode setting is "Phase angle", "Phase
angle 80" or "Phase angle 88", I_OPER is the
measured or calculated residual current. If the
Operation mode setting is "IoSin", I_OPER is
calculated as follows I_OPER = Io x sin(ANGLE).
If the Operation mode setting is "IoCos", I_OPER
is calculated as follows I_OPER = Io x

Once activated, the timer activates the START output. Depending on the value of
the Operating curve type setting, the time characteristics are according to DT or
IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value of Operate delay time in
the DT mode or the maximum value defined by the inverse time curve, the
OPERATE output is activated.

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Protection functions

When the user-programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operation time

characteristics are defined by the parameters Curve parameter A, Curve parameter
B, Curve parameter C, Curve parameter D and Curve parameter E.

If a drop-off situation, that is, a fault suddenly disappears before the operate delay
is exceeded, the timer reset state is activated. The functionality of the timer in the
reset state depends on the combination of the Operating curve type, Type of reset
curve and Reset delay time settings. When the DT characteristic is selected, the
reset timer runs until the set Reset delay time value is exceeded. When the IDMT
curves are selected, the Type of reset curve setting can be set to "Immediate", "Def
time reset" or "Inverse reset". The reset curve type "Immediate" causes an
immediate reset. With the reset curve type "Def time reset", the reset time depends
on the Reset delay time setting. With the reset curve type "Inverse reset", the reset
time depends on the current during the drop-off situation and the value of
START_DUR. The START output is deactivated when the reset timer has elapsed.

The "Inverse reset" selection is only supported with ANSI or user

programmable types of the IDMT operating curves. If another
operating curve type is selected, an immediate reset occurs during
the drop-off situation.

The setting Time multiplier is used for scaling the IDMT operate and reset times.

The setting parameter Minimum operate time defines the minimum desired operate
time for IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.

The Minimum operate time setting should be used with great care
because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value of the Minimum operate time setting. For
more information, see the IDMT curves for overcurrent protection
section in this manual.

The timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operating time. The value is
available in the monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/
Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK signal activation is
preselected with the global setting Blocking mode.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the

180 REX610
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Protection functions

whole function is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not
activated. Directional earth-fault principles

In many cases it is difficult to achieve selective earth-fault protection based on the

magnitude of residual current only. To obtain a selective earth-fault protection
scheme, it is necessary to take the phase angle of Io into account. This is done by
comparing the phase angle of the operating and polarizing quantity.

Relay characteristic angle

The Characteristic angle setting, also known as Relay Characteristic Angle (RCA),
Relay Base Angle or Maximum Torque Angle (MTA), is used in the "Phase angle"
mode to turn the directional characteristic if the expected fault current angle does
not coincide with the polarizing quantity to produce the maximum torque. That is,
RCA is the angle between the maximum torque line and polarizing quantity. If the
polarizing quantity is in phase with the maximum torque line, RCA is 0 degrees.
The angle is positive if the operating current lags the polarizing quantity and
negative if it leads the polarizing quantity.

Example 1

The "Phase angle" mode is selected, compensated network (φRCA = 0 deg)

=> Characteristic angle = 0 deg

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GUID-7D3D8F75-685A-467C-834F-E581873CEA42 V1 EN-US

Figure 88: Definition of the relay characteristic angle, RCA=0 degrees in a

compensated network

Example 2

The "Phase angle" mode is selected, solidly earthed network (φRCA = +60 deg)

=> Characteristic angle = +60 deg

182 REX610
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GUID-A56EF42C-BADA-4E3B-9E82-3ACB1F5514F3 V1 EN-US

Figure 89: Definition of the relay characteristic angle, RCA=+60 degrees in a

solidly earthed network

Example 3

The "Phase angle" mode is selected, isolated network (φRCA = -90 deg)

=> Characteristic angle = -90 deg

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Figure 90: Definition of the relay characteristic angle, RCA=–90 degrees in an

isolated network

Directional earth-fault protection in an isolated neutral network

In isolated networks, there is no intentional connection between the system neutral
point and earth. The only connection is through the phase-to-earth capacitances
(C0) of phases and leakage resistances (R0). This means that the residual current is
mainly capacitive and has a phase shift of -90 degrees compared to the polarizing
voltage. Consequently, the relay characteristic angle (RCA) should be set to -90
degrees and the operation criteria to "IoSin" or "Phase angle". The width of the
operating sector in the phase angle criteria can be selected with the settings Min
forward angle, Max forward angle, Min reverse angle or Max reverse angle.
Figure 91 illustrates a simplified equivalent circuit for an unearthed network with
an earth fault in phase C.

For definitions of different directional earth-fault characteristics,

see Directional earth-fault characteristics.

184 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

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Figure 91: Earth-fault situation in an isolated network

Directional earth-fault protection in a compensated network

In compensated networks, the capacitive fault current and the inductive resonance
coil current compensate each other. The protection cannot be based on the reactive
current measurement, since the current of the compensation coil would disturb the
operation of the protection relays. In this case, the selectivity is based on the
measurement of the active current component. The magnitude of this component is
often small and must be increased by means of a parallel resistor in the
compensation equipment. When measuring the resistive part of the residual current,
the Operation mode should be set to "Phase angle" and the relay characteristic
angle (RCA) should be set to 0 degrees. Alternatively, the Operation mode can be
set to "IoCos". Figure 92 illustrates a simplified equivalent circuit for a
compensated network with an earth fault in phase C.

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Figure 92: Earth-fault situation in a compensated network

The Petersen coil or the earthing resistor may be temporarily out of operation. To
keep the protection scheme selective, it is necessary to update the characteristic
angle setting accordingly. This can be done with an auxiliary input in the relay

REX610 185
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Protection functions

which receives a signal from an auxiliary switch of the disconnector of the Petersen
coil in compensated networks. As a result the characteristic angle is set
automatically to suit the earthing method used. The RCA_CTL input can be used to
change the operation criteria as described in Table 239 and Table 240.
Table 239: Relay characteristic angle control in Iosin(φ) and Iocos(φ) operation criteria
Operation mode setting: RCA_CTL = FALSE RCA_CTL = TRUE
Iosin Actual operation mode: Iosin Actual operation mode: Iocos
Iocos Actual operation mode: Iocos Actual operation mode: Iosin

Table 240: Characteristic angle control in phase angle operation mode

Characteristic RCA_CTL = FALSE RCA_CTL = TRUE
angle setting
-90° φRCA = -90° φRCA = 0°

0° φRCA = 0° φRCA = -90°

Use of the extended phase angle characteristic

The traditional method of adapting the directional earth-fault protection function to
the prevailing neutral earthing conditions is done with the Characteristic angle
setting. In an unearthed network, Characteristic angle is set to -90 degrees and in a
compensated network Characteristic angle is set to 0 degrees. In case the earthing
method of the network is temporarily changed from compensated to unearthed due
to the disconnection of the arc suppression coil, the Characteristic angle setting
should be modified correspondingly. This can be done using the setting groups or
the RCA_CTL input. Alternatively, the operating sector of the directional earth-
fault protection function can be extended to cover the operating sectors of both
neutral earthing principles. Such characteristic is valid for both unearthed and
compensated network and does not require any modification in case the neutral
earthing changes temporarily from the unearthed to compensated network or vice

The extended phase angle characteristic is created by entering a value of over 90

degrees for the Min forward angle setting; a typical value is 170 degrees (Min
reverse angle in case Directional mode is set to "Reverse"). The Max forward
angle setting should be set to cover the possible measurement inaccuracies of
current and voltage transformers; a typical value is 80 degrees (Max reverse angle
in case Directional mode is set to "Reverse").

186 REX610
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Protection functions

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Figure 93: Extended operation area in directional earth-fault protection Measurement modes

The function operates on three alternative measurement modes: "RMS", "DFT" and
"Peak-to-Peak". The measurement mode is selected with the Measurement mode
Table 241: Measurement modes supported by DEFxPDEF stages
Measurement mode DEFLPDEF DEFHPDEF
RMS x x
DFT x x
Peak-to-Peak x x

For a detailed description of the measurement modes, see the

Measurement modes section in this manual.

REX610 187
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions Timer characteristics

DEFxPDEF supports both DT and IDMT characteristics. The user can select the
timer characteristics with the Operating curve type setting.

The protection relay provides 16 IDMT characteristics curves, of which seven

comply with the IEEE C37.112 and six with the IEC 60255-3 standard. Two curves
follow the special characteristics of ABB praxis and are referred to as RI and RD.
In addition to this, a user programmable curve can be used if none of the standard
curves are applicable. The user can choose the DT characteristic by selecting the
Operating curve type values "ANSI Def. Time" or "IEC Def. Time". The
functionality is identical in both cases.

The following characteristics, which comply with the list in the IEC 61850-7-4
specification, indicate the characteristics supported by different stages.
Table 242: Timer characteristics supported by different stages
Operating curve type DEFLPDEF DEFHPDEF
(1) ANSI Extremely Inverse x x
(2) ANSI Very Inverse x
(3) ANSI Normal Inverse x x
(4) ANSI Moderately Inverse x
(5) ANSI Definite Time x x
(6) Long Time Extremely Inverse x
(7) Long Time Very Inverse x
(8) Long Time Inverse x
(9) IEC Normal Inverse x
(10) IEC Very Inverse x
(11) IEC Inverse x
(12) IEC Extremely Inverse x
(13) IEC Short Time Inverse x
(14) IEC Long Time Inverse x
(15) IEC Definite Time x x
(17) User programmable curve x x
(18) RI type x
(19) RD type x

For a detailed description of the timers, see the General function

block features section in this manual.

188 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Table 243: Reset time characteristics supported by different stages

Reset curve type DEFLPDEF DEFHPDEF Note
(1) Immediate x x Available for all operate time curves
(2) Def time reset x x Available for all operate time curves
(3) Inverse reset x x Available only for ANSI and user
programmable curves Directional earth-fault characteristics

Phase angle characteristic

The operation criterion phase angle is selected with the Operation mode setting
using the value "Phase angle".

When the phase angle criterion is used, the DIRECTION monitored data indicates
on which operating sector the operating quantity is measured. The FAULT_DIR
monitored data indicates in which operation sector the fault current is measured.
The monitored data is operational once the function is started.

The forward and reverse sectors are defined separately. The forward operation area
is limited with the Min forward angle and Max forward angle settings. The reverse
operation area is limited with the Min reverse angle and Max reverse angle

The sector limits are always given as positive degree values.

In the forward operation area, the Max forward angle setting gives the clockwise
sector and the Min forward angle setting correspondingly the counterclockwise
sector, measured from the Characteristic angle setting.

In the reverse operation area, the Max reverse angle setting gives the clockwise
sector and the Min reverse angle setting correspondingly the counterclockwise
sector, measured from the complement of the Characteristic angle setting (180
degrees phase shift) .

The relay characteristic angle (RCA) is set to positive if the operating current lags
the polarizing quantity. It is set to negative if it leads the polarizing quantity.

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Figure 94: Configurable operating sectors in phase angle characteristic

Table 244: Momentary operating direction

Fault direction The value for DIRECTION
Angle between the polarizing and operating 0 = unknown
quantity is not in any of the defined sectors.
Angle between the polarizing and operating 1= forward
quantity is in the forward sector.
Angle between the polarizing and operating 2 = backward
quantity is in the reverse sector.
Angle between the polarizing and operating 3 = both
quantity is in both the forward and the reverse
sectors, that is, the sectors are overlapping.

If the Allow Non Dir setting is "False", the directional operation (forward, reverse)
is not allowed when the measured polarizing or operating quantities are invalid,
that is, their magnitude is below the set minimum values. The minimum values can
be defined with the settings Min operate current and Min operate voltage. In case
of low magnitudes, the FAULT_DIR and DIRECTION monitored data are set to 0
= unknown, except when the Allow Non Dir setting is "True". In that case, the

190 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

function is allowed to operate in the directional mode as non-directional, since the

directional information is invalid.

Iosin(φ) and Iocos(φ) criteria

A more modern approach to directional protection is the active or reactive current
measurement. The operating characteristic of the directional operation depends on
the earthing principle of the network. The Iosin(φ) characteristics is used in an
isolated network, measuring the reactive component of the fault current caused by
the earth capacitance. The Iocos(φ) characteristics is used in a compensated
network, measuring the active component of the fault current.

The operation criteria Iosin(φ) and Iocos(φ) are selected with the Operation mode
setting using the values "IoSin" or "IoCos" respectively.

The angle correction setting can be used to improve selectivity. The setting
decreases the operation sector. The correction can only be used with the Iosin(φ) or
Iocos(φ) criterion. The RCA_CTL input is used to change the Io characteristic:

Table 245: Relay characteristic angle control in the IoSin and IoCos operation criteria
Operation mode: RCA_CTL = "False" RCA_CTL = "True"
IoSin Actual operation criterion: Actual operation criterion:
Iosin(φ) Iocos(φ)
IoCos Actual operation criterion: Actual operation criterion:
Iocos(φ) Iosin(φ)

When the Iosin(φ) or Iocos(φ) criterion is used, the component indicates a forward-
or reverse-type fault through the FAULT_DIR and DIRECTION monitored data,
in which 1 equals a forward fault and 2 equals a reverse fault. Directional operation
is not allowed (the Allow Non Dir setting is "False") when the measured polarizing
or operating quantities are not valid, that is, when their magnitude is below the set
minimum values. The minimum values can be defined with the Min operate
current and Min operate voltage settings. In case of low magnitude, the
FAULT_DIR and DIRECTION monitored data are set to 0 = unknown, except
when the Allow Non Dir setting is "True". In that case, the function is allowed to
operate in the directional mode as non-directional, since the directional information
is invalid.

The calculated Iosin(φ) or Iocos(φ) current used in direction determination can be

read through the I_OPER monitored data. The value can be passed directly to a
decisive element, which provides the final start and operate signals.

The I_OPER monitored data gives an absolute value of the

calculated current.

The following examples show the characteristics of the different operation criteria:

Example 1.

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Iosin(φ) criterion selected, forward-type fault

=> FAULT_DIR = 1

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Figure 95: Operating characteristic Iosin(φ) in forward fault

The operating sector is limited by angle correction, that is, the operating sector is
180 degrees - 2*(angle correction).

Example 2.

Iosin(φ) criterion selected, reverse-type fault

=> FAULT_DIR = 2

192 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

GUID-2C299B91-22E4-4420-97DE-304B2EADBBED V1 EN-US

Figure 96: Operating characteristic Iosin(φ) in reverse fault

Example 3.

Iocos(φ) criterion selected, forward-type fault

=> FAULT_DIR = 1

GUID-12BABEB2-C100-40C3-9283-0F5A7B998A08 V1 EN-US

Figure 97: Operating characteristic Iocos(φ) in forward fault

Example 4.

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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Iocos(φ) criterion selected, reverse-type fault

=> FAULT_DIR = 2

GUID-89556830-D43E-4629-AB42-5492912B8FC9 V1 EN-US

Figure 98: Operating characteristic Iocos(φ) in reverse fault

Phase angle 80
The operation criterion phase angle 80 is selected with the Operation mode setting
by using the value "Phase angle 80".

Phase angle 80 implements the same functionality as the phase angle but with the
following differences:

• The Max forward angle and Max reverse angle settings cannot be set but they
have a fixed value of 80 degrees
• The sector limits of the fixed sectors are rounded.

The sector rounding is used for cancelling the CT measurement errors at low
current amplitudes. When the current amplitude falls below three percent of the
nominal current, the sector is reduced to 70 degrees at the fixed sector side. This
makes the protection more selective, which means that the phase angle
measurement errors do not cause faulty operation.

There is no sector rounding on the other side of the sector.

194 REX610
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Protection functions

GUID-83DB90DD-474D-4D97-B2B6-C170AEE253AC V1 EN-US

Figure 99: Operating characteristic for phase angle 80

Io / % of In

Min forward angle 80 deg
Operating zone
3 3% of In
2 70 deg
Non- 1 1% of In
zone -90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
GUID-3DE57C08-50B8-437F-89F8-CAB6AC1C0AA1 V1 EN-US

Figure 100: Phase angle 80 amplitude (Directional mode = Forward)

Phase angle 88
The operation criterion phase angle 88 is selected with the Operation mode setting
using the value "Phase angle 88".

REX610 195
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Phase angle 88 implements the same functionality as the phase angle but with the
following differences:

• The Max forward angle and Max reverse angle settings cannot be set but they
have a fixed value of 88 degrees
• The sector limits of the fixed sectors are rounded.

Sector rounding in the phase angle 88 consists of three parts.

• If the current amplitude is between 1...20 percent of the nominal current, the
sector limit increases linearly from 73 degrees to 85 degrees
• If the current amplitude is between 20...100 percent of the nominal current, the
sector limit increases linearly from 85 degrees to 88 degrees
• If the current amplitude is more than 100 percent of the nominal current, the
sector limit is 88 degrees.

There is no sector rounding on the other side of the sector.

GUID-CD2F9BBD-E392-4271-8231-D9F70F9BBB9D V1 EN-US

Figure 101: Operating characteristic for phase angle 88

196 REX610
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Protection functions

Io / % of In
88 deg
100 100% of In
Min forward angle

30 85 deg
20 20% of In
10 73 deg
1% of In
-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
GUID-95353022-78F0-47E8-A179-A79CC3F5DBA4 V1 EN-US

Figure 102: Phase angle 88 amplitude (Directional mode = Forward) Application

The directional earth-fault protection DEFxPDEF is designed for protection and

clearance of earth faults and for earth-fault protection of different equipment
connected to the power systems, such as shunt capacitor banks or shunt reactors,
and for backup earth-fault protection of power transformers.

Many applications require several steps using different current start levels and time
delays. DEFxPDEF consists of two different stages.


DEFLPDEF contains several types of time delay characteristics. DEFHPDEF is

used for fast clearance of serious earth faults.

The protection can be based on the phase angle criterion with extended operating
sector. It can also be based on measuring either the reactive part Iosin(φ) or the
active part Iocos(φ) of the residual current. In isolated networks or in networks
with high impedance earthing, the phase-to-earth fault current is significantly
smaller than the short-circuit currents. In addition, the magnitude of the fault
current is almost independent of the fault location in the network.

The function uses the residual current components Iocos(φ) or Iosin(φ) according
to the earthing method, where φ is the angle between the residual current and the
reference residual voltage (-Uo). In compensated networks, the phase angle
criterion with extended operating sector can also be used. When the relay
characteristic angle RCA is 0 degrees, the negative quadrant of the operation sector
can be extended with the Min forward angle setting. The operation sector can be
set between 0 and -180 degrees, so that the total operation sector is from +90 to
-180 degrees. In other words, the sector can be up to 270 degrees wide. This allows

REX610 197
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

the protection settings to stay the same when the resonance coil is disconnected
from between the neutral point and earth.

System neutral earthing is meant to protect personnel and equipment and to reduce
interference for example in telecommunication systems. The neutral earthing sets
challenges for protection systems, especially for earth-fault protection.

In isolated networks, there is no intentional connection between the system neutral

point and earth. The only connection is through the line-to-earth capacitances (C0)
of phases and leakage resistances (R0). This means that the residual current is
mainly capacitive and has –90 degrees phase shift compared to the residual voltage
(-Uo). The characteristic angle is -90 degrees.

In resonance-earthed networks, the capacitive fault current and the inductive

resonance coil current compensate each other. The protection cannot be based on
the reactive current measurement, since the current of the compensation coil would
disturb the operation of the relays. In this case, the selectivity is based on the
measurement of the active current component. This means that the residual current
is mainly resistive and has zero phase shift compared to the residual voltage (-Uo)
and the characteristic angle is 0 degrees. Often the magnitude of this component is
small, and must be increased by means of a parallel resistor in the compensation

In networks where the neutral point is earthed through low resistance, the
characteristic angle is also 0 degrees (for phase angle). Alternatively, Iocos(φ)
operation can be used.

In solidly earthed networks, the Characteristic angle is typically set to +60 degrees
for the phase angle. Alternatively, Iosin(φ) operation can be used with a reversal
polarizing quantity. The polarizing quantity can be rotated 180 degrees by setting
the Pol reversal parameter to "True" or by switching the polarity of the residual
voltage measurement wires. Although the Iosin(φ) operation can be used in solidly
earthed networks, the phase angle is recommended.

Connection of measuring transformers in directional earth fault

The residual current Io can be measured with a core balance current transformer or
the residual connection of the phase current signals. If the neutral of the network is
either isolated or earthed with high impedance, a core balance current transformer
is recommended to be used in earth-fault protection. To ensure sufficient accuracy
of residual current measurements and consequently the selectivity of the scheme,
the core balance current transformers should have a transformation ratio of at least
70:1. Lower transformation ratios such as 50:1 or 50:5 are not recommended.

Attention should be paid to make sure the measuring transformers are connected
correctly so that DEFxPDEF is able to detect the fault current direction without
failure. As directional earth fault uses residual current and residual voltage (-Uo),
the poles of the measuring transformers must match each other and also the fault
current direction. Also the earthing of the cable sheath must be taken into notice

198 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

when using core balance current transformers. The following figure describes how
measuring transformers can be connected to the protection relay.

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Figure 103: Connection of measuring transformers Signals
Table 246: DEFLPDEF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
IRES SIGNAL - Residual current
U3P SIGNAL - Three-phase voltages
URES SIGNAL - Residual voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
RCA_CTL BOOLEAN 0=False Relay characteristic angle control

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Protection functions

Table 247: DEFHPDEF Input signals

Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
IRES SIGNAL - Residual current
U3P SIGNAL - Three-phase voltages
URES SIGNAL - Residual voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier
RCA_CTL BOOLEAN 0=False Relay characteristic angle control

Table 248: DEFLPDEF Output signals

Name Type Description

Table 249: DEFHPDEF Output signals

Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 250: DEFLPDEF Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 0.0001 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.0001 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 0.01 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 0.01 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable

200 REX610
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Protection functions

Table 251: DEFLPDEF Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.010...5.000 xIn 0.005 0.010 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Directional mode 1=Non-directional 2=Forward Directional mode
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Operating curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv. 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
2=ANSI Very inv.
3=ANSI Norm. inv.
4=ANSI Mod. inv.
5=ANSI Def. Time
6=L.T.E. inv.
7=L.T.V. inv.
8=L.T. inv.
9=IEC Norm. inv.
10=IEC Very inv.
11=IEC inv.
12=IEC Ext. inv.
13=IEC S.T. inv.
14=IEC L.T. inv.
15=IEC Def. Time
18=RI type
19=RD type
Operate delay time 50...300000 ms 10 50 Operate delay time
Characteristic angle -179...180 deg 1 -90 Characteristic angle
Max forward angle 0...180 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in forward
Max reverse angle 0...180 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in reverse
Min forward angle 0...180 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in forward
Min reverse angle 0...180 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in reverse
Voltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn 0.001 0.010 Voltage start value

Table 252: DEFLPDEF Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Minimum operate time 50...60000 ms 1 50 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Allow Non Dir 0=False 0=False Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir
1=True info is invalid
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Min operate current 0.005...1.000 xIn 0.001 0.005 Minimum operating current
Min operate voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating voltage
Table continues on next page

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Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Correction angle 0.0...10.0 deg 0.1 0.0 Characteristic correction angle in IoCos
and IoSin mode
Pol reversal 0=False 0=False Rotate polarizing quantity
Pol quantity 3=Zero seq. volt. 3=Zero seq. volt. Reference quantity used to determine
4=Neg. seq. volt. fault direction

Table 253: DEFLPDEF Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset
Operation mode 1=Phase angle 1=Phase angle Operation criteria
4=Phase angle 80
5=Phase angle 88
Enable voltage limit 0=False 1=True Enable voltage limit

Table 254: DEFHPDEF Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 0.0001 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.0001 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 0.01 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 0.01 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable

Table 255: DEFHPDEF Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.10...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.10 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Directional mode 1=Non-directional 2=Forward Directional mode
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Table continues on next page

202 REX610
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Protection functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Operating curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv. 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
3=ANSI Norm. inv.
5=ANSI Def. Time
15=IEC Def. Time
Operate delay time 40...300000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time
Characteristic angle -179...180 deg 1 -90 Characteristic angle
Max forward angle 0...180 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in forward
Max reverse angle 0...180 deg 1 80 Maximum phase angle in reverse
Min forward angle 0...180 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in forward
Min reverse angle 0...180 deg 1 80 Minimum phase angle in reverse
Voltage start value 0.010...1.000 xUn 0.001 0.010 Voltage start value

Table 256: DEFHPDEF Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Minimum operate time 40...60000 ms 1 40 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Allow Non Dir 0=False 0=False Allows prot activation as non-dir when dir
1=True info is invalid
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
Min operate current 0.005...1.000 xIn 0.001 0.005 Minimum operating current
Min operate voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.01 Minimum operating voltage
Correction angle 0.0...10.0 deg 0.1 0.0 Characteristic correction angle in IoCos
and IoSin mode
Pol reversal 0=False 0=False Rotate polarizing quantity
Pol quantity 3=Zero seq. volt. 3=Zero seq. volt. Reference quantity used to determine
4=Neg. seq. volt. fault direction

Table 257: DEFHPDEF Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset
Operation mode 1=Phase angle 1=Phase angle Operation criteria
4=Phase angle 80
5=Phase angle 88
Enable voltage limit 0=False 1=True Enable voltage limit

REX610 203
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions Monitored data

Table 258: DEFLPDEF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
FAULT_DIR Enum 0=unknown Detected fault direction
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
DIRECTION Enum 0=unknown Direction information
ANGLE FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Angle between
polarizing and operating
ANGLE_RCA FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Angle between operating
angle and characteristic
I_OPER FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Calculated operating
DEFLPDEF1 Enum 1=on Status

Table 259: DEFHPDEF Monitored data

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
FAULT_DIR Enum 0=unknown Detected fault direction
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
DIRECTION Enum 0=unknown Direction information
ANGLE FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Angle between
polarizing and operating
ANGLE_RCA FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Angle between operating
angle and characteristic
I_OPER FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Calculated operating
DEFHPDEF1 Enum 1=on Status

204 REX610
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Protection functions Technical data

Table 260: DEFxPDEF Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
current: fn ±2 Hz

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
Phase angle:
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In
(at currents in the range of 0.1…10 × In)
±5.0% of the set value
(at currents in the range of 10…40 × In)
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un
Phase angle:

Start time 1)2) Minimum Typical Maximum

IFault = 2 × set Start 36 ms 50 ms 88 ms
DEFLPDEF 40 ms 50 ms 73 ms
IFault = 2 × set Start
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±50 ms 3)
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Measurement mode = default (depends on the stage), current before fault = 0.0 × In, fn = 50 Hz,
earth-fault current with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on
statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in range of 1.5...20

REX610 205
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

4.3 Unbalance protection

4.3.1 Negative-sequence overcurrent protection NSPTOC (ANSI

46M) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Negative-sequence overcurrent NSPTOC I2>M 46M
protection Function block

GUID-A566987B-5694-4325-B31D-273CC28691C9 V1 EN-US

Figure 104: Function block Functionality

The negative-sequence overcurrent protection function NSPTOC is used for

increasing sensitivity to detect single-phase and phase-to-phase faults or
unbalanced loads due to, for example, broken conductors or unsymmetrical feeder

NSPTOC can also be used for detecting broken conductors.

The function is based on the measurement of the negative sequence current. In a

fault situation, the function starts when the negative sequence current exceeds the
set limit. The operate time characteristics can be selected to be either definite time
(DT) or inverse definite minimum time (IDMT). In the DT mode, the function
operates after a predefined operate time and resets when the fault current
disappears. The IDMT mode provides current-dependent timer characteristics.

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs, timers or the function itself. Analog channel configuration

NSPTOC has one analog group input which must be properly configured.

206 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Table 261: Analog signals

Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

The operation of NSPTOC can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

I2 Level
I3P detector t
BLOCK logic

GUID-4D2AC4A1-47D6-4115-B0AF-2592020D9845 V1 EN-US

Figure 105: Functional module diagram

Level detector
The measured negative-sequence current is compared to the set Start value. If the
measured value exceeds the set Start value, Level detector activates the Timer
module. If the ENA_MULT input is active, the set Start value is multiplied by the
set Start value Mult.

The protection relay does not accept the Start value or Start value
Mult setting if the product of the settings exceeds the Start value
setting range.

REX610 207
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Once activated, Timer activates the START output. Depending on the value of the
Operating curve type setting, the time characteristics are according to DT or
IDMT. When the operation timer has reached the value of Operate delay time in
the DT mode or the maximum value defined by the inverse time curve, the
OPERATE output is activated.

When the user-programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operation time

characteristics are defined by the parameters Curve parameter A, Curve parameter
B, Curve parameter C, Curve parameter D and Curve parameter E.

If a drop-off situation happens, that is, a fault suddenly disappears before the
operate delay is exceeded, the timer reset state is activated. The functionality of the
timer in the reset state depends on the combination of the Operating curve type,
Type of reset curve and Reset delay time settings. When the DT characteristic is
selected, the reset timer runs until the set Reset delay time value is exceeded. When
the IDMT curves are selected, the Type of reset curve setting can be set to
"Immediate", "Def time reset" or "Inverse reset". The reset curve type "Immediate"
causes an immediate reset. With the reset curve type "Def time reset", the reset
time depends on the Reset delay time setting. With the reset curve type "Inverse
reset", the reset time depends on the current during the drop-off situation and the
value of START_DUR. The START output is deactivated when the reset timer has

The "Inverse reset" selection is only supported with ANSI or user

programmable types of the IDMT operating curves. If another
operating curve type is selected, an immediate reset occurs during
the drop-off situation.

The setting Time multiplier is used for scaling the IDMT operate and reset times.

The setting parameter Minimum operate time defines the minimum desired operate
time for IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.

The Minimum operate time setting should be used with great care
because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value of the Minimum operate time setting. For
more information, see the IDMT curves for overcurrent protection
section in this manual.

The timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operating time. The value is
available in the monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/

208 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK signal activation is
preselected with the global setting Blocking mode.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the
whole function is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not
activated. Application

Since the negative sequence current quantities are not present during normal,
balanced load conditions, the negative sequence overcurrent protection elements
can be set for faster and more sensitive operation than the normal phase-
overcurrent protection for fault conditions occurring between two phases. The
negative sequence overcurrent protection also provides a back-up protection
functionality for the feeder earth-fault protection in solid and low resistance
earthed networks.

The negative sequence overcurrent protection provides the back-up earth-fault

protection on the high voltage side of a delta-wye connected power transformer for
earth faults taking place on the wye-connected low voltage side. If an earth fault
occurs on the wye-connected side of the power transformer, negative sequence
current quantities appear on the delta-connected side of the power transformer.

The most common application for the negative sequence overcurrent protection is
probably rotating machines, where negative sequence current quantities indicate
unbalanced loading conditions (unsymmetrical voltages). Unbalanced loading
normally causes extensive heating of the machine and can result in severe damages
even over a relatively short time period.

Multiple time curves and time multiplier settings are also available for coordinating
with other devices in the system. Signals
Table 262: NSPTOC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_MULT BOOLEAN 0=False Enable signal for current multiplier

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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Table 263: NSPTOC Output signals

Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 264: NSPTOC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Curve parameter A 0.0086...120.0000 0.0001 28.2000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.0000...0.7120 0.0001 0.1217 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.02...2.00 0.01 2.00 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter D 0.46...30.00 0.01 29.10 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.0...1.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter E for customer programmable

Table 265: NSPTOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operating curve type 1=ANSI Ext. inv. 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
2=ANSI Very inv.
3=ANSI Norm. inv.
4=ANSI Mod. inv.
5=ANSI Def. Time
6=L.T.E. inv.
7=L.T.V. inv.
8=L.T. inv.
9=IEC Norm. inv.
10=IEC Very inv.
11=IEC inv.
12=IEC Ext. inv.
13=IEC S.T. inv.
14=IEC L.T. inv.
15=IEC Def. Time
18=RI type
19=RD type
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Start value 0.01...5.00 xIn 0.01 0.30 Start value
Start value Mult 0.8...10.0 0.1 1.0 Multiplier for scaling the start value
Operate delay time 40...200000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time

210 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Table 266: NSPTOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Minimum operate time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time

Table 267: NSPTOC Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset Monitored data

Table 268: NSPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
NSPTOC1 Enum 1=on Status
5=off Technical data

Table 269: NSPTOC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
current: fn ±2 Hz

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In

Start time 1)2) Minimum Typical Maximum

IFault = 2 × set Start 22 ms 32 ms 52 ms
value 14 ms 24 ms 40 ms
IFault = 10 × set Start
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±7.0% of the theoretical value or ±50 ms 3)
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Negative sequence current before fault = 0.0, fn = 50 Hz, results based on statistical distribution of
1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 2.5 × In, Start value multiples in range of 1.5...20

REX610 211
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

4.3.2 Phase discontinuity / Single phasing protection for motor

PDNSPTOC (ANSI 46PD) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Phase discontinuity / Single phasing PDNSPTOC I2/I1> 46PD
protection for motor Function block

GUID-F42E6A95-575D-4B5A-8852-3C957C3A5E7F V1 EN-US

Figure 106: Function block Functionality

The phase discontinuity / single phasing protection for motor function PDNSPTOC
is used for detecting unbalance situations caused by broken conductors.

The function starts and operates when the unbalance current I2/I1 exceeds the set
limit. To prevent faulty operation at least one phase current needs to be above the
minimum level. PDNSPTOC operates with DT characteristic.

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block the function

output, timer or the function itself. Analog channel configuration

PDNSPTOC has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 270: Analog signals
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing

212 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

The operation of PDNSPTOC can be described by using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

I2 Timer
Level t
I_B Blocking
I_C logic

GUID-5DE8DF50-C266-4B03-96E2-9503EB8C0922 V1 EN-US

Figure 107: Functional module diagram

The I2/I1 module calculates the ratio of the negative and positive sequence current.
It reports the calculated value to the level detector.

Level detector
The level detector compares the calculated ratio of the negative- and positive-
sequence currents to the set Start value. If the calculated value exceeds the set Start
value and the min current check module has exceeded the value of Min phase
current, the level detector reports the exceeding of the value to the timer.

Min current check

The min current check module checks whether the measured phase currents are
above the set Min phase current. At least one of the phase currents needs to be
above the set limit to enable the level detector module.

Once activated, the timer activates the START output. The time characteristic is
according to DT. When the operation timer has reached the value set by Operate
delay time, the OPERATE output is activated. If the fault disappears before the
module operates, the reset timer is activated. If the reset timer reaches the value set
by Reset delay time, the operate timer resets and the START output is deactivated.

REX610 213
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

The timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operation time. The value is
available in the monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/
Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK signal activation is
preselected with the global setting Blocking mode.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the
whole function is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not
activated. Application

In three-phase distribution and subtransmission network applications the phase

discontinuity in one phase can cause an increase of zero-sequence voltage and short
overvoltage peaks and also oscillation in the corresponding phase.

PDNSPTOC is a three-phase protection with DT characteristic, designed for

detecting broken conductors in distribution and subtransmission networks. The
function is applicable for both overhead lines and underground cables.

The operation of PDNSPTOC is based on the ratio of the positive-sequence and

negative-sequence currents. This gives a better sensitivity and stability compared to
plain negative-sequence current protection since the calculated ratio of positive-
sequence and negative-sequence currents is relatively constant during load

The unbalance of the network is detected by monitoring the negative-sequence and

positive-sequence current ratio, where the negative-sequence current value is I2 and
I1 is the positive-sequence current value. The unbalance is calculated with the
Iratio =
GUID-C8E52A65-EEFA-4BDC-B71A-E1B1D8ABE93F V1 EN-US (Equation 24)

Broken conductor fault situation can occur in phase A in a feeder.

214 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions




GUID-3F15D97B-5C65-4850-BEAF-4FF8D3C3ECB1 V1 EN-US

Figure 108: Broken conductor fault situation in phase A in a distribution or

subtransmission feeder

GUID-D79D1AA3-279C-4805-8A56-C9C19D7EF452 V1 EN-US

Figure 109: Three-phase current quantities during the broken conductor fault in
phase A with the ratio of negative-sequence and positive-sequence
currents Signals
Table 271: PDNSPTOC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode

Table 272: PDNSPTOC Output signals

Name Type Description

REX610 215
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions Settings
Table 273: PDNSPTOC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

Table 274: PDNSPTOC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 10...100 % 1 10 Start value
Operate delay time 100...30000 ms 1 100 Operate delay time

Table 275: PDNSPTOC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Min phase current 0.05...0.30 xIn 0.01 0.10 Minimum phase current
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time Monitored data

Table 276: PDNSPTOC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
RATIO_I2_I1 FLOAT32 0.00...999.99 % Measured current ratio
I2 / I1
PDNSPTOC1 Enum 1=on Status
5=off Technical data

Table 277: PDNSPTOC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
current: fn ±2 Hz

±2.5% of the set value

Start time <80 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Table continues on next page

216 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Characteristic Value
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

4.4 Voltage protection

4.4.1 Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV (ANSI 59) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV 3U> 59 Function block

GUID-7E52140E-EC83-4A6C-8290-1D7ED7E4C8F6 V1 EN-US

Figure 110: Function block Functionality

The three-phase overvoltage protection function PHPTOV is applied on power

system elements, such as generators, transformers, motors and power lines, to
protect the system from excessive voltages that could damage the insulation and
cause insulation breakdown. The three-phase overvoltage function includes a
settable value for the detection of overvoltage either in a single phase, two phases
or three phases.

PHPTOV includes both definite time (DT) and inverse definite minimum time
(IDMT) characteristics for the delay of the trip.

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs, timer or the function itself. Analog channel configuration

PHPTOV has one analog group input which must be properly configured.

REX610 217
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Table 278: Analog inputs

Input Description
U3P Three-phase voltages

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 279: Special conditions
Condition Description
U3P connected to real measurements The function can work with one voltage channel
connected if Num of start phases is set to "1 out
of 3". Otherwise, all three voltage channels must
be connected.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

The operation of PHPTOV can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

U_A_AB Timer
U_B_BC Phase
U3P detector
U_C_CA logic t

BLOCK logic

GUID-9E999E16-3A8F-49C9-8609-8227939F6079 V1 EN-US

Figure 111: Functional module diagram

218 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Level detector
The fundamental frequency component of the measured three-phase voltages are
compared phase-wise to the set value of the Start value setting. If the measured
value is higher than the set value of the Start value setting, the level detector
enables the phase selection logic module. The Relative hysteresis setting can be
used for preventing unnecessary oscillations if the input signal slightly differs from
the Start value setting. After leaving the hysteresis area, the start condition has to
be fulfilled again and it is not sufficient for the signal to only return to the
hysteresis area.

The Voltage selection setting is used for selecting phase-to-earth or phase-to-phase

voltages for protection.

For the voltage IDMT operation mode, the used IDMT curve equations contain
discontinuity characteristics. The Curve Sat Relative setting is used for preventing
undesired operation.

For a more detailed description of the IDMT curves and the use of
the Curve Sat Relative setting, see the IDMT curve saturation of
overvoltage protection section in this manual.

Phase selection logic

If the fault criteria are fulfilled in the level detector, the phase selection logic
detects the phase or phases in which the fault level is detected. If the number of
faulty phases match with the set Num of start phases, the phase selection logic
activates the Timer.

Once activated, the Timer activates the START output. Depending on the value of
the set Operating curve type, the time characteristics are selected according to DT
or IDMT.

For a detailed description of the voltage IDMT curves, see the

IDMT curves for overvoltage protection section in this manual.

When the operation timer has reached the value set by Operate delay time in the
DT mode or the maximum value defined by the IDMT, the OPERATE output is

When the user-programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operate time

characteristics are defined by the parameters Curve parameter A, Curve parameter
B, Curve parameter C, Curve parameter D and Curve parameter E.

If a drop-off situation occurs, that is, a fault suddenly disappears before the operate
delay is exceeded, the reset state is activated. The behavior in the drop-off situation
depends on the selected operate time characteristics. If the DT characteristics are

REX610 219
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

selected, the reset timer runs until the set Reset delay time value is exceeded. If the
drop-off situation exceeds the set Reset delay time, the Timer is reset and the
START output is deactivated.

When the IDMT operate time curve is selected, the functionality of the Timer in
the drop-off state depends on the combination of the Type of reset curve, Type of
time reset and Reset delay time settings.
Table 280: Reset time functionality when IDMT operation time curve selected
Reset functionality Setting Type of Setting Type of Setting Reset
reset curve time reset delay time
Instantaneous Operation timer is “Immediate” Setting has no Setting has no
reset “Reset effect effect
when drop-off
Frozen timer Operation timer is “Def time reset” “Freeze Op timer” Operate timer is
frozen during reset after the set
drop-off Reset delay time
has elapsed
Linear decrease Operation timer “Def time reset” “Decrease Op Operate timer is
value linearly timer” reset after the set
decreases during Reset delay time
the drop-off has elapsed

220 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

GUID-130E2B9B-6D0B-47A6-9556-9C38BF9242D4 V1 EN-US

Figure 112: Behavior of different IDMT reset modes. Operate signal is based
on settings Type of reset curve = “Def time reset” and Type of time
reset= “Freeze Op timer”. The effect of other reset modes is also

The Time multiplier setting is used for scaling the IDMT operate times.

The Minimum operate time setting parameter defines the minimum desired operate
time for IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.

The Minimum operate time setting should be used with care

because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value of the Minimum operate time setting. For
more information, see the IDMT curves for overvoltage protection
section in this manual.

REX610 221
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

The Timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operation time. The value is
available in the Monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/
Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK input signal
activation is preselected with the global Blocking mode setting.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the
whole function is blocked and the Timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not

The “Freeze timer” mode of blocking has no effect during the

inverse reset mode. Timer characteristics

The operating curve types supported by PHPTOV are:

Table 281: Timer characteristics supported by IDMT operate curve types
Operating curve type
(5) ANSI Def. Time
(15) IEC Def. Time
(17) Inv. Curve A
(18) Inv. Curve B
(19) Inv. Curve C
(20) Programmable Application

Overvoltage in a network occurs either due to the transient surges on the network
or due to prolonged power frequency overvoltages. Surge arresters are used to
protect the network against the transient overvoltages, but the relay's protection
function is used to protect against power frequency overvoltages.

The power frequency overvoltage may occur in the network due to contingencies
such as:

222 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

• The defective operation of the automatic voltage regulator when the generator
is in isolated operation.
• Operation under manual control with the voltage regulator out of service. A
sudden variation of load, in particular the reactive power component, gives rise
to a substantial change in voltage because of the inherent large voltage
regulation of a typical alternator.
• Sudden loss of load due to the tripping of outgoing feeders, leaving the
generator isolated or feeding a very small load. This causes a sudden rise in the
terminal voltage due to the trapped field flux and overspeed.

If a load sensitive to overvoltage remains connected, it leads to equipment damage.

It is essential to provide power frequency overvoltage protection, in the form of

time delayed element, either IDMT or DT to prevent equipment damage. Signals
Table 282: PHPTOV Input signals
Name Type Default Description
U3P SIGNAL - Three-phase voltages
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode

Table 283: PHPTOV Output signals

Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 284: PHPTOV Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3 1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
2=2 out of 3 activation
3=3 out of 3
Curve parameter A 0.005...200.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.50...100.00 0.01 1.00 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.0...1.0 0.1 0.0 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Table continues on next page

REX610 223
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Curve parameter D 0.000...60.000 0.001 0.000 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.000...3.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter E for customer programmable
Voltage selection 1=phase-to-earth 2=phase-to-phase Parameter to select phase or phase-to-
2=phase-to-phase phase voltages

Table 285: PHPTOV Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operating curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
15=IEC Def. Time
17=Inv. Curve A
18=Inv. Curve B
19=Inv. Curve C
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Start value 0.05...1.60 xUn 0.01 1.10 Start value
Operate delay time 40...300000 ms 10 40 Operate delay time

Table 286: PHPTOV Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Minimum operate time 40...60000 ms 1 40 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Curve Sat Relative 0.0...10.0 0.1 0.0 Tuning parameter to avoid curve
Relative hysteresis 1.0...5.0 % 0.1 4.0 Relative hysteresis for operation

Table 287: PHPTOV Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
Type of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer 1=Freeze Op Selection of time reset
2=Decrease Op timer

224 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions Monitored data

Table 288: PHPTOV Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
PHPTOV1 Enum 1=on Status
5=off Technical data

Table 289: PHPTOV Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
voltage: fn ±2 Hz

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un

Start time1)2) Minimum Typical Maximum

UFault = 1.1 × set Start 18 ms 31 ms 42 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Depends on the set Relative hysteresis
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±50 ms3)
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Start value = 1.0 × Un, Voltage before fault = 0.9 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, overvoltage in one phase-to-
phase with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical
distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Maximum Start value = 1.20 × Un, Start value multiples in range of 1.20...2.00

4.4.2 Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV (ANSI 27) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV 3U< 27

REX610 225
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions Function block

GUID-CFF19135-A940-40D6-AB13-83E0EB364059 V1 EN-US

Figure 113: Function block Functionality

The three-phase undervoltage protection function PHPTUV is used to disconnect

from the network devices, for example electric motors, which are damaged when
subjected to service under low voltage conditions. PHPTUV includes a settable
value for the detection of undervoltage either in a single phase, two phases or three

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs, timer or the function itself. Analog channel configuration

PHPTUV has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 290: Analog inputs
Input Description
U3P Three-phase voltages

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 291: Special conditions
Condition Description
U3P connected to real measurements The function can work with one voltage channel
connected if Num of start phases is set to "1 out
of 3" but the other two channels must be fed with
high values (considerably above Start value). For
other values of Num of start phases, all three
voltage channels must be connected.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected.

226 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

The operation of PHPTUV can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

Phase Timer
U_B_BC Level
U3P detector
U_C_CA logic t OPERATE

Blocking t
BLOCK logic

GUID-506508F8-CE5B-4C5C-914E-B1B60E818E43 V1 EN-US

Figure 114: Functional module diagram

Level detector
The fundamental frequency component of the measured three phase voltages are
compared phase-wise to the set Start value. If the measured value is lower than the
set value of the Start value setting, the level detector enables the phase selection
logic module. The Relative hysteresis setting can be used for preventing
unnecessary oscillations if the input signal slightly varies above or below the Start
value setting. After leaving the hysteresis area, the start condition has to be fulfilled
again and it is not sufficient for the signal to only return back to the hysteresis area.

The Voltage selection setting is used for selecting the phase-to-earth or phase-to-
phase voltages for protection.

For the voltage IDMT mode of operation, the used IDMT curve equations contain
discontinuity characteristics. The Curve Sat Relative setting is used for preventing
unwanted operation.

For more detailed description on IDMT curves and usage of Curve

Sat Relative setting, see the IDMT curves for undervoltage
protection section in this manual.

The level detector contains a low-level blocking functionality for cases where one
of the measured voltages is below the desired level. This feature is useful when
unnecessary starts and operates are wanted to avoid during, for example, an
autoreclose sequence. The low-level blocking is activated by default (Enable block
value is set to "True") and the blocking level can be set with the Voltage block
value setting.

REX610 227
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Phase selection logic

If the fault criteria are fulfilled in the level detector, the phase selection logic
detects the phase or phases in which the fault level is detected. If the number of
faulty phases match with the set Num of start phases, the phase selection logic
activates the Timer.

Once activated, the Timer activates the START output. Depending on the value of
the set Operating curve type, the time characteristics are selected according to DT
or IDMT.

For a detailed description of the voltage IDMT curves, see the

IDMT curves for undervoltage protection section in this manual.

When the operation timer has reached the value set by Operate delay time in the
DT mode or the maximum value defined by the IDMT, the OPERATE output is

When the user-programmable IDMT curve is selected, the operate time

characteristics are defined by the parameters Curve parameter A, Curve parameter
B, Curve parameter C, Curve parameter D and Curve parameter E.

If a drop-off situation occurs, that is, a fault suddenly disappears before the operate
delay is exceeded, the reset state is activated. The behavior in the drop-off situation
depends on the selected operate time characteristics. If the DT characteristics are
selected, the reset timer runs until the set Reset delay time value is exceeded. If the
drop-off situation exceeds the set Reset delay time, the Timer is reset and the
START output is deactivated.

When the IDMT operate time curve is selected, the functionality of the Timer in
the drop-off state depends on the combination of the Type of reset curve, Type of
time reset and Reset delay time settings.

228 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Table 292: Reset time functionality when IDMT operation time curve selected
Reset functionality Setting Type of Setting Type of Setting Reset
reset curve time reset delay time
Instantaneous Operation timer is “Immediate” Setting has no Setting has no
reset “Reset effect effect
when drop-off
Frozen timer Operation timer is “Def time reset” “Freeze Op timer” Operate timer is
frozen during reset after the set
drop-off Reset delay time
has elapsed
Linear decrease Operation timer “Def time reset” “Decrease Op Operate timer is
value linearly timer” reset after the set
decreases during Reset delay time
the drop-off has elapsed

REX610 229
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

GUID-BE1D4F63-1205-4DC6-824D-BC280A0074B8 V1 EN-US

Figure 115: Behavior of different IDMT reset modes. Operate signal is based
on settings Type of reset curve = “Def time reset” and Type of time
reset= “Freeze Op timer”. The effect of other reset modes is also

The Time multiplier setting is used for scaling the IDMT operate times.

The Minimum operate time setting parameter defines the minimum desired operate
time for IDMT. The setting is applicable only when the IDMT curves are used.

The Minimum operate time setting should be used with care

because the operation time is according to the IDMT curve, but
always at least the value of the Minimum operate time setting. For
more information, see the IDMT curves for undervoltage protection
section in this manual.

230 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

The Timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operation time. The value is
available in the Monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/
Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK input signal
activation is preselected with the global Blocking mode setting.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the
whole function is blocked and the Timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not

The “Freeze timer” mode of blocking has no effect during the

“Inverse reset” mode. Timer characteristics

The operating curve types supported by PHPTUV are:

Table 293: Supported IDMT operate curve types
Operating curve type
(5) ANSI Def. Time
(15) IEC Def. Time
(21) Inv. Curve A
(22) Inv. Curve B
(23) Programmable Application

PHPTUV is applied to power system elements, such as generators, transformers,

motors and power lines, to detect low voltage conditions. Low voltage conditions
are caused by abnormal operation or a fault in the power system. PHPTUV can be
used in combination with overcurrent protections. PHPTUV is also used to initiate
voltage correction measures, such as insertion of shunt capacitor banks, to
compensate for a reactive load and thereby to increase the voltage.

REX610 231
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

PHPTUV can be used to disconnect from the network devices, such as electric
motors, which are damaged when subjected to service under low voltage
conditions. PHPTUV deals with low voltage conditions at power system frequency.
Low voltage conditions can be caused by:

• Malfunctioning of a voltage regulator or incorrect settings under manual

control (symmetrical voltage decrease)
• Overload (symmetrical voltage decrease)
• Short circuits, often as phase-to-earth faults (unsymmetrical voltage increase)

PHPTUV prevents sensitive equipment from running under conditions that could
cause overheating and thus shorten their life time expectancy. In many cases,
PHPTUV is a useful function in circuits for local or remote automation processes
in the power system. Signals
Table 294: PHPTUV Input signals
Name Type Default Description
U3P SIGNAL - Three-phase voltages
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode

Table 295: PHPTUV Output signals

Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 296: PHPTUV Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Num of start phases 1=1 out of 3 1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required for operate
2=2 out of 3 activation
3=3 out of 3
Curve parameter A 0.005...200.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter A for customer programmable
Curve parameter B 0.50...100.00 0.01 1.00 Parameter B for customer programmable
Curve parameter C 0.0...1.0 0.1 0.0 Parameter C for customer
programmable curve
Table continues on next page

232 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Curve parameter D 0.000...60.000 0.001 0.000 Parameter D for customer
programmable curve
Curve parameter E 0.000...3.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter E for customer programmable
Voltage selection 1=phase-to-earth 2=phase-to-phase Parameter to select phase or phase-to-
2=phase-to-phase phase voltages

Table 297: PHPTUV Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operating curve type 5=ANSI Def. Time 15=IEC Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type
15=IEC Def. Time
21=Inv. Curve A
22=Inv. Curve B
Time multiplier 0.05...15.00 0.01 1.00 Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Start value 0.05...1.20 xUn 0.01 0.90 Start value
Operate delay time 60...300000 ms 10 60 Operate delay time

Table 298: PHPTUV Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Minimum operate time 60...60000 ms 1 60 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time
Curve Sat Relative 0.0...10.0 0.1 0.0 Tuning parameter to avoid curve
Voltage block value 0.05...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.20 Low level blocking for undervoltage
Enable block value 0=False 1=True Enable internal blocking
Relative hysteresis 1.0...5.0 % 0.1 4.0 Relative hysteresis for operation

Table 299: PHPTUV Group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate 1=Immediate Selection of reset curve type
2=Def time reset
Type of time reset 1=Freeze Op timer 1=Freeze Op Selection of time reset
2=Decrease Op timer

REX610 233
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions Monitored data

Table 300: PHPTUV Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
PHPTUV1 Enum 1=on Status
5=off Technical data

Table 301: PHPTUV Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
voltage: fn ±2 Hz

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un

Start time1)2) Minimum Typical Maximum

UFault = 0.9 × set Start 58 ms 70 ms 82 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Depends on the set Relative hysteresis
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy in definite time mode ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
Operate time accuracy in inverse time mode ±5.0% of the theoretical value or ±50 ms3)
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Start value = 1.0 × Un, Voltage before fault = 1.1 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, undervoltage in one phase-to-
phase with nominal frequency injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical
distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact
3) Minimum Start value = 0.50, Start value multiples in range of 0.90...0.20

4.4.3 Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV (ANSI 59G/

59N) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV Uo> 59G/59N

234 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions Function block

GUID-50D8BA40-71AF-43E6-964D-69CB7C6A69E5 V1 EN-US

Figure 116: Function block Functionality

The residual overvoltage protection function ROVPTOV is used in distribution

networks where the residual overvoltage can reach non-acceptable levels in, for
example, high impedance earthing.

The function starts when the residual voltage exceeds the set limit. ROVPTOV
operates with the definite time (DT) characteristic.

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs, the definite timer or the function itself. Analog channel configuration

ROVPTOV has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 302: Analog inputs
Input Description
URES Residual voltage (measured or calculated)

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 303: Special conditions
Condition Description
URES calculated The function requires that all three voltage
channels are connected to calculate residual
voltage. Setting VT connection must be "Wye" in
that particular UTVTR.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected.

REX610 235
Technical Manual
Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

The operation of ROVPTOV can be described by using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

UO Level t
URES detector

BLOCK logic

GUID-807B2D1D-25A8-4053-8230-8C81216F35FE V1 EN-US

Figure 117: Functional module diagram

Level detector
The residual voltage is compared to the set Start value. If the value exceeds the set
Start value, the level detector sends an enable signal to the timer.

Once activated, the timer activates the START output. The time characteristic is
according to DT. When the operation timer has reached the value set by Operate
delay time, the OPERATE output is activated. If the fault disappears before the
module operates, the reset timer is activated. If the reset timer reaches the value set
by Reset delay time, the operate timer resets and the START output is deactivated.

The timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operation time. The value is
available in the monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/
Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK signal activation is
preselected with the global setting Blocking mode.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the
whole function is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE
output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not

236 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions Application

ROVPTOV is designed to be used for earth-fault protection in isolated neutral,

resistance earthed or reactance earthed systems. In compensated networks, starting
of the function can be used to control the switching device of the neutral resistor.
The function can also be used for the back-up protection of feeders for busbar
protection when a more dedicated busbar protection would not be justified.

In compensated and isolated neutral systems, the system neutral voltage, that is, the
residual voltage, increases in case of any fault connected to earth. Depending on
the type of the fault and the fault resistance, the residual voltage reaches different
values. The highest residual voltage, equal to the phase-to-earth voltage, is
achieved for a single-phase earth fault. The residual voltage increases
approximately the same amount in the whole system and does not provide any
guidance in finding the faulty component. Therefore, this function is often used as
a backup protection or as a release signal for the feeder earth-fault protection.

The protection can also be used for the earth-fault protection of generators and
motors and for the unbalance protection of capacitor banks.

The residual voltage can be calculated internally based on the measurement of the
three-phase voltage. This voltage can also be measured by a single-phase voltage
transformer, located between a transformer star point and earth, or by using an
open-delta connection of three single-phase voltage transformers. Signals
Table 304: ROVPTOV Input signals
Name Type Default Description
URES SIGNAL - Residual voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode

Table 305: ROVPTOV Output signals

Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start Settings
Table 306: ROVPTOV Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

REX610 237
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Table 307: ROVPTOV Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.010...1.000 xUn 0.001 0.030 Residual overvoltage start value
Operate delay time 40...300000 ms 1 40 Operate delay time

Table 308: ROVPTOV Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time Monitored data

Table 309: ROVPTOV Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
ROVPTOV1 Enum 1=on Status
5=off Technical data

Table 310: ROVPTOV Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
voltage: fn ±2 Hz

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × Un

Start time1)2) Minimum Typical Maximum

UFault = 2 × set Start 39 ms 50 ms 64 ms
Reset time Typically 40 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Retardation time <45 ms
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms
Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

1) Residual voltage before fault = 0.0 × Un, fn = 50 Hz, residual voltage with nominal frequency injected
from random phase angle, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements
2) Includes the delay of the signal output contact

238 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

4.5 Multipurpose protection MAPGAPC (ANSI MAP)

4.5.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Multipurpose protection MAPGAPC MAP MAP

4.5.2 Function block

GUID-3AC33E94-89A2-432E-B186-F9C3DD338000 V1 EN-US

Figure 118: Function block

4.5.3 Functionality
The multipurpose protection function MAPGAPC is used as a general protection
with many possible application areas as it has flexible measuring and setting
facilities. The function can be used as an under- or overprotection with a settable
absolute hysteresis limit. The function operates with the definite time (DT)

The function contains a blocking functionality. It is possible to block function

outputs, the definite timer or the function itself.

4.5.4 Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

The operation of MAPGAPC can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

Level t

BLOCK logic

GUID-C2F3DFF5-0A22-4D6D-976D-6A02263E20A8 V1 EN-US

Figure 119: Functional module diagram

REX610 239
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Level detector
Level detector compares AI_VALUE to the Start value setting. The Operation
mode setting defines the direction of the level detector.
Table 311: Operation mode types
Operation mode Description
Under If the input signal AI_VALUE is lower than the
set value of the Start value setting, the level
detector enables the timer module.
Over If the input signal AI_VALUE exceeds the set
value of the Start value setting, the level detector
enables the timer module.

The Absolute hysteresis setting can be used for preventing unnecessary oscillations
if the input signal is slightly above or below the Start value setting. After leaving
the hysteresis area, the start condition has to be fulfilled again and it is not
sufficient for the signal to only return to the hysteresis area. If the ENA_ADD input
is activated, the threshold value of the internal comparator is the sum of the Start
value Add and Start value settings. The resulting threshold value for the
comparator can be increased or decreased depending on the sign and value of the
Start value Add setting.

Once activated, Timer activates the START output. The time characteristic is
according to DT. When the operation timer has reached the value set by Operate
delay time, the OPERATE output is activated. If the starting condition disappears
before the module operates, the reset timer is activated. If the reset timer reaches
the value set by Reset delay time, the operation timer resets and the START output
is deactivated.

The timer calculates the start duration value START_DUR, which indicates the
percentage ratio of the start situation and the set operation time. The value is
available in the monitored data view.

Blocking logic
There are three operation modes in the blocking function. The operation modes are
controlled by the BLOCK input and the global setting in Configuration/System/
Blocking mode which selects the blocking mode. The BLOCK input can be
controlled by a binary input, a horizontal communication input or an internal signal
of the protection relay's program. The influence of the BLOCK signal activation is
preselected with the global setting Blocking mode.

The Blocking mode setting has three blocking methods. In the "Freeze timer"
mode, the operation timer is frozen to the prevailing value, but the OPERATE
output is not deactivated when blocking is activated. In the "Block all" mode, the
whole function is blocked and the timers are reset. In the "Block OPERATE

240 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 4
Protection functions

output" mode, the function operates normally but the OPERATE output is not

4.5.5 Application
The function block can be used for any general analog signal protection, either
underprotection or overprotection. The setting range is wide, allowing various
protection schemes for the function. Thus, the absolute hysteresis can be set to a
value that suits the application.

The temperature protection using GOOSERCV_MV can be done using the

function block. The measured temperature can be fed from GOOSERCV_MV to
the function input that detects too high temperatures in the motor bearings or
windings, for example. When the ENA_ADD input is enabled, the threshold value
of the internal comparator is the sum of the Start value Add and Start value
settings. This allows a temporal increase or decrease of the level detector
depending on the sign and value of the Start value Add setting, for example, when
the emergency start is activated. If, for example, Start value is 100, Start value Add
is 20 and the ENA_ADD input is active, the input signal needs to rise above 120
before MAPGAPC operates.

4.5.6 Signals
Table 312: MAPGAPC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
AI_VALUE FLOAT32 0.0 Analogue input value
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for activating the blocking mode
ENA_ADD BOOLEAN 0=False Enable start added

Table 313: MAPGAPC Output signals

Name Type Description

4.5.7 Settings
Table 314: MAPGAPC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Operation mode 1=Over 1=Over Operation mode

REX610 241
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Section 4 2NGA000825 B
Protection functions

Table 315: MAPGAPC Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value -10000.0...10000.0 0.1 0.0 Start value
Operate delay time 0...200000 ms 100 0 Operate delay time
Start value Add -100.0...100.0 0.1 0.0 Start value Add

Table 316: MAPGAPC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 100 0 Reset delay time
Absolute hysteresis 0.01...100.00 0.01 0.10 Absolute hysteresis for operation

4.5.8 Monitored data

Table 317: MAPGAPC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
START_DUR FLOAT32 0.00...100.00 % Ratio of start time /
operate time
MAPGAPC1 Enum 1=on Status

4.5.9 Technical data

Table 318: MAPGAPC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms

242 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 5
Protection related functions

Section 5 Protection related functions

5.1 Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR (ANSI


5.1.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR 3I2f> 68HB

5.1.2 Function block

GUID-FE9E9545-A75C-4A99-AED6-7BB56A666B99 V1 EN-US

Figure 120: Function block

5.1.3 Functionality
The three-phase inrush detector function INRPHAR is used to detect transformer
inrush situations in distribution networks.

Transformer inrush detection is based on the following principle: the output signal
BLK2H is activated once the numerically derived ratio of second harmonic current
I_2H and the fundamental frequency current I_1H exceeds the set value.

The operate time characteristic for the function is of definite time (DT) type.

The function contains a blocking functionality. Blocking deactivates all outputs

and resets timers.

5.1.4 Analog channel configuration

INRPHAR has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 319: Analog signals
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents

REX610 243
Technical Manual
Section 5 2NGA000825 B
Protection related functions

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected.

5.1.5 Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

The operation of INRPHAR can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

I2_A Timer
I2_A / I1_A AND t

I2_B Timer
I2_B / I1_B AND t OR BLK2H

I2_C Timer
I2_C / I1_C AND t



GUID-9541DB02-234F-4CB3-BF03-5798DE54D498 V1 EN-US

Figure 121: Functional module diagram

These modules calculate the ratio of the second harmonic (I_2H) and fundamental
frequency (I_1H) of the phase currents. The calculated value is compared to the set
Start value. If the calculated value exceeds the set Start value, the module output is

Level detector
The output of the phase-specific level detector is activated when the fundamental
frequency current I_1H exceeds five percent of the nominal current.

244 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 5
Protection related functions

Once activated, Timer runs until the set Operate delay time value is exceeded. The
time characteristics is according to DT. When the operation timer has reached the
Operate delay time value, the BLK2H output is activated. After the timer has
elapsed and the inrush situation still exists, the BLK2H signal remains active until
the I_2H/I_1H ratio drops below the value set for the ratio in all phases, that is,
until the inrush situation is over. If the drop-off situation occurs within the operate
time up counting, the reset timer is activated. If the drop-off time exceeds Reset
delay time, the operate timer is reset.

The BLOCK input can be controlled with a binary input, a horizontal

communication input or an internal signal of the relay program. The activation of
the BLOCK input prevents the BLK2H output from being activated.

5.1.6 Application
Transformer protections require high stability to avoid tripping during magnetizing
inrush conditions. A typical example of an inrush detector application is doubling
the start value of an overcurrent protection during inrush detection.

The inrush detection function can be used to selectively block overcurrent and
earth-fault function stages when the ratio of the second harmonic component to the
fundamental component exceeds the set value.

Other applications of this function include the detection of inrush in lines

connected to a transformer.

GUID-BCA18364-CDF0-4582-82B8-ECEC1C926A5F V1 EN-US

Figure 122: Inrush current in transformer

REX610 245
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Section 5 2NGA000825 B
Protection related functions

It is recommended to use the second harmonic and the waveform-

based inrush blocking from the transformer differential protection
function TR2PTDF if available.

5.1.7 Signals
Table 320: INRPHAR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block input status

Table 321: INRPHAR Output signals

Name Type Description
BLK2H BOOLEAN Second harmonic based block

5.1.8 Settings
Table 322: INRPHAR Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

Table 323: INRPHAR Group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 5...100 % 1 20 Ratio of the 2. to the 1. harmonic leading
to restraint
Operate delay time 20...60000 ms 1 20 Operate delay time

Table 324: INRPHAR Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 0...60000 ms 1 20 Reset delay time

5.1.9 Monitored data

Table 325: INRPHAR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
INRPHAR1 Enum 1=on Status

246 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 5
Protection related functions

5.1.10 Technical data

Table 326: INRPHAR Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn

Current measurement:
±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In
Ratio I2f/I1f measurement:
±5.0% of the set value
Reset time +35 ms / -0 ms
Reset ratio Typically 0.96
Operate time accuracy +35 ms / -0 ms

5.2 Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF (ANSI


5.2.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF 3I>/Io>BF 50BF

5.2.2 Function block

GUID-8B94FE04-F335-475A-AB65-CDAED7E10F91 V1 EN-US

Figure 123: Function block

5.2.3 Functionality
The circuit breaker failure protection function CCBRBRF is activated by trip
commands from the protection functions or through binary inputs. CCBRBRF
includes a conditional or unconditional re-trip function, and also a conditional
back-up trip function.

The operating values of the current measuring elements can be set within a
predefined setting range. The function has two independent timers for trip
purposes: a re-trip timer for the repeated tripping of its own breaker and a back-up

REX610 247
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Section 5 2NGA000825 B
Protection related functions

timer for the trip logic operation for upstream breakers. A minimum trip pulse
length can be set independently for the trip output.

The function contains a blocking functionality which can be used to block the
function outputs.

5.2.4 Analog channel configuration

CCBRBRF has two analog group inputs which must be properly configured.
Table 327: Analog inputs
Input Description
I3P1) Three-phase currents
Necessary when CB failure mode is set other
than "Breaker status"

IRES1) Residual current (measured or calculated)

Necessary when CB failure mode is set other
than "Breaker status"

1) Can be connected to GRPOFF if CB failure mode is set to "Breaker status" and CB fail retrip mode is
not set to "Current check"

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources. The GRPOFF signal is available in the
function block called Protection.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected.

5.2.5 Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

The operation of CCBRBRF can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections. Also further information
on the retrip and backup trip logics is given in sub-module diagrams.

248 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 5
Protection related functions

I_B Level
I_C detector 1

Timer 1
t Retrip
Start logic

Timer 2
Io Level t
IRES detector 2
trip TRBU

Timer 3


GUID-68AD1F15-9E29-4F8A-9930-0A0EEF60D8B7 V1 EN-US

Figure 124: Functional module diagram

Level detector 1
The measured phase currents are compared phasewise to the set Current value. If
the measured value exceeds the set Current value, the level detector reports the
exceeding of the value to the start, retrip and backup trip logics. The parameter
should be set low enough so that breaker failure situations with small fault current
or high load current can be detected. The setting can be chosen in accordance with
the most sensitive protection function to start the breaker failure protection.

Level detector 2
The measured residual current is compared to the set Current value Res. If the
measured value exceeds the set Current value Res, the level detector reports the
exceeding of the value to the start and backup trip logics. In high-impedance
earthed systems, the residual current at phase-to-earth faults is normally much
smaller than the short circuit currents. To detect a breaker failure at single-phase
earth faults in these systems, it is necessary to measure the residual current
separately. In effectively earthed systems, also the setting of the earth-fault current
protection can be chosen at a relatively low current level. The current setting
should be chosen in accordance with the setting of the sensitive earth-fault

Start logic
Start logic is used to manage the starting of Timer 1 and Timer 2. It also resets the
function after the circuit breaker failure is handled. On the rising edge of the
START input, the enabling signal is sent to Timer 1 and Timer 2. Typically, the
START input is activated when any protection function operates and trips the
circuit breaker.

The Start logic module is reset depending on the settings CB failure mode and CB
failure trip mode as shown in Table 328. In all cases in Table 328, however, the

REX610 249
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Section 5 2NGA000825 B
Protection related functions

resetting is possible only after 150 ms from the activation of Start logic. This time
is for ensuring correct operation in case of oscillation in the starting signal.
Table 328: Start logic operation
Value of setting CB Value of setting CB Start logic reset condition
failure mode failure trip mode
Current 1 out of 3 All phase currents drop below Current value
1 out of 4 All phase currents drop below Current value
setting and the residual current drops below
Current value Res setting.
2 out of 4 Either of the following is true:

• All phase currents drop below Current

value setting.
• The residual current drops below Current
value Res setting and (at least) two phases
are below Current value setting.

Breaker status 1 out of 3 CB is in open position.

1 out of 4
2 out of 4
Both(AND) 1 out of 3 Either of the following is true:

• CB is in open position.
• All phase currents drop below Current
value setting.

1 out of 4 Either of the following is true:

• CB is in open position.
• All phase currents drop below Current
value setting and the residual current drops
below Current value Res setting.

2 out of 4 One of the following is true:

• CB is in open position.
• All phase currents drop below Current
value setting.
• The residual current drops below Current
value Res setting and (at least) two phases
are below Current value setting.

Both(OR) 1 out of 3 CB is in open position and all phase currents

drop below Current value setting.
1 out of 4 CB is in open position and all phase currents
drop below Current value setting and the
residual current drops below Current value Res
2 out of 4 CB is in open position and either of the following
is true:

• All phase currents drop below Current

value setting.
• The residual current drops below Current
value Res setting and (at least) two phases
are below Current value setting.

250 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 5
Protection related functions

In addition, the function is immediately reset if:

• Start latching mode is set to "Level sensitive", and the START signal is
deactivated. The recommended setting value is "Rising edge".
• The BLOCK input is activated.

CB failure mode ”Both(OR)”

CB failure mode ”Both(AND)” AND

2 or 3 ph

1 ph
From Level detector 1
I0 > AND
From Level detector 2

CB failure trip mode AND

“2 out of 4"

I0 >
From Level detector 2 OR
From Level detector 1

CB failure trip mode

“1 out of 4"

CB failure trip mode AND

“1 out of 3"
CB failure mode ”Current” Enable timer

CB failure mode ”Breaker

150.0 ms


Start latching mode AND

”Level sensitive”


GUID-73916E8D-5FE5-44C9-BE64-BB98ED02691F V1 EN-US

Figure 125: Start logic

Timer 1
Once activated, the timer runs until the set Retrip time value has elapsed. The time
characteristic is according to DT. When the operation timer has reached the value
set with Retrip time, the retrip logic is activated. A typical setting is 0...50 ms.

Timer 2
Once activated, the timer runs until the set CB failure delay value has elapsed. The
time characteristic is according to DT. When the operation timer has reached the
set maximum time value CB failure delay, the backup trip logic is activated. The
value of this setting is made as low as possible at the same time as any unwanted
operation is avoided. A typical setting is 90 - 150 ms, which is also dependent on
the retrip timer.

The minimum time delay for the CB failure delay can be estimated as:

REX610 251
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Section 5 2NGA000825 B
Protection related functions

CBfailuredelay ≥ Retriptime + tcbopen + t BFP _ reset + t margin

GUID-4CAB8D81-0D15-480A-9C7B-5A2B6E1BBA09 V1 EN-US (Equation 25)

tcbopen Maximum opening time for the circuit breaker

tBFP_reset Maximum time for the breaker failure protection to detect the correct breaker function (the
current criteria reset)
tmargin Safety margin

It is often required that the total fault clearance time is less than the given critical
time. This time often depends on the ability to maintain transient stability in case of
a fault close to a power plant.

GUID-70D5F2AF-9E29-459A-B33D-BC9972593C75 V1 EN-US

Figure 126: Timeline of the breaker failure protection

Timer 3
This module is activated by the CB_FAULT signal. Once activated, the timer runs
until the set CB fault delay value has elapsed. The time characteristic is according
to DT. When the operation timer has reached the maximum time value CB fault
delay, the CB_FAULT_AL output is activated. After the set time, an alarm is given
so that the circuit breaker can be repaired. A typical value is 5 s.

Retrip logic
Timer 1 activates Retrip logic, which can be used to give a retrip signal TRRET for
the main circuit breaker. The operation of Retrip logic depends on the settings CB
failure mode and CB fail retrip mode as shown in Table 329.

252 REX610
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Protection related functions

Table 329: Retrip logic operation

Value of setting CB fail Value of setting CB Retrip functionality
retrip mode failure mode
Off Current Retrip functionality switched off. TRRET is not
Breaker status activated.
Without Check Current TRRET is activated after Timer 1 elapses.
Breaker status
Current check Current TRRET is activated after Timer 1 elapses and
any phase current exceeds Current value
Breaker status TRRET is activated after Timer 1 elapses and CB
is in closed position.
Both(AND) TRRET is activated after Timer 1 elapses and CB
is in closed position and any phase current
exceeds Current value setting.
Both(OR) TRRET is activated after Timer 1 elapses and
either of the following is true:

• CB is in closed position.
• Any phase current exceeds Current value

TRRET activation is blocked if either CB_FAULT_AL output (from

Timer 3) is active or the BLOCK input is activated.

Once activated, TRRET remains active for the set Trip pulse time or until the
reasons for activation are reset. TRRET is also reset if CB_FAULT_AL or BLOCK
is activated.

REX610 253
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Protection related functions

Timer 1 elapsed
From Timer 1 AND

CB fail retrip mode

”Without check” OR
CB fail retrip mode AND TRRET
”Current check”

CB failure mode ”Current”

CB failure mode ”Breaker

CB failure mode ”Both(OR)”

From Level detector 1 OR




CB failure mode ”Both(AND)”

From Timer 3

GUID-3E9EF062-CE57-4E62-A98F-9682F1F93390 V1 EN-US

Figure 127: Retrip logic

Backup trip logic

Timer 2 activates Backup trip logic, which gives a backup trip TRBU for the
upstream circuit breaker if the main circuit breaker fails to clear the fault. Backup
trip logic is also activated if the timer-enabling signal from the Start logic module
(rising edge of the START input detected) and CB_FAULT_AL are both active.

The operation of Backup trip logic depends on the settings CB failure mode and CB
failure trip mode as shown in Table 330.

254 REX610
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Protection related functions

Table 330: Backup trip logic operation

Value of setting CB Value of setting CB Conditions for activating Backup trip logic
failure mode failure trip mode
Current 1 out of 3 Any phase current exceeds Current value
1 out of 4 Either of the following is true:

• Any phase current exceeds Current value

• The residual current exceeds Current value
Res setting.

2 out of 4 Either of the following is true:

• Any phase current exceeds Current value

setting and the residual current exceeds
Current value Res setting.
• Two or three phase currents exceed
Current value setting.

Breaker status 1 out of 3 CB is in closed position.

1 out of 4
2 out of 4
Both(AND) 1 out of 3 CB is in closed position and any phase current
exceeds Current value setting.
1 out of 4 CB is in closed position and either of the
following is true:

• Any phase current exceeds Current value

• The residual current exceeds Current value
Res setting.

2 out of 4 CB is in closed position and either of the

following is true:

• Any phase current exceeds Current value

setting and the residual current exceeds
Current value Res setting.
• Two or three phase currents exceed
Current value setting.

Table continues on next page

REX610 255
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Section 5 2NGA000825 B
Protection related functions

Value of setting CB Value of setting CB Conditions for activating Backup trip logic
failure mode failure trip mode
Both(OR) 1 out of 3 Either of the following is true:

• CB is in closed position.
• Any phase current exceeds Current value

1 out of 4 One of the following is true:

• CB is in closed position.
• Any phase current exceeds Current value
• The residual current exceeds Current value
Res setting.

2 out of 4 One of the following is true:

• CB is in closed position.
• Any phase current exceeds Current value
setting and the residual current exceeds
Current value Res setting.
• Two or three phase currents exceed
Current value setting.

Once activated, TRBU remains active until the set Trip pulse time or until the
reasons for activation are reset. TRRET is also reset if BLOCK is activated.

In most applications, "1 out of 3" is sufficient.

256 REX610
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Protection related functions


From Timer 3
Enable timer
From Start logic

Timer 2 elapsed OR
From Timer 2

2 or 3 ph

I> 1, 2 or 3 ph
From level detector 1

CB failure trip mode AND

”2 out of 4"
I0 >
From level detector 2

CB failure trip mode AND OR

”1 out of 3"


CB failure trip mode

”1 out of 4"

CB failure mode ”Current” AND

CB failure mode ”Both(OR)”

CB failure mode ”Both(AND)” AND OR

CB failure mode ”Breaker
CB failure mode ”Both(OR)”

GUID-61CE4D07-7617-4FD2-97CB-57D88CEE19F6 V1 EN-US

Figure 128: Backup trip logic

5.2.6 Application
The n-1 criterion is often used in the design of a fault clearance system. This means
that the fault is cleared even if some component in the fault clearance system is
faulty. A circuit breaker is a necessary component in the fault clearance system.
For practical and economical reasons, it is not feasible to duplicate the circuit
breaker for the protected component, but breaker failure protection is used instead.

The breaker failure function issues a backup trip command to up-stream circuit
breakers in case the original circuit breaker fails to trip for the protected
component. The detection of a failure to break the current through the breaker is
made by measuring the current or by detecting the remaining trip signal

CCBRBRF can also retrip. This means that a second trip signal is sent to the
protected circuit breaker. The retrip function is used to increase the operational
reliability of the breaker. The function can also be used to avoid backup tripping of

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Section 5 2NGA000825 B
Protection related functions

several breakers in case mistakes occur during protection relay maintenance and

CCBRBRF is initiated by operating different protection functions or digital logics

inside the protection relay. It is also possible to initiate the function externally
through a binary input.

CCBRBRF can be blocked by using an internally assigned signal or an external

signal from a binary input. This signal blocks the function of the breaker failure
protection even when the timers have started or the timers are reset.

The retrip timer is initiated after the start input is set to true. When the pre-defined
time setting is exceeded, CCBRBRF issues the retrip and sends a trip command,
for example, to the circuit breaker's second trip coil. Both a retrip with current
check and an unconditional retrip are available. When a retrip with current check is
chosen, the retrip is performed only if there is a current flow through the circuit

The backup trip timer is also initiated at the same time as the retrip timer. If
CCBRBRF detects a failure in tripping the fault within the set backup delay time,
which is longer than the retrip time, it sends a backup trip signal to the chosen
backup breakers. The circuit breakers are normally upstream breakers which feed
fault current to a faulty feeder.

The backup trip always includes a current check criterion. This means that the
criterion for a breaker failure is that there is a current flow through the circuit
breaker after the set backup delay time.

Normal protective trip

Re- Trip
BackUp -Trip

GUID-77D7B6B0-371E-4326-8B44-3DDB3700C4E7 V1 EN-US

Figure 129: Typical breaker failure protection scheme in distribution


258 REX610
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Protection related functions

5.2.7 Signals
Table 331: CCBRBRF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
IRES SIGNAL - Residual current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block CBFP operation
START BOOLEAN 0=False CBFP start command
POSCLOSE BOOLEAN 0=False CB in closed position
CB_FAULT BOOLEAN 0=False CB faulty and unable to trip

Table 332: CCBRBRF Output signals

Name Type Description
CB_FAULT_AL BOOLEAN Delayed CB failure alarm
TRBU BOOLEAN Backup trip

5.2.8 Settings
Table 333: CCBRBRF Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Current value 0.05...2.00 xIn 0.01 0.30 Operating phase current
Current value Res 0.05...2.00 xIn 0.01 0.30 Operating residual current
CB failure trip mode 1=2 out of 4 2=1 out of 3 Backup trip current check mode
2=1 out of 3
3=1 out of 4
CB failure mode 1=Current 1=Current Operating mode of function
2=Breaker status
3=Both (AND)
-1=Both (OR)
CB fail retrip mode 1=Off 1=Off Operating mode of retrip logic
2=Without Check
3=Current check
Retrip time 0...60000 ms 10 120 Delay timer for retrip
CB failure delay 0...60000 ms 10 240 Delay timer for backup trip
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

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Section 5 2NGA000825 B
Protection related functions

Table 334: CCBRBRF Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
CB fault delay 0...60000 ms 10 5000 Circuit breaker faulty delay
Measurement mode 2=DFT 3=Peak-to-Peak Phase current measurement mode of
3=Peak-to-Peak function
Trip pulse time 0...60000 ms 10 200 Pulse length of retrip and backup trip
Start latching mode 1=Rising edge 1=Rising edge Start reset delayed or immediately
2=Level sensitive

5.2.9 Monitored data

Table 335: CCBRBRF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
CCBRBRF1 Enum 1=on Status

5.2.10 Technical data

Table 336: CCBRBRF Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
current: fn ±2 Hz

±1.5% of the set value or ±0.002 × In

Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms

Reset time Typically 40 ms
Retardation time <45 ms

5.3 Master trip TRPPTRC (ANSI 94/86)

5.3.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Master trip TRPPTRC Master Trip 94/86

260 REX610
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Protection related functions

5.3.2 Function block

GUID-5C321397-912F-4A99-83F5-35546C4A812C V1 EN-US

Figure 130: Function block

5.3.3 Functionality
The master trip function TRPPTRC is used as a trip command collector and
handler after the protection functions. The features of this function influence the
trip signal behavior of the circuit breaker. The minimum trip pulse length can be
set when the non-latched mode is selected. It is also possible to select the latched or
lockout mode for the trip signal.

5.3.4 Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

When the TRPPTRC function is disabled, all trip outputs intended

to go through the function to the circuit breaker trip coil are

The operation of TRPPTRC can be described with a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.


GUID-C863071C-A009-48DF-B74D-7C3AF5C4464A V1 EN-US

Figure 131: Functional module diagram

The duration of the TRIP output signal from TRPPTRC can be adjusted with the
Trip pulse time setting when the "Non-latched" operation mode is used. The pulse
length should be long enough to secure the opening of the breaker. For three-pole
tripping, TRPPTRC has a single input OPERATE, through which all trip output
signals are routed from the protection functions within the protection relay, or from

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Section 5 2NGA000825 B
Protection related functions

external protection functions via one or more of the protection relay's binary inputs.
The function has a single trip output TRIP for connecting the function to one or
more of the protection relay's binary outputs, and also to other functions within the
protection relay requiring this signal.

The BLOCK input blocks the TRIP output and resets the timer.

Lockout logic
TRPPTRC is provided with possibilities to activate a lockout. When activated, the
lockout can be manually reset after checking the primary fault by activating the
RST_LKOUT input or from the LHMI clear menu parameter. When using the
"Latched" mode, the resetting of the TRIP output can be done similarly as when
using the "Lockout" mode. It is also possible to reset the "Latched" mode remotely
through a separate communication parameter.

The minimum pulse trip function is not active when using the
"Lockout" or "Latched" modes but only when the "Non-latched"
mode is selected.

The CL_LKOUT and TRIP outputs can be blocked with the BLOCK input.

Table 337: Operation modes for the TRPPTRC trip output

Mode Operation
Non-latched The Trip pulse time parameter gives the
minimum pulse length for TRIP.

Latched TRIP is latched ; both local and remote clearing

is possible.
Lockout TRIP is locked and can be cleared only locally
via menu or the RST_LKOUT input.

5.3.5 Application
All trip signals from different protection functions are routed through the trip logic.
The most simplified application of the logic function is linking the trip signal and
ensuring that the signal is long enough.

The tripping logic in the protection relay is intended to be used in the three-phase
tripping for all fault types (3ph operating). To prevent the closing of a circuit
breaker after a trip, TRPPTRC can block the CBXCBR closing.

TRPPTRC is intended to be connected to one trip coil of the corresponding circuit

breaker. If tripping is needed for another trip coil or another circuit breaker which
needs, for example, different trip pulse time, another trip logic function can be

The inputs from the protection functions are connected to the OPERATE input.
Usually, a logic block OR is required to combine the different function outputs to

262 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 5
Protection related functions

this input. The TRIP output is connected to the binary outputs on the IO board.
This signal can also be used for other purposes within the protection relay, for
example when starting the breaker failure protection.

TRPPTRC is used for simple three-phase tripping applications.

PHHPTOC1-operate OR

CCRBRF-trret PO#1
DARREC-open cb



GUID-6BADF215-0284-470C-BE6C-D83DA79ADE33 V1 EN-US

Figure 132: Typical TRPPTRC connection

5.3.6 Signals
Table 338: TRPPTRC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block of function
RST_LKOUT BOOLEAN 0=False Input for resetting the circuit breaker lockout

Table 339: TRPPTRC Output signals

Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General trip output signal
CL_LKOUT BOOLEAN Circuit breaker lockout output (set until reset)

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Protection related functions

5.3.7 Settings
Table 340: TRPPTRC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Trip pulse time 20...60000 ms 1 250 Minimum duration of trip output signal
Trip output mode 1=Non-latched 1=Non-latched Select the operation mode for trip output

5.3.8 Monitored data

Table 341: TRPPTRC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
TRPPTRC1 Enum 1=on Status

264 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 6
Supervision functions

Section 6 Supervision functions

6.1 Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR (ANSI TCM)

6.1.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR TCS TCM

6.1.2 Function block

GUID-F4AF5029-098B-4DEA-9C9E-00BB4133B8A6 V1 EN-US

Figure 133: Function block

6.1.3 Functionality
The trip circuit supervision function TCSSCBR is designed to supervise the control
circuit of the circuit breaker. The invalidity of a control circuit is detected by using
a dedicated output contact that contains the supervision functionality. The failure of
a circuit is reported to the corresponding function block in the relay configuration.

The function starts and operates when TCSSCBR detects a trip circuit failure. The
operating time characteristic for the function is DT. The function operates after a
predefined operating time and resets when the fault disappears.

The function contains a blocking functionality. Blocking deactivates the ALARM

output and resets the timer.

6.1.4 Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

The operation of TCSSCBR can be described by using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

REX610 265
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Supervision functions

TCS_STATE status

GUID-67DE32ED-0D26-4151-A1F2-81A3EAB1C383 V1 EN-US

Figure 134: Functional module diagram

TCS status
This module receives the trip circuit status from the hardware. A detected failure in
the trip circuit activates the timer.

Once activated, the timer runs until the set value of Operate delay time has elapsed.
The time characteristic is according to DT. When the operation timer has reached
the maximum time value, the ALARM output is activated.

The BLOCK input can be controlled with a binary input, a horizontal

communication input or an internal signal of the relay program. The activation of
the BLOCK input prevents the ALARM output to be activated.

6.1.5 Application
TCSSCBR detects faults in the electrical control circuit of the circuit breaker. The
function can supervise both open and closed coil circuits. This supervision is
necessary to find out the vitality of the control circuits continuously.

Figure 135 shows an application of the trip circuit supervision function use.

The best solution is to connect an external Rext shunt resistor in parallel with the
circuit breaker internal contact. Although the circuit breaker internal contact is
open, TCS can see the trip circuit through Rext. The Rext resistor should have such a
resistance that the current through the resistance remains small, that is, it does not
harm or overload the circuit breaker's trip coil.

266 REX610
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Supervision functions

CB operating
A1 mechanism

6 (+)

Rint 7
8 Trip coil

10 (-)



CB operating

11 (+)

Rint 12
13 Trip coil


15 (-)



GUID-D18D4537-A491-4BA3-B6ED-A41F1E3F916C V2 EN-US

Figure 135: Operating principle of the trip circuit supervision with an external
resistor. The TCSSCBR blocking switch is not required since the
external resistor is used.

If TCS is required only in a closed position, the external shunt resistance can be
omitted. When the circuit breaker is in the open position, TCS sees the situation as
a faulty circuit. One way to avoid TCS operation in this situation is to block the
supervision function whenever the circuit breaker is open.

REX610 267
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Section 6 2NGA000825 B
Supervision functions

CB operating


6 (+)


Rint 7
8 Trip coil


10 (-)



CB open position
CB operating

11 (+)


Rint 12
13 Trip coil

15 (-)



CB open position
GUID-0C67CE5D-CB34-4745-BCCA-A01E654B5094 V2 EN-US

Figure 136: Operating principle of the trip circuit supervision without an external
resistor. The circuit breaker open indication is set to block
TCSSCBR when the circuit breaker is open.

Trip circuit supervision and other trip contacts

It is typical that the trip circuit contains more than one trip contact in parallel, for
example in transformer feeders where the trip of a Buchholz relay is connected in
parallel with the feeder terminal and other relays involved. The supervising current
cannot detect if one or all the other contacts connected in parallel are not connected

268 REX610
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Supervision functions

trip contacts


CB operating


GUID-8FD9C6B2-CF99-48F6-82EC-E23E05472645 V1 EN-US

Figure 137: Constant test current flow in parallel trip contacts and trip circuit

In case of parallel trip contacts, the recommended way to do the wiring is that the
TCS test current flows through all wires and joints.

REX610 269
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Supervision functions






CB operating


GUID-AC390453-7942-4DEB-82E6-7B3349D6D42E V1 EN-US

Figure 138: Improved connection for parallel trip contacts where the test
current flows through all wires and joints

Several trip circuit supervision functions parallel in circuit

Not only does the trip circuit often have parallel trip contacts, but it is also possible
that the circuit has multiple TCS circuits in parallel. Each TCS circuit causes its
own supervising current to flow through the monitored coil and the actual coil
current is a sum of all TCS currents. This must be considered when determining the
resistance of Rext.

Setting the TCS function in a protection relay not-in-use does not

typically affect the supervising current injection.

Trip circuit supervision with auxiliary relays

Many retrofit projects are carried out partially, that is, the old electromechanical
relays are replaced with new ones but the circuit breaker is not replaced. This
creates a problem that the coil current of an old type circuit breaker can be too high
for the protection relay trip contact to break.

270 REX610
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Supervision functions

The circuit breaker coil current is normally cut by an internal contact of the circuit
breaker. In case of a circuit breaker failure, there is a risk that the protection relay
trip contact is destroyed since the contact is obliged to disconnect high level of
electromagnetic energy accumulated in the trip coil.

An auxiliary relay can be used between the protection relay trip contact and the
circuit breaker coil. This way the breaking capacity question is solved, but the TCS
circuit in the protection relay monitors the healthy auxiliary relay coil, not the
circuit breaker coil. The separate trip circuit supervision relay is applicable for this
to supervise the trip coil of the circuit breaker.

Dimensioning of the external resistor

Under normal operating conditions, the applied external voltage is divided between
the relay’s internal circuit and the external trip circuit so that at the minimum 20 V
(15...20 V) remains over the relay’s internal circuit. Should the external circuit’s
resistance be too high or the internal circuit’s too low, for example due to welded
relay contacts, a fault is detected.

Mathematically, the operation condition can be expressed as:

UC − (Rext + Rint + Rs ) ⋅ IC ≥ 20V AC / DC

GUID-DF13D86D-683F-4FC9-8807-1F939AA3BF79 V1 EN-US (Equation 26)

Uc Operating voltage over the supervised trip circuit

Ic Measuring current through the trip circuit, approx. 1.5 mA (0.99...1.72 mA)

Rext External shunt resistance

Rint Internal shunt resistance, 1 kΩ

Rs Trip coil resistance

If the external shunt resistance is used, it has to be calculated not to interfere with
the functionality of the supervision or the trip coil. Too high a resistance causes too
high a voltage drop, jeopardizing the requirement of at least 20 V over the internal
circuit, while too low a resistance can enable false operations of the trip coil.
Table 342: Values recommended for the external resistor Rext

Operating voltage Uc Shunt resistor Rext

48 V AC/DC 1.2 kΩ, 5 W
60 V AC/DC 5.6 kΩ, 5 W
110 V AC/DC 22 kΩ, 5 W
220 V AC/DC 33 kΩ, 5 W

Due to the requirement that the voltage over the TCS contact must be 20 V or
higher, correct operation is not guaranteed with auxiliary operating voltages lower
than 48 V DC because of the voltage drop in Rint, Rext and the operating coil or

REX610 271
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Supervision functions

even voltage drop of the feeding auxiliary voltage system which can cause too low
voltage values over the TCS contact. In this case, erroneous alarming can occur.

At lower (<48 V DC) auxiliary circuit operating voltages, it is recommend to use

the circuit breaker position to block unintentional operation of TCS.

Using power output contacts without trip circuit supervision

If TCS is not used but the contact information of the corresponding power outputs
is required, the internal resistor can be bypassed. The output can then be used as a
normal power output. When bypassing the internal resistor, the wiring between the
terminals of the corresponding output PO1 (X100:8-7) or PO2 (X100:13-12) can
be disconnected. The internal resistor is required if the complete TCS circuit is

272 REX610
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Supervision functions

CB operating


6 (+)


Rint 7
8 Trip coil

10 (-)

CB operating

11 (+)


Rint 12
13 Trip coil

15 (-)

GUID-6F2060EA-047E-4E87-839C-1A80BC9978F3 V2 EN-US

Figure 139: Connection of a power output when TCS is not used and the
internal resistor is disconnected

Incorrect connections and use of trip circuit supervision

Although the TCS circuit consists of two separate contacts, those are designed to
be used as series connected to guarantee the breaking capacity given in the
technical manual of the protection relay. Besides the weak breaking capacity, the
internal resistor is not dimensioned to withstand current without a TCS circuit. As a
result, this kind of incorrect connection causes immediate burning of the internal
resistor when the circuit breaker is in the close position and the voltage is applied

REX610 273
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Section 6 2NGA000825 B
Supervision functions

to the trip circuit. Figure 140 shows incorrect usage of a TCS circuit when only one
of the contacts is used.

(+) IED (+) IED

Rint Rint


Rext Rext
CB operating CB operating
mechanism mechanism

Trip Trip
coil coil
(-) (-)
GUID-27F72F7E-32CA-4324-8E75-1E4D6A6CB6C3 V1 EN-US

Figure 140: Incorrect connection of trip circuit supervision

A connection of three protection relays with a double pole trip circuit is shown in
Figure 141. Only protection relay R3 has an internal TCS circuit. In order to test
the operation of protection relay R2, but not to trip the circuit breaker, the upper
trip contact of protection relay R2 is disconnected while the lower contact is still
connected. When protection relay R2 operates, the coil current starts to flow
through the internal resistor of protection relay R3 and the resistor burns
immediately. As proven with the previous examples, both trip contacts must
operate together. Attention should also be paid to correct usage of the trip circuit
supervision while, for example, testing the protection relay.

274 REX610
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Supervision functions

R1 R2 R3

CB operating
Rext mechanism



GUID-C4D0E94F-B552-44C9-8280-995298B04FEA V1 EN-US

Figure 141: Incorrect testing of protection relays

6.1.6 Signals
Table 343: TCSSCBR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
TCS_STATE BOOLEAN 0=False Trip circuit supervision status
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block input status

Table 344: TCSSCBR Output signals

Name Type Description
ALARM BOOLEAN Alarm output

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Supervision functions

6.1.7 Settings
Table 345: TCSSCBR Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Operate delay time 1000...300000 ms 1000 3000 Operate delay time

Table 346: TCSSCBR Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Reset delay time 1000...60000 ms 1000 1000 Reset delay time

6.1.8 Monitored data

Table 347: TCSSCBR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
TCSSCBR1 Enum 1=on Status

6.2 Current circuit supervision CCSPVC (ANSI CCM)

6.2.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Current circuit supervision CCSPVC MCS 3I CCM

6.2.2 Function block

GUID-7ECB0A11-12F4-4233-8DEA-BB8EED633CBB V1 EN-US

Figure 142: Function block

276 REX610
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Supervision functions

6.2.3 Functionality
The current circuit supervision function CCSPVC is used for monitoring current
transformer secondary circuits.

CCSPVC calculates internally the sum of phase currents (I_A, I_B and I_C) and
compares the sum against the measured single reference current (I_REF). The
reference current must originate from other three-phase CT cores than the phase
currents (I_A, I_B and I_C) and it is to be externally summated, that is, outside the
protection relay.

CCSPVC detects a fault in the measurement circuit and issues an alarm or blocks
the protection functions to avoid unwanted tripping.

It must be remembered that the blocking of protection functions at an occurring

open CT circuit means that the situation remains unchanged and extremely high
voltages stress the secondary circuit.

6.2.4 Analog channel configuration

CCSPVC has two analog group inputs which must be properly configured.
Table 348: Analog inputs
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents
IRES Residual current (measured)

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 349: Special conditions
Condition Description
IRES measured In case IRES needs to be derived, the function
requires that all CT cores, except for the one
used for phase current measurement, must be
used and summed externally.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected.

REX610 277
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Section 6 2NGA000825 B
Supervision functions

6.2.5 Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

The operation of CCSPVC can be described with a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

Timer FAIL
I_B Differential
I3P t
I_C current ALARM
Io monitoring

GUID-9BC0AF36-85F9-4C2E-BAC5-9CA0FA6E9416 V1 EN-US

Figure 143: Functional module diagram

Differential current monitoring

Differential current monitoring supervises the difference between the summed
phase currents I_A, I_B and I_C and the reference current I_REF.

The current operating characteristics can be selected with the Start value setting.
When the highest phase current is less than 1.0 × In, the differential current limit is
defined with Start value. When the highest phase current is more than 1.0 × In, the
differential current limit is calculated with the equation.

MAX (I _ A,I _ B,I _ C ) ⋅ Start value

GUID-16BDABDB-5739-4301-B245-A80973EED4E3 V1 EN-US (Equation 27)

The differential current is limited to 1.0 × In.

278 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 6
Supervision functions

GUID-50D71139-1B21-4B33-9ABE-CD0FB95E1B40 V1 EN-US

Figure 144: CCSPVC operating characteristics

When the differential current I_DIFF is in the operating region, the FAIL output is

The function is internally blocked if any phase current is higher than the set Max
operate current. When the internal blocking activates, the FAIL output is
deactivated immediately. The internal blocking is used for avoiding false operation
during a fault situation when the current transformers are saturated due to high
fault currents.

The value of the differential current is available in the monitored data view on the
LHMI or through other communication tools. The value is calculated with the

I _ DIFF = I _ A + I _ B + I _ C − I _ REF
GUID-C8C24000-A276-4888-B489-4B8B0596F28B V1 EN-US (Equation 28)

The Start value setting is given in units of ×In of the phase current transformer.
The possible difference in the phase and reference current transformer ratios is
internally compensated by scaling I_REF with the value derived from the Primary
current setting values. These setting parameters can be found in the Basic functions

The activation of the BLOCK input deactivates the FAIL output immediately.

REX610 279
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Section 6 2NGA000825 B
Supervision functions

The timer is activated with the FAIL signal. The ALARM output is activated after a
fixed 200 ms delay. FAIL needs to be active during the delay.

When the internal blocking is activated, the FAIL output deactivates immediately.
However, the ALARM output deactivates after a fixed delay of three seconds.

The function resets when the differential current is below the start value and the
highest phase current is more than 5 percent of the nominal current (0.05 × In).

If the current falls to zero when the FAIL or ALARM outputs are active, the
deactivation of these outputs is prevented.

The activation of the BLOCK input deactivates the ALARM output.

6.2.6 Application
Open or short-circuited current transformer cores can cause unwanted operation in
many protection functions such as differential, earth-fault current and negative-
sequence current functions. When currents from two independent three-phase sets
of CTs or CT cores measuring the same primary currents are available, reliable
current circuit supervision can be arranged by comparing the currents from the two
sets. When an error in any CT circuit is detected, the protection functions
concerned can be blocked and an alarm given.

In case of high currents, the unequal transient saturation of CT cores with a

different remanence or saturation factor can result in differences in the secondary
currents from the two CT cores. An unwanted blocking of protection functions
during the transient stage must then be avoided.

The supervision function must be sensitive and have a short operation time to
prevent unwanted tripping from fast-acting, sensitive numerical protections in case
of faulty CT secondary circuits.

Open CT circuits create extremely high voltages in the circuits,

which may damage the insulation and cause further problems. This
must be taken into consideration especially when the protection
functions are blocked.

When the reference current is not connected to the protection relay,

the function should be turned off. Otherwise, the FAIL output is
activated when unbalance occurs in the phase currents even if there
was nothing wrong with the measurement circuit.

280 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 6
Supervision functions

Reference current measured with core-balanced current transformer

CCSPVC compares the sum of phase currents to the current measured with the
core-balanced CT.

GUID-3377FB14-EA48-4ACE-B112-431615F56AB5 V1 EN-US

Figure 145: Connection diagram for reference current measurement with core-
balanced current transformer

Current measurement with two independent three-phase sets of CT

Figure 146 and Figure 147 show diagrams of connections where the reference
current is measured with two independent three-phase sets of CT cores.

REX610 281
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Section 6 2NGA000825 B
Supervision functions


Figure 146: Connection diagram for current circuit supervision with two sets of
three-phase current transformer protection cores

When using the measurement core for reference current

measurement, it should be noted that the saturation level of the
measurement core is much lower than with the protection core. This
should be taken into account when setting the current circuit
supervision function.

282 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 6
Supervision functions

GUID-5F519CE4-1DD8-47F8-B76A-103D6862CBF6 V1 EN-US

Figure 147: Connection diagram for current circuit supervision with two sets of
three-phase current transformer cores (protection and

Example of incorrect connection

The currents must be measured with two independent cores, that is, the phase
currents must be measured with a different core than the reference current. A
connection diagram shows an example of a case where the phase currents and the
reference currents are measured from the same core.

REX610 283
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Section 6 2NGA000825 B
Supervision functions

GUID-154A9EB2-D03C-4817-AC42-BD4FA166CEEE V1 EN-US

Figure 148: Example of incorrect reference current connection

6.2.7 Signals
Table 350: CCSPVC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
IRES SIGNAL - Residual current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for all binary outputs

Table 351: CCSPVC Output signals

Name Type Description
FAIL BOOLEAN Fail output
ALARM BOOLEAN Alarm output

284 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 6
Supervision functions

6.2.8 Settings
Table 352: CCSPVC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Start value 0.05...0.20 xIn 0.01 0.05 Minimum operate current differential
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation On / Off

Table 353: CCSPVC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Max operate current 1.00...5.00 xIn 0.01 1.50 Block of the function at high phase

6.2.9 Monitored data

Table 354: CCSPVC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IDIFF FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Differential current
CCSPVC1 Enum 1=on Status

6.2.10 Technical data

Table 355: CCSPVC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operate time 1) <30 ms

1) Including the delay of the output contact

6.3 Fuse failure supervision SEQSPVC (ANSI VCM,


6.3.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Fuse failure supervision SEQSPVC FUSEF VCM, 60

REX610 285
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Section 6 2NGA000825 B
Supervision functions

6.3.2 Function block

GUID-DAD73272-8F21-41BC-BC3A-BC8276D70B22 V1 EN-US

Figure 149: Function block

6.3.3 Functionality
The fuse failure supervision function SEQSPVC is used to block the voltage-
measuring functions when failure occurs in the secondary circuits between the
voltage transformer (or combi sensor or voltage sensor) and protection relay to
avoid misoperations of the voltage protection functions.

SEQSPVC has two algorithms, a negative sequence-based algorithm and a delta

current and delta voltage algorithm.

A criterion based on the delta current and the delta voltage measurements can be
activated to detect three-phase fuse failures which usually are more associated with
the voltage transformer switching during station operations.

6.3.4 Analog channel configuration

SEQSPVC has two analog group inputs which all must be properly configured.
Table 356: Analog inputs
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents
U3P Three-phase voltages

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 357: Special conditions
Condition Description
U3P connected to real measurements The function can work with any two voltage
channels connected but it is recommended to
connect all three voltage channels.

286 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 6
Supervision functions

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected.

6.3.5 Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

The operation of SEQSPVC can be described with a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.


U3P U_B_BC Voltage
U_C_CA check

Current and FUSEF_3PH

CB_CLOSED voltage
I_A delta FUSEF_U

GUID-29258640-1B6A-40C1-9641-46BD731CCC76 V1 EN-US

Figure 150: Functional module diagram

Negative phase-sequence criterion

A fuse failure based on the negative-sequence criterion is detected if the measured
negative-sequence voltage exceeds the set Neg Seq voltage Lev value and the
measured negative-sequence current is below the set Neg Seq current Lev value.
The detected fuse failure is reported to the decision logic module.

Voltage check
The phase voltage magnitude is checked when deciding whether the fuse failure is
a three, two or a single-phase fault.

REX610 287
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Supervision functions

The module makes a phase-specific comparison between each voltage input and
the Seal in voltage setting. If the input voltage is lower than the setting, the
corresponding phase is reported to the decision logic module.

Current and voltage delta criterion

The delta function can be activated by setting the Change rate enable parameter to
"True". Once the function is activated, it operates in parallel with the negative
sequence-based algorithm. The current and voltage are continuously measured in
all three phases to calculate:

• Change of voltage dU/dt

• Change of current dI/dt

The calculated delta quantities are compared to the respective set values of the
Current change rate and Voltage change rate settings.

The delta current and delta voltage algorithms detect a fuse failure if there is a
sufficient negative change in the voltage amplitude without a sufficient change in
the current amplitude in each phase separately. This is performed when the circuit
breaker is closed. Information about the circuit breaker position is connected to the
CB_CLOSED input.

There are two conditions for activating the current and voltage delta function.

• The magnitude of dU/dt exceeds the corresponding value of the Voltage

change rate setting and magnitude of dI/dt is below the value of the Current
change rate setting in any phase at the same time due to the closure of the
circuit breaker (CB_CLOSED = TRUE).
• The magnitude of dU/dt exceeds the value of the Voltage change rate setting
and the magnitude of dI/dt is below the Current change rate setting in any
phase at the same time and the magnitude of the phase current in the same
phase exceeds the Min Op current delta setting.

The first condition requires the delta criterion to be fulfilled in any phase at the
same time as the circuit breaker is closed. Opening the circuit breaker at one end
and energizing the line from the other end onto a fault could lead to an improper
operation of SEQSPVC with an open breaker. If this is considered to be an
important disadvantage, the CB_CLOSED input is to be connected to FALSE. In
this way only the second criterion can activate the delta function.

The second condition requires the delta criterion to be fulfilled in one phase
together with a high current for the same phase. The measured phase current is
used to reduce the risk of a false fuse failure detection. If the current on the
protected line is low, a voltage drop in the system (not caused by the fuse failure) is
not followed by a current change and a false fuse failure can occur. To prevent this,
the minimum phase current criterion is checked.

The fuse failure detection is active until the voltages return above the Min Op
voltage delta setting. If a voltage in a phase is below the Min Op voltage delta

288 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 6
Supervision functions

setting, a new fuse failure detection for that phase is not possible until the voltage
returns above the setting value.

Decision logic

If voltages are Wye-connected, it is recommended to scale the

default values of voltage-based settings with 1/sqrt(3) because the
default setting values apply for Delta-connected settings.

The fuse failure detection outputs FUSEF_U and FUSEF_3PH are controlled
according to the detection criteria or external signals.
Table 358: Fuse failure output control
Fuse failure detection criterion Conditions and function response
Negative-sequence criterion If a fuse failure is detected based on the
negative sequence criterion, the FUSEF_U output
is activated.
If the fuse failure detection is active for more
than five seconds and at the same time all the
phase voltage values are below the set value of
the Seal in voltage setting with Enable seal in
turned to "True", the function activates the
FUSEF_3PH output signal.

The FUSEF_U output signal is also activated if all

the phase voltages are above the Seal in voltage
setting for more than 60 seconds and at the
same time the negative sequence voltage is
above Neg Seq voltage Lev for more than 5
seconds, all the phase currents are below the
Current dead Lin Val setting and the circuit
breaker is closed, that is, CB_CLOSED is TRUE.

Current and voltage delta function criterion If the current and voltage delta criterion detects a
fuse failure condition, but all the voltages are not
below the Seal in voltage setting, only the
FUSEF_U output is activated.

If the fuse failure detection is active for more

than five seconds and at the same time all the
phase voltage values are below the set value of
the Seal in voltage setting with Enable seal in
turned to "True", the function activates the
FUSEF_3PH output signal.

External fuse failure detection The MINCB_OPEN input signal is supposed to be

connected through a protection relay binary input
to the N.C. auxiliary contact of the miniature
circuit breaker protecting the VT secondary
circuit. The MINCB_OPEN signal sets the
FUSEF_U output signal to block all the voltage-
related functions when MCB is in the open state.
The DISCON_OPEN input signal is supposed to
be connected through a protection relay binary
input to the N.C. auxiliary contact of the line
disconnector. The DISCON_OPEN signal sets the
FUSEF_U output signal to block the voltage-
related functions when the line disconnector is in
the open state.

REX610 289
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Section 6 2NGA000825 B
Supervision functions

It is recommended to always set Enable seal in to "True". This

secures that the blocked protection functions remain blocked until
normal voltage conditions are restored if the fuse failure has been
active for 5 seconds, that is, the fuse failure outputs are deactivated
when the normal voltage conditions are restored.

The activation of the BLOCK input deactivates both FUSEF_U and FUSEF_3PH

6.3.6 Application
Some protection functions operate on the basis of the measured voltage value in the
protection relay point. These functions can fail if there is a fault in the measuring
circuits between the voltage transformer (or combi sensor or voltage sensor) and
protection relay.

A fault in the voltage-measuring circuit is called a fuse failure. This term is

misleading since a blown fuse is just one of the many possible reasons for a broken
circuit. Since incorrectly measured voltage can result in a faulty operation of some
of the protection functions, it is important to detect the fuse failures. A fast fuse
failure detection is one of the means to block voltage-based functions before they

Three phase network

Fault in a measuring
circuit between
voltage transformer
and protection relay
e.g. blown fuse

GUID-6E78C175-F627-4A9B-88F3-BA60F9C4CFF7 V1 EN-US

Figure 151: Fault in a circuit from the voltage transformer to the protection relay

A fuse failure occurs due to blown fuses, broken wires or intended substation
operations. The negative sequence component-based function can be used to detect
different types of single-phase or two-phase fuse failures. However, at least one of
the three circuits from the voltage transformers must be intact. The supporting
delta-based function can also detect a fuse failure due to three-phase interruptions.

In the negative sequence component-based part of the function, a fuse failure is

detected by comparing the calculated value of the negative sequence component

290 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 6
Supervision functions

voltage to the negative sequence component current. The sequence entities are
calculated from the measured current and voltage data for all three phases. The
purpose of this function is to block voltage-dependent functions when a fuse failure
is detected. Since the voltage dependence differs between these functions,
SEQSPVC has two outputs for this purpose.

6.3.7 Signals
Table 359: SEQSPVC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
U3P SIGNAL - Three-phase voltages
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block of function
CB_CLOSED BOOLEAN 0=False Active when circuit breaker is closed
DISCON_OPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Active when line disconnector is open
MINCB_OPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Active when external MCB opens protected
voltage circuit

Table 360: SEQSPVC Output signals

Name Type Description
FUSEF_3PH BOOLEAN Three-phase start of function
FUSEF_U BOOLEAN General start of function

6.3.8 Settings
Table 361: SEQSPVC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

Table 362: SEQSPVC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Neg Seq current Lev 0.03...0.20 xIn 0.01 0.03 Operate level of neg seq undercurrent
Neg Seq voltage Lev 0.03...0.20 xUn 0.01 0.10 Operate level of neg seq overvoltage
Current change rate 0.01...0.50 xIn 0.01 0.15 Operate level of change in phase current
Voltage change rate 0.25...0.90 xUn 0.01 0.40 Operate level of change in phase voltage
Change rate enable 0=False 0=False Enabling operation of change based
1=True function
Min Op voltage delta 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.50 Minimum operate level of phase voltage
for delta calculation
Table continues on next page

REX610 291
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Section 6 2NGA000825 B
Supervision functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Min Op current delta 0.01...1.00 xIn 0.01 0.10 Minimum operate level of phase current
for delta calculation
Seal in voltage 0.01...1.00 xUn 0.01 0.50 Operate level of seal-in phase voltage
Enable seal in 0=False 0=False Enabling seal in functionality
Current dead Lin Val 0.05...1.00 xIn 0.01 0.05 Operate level for open phase current

6.3.9 Monitored data

Table 363: SEQSPVC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
SEQSPVC1 Enum 1=on Status

6.3.10 Technical data

Table 364: SEQSPVC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operate time1) NPS function UFault = 1.1 × set Neg <38 ms
Seq voltage Lev
UFault = 5.0 × set Neg <24 ms
Seq voltage Lev
Delta function ΔU = 1.1 × set Voltage <35 ms
change rate
ΔU = 2.0 × set Voltage <28 ms
change rate

1) Includes the delay of the signal output contact, fn = 50 Hz, fault voltage with nominal frequency
injected from random phase angle, results based on statistical distribution of 1000 measurements

292 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 7
Condition monitoring functions

Section 7 Condition monitoring functions

7.1 Circuit-breaker condition monitoring SSCBR (ANSI


7.1.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Circuit-breaker condition monitoring SSCBR CBCM 52CM

7.1.2 Function block

GUID-3EE84786-C8A3-4440-B4E7-E0144BA4A71A V1 EN-US

Figure 152: Function block

7.1.3 Functionality
The circuit-breaker condition monitoring function SSCBR is used to monitor
different parameters of the circuit breaker. The breaker requires maintenance when
the number of operations has reached a predefined value. The energy is calculated
from the measured input currents as a sum of Iyt values. Alarms are generated
when the calculated values exceed the threshold settings.

The function contains a blocking functionality which can be used to block the
function outputs.

7.1.4 Analog input configuration

SSCBR has one analog group input which must be properly configured.

REX610 293
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Section 7 2NGA000825 B
Condition monitoring functions

Table 365: Analog inputs

Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected.

7.1.5 Operation principle

The circuit-breaker condition monitoring function includes different metering and
monitoring subfunctions. The functions can be enabled and disabled with the
Operation setting. The corresponding parameter values are “On” and “Off”. The
operation counters are cleared when Operation is set to “Off”.

The operation of SSCBR can be described with a module diagram. All the modules
in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

294 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 7
Condition monitoring functions

I_B status

OPEN_CB_EXE travel time TRV_T_CL_ALM


ted energy

life time



GUID-211890A5-5A31-41BC-978C-930600BAC2C4 V1 EN-US

Figure 153: Functional module diagram

Some of the operation features, Circuit breaker operation

monitoring, Breaker contact travel time, Remaining life of circuit
breaker, are related to time and require time synchronization. If
time synchronization is not working, these operation features may
not work correctly. For more information, see Time master
supervision GNRLLTMS. Circuit breaker status

The Circuit breaker status subfunction monitors the position of the circuit breaker,
that is, whether the breaker is in open, closed or invalid position. The operation of

REX610 295
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Section 7 2NGA000825 B
Condition monitoring functions

the breaker status monitoring can be described by using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

GUID-B6A41D1C-0673-4677-ABC7-6B59E7D6695E V1 EN-US

Figure 154: Functional module diagram for monitoring circuit breaker status

Phase current check

This module compares the three phase currents to the setting Acc stop current. If
the current in a phase exceeds the set level, information about the phase is reported
to the contact position indicator module.

Contact position indicator

The OPENPOS output is activated when the auxiliary input contact POSCLOSE is
FALSE, the POSOPEN input is TRUE and all the phase currents are below the
setting Acc stop current.

The CLOSEPOS output is activated when the auxiliary POSOPEN input is FALSE
and the POSCLOSE input is TRUE.

The INVALIDPOS output is activated when both the auxiliary contacts have the
same value, that is, both are in the same logical level, or if the auxiliary input
contact POSCLOSE is FALSE and the POSOPEN input is TRUE and any of the
phase currents exceed the setting Acc stop current.

The status of the breaker is indicated by the binary outputs OPENPOS,

INVALIDPOS and CLOSEPOS for open, invalid and closed position respectively. Circuit breaker operation monitoring

The purpose of the circuit breaker operation monitoring subfunction is to indicate if

the circuit breaker has not been operated for a long time.

The operation of the circuit breaker operation monitoring can be described with a
module diagram. All the modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

296 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 7
Condition monitoring functions

GUID-23AEF5A5-73EC-4E85-8F24-E7295D82E084 V1 EN-US

Figure 155: Functional module diagram for calculating inactive days and alarm
for circuit breaker operation monitoring

Inactivity timer
The module calculates the number of days the circuit breaker has remained
inactive, that is, has stayed in the same open or closed state. The calculation is done
by monitoring the states of the POSOPEN and POSCLOSE auxiliary contacts.

The inactive days INA_DAYS is available in the monitored data view. It is also
possible to set the initial inactive days with the Ini inactive days parameter.

Alarm limit check

When the inactive days exceed the limit value defined with the Inactive Alm days
setting, the MON_ALM alarm is initiated. The time in hours at which this alarm is
activated can be set with the Inactive Alm hours parameter as coordinates of UTC.
The alarm signal MON_ALM can be blocked by activating the binary input BLOCK. Breaker contact travel time

The Breaker contact travel time module calculates the breaker contact travel time
for the closing and opening operation. The operation of the breaker contact travel
time measurement can be described with a module diagram. All the modules in the
diagram are explained in the next sections.

GUID-7649B016-9A67-41BA-A7AC-3CFBE6B1D314 V1 EN-US

Figure 156: Functional module diagram for breaker contact travel time

Traveling time calculator

The travel time can be calculated using two different methods based on the setting
Travel time Clc mode.

When the setting Travel time Clc mode is “From Pos to Pos”, the contact travel
time of the breaker is calculated from the time between auxiliary contacts' state
change. The opening travel time is measured between the opening of the

REX610 297
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Section 7 2NGA000825 B
Condition monitoring functions

POSCLOSE auxiliary contact and the closing of the POSOPEN auxiliary contact.
The travel time is also measured between the opening of the POSOPEN auxiliary
contact and the closing of the POSCLOSE auxiliary contact.

GUID-672A7BD0-D77B-40E7-9798-8B7736D5052A V1 EN-US

Figure 157: Travel time calculation when Travel time Clc mode is “From Pos to

There is a time difference t1 between the start of the main contact opening and the
opening of the POSCLOSE auxiliary contact. Similarly, there is a time gap t2
between the time when the POSOPEN auxiliary contact opens and the main contact
is completely open. To incorporate the time t1 + t2, a correction factor needs to be
added with topen to get the actual opening time. This factor is added with the
Opening time Cor (= t1 + t2) setting. The closing time is calculated by adding the
value set with the Closing time Cor (t3 + t4) setting to the measured closing time.

When the setting Travel time Clc mode is “From Cmd to Pos”, the contact travel
time of the breaker is calculated from the time between the circuit breaker opening
or closing command and the auxiliary contacts’ state change. The opening travel
time is measured between the rising edge of the OPEN_CB_EXE command and
the POSOPEN auxiliary contact. The closing travel time is measured between the
rising edge of the CLOSE_CB_EXEC command and the POSCLOSE auxiliary

298 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 7
Condition monitoring functions

GUID-990F42C6-EB22-4814-A7D4-9C55D4B4FB5F V1 EN-US

Figure 158: Travel time calculation when Travel time Clc mode is “From Cmd
to Pos”

There is a time difference t1 between the start of the main contact opening and the
OPEN_CB_EXE command. Similarly, there is a time gap t2 between the time
when the POSOPEN auxiliary contact opens and the main contact is completely
open. Therefore, to incorporate the times t1 and t2, a correction factor needs to be
added with topen to get the actual opening time. This factor is added with the
Opening time Cor (= t2 - t1) setting. The closing time is calculated by adding the
value set with the Closing time Cor (t4 - t3) setting to the measured closing time.

The last measured opening travel time T_TRV_OP and the closing travel time
T_TRV_CL are available in the monitored data view on the LHMI or through tools
via communications.

Alarm limit check

When the measured opening travel time is longer than the value set with the Open
alarm time setting, the TRV_T_OP_ALM output is activated. Respectively, when
the measured closing travel time is longer than the value set with the Close alarm
time setting, the TRV_T_CL_ALM output is activated.

It is also possible to block the TRV_T_CL_ALM and TRV_T_OP_ALM alarm

signals by activating the BLOCK input. Operation counter

The operation counter subfunction calculates the number of breaker operation

cycles. The opening and closing operations are both included in one operation
cycle. The operation counter value is updated after each opening operation.

REX610 299
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Section 7 2NGA000825 B
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The operation of the subfunction can be described with a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

GUID-FB56929A-8645-47E6-8704-C73FE4AE665A V1 EN-US

Figure 159: Functional module diagram for counting circuit breaker operations

Operation counter
The operation counter counts the number of operations based on the state change of
the binary auxiliary contacts inputs POSCLOSE and POSOPEN.

The number of operations NO_OPR is available in the monitored data view on the
LHMI or through tools via communications. The old circuit breaker operation
counter value can be taken into use by writing the value to the Counter initial Val
parameter and by setting the parameter SSCBR1 in the Clear menu from

Alarm limit check

The OPR_ALM operation alarm is generated when the number of operations
exceeds the value set with the Alarm Op number threshold setting. However, if the
number of operations increases further and exceeds the limit value set with the
Lockout Op number setting, the OPR_LO output is activated.

The binary outputs OPR_LO and OPR_ALM are deactivated when the BLOCK input
is activated. Accumulation of Iyt

Accumulation of the Iyt module calculates the accumulated energy.

The operation of the module can be described with a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

300 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 7
Condition monitoring functions

GUID-0F89BD63-17AE-4369-9036-F6DC73E157B3 V1 EN-US

Figure 160: Functional module diagram for calculating accumulative energy

and alarm

Accumulated energy calculator

This module calculates the accumulated energy Iyt [(kA)ys]. The factor y is set with
the Current exponent setting.

The calculation is initiated with the POSCLOSE input opening events. It ends when
the RMS current becomes lower than the Acc stop current setting value.

GUID-993E5C4D-990B-4B2A-9A13-140403E07958 V1 EN-US

Figure 161: Significance of the Difference Cor time setting

The Difference Cor time setting is used instead of the auxiliary contact to
accumulate the energy from the time the main contact opens. If the setting is
positive, the calculation of energy starts after the auxiliary contact has opened and
when the delay is equal to the value set with the Difference Cor time setting. When
the setting is negative, the calculation starts in advance by the correction time
before the auxiliary contact opens.

The accumulated energy outputs IPOW_A (_B, _C) are available in the
monitored data view on the LHMI or through tools via communications. The
values can be reset by setting the parameter SSCBR1 setting to true in
the Clear menu from LHMI.

Alarm limit check

The IPOW_ALM alarm is activated when the accumulated energy exceeds the value
set with the Alm Acc currents Pwr threshold setting. However, when the energy

REX610 301
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Section 7 2NGA000825 B
Condition monitoring functions

exceeds the limit value set with the LO Acc currents Pwr threshold setting, the
IPOW_LO output is activated.

The IPOW_ALM and IPOW_LO outputs can be blocked by activating the binary
input BLOCK. Remaining life of circuit breaker

Every time the breaker operates, the life of the circuit breaker reduces due to
wearing. The wearing in the breaker depends on the tripping current, and the
remaining life of the breaker is estimated from the circuit breaker trip curve
provided by the manufacturer. The remaining life is decremented at least with one
when the circuit breaker is opened.

The operation of the remaining life of the circuit breaker subfunction can be
described with a module diagram. All the modules in the diagram are explained in
the next sections.

GUID-017CE531-FE3B-4D0D-B0C6-A2F235318AA0 V1 EN-US

Figure 162: Functional module diagram for estimating the life of the circuit

CB life estimator
CB life estimator module calculates the remaining life of the circuit breaker. The
Op number rated and Op number fault parameters set the number of operations the
breaker can perform at the rated current and at the rated fault current. If the tripping
current is lower than the rated operating current set with the Rated Op current
setting, the remaining operation of the breaker reduces by one operation. If the
tripping current is higher than the rated fault current set with the Rated fault
current setting, the remaining operation of the breaker reduces by Op number rated
divided by Op number fault. The remaining life reduction of the tripping current in
between these two values is calculated based on the trip curve given by the

 Op number fault 
log  
Directional Coef =  Op number rated 
 Rated fault current 
g 
 Rated Op current 
GUID-D319D146-1DA3-4F5B-BB63-F805059EF77F V2 EN-US (Equation 29)

302 REX610
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Condition monitoring functions

-Directional Coef
 Ifault 
Remaining life reduction =  
 Rated Op current 
GUID-80720248-1453-420A-AD0F-6450ECBF316D V2 EN-US (Equation 30)

The remaining life is calculated separately for all three phases and it is available as
a monitored data value CB_LIFE_A (_B,_C). The values can be cleared by setting
the parameter SSCBR1 in the Clear menu from LHMI.

Clearing SSCBR1 also resets the operation counter.

Alarm limit check

When the remaining life of any phase drops below the Life alarm level threshold
setting, the corresponding circuit breaker life alarm CB_LIFE_ALM is activated.

It is possible to deactivate the CB_LIFE_ALM alarm signal by activating the

binary input BLOCK. The old circuit breaker operation counter value can be taken
into use by writing the value to the Initial CB Rmn life parameter and resetting the
value via the Clear menu from LHMI. Circuit breaker spring-charged indication

The circuit breaker spring-charged indication subfunction calculates the spring

charging time.

The operation of the subfunction can be described with a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

GUID-67185B9E-E75F-4C15-8825-000532FD3515 V1 EN-US

Figure 163: Functional module diagram for circuit breaker spring-charged

indication and alarm

Spring charge time measurement

Two binary inputs, SPR_CHR_ST and SPR_CHR, indicate spring charging started
and spring charged, respectively. The spring-charging time is calculated from the
difference of these two signal timings.

The spring charging time T_SPR_CHR is available in the monitored data view on
the LHMI or through tools via communications.

REX610 303
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Section 7 2NGA000825 B
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Alarm limit check

If the time taken by the spring to charge is more than the value set with the Spring
charge time setting, the subfunction generates the SPR_CHR_ALM alarm.

It is possible to block the SPR_CHR_ALM alarm signal by activating the BLOCK

binary input. Gas pressure supervision

The gas pressure supervision subfunction monitors the gas pressure inside the arc

The operation of the subfunction can be described with a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.

GUID-D51016B6-0464-4F83-955A-53535A1EB56C V1 EN-US

Figure 164: Functional module diagram for circuit breaker gas pressure alarm

The gas pressure is monitored through the binary input signals PRES_LO_IN and

Timer 1
When the PRES_ALM_IN binary input is activated, the PRES_ALM alarm is
activated after a time delay set with the Pressure alarm time setting. The
PRES_ALM alarm can be blocked by activating the BLOCK input.

Timer 2
If the pressure drops further to a very low level, the PRES_LO_IN binary input
becomes high, activating the lockout alarm PRES_LO after a time delay set with
the Pres lockout time setting. The PRES_LO alarm can be blocked by activating
the BLOCK input.

7.1.6 Application
SSCBR includes different metering and monitoring subfunctions.

304 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 7
Condition monitoring functions

Circuit breaker status

Circuit breaker status monitors the position of the circuit breaker, that is, whether
the breaker is in an open, closed or intermediate position.

Circuit breaker operation monitoring

The purpose of the circuit breaker operation monitoring is to indicate that the
circuit breaker has not been operated for a long time. The function calculates the
number of days the circuit breaker has remained inactive, that is, has stayed in the
same open or closed state. There is also the possibility to set an initial inactive day.

Breaker contact travel time

High traveling times indicate the need for the maintenance of the circuit breaker
mechanism. Therefore, detecting excessive traveling time is needed. During the
opening cycle operation, the main contact starts opening. The auxiliary contact A
opens, the auxiliary contact B closes and the main contact reaches its opening
position. During the closing cycle, the first main contact starts closing. The
auxiliary contact B opens, the auxiliary contact A closes and the main contact
reaches its closed position. The travel times are calculated based on the state
changes of the auxiliary contacts and the adding correction factor to consider the
time difference of the main contact's and the auxiliary contact's position change.

Operation counter
Routine maintenance of the breaker, such as lubricating breaker mechanism, is
generally based on a number of operations. A suitable threshold setting to raise an
alarm when the number of operation cycle exceeds the set limit helps preventive
maintenance. This can also be used to indicate the requirement for oil sampling for
dielectric testing in case of an oil circuit breaker.

The change of state can be detected from the binary input of the auxiliary contact.
There is a possibility to set an initial value for the counter which can be used to
initialize this functionality after a period of operation or in case of refurbished
primary equipment.

Accumulation of Iyt
Accumulation of Iyt calculates the accumulated energy ΣIyt, where the factor y is
known as the current exponent. The factor y depends on the type of the circuit
breaker. For oil circuit breakers, the factor y is normally 2. In case of a high-
voltage system, the factor y can be 1.4...1.5.

Remaining life of the breaker

Every time the breaker operates, the life of the circuit breaker reduces due to
wearing. The wearing in the breaker depends on the tripping current, and the
remaining life of the breaker is estimated from the circuit breaker trip curve
provided by the manufacturer.

Example for estimating the remaining life of a circuit breaker

REX610 305
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Section 7 2NGA000825 B
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GUID-9DE07F40-F38D-498A-8E88-A76EF3886614 V1 EN-US

Figure 165: Trip Curves for a typical 12 kV, 630 A, 16 kA vacuum interrupter

Nr the number of closing-opening operations allowed for the circuit breaker

Ia the current at the time of tripping of the circuit breaker

Calculation for estimating the remaining life

Figure 165 shows that there are 30,000 possible operations at the rated operating
current of 630 A and 20 operations at the rated fault current 16 kA. Therefore, if
the tripping current is 10 kA, one operation at 10 kA is equivalent to
30,000/60=500 operations at the rated current. It is also assumed that prior to this
tripping, the remaining life of the circuit breaker is 15,000 operations. Therefore,
after one operation of 10 kA, the remaining life of the circuit breaker is
15,000-500=14,500 at the rated operating current.

306 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 7
Condition monitoring functions

Spring-charged indication
For normal operation of the circuit breaker, the circuit breaker spring should be
charged within a specified time. Therefore, detecting long spring-charging time
indicates that it is time for the circuit breaker maintenance. The last value of the
spring-charging time can be used as a service value.

Gas pressure supervision

The gas pressure supervision monitors the gas pressure inside the arc chamber.
When the pressure becomes too low compared to the required value, the circuit
breaker operations are locked. A binary input is available based on the pressure
levels in the function, and alarms are generated based on these inputs.

7.1.7 Signals
Table 366: SSCBR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block input status
POSOPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O
POSCLOSE BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for closeposition of apparatus from I/O
OPEN_CB_EXE BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for open command to coil
CLOSE_CB_EXE BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for close command to coil
PRES_ALM_IN BOOLEAN 0=False Binary pressure alarm input
PRES_LO_IN BOOLEAN 0=False Binary pressure input for lockout indication
SPR_CHR_ST BOOLEAN 0=False CB spring charging started input
SPR_CHR BOOLEAN 0=False CB spring charged input
RST_IPOW BOOLEAN 0=False Reset accumulation energy
RST_CB_WEAR BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for CB remaining life and operation
RST_TRV_T BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for CB closing and opening travel
RST_SPR_T BOOLEAN 0=False Reset input for the charging time of the CB spring

Table 367: SSCBR Output signals

Name Type Description
TRV_T_OP_ALM BOOLEAN CB open travel time exceeded set value
TRV_T_CL_ALM BOOLEAN CB close travel time exceeded set value
SPR_CHR_ALM BOOLEAN Spring charging time has crossed the set value
OPR_ALM BOOLEAN Number of CB operations exceeds alarm limit
OPR_LO BOOLEAN Number of CB operations exceeds lockout limit
IPOW_ALM BOOLEAN Accumulated currents power (Iyt),exceeded alarm
Table continues on next page

REX610 307
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Section 7 2NGA000825 B
Condition monitoring functions

Name Type Description

IPOW_LO BOOLEAN Accumulated currents power (Iyt),exceeded
lockout limit
CB_LIFE_ALM BOOLEAN Remaining life of CB exceeded alarm limit
MON_ALM BOOLEAN CB 'not operated for long time' alarm
PRES_ALM BOOLEAN Pressure below alarm level
PRES_LO BOOLEAN Pressure below lockout level
OPENPOS BOOLEAN CB is in open position
INVALIDPOS BOOLEAN CB is in invalid position (not positively open or
CLOSEPOS BOOLEAN CB is in closed position

7.1.8 Settings
Table 368: SSCBR Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
Open alarm time 0...200 ms 1 40 Alarm level setting for open travel time in
Close alarm time 0...200 ms 1 40 Alarm level Setting for close travel time
in ms
Alarm Op number 0...99999 1 200 Alarm limit for number of operations
Lockout Op number 0...99999 1 300 Lock out limit for number of operations
Current exponent 0.00...2.00 0.01 2.00 Current exponent setting for energy
Alm Acc currents Pwr 0.00...20000.00 0.01 2500.00 Setting of alarm level for accumulated
currents power
Spring charge time 0...60000 ms 10 15000 Setting of alarm for spring charging time
of CB in ms
Difference Cor time -10...10 ms 1 5 Corr. factor for time dif in aux. and main
contacts open time
Acc stop current 5.00...500.00 A 0.01 10.00 RMS current setting below which engy
acm stops
LO Acc currents Pwr 0.00...20000.00 0.01 2500.00 Lockout limit setting for accumulated
currents power
Op number rated 1...99999 1 10000 Number of operations possible at rated
Rated Op current 100.00...5000.00 A 0.01 1000.00 Rated operating current of the breaker
Rated fault current 500.00...75000.00 A 0.01 5000.00 Rated fault current of the breaker
Directional Coef -3.00...-0.50 0.01 -1.50 Directional coefficient for CB life
Op number fault 1...10000 1 1000 Number of operations possible at rated
fault current
Table continues on next page

308 REX610
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Condition monitoring functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Inactive Alm days 0...9999 1 2000 Alarm limit value of the inactive days
Initial CB Rmn life 0...99999 1 5000 Initial value for the CB remaining life
Travel time Clc mode 1=From Cmd to 2=From Pos to Travel time calculation mode selection
Pos Pos
2=From Pos to Pos

Table 369: SSCBR Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Opening time Cor -100...100 ms 1 10 Correction factor for open travel time in
Closing time Cor -100...100 ms 1 10 Correction factor for CB close travel time
in ms
Pressure alarm time 0...60000 ms 1 10 Time delay for gas pressure alarm in ms
Life alarm level 0...99999 1 500 Alarm level for CB remaining life
Pres lockout time 0...60000 ms 10 10 Time delay for gas pressure lockout in
Counter initial Val 0...99999 1 0 The operation numbers counter
initialization value
Ini inactive days 0...9999 1 0 Initial value of the inactive days counter
Inactive Alm hours 0...23 h 1 0 Alarm time of the inactive days counter
in hours
Ini Acc currents Pwr 0.00...20000.00 0.01 0.00 Initial value for accumulation energy (Iyt)

7.1.9 Monitored data

Table 370: SSCBR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
T_TRV_OP FLOAT32 0...60000 ms Travel time of the CB
during opening operation
T_TRV_CL FLOAT32 0...60000 ms Travel time of the CB
during closing operation
T_SPR_CHR FLOAT32 0.00...99.99 s The charging time of the
CB spring
NO_OPR INT32 0...99999 Number of CB operation
INA_DAYS INT32 0...9999 The number of days CB
has been inactive
CB_LIFE_A INT32 -99999...99999 CB Remaining life phase
CB_LIFE_B INT32 -99999...99999 CB Remaining life phase
CB_LIFE_C INT32 -99999...99999 CB Remaining life phase
Table continues on next page

REX610 309
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Section 7 2NGA000825 B
Condition monitoring functions

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description

IPOW_A FLOAT32 0.000...30000.00 Accumulated currents
0 power (Iyt), phase A
IPOW_B FLOAT32 0.000...30000.00 Accumulated currents
0 power (Iyt), phase B
IPOW_C FLOAT32 0.000...30000.00 Accumulated currents
0 power (Iyt), phase C
SSCBR1 Enum 1=on Status

7.1.10 Technical data

Table 371: SSCBR Technical data
Characteristic Value
Current measuring accuracy ±1.5% or ±0.002 × In
(at currents in the range of 0.1…10 × In)
(at currents in the range of 10…40 × In)

Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms

Travelling time measurement ±11 ms

310 REX610
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Measurement functions

Section 8 Measurement functions

8.1 Basic measurements

8.1.1 Functions
The three-phase current measurement function CMMXU is used for monitoring
and metering the phase currents of the power system.

The three-phase voltage measurement function VMMXU is used for monitoring

and metering the phase-to-phase voltages of the power system. The phase-to-earth
voltages are also available in VMMXU.

The residual current measurement function RESCMMXU is used for monitoring

and metering the residual current of the power system.

The residual voltage measurement function RESVMMXU is used for monitoring

and metering the residual voltage of the power system.

The sequence current measurement function CSMSQI is used for monitoring and
metering the phase sequence currents.

The information of the measured quantity is available for the operator both locally
in LHMI and remotely to a network control center with communication.

If the measured data in LHMI is within parentheses, there are some

problems to express the data.

8.1.2 Measurement functionality

The functions can be enabled or disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off".

Some of the measurement functions operate on two alternative measurement

modes: "DFT" and "RMS". The measurement mode is selected with the
Measurement mode setting. Depending on the measuring function, if the
measurement mode cannot be selected, the measuring mode is "DFT".

Value reporting
The measurement functions are capable of reporting new values for network
control center (SCADA system) based on various functions.

REX610 311
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Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

• Zero-point clamping
• Deadband supervision
• Limit value supervision

In the three-phase voltage measurement function VMMXU the

supervision functions are based on the phase-to-phase voltages.
However, the phase-to-earth voltage values are also reported with
the phase-to-phase voltages.

GOOSE is an event based protocol service. Analog GOOSE uses

the same event generation functions as vertical SCADA
communication for updating the measurement values.

Zero-point clamping
A measured value under the zero-point clamping limit is forced to zero. This
allows the noise in the input signal to be ignored. The active clamping function
forces both the actual measurement value and the angle value of the measured
signal to zero. In the three-phase or sequence measuring functions, each phase or
sequence component has a separate zero-point clamping function. The zero-value
detection operates so that once the measured value exceeds or falls below the value
of the zero-clamping limit, new values are reported.
Table 372: Zero-point clamping limits
Function Zero-clamping limit
Three-phase current measurement (CMMXU) 1% of nominal (In)
Three-phase voltage measurement (VMMXU) 1% of nominal (Un)
Residual current measurement (RESCMMXU) 1% of nominal (In)
Residual voltage measurement (RESVMMXU) 1% of nominal (Un)
Sequence current measurement (CSMSQI) 1% of the nominal (In)

Limit value supervision

The limit value supervision function indicates whether the measured value of
X_INST exceeds or falls below the set limits. The measured value has the
corresponding range information X_RANGE and has a value in the range of 0 to 4:
• 0: "normal"
• 1: "high"
• 2: "low"
• 3: "high-high"
• 4: "low-low"

The range information changes and the new values are reported.

312 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions

GUID-0307BE4E-9895-4353-8006-6B609B43ACA9 V1 EN-US

Figure 166: Presentation of operating limits

The range information can also be decoded into boolean output signals on some of
the measuring functions and the number of phases required to exceed or undershoot
the limit before activating the outputs and can be set with the Num of phases setting
in the three-phase measurement functions CMMXU and VMMXU. The limit
supervision boolean alarm and warning outputs can be blocked.
Table 373: Settings for limit value supervision
Function Settings for limit value supervision
Three-phase current measurement High limit A high limit
Low limit A low limit
High-high limit A high high limit
Low-low limit A low low limit
Three-phase voltage measurement High limit V high limit
Low limit V low limit
High-high limit V high high limit
Low-low limit V low low limit
Residual current measurement High limit A high limit res
Low limit -
High-high limit A Hi high limit res
Low-low limit -
Residual voltage measurement High limit V high limit res
Low limit -
High-high limit V Hi high limit res
Low-low limit -
Table continues on next page

REX610 313
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Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

Function Settings for limit value supervision

Sequence current measurement High limit Ps Seq A high limit, Ng Seq
(CSMSQI) A high limit, Zro A high limit
Low limit Ps Seq A low limit, Ng Seq
A low limit, Zro A low limit
High-high limit Ps Seq A Hi high Lim, Ng
Seq A Hi high Lim, Zro A Hi
high Lim
Low-low limit Ps Seq A low low Lim, Ng
Seq A low low Lim, Zro A
low low Lim

Deadband supervision
The deadband supervision function reports the measured value according to
integrated changes over a time period. In Figure 167 the values are reported at
points Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4. There is no value report at the end of |A3 + A4 + A5 +
A6 + A7| because the positive and negative areas counteract each other. The
integrated changes, |A3 + A4 + A5 + A6 + A7|, equal approximately zero.

A1 >= pre-set value
A >=pre-set value A2 >= pre-set value
Y3 A3 + A4 + A5 + A6 + A7+… ≈ 0

Y2 A1 A2
Value Reported Y4 A3 A5
(1st) Value
Value Reported
A Reported Value

GUID-539672B5-CA8B-4A83-9FA7-43FA8CC3490A V1 EN-US

Figure 167: Integral deadband supervision

The deadband value used in the integral calculation is configured with the
deadband setting. The value represents the percentage of the difference between the
maximum and minimum limit in the units of 0.001 percent x seconds.

The reporting delay of the integral algorithms in seconds is calculated with the
(max − min) × deadband / 1000
t (s) =
∆Y × 100%
GUID-5381484E-E205-4548-A846-D3519578384B V1 EN-US (Equation 31)

Example for CMMXU:

A deadband = 2500 (2.5% of the total measuring range of 40)

I_INST_A = I_DB_A = 0.30

314 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions

If I_INST_A changes to 0.40, the reporting delay is:

(40 − 0) × 2500 / 1000

t (s) = = 10 s
0.40 − 0.30 × 100%
GUID-D1C387B1-4F2E-4A28-AFEA-431687DDF9FE V1 EN-US

Table 374: Parameters for deadband calculation

Function Settings Maximum/minimum (=range)
Three-phase current A deadband 40/0 (=40xIn)
measurement (CMMXU)
Three-phase voltage V Deadband 4/0 (=4xUn)
measurement (VMMXU)
Residual current measurement A deadband res 40/0 (=40xIn)
Residual voltage measurement V deadband res 4/0 (=4xUn)
Sequence current Ps Seq A deadband, Ng Seq A 40/0 (=40xIn)
measurement (CSMSQI) deadband, Zro A deadband

Sequence components
The phase-sequence components are calculated using the phase currents and phase
voltages. More information on calculating the phase-sequence components can be
found in Calculated measurements in this manual.

8.1.3 Measurement function applications

The measurement functions are used for power system measurement, supervision
and reporting to LHMI, a monitoring tool within PCM600, or to the station level,
for example, with IEC 61850. The possibility to continuously monitor the
measured values of currents, voltages and so on, is vital for efficient production,
transmission, and distribution of electrical energy. It provides a fast and easy
overview of the present status of the power system to the system operator.
Additionally, it can be used during testing and commissioning of protection and
control protection relays to verify the proper operation and connection of
instrument transformers, that is, the current transformers (CTs) and voltage
transformers (VTs). The proper operation of the protection relay analog
measurement chain can be verified during normal service by a periodic comparison
of the measured value from the protection relay to other independent meters.

When the zero signal is measured, the noise in the input signal can still produce
small measurement values. The zero point clamping function can be used to ignore
the noise in the input signal and, hence, prevent the noise to be shown in the user
display. The zero clamping is done for the measured analog signals and angle

REX610 315
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Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

The limit supervision indicates, if the measured signal exceeds or goes below the
set limits. Depending on the measured signal type, up to two high limits and up to
two low limits can be set for the limit supervision.

The deadband supervision reports a new measurement value if the input signal has
gone out of the deadband state. The deadband supervision can be used in value
reporting between the measurement point and operation control. When the
deadband supervision is properly configured, it helps to keep the communication
load to a minimum and yet measurement values are reported frequently enough.

8.1.4 Three-phase current measurement CMMXU (ANSI IA, IB,

IC) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Three-phase current measurement CMMXU 3I IA, IB, IC Function block

GUID-F3DFDD2A-1C73-4F0D-98C7-8C543D059BB3 V1 EN-US

Figure 168: Function block Functionality

The three-phase current measurement function CMMXU provides limit value

supervision output (HIGH_ALARM, HIGH_WARN, LOW_WARN, LOW_ALARM). The
delay of the activation and deactivation of these outputs can be controlled with
setting parameters On delay time and Off delay time. Analog channel configuration

CMMXU has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 375: Analog inputs
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents

316 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Signals
Table 376: CMMXU Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for all binary outputs

Table 377: CMMXU Output signals

Name Type Description
LOW_ALARM BOOLEAN Low alarm Settings
Table 378: CMMXU Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Num of phases 1=1 out of 3 1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required by limit
2=2 out of 3 supervision
3=3 out of 3
A high high limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 1.40 High alarm current limit
A high limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 1.20 High warning current limit
A low limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.00 Low warning current limit
A low low limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.00 Low alarm current limit
A deadband 100...100000 1 2500 Deadband configuration value for
integral calculation. (percentage of
difference between min and max as
0,001 % s)
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

REX610 317
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

Table 379: CMMXU Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
On delay time 0...1800000 ms 100 0 Delay the activation of the alarm and
warning outputs
Off delay time 0...1800000 ms 100 0 Delay the deactivation of the alarm and
warning outputs Monitored data

Table 380: CMMXU Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
I_INST_A FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn IL1 Amplitude,
magnitude of
instantaneous value
I_INST_B FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn IL2 Amplitude,
magnitude of
instantaneous value
I_INST_C FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn IL3 Amplitude,
magnitude of
instantaneous value
I_DB_A FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn IL1 Amplitude,
magnitude of reported
I_RANGE_A Enum 0=normal IL1 Amplitude range
I_DB_B FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn IL2 Amplitude,
magnitude of reported
I_RANGE_B Enum 0=normal IL2 Amplitude range
I_DB_C FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn IL3 Amplitude,
magnitude of reported
I_RANGE_C Enum 0=normal IL3 Amplitude range
I_ANGL_A FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg IL1 current angle
I_ANGL_B FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg IL2 current angle
I_ANGL_C FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg IL3 current angle

318 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions Technical data

Table 381: CMMXU Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
current: fn ±2 Hz

±0.6% or ±0.002 × In
(at currents in the range of 0.01...4.00 × In)

Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn , where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

RMS: No suppression

8.1.5 Three-phase voltage measurement VMMXU (ANSI VA, VB,

VC) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Three-phase voltage measurement VMMXU 3U VA, VB, VC Function block

GUID-F73A7907-D5DE-4B72-922B-E0AB674DED61 V1 EN-US

Figure 169: Function block Functionality

The three-phase voltage measurement function VMMXU provides limit value

supervision output (HIGH_ALARM, HIGH_WARN, LOW_WARN, LOW_ALARM).
Setting parameters On delay time and Off delay time are used for controlling the
activation and the deactivation of alarm and warning outputs. Analog channel configuration

VMMXU has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 382: Analog inputs
Input Description
U3P Three-phase voltages

REX610 319
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 383: Special conditions
Condition Description
U3P connected to real measurements The function requires that at least one voltage
channel is connected if Num of start phases is
set to "1 out of 3".
The function requires that at least two voltage
channels are connected if Num of start phases is
set to "2 out of 3".
The function requires that all three voltage
channels are connected if Num of start phases is
set to "3 out of 3".

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Signals
Table 384: VMMXU Input signals
Name Type Default Description
U3P SIGNAL - Three-phase voltages
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for all binary outputs

Table 385: VMMXU Output signals

Name Type Description

320 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions Settings
Table 386: VMMXU Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Num of phases 1=1 out of 3 1=1 out of 3 Number of phases required by limit
2=2 out of 3 supervision
3=3 out of 3
V high high limit 0.00...4.00 xUn 0.01 1.40 High alarm voltage limit
V high limit 0.00...4.00 xUn 0.01 1.20 High warning voltage limit
V low limit 0.00...4.00 xUn 0.01 0.00 Low warning voltage limit
V low low limit 0.00...4.00 xUn 0.01 0.00 Low alarm voltage limit
V deadband 100...100000 1 10000 Deadband configuration value for
integral calculation. (percentage of
difference between min and max as
0,001 % s)
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

Table 387: VMMXU Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
On delay time 0...1800000 ms 100 0 Delay the activation of the alarm and
warning outputs
Off delay time 0...1800000 ms 100 0 Delay the deactivation of the alarm and
warning outputs Monitored data

Table 388: VMMXU Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
U_INST_AB FLOAT32 0.00...4.00 xUn U12 amplitude,
magnitude of
instantaneous value
U_INST_BC FLOAT32 0.00...4.00 xUn U23 amplitude,
magnitude of
instantaneous value
U_INST_CA FLOAT32 0.00...4.00 xUn U31 amplitude,
magnitude of
instantaneous value
U_INST_A FLOAT32 0.00...5.00 xUn UL1 amplitude,
magnitude of
instantaneous value
U_INST_B FLOAT32 0.00...5.00 xUn UL2 amplitude,
magnitude of
instantaneous value
Table continues on next page

REX610 321
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description

U_INST_C FLOAT32 0.00...5.00 xUn UL3 amplitude,
magnitude of
instantaneous value
U_DB_AB FLOAT32 0.00...4.00 xUn U12 amplitude,
magnitude of reported
U_RANGE_AB Enum 0=normal U12 amplitude range
U_DB_BC FLOAT32 0.00...4.00 xUn U23 amplitude,
magnitude of reported
U_RANGE_BC Enum 0=normal U23 amplitude range
U_DB_CA FLOAT32 0.00...4.00 xUn U31 amplitude,
magnitude of reported
U_RANGE_CA Enum 0=normal U31 amplitude range
U_ANGL_A FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg UL1 angle
U_ANGL_B FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg UL2 angle
U_ANGL_C FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg UL3 angle
U_ANGL_AB FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg U12 angle
U_ANGL_BC FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg U23 angle
U_ANGL_CA FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg U31 angle Technical data

Table 389: VMMXU Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
voltage: fn ±2 Hz
at voltages in range 0.01…1.15 × Un

±0.6% or ±0.002 × Un

Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

RMS: No suppression

322 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions

8.1.6 Residual current measurement RESCMMXU (ANSI IG) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Residual current measurement RESCMMXU Io IG Function block

GUID-CB651999-F092-4CCE-81E6-915602E84E6F V1 EN-US

Figure 170: Function block Functionality

The residual current measurement function RESCMMXU provides limit value

supervision output (HIGH_ALARM, HIGH_WARN). Setting parameters On delay
time and Off delay time are used for controlling the activation and, respectively, the
deactivation of alarm and warning outputs. Analog channel configuration

RESCMMXU has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 390: Analog inputs
Input Description
IRES Residual current (measured or calculated)

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected.

REX610 323
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions Signals
Table 391: RESCMMXU Input signals
Name Type Default Description
IRES SIGNAL - Residual current
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for all binary outputs

Table 392: RESCMMXU Output signals

Name Type Description
HIGH_WARN BOOLEAN High warning Settings
Table 393: RESCMMXU Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
A Hi high limit res 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.20 High alarm current limit
A high limit res 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.05 High warning current limit
A deadband res 100...100000 1 2500 Deadband configuration value for
integral calculation. (percentage of
difference between min and max as
0,001 % s)
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

Table 394: RESCMMXU Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
On delay time 0...1800000 ms 100 0 Delay the activation of the alarm and
warning outputs
Off delay time 0...1800000 ms 100 0 Delay the deactivation of the alarm and
warning outputs

324 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions Monitored data

Table 395: RESCMMXU Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
I_INST_RES FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Residual current
Amplitude, magnitude of
instantaneous value
I_DB_RES FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Residual current
Amplitude, magnitude of
reported value
I_RANGE_RES Enum 0=normal Residual current
1=high Amplitude range
I_ANGL_RES FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Residual current angle Technical data

Table 396: RESCMMXU Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy At the frequency f = fn

±0.6% or ±0.002 x In
(at currents in the range of 0.01...4.00 × In)

Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

RMS: No suppression

8.1.7 Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU (ANSI

VG/VN) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU Uo VG/VN Function block

GUID-D71DB1AD-311A-4926-A5B1-6E00858B1578 V1 EN-US

Figure 171: Function block

REX610 325
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions Functionality

The residual voltage measurement function RESVMMXU provides limit value

supervision output (HIGH_ALARM, HIGH_WARN). Setting parameters On delay
time and Off delay time are used for controlling the activation and, respectively, the
deactivation of alarm and warning outputs. Analog channel configuration

RESVMMXU has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 397: Analog inputs
Input Description
URES Residual voltage (measured or calculated)

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

There are a few special conditions which must be noted with the configuration.
Table 398: Special conditions
Condition Description
URES calculated The function requires that all three voltage
channels are connected to calculate residual
voltage. Setting VT connection must be "Wye" in
that particular UTVTR.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Signals
Table 399: RESVMMXU Input signals
Name Type Default Description
URES SIGNAL - Residual voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0=False Block signal for all binary outputs

Table 400: RESVMMXU Output signals

Name Type Description

326 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions Settings
Table 401: RESVMMXU Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
V Hi high limit res 0.00...4.00 xUn 0.01 0.20 High alarm voltage limit
V high limit res 0.00...4.00 xUn 0.01 0.05 High warning voltage limit
V deadband res 100...100000 1 10000 Deadband configuration value for
integral calculation. (percentage of
difference between min and max as
0,001 % s)
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On

Table 402: RESVMMXU Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Measurement mode 1=RMS 2=DFT Selects used measurement mode
On delay time 0...1800000 ms 100 0 Delay the activation of the alarm and
warning outputs
Off delay time 0...1800000 ms 100 0 Delay the deactivation of the alarm and
warning outputs Monitored data

Table 403: RESVMMXU Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
U_INST_RES FLOAT32 0.00...4.00 xUn Residual voltage
Amplitude, magnitude of
instantaneous value
U_DB_RES FLOAT32 0.00...4.00 xUn Residual voltage
Amplitude, magnitude of
reported value
U_RANGE_RES Enum 0=normal Residual voltage
1=high Amplitude range
U_ANGL_RES FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Residual voltage angle

REX610 327
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions Technical data

Table 404: RESVMMXU Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
voltage: f/fn = ±2 Hz

±0.6% or ±0.002 × Un

Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

RMS: No suppression

8.1.8 Sequence current measurement CSMSQI (ANSI I1, I2, I0) Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Sequence current measurement CSMSQI I1, I2, I0 I1, I2, I0 Function block

GUID-949E93F0-5629-41F5-9705-F9920A64E9FD V1 EN-US

Figure 172: Function block Functionality

The sequence current measurement function CSMSQI provides range outputs

(I1_RANGE, I2_RANGE and I0_RANGE) as monitored data.

Instantaneous sequence currents in amperes are available through monitored data

I2_INST, I1_INST and I0_INST. Analog channel configuration

CSMSQI has one analog group input which must be properly configured.
Table 405: Analog inputs
Input Description
I3P Three-phase currents

328 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions

See the preprocessing function blocks in this document for the

possible signal sources.

Improper analog channel configuration causes a validation error if the analog

channels are not completely configured or they do not match with certain settings.
For troubleshooting, check the contents of this chapter and also the preprocessing
blocks in this document. The configuration can be written to the protection relay
once the mismatch is corrected. Signals
Table 406: CSMSQI Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P SIGNAL - Three-phase currents Settings
Table 407: CSMSQI Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Ps Seq A Hi high Lim 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 1.40 High alarm current limit for positive
sequence current
Ps Seq A high limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 1.20 High warning current limit for positive
sequence current
Ps Seq A low limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.00 Low warning current limit for positive
sequence current
Ps Seq A low low Lim 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.00 Low alarm current limit for positive
sequence current
Ps Seq A deadband 100...100000 1 2500 Deadband configuration value for
positive sequence current for integral
calculation. (percentage of difference
between min and max as 0,001 % s)
Ng Seq A Hi high Lim 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.20 High alarm current limit for negative
sequence current
Ng Seq A High limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.05 High warning current limit for negative
sequence current
Ng Seq A low limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.00 Low warning current limit for negative
sequence current
Ng Seq A low low Lim 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.00 Low alarm current limit for negative
sequence current
Ng Seq A deadband 100...100000 1 2500 Deadband configuration value for
negative sequence current for integral
calculation. (percentage of difference
between min and max as 0,001 % s)
Zro A Hi high Lim 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.20 High alarm current limit for zero
sequence current
Zro A High limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.05 High warning current limit for zero
sequence current
Table continues on next page

REX610 329
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Zro A low limit 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.00 Low warning current limit for zero
sequence current
Zro A low low Lim 0.00...40.00 xIn 0.01 0.00 Low alarm current limit for zero
sequence current
Zro A deadband 100...100000 1 2500 Deadband configuration value for zero
sequence current for integral calculation.
(percentage of difference between min
and max as 0,001 % s)
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off / On
5=off Monitored data

Table 408: CSMSQI Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
I1_INST FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Positive sequence
current amplitude,
instantaneous value
I2_INST FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Negative sequence
current amplitude,
instantaneous value
I0_INST FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Zero sequence current
amplitude, instantaneous
I2_DB FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Negative sequence
current amplitude,
reported value
I2_RANGE Enum 0=normal Negative sequence
1=high current amplitude range
I1_DB FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Positive sequence
current amplitude,
reported value
I1_RANGE Enum 0=normal Positive sequence
1=high current amplitude range
I0_DB FLOAT32 0.00...40.00 xIn Zero sequence current
amplitude, reported
I0_RANGE Enum 0=normal Zero sequence current
1=high amplitude range
Table continues on next page

330 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description

I2_ANGL FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Negative sequence
current angle
I1_ANGL FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Positive sequence
current angle
I0_ANGL FLOAT32 -180.00...180.00 deg Zero sequence current
angle Technical data

Table 409: CSMSQI Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operation accuracy Depending on the frequency of the measured
current: fn ±2 Hz

±1.0% or ±0.002 × In at currents in the range of

0.01...4.00 × In

Suppression of harmonics DFT: -50 dB at f = n × fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,…

8.2 Disturbance recorder (common functionality) RDRE


8.2.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Disturbance recorder (common RDRE DR DFR

8.2.2 Function block

GUID-6D7E9DC8-8213-4AFC-98EB-4556109599EC V1 EN-US

Figure 173: Function block

8.2.3 Functionality
The protection relay is provided with a disturbance recorder featuring up to 8
analog and 32 binary signal channels. The analog channels can be set to record the
waveform of the currents and voltages measured and they can trigger the recording
function when the measured value falls below or exceeds the set values.

REX610 331
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

The binary signal channels can be set to start a recording either on the rising or the
falling edge of the binary signal or on both. By default, the binary channels are set
to record external or internal relay signals, for example, the start or trip signals of
the relay stages, or external blocking or control signals. Binary relay signals, such
as protection start and trip signals, or an external relay control signal via a binary
input can be set to trigger the recording. Recorded information is stored in a
nonvolatile memory and can be uploaded for subsequent fault analysis. Recorded analog and binary inputs

The relay's analog and binary signals for disturbance recorder can be configured
with Application Configuration in PCM600. In addition, each channel of the
disturbance recorder can be enabled or disabled by setting the Operation parameter
of the corresponding channel to "on" or "off".

All channels of the disturbance recorder that are enabled and have a valid signal
connected are included in the recording. Triggering alternatives

The recording can be triggered by any of the following alternatives.

• Triggering according to the state change of any of the binary channels of the
disturbance recorder. The level sensitivity can be set with the Level trigger
mode parameter of the corresponding binary channel.
• Triggering on limit violations of the analog channels of the disturbance
recorder (high and low limit)
• Manual triggering via the Trig recording parameter (LHMI or communication)
• Periodic triggering

Regardless of the triggering type, each recording generates the Recording started
and Recording made events. The Recording made event indicates that the recording
has been stored to the nonvolatile memory. In addition, every analog channel and
binary channel of the disturbance recorder has its own Channel triggered
parameter. Manual trigger has the Manual triggering parameter and periodic
trigger has the Periodic triggering parameter.

Triggering by binary channels

The input signals for the binary channels of the disturbance recorder can be formed
from any of the digital signals. A change in the status of a monitored signal triggers
the recorder according to the configuration and settings. Triggering on the rising
edge of a digital input signal means that the recording sequence starts when the
input signal is activated. Correspondingly, triggering on the falling edge means that
the recording sequence starts when the active input signal resets. It is also possible
to trigger from both edges. In addition, the monitored signal can be non-triggering.
The trigger setting can be set individually for each binary channel of the
disturbance recorder with the Level trigger mode parameter of the corresponding
binary channel.

332 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions

Triggering by analog channels

The trigger level can be set for triggering in a limit violation situation. The limit
values can be set with the High trigger level and Low trigger level parameters of
the corresponding analog channel. Both high-level and low-level violation
triggering can be active simultaneously for the same analog channel. If the duration
of the limit violation condition exceeds the filter time of approximately 50 ms, the
recorder triggers. In case of a low-level limit violation, if the measured value falls
below approximately 0.05 during the filter time, the situation is considered to be a
circuit breaker operation and therefore, the recorder does not trigger. This is useful
especially in undervoltage situations. The filter time of approximately 50 ms is
common to all the analog channel triggers of the disturbance recorder. The value
used for triggering is the calculated peak-to-peak value. Either high or low analog
channel trigger can be disabled by setting the corresponding trigger level parameter
to zero.

Manual triggering
The recorder can be triggered manually via the LHMI or via communication by
setting the Trig recording parameter to "Trig".

Periodic triggering
Periodic triggering means that the recorder automatically makes a recording at
certain time intervals. The interval can be adjusted with the Periodic trig time
parameter. If the value of the parameter is changed, the new setting takes effect
when the next periodic triggering occurs. Setting the parameter to zero disables the
triggering alternative and the setting becomes valid immediately. If a new non-zero
setting needs to be valid immediately, the Periodic trig time parameter should first
be set to zero and then to the new value. The time remaining to the next triggering
can be monitored with the Time to trigger monitored data which counts
downwards. Length of recordings

The recording length can be defined with the Record length parameter. The length
is given as the number of fundamental cycles.

According to the memory available and the number of analog channels used, the
disturbance recorder automatically calculates the remaining number of recordings
that fit into the available recording memory. This information can be seen with the
Rem. amount of rec. monitored data. The fixed memory size allocated to the
recorder can fit in 21 recordings that are ten seconds long. The recordings contain
data from all analog and binary channels of the disturbance recorder, at the sample
rate of 32 samples per fundamental cycle.

The number of recordings in the memory can be viewed with the Number of
recordings monitored data. The used memory space can be viewed with the Rec.
memory used monitored data. It is shown as a percentage value.

REX610 333
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

The maximum number of recordings is 100. Sampling frequencies

The sampling frequency of the disturbance recorder analog channels depends on

the set rated frequency. One fundamental cycle always contains the number of
samples set with the Storage rate parameter. Since the states of the binary channels
are sampled once per task execution of the disturbance recorder, the sampling
frequency of binary channels is 200 Hz at the rated frequency of 50 Hz and 240 Hz
at the rated frequency of 60 Hz.
Table 410: Sampling frequencies of the disturbance recorder analog and binary channels
Storage rate Recording Rated frequency = 50 Hz Rated frequency = 60 Hz
(samples per length Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling
fundamental frequency of frequency of frequency of frequency of
cycle) analog binary channels analog binary channels
channels channels
32 1 ⋅ Record 1600 Hz 200 Hz 1920 Hz 240 Hz
16 2 ⋅ Record 800 Hz 200 Hz 960 Hz 240 Hz
8 4 ⋅ Record 400 Hz 200 Hz 480 Hz 240 Hz
length Uploading of recordings

The protection relay stores COMTRADE files to the COMTRADE folder. The
files can be uploaded with PCM600 or any appropriate computer software that can
access the COMTRADE folder.

One complete disturbance recording consists of two COMTRADE file types: the
configuration file and the data file. The file name is the same for both file types.
The configuration file has .CFG and the data file .DAT as the file extension.

334 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions

GUID-4A78064A-E72D-4BE7-BCEE-DC688AE8245C V1 EN-US

Figure 174: Disturbance recorder file naming

The naming convention of 8+3 characters is used in COMTRADE file naming. The
file name is composed of the last two octets of the protection relay's IP number and
a running counter, which has a range of 1...9999. A hexadecimal representation is
used for the IP number octets. The appropriate file extension is added to the end of
the file name. Deletion of recordings

The recordings can be deleted individually or all at once.

Individual disturbance recordings can be deleted with PCM600 or any appropriate

computer software, which can access the protection relay's COMTRADE folder.
The disturbance recording is not removed from the protection relay's memory until
both of the corresponding COMTRADE files, .CFG and .DAT, are deleted. Both
file types may need to be deleted separately, depending on the software used.

Deleting all disturbance recordings at once is done either with PCM600 or any
appropriate computer software, or from the LHMI via the Clear/Disturbance
records menu. Deleting all disturbance recordings at once also clears the pre-
trigger recording in progress. Storage mode

The disturbance recorder can capture data in waveform mode. In this mode, the
samples are captured according to the Storage rate and Pre-trg length parameters.

REX610 335
Technical Manual
Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions Pre-trigger and post-trigger data

The waveforms of the disturbance recorder analog channels and the states of the
disturbance recorder binary channels are constantly recorded into the history
memory of the recorder. The percentage of the data duration preceding the
triggering, that is, the pre-trigger time, can be adjusted with the Pre-trg length
parameter. The duration of the data following the triggering, that is, the post-trigger
time, is the difference between the recording length and the pre-trigger time.
Changing the pre-trigger time resets the history data and the current recording
under collection. Operation modes

The disturbance recorder has two operation modes: saturation and overwrite mode.
The operation mode of the disturbance recorder can be changed with the Operation
mode parameter.

Saturation mode
In saturation mode, the captured recordings cannot be overwritten with new
recordings. Capturing the data is stopped when the recording memory is full, that
is, when the maximum number of recordings is reached. In this case, the Memory
full signal state is changed to TRUE. When there is memory available again, the
Memory full signal state is changed to FALSE.

Overwrite mode
In the overwrite mode, if the recording memory is full, the oldest recording is
overwritten with the pre-trigger data collected for the next recording. Each time a
recording is overwritten, the Overwrite of rec. signal state is changed to TRUE.

The overwrite mode is recommended if it is important to have the latest recordings

in the memory. The saturation mode is preferred when the oldest recordings are
more important.

New triggerings are blocked in both modes until the previous recording is
completed, but a new triggering can be accepted before all pre-trigger samples are
collected for the new recording. In such a case, the recording is as much shorter as
there are pre-trigger samples lacking. Exclusion mode

Exclusion mode is on when the value of the Exclusion time parameter is higher
than zero. During the exclusion mode, new triggerings are ignored if the triggering
reason is the same as in the previous recording. The Exclusion time parameter
controls how long the exclusion of triggerings of same type is active after a
triggering. The exclusion mode applies only to the analog and binary channel
triggerings, not to periodic and manual triggerings.

336 REX610
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Measurement functions

When the value set with the Exclusion time parameter is zero, the exclusion mode
is disabled and there are no restrictions on the triggering types of the successive

The exclusion time setting is global for all inputs, but there is an individual counter
for each analog and binary channel of the disturbance recorder, counting the
remaining exclusion time. The remaining exclusion time can be monitored with the
Exclusion time rem parameter (only visible via communication, IEC 61850 data
ExclTmRmn) of the corresponding analog or binary channel. The Exclusion time
rem parameter counts downwards.

8.2.4 Configuration
The disturbance recorder can be configured with PCM600 only

RDRE should always be included in Application Configuration

when the disturbance recorder is used.

The disturbance recorder can be enabled or disabled with the Operation parameter
under Configuration/Disturbance recorder/General.

One analog signal type of the protection relay can be mapped to each of the analog
channels of the disturbance recorder. The mapping is done in Application
Configuration in PCM600. The name of the analog channel is user-configurable. It
can be modified by defining a new name to the Channel id text parameter of the
corresponding analog channel. Channel id text can be edited in Application
Configuration by selecting the input channel and defining a new Instance Name for
the channel in the Object Properties pane.

Any external or internal digital signal of the protection relay can be connected to
the binary channels of the disturbance recorder. These signals can be, for example,
the start and trip signals from protection function blocks or the external binary
inputs of the protection relay. The connection is made with dynamic mapping to
the binary channel of the disturbance recorder using, for example, Signal Matrix of
PCM600. It is also possible to connect several digital signals to one binary channel
of the disturbance recorder. In that case, the signals can be combined with logical
functions, for example AND and OR. The name of the binary channel can be
modified by defining a new name to the Channel id text parameter of the
corresponding channel. Channel id text can be edited in Application Configuration
by selecting the input channel and defining a new Instance Name for the channel in
the Object Properties pane.

The Channel id text parameter is used in COMTRADE

configuration files as a channel identifier.

The recording always contains all binary channels of the disturbance recorder. If
one of the binary channels is disabled, the recorded state of the channel is

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Section 8 2NGA000825 B
Measurement functions

continuously FALSE and the state changes of the corresponding channel are not
recorded. The corresponding channel name for disabled binary channels in the
COMTRADE configuration file is Unused BI.

To enable or disable an analog or a binary channel of the disturbance recorder, the

Operation parameter of the corresponding analog or binary channel is set to "on"
or "off".

The states of manual triggering and periodic triggering are not included in the
recording, but they create a state change to the Periodic triggering and Manual
triggering status parameters, which in turn create events.

The TRIGGERED output can be used to control the indication LEDs of the
protection relay. The triggering of the disturbance recorder sets the TRIGGERED
output to TRUE. The output remains in this state until all the data for the
corresponding recording has been recorded.

The IP number of the protection relay and the value of the Bay
name parameter are both included in the COMTRADE
configuration file for identification purposes.

8.2.5 Application
The disturbance recorder is used for post-fault analysis and for verifying the correct
operation of protection relays and circuit breakers. It can record both analog and
binary signal information. The analog inputs are recorded as instantaneous values
and converted to primary peak value units when the protection relay converts the
recordings to the COMTRADE format.

COMTRADE is the general standard format used for storing

disturbance recordings.

The binary channels are sampled once per task execution of the disturbance
recorder. The task execution interval for the disturbance recorder is the same as for
the protection functions. During the COMTRADE conversion, the digital status
values are repeated so that the sampling frequencies of the analog and binary
channels correspond to each other. This is required by the COMTRADE standard.

The disturbance recorder follows the 1999 version of the

COMTRADE standard and uses the binary data file format.

338 REX610
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Measurement functions

8.2.6 Signals
Table 411: RDRE Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIGGERED BOOLEAN Recording started

8.2.7 Settings
Table 412: RDRE Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Trig recording 0=Cancel 0=Cancel Manual trigger for the disturbance
1=Trig recorder
Pre-trg length 0...100 % 1 50 Length of recording preceding the
triggering in percent
Record length 10...500 cycles 1 50 Record length in fundamental cycles
Operation 1=on 1=on Disturbance recorder on / off

Table 413: RDRE Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Periodic trig time 0...604800 s 10 0 Time between periodic triggerings in
Exclusion time 0...1000000 ms 10 0 Time how long triggerings for the same
reason are ignored in milliseconds
Operation mode 1=Overwrite 2=Saturation Saturation / overwrite
Storage rate 8=8 samples / 32=32 samples / Storage rate for waveform recordings in
cycle cycle samples per cycle
16=16 samples /
32=32 samples /

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Section 8 2NGA000825 B
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8.2.8 Monitored data

Table 414: RDRE Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
Number of INT32 0...100 Number of recordings in
recordings the memory
Rec. memory used INT32 0...100 % How much recording
memory is currently
Rem. amount of rec. INT32 0...100 Remaining amount of
recordings that fit into
the available recording
memory, when present
settings are used
Time to trigger INT32 0...604800 s Time remaining to the
next periodic triggering

8.3 Disturbance recorder, analog channels 1...8


8.3.1 Function block

GUID-048BFE2F-E3A1-4D13-A365-478AC703480A V1 EN-US

Figure 175: Function block

8.3.2 Signals
The input signal tables for A1RADR are similar except for the channel numbers.

• A1RADR, CH1...CH8

Table 415: A1RADR Input signals

Name Type Default Description
CH1 SIGNAL Signal for input 1

340 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 8
Measurement functions

Values are the same for each input signal. The channel numbers are
shown after the parameter name in the LHMI and PCM600.

8.3.3 Settings
Setting tables for all A1RADR channels are similar except for the channel
Table 416: A1RADR Non group general settings (basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Analog channel on /
5=off off
Channel id text Analog ch 1 input Channel identifier
High trigger level 0.00...60.00 0.01 10 Over limit
Low trigger level 0.00...2.00 0.01 0 Under limit

8.4 Disturbance recorder, binary channels 1...32


8.4.1 Function block

GUID-385591F8-44F6-403C-94AE-42EB01DC7221 V1 EN-US

Figure 176: Function block

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8.4.2 Signals
The input signal tables for B1RBDR are similar except for the channel numbers.

• B1RBDR, C1...C32

Table 417: B1RBDR Input signals

Name Type Default Description
C1 BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for input 1

Values are the same for each input signal. The channel numbers are
shown after the parameter name in the LHMI and PCM600.

8.4.3 Settings
Setting tables for all B1RBDR channels are similar except for the channel
Table 418: B1RBDR Non group general settings (basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 5=off Binary channel on /
5=off off
Level trigger mode 1=Positive or Rising 1 Rising / falling /
2=Negative or both / trigger off
4=Level trigger off

Table 419: B1RBDR Non group general settings (advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Channel id text Binary ch 1 input Channel identifier

342 REX610
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Control functions

Section 9 Control functions

9.1 Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR (ANSI 52)

9.1.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR I <-> O CB 52

9.1.2 Function block

GUID-F301A9C0-2E86-4C43-BC72-2A5A394B8A9A V1 EN-US

Figure 177: Function block

9.1.3 Functionality
CBXCBR is intended for circuit breaker control and status information purposes.
The function executes commands and evaluates block conditions and different time
supervision conditions. CBXCBR performs an execution command only if all
conditions indicate that a switch operation is allowed. If erroneous conditions
occur, the function indicates an appropriate cause value. The function is designed
according to the IEC 61850-7-4 standard with logical nodes CILO and CSWI.

The circuit-breaker control function has an operation counter for opening cycles.
The counter value can be read and written from the setting Operation counter.

9.1.4 Operation principle

Status indication and validity check
The object state is defined by two digital inputs, POSOPEN and POSCLOSE, which
are also available as outputs OPENPOS and CLOSEPOS together with the OKPOS

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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

according to Table 420. The debouncing and short disturbances in an input are
eliminated by filtering. The binary input filtering time can be adjusted separately
for each digital input used by the function block. The validity of the digital inputs
that indicate the object state is used as additional information in indications and
event logging. The reporting of faulty or intermediate position POSITION
(Monitored data) of the apparatus occurs after the Event delay setting, assuming
that the circuit breaker is still in a corresponding state.
Table 420: Status indication
Input Status Output
1=True 0=False 1=Open 1=True 1=True 0=False
0=False 1=True 2=Closed 1=True 0=False 1=True
1=True 1=True 3=Faulty/Bad 0=False 0=False 0=False
0=False 0=False 0=Intermediat 0=False 0=False 0=False
e (00)

Enabling and blocking

CBXCBR has an enabling and blocking functionality for interlocking and
synchrocheck purposes.

Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR

Normally, the CB closing is enabled (that is, CLOSE_ENAD signal is TRUE) by
activating both ENA_CLOSE and SYNC_OK inputs. Typically, the ENA_CLOSE
comes from the interlocking, and SYNC_OK comes from the synchronism and
energizing check. The input SYNC_ITL_BYP can be used for bypassing this
control. The SYNC_ITL_BYP input can be used to activate CLOSE_ENAD
discarding the ENA_CLOSE and SYNC_OK input states. However, the
BLK_CLOSE input always blocks the CLOSE_ENAD output.

The CB opening (OPEN_ENAD) logic is the same as CB closing logic, except that
SYNC_OK is used only in closing. The SYNC_ITL_BYP input is used in both

344 REX610
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Control functions

GUID-5D17847B-0ED9-4528-BFCB-7F480BB17B7B V1 EN-US

Figure 178: Enabling and blocking logic for CLOSE_ENAD and OPEN_ENAD

Opening and closing operations

The opening and closing operations are available via communication, binary inputs
or LHMI commands. As a prerequisite for control commands, there are enabling
and blocking functionalities for both opening and closing commands
(CLOSE_ENAD and OPEN_ENAD signals). If the control command is executed
against the blocking or if the enabling of the corresponding command is not valid,
CBXCBR generates an error message.

When close command is given from communication, via LHMI or activating the
AU_CLOSE input, it is carried out (the EXE_CL output) only if CLOSE_ENAD is

GUID-97160556-2161-43F8-BA3E-F154663D9753 V1 EN-US

Figure 179: Condition for enabling the close request (CL_REQ) for CBXCBR

When the open command is given from communication, via LHMI or activating
the AU_OPEN input, it is processed only if OPEN_ENAD is TRUE. OP_REQ output
is also available.

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GUID-1C6BE671-532C-43B2-A8C2-40472003888E V1 EN-US

Figure 180: Condition for enabling the open request (OP_REQ) for CBXCBR

OPEN and CLOSE outputs

The EXE_OP output is activated when the open command is given (AU_OPEN, via
communication or from LHMI) and OPEN_ENAD signal is TRUE. In addition, the
protection trip commands can be routed through the CBXCBR function by using
the TRIP input. When the TRIP input is TRUE, the EXE_OP output is activated
immediately and bypassing all enabling or blocking conditions.

The EXE_CL output is activated when the close command is given (AU_CLOSE,
via communication or from LHMI) and CLOSE_ENAD signal is TRUE. When the
TRIP input is TRUE, CB closing is not allowed.

GUID-DB450C8F-8D84-4D21-B402-89D6ED7D7E66 V1 EN-US

Figure 181: OPEN and CLOSE outputs logic for CBXCBR

Opening and closing pulse widths

The pulse width type can be defined with the Adaptive pulse setting. The function
provides two modes to characterize the opening and closing pulse widths. When
the Adaptive pulse is set to "True", it causes a variable pulse width, which means
that the output pulse is deactivated when the object state shows that the apparatus
has entered the correct state. If apparatus fails to enter the correct state, the output
pulse is deactivated after the set Operation timeout setting, and an error message is
displayed. When the Adaptive pulse is set to "False", the functions always use the

346 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

maximum pulse width, defined by the user-configurable Pulse length setting. The
Pulse length setting is the same for both the opening and closing commands. When
the apparatus already is in the right position, the maximum pulse length is given.

The Pulse length setting does not affect the length of the trip pulse.

Control methods
The command execution mode can be set with the Control model setting. The
alternatives for command execution are direct control and secured object control,
which can be used to secure controlling.

The secured object control SBO is an important feature of the communication

protocols that support horizontal communication, because the command
reservation and interlocking signals can be transferred with a bus. All secured
control operations require two-step commands: a selection step and an execution
step. The secured object control is responsible for the several tasks.

• Command authority: ensures that the command source is authorized to operate

the object
• Mutual exclusion: ensures that only one command source at a time can control
the object
• Interlocking: allows only safe commands
• Execution: supervises the command execution
• Command canceling: cancels the controlling of a selected object.

In direct operation, a single message is used to initiate the control action of a

physical device. The direct operation method uses less communication network
capacity and bandwidth than the SBO method, because the procedure needs fewer
messages for accurate operation.

The “status-only” mode means that control is not possible (non-controllable) via
communication or from LHMI.

AU_OPEN and AU_CLOSE control the object directly regardless of

the set Control model. These inputs can be used when control is
wanted to be implemented purely based on ACT logic and no
additional exception handling is needed. However, in case of
simultaneous open and close control, the open control is always

REX610 347
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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

1. Send reservation to other terminals

2. Receive response

to operate

GUID-E4A27331-3908-4F85-856B-A7F4EBE55CD5 V1 EN-US

Figure 182: Control procedure in the SBO method

Local/Remote operations
The local/remote selection affects CBXCBR.

• Local: the opening and closing via communication is disabled.

• Remote: the opening and closing via LHMI is disabled.
• AU_OPEN and AU_CLOSE inputs function regardless of the local/remote

9.1.5 Application
In the field of distribution and sub-transmission automation, reliable control and
status indication of primary switching components both locally and remotely is in a
significant role. They are needed especially in modern remotely controlled

Control and status indication facilities are implemented in the same package with
CBXCBR. When primary components are controlled in the energizing phase, for
example, the correct execution sequence of the control commands must be ensured.
This can be achieved, for example, with interlocking based on the status indication
of the related primary components. The interlocking on the substation level can be
applied using the IEC 61850 GOOSE messages between feeders.

348 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

Control and interlocking via GOOSE messages

GUID-D517A693-D569-4125-B19A-D88763AEF4C4 V1 EN-US

Figure 183: Status indication-based interlocking via the GOOSE messaging

9.1.6 Signals
Table 421: CBXCBR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
POSOPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O
POSCLOSE BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O
ENA_OPEN BOOLEAN 1=True Enables opening
ENA_CLOSE BOOLEAN 1=True Enables closing
BLK_OPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Blocks opening
BLK_CLOSE BOOLEAN 0=False Blocks closing
AU_OPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Auxiliary open
AU_CLOSE BOOLEAN 0=False Auxiliary close
TRIP BOOLEAN 0=False Trip signal
SYNC_OK BOOLEAN 1=True Synchronism-check OK
interlocking when TRUE

REX610 349
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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

Table 422: CBXCBR Output signals

Name Type Description
SELECTED BOOLEAN Object selected
EXE_OP BOOLEAN Executes the command for open direction
EXE_CL BOOLEAN Executes the command for close direction
OP_REQ BOOLEAN Open request
CL_REQ BOOLEAN Close request
OPENPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus open position
CLOSEPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus closed position
OKPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus position is ok
OPEN_ENAD BOOLEAN Opening is enabled based on the input status
CLOSE_ENAD BOOLEAN Closing is enabled based on the input status

9.1.7 Settings
Table 423: CBXCBR Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Select timeout 10000...300000 ms 10000 30000 Select timeout in ms
Pulse length 10...60000 ms 1 200 Open and close pulse length
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation mode on/off
Control model 0=status-only 4=sbo-with- Select control model
1=direct-with- enhanced-security
Operation timeout 10...60000 ms 1 500 Timeout for negative termination
Identification CBXCBR switch Control Object identification

Table 424: CBXCBR Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation counter 0...99999 1 0 Nr of opening operations
Adaptive pulse 0=False 1=True Deactivate control pulse when apparatus
1=True has reached correct position
Event delay 0...10000 ms 1 200 Event delay of the intermediate and
faulty position
Vendor 0 External equipment vendor
Serial number 0 External equipment serial number
Model 0 External equipment model

350 REX610
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Control functions

9.1.8 Monitored data

Table 425: CBXCBR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
POSITION Dbpos 0=intermediate Apparatus position
1=open indication
OPEN_CNT INT32 0...99999 Nr of opening operation

9.2 Disconnector position indication DCSXSWI and

Earthing switch position indication ESSXSWI (ANSI
29DS, 29GS)

9.2.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Disconnector position indication DCSXSWI I <-> O DC 29DS
Earthing switch position indication ESSXSWI I <-> O ES 29GS

9.2.2 Function block

GUID-41ECF56F-FB71-4600-B98E-215CAEDCCEE0 V1 EN-US

Figure 184: Function block

GUID-C52368E7-F06F-4C18-BB49-6CBB405AD6C4 V1 EN-US

Figure 185: Function block

9.2.3 Functionality
The functions DCSXSWI and ESSXSWI indicate remotely and locally the open,
close and undefined states of the disconnector and earthing switch. The
functionality of both is identical, but each one is allocated for a specific purpose

REX610 351
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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

visible in the function names. For example, the status indication of disconnectors or
circuit breaker truck can be monitored with the DCSXSWI function.

The functions are designed according to the IEC 61850-7-4 standard with the
logical node XSWI.

9.2.4 Operation principle

Status indication and validity check
The object state is defined by the two digital inputs POSOPEN and POSCLOSE,
which are also available as outputs OPENPOS and CLOSEPOS together with the
OKPOS according to Table 426. The debounces and short disturbances in an input
are eliminated by filtering. The binary input filtering time can be adjusted
separately for each digital input used by the function block. The validity of digital
inputs that indicate the object state is used as additional information in indications
and event logging.
Table 426: Status indication
Input Status Output
1=True 0=False 1=Open 1=True 1=True 0=False
0=False 1=True 2=Closed 1=True 0=False 1=True
1=True 1=True 3=Faulty/Bad 0=False 0=False 0=False
0=False 0=False 0=Intermediat 0=False 0=False 0=False
e (00)

9.2.5 Application
In the field of distribution and sub-transmission automation, the reliable control
and status indication of primary switching components both locally and remotely is
in a significant role. These features are needed especially in modern remote
controlled substations. The application area of DCSXSWI and ESSXSWI functions
covers remote and local status indication of, for example, disconnectors, air-break
switches and earthing switches, which represent the lowest level of power
switching devices without short-circuit breaking capability.

9.2.6 Signals
Table 427: DCSXSWI Input signals
Name Type Default Description
POSOPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O
POSCLOSE BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O

352 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

Table 428: ESSXSWI Input signals

Name Type Default Description
POSOPEN BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for open position of apparatus from I/O
POSCLOSE BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for close position of apparatus from I/O

Table 429: DCSXSWI Output signals

Name Type Description
OPENPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus open position
CLOSEPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus closed position
OKPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus position is ok

Table 430: ESSXSWI Output signals

Name Type Description
OPENPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus open position
CLOSEPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus closed position
OKPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus position is ok

9.2.7 Settings
Table 431: DCSXSWI Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Identification DCSXSWI switch Control Object identification

Table 432: DCSXSWI Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Event delay 0...60000 ms 1 30000 Event delay of the intermediate and
faulty position

Table 433: ESSXSWI Non group settings (Basic)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Identification ESSXSWI switch Control Object identification

Table 434: ESSXSWI Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Event delay 0...60000 ms 1 30000 Event delay of the intermediate and
faulty position

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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

9.2.8 Monitored data

Table 435: DCSXSWI Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
POSITION Dbpos 0=intermediate Apparatus position
1=open indication
Vendor VisString255 External equipment
Serial number VisString255 External equipment
serial number
Model VisString255 External equipment

Table 436: ESSXSWI Monitored data

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
POSITION Dbpos 0=intermediate Apparatus position
1=open indication
Vendor VisString255 External equipment
Serial number VisString255 External equipment
serial number
Model VisString255 External equipment

9.3 Autoreclosing DARREC (ANSI 79)

9.3.1 Identification
Function description IEC 61850 IEC 60617 ANSI/IEEE C37.2
identification identification device number
Autoreclosing DARREC O -> I 79

354 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

9.3.2 Function block

GUID-7DB85978-875F-412E-8350-BEF6281EF255 V1 EN-US

Figure 186: Function block

9.3.3 Functionality
About 80 to 85 percent of faults in the MV overhead lines are transient and
automatically cleared with a momentary de-energization of the line. The rest of the
faults, 15 to 20 percent, can be cleared by longer interruptions. The de-energization
of the fault location for a selected time period is implemented through automatic
reclosing, during which most of the faults can be cleared.

In case of a permanent fault, the automatic reclosing is followed by final tripping.

A permanent fault must be located and cleared before the fault location can be re-

The autoreclosing function DARREC can be used with any circuit breaker suitable
for autoreclosing. The function provides five programmable autoreclosing shots
which can perform one to five successive autoreclosings of desired type and
duration, for instance one high-speed and one delayed autoreclosing.

When the reclosing is initiated with starting of the protection function, the
autoreclosing function can execute the final trip of the circuit breaker in a short
operate time, provided that the fault still persists when the last selected reclosing
has been carried out. Protection signal definition

The Control line setting defines which of the initiation signals are protection start
and trip signals and which are not. With this setting, the user can distinguish the
blocking signals from the protection signals. The Control line setting is a bit mask,
that is, the lowest bit controls the INIT_1 line and the highest bit the INIT_6
line. Some example combinations of the Control line setting are as follows:

REX610 355
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Control functions

Table 437: Control line setting definition

Control line INIT_1 INIT_2 INIT_3 INIT_4 INIT_5 INIT_6
0 other other other other other other
1 prot other other other other other
2 other prot other other other other
3 prot prot other other other other
4 other other prot other other other
5 prot other prot other other other
...63 prot prot prot prot prot prot

prot = protection signal

other = non-protection signal

When the corresponding bit or bits in both the Control line setting and the INIT_X
line are TRUE:

• The CLOSE_CB output is blocked until the protection is reset

• If the INIT_X line defined as the protection signal is activated during the
discrimination time, the AR function goes to lockout
• If the INIT_X line defined as the protection signal stays active longer than the
time set by the Max trip time setting, the AR function goes to lockout (long
• The UNSUC_RECL output is activated after a pre-defined two minutes
(alarming earth-fault). Zone coordination

Zone coordination is used in the zone sequence between local protection units and
downstream devices. At the falling edge of the INC_SHOTP line, the value of the
shot pointer is increased by one, unless a shot is in progress or the shot pointer
already has the maximum value.

The falling edge of the INC_SHOTP line is not accepted if any of the shots are in
progress. Master and slave scheme

With the cooperation between the AR units in the same protection relay or between
protection relays, sequential reclosings of two breakers at a line end in a 1½-
breaker, double breaker or ring-bus arrangement can be achieved. One unit is
defined as a master and it executes the reclosing first. If the reclosing is successful
and no trip takes place, the second unit, that is the slave, is released to complete the

356 REX610
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Control functions

reclose shot. With persistent faults, the breaker reclosing is limited to the first

GUID-BF55C146-A39B-458D-BC55-C26240702150 V1 EN-US

Figure 187: Master and slave scheme

If the AR unit is defined as a master by setting its terminal priority to high:

• The unit activates the CMD_WAIT output to the low priority slave unit
whenever a shot is in progress, a reclosing is unsuccessful or the
BLK_RCLM_T input is active
• The CMD_WAIT output is reset one second after the reclose command is given
or if the sequence is unsuccessful when the reclaim time elapses.

If the AR unit is defined as a slave by setting its terminal priority to low:

• The unit waits until the master releases the BLK_RECL_T input (the
CMD_WAIT output in the master). Only after this signal has been deactivated,
the reclose time for the slave unit can be started.
• The slave unit is set to a lockout state if the BLK_RECL_T input is not
released within the time defined by the Max wait time setting, which follows
the initiation of an autoreclosing shot.

If the terminal priority of the AR unit is set to "none", the AR unit skips all these
actions. Thermal overload blocking

An alarm or start signal from the thermal overload protection (T1PTTR) can be
routed to the input BLK_THERM to block and hold the reclose sequence. The
BLK_THERM signal does not affect the starting of the sequence. When the reclose
time has elapsed and the BLK_THERM input is active, the shot is not ready until the
BLK_THERM input deactivates. Should the BLK_THERM input remain active
longer than the time set by the setting Max Thm block time, the AR function goes
to lockout.

If the BLK_THERM input is activated when the auto wait timer is running, the auto
wait timer is reset and the timer restarted when the BLK_THERM input deactivates.

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9.3.4 Operation principle

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting. The
corresponding parameter values are "on" and "off". Setting Operation to "off"
resets non-volatile counters.

The reclosing operation can be enabled and disabled with the Reclosing operation
setting. This setting does not disable the function, only the reclosing functionality.
The setting has three parameter values: “On”, “External Ctl” and ”Off”. The setting
value “On” enables the reclosing operation and “Off” disables it. When the setting
value “External Ctl” is selected, the reclosing operation is controlled with the
RECL_ON input. AR_ON is activated when reclosing operation is enabled.

The operation of DARREC can be described using a module diagram. All the
modules in the diagram are explained in the next sections.


INIT_4 Protection
INIT_5 and delay
DEL_INIT_3 controller AR_ON
INHIBIT_RECL controller



GUID-7DE463EC-6E77-4B23-AA61-E7DD44B37CD2 V1 EN-US

Figure 188: Functional module diagram

Signal collection and delay logic

When the protection trips, the initiation of autoreclosing shots is in most
applications executed with the INIT_1...6 inputs. The DEL_INIT_2...4

358 REX610
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Control functions

inputs are not used. In some countries, starting the protection stage is also used for
the shot initiation. This is the only time when the DEL_INIT inputs are used.

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Figure 189: Schematic diagram of delayed initiation input signals

In total, the AR function contains six separate initiation lines used for the initiation
or blocking of the autoreclosing shots. These lines are divided into two types of
channels. In three of these channels, the signal to the AR function can be delayed,
whereas the other three channels do not have any delaying capability.

Each channel that is capable of delaying a start signal has four time delays. The
time delay is selected based on the shot pointer in the AR function. For the first
reclose attempt, the first time delay is selected; for the second attempt, the second
time delay and so on. For the fourth and fifth attempts, the time delays are the

Time delay settings for the DEL_INIT_2 signal

• Str 2 delay shot 1

• Str 2 delay shot 2
• Str 2 delay shot 3
• Str 2 delay shot 4

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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

Time delay settings for the DEL_INIT_3 signal

• Str 3 delay shot 1

• Str 3 delay shot 2
• Str 3 delay shot 3
• Str 3 delay shot 4

Time delay settings for the DEL_INIT_4 signal

• Str 4 delay shot 1

• Str 4 delay shot 2
• Str 4 delay shot 3
• Str 4 delay shot 4

Normally, only two or three reclosing attempts are made. The third and fourth
attempts are used to provide the so-called fast final trip to lockout.

CB Position CB_POS



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Figure 190: Autoreclosing configuration example

Delayed DEL_INIT_2...4 signals are used only when the autoreclosing shot is
initiated with the start signal of a protection stage. After a start delay, the AR
function opens the circuit breaker and an autoreclosing shot is initiated. When the
shot is initiated with the trip signal of the protection, the protection function trips
the circuit breaker and simultaneously initiates the autoreclosing shot.

If the circuit breaker is manually closed against the fault, that is, if SOTF is used,
the fourth time delay can automatically be taken into use. This is controlled with
the internal logic of the AR function and the Fourth delay in SOTF parameter.

A typical autoreclose situation is where one autoreclosing shot has been performed
after the fault was detected. There are two types of such cases: operation initiated
with protection start signal and operation initiated with protection trip signal. In
both cases, the autoreclosing sequence is successful: the reclaim time elapses and
no new sequence is started.

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Control functions

GUID-7DF65288-9B45-44FA-BF19-B528B13A246C V1 EN-US

Figure 191: Signal scheme of autoreclosing operation initiated with protection

start signal

The autoreclosing shot is initiated with a start signal of the protection function after
the start delay time has elapsed. The autoreclosing starts when the Str 2 delay shot
1 setting elapses.

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Figure 192: Signal scheme of autoreclosing operation initiated with protection

operate signal

The autoreclosing shot is initiated with a trip signal of the protection function. The
autoreclosing starts when the protection operate delay time elapses.

Normally, all trip and start signals are used to initiate an autoreclosing shot and trip
the circuit breaker. ACTIVE output indicates reclosing sequence in progress. If any
of the input signals INIT_X or DEL_INIT_X are used for blocking, the
corresponding bit in the Tripping line setting must be FALSE. This is to ensure that
the circuit breaker does not trip from that signal, that is, the signal does not activate
the OPEN_CB output. The default value for the setting is "63", which means that
all initiation signals activate the OPEN_CB output. The lowest bit in the Tripping
line setting corresponds to the INIT_1 input, the highest bit to the INIT_6 line.

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Shot initiation

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Figure 193: Example of an autoreclosing program with a reclose scheme


In the AR function, each shot can be programmed to locate anywhere in the reclose
scheme matrix. The shots are like building blocks used to design the reclose
program. The building blocks are called CBBs. All blocks are alike and have
settings which give the attempt number (columns in the matrix), the initiation or
blocking signals (rows in the matrix) and the reclose time of the shot.

The settings related to CBB configuration are:

• First...Seventh reclose time

• Init signals CBB1…CBB7
• Blk signals CBB1…CBB7
• Shot number CBB1…CBB7

The reclose time defines the open and dead times, that is, the time between the
OPEN_CB and the CLOSE_CB commands. The Init signals CBBx setting defines
the initiation signals. The Blk signals CBBx setting defines the blocking signals that
are related to the CBB (rows in the matrix). The Shot number CBB1…CBB7 setting
defines which shot is related to the CBB (columns in the matrix). For example,
CBB1 settings are:

362 REX610
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Control functions

• First reclose time = 1.0s

• Init signals CBB1 = 7 (three lowest bits: 111000 = 7)
• Blk signals CBB1 = 16 (the fifth bit: 000010 = 16)
• Shot number CBB1 = 1

CBB2 settings are:

• Second reclose time = 10s

• Init signals CBB2 = 6 (the second and third bits: 011000 = 6)
• Blk signals CBB2 = 16 (the fifth bit: 000010 = 16)
• Shot number CBB2 = 2

CBB3 settings are:

• Third reclose time = 30s

• Init signals CBB3 = 4 (the third bit: 001000 = 4)
• Blk signals CBB3 = 16 (the fifth bit: 000010 = 16)
• Shot number CBB3 = 3

CBB4 settings are:

• Fourth reclose time = 0.5s

• Init signals CBB4 = 8 (the fourth bit: 000100 = 8)
• Blk signals CBB4 = 0 (no blocking signals related to this CBB)
• Shot number CBB4 = 1

If a shot is initiated from the INIT_1 line, only one shot is allowed before
lockout. If a shot is initiated from the INIT_3 line, three shots are allowed before

A sequence initiation from the INIT_4 line leads to a lockout after two shots. In a
situation where the initiation is made from both the INIT_3 and INIT_4 lines, a
third shot is allowed, that is, CBB3 is allowed to start. This is called conditional
lockout. If the initiation is made from the INIT_2 and INIT_3 lines, an
immediate lockout occurs.

The INIT_5 line is used for blocking purposes. If the INIT_5 line is active
during a sequence start, the reclose attempt is blocked and the AR function goes to

If more than one CBBs are started with the shot pointer, the CBB
with the smallest individual number is always selected. For
example, if the INIT_2 and INIT_4 lines are active for the
second shot, that is, the shot pointer is 2, CBB2 is started instead of

Even if the initiation signals are not received from the protection functions, the AR
function can be set to continue from the second to the fifth reclose shot. The AR

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Control functions

function can, for example, be requested to automatically continue with the

sequence when the circuit breaker fails to close when requested. In such a case, the
AR function issues a CLOSE_CB command. When the wait close time elapses, that
is, the closing of the circuit breaker fails, the next shot is automatically started.
Another example is the embedded generation on the power line, which can make
the synchronism check fail and prevent the reclosing. If the auto-reclose sequence
is continued to the second shot, a successful synchronous reclosing is more likely
than with the first shot, since the second shot lasts longer than the first one.

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Figure 194: Logic diagram of auto-initiation sequence detection

Automatic initiation can be selected with the Auto initiation cnd setting to be the

364 REX610
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Control functions

• Not allowed: no automatic initiation is allowed

• When the synchronization fails, the automatic initiation is carried out when the
auto wait time elapses and the reclosing is prevented due to a failure during the
synchronism check
• When the circuit breaker does not close, the automatic initiation is carried out
if the circuit breaker does not close within the wait close time after issuing the
reclose command
• Both: the automatic initiation is allowed when synchronization fails or the
circuit breaker does not close.

The Auto init parameter defines which INIT_X lines are activated
in the auto-initiation. The default value for this parameter is "0",
which means that no auto-initiation is selected.

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Figure 195: Example of an auto-initiation sequence with synchronization failure

in the first shot and circuit breaker closing failure in the second

In the first shot, the synchronization condition is not fulfilled (SYNC is FALSE).
When the auto wait timer elapses, the sequence continues to the second shot.
During the second reclosing, the synchronization condition is fulfilled and the close
command is given to the circuit breaker after the second reclose time has elapsed.

After the second shot, the circuit breaker fails to close when the wait close time has
elapsed. The third shot is started and a new close command is given after the third
reclose time has elapsed. The circuit breaker closes normally and the reclaim time
starts. When the reclaim time has elapsed, the sequence is concluded successful.

Shot pointer controller

The execution of a reclose sequence is controlled by a shot pointer. It can be
adjusted with the SHOT_PTR monitored data.

The shot pointer starts from an initial value "1" and determines according to the
settings whether or not a certain shot is allowed to be initiated. After every shot,

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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

the shot pointer value increases. This is carried out until a successful reclosing or
lockout takes place after a complete shot sequence containing a total of five shots.


Figure 196: Shot pointer function

Every time the shot pointer increases, the reclaim time starts. When the reclaim
time ends, the shot pointer sets to its initial value, unless no new shot is initiated.
The shot pointer increases when the reclose time elapses or at the falling edge of
the INC_SHOTP signal.

When SHOT_PTR has the value six, the AR function is in a so called pre-lockout
state. If a new initiation occurs during the pre-lockout state, the AR function goes
to lockout. Therefore, a new sequence initiation during the pre-lockout state is not

The AR function goes to the pre-lockout state in the following cases:

• During SOTF
• When the AR function is active, it stays in a pre-lockout state for the time
defined by the reclaim time
• When all five shots have been executed
• When the frequent operation counter limit is reached. A new sequence
initiation forces the AR function to lockout.

Reclose controller
The reclose controller calculates the reclose, discrimination and reclaim times. The
reclose time is started when the INPRO signal is activated, that is, when the
sequence starts and the activated CBB defines the reclose time.

When the reclose time has elapsed, the CLOSE_CB output is not activated until the
following conditions are fulfilled:

366 REX610
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Control functions

• The SYNC input must be TRUE if the particular CBB requires information
about the synchronism
• All AR initiation inputs that are defined protection lines (using the Control
line setting) are inactive
• The circuit breaker is open
• The circuit breaker is ready for the close command, that is, the CB_READY
input is TRUE. This is indicated by active READY output.

If at least one of the conditions is not fulfilled within the time set with the Auto
wait time parameter, the auto-reclose sequence is locked.

The synchronism requirement for the CBBs can be defined with the
Synchronisation set setting, which is a bit mask. The lowest bit in the
Synchronisation set setting is related to CBB1 and the highest bit to CBB7. For
example, if the setting is set to "1", only CBB1 requires synchronism. If the setting
is it set to "7", CBB1, CBB2 and CBB3 require the SYNC input to be TRUE before
the reclosing command can be given.

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Figure 197: Initiation during discrimination time - AR function goes to lockout

The discrimination time starts when the close command CLOSE_CB has been
given. If a start input is activated before the discrimination time has elapsed, the
AR function goes to lockout. The default value for each discrimination time is
zero. The discrimination time can be adjusted with the Dsr time shot 1…4

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Figure 198: Initiation after elapsed discrimination time - new shot begins

Sequence controller
When the LOCKED output is active, the AR function is in lockout. This means that
new sequences cannot be initialized, because AR is insensitive to initiation
commands. It can be released from the lockout state in the following ways.

• The function is reset through communication with the RecRs parameter. The
same functionality can also be found in the Clear menu (DARREC reset).
• The lockout is automatically reset after the reclaim time, if the Auto lockout
reset setting is in use.

If the Auto lockout reset setting is not in use, the lockout can be
released only with the RecRs parameter.

The AR function can go to lockout for many reasons.

• The INHIBIT_RECL input is active.

• All shots have been executed and a new initiation is made (final trip).
• The time set with the Auto wait time parameter expires and the automatic
sequence initiation is not allowed because of a synchronization failure.
• The time set with the Wait close time parameter expires, that is, the circuit
breaker does not close or the automatic sequence initiation is not allowed due
to a closing failure of the circuit breaker.
• A new shot is initiated during the discrimination time.
• The time set with the Max wait time parameter expires, that is, the master unit
does not release the slave unit.

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Control functions

• The frequent operation counter limit is reached and new sequence is initiated.
The lockout is released when the recovery timer elapses.
• The protection trip signal has been active longer than the time set with the Max
wait time parameter since the shot initiation.
• The circuit breaker is closed manually during an autoreclosing sequence and
the manual close mode is FALSE.

Protection coordination controller

The PROT_CRD output is used for controlling the protection functions. In several
applications, such as fuse-saving applications involving down-stream fuses,
tripping and initiation of shot 1 should be fast (instantaneous or short-time
delayed). The tripping and initiation of shots 2, 3 and definite tripping time should
be delayed.

In this example, two overcurrent elements PHLPTOC and PHIPTOC are used.
PHIPTOC is given an instantaneous characteristic and PHLPTOC is given a time

The PROT_CRD output is activated, if the SHOT_PTR value is the same or higher
than the value defined with the Protection crd limit setting and all initialization
signals have been reset. The PROT_CRD output is reset under the following
• If the cut-out time elapses
• If the reclaim time elapses and the AR function is ready for a new sequence
• If the AR function is in lockout or disabled, that is, if the value of the
Protection crd mode setting is "AR inoperative" or "AR inop, CB man".

The PROT_CRD output can also be controlled with the Protection crd mode
setting. The setting has the following modes:

• "No condition": the PROT_CRD output is controlled only with the Protection
crd limit setting
• "AR inoperative": the PROT_CRD output is active, if the AR function is
disabled or in the lockout state, or if the INHIBIT_RECL input is active
• "CB close manual": the PROT_CRD output is active for the reclaim time if the
circuit breaker has been manually closed, that is, the AR function has not
issued a close command
• "AR inop, CB man": both the modes "AR inoperative" and "CB close manual"
are effective
• "Always": the PROT_CRD output is constantly active

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Control functions



GUID-F670D23A-1695-4274-830F-7E3E8D1BEEB0 V1 EN-US

Figure 199: Configuration example of using the PROT_CRD output for protection

If the Protection crd limit setting has the value "1", the instantaneous three-phase
overcurrent protection function PHIPTOC is disabled or blocked after the first shot.

Circuit breaker controller

Circuit breaker controller contains two features: SOTF and frequent-operation
counter. SOTF protects the AR function in permanent faults.

The circuit breaker position information is controlled with the CB closed Pos status
setting. The setting value "TRUE” means that when the circuit breaker is closed,
the CB_POS input is TRUE. When the setting value is “FALSE”, the CB_POS
input is FALSE, provided that the circuit breaker is closed. The reclose command
pulse time can be controlled with the Close pulse time setting: the CLOSE_CB
output is active for the time set with the Close pulse time setting. The CLOSE_CB
output is deactivated also when the circuit breaker is detected to be closed, that is,
when the CB_POS input changes from open state to closed state. The Wait close
time setting defines the time after the CLOSE_CB command activation, during
which the circuit breaker should be closed. If the closing of circuit breaker does not
happen during this time, the autoreclosing function is driven to lockout or, if
allowed, an auto-initiation is activated.

The main motivation for autoreclosing to begin with is the assumption that the fault
is temporary by nature, and that a momentary de-energizing of the power line and
an automatic reclosing restores the power supply. However, when the power line is
manually energized and an immediate protection trip is detected, it is very likely
that the fault is of a permanent type. A permanent fault is, for example, energizing
a power line into a forgotten earthing after a maintenance work along the power
line. In such cases, SOTF is activated, but only for the reclaim time after
energizing the power line and only when the circuit breaker is closed manually and
not by the AR function.

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Control functions

SOTF disables any initiation of an autoreclosing shot. The energizing of the power
line is detected from the CB_POS information.

SOTF is activated when the AR function is enabled or when the AR function is

started and the SOTF should remain active for the reclaim time.

When SOTF is detected, the parameter SOTF is active.

If the Manual close mode setting is set to FALSE and the circuit
breaker has been manually closed during an autoreclosing shot, the
AR unit goes to an immediate lockout.

If the Manual close mode setting is set to TRUE and the circuit
breaker has been manually closed during an autoreclosing shot (the
INPRO is active), the shot is considered as completed.

When SOTF starts, reclaim time is restarted, provided that it is


The frequent-operation counter is intended for blocking the autoreclosing function

in cases where the fault causes repetitive autoreclosing sequences during a short
period of time. For instance, if a tree causes a short circuit and, as a result, there are
autoreclosing shots within a few minutes interval during a stormy night. These
types of faults can easily damage the circuit breaker if the AR function is not
locked by a frequent-operation counter.

The frequent-operation counter has three settings:

• Frq Op counter limit

• Frq Op counter time
• Frq Op recovery time

The Frq Op counter limit setting defines the number of reclose attempts that are
allowed during the time defined with the Frq Op counter time setting. If the set
value is reached within a pre-defined period defined with the Frq Op counter time
setting, the AR function goes to lockout when a new shot begins, provided that the
counter is still above the set limit. The lockout is released after the recovery time
has elapsed. The recovery time can be defined with the Frq Op recovery time
setting .

If the circuit breaker is manually closed during the recovery time, the reclaim time
is activated after the recovery timer has elapsed.

REX610 371
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Control functions

9.3.5 Counters
The AR function contains six counters. Their values are stored in a semi-retain
memory. The counters are increased at the rising edge of the reclosing command.
The counters count the following situations.

• COUNTER: counts every reclosing command activation

• CNT_SHOT1: counts reclosing commands that are executed from shot 1
• CNT_SHOT2: counts reclosing commands that are executed from shot 2
• CNT_SHOT3: counts reclosing commands that are executed from shot 3
• CNT_SHOT4: counts reclosing commands that are executed from shot 4
• CNT_SHOT5: counts reclosing commands that are executed from shot 5

The counters are disabled through communication with the DsaCnt parameter.
When the counters are disabled, the values are not updated.

The counters are reset through communication with the CntRs parameter. The same
functionality can also be found in the clear menu (DARREC counters).

9.3.6 Application
Modern electric power systems can deliver energy to users very reliably. However,
different kind of faults can occur. Protection relays play an important role in
detecting failures or abnormalities in the system. They detect faults and give
commands for corresponding circuit breakers to isolate the defective element
before excessive damage or a possible power system collapse occurs. A fast
isolation also limits the disturbances caused for the healthy parts of the power

The faults can be transient, semi-transient or permanent. Permanent fault, for

example in power cables, means that there is a physical damage in the fault
location that must first be located and repaired before the network voltage can be

In overhead lines, the insulating material between phase conductors is air. The
majority of the faults are flash-over arcing faults caused by lightning, for example.
Only a short interruption is needed for extinguishing the arc. These faults are
transient by nature.

A semi-transient fault can be caused for example by a bird or a tree branch falling
on the overhead line. The fault disappears on its own if the fault current burns the
branch or the wind blows it away.

Transient and semi-transient faults can be cleared by momentarily de-energizing

the power line. Using the auto-reclose function minimizes interruptions in the
power system service and brings the power back on-line quickly and effortlessly.

The basic idea of the auto-reclose function is simple. In overhead lines, where the
possibility of self-clearing faults is high, the auto-reclose function tries to restore

372 REX610
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Control functions

the power by reclosing the breaker. This is a method to get the power system back
into normal operation by removing the transient or semi-transient faults. Several
trials, that is, auto-reclose shots are allowed. If none of the trials is successful and
the fault persists, definite final tripping follows.

The auto-reclose function can be used with every circuit breaker that has the ability
for a reclosing sequence. In the DARREC autoreclosing function, the
implementing method of auto-reclose sequences is patented by ABB.
Table 438: Important definitions related to autoreclosing

Autoreclose shot An operation where after a preset time the breaker is closed from the breaker
tripping caused by protection
Autoreclose A predefined method to do reclose attempts (shots) to restore the power system
SOTF If the protection detects a fault immediately after an open circuit breaker has
been closed, it indicates that the fault was already there. It can be, for example,
a forgotten earthing after maintenance work. Such closing of the circuit breaker
is known as switch on to fault. Autoreclosing in such conditions is prohibited.
Final trip Occurs in case of a permanent fault, when the circuit breaker is opened for the
last time after all programmed auto-reclose operations. Since no auto-reclosing
follows, the circuit breaker remains open. This is called final trip or definite trip.

REX610 373
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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions Shot initiation

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Figure 200: Example of an autoreclosing program with a reclose scheme


In the AR function, each shot can be programmed to locate anywhere in the reclose
scheme matrix. The shots are like building blocks used to design the reclose
program. The building blocks are called CBBs. All blocks are alike and have
settings which give the attempt number (columns in the matrix), the initiation or
blocking signals (rows in the matrix) and the reclose time of the shot.

The settings related to CBB configuration are:

• First...Seventh reclose time

• Init signals CBB1…CBB7
• Blk signals CBB1…CBB7
• Shot number CBB1…CBB7

The reclose time defines the open and dead times, that is, the time between the
OPEN_CB and the CLOSE_CB commands. The Init signals CBBx setting defines
the initiation signals. The Blk signals CBBx setting defines the blocking signals that
are related to the CBB (rows in the matrix). The Shot number CBB1…CBB7 setting

374 REX610
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Control functions

defines which shot is related to the CBB (columns in the matrix). For example,
CBB1 settings are:

• First reclose time = 1.0s

• Init signals CBB1 = 7 (three lowest bits: 111000 = 7)
• Blk signals CBB1 = 16 (the fifth bit: 000010 = 16)
• Shot number CBB1 = 1

CBB2 settings are:

• Second reclose time = 10s

• Init signals CBB2 = 6 (the second and third bits: 011000 = 6)
• Blk signals CBB2 = 16 (the fifth bit: 000010 = 16)
• Shot number CBB2 = 2

CBB3 settings are:

• Third reclose time = 30s

• Init signals CBB3 = 4 (the third bit: 001000 = 4)
• Blk signals CBB3 = 16 (the fifth bit: 000010 = 16)
• Shot number CBB3 = 3

CBB4 settings are:

• Fourth reclose time = 0.5s

• Init signals CBB4 = 8 (the fourth bit: 000100 = 8)
• Blk signals CBB4 = 0 (no blocking signals related to this CBB)
• Shot number CBB4 = 1

If a shot is initiated from the INIT_1 line, only one shot is allowed before
lockout. If a shot is initiated from the INIT_3 line, three shots are allowed before

A sequence initiation from the INIT_4 line leads to a lockout after two shots. In a
situation where the initiation is made from both the INIT_3 and INIT_4 lines, a
third shot is allowed, that is, CBB3 is allowed to start. This is called conditional
lockout. If the initiation is made from the INIT_2 and INIT_3 lines, an
immediate lockout occurs.

The INIT_5 line is used for blocking purposes. If the INIT_5 line is active
during a sequence start, the reclose attempt is blocked and the AR function goes to

If more than one CBBs are started with the shot pointer, the CBB
with the smallest individual number is always selected. For
example, if the INIT_2 and INIT_4 lines are active for the
second shot, that is, the shot pointer is 2, CBB2 is started instead of

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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

Even if the initiation signals are not received from the protection functions, the AR
function can be set to continue from the second to the fifth reclose shot. The AR
function can, for example, be requested to automatically continue with the
sequence when the circuit breaker fails to close when requested. In such a case, the
AR function issues a CLOSE_CB command. When the wait close time elapses, that
is, the closing of the circuit breaker fails, the next shot is automatically started.
Another example is the embedded generation on the power line, which can make
the synchronism check fail and prevent the reclosing. If the auto-reclose sequence
is continued to the second shot, a successful synchronous reclosing is more likely
than with the first shot, since the second shot lasts longer than the first one.

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Figure 201: Logic diagram of auto-initiation sequence detection

Automatic initiation can be selected with the Auto initiation cnd setting to be the

376 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

• Not allowed: no automatic initiation is allowed

• When the synchronization fails, the automatic initiation is carried out when the
auto wait time elapses and the reclosing is prevented due to a failure during the
synchronism check
• When the circuit breaker does not close, the automatic initiation is carried out
if the circuit breaker does not close within the wait close time after issuing the
reclose command
• Both: the automatic initiation is allowed when synchronization fails or the
circuit breaker does not close.

The Auto init parameter defines which INIT_X lines are activated
in the auto-initiation. The default value for this parameter is "0",
which means that no auto-initiation is selected.

GUID-A2B66651-6BCE-4725-8FA1-B1803685EAEF V1 EN-US

Figure 202: Example of an auto-initiation sequence with synchronization failure

in the first shot and circuit breaker closing failure in the second

In the first shot, the synchronization condition is not fulfilled (SYNC is FALSE).
When the auto wait timer elapses, the sequence continues to the second shot.
During the second reclosing, the synchronization condition is fulfilled and the close
command is given to the circuit breaker after the second reclose time has elapsed.

After the second shot, the circuit breaker fails to close when the wait close time has
elapsed. The third shot is started and a new close command is given after the third
reclose time has elapsed. The circuit breaker closes normally and the reclaim time
starts. When the reclaim time has elapsed, the sequence is concluded successful. Sequence

The auto reclose sequence is implemented by using CBBs. The highest possible
amount of CBBs is seven. If the user wants to have, for example, a sequence of
three shots, only the first three CBBs are needed. Using building blocks instead of
fixed shots gives enhanced flexibility, allowing multiple and adaptive sequences.

REX610 377
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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

Each CBB is identical. The Shot number CBB_ setting defines at which point in the
auto-reclose sequence the CBB should be performed, that is, whether the particular
CBB is going to be the first, second, third, fourth or fifth shot.

During the initiation of a CBB, the conditions of initiation and blocking are
checked. This is done for all CBBs simultaneously. Each CBB that fulfils the
initiation conditions requests an execution.

The function also keeps track of shots already performed, that is, at which point the
auto-reclose sequence is from shot 1 to lockout. For example, if shots 1 and 2 have
already been performed, only shots 3 to 5 are allowed.

Additionally, the Enable shot jump setting gives two possibilities:

• Only such CBBs that are set for the next shot in the sequence can be accepted
for execution. For example, if the next shot in the sequence should be shot 2, a
request from CBB set for shot 3 is rejected.
• Any CBB that is set for the next shot or any of the following shots can be
accepted for execution. For example, if the next shot in the sequence should be
shot 2, also CBBs that are set for shots 3, 4 and 5 are accepted. In other words,
shot 2 can be ignored.

In case there are multiple CBBs allowed for execution, the CBB with the smallest
number is chosen. For example, if CBB2 and CBB4 request an execution, CBB2 is
allowed to execute the shot.

The auto-reclose function can perform up to five auto-reclose shots or cycles. Configuration examples



Circuit breaker position

information from binary input
Conditions to verify if circuit
breaker is ready to be reclosed

GUID-85295F26-1A83-411D-AAD2-9F24C12E78FA V1 EN-US

Figure 203: Example connection between protection and autoreclosing

functions in protection relay configuration

378 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

It is possible to create several sequences for a configuration.

Autoreclose sequences for overcurrent and non-directional earth-fault protection

applications where high speed and delayed autoreclosings are needed can be as

Example 1
The sequence is implemented by two shots which have the same reclosing time for
all protection functions, namely I>>, I> and Io>. The initiation of the shots is done
by activating the operating signals of the protection functions.


Figure 204: Autoreclosing sequence with two shots

tHSAR Time delay of high-speed autoreclosing, here: First reclose time

tDAR Time delay of delayed autoreclosing, here: Second reclose time

tProtection Operating time for the protection stage to clear the fault

tCB_O Operating time for opening the circuit breaker

tCB_C Operating time for closing the circuit breaker

In this case, the sequence needs two CBBs. The reclosing times for shot 1 and shot
2 are different, but each protection function initiates the same sequence. The CBB
sequence is described in Table 439 as follows:

REX610 379
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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

INIT_1 (I>>) Lockout

Shot 1 Shot 2
INIT_2 (I>) (CBB1) (CBB2) Lockout
0.3s 15.0s
INIT_3 (Io>) Lockout

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Figure 205: Two shots with three initiation lines

Table 439: Settings for configuration example 1

Setting name Setting value
Shot number CBB1 1
Init signals CBB1 7 (lines 1, 2 and 3 = 1+2+4 = 7)
First reclose time 0.3 s (an example)
Shot number CBB2 2
Init signals CBB2 7 (lines 1, 2 and 3 = 1+2+4 = 7)
Second reclose time 15.0 s (an example)

Example 2
There are two separate sequences implemented with three shots. Shot 1 is
implemented by CBB1 and it is initiated with the high stage of the overcurrent
protection (I>>). Shot 1 is set as a high-speed autoreclosing with a short time
delay. Shot 2 is implemented with CBB2 and meant to be the first shot of the
autoreclose sequence initiated by the low stage of the overcurrent protection (I>)
and the low stage of the non-directional earth-fault protection (Io>). It has the same
reclosing time in both situations. It is set as a high-speed autoreclosing for
corresponding faults. The third shot, which is the second shot in the autoreclose
sequence initiated by I> or Io>, is set as a delayed autoreclosing and executed after
an unsuccessful high-speed autoreclosing of a corresponding sequence.

380 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

GUID-41130CCD-1B03-43CC-BCDE-576C783BEE49 V1 EN-US

Figure 206: Autoreclosing sequence with two shots with different shot settings
according to initiation signal

tHSAR Time delay of high-speed autoreclosing, here: First reclose time

tDAR Time delay of delayed autoreclosing, here: Second reclose time

tl>> Operating time for the I>> protection stage to clear the fault

tl> or lo> Operating time for the I> or Io> protection stage to clear the fault

tCB_O Operating time for opening the circuit breaker

tCB_C Operating time for closing the circuit breaker

In this case, the number of needed CBBs is three, that is, the first shot's reclosing
time depends on the initiation signal.

REX610 381
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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

Shot 1
INIT_1 (I>>) (CBB1) Lockout

INIT_2 (I>) Shot 1 Shot 2 Lockout

(CBB2) (CBB3)
INIT_3 (Io>) 0.2s 10.0s Lockout

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Figure 207: Three shots with three initiation lines

If the sequence is initiated from the INIT_1 line, that is, the overcurrent
protection high stage, the sequence is one shot long. If the sequence is initiated
from the INIT_2 or INIT_3 lines, the sequence is two shots long.

Table 440: Settings for configuration example 2

Setting name Setting value
Shot number CBB1 1
Init signals CBB1 1 (line 1)
First reclose time 0.0 s (an example)
Shot number CBB2 1
Init signals CBB2 6 (lines 2 and 3 = 2+4 = 6)
Second reclose time 0.2 s (an example)
Shot number CBB3 2
Init signals CBB3 6 (lines 2 and 3 = 2+4 = 6)
Third reclose time 10.0 s Delayed initiation lines

The autoreclose function consists of six individual autoreclose initiation lines

INIT_1...INIT_6 and three delayed initiation lines:


DEL_INIT_2 and INIT_2 are connected together with an OR-gate, as are inputs
3 and 4. Inputs 1, 5 and 6 do not have any delayed input. From the autoreclosing
point of view, it does not matter whether INIT_x or DEL_INIT_x line is used
for shot initiation or blocking.

The autoreclose function can also open the circuit breaker from any of the initiation
lines. It is selected with the Tripping line setting. As a default, all initiation lines
activate the OPEN_CB output.

382 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions


Figure 208: Simplified logic diagram of initiation lines

Each delayed initiation line has four different time settings:

Table 441: Settings for delayed initiation lines
Setting name Description and purpose
Str x delay shot 1 Time delay for the DEL_INIT_x line, where x is
the number of the line 2, 3 or 4. Used for shot 1.
Str x delay shot 2 Time delay for the DEL_INIT_x line, used for
shot 2.
Str x delay shot 3 Time delay for the DEL_INIT_x line, used for
shot 3.
Str x delay shot 4 Time delay for the DEL_INIT_x line, used for
shots 4 and 5. Optionally, can also be used with
SOTF. Shot initiation from protection start signal

In it simplest, all auto-reclose shots are initiated by protection trips. As a result, all
trip times in the sequence are the same. This is why using protection trips may not
be the optimal solution. Using protection start signals instead of protection trips for
initiating shots shortens the trip times.

Example 1
When a two-shot-sequence is used, the start information from the protection
function is routed to the DEL_INIT 2 input and the operate information to the
INIT_2 input. The following conditions have to apply:

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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

• protection operate time = 0.5s

• Str 2 delay shot 1 = 0.05s
• Str 2 delay shot 2 = 60s
• Str 2 delay shot 3 = 60s

Operation in a permanent fault:

1. Protection starts and activates the DEL_INIT 2 input.

2. After 0.05 seconds, the first autoreclose shot is initiated. The function opens
the circuit breaker: the OPEN_CB output activates. The total trip time is the
protection start delay + 0.05 seconds + the time it takes to open the circuit
3. After the first shot, the circuit breaker is reclosed and the protection starts
4. Because the delay of the second shot is 60 seconds, the protection is faster and
trips after the set operation time, activating the INIT 2 input. The second
shot is initiated.
5. After the second shot, the circuit breaker is reclosed and the protection starts
6. Because the delay of the second shot is 60 seconds, the protection is faster and
trips after the set operation time. No further shots are programmed after the
final trip. The function is in lockout and the sequence is considered

Example 2
The delays can be used also for fast final trip. The conditions are the same as in
Example 1, with the exception of Str 2 delay shot 3 = 0.10 seconds.

The operation in a permanent fault is the same as in Example 1, except that after
the second shot when the protection starts again, Str 2 delay shot 3 elapses before
the protection operate time and the final trip follows. The total trip time is the
protection start delay + 0.10 seconds + the time it takes to open the circuit breaker. Fast trip in Switch on to fault

The Str _ delay shot 4 parameter delays can also be used to achieve a fast and
accelerated trip with SOTF. This is done by setting the Fourth delay in SOTF
parameter to "1" and connecting the protection start information to the
corresponding DEL_INIT_ input.

When the function detects a closing of the circuit breaker, that is, any other closing
except the reclosing done by the function itself, it always prohibits shot initiation
for the time set with the Reclaim time parameter. Furthermore, if the Fourth delay
in SOTF parameter is "1", the Str _ delay shot 4 parameter delays are also

384 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

Example 1
The protection operation time is 0.5 seconds, the Fourth delay in SOTF parameter
is set to "1" and the Str 2 delay shot 4 parameter is 0.05 seconds. The protection
start signal is connected to the DEL_INIT_2 input.

If the protection starts after the circuit breaker closes, the fast trip follows after the
set 0.05 seconds. The total trip time is the protection start delay + 0.05 seconds +
the time it takes to open the circuit breaker.

9.3.7 Signals
Table 442: DARREC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
INIT_1 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 1
INIT_2 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 2
INIT_3 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 3
INIT_4 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 4
INIT_5 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 5
INIT_6 BOOLEAN 0=False AR initialization / blocking signal 6
DEL_INIT_2 BOOLEAN 0=False Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 2
DEL_INIT_3 BOOLEAN 0=False Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 3
DEL_INIT_4 BOOLEAN 0=False Delayed AR initialization / blocking signal 4
BLK_RECL_T BOOLEAN 0=False Blocks and resets reclose time
BLK_RCLM_T BOOLEAN 0=False Blocks and resets reclaim time
BLK_THERM BOOLEAN 0=False Blocks and holds the reclose shot from the
thermal overload
CB_POS BOOLEAN 0=False Circuit breaker position input
CB_READY BOOLEAN 1=True Circuit breaker status signal
INC_SHOTP BOOLEAN 0=False A zone sequence coordination signal
INHIBIT_RECL BOOLEAN 0=False Interrupts and inhibits reclosing sequence
RECL_ON BOOLEAN 0=False Level sensitive signal for allowing (high) / not
allowing (low) reclosing
SYNC BOOLEAN 0=False Synchronizing check fulfilled

Table 443: DARREC Output signals

Name Type Description
OPEN_CB BOOLEAN Open command for circuit breaker
CLOSE_CB BOOLEAN Close (reclose) command for circuit breaker
CMD_WAIT BOOLEAN Wait for master command
INPRO BOOLEAN Reclosing shot in progress, activated during dead
LOCKED BOOLEAN Signal indicating that AR is locked out
Table continues on next page

REX610 385
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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

Name Type Description

PROT_CRD BOOLEAN A signal for coordination between the AR and the
UNSUC_RECL BOOLEAN Indicates an unsuccessful reclosing sequence
AR_ON BOOLEAN Autoreclosing allowed
READY BOOLEAN Indicates that the AR is ready for a new
sequence, i.e. the CB_READY input equals
ACTIVE BOOLEAN Reclosing sequence is in progress

9.3.8 Settings
Table 444: DARREC Non group settings (Basic)
Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation 1=on 1=on Operation Off/On
Reclosing operation 1=Off 1=Off Reclosing operation (Off, External Ctl /
2=External Ctl On)
Close pulse time 10...10000 ms 10 200 CB close pulse time
Reclaim time 100...1800000 ms 100 10000 Reclaim time
Terminal priority 1=None 1=None Terminal priority
2=Low (follower)
3=High (master)
Synchronisation set 0...127 1 0 Selection for synchronizing requirement
for reclosing
Auto initiation cnd 1=Not allowed 2=When sync fails Auto initiation condition
2=When sync fails
3=CB doesn't close
Tripping line 0...63 1 0 Tripping line, defines INIT inputs which
cause OPEN_CB activation
Fourth delay in SOTF 0=False 0=False Sets 4th delay into use for all DEL_INIT
1=True signals during SOTF
First reclose time 0...300000 ms 10 5000 Dead time for CBB1
Second reclose time 0...300000 ms 10 5000 Dead time for CBB2
Third reclose time 0...300000 ms 10 5000 Dead time for CBB3
Fourth reclose time 0...300000 ms 10 5000 Dead time for CBB4
Fifth reclose time 0...300000 ms 10 5000 Dead time for CBB5
Sixth reclose time 0...300000 ms 10 5000 Dead time for CBB6
Seventh reclose time 0...300000 ms 10 5000 Dead time for CBB7
Init signals CBB1 0...63 1 0 Initiation lines for CBB1
Init signals CBB2 0...63 1 0 Initiation lines for CBB2
Init signals CBB3 0...63 1 0 Initiation lines for CBB3
Init signals CBB4 0...63 1 0 Initiation lines for CBB4
Init signals CBB5 0...63 1 0 Initiation lines for CBB5
Table continues on next page

386 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Init signals CBB6 0...63 1 0 Initiation lines for CBB6
Init signals CBB7 0...63 1 0 Initiation lines for CBB7
Shot number CBB1 0...5 1 0 Shot number for CBB1
Shot number CBB2 0...5 1 0 Shot number for CBB2
Shot number CBB3 0...5 1 0 Shot number for CBB3
Shot number CBB4 0...5 1 0 Shot number for CBB4
Shot number CBB5 0...5 1 0 Shot number for CBB5
Shot number CBB6 0...5 1 0 Shot number for CBB6
Shot number CBB7 0...5 1 0 Shot number for CBB7
Frq Op counter limit 0...250 1 0 Frequent operation counter lockout limit
Frq Op counter time 1...250 min 1 1 Frequent operation counter time
Frq Op recovery time 1...250 min 1 1 Frequent operation counter recovery
Auto init 0...63 1 0 Defines INIT lines that are activated at
auto initiation

Table 445: DARREC Non group settings (Advanced)

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Manual close mode 0=False 0=False Manual close mode
Wait close time 50...10000 ms 50 250 Allowed CB closing time after reclose
Max wait time 100...1800000 ms 100 10000 Maximum wait time for BLK_RECL_T
Max trip time 100...10000 ms 100 10000 Maximum wait time for deactivation of
protection signals
Max Thm block time 100...1800000 ms 100 10000 Maximum wait time for thermal blocking
signal deactivation
Cut-out time 0...1800000 ms 100 10000 Cutout time for protection coordination
Dsr time shot 1 0...10000 ms 100 0 Discrimination time for first reclosing
Dsr time shot 2 0...10000 ms 100 0 Discrimination time for second reclosing
Dsr time shot 3 0...10000 ms 100 0 Discrimination time for third reclosing
Dsr time shot 4 0...10000 ms 100 0 Discrimination time for fourth reclosing
Auto wait time 0...60000 ms 10 2000 Wait time for reclosing condition fullfilling
Auto lockout reset 0=False 1=True Automatic lockout reset
Protection crd limit 1...5 1 1 Protection coordination shot limit
Protection crd mode 1=No condition 4=AR inop, CB Protection coordination mode
2=AR inoperative man
3=CB close
4=AR inop, CB
Table continues on next page

REX610 387
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Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Control line 0...63 1 63 Control line, defines INIT inputs which
are protection signals
Enable shot jump 0=False 1=True Enable shot jumping
CB closed Pos status 0=False 0=False Circuit breaker closed position status
Blk signals CBB1 0...63 1 0 Blocking lines for CBB1
Blk signals CBB2 0...63 1 0 Blocking lines for CBB2
Blk signals CBB3 0...63 1 0 Blocking lines for CBB3
Blk signals CBB4 0...63 1 0 Blocking lines for CBB4
Blk signals CBB5 0...63 1 0 Blocking lines for CBB5
Blk signals CBB6 0...63 1 0 Blocking lines for CBB6
Blk signals CBB7 0...63 1 0 Blocking lines for CBB7
Str 2 delay shot 1 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start2, 1st reclose
Str 2 delay shot 2 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start2 2nd reclose
Str 2 delay shot 3 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start2 3rd reclose
Str 2 delay shot 4 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start2, 4th reclose
Str 3 delay shot 1 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start3, 1st reclose
Str 3 delay shot 2 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start3 2nd reclose
Str 3 delay shot 3 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start3 3rd reclose
Str 3 delay shot 4 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start3, 4th reclose
Str 4 delay shot 1 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start4, 1st reclose
Str 4 delay shot 2 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start4 2nd reclose
Str 4 delay shot 3 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start4 3rd reclose
Str 4 delay shot 4 0...300000 ms 10 0 Delay time for start4, 4th reclose

9.3.9 Monitored data

Table 446: DARREC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
DISA_COUNT BOOLEAN 0=False Signal for counter
1=True disabling
FRQ_OPR_CNT INT32 0...2147483647 Frequent operation
FRQ_OPR_AL BOOLEAN 0=False Frequent operation
1=True counter alarm
Table continues on next page

388 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 9
Control functions

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description

STATUS Enum -1=Not defined AR status signal for
1=Ready IEC61850
INPRO_1 BOOLEAN 0=False Reclosing shot in
1=True progress, shot 1
INPRO_2 BOOLEAN 0=False Reclosing shot in
1=True progress, shot 2
INPRO_3 BOOLEAN 0=False Reclosing shot in
1=True progress, shot 3
INPRO_4 BOOLEAN 0=False Reclosing shot in
1=True progress, shot 4
INPRO_5 BOOLEAN 0=False Reclosing shot in
1=True progress, shot 5
DISCR_INPRO BOOLEAN 0=False Signal indicating that
1=True discrimination time is in
CUTOUT_INPRO BOOLEAN 0=False Signal indicating that
1=True cut-out time is in
SUC_RECL BOOLEAN 0=False Indicates a successful
1=True reclosing sequence
UNSUC_CB BOOLEAN 0=False Indicates an
1=True unsuccessful CB closing
CNT_SHOT1 INT32 0...2147483647 Resetable operation
counter, shot 1
CNT_SHOT2 INT32 0...2147483647 Resetable operation
counter, shot 2
CNT_SHOT3 INT32 0...2147483647 Resetable operation
counter, shot 3
CNT_SHOT4 INT32 0...2147483647 Resetable operation
counter, shot 4
CNT_SHOT5 INT32 0...2147483647 Resetable operation
counter, shot 5
COUNTER INT32 0...2147483647 Resetable operation
counter, all shots
SHOT_PTR INT32 1...7 Shot pointer value
Table continues on next page

REX610 389
Technical Manual
Section 9 2NGA000825 B
Control functions

Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description

MAN_CB_CL BOOLEAN 0=False Indicates CB manual
1=True closing during reclosing
SOTF BOOLEAN 0=False Switch-onto-fault
DARREC1 Enum 1=on Status

9.3.10 Technical data

Table 447: DARREC Technical data
Characteristic Value
Operate time accuracy ±1.0% of the set value or ±40 ms

390 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

Section 10 General function block features

10.1 Definite time characteristics

10.1.1 Definite time operation

The DT mode is enabled when the Operating curve type setting is selected either as
"ANSI Def. Time" or "IEC Def. Time". In the DT mode, the OPERATE output of
the function is activated when the time calculation exceeds the set Operate delay

The user can determine the reset in the DT mode with the Reset delay time setting,
which provides the delayed reset property when needed.

The Type of reset curve setting has no effect on the reset method
when the DT mode is selected, but the reset is determined solely
with the Reset delay time setting.

The purpose of the delayed reset is to enable fast clearance of intermittent faults,
for example self-sealing insulation faults, and severe faults which may produce
high asymmetrical fault currents that partially saturate the current transformers. It
is typical for an intermittent fault that the fault current contains so called drop-off
periods, during which the fault current falls below the set start current, including
hysteresis. Without the delayed reset function, the operate timer would reset when
the current drops off. In the same way, an apparent drop-off period of the
secondary current of the saturated current transformer can also reset the operate

REX610 391
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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

GUID-1BC23C9A-BF10-45EC-AF61-BE70856AC092 V1 EN-US

Figure 209: Operation of the counter in drop-off

In case 1, the reset is delayed with the Reset delay time setting and in case 2, the
counter is reset immediately, because the Reset delay time setting is set to zero.

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Figure 210: Drop-off period is longer than the set Reset delay time

392 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

When the drop-off period is longer than the set Reset delay time, as described in
Figure 210, the input signal for the definite timer (here: timer input) is active,
provided that the current is above the set Start value. The input signal is inactive
when the current is below the set Start value and the set hysteresis region. The
timer input rises when a fault current is detected. The definite timer activates the
START output and the operate timer starts elapsing. The reset (drop-off) timer
starts when the timer input falls, that is, the fault disappears. When the reset (drop-
off) timer elapses, the operate timer is reset. Since this happens before another start
occurs, the OPERATE output is not activated.

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Figure 211: Drop-off period is shorter than the set Reset delay time

When the drop-off period is shorter than the set Reset delay time, as described in
Figure 211, the input signal for the definite timer (here: timer input) is active,
provided that the current is above the set Start value. The input signal is inactive
when the current is below the set Start value and the set hysteresis region. The
timer input rises when a fault current is detected. The definite timer activates the
START output and the operate timer starts elapsing. The Reset (drop-off) timer
starts when the timer input falls, that is, the fault disappears. Another fault situation
occurs before the reset (drop-off) timer has elapsed. This causes the activation of
the OPERATE output, since the operate timer already has elapsed.

REX610 393
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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

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Figure 212: Operating effect of the BLOCK input when the selected blocking
mode is "Freeze timer"

If the BLOCK input is activated when the operate timer is running, as described in
Figure 212, the timer is frozen during the time BLOCK remains active. If the timer
input is not active longer than specified by the Reset delay time setting, the operate
timer is reset in the same way as described in Figure 210, regardless of the BLOCK
input .

The selected blocking mode is "Freeze timer".

10.2 Current based inverse definite minimum time


10.2.1 IDMT curves for overcurrent protection

In inverse-time modes, the operation time depends on the momentary value of the
current: the higher the current, the faster the operation time. The operation time
calculation or integration starts immediately when the current exceeds the set Start
value and the START output is activated.

394 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

The OPERATE output of the component is activated when the cumulative sum of
the integrator calculating the overcurrent situation exceeds the value set by the
inverse-time mode. The set value depends on the selected curve type and the
setting values used. The curve scaling is determined with the Time multiplier

There are two methods to level out the inverse-time characteristic.

• The Minimum operate time setting defines the minimum operating time for the
IDMT curve, that is, the operation time is always at least the Minimum operate
time setting.
• Alternatively, the IDMT Sat point is used for giving the leveling-out point as a
multiple of the Start value setting. (Global setting: Configuration/System/
IDMT Sat point). The default parameter value is 50. This setting affects only
the overcurrent and earth-fault IDMT timers.

IDMT operation time at currents over 50 x In is not guaranteed.

REX610 395
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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

GUID-20353F8B-2112-41CB-8F68-B51F8ACA775E V1 EN-US

Figure 213: Operation time curve based on the IDMT characteristic leveled out
with the Minimum operate time setting is set to 1000 milliseconds
(the IDMT Sat point setting is set to maximum).

396 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

GUID-87A96860-4268-4AD1-ABA1-3227D3BB36D5 V1 EN-US

Figure 214: Operation time curve based on the IDMT characteristic leveled out
with IDMT Sat point setting value “11” (the Minimum operate time
setting is set to minimum).

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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
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GUID-9BFD6DC5-08B5-4755-A899-DF5ED26E75F6 V1 EN-US

Figure 215: Example of how the inverse time characteristic is leveled out with
currents over 50 x In and the Setting Start value setting “2.5 x In”.
(the IDMT Sat point setting is set to maximum and the Minimum
operate time setting is set to minimum).

The grey zone in Figure 215 shows the behavior of the curve in case the measured
current is outside the guaranteed measuring range. Also, the maximum measured
current of 50 x In gives the leveling-out point 50/2.5 = 20 x I/I>. Standard inverse-time characteristics

For inverse-time operation, both IEC and ANSI/IEEE standardized inverse-time

characteristics are supported.

398 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

The operate times for the ANSI and IEC IDMT curves are defined with the
coefficients A, B and C.

The values of the coefficients can be calculated according to the formula:

 
 
t [s ] =  + B ⋅k
  I c 
   −1 
I > 
GUID-EA790CC7-7408-47B9-A11E-2C65EDB4D4F4 V1 EN-US (Equation 32)

t[s] Operate time in seconds

I Measured current
I> Set Start value
k Set Time multiplier

Table 448: Curve parameters for ANSI and IEC IDMT curves
Curve name A B C
(1) ANSI Extremely 28.2 0.1217 2.0
(2) ANSI Very Inverse 19.61 0.491 2.0
(3) ANSI Normal 0.0086 0.0185 0.02
(4) ANSI Moderately 0.0515 0.1140 0.02
(6) Long Time 64.07 0.250 2.0
Extremely Inverse
(7) Long Time Very 28.55 0.712 2.0
(8) Long Time Inverse 0.086 0.185 0.02
(9) IEC Normal Inverse 0.14 0.0 0.02
(10) IEC Very Inverse 13.5 0.0 1.0
(11) IEC Inverse 0.14 0.0 0.02
(12) IEC Extremely 80.0 0.0 2.0
(13) IEC Short Time 0.05 0.0 0.04
(14) IEC Long Time 120 0.0 1.0

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GUID-10A3FB17-4636-4683-A711-00BC99172EB7 V1 EN-US

Figure 216: ANSI extremely inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-218E6B10-7ADC-476E-90BA-EEB961D70DD7 V1 EN-US

Figure 217: ANSI very inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-7BB95AF8-9BFB-4513-8930-2293277B2569 V1 EN-US

Figure 218: ANSI normal inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-C4FF92FB-BD56-4E42-8704-FEA0F06E7EDE V1 EN-US

Figure 219: ANSI moderately inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-91129A4C-707E-47FE-86D9-FA4780563B9E V1 EN-US

Figure 220: ANSI long-time extremely inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-6ABFA424-F7D1-4006-9121-C9BAEFF8EDA8 V1 EN-US

Figure 221: ANSI long-time very inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-D5247081-DC11-4711-9D71-6B3E9C06B86E V1 EN-US

Figure 222: ANSI long-time inverse-time characteristics

406 REX610
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GUID-1DA85FD7-3551-4F8A-B3A4-F9F77400B857 V1 EN-US

Figure 223: IEC normal inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-B00585EF-2F48-4F67-AC9D-C6D4D3BFBBE6 V1 EN-US

Figure 224: IEC very inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-815500C8-EB92-4936-8206-89D68D2C43AE V1 EN-US

Figure 225: IEC inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-927A278E-A9FA-4276-8217-4C313FB539B7 V1 EN-US

Figure 226: IEC extremely inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-2A024691-FBAB-4F1E-800E-00D5E5564BC3 V1 EN-US

Figure 227: IEC short-time inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-76065BD1-F086-4670-A998-7D4A59A5E845 V1 EN-US

Figure 228: IEC long-time inverse-time characteristics

412 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features User-programmable inverse-time characteristics

The user can define curves by entering parameters into the following standard

 
 
t [s ] =  + B ⋅k
  I c 
  −E 
I > 
GUID-5C2959BE-F341-463F-B203-AB840575BDBB V1 EN-US (Equation 33)

t[s] Operate time (in seconds)

A Set Curve parameter A
B Set Curve parameter B
C Set Curve parameter C
E Set Curve parameter E
I Measured current
I> Set Start value
k Set Time multiplier RI and RD-type inverse-time characteristics

The RI-type simulates the behavior of electromechanical relays. The RD-type is an

earth-fault specific characteristic.

The RI-type is calculated using the formula

 
 k 
t [s ] =  
 0.339 − 0.236 ⋅ I > 
 I 
GUID-D4289E23-1A3C-4A5D-9A46-A3596F1ECF42 V1 EN-US (Equation 34)

The RD-type is calculated using the formula

 I 
t [s ] = 5.8 − 1.35 ⋅ In  
 k ⋅I > 
GUID-7B2D3993-7C18-473C-AA94-B0010E66EA77 V1 EN-US (Equation 35)

REX610 413
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t[s] Operate time (in seconds)

k Set Time multiplier
I Measured current
I> Set Start value

414 REX610
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GUID-212CD501-8AB1-4D5B-B5DE-224DA87F39F5 V1 EN-US

Figure 229: RI-type inverse-time characteristics

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GUID-A07D5B38-7579-4035-8B03-7F46056434C2 V1 EN-US

Figure 230: RD-type inverse-time characteristics

416 REX610
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General function block features

10.2.2 Reset in inverse-time modes

The user can select the reset characteristics by using the Type of reset curve setting.
Table 449: Values for reset mode
Setting name Possible values
Type of reset curve 1=Immediate
2=Def time reset
3=Inverse reset

Immediate reset
If the Type of reset curve setting in a drop-off case is selected as "Immediate", the
inverse timer resets immediately.

Definite time reset

The definite type of reset in the inverse-time mode can be achieved by setting the
Type of reset curve parameter to “Def time reset”. As a result, the operate inverse-
time counter is frozen for the time determined with the Reset delay time setting
after the current drops below the set Start value, including hysteresis.The integral
sum of the inverse-time counter is reset, if another start does not occur during the
reset delay.

If the Type of reset curve setting is selected as “Def time reset”, the
current level has no influence on the reset characteristic.

Inverse reset

Inverse reset curves are available only for ANSI and user-
programmable curves. If you use other curve types, immediate reset

Standard delayed inverse reset

The reset characteristic required in ANSI (IEEE) inverse-time modes is provided

by setting the Type of reset curve parameter to “Inverse reset”. In this mode, the
time delay for reset is given with the following formula using the coefficient D,
which has its values defined in the table below.

 
 
t [s ] =  ⋅k
  I 2 
   − 1
I > 
GUID-D324E98B-F672-4029-8322-054AE0E29CD3 V1 EN-US (Equation 36)

REX610 417
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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

t[s] Reset time (in seconds)

k Set Time multiplier
I Measured current
I> Set Start value

Table 450: Coefficients for ANSI delayed inverse reset curves

Curve name D
(1) ANSI Extremely Inverse 29.1
(2) ANSI Very Inverse 21.6
(3) ANSI Normal Inverse 0.46
(4) ANSI Moderately Inverse 4.85
(6) Long Time Extremely Inverse 30
(7) Long Time Very Inverse 13.46
(8) Long Time Inverse 4.6

The delayed inverse reset time depends also on the protection function's start
duration value START_DUR. The reset time on the drop-off moment can be
calculated by multiplying t[s] with START_DUR.

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GUID-0A2C54E4-4B5F-441E-AA0C-D17820F60B2A V1 EN-US

Figure 231: ANSI extremely inverse reset time characteristics

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GUID-D2D6DAE6-D9DC-424F-85E0-3000C87CDDC4 V1 EN-US

Figure 232: ANSI very inverse reset time characteristics

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GUID-E5D667DE-7C8C-4330-BDB4-9D806CC68A1C V1 EN-US

Figure 233: ANSI normal inverse reset time characteristics

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GUID-2F342F5A-D472-4DD9-82CD-9F4A924C54E1 V1 EN-US

Figure 234: ANSI moderately inverse reset time characteristics

422 REX610
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GUID-139D27EF-C9F0-4F1A-8EB3-B840276A0772 V1 EN-US

Figure 235: ANSI long-time extremely inverse reset time characteristics

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GUID-30E3462F-7323-4B4D-A662-706A0B34CBC8 V1 EN-US

Figure 236: ANSI long-time very inverse reset time characteristics

424 REX610
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GUID-E1F3ED69-11B9-427F-9121-2F555A77AB76 V1 EN-US

Figure 237: ANSI long-time inverse reset time characteristics

The delayed inverse-time reset is not available for IEC-type inverse

time curves.

User-programmable delayed inverse reset

REX610 425
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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

The user can define the delayed inverse reset time characteristics with the
following formula using the set Curve parameter D.

 
 
t [s ] =  ⋅k
  I 2 
   − 1
I > 
GUID-D324E98B-F672-4029-8322-054AE0E29CD3 V1 EN-US (Equation 37)

The delayed inverse reset time depends also on the protection function's start
duration value START_DUR. The reset time on the drop-off moment can be
calculated by multiplying t[s] with START_DUR.

t[s] Reset time (in seconds)

k Set Time multiplier
D Set Curve parameter D
I Measured current
I> Set Start value

10.2.3 Inverse-timer freezing

When the BLOCK input is active, the internal value of the time counter is frozen at
the value of the moment just before the freezing. Freezing of the counter value is
chosen when the user does not wish the counter value to count upwards or to be
reset. This may be the case, for example, when the inverse-time function of a
protection relay needs to be blocked to enable the definite-time operation of
another protection relay for selectivity reasons, especially if different relaying
techniques (old and modern relays) are applied.

The selected blocking mode is "Freeze timer".

The activation of the BLOCK input also lengthens the minimum

delay value of the timer.

Activating the BLOCK input alone does not affect the operation of the START
output. It still becomes active when the current exceeds the set Start value, and
inactive when the current falls below the set Start value and the set Reset delay
time has expired.

426 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

10.3 Voltage based inverse definite minimum time


10.3.1 IDMT curves for overvoltage protection

In inverse-time modes, the operate time depends on the momentary value of the
voltage, the higher the voltage, the faster the operate time. The operate time
calculation or integration starts immediately when the voltage exceeds the set value
of the Start value setting and the START output is activated.

The OPERATE output of the component is activated when the cumulative sum of
the integrator calculating the overvoltage situation exceeds the value set by the
inverse time mode. The set value depends on the selected curve type and the setting
values used. The user determines the curve scaling with the Time multiplier setting.

The Minimum operate time setting defines the minimum operate time for the IDMT
mode, that is, it is possible to limit the IDMT based operate time for not becoming
too short. For example:

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GUID-E1CDBC9B-06B7-493D-85D9-4E6D7ADE50CB V1 EN-US

Figure 238: Operate time curve based on IDMT characteristic with Minimum
operate time set to 0.5 second

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GUID-298EBB9E-51D4-473E-8641-5A1E0584C914 V1 EN-US

Figure 239: Operate time curve based on IDMT characteristic with Minimum
operate time set to 1 second Standard inverse-time characteristics for overvoltage protection

The operate times for the standard overvoltage IDMT curves are defined with the
coefficients A, B, C, D and E.

The inverse operate time can be calculated with the formula:

REX610 429
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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

t  s  = E
   U −U > 
B⋅ U > −C 
 
GUID-E6AA2249-97B9-410A-A2CC-BE990F393A58 V1 EN-US (Equation 38)

t [s] Operate time in seconds

U Measured voltage
U> Set value of Start value
k Set value of Time multiplier

Table 451: Curve coefficients for the standard overvoltage IDMT curves
Curve name A B C D E
(17) Inverse Curve 1 1 0 0 1
(18) Inverse Curve 480 32 0.5 0.035 2
(19) Inverse Curve 480 32 0.5 0.035 3

430 REX610
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GUID-C30842D4-F6BF-4A01-9B6D-4CED407CAAEC V1 EN-US

Figure 240: Inverse curve A characteristic of overvoltage protection

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GUID-2688A863-2164-4EB1-BC44-4E5CCB3BA44E V1 EN-US

Figure 241: Inverse curve B characteristic of overvoltage protection

432 REX610
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GUID-1EA9C2B6-D9DF-47BD-9E45-57E7CD644B92 V1 EN-US

Figure 242: Inverse curve C characteristic of overvoltage protection User programmable inverse-time characteristics for overvoltage


The user can define the curves by entering the parameters using the standard

REX610 433
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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

t  s  = E
   U −U > 
B⋅ U > −C 
 
GUID-E6AA2249-97B9-410A-A2CC-BE990F393A58 V1 EN-US (Equation 39)

t[s] Operate time in seconds

A Set value of Curve parameter A
B Set value of Curve parameter B
C Set value of Curve parameter C
D Set value of Curve parameter D
E Set value of Curve parameter E
U Measured voltage
U> Set value of Start value
k Set value of Time multiplier IDMT curve saturation of overvoltage protection

For the overvoltage IDMT mode of operation, the integration of the operate time
does not start until the voltage exceeds the value of Start value. To cope with
discontinuity characteristics of the curve, a specific parameter for saturating the
equation to a fixed value is created. The Curve Sat Relative setting is the parameter
and it is given in percents compared to Start value. For example, due to the curve
equation B and C, the characteristics equation output is saturated in such a way that
when the input voltages are in the range of Start value to Curve Sat Relative in
percent over Start value, the equation uses Start value * (1.0 + Curve Sat Relative /
100 ) for the measured voltage. Although, the curve A has no discontinuities when
the ratio U/U> exceeds the unity, Curve Sat Relative is also set for it. The Curve
Sat Relative setting for curves A, B and C is 2.0 percent. However, it should be
noted that the user must carefully calculate the curve characteristics concerning the
discontinuities in the curve when the programmable curve equation is used. Thus,
the Curve Sat Relative parameter gives another degree of freedom to move the
inverse curve on the voltage ratio axis and it effectively sets the maximum operate
time for the IDMT curve because for the voltage ratio values affecting by this
setting, the operation time is fixed, that is, the definite time, depending on the
parameters but no longer the voltage.

10.3.2 IDMT curves for undervoltage protection

In the inverse-time modes, the operate time depends on the momentary value of the
voltage, the lower the voltage, the faster the operate time. The operate time
calculation or integration starts immediately when the voltage goes below the set
value of the Start value setting and the START output is activated.

The OPERATE output of the component is activated when the cumulative sum of
the integrator calculating the undervoltage situation exceeds the value set by the

434 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

inverse-time mode. The set value depends on the selected curve type and the
setting values used. The user determines the curve scaling with the Time multiplier

The Minimum operate time setting defines the minimum operate time possible for
the IDMT mode. For setting a value for this parameter, the user should carefully
study the particular IDMT curve. Standard inverse-time characteristics for undervoltage protection

The operate times for the standard undervoltage IDMT curves are defined with the
coefficients A, B, C, D and E.

The inverse operate time can be calculated with the formula:

t  s  = E
   U < −U 
B⋅ U < −C 
 
GUID-0C319E46-5B93-4C24-8002-4104FFA6DF58 V1 EN-US (Equation 40)

t [s] Operate time in seconds

U Measured voltage
U< Set value of the Start value setting
k Set value of the Time multiplier setting

Table 452: Curve coefficients for standard undervoltage IDMT curves

Curve name A B C D E
(21) Inverse 1 1 0 0 1
Curve A
(22) Inverse 480 32 0.5 0.055 2
Curve B

REX610 435
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GUID-257AA2CD-7D10-44D7-98D3-F55C6EE3C4CE V1 EN-US

Figure 243: Inverse curve A characteristic of undervoltage protection

436 REX610
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GUID-30C7E4DB-A33B-4002-BF85-52D8E3A27478 V1 EN-US

Figure 244: Inverse curve B characteristic of undervoltage protection User-programmable inverse-time characteristics for undervoltage


The user can define curves by entering parameters into the standard formula:

REX610 437
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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

t  s  = E
   U < −U 
B⋅ U < −C 
 
GUID-0C319E46-5B93-4C24-8002-4104FFA6DF58 V1 EN-US (Equation 41)

t[s] Operate time in seconds

A Set value of Curve parameter A
B Set value of Curve parameter B
C Set value of Curve parameter C
D Set value of Curve parameter D
E Set value of Curve parameter E
U Measured voltage
U< Set value of Start value
k Set value of Time multiplier IDMT curve saturation of undervoltage protection

For the undervoltage IDMT mode of operation, the integration of the operate time
does not start until the voltage falls below the value of Start value. To cope with
discontinuity characteristics of the curve, a specific parameter for saturating the
equation to a fixed value is created. The Curve Sat Relative setting is the parameter
and it is given in percents compared with Start value. For example, due to the
curve equation B, the characteristics equation output is saturated in such a way that
when input voltages are in the range from Start value to Curve Sat Relative in
percents under Start value, the equation uses Start value * (1.0 - Curve Sat
Relative / 100 ) for the measured voltage. Although, the curve A has no
discontinuities when the ratio U/U> exceeds the unity, Curve Sat Relative is set for
it as well. The Curve Sat Relative setting for curves A, B and C is 2.0 percent.
However, it should be noted that the user must carefully calculate the curve
characteristics concerning also discontinuities in the curve when the programmable
curve equation is used. Thus, the Curve Sat Relative parameter gives another
degree of freedom to move the inverse curve on the voltage ratio axis and it
effectively sets the maximum operate time for the IDMT curve because for the
voltage ratio values affecting by this setting, the operation time is fixed, that is, the
definite time, depending on the parameters but no longer the voltage.

10.4 Measurement modes

In many current or voltage dependent function blocks, there are various alternative
measuring principles.

438 REX610
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General function block features

• DFT which is a numerically calculated fundamental component of the signal
• Peak-to-peak
• Peak-to-peak with peak backup
• Wide peak-to-peak

Consequently, the measurement mode can be selected according to the application.

In extreme cases, for example with high overcurrent or harmonic content, the
measurement modes function in a slightly different way. The operation accuracy is
defined with the frequency range of f/fn=0.95...1.05. In peak-to-peak and RMS
measurement modes, the harmonics of the phase currents are not suppressed,
whereas in the fundamental frequency measurement the suppression of harmonics
is at least -50 dB at the frequency range of f= n ⋅ fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5,...

The RMS measurement principle is selected with the Measurement mode setting
using the value "RMS". RMS consists of both AC and DC components. The AC
component is the effective mean value of the positive and negative peak values.
RMS is used in applications where the effect of the DC component must be taken
into account.

RMS is calculated according to the formula:

1 n 2
IRMS = ∑ Ii
n i =1
GUID-A6F37622-BA34-4AEC-9EC5-46D29218086A V1 EN-US (Equation 42)

n Number of samples in a calculation cycle

Ii Current sample value

The DFT measurement principle is selected with the Measurement mode setting
using the value "DFT". In the DFT mode, the fundamental frequency component of
the measured signal is numerically calculated from the samples. In some
applications, for example, it can be difficult to accomplish sufficiently sensitive
settings and accurate operation of the low stage, which may be due to a
considerable amount of harmonics on the primary side currents. In such a case, the
operation can be based solely on the fundamental frequency component of the
current. In addition, the DFT mode has slightly higher CT requirements than the
peak-to-peak mode, if used with high and instantaneous stages.

The peak-to-peak measurement principle is selected with the Measurement mode
setting using the value "Peak-to-Peak". It is the fastest measurement mode, in

REX610 439
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Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

which the measurement quantity is made by calculating the average from the
positive and negative peak values. The DC component is not included. The
retardation time is short. The damping of the harmonics is quite low and practically
determined by the characteristics of the anti-aliasing filter of the protection relay
inputs. Consequently, this mode is usually used in conjunction with high and
instantaneous stages, where the suppression of harmonics is not so important. In
addition, the peak-to-peak mode allows considerable CT saturation without
impairing the performance of the operation.

Peak-to-peak with peak backup

The peak-to-peak with peak backup measurement principle is selected with the
Measurement mode setting using the value "P-to-P+backup". It is similar to the
peak-to-peak mode, with the exception that it has been enhanced with the peak
backup. In the peak-to-peak with peak backup mode, the function starts with two
conditions: the peak-to-peak value is above the set start current or the peak value is
above two times the set Start value. The peak backup is enabled only when the
function is used in the DT mode in high and instantaneous stages for faster

Wide peak-to-peak
The wide peak-to-peak measurement principle is available in products where it is
necessary for overcurrent protection to operate already starting from as low
frequency as 2 Hz during the generator start-up or shutdown phase. The wide peak-
to-peak measurement principle is selected with the Measurement mode setting
"Wide P-to-P".

The measurement mode calculates the average from the positive and negative peak
values over the 500 ms wide measurement window. Retardation and reset times are
longer due to the length of the measurement window. The frequency of the fault
current affects the operate time. The damping of the harmonics is quite low and
practically determined by the characteristics of the anti-aliasing filter of the
protection relay current inputs.

When using measurement mode “Wide P-to-P”, the protection relay

accepts only Operate delay time setting value 800 ms or longer and
Operating curve type 5=”ANSI Def. Time” or 15=”IEC Def.
Time”. These settings should be used for all six setting groups. If
the settings are applied only in the active setting group, the
validation is not satisfied and the setting commit fails.

Operation accuracy in the frequency range 2...85 Hz is ±1.5% or ±0.003 xIn.

Operate time accuracy in definite time mode is ±1.0% of the set value or ±60 ms
when IFault = 2 ⋅ set Start value and the fault current frequency is 10...85 Hz.

440 REX610
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2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

10.5 Calculated measurements

Calculated residual current and voltage

The residual current is calculated from the phase currents according to equation:

Io = −(I A + I B + I C )
GUID-B3A734AA-7F26-4138-834A-25E953C023C7 V1 EN-US (Equation 43)

The residual voltage is calculated from the phase-to-earth voltages when the VT
connection is selected as “Wye” with the equation:

(U A + U B + U C )
Uo =
GUID-B5044391-5640-486C-9E19-C9E38CC58141 V1 EN-US (Equation 44)

Sequence components
The phase-sequence current components are calculated from the phase currents
according to:

(I A + I B + I C )
I0 =
GUID-51DED510-5231-44D0-B206-B1591806283C V1 EN-US (Equation 45)

(I A + a ⋅ I B + a 2 ⋅ I C )
I1 =
GUID-4842AC14-E54E-4AA8-9EA7-146FFEE190F8 V1 EN-US (Equation 46)

(I A + a 2 ⋅ I B + a ⋅ I C )
I2 =
GUID-8A3C19EB-FC98-4EB7-9A94-0F226ECD9D16 V1 EN-US (Equation 47)

The phase-sequence voltage components are calculated from the phase-to-earth

voltages when VT connection is selected as “Wye” with the equations:

(U A + U B + U C )
U0 =
GUID-CD2C77B5-AEC3-42DF-8A63-30339D983CA0 V1 EN-US (Equation 48)

(U A + a ⋅ U B + a 2 ⋅ U C )
U1 =
GUID-A0763AF9-653A-453A-B4DD-9C0D75B5252C V1 EN-US (Equation 49)

(U A + a 2 ⋅ U B + a ⋅ U C )
U2 =
GUID-679FC475-BEA4-455E-A6D5-46402DD2EA38 V1 EN-US (Equation 50)

When VT connection is selected as “Delta”, the positive and negative phase

sequence voltage components are calculated from the phase-to-phase voltages
according to the equations:

REX610 441
Technical Manual
Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

(U AB − a 2 ⋅ U BC )
U1 =
GUID-00C7A68A-CEF3-4B12-ACF8-518DE0362568 V1 EN-US (Equation 51)

(U AB − a ⋅ U BC )
U2 =
GUID-836FAB37-02DB-42EB-912B-D0C1D5DE71B9 V1 EN-US (Equation 52)

The phase-to-earth voltages are calculated from the phase-to-phase voltages when
VT connection is selected as "Delta" according to the equations.

U A = U0 +
(U AB − U CA )
GUID-163E01F5-56E7-4CCE-8CD4-683F1CB40407 V1 EN-US (Equation 53)

UB = U0 +
(U BC − U AB )
GUID-3DBCF698-3A07-47C0-A59B-9C7F13C0816E V1 EN-US (Equation 54)

UC = U 0 +
(U CA − U BC )
GUID-BF0796BF-D482-4BEA-9502-1B1CB4FDBBD0 V1 EN-US (Equation 55)

If the U 0 channel is not valid, it is assumed to be zero.

The phase-to-phase voltages are calculated from the phase-to-earth voltages when
VT connection is selected as "Wye" according to the equations.

U AB = U A − U B
GUID-06C64681-ED1D-4DC7-9699-6B26C1EC5B33 V1 EN-US (Equation 56)

U BC = U B − U C
GUID-A7E57E20-0C72-498C-8634-B10973F70C45 V1 EN-US (Equation 57)

U CA = U C − U A
GUID-7AB46726-D856-4F79-9CC0-3E81305F6B0B V1 EN-US (Equation 58)

10.6 Test mode

10.6.1 Functionality
The mode of all the logical nodes in the relay's IEC 61850 data model can be set
with Test mode. Test mode activation method can be changed via parameter Main
menu/Tests/IED test in the LHMI. Local/Remote control must be set to "Local" to
change Test mode via LHMI.

Test mode is also available via IEC 61850 communication. Local/Remote control
must be set to "Remote" to change Test mode using IEC 61850.

442 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

See the CONTROL function block for more details.

Table 453: Test mode

Test mode Description Protection Protection
Normal mode Normal operation FALSE FALSE
IED blocked Protection works as in “Normal mode” TRUE FALSE
but the ACT configuration can be used
to block physical outputs to process.
Control function commands are
IED test Protection works as in “Normal mode” FALSE TRUE
but protection functions work in
parallel with test parameters
IED test and Protection works as in “Normal mode” TRUE TRUE
blocked but protection functions work in
parallel with the test parameter. The
ACT configuration can be used to
block physical outputs to process. The
control function command is blocked.

See the PROTECTION function block for more details.

The behavior data objects in all logical nodes follow

LD0.LLN0.Mod value. If "Normal mode" is selected, the behavior
data objects follow the mode (.Mod) data object of the
corresponding logical device.

Vertical and horizontal communication is not blocked by the “IED

blocked” or “IED test and blocked” modes.

10.6.2 Application configuration and Test mode

The physical outputs from control commands to process are blocked with ”IED
blocked” and “IED test and blocked” modes. If physical outputs need to be blocked
from the protection, the application configuration must be used to block these
signals. The blocking scheme needs to use BEH_BLK output of PROTECTION
function block.

REX610 443
Technical Manual
Section 10 2NGA000825 B
General function block features

10.6.3 Control mode

The mode of all logical nodes located under CTRL logical device can be set with
Control mode. The Control mode parameter is available via the LHMI or PCM600
path Configuration/Control/General. Control mode can be set locally through
LHMI if the Local/Remote Control is set to "Local". Control mode inherits its
value from Test mode but Control mode values "On", "Blocked" and "Off" can also
be set independently. Control mode is also available via IEC 61850 communication
Table 454: Control mode
Control mode Description Control BEH_BLK
On Normal operation FALSE
Blocked Control function commands blocked TRUE
Off Control functions disabled FALSE

See function block Control for more details.

The behavior data objects under CTRL logical device follow

CTRL.LLN0.Mod value. If "On" is selected, the behavior data
objects follow the mode of the corresponding logical device.

10.6.4 Application configuration and Control mode

The physical outputs from commands to process are blocked with “Blocked“ mode.
If physical outputs need to be blocked totally, meaning also commands from the
binary inputs, the application configuration must be used to block these signals.
The blocking scheme uses BEH_BLK output of CONTROL function block.

10.6.5 Authorization
Test mode and Control mode can be changed from the LHMI if the Local/Remote
Control is set to "Local". It is possible to write test mode by remote client if it is
needed in configuration and if Local/Remote control is set to "Remote". Local and
remote control can be selected via setting or via CONTROL function block in
application configuration.

444 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 10
General function block features

10.6.6 LHMI indications

The Ready LED flashes green indicating that one of the test mode options, "IED
Test" or "IED test and blocked", is activated. If the test mode option "IED
Blocked" is activated, the Start LED flashes red.

REX610 445
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 11
Requirements for measurement transformers

Section 11 Requirements for measurement


11.1 Current transformers

11.1.1 Current transformer requirements for overcurrent protection

For reliable and correct operation of the overcurrent protection, the CT has to be
chosen carefully. The distortion of the secondary current of a saturated CT may
endanger the operation, selectivity, and co-ordination of protection. However,
when the CT is correctly selected, a fast and reliable short circuit protection can be

The selection of a CT depends not only on the CT specifications but also on the
network fault current magnitude, desired protection objectives, and the actual CT
burden. The protection settings of the protection relay should be defined in
accordance with the CT performance as well as other factors. Current transformer accuracy class and accuracy limit factor

The rated accuracy limit factor (Fn) is the ratio of the rated accuracy limit primary
current to the rated primary current. For example, a protective current transformer
of type 5P10 has the accuracy class 5P and the accuracy limit factor 10. For
protective current transformers, the accuracy class is designed by the highest
permissible percentage composite error at the rated accuracy limit primary current
prescribed for the accuracy class concerned, followed by the letter "P" (meaning
Table 455: Limits of errors according to IEC 60044-1 for protective current transformers
Accuracy class Current error at Phase displacement at rated primary Composite error at
rated primary current rated accuracy limit
current (%) minutes centiradians primary current (%)
5P ±1 ±60 ±1.8 5
10P ±3 - - 10

The accuracy classes 5P and 10P are both suitable for non-directional overcurrent
protection. The 5P class provides a better accuracy. This should be noted also if
there are accuracy requirements for the metering functions (current metering,
power metering, and so on) of the protection relay.

REX610 447
Technical Manual
Section 11 2NGA000825 B
Requirements for measurement transformers

The CT accuracy primary limit current describes the highest fault current
magnitude at which the CT fulfils the specified accuracy. Beyond this level, the
secondary current of the CT is distorted and it might have severe effects on the
performance of the protection relay.

In practise, the actual accuracy limit factor (Fa) differs from the rated accuracy
limit factor (Fn) and is proportional to the ratio of the rated CT burden and the
actual CT burden.

The actual accuracy limit factor is calculated using the formula:

Sin + Sn
Fa ≈ Fn ⋅
Sin + S
GUID-8017F570-15DB-46C6-BA37-DE5CE7EC6C6C V1 EN-US (Equation 59)

Fn the accuracy limit factor with the nominal external burden Sn

Sin the internal secondary burden of the CT

S the actual external burden Non-directional overcurrent protection

Current transformer selection

Non-directional overcurrent protection does not set high requirements on the
accuracy class or on the actual accuracy limit factor (Fa) of the CTs. It is, however,
recommended to select a CT with Fa of at least 20.

The nominal primary current I1n should be chosen in such a way that the thermal
and dynamic strength of the current measuring input of the protection relay is not
exceeded. This is always fulfilled when

I1n > Ikmax / 100,

Ikmax is the highest fault current.

The saturation of the CT protects the measuring circuit and the current input of the
protection relay. For that reason, in practice, even a few times smaller nominal
primary current can be used than given by the formula.

Recommended start current settings

If Ikmin is the lowest primary current at which the highest set overcurrent stage is to
operate, the start current should be set using the formula:

Current start value < 0.7 × (Ikmin / I1n)

I1n is the nominal primary current of the CT.

448 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 11
Requirements for measurement transformers

The factor 0.7 takes into account the protection relay inaccuracy, current
transformer errors, and imperfections of the short circuit calculations.

The adequate performance of the CT should be checked when the setting of the
high set stage overcurrent protection is defined. The operate time delay caused by
the CT saturation is typically small enough when the overcurrent setting is
noticeably lower than Fa.

When defining the setting values for the low set stages, the saturation of the CT
does not need to be taken into account and the start current setting is simply
according to the formula.

Delay in operation caused by saturation of current transformers

The saturation of CT may cause a delayed protection relay operation. To ensure the
time selectivity, the delay must be taken into account when setting the operate
times of successive protection relays.

With definite time mode of operation, the saturation of CT may cause a delay that
is as long as the time constant of the DC component of the fault current, when the
current is only slightly higher than the starting current. This depends on the
accuracy limit factor of the CT, on the remanence flux of the core of the CT, and
on the operate time setting.

With inverse time mode of operation, the delay should always be considered as
being as long as the time constant of the DC component.

With inverse time mode of operation and when the high-set stages are not used, the
AC component of the fault current should not saturate the CT less than 20 times the
starting current. Otherwise, the inverse operation time can be further prolonged.
Therefore, the accuracy limit factor Fa should be chosen using the formula:

Fa > 20 ⋅ Current start value / I1n

The Current start value is the primary start current setting of the protection relay. Example for non-directional overcurrent protection

The following figure describes a typical medium voltage feeder. The protection is
implemented as three-stage definite time non-directional overcurrent protection.

REX610 449
Technical Manual
Section 11 2NGA000825 B
Requirements for measurement transformers

3I> 1200A 2.00 xIn

0.75s 0.75s
3I>> 1800A 3.00 xIn
0.50s 0.50s
3I>>> 3500A 5.83 xIn
0.20s 0.20s
600/1A 3
10 VA

In = 500 A

GUID-64387AEF-561F-4828-9388-AC581F76ABEB V1 EN-US

Figure 245: Example of three-stage overcurrent protection

The maximum three-phase fault current is 41.7 kA and the minimum three-phase
short circuit current is 22.8 kA. The actual accuracy limit factor of the CT is
calculated to be 59.

The start current setting for low-set stage (3I>) is selected to be about twice the
nominal current of the cable. The operate time is selected so that it is selective with
the next protection relay (not visible in Figure 245). The settings for the high-set
stage and instantaneous stage are defined also so that grading is ensured with the
downstream protection. In addition, the start current settings have to be defined so
that the protection relay operates with the minimum fault current and it does not
operate with the maximum load current. The settings for all three stages are as in
Figure 245.

For the application point of view, the suitable setting for instantaneous stage (I>>>)
in this example is 3 500 A (5.83 × In). In is the 1.2 multiple with nominal primary
current of the CT. For the CT characteristics point of view, the criteria given by the
current transformer selection formula is fulfilled and also the protection relay
setting is considerably below the Fa. In this application, the CT rated burden could
have been selected much lower than 10 VA for economical reasons.

450 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 12
Protection relay's physical connections

Section 12 Protection relay's physical connections

12.1 Module diagrams


1 1/5 A


2 N

3 1/5 A


4 N

5 1/5 A


6 N

7 1/5 A


8 N

GUID-A14D08B9-E96F-41BA-A8BB-2F0AA0F09D5F V1 EN-US

Figure 246: AIC2001/AIC2002 card

REX610 451
Technical Manual
Section 12 2NGA000825 B
Protection relay's physical connections


1 250 Vac

2 N
3 250 Vac

4 N

5 250 Vac

6 N
7 250 Vac

8 N

GUID-1ECB58F0-5DA1-4BB8-86A9-711DA91DB3DC V1 EN-US

Figure 247: AIU2001 card

452 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 12
Protection relay's physical connections

B DIO2001

1 BI1
3 BI2

4 BI3
6 BI4

7 BI5
9 BI6


21 CSO2


GUID-5915733A-F036-44F1-803B-63096B5664AD V1 EN-US

Figure 248: DIO2001 card

REX610 453
Technical Manual
Section 12 2NGA000825 B
Protection relay's physical connections

4 Func�onal earth

7 (Trip)

12 (Trip)

GUID-DD1E7547-C3D4-4F48-BD89-7DED17395353 V1 EN-US

Figure 249: PSU2001 card

454 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 13
Technical data

Section 13 Technical data

Table 456: Dimensions

Description Value
Width Frame 149.5 mm (5.8858 in)
Case 127.5 mm (5.0196 in)
Height Frame 159.5 mm (6.2795 in)
Case 155.5 mm (6.1220 in)
Depth 202.8 mm (163.6 mm + 39.2
mm) (7.9842 in)
Weight Protection relay with the four 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs)
separate connectors

Table 457: Power supply

Description Value
Nominal auxiliary voltage Un 24...250 (V DC)
48...240 (V AC)

Maximum interruption time in the auxiliary DC 50 ms at Un

voltage without resetting the relay
Auxiliary voltage variation 85...110% (AC)
80...120% (DC)
Start-up threshold Un (minimum)

Burden of auxiliary voltage supply under 9 W (Pq)

quiescent (Pq)/operating condition 19 W/40 VA (Pmax)

Ripple in the DC auxiliary voltage <15%

Fuse type 4A 250 (V AC) fast (+UL DC rated)

REX610 455
Technical Manual
Section 13 2NGA000825 B
Technical data

Table 458: Energizing inputs

Description Value
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Current inputs Rated current, In 1A 5A

Thermal withstand:
• Continuous 4A 20 A

• For 1 s 100 A 500 A

Dynamic current
• Half sine wave 250 A 1250 A

Input impedance <100 mΩ <20 mΩ

Voltage inputs Rated voltage 57...250 (V AC)

Voltage withstand:
• Continuous 500 (V AC)

• For 10 s 750 (V AC)

Burden at rated <0.5 VA


Table 459: Binary inputs

Description Value
Operating range 24...250 (V DC)
48...240 (V AC)

Rated voltage 80...120% (DC)

85...110% (AC)
Current drain Typically 1.6...1.9 mA
<2.5 mA
Power consumption <0.5 W
Threshold voltage, pick-up Programmable
18...176 (V DC)
38...168 (V AC)

Threshold voltage, drop-off Programmable

16...176 (V DC)
34...168 (V AC)

Reaction time <6 ms1)

Burden <0.5 W / 2 VA

1) REX610 cycle time is 5 ms

Adjust the binary input threshold voltage correctly. It is

recommended to set the threshold voltage to 70% of the nominal
auxiliary voltage. The factory default is 18 V to ensure the binary
inputs’ operation regardless of the auxiliary voltage used (24, 48,

456 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 13
Technical data

60, 110, 125, 220 or 250 V DC). However, the default value is not
optimal for the higher auxiliary voltages. The binary input threshold
voltage should be set as high as possible to prevent any inadvertent
activation of the binary inputs due to possible external disturbances.
At the same time, the threshold should be set so that the correct
operation is not jeopardized in case of undervoltage of the auxiliary

Table 460: Signal output relays (SO1)

Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry current 5A
Mechanical endurance Unloaded operation 10000 cycles
Electrical endurance Closing operations 1000 cycles
Opening operations 1000 cycles
Making limits Limiting making capacity 300 W at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
(inductive) p.f. = 0.4 for AC
Make and carry (resistive) for 15 A (3 s On, 15 Off)
3.0 s
Make and carry (resistive) for 30 A (0.5 s On, 15 s Off)
0.5 s
Breaking limits Limiting breaking capacity ≤48 1 A at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
V p.f. = 0.4 for AC
Limiting breaking capacity 110 0.25 A at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
V p.f. = 0.4 for AC
Limiting breaking capacity 220 0.15 A at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
V p.f. = 0.4 for AC
Minimum contact load 100 mA

Table 461: IRF and signaling outputs other than SO1

Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry current 5A
Mechanical endurance Unloaded operation 10000 cycles
Electrical endurance Closing operations 1000 cycles
Opening operations 1000 cycles
Making limits Limiting making capacity 300 W at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
(inductive) p.f. = 0.4 for AC
Make and carry (resistive) for 10 A (3 s On, 15 Off)
3.0 s
Make and carry (resistive) for 15 A (0.5 s On, 15 s Off)
0.5 s
Table continues on next page

REX610 457
Technical Manual
Section 13 2NGA000825 B
Technical data

Description Value
Breaking limits Limiting breaking capacity ≤48 1 A at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
V p.f. = 0.4 for AC
Limiting breaking capacity 110 0.25 A at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
V p.f. = 0.4 for AC
Limiting breaking capacity 220 0.15 A at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
V p.f. = 0.4 for AC
Minimum contact load 10 mA

Table 462: Tripping output relays (Double-pole power output relays with TCS function)
Description Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC/DC
Continuous contact carry current 8A
Mechanical endurance Unloaded operation 10000 cycles
Electrical endurance Closing operations 1000 cycles
Opening operations 1000 cycles
Making limits Limiting making capacity 1000 W at L/R = 40 ms for DC
(inductive) or p.f. = 0.4 for AC
Make and carry (resistive) for 15 A (3 s On, 15 Off)
3.0 s
Make and carry (resistive) for 30 A (0.5 s On, 15 s Off)
0.5 s
Breaking limits Limiting breaking capacity ≤48 5 A at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
V (inductive), two contacts p.f. = 0.4 for AC
connected in series
Limiting breaking capacity 110 3 A at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
V (inductive), two contacts p.f. = 0.4 for AC
connected in series
Limiting breaking capacity 220 1 A at L/R = 40 ms for DC or
V (inductive), two contacts p.f. = 0.4 for AC
connected in series
Minimum contact load 100 mA

Table 463: Serial interface

Type Location Connector
RS-485 Rear 1=B, 2=A, 3=GND,
4=capacitive shield

Table 464: USB interface, HMI

Type Location Connector Rate
USB, type B Front USB 1.x / USB 2.0 240 Mbits/s (max.)

458 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 13
Technical data

Table 465: Ethernet interface

Cable Protocol Location Rate
Standard Ethernet TCP/IP Rear 100 Mbits/s
CAT 5 STP cable with
RJ-45 connector

Table 466: Degree of protection of the protection relay

Description Value
Front side IP 54
Left and right side IP 20
Top and bottom IP 20

Case inside1) IP 20

1) Plug-in unit removed

Table 467: Environmental conditions

Description Value
Operating temperature range -40...+70ºC
Short-time service temperature range -40...+85ºC
Relative humidity 5...95% (EN60255)
Atmospheric pressure 86...106 kPa (test reference/EN60255)
Altitude <2000 m (EN60255)
Transport and storage temperature range -40...+85ºC

REX610 459
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 14
Protection relay and functionality tests

Section 14 Protection relay and functionality tests

Table 468: Electromagnetic compatibility tests

Description Type test value Reference
1 MHz/100 kHz burst IEC 61000-4-18
disturbance test IEC 60255-26, class III
IEEE C37.90.1-2012
• Common mode
2.5 kV

• Differential mode
2.5 kV

3 MHz, 10 MHz and 30 MHz IEC 61000-4-18

burst disturbance test
• Common mode 2.5 kV

Electrostatic discharge test IEC 61000-4-2

IEC 60255-26
IEEE C37.90.3-2001
• Contact discharge
8 kV

• Air discharge
15 kV

Radio frequency interference

• Conducted RF 10 V (rms) IEC 61000-4-6
f = 150 kHz...80 MHz IEC 60255-26, class III
• Radiated RF 10 V/m (rms) IEC 61000-4-3
f = 80...2700 MHz IEC 60255-26, class III
20 V/m ENV 50204
f = 900 MHz
20 V/m (rms) IEEE C37.90.2-2004
f = 80...1000 MHz
Fast transient disturbance test IEC 61000-4-4
IEC 60255-26
IEEE C37.90.1-2002
• Communication 2 kV

• Other ports 4 kV

Surge immunity test IEC 61000-4-5

IEC 60255-26
• Communication 4 kV, line-to-earth

• Other ports 4 kV, line-to-earth

2 kV, line-to-line
Power frequency (50 Hz) IEC 61000-4-8
magnetic field immunity test
Table continues on next page

REX610 461
Technical Manual
Section 14 2NGA000825 B
Protection relay and functionality tests

Description Type test value Reference

• Continuous
300 A/m
• 1...3 s
1000 A/m

Pulse magnetic field immunity 1000 A/m IEC 61000-4-9

test 6.4/16 µs
Damped oscillatory magnetic IEC 61000-4-10
field immunity test
• Continuous and 2 s Current oscillation frequency:
100 kHz and 1 MHz
Current rise time: 75 ns
Repetition frequency: 40 Hz
(100 Hz) and 400 Hz (1 MHz)
Polarity of first half period:
Positive and Negative
Voltage dips and short 30%/10 ms IEC 61000-4-11
interruptions 60%/100 ms
60%/1000 ms
>95%/5000 ms
Power frequency immunity test Binary inputs only IEC 61000-4-16
IEC 60255-26, class A
• Common mode 300 V rms

• Differential mode 150 V rms

Emission tests EN 55011, class A

IEC 60255-26
• Conducted

0.15...0.50 MHz <79 dB (µV) quasi peak

<66 dB (µV) average
0.5...30 MHz <73 dB (µV) quasi peak
<60 dB (µV) average
• Radiated

30...230 MHz <40 dB (µV/m) quasi peak,

measured at 10 m distance
230...1000 MHz <47 dB (µV/m) quasi peak,
measured at 10 m distance
1…3 GHz <76 dB (µV/m) peak
<56 dB (µV/m) average,
measured at 3 m distance
3…6 GHz <80 dB (µV/m) peak
<60 dB (µV/m) average,
measured at 3 m distance

462 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 14
Protection relay and functionality tests

Table 469: Safety-related tests

Description Type test result Reference
Overvoltage category III IEC 60255-27
Pollution degree 3 IEC 60255-27
Insulation class Class I IEC 60255-27
Dielectric tests 2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min IEC 60255-27
500 V, 50 Hz, 1 min, IEEE C37.90-2005
Impulse voltage test 5 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 J IEC 60255-27
1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 J, IEEE C37.90-2005
Insulation resistance >100 MΩ, 500 V DC IEC 60255-27
Maximum temperature of parts Tested IEC 60255-27
and materials
Flammability of insulating OK IEC 60255-1
materials, components and fire IEC 60255-27
Single-fault condition OK IEC 60255-1
IEC 60255-27

Table 470: Mechanical tests

Description Type test result Reference
Vibration tests (sinusoidal) Class 1 IEC 60068-2-6 (test Fc)
IEC 60255-21-1
Shock and bump test Class 1 IEC 60068-2-27 (test Ea shock)
IEC 60068-2-29 (test Eb bump)
IEC 60255-21-2
Seismic test Class 2 IEC 60255-21-3
Drop test OK IEC 60068-2-31
Mechanical durability test OK IEEE C37.90-2005

• 200 withdrawals and

insertions of the plug-in

REX610 463
Technical Manual
Section 14 2NGA000825 B
Protection relay and functionality tests

Table 471: Environmental tests

Description Type test value Reference
Dry heat test • 96 h at +70°C IEC 60068-2-2
• 16 h at +85°C1) IEC60255-1
IEEE C37.90-2005
Dry cold test • 96 h at -40°C IEC 60068-2-1
• 16 h at -40°C IEC60255-1
IEEE C37.90-2005
Damped heat cyclic test • 6 cycles (12 h + 12 h) at IEC 60068-2-30
+25…+55°C, humidity IEC60255-1

Change of temperature test • 6 cycles (3 h + 3 h) IEC 60068-2-14

at -40...+70°C IEC60255-1

Storage test • 96 h at -40°C IEC 60068-2-1

• 96 h at +85°C IEC 60068-2-2
IEEE C37.90-2005
Damp heat steady state test 10 days at +40°C, 93% RH IEC 60068-2-78
Air quality test H2S - 10 ppb IEC 60068-2-60
NO2 - 200 ppb
CL2 - 10 ppb
SO2 - 200 ppb
Temperature - 25°C
Relative humidity - 75%
Duration - 21 days

1) For relays with an LC communication interface, the maximum operating temperature is +70°C.

Table 472: Product safety

Description Reference
LV directive EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
RoHS Directive 2015/863/EU
Standard EN 60255-27 (2014)
EN 60255-1 (2009)

Table 473: EMC compliance

Description Reference
EMC directive 2014/30/EU
Standard EN 60255-26 (2013)

Table 474: RoHS compliance

Complies with RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU and the amended EU Directive 2015/863/EU

464 REX610
Technical Manual
2NGA000825 B Section 15
Applicable standards and regulations

Section 15 Applicable standards and regulations

EN 60255-1
EN 60255-26
EN 60255-27
EMC council directive 2004/108/EC
EU directive 2002/96/EC/175
IEC 60255
Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC
IEC 61850
BS EN 60255-26: 2013
BS EN 61000-6-2: 2005
BS EN 61000-6-4: 2019
BS EN 60255-1: 2010
BS EN 60255-27: 2014

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2NGA000825 B Section 16

Section 16 Glossary

ACT 1. Application Configuration tool in PCM600

2. Trip status in IEC 61850
CAT 5 A twisted pair cable type designed for high signal
CBB Cycle building block
COMTRADE Common format for transient data exchange for
power systems. Defined by the IEEE Standard.
CT Current transformer
DFT Discrete Fourier transform
DT Definite time
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
Ethernet A standard for connecting a family of frame-based
computer networking technologies into a LAN
FIFO First in, first out
FTP File transfer protocol
GOOSE Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event
HMI Human-machine interface
IDMT Inverse definite minimum time
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 61850 International standard for substation communication
and modeling
IEC 61850-8-1 A communication protocol based on the IEC 61850
standard series
IED Intelligent electronic device
IEEE 1686 Standard for Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices'
(IEDs') Cyber Security Capabilities
IRF 1. Internal fault
2. Internal relay fault
LCD Liquid crystal display
LED Light-emitting diode
LHMI Local human-machine interface

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Section 16 2NGA000825 B

MCB Miniature circuit breaker

Modbus A serial communication protocol developed by the
Modicon company in 1979. Originally used for
communication in PLCs and RTU devices.
MV Medium voltage
NC Normally closed
PCM600 Protection and Control IED Manager
Peak-to-peak 1. The amplitude of a waveform between its
maximum positive value and its maximum negative
2. A measurement principle where the measurement
quantity is made by calculating the average from the
positive and negative peak values without including
the DC component. The peak-to-peak mode allows
considerable CT saturation without impairing the
performance of the operation.
Peak-to-peak with A measurement principle similar to the peak-to-peak
peak backup mode but with the function starting on two conditions:
the peak-to-peak value is above the set start current
or the peak value is above two times the set start
PSU Power supply unit
RCA Also known as MTA or base angle. Characteristic
RJ-45 Galvanic connector type
RMS Root-mean-square (value)
RS-485 Serial link according to EIA standard RS485
RTC Real-time clock
SBO Select-before-operate
SCADA Supervision, control and data acquisition
SI Sensor input
SMT Signal Matrix tool in PCM600
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
SO Signal output
SOTF Switch onto fault
STP Shielded twisted-pair
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCS Trip-circuit supervision
UART Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter

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2NGA000825 B Section 16

USB Universal serial bus

UTC Coordinated universal time
VT Voltage transformer

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Technical Manual

ABB Distribution Solutions
P.O. Box 699
FI-65101 VAASA, Finland
Phone +358 10 22 11
2NGA000825 B

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