If Yes To Any Question, Go To STEP 2: Table 2

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Nutritional Risk Screening 2002

Table 2

Step-1 Initial Screening

Question Yes No
Is BMI < 20.5? ✓
Has the patient lost weight within the last three months? ✓
Did the patient have a reduced dietary intake in the last ✓
Is the patient severely ill (e.g intensive theraphy)? ✓
__ Current Status: No Nutritional risk
If yes to any question, go to STEP 2

STEP 2-Final Screening

Nutritional Status Indicators (choose one only) Score Place score

if YES
Normal Nutritional Status 0 0
Weight loss >5% in 3 months/ or food intakes below 50-75% 0 1
of normal requirement in preceding week
Weight loss > 5% in 2 months / or BMI 18.5-20.5 + impaired 2 0
general condition / or food intake 25-60% or normal
requirement in preceding week
Weight loss > 5% in one month (or > 15% in 3 months) / or 3 0
BMI < 18.5 + impaired general condition / or food intake 0-
25% of normal in preceding week
Clinical condition (may choose than one)
Hip fracture chronic patients, in particular with acute 1 1
complications; cirrhosis, COPD, chronic hemodialysis,
diabetes, oncology
Major abdominal surgery, stroke, severe pneumonia, 2 2
hematologic malignancy
Head injury, bone marror transplantation, intensive care 3 3
patients (APACHE >10)
Total Score ≥ 3: The patient is nutritionally at risk and nutritional care plan is initiated
□ Total score <3: Weekly rescreening of the patient/ if the patient is scheduled for major
operation a preventive care plan is considered to avoid aasociated risk status
Table 3 Assessment nutritional status of Patient Herman
Name: Herman Room: 312
Surname: Cramer Date Admitted: October 23, 2019
Middle: Rivera Age: 65 y/o
Attending MD: Dr. Santos Sex: Male

HT MTR: 5’5 WT KG: 47kg BMI: 17.2kg/ OB UW IBW 59kg

Diagnosis: PTB ST4, Asthma, Secondary Bronchitis, Anemia


Weight loss None 10% of usual weight >10 of usual weight
Food intake (last 1- No change Suboptimal Starvation
Gastro Symptoms None Nausea, Vomiting Anorexia, diarrhea
>2 weeks
Functional capacity No change Dysfunction: < 3wks Bedridden > 2wks
Bedridden <2 wks
Disease and relation No or low stress Moderate Stress
Severe Stress
to nutritional req.
Physical Subcutaneous fat and /or Subcutaneous fat and Subcutaneous fat and /or
Examination muscle loss 0 /or muscle loss +1 or +2 muscle loss
Edema/Ascites None None +1 or +2
SGA Grade 0 B1 C3
BMI 18.5-25.0 25.1-30.1 <18.5 or > 30.2
Albumin g/dL >3.4 2.5-3.41 <2.52
TLC >15000 900-1500 <9002
Total Score NUTRITION 0 Low risk 1-2 Moderate Risk (level >3 High Risk(level 3)
RISK (level 1) 2)
Nutritional Status Normal Moderate Malnutrition Severe Malnutrition
Risk level 1 or 2, would you like to refer your patient to the nut. support team for follow up?
Risk level 3: Req. to be followed up by the Nut. Support Team

Dr. Santos Name of Attending MD

October 23, 2019 Date Signed

Assessment performed by(Name & Signature): Chelo Jan Geronimo

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