History and Evolution of Psychiatric Nursing

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The passage discusses the history and evolution of psychiatric nursing and psychiatry from ancient times to the present. It describes how views and treatments have changed significantly over time based on scientific and medical advances.

Ancient cultures like the Greeks viewed mental illness as either being divine or demonic depending on behavior. They believed mental disorders indicated displeasure from the gods or were punishment for sins.

Views and treatment have changed significantly over time from viewing mental illness as religious or supernatural to scientific study and classification of disorders. Treatments have also evolved from restraints, imprisonment and ridicule to asylum, therapies and psychotropic drugs.

HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF 1547 – Hospital of St.

Mary of
PSYCHIATRIC NURSING Bethlehem, first for the insane was built.
1775 – visitors at the institution paid to
Historical Background view and ridicule the inmates like
Ancient Times animals.

People believed that any sickness Mentally ill patients were considered evil
indicated displeasure of the Gods and in or possessed and were burned at the
facts was punishment for sins and stake.
wrong doings.
Mental disorders were viewed as either Period of Enlightenment
being divine or demonic depending on
their behavior. 1790s – Philippe Pine and William
Tukes formulated the concept of asylum
as a safe refuge or haven offering
Development of Psychiatry protection mentally-ill people.

Pythagoras (580 – 510) – developed Dorothea Dix (1802 – 1887) – begin a

the concept that the brain is the seat of crusade in the USA to reform treatment
intellectual activity. of the mentally ill. She opened 32 state
hospitals that offered asylum.
Hippocrates (460 – 370 BC) –
describes mental illness as hysteria,
mania and depression. Period of Scientific Discovery
Plato (427 – 347 BC) – identified the Period of scientific study and treatment
relationship between mind and body. of mental illness began with:
Asciepiades, who was referred to as  Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) –
the Father of Psychiatry, made use of studied the mind, its disorders
simple hygienic measures, diet bath, and treatment
massage in a place of mechanical  Emil Kraepelin (1856 – 1926) –
restraints. classified mental disorders
The Greeks were the first to study according to their symptoms
mental illness scientifically and  Eugene Bleuler (1857 – 1939) –
separates the study of mind from coined the term “schizophrenia”
religion.  1845 – first authentic book on
psychiatric disorder was released
Aristotle emphasized on the release of
 1950s – birth of psychotropic
repressed emotions for the effective
drug; first to be created were:
treatment of mental illness. He
o Thorazine – antipsychotic
suggested catharsis and music therapy
for patients with melancholia.
o Lithium – antimanic drug
 1960 – 1980 –
Deinstitutionalization Movement
Renaissance (1300-1600)
 1980 – PRESENT – Population-
People with mental illness were based Community Care Decade
distinguished from criminals of the Brain
 Those considered harmless were Eugene Bleuler – A Swiss psychiatrist
allowed to wander and live in the coined the term “Schizophrenia”
rural areas.
1927 – Insulin shock treatment was
 Those “dangerous lunatics” were
introduced for schizophrenia
thrown in prison, chained and
starved. 1936 – Frontal lobotomy was advocated
for the management of psychiatric
1938 – Electroconvulsive Therapy was were attributed to religious factors
used for the treatment pf psychosis. and supernatural forces


(Please check Psychiatric Health  Incensed witches or
Nursing Phenomena of Concern) mangkukulam
 Devilmen or manggagaway –
who would make them mentally ill
Linda Richards by praying to the dark forces
 First American psychiatric nurse. Management
She believed that, the mentally
 Ill individuals were bought to
sick should be at least as well
churches for purification and
cared for as the physically sick.
The first training of nurses to work with  Folk healers or herbolarios who
persons with mental illness was in 1882 would subject them to physical
at McLean Hospital in Waverly, Mass. and psychological distress in an
attempt to chase off their mental
The first psychiatric nursing book –
Nursing Mental Diseases by Harriet
 There were taken for a boat ride
Bailey was published in 1920.
and in the midst of a river be
In 1930, John Hopkins was the first precipitously flung overboard.
school of nursing to include a course in  The first ever institutional care of
psychiatric nursing in its curriculum the mentally ill originated at a turn
of the 19th century in Hospicio de
Two early nursing theorist shaped San Jose, the first Roman
psychiatric nursing practice: Hildergard Catholic social welfare institution
Peplau and June Mellow in the country founded in 1782
which also operated as a forester
care to orphans, the abandoned,
CHRONICLES OF PHILIPPINE those with special needs and the

The historical interludes of psychiatry in 1810 – Spanish naval authorities

the Philippines from: appealed for confinement of its mentally
ill seafarers.
Pre-Spanish Period
American regime
 Preceding in the Spanish era,
there was not much information  1898 – 1946 – mental disability
available regarding the began to be recognized just any
phenomenon of mental illness, other medical illness.
more so how it was managed.  An advocacy towards a more
 All maladies psychiatric or humane approach towards the
otherwise were simply believed to mentally ill was fostered.
be instigated by natural and  November 1904 marked the
supernatural occurrences. establishment of the country’s
first ever hospital unit specifically
Spanish periods dedicated for the mentally ill. The
 During almost four centuries of Insane Department of San Lazaro
the Spanish ruling, from 1521 to Hospital.
1898, mental illness and  Elias Domingo – an alumnus of
conditions manifesting with the University of the Philippines –
aberrant thinking and behavior the first Filipino psychiatrist. He
was sent as Rockerfeller scholar
to Pennsylvania, USA to  July 1946, the National
undertake psychiatric training. Psychopathic Hospital was
 Insular Psychopathic Hospital renamed National Mental
– the first hospital exclusively Hospital (NMH)
dedicated for the treatment of  In 1946, the Victoriano Lune
patients afflicted with mental and General Hospital established its
nervous disorders, established on own 100 bed neuropsychiatric
December 18, 1928 unit
 1910 – US trained Filipino  The first ever prefrontal lobotomy
psychiatrists at the University of was performed by Major Romeo
the Philippines College of Gustilo using his own leucotone
Medicine on a violent schizophrenic patient
who failed to respond to ECT and
Mode of Treatment
other available treatment.
 Manic episode – therapy (fever  In December 1949, Australia-
induction through or the bite of trained Major Jaime Zaguirre
malaria – infected mosquitoes) performed the first trans-orbital
 Metrazol shock (chemical shock lobotomy on a schizophrenic
induction through camphor oil patient as well.
injection  In 1945, Marciano Limson –
 Insulin shock (inducing a professor of anatomy and
hypoglycemic coma) neuroanatomy from University of
 Lock’s sol for those who are in the Philippines College of
psychotic state; prolonged Medicine started to teach
narcosis; R1651 (Bromides) psychiatry as a subject
hyoscine injections; and
 For epileptics, they would EVOLUTION OF PSYCHIATRIC
administer phenobarbital;
magnesium sulfate, perform
spinal drainage; or place the PRACTICE
patient on a ketogenic diet Official history of Psychiatric Nursing
 Depressed individuals were also began in the USA 120 years ago
given Lock’s sol, barbiturates and
ECT  Linda Richards – 1st American
Psychiatric Nurse
Japanese occupation
o Directed the McLean
 Majority of the families of Psychiatric Asylum in 1880
mentally ill patients felt compelled
“Nursing Mental Disease” – first
to bring them home despite the
Psychiatric Textbook in 1920 and written
continued operation of the
by Harriet Bailey
National Psychopathic Hospital
 Treatment – wise, 1935 – insulin shock therapy was used
electroconclusive therapy
1936 – psychosurgery
became the foremost therapeutic
modality using antiquated 1937 - ECT
Japanese apparatus, followed by
National League for Nurses
the use of local medicinal herbs.
recommended that Psychiatric Nursing
The eventual American liberation be part of nursing curriculum program.
 The end of World War II, there First Psychiatric Nursing Theorist –
was an extensive expansion and Hildegard Peplau (1952 – 1959) –
rehabilitation of the existing developed a model for psychiatric
psychiatric facilities with the practice
subsequent training of the

First textbook – “An outline of

Psychiatric Nursing” written by Jesusa
Bagan Lara – 1973
1967 – Board of Examiners for Nurses –
required all nursing students to have at
least 4 unites of MHPN and eventually,
became a separate subject in the nurses
board exam in 1978.
Nenita Yasay Davadilla – First
Psychiatric nurse to be sent abroad
(University of Maryland) to obtain
Masters of Science in Nursing under
WHO scholarship in 1968 – 1970
Magda Carolina Go Vera Llamanzares –
First Filipino Child Psychiatric nurse
1968 – UP College of Nursing offered
Masters in Nursing specializes in
Psychiatric Nursing
Sotera V. Capellan – first chief nurse of
a mental hospital (National
Psychopathic Hospital) now NCMH
Clinical Facilities in Psychiatric Nursing
 NCMH – 4200 bed capacity
Daily average, 3400 in patients
and the main center for clinical
practiced by nursing students
 NCMH – Main center for practice
by nursing students.

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