A1. Advanced Special Operations Techniques Course

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School Code: 331 Course Code: 2E-F141 / 011-F27 Course Duration: 18 Weeks


1. PURPOSE: Provide USSOCOM units with the information necessary to prepare students
for the Advanced Special Operations Techniques Course (ASOTC).

2. SCOPE: This memorandum covers the administrative requirements for the ASOTC. This
document is UNCLASSIFIED. This memorandum facilitates the proper preparation of the
individual, equipment, orders, and other requisite information for attendance to the course.
This document will reduce the systemic problems typically encountered by students during
each class.

3. GENERAL: A/6/2 SWTG (A), ASOTC Detachments East and West conduct the ASOTC
and serve as Subject Matter Experts (SME) on ASOT Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
(TTPs). Additionally, A/6/2 SWTG (A) assists Component SOF Commands through
education of staff personnel on planning and preparation of ASOT support to SOF

4. COURSE INFORMATION: The ASOTC is an 18 week classified course of instruction

based at Fort Bragg, NC and Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM), WA, and is conducted
throughout the continental United States (CONUS). A/6/2 SWTG (A) currently conducts
eight courses annually. Each course has a minimum class size of ten for both locations. The
instructor student ratio is six students to four instructors. See below for FY 20 Dates.

5. STUDENT PREREQUISITES: Students must meet the following prerequisites prior to

attendance to the course and report to the course with the Certification for Attendance to the
ASOTC signed by the first O-5 in chain of command and unit ASOT Manager (this is a
memorandum for record that certifies that the individual meets the prerequisites prior to
attendance). The selection prerequisites are in accordance with USSOCOM Directive 525-5,
26 April 2019.

a. Graduated from one of the USSOCOM training courses outlined in USSOCOM Directive
525-5, 26 April 2019, Appendix C or completion of equivalent training validated by

1) Graduates of the Special Forces Qualification Course.

2) Graduates of Naval Special Warfare (NSW) SEAL Qualification Training.

3) Graduates of NSW Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman Qualification


4) Graduates of Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC)

Individual Training Course.
5) Graduates of MARSOC ACE Individual Augmentation Training.

6) SOF Operators assigned to select SMU.

7) Select Army SOF soldiers assigned to a Regional Support Element (SFOD-E).

8) Select members of AFSOC.

b. Security Clearance. Possesses a minimum of a SECRET security clearance and

possesses U.S. citizenship. Preferred is possession of a Top Secret clearance with
access to sensitive compartmented information prior to attendance.

1) All clearances will be verified by the 2nd SWTG (A) S-2 in accordance with
USSOCOM Directive 525-5, 26 April 2019. A memorandum from the candidate’s
unit will not be accepted.

2) Individuals without a verified clearance will not be admitted into the course.
(NOTE: Students requiring Interim clearances must get them issued from
parent unit prior to their report date).

c. Has a grade of E6-E8, W1-W3, or O2-O4.

d. Has a minimum of 2 years SOF experience within an approved component at the tactical
level; i.e., has served a minimum of 2 years on a SF Operational Detachment Alpha,
Sea, Air and Land (SEAL) Platoon, Boat Detachment, Marine

e. Receives a recommendation to attend ASOTC from the Unit ASOT Manager and an
endorsement memo from the first O5 in the chain of command (prerequisite waivers also
require USSOCOM approval; waiver requests are sent up through the chain-of-
command to the ASOT Manager, USSOCOM – see paragraph 27.b.
f. Unit ASOT managers should also assess potential students for the following: 1) pass a
physical and mental health screening, 2) possess strong computer literacy skills, 3) able
to operate individually in friendly and/or hostile environment (local populace throughout
varied environments within CONUS), 4) able to communicate well in the English
language (oral and written) and 5) possess time management and research skills.

g. Upon graduation (non-waiverable) (USSOCOM Directive 525-5, 26 April 2019)

1) Individuals will incur an active duty service obligation (ADSO) IAW service
component personnel management regulations.

2) Components must ensure graduates serve a 2-year utilization tour in a SOF billet
that requires qualification as validated by USSOCOM.

h. Must be a U.S. citizen.

i. Must meet the service component's height and weight standards.

j. Must have a valid state U.S. driver’s license.

k. If the individual does not meet, the prerequisites listed above, a waiver must be sent
through the service chain of command to USSOCOM for approval (USSOCOM has not
delegated waiver authority and maintains it at the USSOCOM SOJ3X).

l. Students are required to have a valid SOCOM NIPR, SIPR account, and an active SIPR
TOKEN that will not expire during the duration of the course. Students must have Cyber
Awareness and Derivative Classification training that will last through the duration of the

m. Unit ASOT Managers must ensure students possess the operational traits outlined in
USSOCOM Directive 525-5, 26 April 2019.

n. The first O-5 in the students’ chain of command must review and sign the Certification
for Attendance to the Advanced Special Operations Techniques Course (ASOTC)
memorandum. Students must report with the Certification of Attendance to ASOT
on day one of the course.

6. CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT: Students are required to wear civilian clothing

throughout the course. Enlisted members who complete 15 consecutive days of
temporary duty (TDY) in civilian clothing are authorized a civilian clothing allowance (Refer
to AR 700-84, Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing (chapter 8) dated 22 July 14, and
USASOC Policy 5-20 Civilian Clothing Allowance Process dated 12 DEC 19). Warrant and
commissioned officers are not authorized a clothing allowance. Students will attend the
course in proper attire. The only authorized military clothing is outer garments used for
rural training. Students should not wear military PT clothing.

7. GROOMING STANDARDS: Students who are authorized modified grooming standards will
comply with A/6/2 SWTG (A) Policy Letter #08-18 dated 29 JUNE 2019 (Uniform and
Modified Grooming Standard Policy). Students will be issued a copy of this policy during
course in-processing. Students who show up already on modified grooming orders need to
provide the ASOTC cadre with supporting documentation on the first day of the course.
Failure to produce the provided documentation will result in written counseling and the
requirement to adhere to course standards.

8. FUNDS: Students must report to the ASOTC with an active U.S. Government
Corporate Credit Card. It is strongly recommended that each individual have a
$10,000.00 credit limit and a $2,000.00 cash advance authorization. Credit limits and
cash advance authorizations must be completed by parent units prior to course attendance.
Fort Bragg and JBLM Finance offices cannot provide student travel advances. Students that
lack sufficient funds to train will be dropped from the course.

9. TRAVEL ORDERS: Students stationed at Fort Bragg and JBLM will require travel orders
issued by their parent unit for various off-post exercises. Students not stationed at Fort
Bragg or JBLM will require travel orders covering the entire course period.
a. The Remarks block should be written as follows (use a continuation sheet):

1) Use of government mess and billeting will adversely affect mission accomplishment.

2) Use of government facilities at all other locations will adversely affect mission

3) Relaxed grooming standards IAW A Co, 6th Bn, 2nd SWTG (A) policy is not
authorized unless you are on orders and bring memorandum from your unit signed
by an O-5 in your Command.

4) Civilian clothing required in the performance of official duty.

5) Rental cars are authorized for students TDY to Fort Bragg. Local students need to
procure rental vehicles for all local training and all out of town practical exercises.

6) “Use of special conveyance authorized.”

7) “Incidental expenses are authorized.”

8) “Authorized to hand-carry or escort classified material (Section 3, Chapter VIII, AR


9) Authorized to purchase round-trip airline train, or bus tickets from the vicinity of
Fayetteville, NC to locations to be determined and return.

10) Authorized travel in and around temporary duty station.

11) This travel has been evaluated by the requesting and approving officials who have
determined an overwhelming requirement for travel variation.

12) Any other unit or local finance required statements.

10. BILLETING: Use of government billeting is not directed by ASOTC at Fort Bragg/JBLM.
Units may select to have Students utilize government billeting if sufficient billeting is
available. At no time should a student sign a lease for the duration of the course.

a. Off-Post Training Sites. During training exercises reservations are made for students by
the ASOTC cadre within the authorized per diem rates. If lodging exceeds the
authorized per diem rates, an Actual Expense Authorization will be required (to be
completed by the parent unit, supported by a memorandum provided by the training

b. When traveling to training locations outside of the Fort Bragg or JBLM areas, storage of
personal gear is authorized at the ASOTC facilities. The ASOT Detachment will be
responsible for the stored equipment and will safeguard Student possessions.

c. Dual Lodging. Dual lodging is not required while in attendance at ASOTC.


a. Rental Vehicles. Rental cars are required for all TDY students for the duration of the
course. Local Students will require rental vehicles for local training phase as well as for
the deployments. The ASOTC detachment WILL NOT provide rental vehicles to
Students stationed at Fort Bragg/JBLM to support training. Government plated vehicles
are not allowed during any portions of the course. It is the responsibility of the local unit
to ensure the student has a vehicle during the entire course.

**Due to time constraints the students will not be afforded time to draw and turn in
vehicles during the various local training scenarios. The student will be required
to have a vehicle prior to the practical exercise deployment date in order to stay
within approved course schedule timelines. Training will be conducted on
weekends as per course training schedule and when the Student deems it
necessary to meet course requirements not met during normal training hours. **

b. Compact rentals cars will suffice for Students during the majority of the course.
However, during some phases of training weather conditions may require students to
upgrade to an SUV/AWD vehicle to navigate the rural environment safely. This will be
determined by the detachment commander/NCOIC, who will issue an MFR to each
student to substantiate the expense.

c. Airline tickets. Parent units must provide personnel with airline tickets to and from the
course location as per TDY travel orders. In addition, during selected practical exercises,
students are required to purchase round-trip airline tickets from Fayetteville, NC or
Seattle, WA to CONUS locations as directed by the course OIC/NCOIC. These locations
will be presented to all students during in-processing.

d. Special Conveyances. All students are required to use taxis, buses, subways and other
such conveyances during all TDY phases of the course when necessary to meet course

12. INCIDENTALS/PROPORTIONAL RATES: During phases of the course that are

conducted in the vicinity of Fayetteville, NC and Tacoma/Olympia, WA, students stationed at
Fort Bragg or JBLM are also required to visit and conduct activities at specified
establishments, incurring costs that may be reimbursed if authorized by parent unit. The
JTR states a 50 miles radius of the location you are stationed will not receive Per Diem.

13. AIRBORNE OPERATIONS: The ASOTC will not conduct airborne operations during the
course. Parent units must ensure students have enough jumps in order to maintain
currency throughout the duration of the course.

14. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: A welcome letter will be sent to all confirmed ATRRS
students detailing reporting instructions, required documents, and equipment.

a. Weapons Policy: Students are prohibited from carrying privately owned weapons such
as firearms, air rifles, slingshots, crossbows, compound bows, or paintball guns
throughout the duration of the course.

b. Students are not permitted to participate in any outside high-risk training or activities
(including airborne operations) during the execution of the ASOTC. Injuries sustained
during these events will result in the Student’s relief from ASOTC.


a. Individuals who do not meet the minimum requirements for attendance to ASOTC must
submit a formal waiver request through their respective service component to
USSOCOM. The USSOCOM OPR for ASOT retains final waiver authority for all SOF
ASOT training conducted.

b. Waiver request for personnel whom do not meet minimum prerequisites to attend
ASOTC must be received by the appropriate Component Command (USASOC, NSWC,
MARSOC) NLT 30 days prior to the start of the requested class date.

17. CONTACT NUMBERS: Any questions should be directed below. (***Do not contact
Detachment East or Detachment West directly***)

a. ASOT Program Manager. 910-908-5198

b. A CO 1SG 910-908-5126
c. A CO Ops NCOIC 910-908-5115

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