Inquiries Midterm Exam

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San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Midterm Exam

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: _________________

I. Multiple Choice (x2)

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a written summary of published research studies and relevant works about particular
subject matter that is related to the researcher’s main topic.
a. Definition of terms c. Research design
b. Research topic d. Review of Related Literature
2. These are written by graduate students.
a. Periodicals c. Thesis
B. Scholarly journals d. Book
3. Documents published by the national government, local government units, government
agencies, and international agencies.
a. Books c. Government documents
B. Periodicals d. Thesis
4. The goal of the researcher is to explore a new topic or problem because no one has
researched or written something about it.
a. Descriptive research c. Explanatory research
B. Exploratory research d. Research design
5. The goal of the researcher is to provide a picture of the concepts or ideas about a topic or
a. Descriptive research c. Explanatory research
B. Exploratory research d. Research design
6. This research aims to explain the reasons and causes of a problem issue.
a. Descriptive research c. Explanatory research
b. Exploratory research d. Research design
7. It provides a numerical description of trends, attitudes or opinions of a population by
studying a sample population.
a. Experimental research c. Content analysis research
b. Survey research d. Quantitative research
8. In this method, the researcher does something to one group and none to another group and
then examines the differences between the outcomes.
a. Experimental research c. Content analysis research
b. Survey research d. Quantitative research
9. It is a technique for gathering and analyzing the content of a text.
a. Experimental research c. Content analysis research
b. Survey research d. Quantitative research
10. It is also called ethnography or participant-observation research.
a. Field research c. Survey research
B. Case study d. Historical research
11. It is a strategy or research method in which the researcher conducts an up-close o in depth
study of an individual, an organization, a behavioral condition, an event, or a
contemporary phenomenon in its social context.
a. Field research c. Survey research
B. Case study d. Historical research
12. It refers to the reconstruction and recreation of the past through the use of primary and
secondary sources.
a. Field research c. Survey research
b. Case study d. Historical research
13. It is a type of bar chart where the categories are in the form of range of numbers.
a. Pictogram c. Histogram
B. Line graph d. Pie Chart
14. It looks like a circle of a pie that has been cut into segments.
a. Pictogram c. Histogram
b. Line graph d. Pie Chart
15. It is used to show dependent data and the development of trends over time.
a. Pictogram c. Histogram
b. Line graph d. Pie Chart

II. Essay (5 pts. each)

Answer the following questions briefly and correctly.
1. Why is it important to conduct a review of related literature?

2. Why do you consider survey as the most appropriate data collection method for the study?

3. Differentiate open-ended and close ended question.

4. Differentiate qualitative research and quantitative research.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

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