The Effect of The Time Management Skills of Students Taking A Financial Accounting Course On Their Course Grades and Grade Point Averages

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International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 4 No.

5; May 2013

The Effect of the Time Management Skills of Students Taking a Financial Accounting
Course on their Course Grades and Grade Point Averages

Abdülkadir PEHLİVAN
Assistant Professor
Karadeniz Technical University
Department of Business Administration
Trabzon 61080, Turkey

Time is a vital resource everyone possesses equally but fails to utilize at the same level due to a variety of
reasons. All the material and human resources possessed by organizations can be enhanced in the course of time
or be transformed as time goes on; yet the only asset that cannot be changed or purchased or stored is “time”
itself. Driven by this fact, particular emphasis has been paid in the modern education system to time management
issues by evaluating students’ attitudes and behaviors related to time and its management. Based on the necessity
of effective time management required from students majoring in financial accounting during their academic and
professional life, field research has been conducted in the present paper towards the aim of designating their
position with respect to effective time management and determining the effect of their time management skills on
their GPA and course achievement. It has been concluded in this research that students from Karadeniz Technical
University hold “moderate level” time management scores. When the research findings are analyzed with respect
to the gender variable, it is revealed that in all sub-dimensions of the questionnaire, female students obtained
higher average scores than male students. In a different research finding it has been demonstrated that there
exists a positive significant relation between students’ grade point averages and the time attitudes sub-dimension
and between financial accounting grades and the long-range planning sub-dimension. It has also been
demonstrated by regression analysis that students’ time management skills affect their GPA-course achievement
and these skills are one of the predictors of grade point averages and financial accounting grade points.

Key Words: Time Management, Financial Accounting, Academic Achievement

1. Introduction
In the modern world, time is seen as an indefinitely divisible and usable commodity. Accounting helps to infuse
the concept of time through the organization. The regimes of the financial year, the annual audit, the monthly
budget, the weekly financial reports and the daily cash statements are just a few of the ways in which the
techniques of accounting bring a temporal dimension to bear on organizational affairs. Accounting also provides a
way of acting across time. Both the past and the future can be brought into the present by accounting means.
Concepts such as risk can be given both a temporal dimension and a calculative form. It is as if a temporal fluidity
can be created by calculative means (Acc. Org. and Society, 1996).
Time is a vital resource everyone possesses equally but fails to utilize at the same level due to a variety of reasons
(Örücü et al., 2007: 10). All the material and human resources possessed by organizations can be enhanced in the
course of time or be transformed as time goes on; yet the only asset that cannot be changed or purchased or stored
is “time” itself. The secret to achieving success in life is effectively managing this resource that everyone
possesses equally and paying sufficient emphasis to planning.
A closer look at the definition of the management concept shows that it is in reality an act of directing. Thus,
management of this ever-flowing time is decidedly the ability of one to direct himself/herself, his/her own deeds
and all other activities, and to use time more effectively. In other words, time management corresponds to the
process of stacking greater amounts of work and activity into a certain length of time.

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This process depends on the pillars of decision taking on management and selection making. The time
management process involves self-recognition of the individual first, familiarity with his/her own personal traits,
conducting analysis on the time-use problem and collecting relevant data, assessing alternative solutions, selecting
and implementing one of these alternatives (IzandÖzen, 2010).
Though effective and efficient use of time varies with respect to the tasks performed, the further increase in the
level of knowledge and skills expected from modern employees has further increased the necessity of time
planning. The road to success in social life passes through effective and efficient working which is only possible
via time management (Iz and Özen, 2010). The competitive environment we live in today encourages people from
as early as their elementary education to plan and manage time effectively. The high performance required by
competitive conditions forces organizations and directors to use time effectively and stipulates the search to
control time. Likewise, in the process of providing educational services this issue has been a subject of interest
discussed and emphasized in several platforms and an attempt has been initiated to assess and analyze time and
the time management attitudes and behaviors of students in educational institutes.
Since time is a limited resource which needs to be managed effectively just like all other limited resources, it has
been deemed necessary to evaluate its effects on students’ achievement. A general assumption underlines that
students with good time management skills are able to manage time effectively even after they graduate and enter
professional life. In literature studies it has been detected that positive time management behaviors accelerate
students’ GPA, whereas negative time management behaviors decrease academic performance (Britton and
Tesser, 1991; Indreica et al.,2011; Mpofu et al,. 1996; Saketi and Taheri, 2010; Sevari and Kandy, 2011;
Tanriogen and Iscan, 2009). One of the fields that demands effective time management during academic as well
as professional life is the field of financial accounting. The present paper aims to detect the position of accounting
students with respect to effective time management and to demonstrate that the effect of time management on
their GPA and course achievement is a vanguard amid the existing research on accounting students in Turkey.
2. Literature Review
In the relevant literature there is a great number of academic studies focusing on the relation between time
management and GPA (Anand, 2007,Britton and Tesser, 1991,Indreica et al.,2011, Macan et al., 1990, Misra and
McKean, 2000, Mpofu et al., 1996, Saketi and Taheri, 2010, Sevari and Kandy, 2011, Swart et al.,2010,
Tanriogen and Iscan, 2009, Yilmaz et al., 2010). Anand (2007) analyzed the correlation between video game
usage and academic performance. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and grade-point average (GPA) scores were
used to gauge academic performance. The amount of time a student spends playing video games has a negative
correlation with students’ GPA and SAT scores. As video game usage increases, GPA and SAT scores decrease.
This research suggests that video games may have a detrimental effect on an individual’s GPA and possibly on
SAT scores. Britton and Tesser (1991) tested the hypothesis that college grade point average would be predicted
by timemanagement practices. Regression analyses showed that time management components were significant
predictors of cumulative grade point average. According to Britton and Tesser, time management attitudes and the
skills of university students affect their academic achievement positively.
In a study conducted by Indreica et al. (2011) personalized and flexible programs were developed under the
supervision of an education counselor for each participant and the influence of effective time management on
GPAwas tested. The obtained findings supported the original hypotheses and it was thus concluded that effective
time management programs elevate GPA. In a study conducted by Macan et al.(1990),one hundred and sixty-five
students completed a questionnaire assessing their time management behaviors and attitudes, stress, and self-
perceptions of performance and grade point average. The study revealed 2 major findings. The Time Management
Behavior Scale consists of 4 relatively independent factors. The most predictive factor was perceived control of
time. Students who perceived control of their time reported significantly greater evaluations of their performance,
greater work and life satisfaction, less role ambiguity, less role overload, and fewer job-induced and somatic
The findings were consistent with theory and advice on time management but also indicated that the dynamics of
time management are more complex than previously believed. Misra and McKean (2000) investigated the
interrelationship between academic stress anxiety, time management, and leisure satisfaction among 249
university undergraduates by age and gender.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 4 No. 5; May 2013

It was demonstrated in their research that female students possess more effective time management skills when
compared to male students and yet they face greater levels of academic stress and anxiety, while male students
cope with academic stress by making the most of leisure activities. The results of the study provide important
insights into using time management and anxiety reduction in conjunction with certain leisure activities to reduce
academic stress.
In a study conducted by Mpofu et al. (1996), the construct and predictive validity of Western process models of
time management was examined in an African culture. During the data-gathering stage of research four hundred
and seventy two students completed the Britton and Tesser (1991) Time Management Questionnaire. As
manifested by the results of factor analysis, the time management processes of short term planning, perceived
control of time, time attitude and long term planning were valid constructs for the sample of African students.
Saketi and Taheri (2010) performed a study to investigate the relationship between time management and
academic achievement of master’s and bachelor’s students at Shiraz University (SU) and Shiraz University of
Medical Sciences (SUMS).At the end of study, no significant difference was observed among male and female
students concerning time management skills but in terms of academic achievement, the female students' scores
were higher than the males'. It was also concluded in the analysis that time management skills corresponded to
differences in academic achievement scores. It was suggested at the end of this study to plan for student training
on time management skills in order to enhance their accomplishments.
In research conducted by Sevari and Kandy (2011), the impact of time management skills on self-efficacy and
academic performance was tested. The results from the study showed that the training of time management skills
to increase academic performance and self-efficacy is influential. Swart et al. (2010) explored the relationship
between time management skills and the academic achievement of African engineering students. The results of
this study were applied to various tests, which indicated no statistically significant relationship between time
management skills and the academic achievement of African engineering students.
Tanriogen and Iscan (2009) determined the time management attitude and skill levels of Pamukkale University
students and the effects of these skills on their academic achievement. The research findings demonstrated that a
majority of Pamukkale University students possess moderate level time management skills and only a
significantly small portion have high level time management skills. Also, according to the findings, the prediction
level of time management skills for academic performance is 7.9 percent. The students’ time management skills
affect their academic achievement at a significant level and the skills are one of the predictors of academic
performance. It was suggested at the end of this research that students should start to acquire time management
senses on their own in their primary school years by reading materials on the issue or via the framework of
psychological counseling and guidance studies applied in schools, and adopt effective time management attitudes
and techniques to determine how and where they spend their time.
Yilmaz et al. (2010) conducted a questionnaire with 271 students in order to analyze the students attending sports
management programs at Gazi,Muğla and Atatürk Universities in terms of the relationship between time
management behavior and GPA. According to the results of the study, there was no significant relationship
between the time management behavior and GPA and this had no effect on the sex, age and class variables.
3. Methodology
Research sampling consisted of total 168 students studying during the 2012-2013 spring term in Karadeniz
Technical University (KTU) -Public Administration, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Econometrics
Departments taking financial accounting courses. A questionnaire was conducted on volunteer students taking
financial accounting courses. The “Time Management Questionnaire” developed by Britton and Tesser (1991)
was used as a data gathering tool to measure the time management behavior of participant students. The adapted
questionnaire is made up of 7 items in the short-range planning dimension, 6 items in the time attitudes dimension
and 5 items in the long-range planning dimension. The time management questionnaire included 18 items, each
answered on a 5-point scale consisting of the responses always (5), frequently (4), sometimes (3), infrequently
(2), and never (1). In scoring, 5 points were assigned to the response at the end of the scale that we defined a
priori as the "good" practice and 1 point was assigned to the response at the other end of the scale, with
intermediate values given for the other responses. Higher values on the scale correspond to better time
management practices.
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Additionally, since certain items were "negative items", these scores were reversed while entering the data.
Higher scores obtained from the scale indicated better time management practices. The reliability of data
pertaining to the variables was designated via Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient which received a value between 0 and
1 (Bayram, 2004: 127). The assessment on the reliability of the scale with respect to the Alpha coefficient showed
that Alpha values between 60-80% are “reliable” (Nakip, 2006: 146). In this research Cronbach’s Alpha value of
the scale of all variables was found to be 0.800 which indicated that the scale is “reliable”. In the current research
during the process of data analysis, the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) package program was used.
In order to find answers to the problems of this study, such techniques as standard deviation, mean, Independent T
test, ANOVA, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and linear regression were used. Significance
levels of .05 and .10 were used during the statistical analysis.
4. Empirical Results
Demographic features of the students partaking in the research questionnaire are as illustrated in Table 1.As
shown in Table 1, a great majority of questionnaire participants are female students (60.1%) and this ratio draws a
parallel with the gender ratio of the students enrolled in their departments. More than half of the participants
(54.2%) are students taking financial accounting for the first time and another (56%) is composed of evening
education program students.
In Table 2, the mean scores of questions directed to students participating in the questionnaire and standard
deviations of the answers provided with respect to the 5-pointLikert scale are listed for each set of questions from
the lowest average score to the highest.
When the answers provided for the time management questionnaire are analyzed, the lowest total score was
detected as 34 and the highest total score as 78; the general average score was computed as 3.36. This average
score is 3.22 for short-range planning, 3.60 for time attitudes and 3.25 for long-range planning.
According to Table 3, the time management skill level of KTU students was at a moderate level (f: 148, 88.09
percent). A small portion of the students possessed high level time management score (f: 13, 7.73 percent) and
again a negligible portion had (f: 7, 4.16 percent) a low total time management score. Based on this finding, it can
reasonably be argued that KTU students are in need of further education on time management.
The results of the independent T test conducted to detect whether the answers provided by students on the time
management questionnaire differed with respect to the gender variable and the average scores are as listed in
Table 4. As demonstrated in Table 4, with respect to the gender variable the 0.05 significiance level answers
provided by students on general time management, short-range planning, and time attitudes scores did not vary
statistically, whereas it differed with respect to long-range planning.
As can be seen in Table5,thereexists a positivesignificantrelationbetweengradepointaverageandtheTime
Attitudessub-dimension of students (r=0.217, p<0.01). Thereexists a Positive significant relation between the
financial accounting course grades of students and the Long-Range Planning sub-dimension (r=0.128, p<0.10) but
unexpectedly, there is a negative significant relation with respect to the Short-Range Planningsub-dimension (r=-
0.187, p<0.05). No significant relation could be detected between financial accounting grade points and the Time
Attitudes and General Time Management Points of students. Likewise, no significant relation could be detected
between grade point averages and the General Time Management Points, Short-Range Planning, and Long-Range
Planning sub-dimensions.
R in Table 6 is the regression coefficient of independent variables (Short-Range Planning (SRP) Time Attitudes
(TA), Long-Range Planning (LRP) scores) on students’ financial accounting course grades (FA) and this
coefficient is equal to 0.259. R2 is the determination coefficient indicating what percentage independent variables
collectively account for total variance in dependent variables and it corresponds to 6.7%.
F and p values in Table 7 correspond to one factor variance analysis results indicating the significance of
regression and determination coefficients and as can be seen they are valid at the 0.05 significance level.
B values in Table 8 provide partial regression coefficients and indicate the tendencies of variables in formulation.
Beta however stands for standardized regression coefficients and helps in construing the relative importance of
independent variables with respect to dependent variables.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 4 No. 5; May 2013
The results obtained from regression analysis indicate that the 0.05 significance level coefficient of answers
provided to the questions on “Short-Range Planning” (SRP) is (-0.235) and the coefficient of answers provided to
the questions on “Long-Range Planning” (LRP) is (0.182). A formulization of the above given data is indicated in
the equation below:
FAGP = 68.989 – 0.235SRP + 0.182LRP
R in Table 9 corresponds to the regression coefficient of independent variables (Short-Range Planning (SRP),
Time Attitudes (TA), Long-Range Planning (LRP) scores) on the grade point averages (GPA) of the students and
it is equal to 0.264. R2 is the determination coefficient indicating what percentage independent variables
collectively account for total variance in dependent variables and it corresponds to 6.9%.
F and p values in Table 10 correspond to one factor variance analysis results indicating the significance of the
regression and determination coefficients and as can be seen they are valid at the 0.05 significance level. Results
obtained from regression analysis (Table11) indicate the 0.05 significance level coefficient of answers provided to
the questions on “Time Attitudes” (TA) is (0.286). A formulization of the above given data is indicated in the
equation given below:
GPA = 1.953 + 0.286TA
5. Discussion and Results
In the current paper the relation between time management behaviors and financial accounting course grades and
the GPA of Karadeniz Technical University students and the effects of time management behavior on financial
accounting course grades and GPA have been explored. It has also been attempted to designate the differentiation
of time management behaviors with respect to the gender variable.
When the overall results of research are analyzed, it emerges that the general average of answers provided by
students on the time management questionnaire is 3.36. 88.09% of participant students possess a time
management score at the “moderate level”. These figures underscore that as regards time management, students
hold no extreme positions but stay at a moderate level and that they lack a sufficient amount of knowledge about
time management. Parallel results have been demonstrated in literature studies by Alay and Koçak (2003),
Tanriogen and Iscan (2009), and Tektas and Tektas (2010). When the findings of research are analyzed with
respect to the gender variable, it is detected that in all sub-dimensions of the research female students obtained
higher scores than male students. However, except for long-range planning this finding showed no statistical
differentiation at the 0.05 significance level. When relevant studies in the literature are examined, it emerges that
in terms of time management female students are generally more accomplished than male students and possess
higher average scores (Macan et al., 1990, Mpofu et al., 1996, Saketi and Taheri, 2010, Yilmaz et al., 2010).
Nonetheless, with respect to the gender variable this difference is not statistically significant in all sub-dimensions
of the time management questionnaire in relevant literature studies. For instance, in a study conducted by Mpofu
et al. (1996) results vary with respect to STP (p<0.01) and TA (p<0.05), whereas in our research a differentiation
was detected with respect to LTP (p<0.05). Saketi and Taheri (2010) and Yilmaz et al. (2010) on the other hand
could detect no differentiation in any sub-dimension of the questionnaire. However, Macan et al. (1990) detected
that answers provided to questions on their Time Management Behavior Scalecorrelated with gender (r = -0.23, p
<.05) and according to the findings of the “one-way ANOVA” test they conducted, female students possessed
higher average scores than male students and the findings were different at a 0.05 significance level.
It is generally assumed that female students are less accomplished than male students with respect to time but as
manifested in all the mentioned research, female students use time more effectively than males which can be
related to the fact that they use and implement more effectively behaviors such as listing, planning and
programming which are all from the category of traditional time management behaviors (Alay and Koçak, 2003).
In a different research finding it has been detected that there is a positive significant relation between grade point
averages and the time attitudes sub-dimension (r=0.217, p<0.01) and between financial accounting course grade
and the long-range planning sub-dimension (r=0.128, p<0.10). Based on these data it can be asserted that instead
of focusing on short range planning, students can reach success in their financial accounting lessons by focusing
on long range planning and they can also boost their GPA by placing more emphasis on topics listed under the
Time Attitudes sub-dimension.
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In relevant literature studies, with respect to the short-range planning sub-dimension, Mpofu et al. (1996)
(r=0.253, p<0.01) and Britton and Tesser (1991)(r=0.25, p<0.05) detected positive significant relations. With
respect to the time attitudes sub-dimension, Britton and Tesser (1991) found (r=0.39, p<0.05) a positive
significant relation and Tektaş and Tektaş (2010) detected a negative significant relation (r=-0.15, p<0.01).
However, time attitude, which has been found to be significantly and positively predictive of GPA (see Britton
and Tesser, 1991, for example) was related to GPA for the KTU sample of students.
In the current study linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the effect of time management skills on
financial accounting course achievement and the grade point averages of students. The time management skill
level explains 6.7 percent of total variance in the financial accounting grade point and 6.9 percent of total variance
in grade point average. Therefore, it can be argued that the students’ time management skills affect their academic
achievement even if it is low and these skills are one of the predictors of grade point averages and financial
accounting grade points for the KTU sample of students.
A lot of factors affect students’ academic achievements, and these findings show that the time management skills
of university students have a notable effect on their academic achievement. These results show the importance of
a student’s effective time management as well as the other factors affecting a student’s academic achievement.
Therefore, it is important to make the students acquire time management skills beginning in their preschool years
in order to provide a successful university education because some skills and attitudes can be acquired more easily
than normal during this period (Tanriogen and Iscan, 2009). The findings obtained are consistent with the studies
by Britton and Tesser (1991); Macan et al. (1990), and Tanriogen and Iscan (2009).
Accounting Organization and Society (1996), Vol. 21, No.6, 513-514.
Alay, S. & Koçak, S. (2003). Relationship between timemanagement and academicachievement of university students.
Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi Dergisi, 35, 326-335.
Anand, V. (2007). A study of time management: The correlation betweenvideo game usage and academic performance
markers. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10 (4),552-559.
Bayram, N. (2004). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS ile Veri Analizi. Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi.
Britton, B.K. & Tesser, A. (1991). Effects of time management practices on college grades. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 83, 405-410.
Indreica, E.S., Cazan, A.M., &Truţa C. (2011). Effects of learning styles and time management on academic achievement.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 1096 -1102.
Iz, F.B. & Özen, T.A. (2010). Investigation of relationship between time management and academic achievement in nursing
students to be the candidate intern. Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Sciences, 11 (1), 123-135.
Macan, T.H., Shahani, C., Dipboye, R.L. & Phillips, A.P. (1990). College student’s time management: Correlations with
academic performance and stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82 (4), 760-768.
Misra, R.&Mckean, M. (2000). College students’ academic stress and its relation to theiranxiety, time management, and
leisure satisfaction. American Journal of Health Studies, 16, 41-45.
Mpofu, E., D'Amico, M., & Cleghom, A. (1996). Time management practices in an African culture: Correlates with college
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Nakip, M. (2006). Pazarlama Araştirmalari: Teknikler ve SPSS Destekli Uygulamalar. Ankara: Seçkin Yayincilik.
Örücü, E., Tikici M., & Kanbur, A. (2007). An empirics research on time management in organizations which are living on
different sectors: Bursa examples.Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(20), 9-31.
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International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 4 No. 5; May 2013

Table 1: Descriptive Profile of Respondents

Gender N % Education Type N %
Male 67 39,9 Daytime education 74 44
Female 101 60,1 Evening education 94 56
Department N % Number of Course Repeat N %
Public Administration 58 34,5 1 91 54,2
Labor Economics and Industrial Relations 43 25,6 2 60 35,7
Econometrics 67 39,9 ≥3 17 10,1

Table 2.Students' Time Management Scores

Short-Range Planning Mean
Do you make a list of the things you have to do each day? 2,74 1,02
Do you make a schedule of the activities you have to do on work days? 2,90 1,17
Do you plan your day before you start it? 2,96 1,00
Do you write a set of goals for yourself for each day? 3,11 0,97
Do you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish during the next week? 3,48 1,01
Do you spend time each day planning? 3,63 1,00
Do you set and honor priorities? 3,72 0,97
Time Attitudes
Do you continue unprofitable routines or activities? * 3,08 1,09
Do you believe that there is room for improvement in the way you manage your time?* 3,27 0,84
Do you often find yourself doing things which interfere with your schoolwork simply because
3,67 0,99
you hate to say "No" to people?*
Do you feel you are in charge of your own time, by and large? 3,79 1,03
On an average class day do you spend more time with personal grooming than doing
3,87 0,99
Do you make constructive use of your time? 3,93 0,98
Long-Range Planning
The night before a major assignment is due, are you usually still working on it? * 2,46 1,10
Do you have a set of goals for the entire quarter? 2,93 1,22
Do you usually keep your desk clear of everything other than what you are currently working on? 3,19 1,05
When you have several things to do, do you think it is best to do a little bit of work on each one? 3,81 0,96
Do you regularly review your class notes, even when a test is not imminent? 3,88 1,07

*These items were reverse scored, for example, responses of "never" were given a score of 5.
Table 3.The Frequency Levels of the Points Related to the Time Management Skill Levels of KTU Students
Points Frequency % Level
58,61and above 13 7,73 High
46,59 -58,61 148 88,09 Moderate
46,59 and below 7 4,16 Low
Total 168 100

Table 4. Analysis of Questionnaire Respondent Students’ Time Management Scores with respect to Gender
Gender N Mean Standard Deviation P
General Time Male 67 58,58 9,26
Management Female 100 60,83 7,66
Short-Range Planning Male 67 21,82 5,20
Female 100 22,62 4,70
Time Attitudes Male 67 21,16 3,31
Female 100 21,68 3,05
Long-Range Planning Male 67 15,59 3,12
Female 100 16,53 2,82

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Table 5: Correlation between Time Management Scores and Financial Accounting Grade Points-Grade
Point Averages
General Time Short-Range Long-Range
Time Attitudes
Management Planning Planning
Financial Accounting r -0,062 -0,187 0,003 0,128
Grade Point p 0,423 0,015** 0,969 0,099*
r 0,052 -0,038 0,217 -0,032
Grade Point Average
p 0,506 0,625 0,005*** 0,680

Note: *significance level p < 0,10; ** significance level p < 0,05; *** significance level p < 0,01
Table 6. Linear Regression Analysis on the relation between Time Management Points and Financial
Accounting Grade Points
Model R R Square Adjusted R2 Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0,259 0,067 0,050 28,33

Independent Variables: Short-Range Planning (SRP), Time Attitudes (TA), Long-Range Planning (LRP) scores
Dependent Variable: Financial Accounting Grade Point
Table 7. ANOVA Test Results on the Validity of Regression Analysis
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F P
Regression 9500,484 3 3166,828 3,946 0,009
1 Residual 131627,796 164 802,609
Total 141128,280 167

Table 8. Coefficients on Regression Analysis

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T p
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 68,989 16,419 4,202 ,000
SRP -1,370 ,467 -,235 -2,935 ,004
TA ,092 ,723 ,011 ,127 ,899
LRP 1,686 ,757 ,182 2,226 ,027

Table9. Linear Regression Analysis on the Relation between Time Management Point and Grade Point
Model R R Square Adjusted R2 Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0,264 0,069 0,052 1,19051

Independent Variables: Short-Range Planning (SRP), Time Attitudes (TA), Long-Range Planning (LRP) scores
Dependent Variable: Grade Point Average (GPA)
Table10. ANOVA Test Results on the Validity of Regression Analysis
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
Regression 17,347 3 5,782 4,080 0,008
1 Residual 232,439 164 1,417
Total 249,786 167

Table 11. Coefficients on Regression Analysis

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T p
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1,953 ,690 2,831 ,005
SRP -,024 ,020 -,099 -1,234 ,219
TA ,105 ,030 ,286 3,448 ,001
LRP -,043 ,032 -,110 -1,343 ,181


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