Home Economics Strand Time Management Skills and Academic Performance of Senior High Students of Pundaguitan Natonal High School

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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Time is imperative resource every person possesses evenly but fails to utilize

at the same level due to a variety of reasons. All the material and human resources

possessed by organizations can be improved in the way of time or be transformed as

time goes on; yet the only asset that cannot be changed, purchased or store is “time”

itself. Effectively managing this equally available resource and placing enough

emphasis on planning are the keys to success in life (Orucu et al., 2007). Senior high

students struggle with time management, which has a significant impact on how they

evaluate and use their available time as well as how they approach their academic

obligations (Bonhomme, 2007). Students’ time management can be characterized as

“clusters of behavioral skills that are central in the organization of a study and course

load”. This is a dynamic process that each person must maintain control over,

Sansgiry et al. (2006).

According to Silberman (2014) in Saudi Arabia, without practical time

management, often that one may actually find students struggling to get the tasks

done by a deadline or getting essential work finished by the end of the day. Teaching

them the skills that they need to manage their time can really help to improve their

academic performance drastically. Inspiring students on how to develop good time

management is difficult, as getting work done efficiently will not only improve the

performance, but will also result to motivation and academic excellence. In spite of

the significance of time management in the achievement of optimal performance,

organizations do not treat time management as an essential ingredient of survival.

Moreover, in the Philippines, according to Zed Udani (2012), among the dark

side trait of Filipinos that affects time management is procrastination. It could also be

a contributing factor to poor academic performance. Time is natural; however,

people live and work or exist within time. From observation, poor time planners

seemed to be faced with low productivity, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and low

morale, stress and frustration with themselves.

According to (Camangyan, 2023), students of Holy Cross College of Davao

shows that students with good time management abilities outperform those with poor

time management abilities in terms of their academic performance. Time

management is one of the most important indicators of students' academic

achievement. When it comes to defining goals, evaluating resources, controlling

management practices, and scheduling decisions, these characterized time

management as a worthwhile goal of many human activities. There is a significant

and advantageous relationship between students' academic success and their ability

to keep their schedules.

Therefore, the aim of the study is to find the impact of time management skills

on the academic performance of Home economics strand senior high

studentsinPundaguitan National High School. The study objectives also include to

find out the effectiveness of the preplanning and the instantaneous planning on

academic performance. This research will add self-evaluation to student’s daily habit

and plan. Also, it will provide knowledge and recommendation for skills that can

assist student for perfect personal strategic plan. It will also help to overcome the

wrong common rumors statements about time management and will raise

awareness about procrastinating behavior of time management and its effect on

academic performance among home economics students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the home economics strand time management

skills and academic performance ofsenior high students in Pundaguitan National

High School. Specifically, to determine the following:

1. What is the extent of time management in terms of;

1.1 Goal setting

1.2 Planning

1.3 Prioritizing

2. What is the level of academic performance of senior high school students of

Pundaguitan National High School?

3. Is there a relationship between the extent of time management skills and

academic performance of senior high students of Pundaguitan National High



There is no significant relationship between time management skillsand

academic performance of home economic strand senior high school students of

Pundaguitan National High School.

Review of the Related Literature

Presented in this portion were the various literature that shed light on this


Time Management Skills

Time management procedures can help individuals achieve their goals by

identifying and planning the activities necessary to complete their plans,improving

productivity, and increasing job satisfaction (Zafarullah and Pertti,2017). The process

to using time effectively to achieve maximum productivity involves managing work

schedules and engaging in advance planning, organizing and implementation to

achieve the organizational objectives (Sahito, Khawaja, et.al , 2016). Both art and

science go into managing one's time. Everyone must learn how to perform it; while

some individuals are skilled at it, not everyone is. Time is an invaluable resource.

Time is endless, and the time consumed by everyone can never be retrieved. Time

may seem to flow constantly, but as it is spent on certain activities, some may find it

not enough to finish the things to be done in a day (Carroll, 2015). Everyone should

be able to manage their time effectively and efficiently in order to complete their


Additionally, good time management produces better decisions, especially

when one is not under pressure. As a result, by choosing the right choices

deliberately, one can lead a successful life simply by managing their time well.

Furthermore, a person's personal approach can be used to describe their time

management abilities and methods. It, in general, adds to many important qualities

(Carroll, 2015). Accordingly, empirical studies frequently demonstrate a significant

correlation between students’ time management and academic performance (Aeon,

2021), as well as well-being factors such as lowered stress and anxiety (Häfner,


In India, Kaushar (2013) studied the impact of time management on the

academic performance of home economics strand senior high students. The

researchers interviewed and surveyed the respondents, who were 50 college

students. The result of this study showed that students’ behavior in the category of

time planning was at the highest level, while behavior in the category of time

management was at the lowest level, and the students performed well above

average. The study also concluded that there was a substantial and positive

correlation between time management and student academic performance.

Moreover, Mendoza, Gonzales, et. Al (2009) investigated the relationship of

time management performance of selected senior high home economics students of

Arellano University for school year 2008-2009. There were 40 respondents who were

surveyed using a self-made questionnaire. The results of the study concluded that

proper time management may have not generally influence the academic

performance of students who participated in the study. However, the manner by

which time is used to achieve a set goal might be the key in improving academic

performance. The research therefore concluded that there is no significant

relationship between time management and academic performance of the students.

Time is endless, and the time consumed by everyone can never be retrieved.

Time may seem to flow constantly, but as it is spent on certain activities, some may

find it not enough to finish the things to be done in a day (Carroll, 2015). Time

management is a skill that everyone should possess to effectively and efficiently

accomplish their tasks. According to Carroll (2015), proper time management leads

to better decisions, especially if one is not pressured, and thus, by making the right

decisions in a mindful manner, one can attain a successful life just by properly

managing their time. Moreover, time management skills and techniques can be

characterized by one’s personal approach, which contributes to numerous

fundamental qualities in general. And some of the main and primary factors that

should be considered in one’s time management skills are goal setting, planning,

and prioritizing.

A. Goal Setting

Goal setting is the process of defining specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,

and time-bound objectives that an individual or organizationaims to achieve. It

involves identifying the desired outcomes and developing a plan for achieving

them.Goals provide a framework for action and direction. They help identify what

needs to be done, by when, and why. Goal setting process also serves as

a motivational tool that helps people focus their efforts, stay on track, and measure

their progress. It can help increase accountability and ensure that resources are

used effectively and efficiently, James (2021).

According to Wade D.T, goal setting is a key component of home economics

strand students’ time management skills. When students set goals for themselves,

they are more likely to stay motivated and focused. They are also more likely to

develop strategies for achieving their goals. The relationship between goal setting

and time management is reciprocal. Goal setting can help students to improve their

time management skills, and time management skill can help to achieve their goals.
In additional, Panwhar (2016) stated that Effective goal setting can improve time

management skills by providing students with a clear direction and a sense of

purpose. It encourages them to use their time efficiently, avoid procrastination, and

stay organized in their academic pursuits. Setting deadlines for completing tasks and

assignments can also help students develop a sense of urgency and accountability.

Research suggests that students who set academic goals are more motivated,

engaged, and persistent in their studies. This increased motivation can enhance

students' overall academic performance by encouraging them to put in the effort

required to succeed. Setting goals that are specific, measurable, achievable,

relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals) can provide students with a framework for

success and help them stay on track throughout the academic year.

Setting goals for students varies depending on their abilities and motivation to

complete academic assignments. Students struggle to set goals because they are

ignorant of the specific standards that must be met in each academic area to achieve

state competency requirements (McMillan, 2019). According to Zimmerman, et.al.

(1992), goal-directed action has three characteristics: (1) self-generation: the source

of energy is critical to the organism's survival; (2) value-significance: the activities not

only enable but also require an organism's survival; and (3) goal-causation: the

ensuing action is triggered by a goal (Locke & Latham, 1991).

As stated in the study by Reyes and Galang (2009), the factors that motivate

students to study are comparable to the reasons that motivate them to value

education. As a result, people are inspired to do their best work because they love it

and are challenged by it. Some people have internalized the importance of
education, which serves as a motivator for them. Others study more diligently

because they want to improve their grades or are afraid of failing.

b. Planning

According to the study by Fitsimmons (2008), "the first key to good time

management is planning. Although it takes time to plan, it is an investment that will

pay back heavily in time saved later on. Good planning ensures that you get to a

desirable end with a project or other effort, whether that project is something specific

to your library workplace, or your whole career. " It must be in a written form, which

should be reviewed and updated regularly. This process provides an overview of

one’s workload at any particular moment, which accurately shows the complete work

plan for the future and gives an idea of what lies beyond (Forsyth, 2019).

Weinstein, C.E (2023) stated that Planning plays a pivotal role in effective

time management for home economics strand students. It involves setting goals,

creating schedules, and organizing tasks in order to achieve desired outcomes. By

planning their time effectively, students can set realistic goals, prioritize tasks, and

develop strategies to achieve those goals. This can lead to improve academic

performanceand success in school. Student needs to plan his day well in advance to

make the best possible use of time. There is no point in working just for the sake of

doing work.
Planning gives an individual a sense of direction in the organization and

motivates him to complete assignments on time.Plan how you want to move forward.

It is important for an individual to set a goal and objective for himself and work hard

towards achieving the same. Detailed planning suggests you the steps towards

realizing your goals at the workplace within a defined time frame.Planning helps an

individual to know what all he needs to do urgently and what all can be done a little

later. To plan things better, employees should prepare a Task Plan where he can jot

down tasks against the time slots assigned to each activity.High priority activities

must come on top followed by the ones which do not require immediate

attention.Planning helps you accomplish urgent and critical tasks way ahead of

deadline. Plan as to how your day should look like.

c. Prioritizing

Prioritizing refers to the process of determining the importance or order of

tasks, activities, or goals based on their relative significance, urgency, deadlines, or

impact. It involves making conscious decisions about where to allocate time,

resources, and attention to ensure that the most crucial tasks are addressed first.

Prioritizing is essential for effective time management, productivity, and goal

achievement in both personal and professional contexts.

Wolters, C. A., & Brady, A. C. (2021), states that effective planning serves as

a precursor to successful time management for home economics strand students,

providing them with a structured framework to allocate their time and resources

efficiently. By engaging in academic planning, students can set clear objectives,

establish timelines for completing tasks, and identify potential obstacles or

challenges that may arise. Moreover, planning facilitates the integration of goal-

setting strategies, allowing students to align their academic goals with actionable

plans for achievement. Through the process of planning, students can prioritize

academic responsibilities, allocate sufficient time for studying, attending classes,

completing assignments, and preparing for examinations. Additionally, planning

enables students to balance academic commitments with extracurricular activities,

personal obligations, and leisure pursuits, fostering a holistic approach to time

management and academic success.

According to an article on the priority matrix (n.d), priorities must be

established in order to complete all of the tasks that must be completed. Prioritization

is important because it allows you to focus your attention on tasks that are important

and urgent so that you can later focus on tasks that are lower priority. If you do not

take the time to prioritize, you will struggle to complete tasks on time, worry about

how you will complete everything on your to-do list, and be unproductive. These are

the reasons why prioritization is important. If you do not organize your schedule by

priority, you might miss important tasks that you should've put at the top of your list


Academic Performance

Academic achievement is a combination of ability and effort, presumably

ability being equal to those with higher motivation, more effort and will, who achieve

higher grades. Academic achievement is the accomplishment or acquired proficiency

in the performance of an individual in a given skill or body of knowledge. Academic

achievement means “knowledge attained and skill developed in the school subjects
usually designated by test scores or by marks assigned by teachers or by both”.

Achievement can be measured with the help of tests, verbal or written of different

kinds. Since academic achievement is the criterion for selection, promotion or

recognition in various walks of life, the importance of academic achievement can't be

ignored (Chenna Reddy, 2007). Academic achievement or academic performance is

the outcome of education, the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

achieved their educational goals.

Theoretical Framework

This research is grounded on the following theories which helped the

researcher better establish the structure of the study

The Pickle Jar theory serves as a visual metaphor to determine what is useful

and what is not useful. It helps you to set your priorities for daily life and plan tasks in

such a way, that you have time to spare instead of too few hours in a day. The Pickle

Jar theory is popular for time management. The Pickle Jar Theory provides insight

into our timetable and offers opportunities to make an efforteveryday to put our most

important tasks at the top of the list everyday. Only then does it get easier to handle

and actually meet deadlines. By not letting our daily activities be interrupted by the

sand that’s slipping by, it becomes easier to focus on the main tasks. The insight

becomes even more clear by working with to-do lists. By considering what tasks still

need to be done in advance, you’ll be able to treat the most important tasks as

“rocks” and out them on your list. Wright. J, (2002).

Time Management Skills Academic Performance of

Home Economics strand
 Goal setting
senior high students of
 Planning Pundaguitan National High
 Prioritizing School
Figure 1: Paradigm of the study

Significance of the Study

The result of the research will benefit the following:

Learners. The result of this study will be useful to the home economics strand

student to gain extensive knowledge and ways to avoid poor time management that

will have a major impact on student’s academic performance, students themselves

will no longer suffer from lack of time management skills; students will use the

findings to reflect on their studying and use it in the future.

Teachers. The result of this study will give access to researched-based strategies

for incorporating time management skills into their teaching practices. It will also

improve classroom management and student engagement through effective time

management techniques.

Parents. This study will be beneficial to the parents because it will give them insights

into the importance of time management skills for their children’s academic success.

It also gives guidance on how to support their children in developing and practicing

effective time management habits.

Administration. This study will be beneficial for the school of Pundaguitan National

High School to support the implementation of effective time management process. It

will also help improve school climate and culture through the promotion of effective

time management process.

Future Researchers. The outcome of the study is beneficial to the future

researchers. This study may be one of the basis for further research on the impact of

time management skills on the academic performance of home economics strand

senior high students and will serve as a guide and reference as they go through in

conducting their future research in this kind of study.

Definition of Terms

Time Management Skills. Is the art of effectively planning your time. This allows

you to efficiently and productively complete the activities and tasks you need to in

the appropriate amount of time.

Academic Performance. - This refers to the final grades that the students get at the

end of the term.It is the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement

using classroom performance, graduation rates, and results from standardized tests.
Chapter 2


This chapter presented the methods utilized by researchers in conducting the

study. It includes research design, research subject, research instrument, research

participants, data gathering and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The study is a quantitative research that utilized a descriptive-correlational

research design. It describes and measures the degree of relationship between two

or more variables or sets scores (Creswell, 2012). Additionally, the study is an

explanatory research design that determines the extent to which two variables


Research Subject
The respondents of the study were the Senior High students of Pundaguitan

National High School under the Home Economics strand.

Table 1 showed the respondents of this study. Figure 2 showed the map of

Pundaguitan National High School were the school is located.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents in Pundaguitan National High School

Year Population Total

Grade 12 58 58

Figure 2: Map of Pundaguitan National High School where the school is


Research Instrument

The instrument use in this study was the survey questionnaire formulated and

validated by the researchers.

The questionnaire is divided into four section, the first section contains the

demographic profile of the respondents, including the name (optional), age, grade

and section and gender. The second, third, and fourthsection shows the questions

pertaining to the extentof time management skills. The questionnaire is composed of

15 items using the Likert Scale Formula.

Parameter limits Descriptive Description


5 Strongly agree This means that the extent of time

management skills is observed in all


4 Agree This means that the extent of time

management skills is observed in

most occasions.

3 Neither agree or This means that the extent of time

disagree management skills is observed in

some occasions.

2 Disagree This means that the extent of time

management skills is rarely


1 Strongly disagree This means that the extent of time

management skills is not observed.

Data Gathering Procedure

To formally ask permission, a letter by Sir Samuel Padohinog, and was

presented to ma’am Agnes A. Arquiza, principal of Pundaguitan National High

School. After their approval, another permission letter were sent to Merilyn Dano,

RodenLanggamen, Minerva Maringke and JessabelLumantas, senior high school

advisers for their consideration and authorization. Duly given the consent, the

researchers administered the questionnaires to the respondents on .The

questionnaires were collected thereafter with the permission of the subject teachers.

The researchers retrieved the data of the first semester grades of senior high regular

students from the office of the registrar.

After the retrieval of the said data, the researchers checked, collated,

tabulated, and analyzed using the Microsoft Excel and processed using computer

software. Strict confidentiality was observed during the collection of the data.

Statistical Data Treatment

The tallied responses of the questionnaire were recorded. The results were

analyzed and interpreted using appropriate tools namely:

Average Weighted Mean- - a central tendency measure, mean computed by

assigning greater weight to values in a data set based on a particular characteristic

of the data. The degree of time management abilities and academic achievement

were assessed using it.

Person r- this tool was used to find out the significant relationship between time

management skills and academic performance of home economics strand senior

high students.
Chapter 3


Presented in this chapter were the results, discussions and analysis of the

data to determine the correlation between home economics strand time

management skills and academic performance of senior high students in

Pundaguitan National High School.

Extent of Home Economics Strand Time Management Skills in terms of Goal


Table 2 presented the extent of home economics strand time management

skills in terms of goal setting, “I am able to set clear and specific goals for myself” got

the highest weighted mean of 4.28 with the descriptive equivalent of agree. Next is

item number 3 “I am motivated to achieve my goals” has the weighted mean of 4.09

with the descriptive equivalent of agree. The lowest was item number 2 “I breakdown

my goals into smaller, and manageable steps” has weighted mean of 3.51 with the

descriptive equivalent of agree. The overall mean of goal setting is 3.91 with the

descriptive equivalent of agree. This means that the extent of home economics

strand time management in terms of goal setting is observed in most occasions.

Table 1

Home Economics Strand Time Management Skills in terms of Goal Setting

Items Average Weighted Descriptive

Mean Equivalent

1. I am able to set clear and 4.28 Agree

specific goals for myself.

2. I breakdown my goals into 3.51 Agree

smaller, and manageable


3. I am motivated to achieve 4.09 Agree

my goals.

4. I am able to adjust my goals 3.79 Agree

as needed.

5. I am able to evaluate my 3.92 Agree

progress as needed.

Mean 3.91 Agree

Table 2

Home Economics Strand Time Management Skills in terms of Planning

Items Average Descriptive

Weighted Mean Equivalent

1. I create a schedule and stick to 4.32 Agree


2. I prioritized my tasks based on 4.07 Agree

importance and urgency.

3. I am able to allocate my time 4.14 Agree


4. I am able to complete my tasks 3.85 Agree

on time.

5. I am able to adapt my plan when 3.62 Agree

unexpected events occur.

Mean 4 Agree

Table 3

Home Economics strand Time Management Skills in terms of Prioritizing

Items Average Weighted Descriptive

Mean Equivalent

1. I am able to identify the 4.07 Agree

most important task.

2. I am able to focus on one 3.76 Agree

task at a time.

3. I am able to delegate task 3.84 Agree

to others when necessary.

4. I am able to say no to 3.79 Agree

additional task when my

schedule is full

5. I am able to avoid 4.20 Agree

distractions and stay focus

on my priorities.

Mean 3.93 Agree

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