I Shape Beam-Column Per AISC 360-10 Input: Global Unit Definitions

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Ref: AI SC 14th Edi ti on Ver A.

I Shape Beam-Column Per AISC 360-10 Build 15.11.09

Lbx := 10 ⋅ ft Unbraced Compressive

INPUT I_memb := "W10X22" I Member Shape
Length x axis

Envelope of Axial Loads Lby := 10 ⋅ ft Unbraced Compressive

 −10.0 
Paxial :=   ⋅ kip (Negative for Compression) Length y Axis (Minor Axis)
 0.0  (Positive for Tension)
Lbz := Lby Unbraced Torsional
Mx := 35 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft Bending About X (Major) Axis Length
Kx := 1.0 Ky := 1.0 Kz := 1.0
My := 1.0 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft Bending About Y (Minor) Axis

Lb := Lby Lateral Unbraced Length of Beam C b := 1.0 Fy := 50 ⋅ ksi

AISC_I_Shape_TBL := Seed Rev 1.0a

Global Unit
0 1
0 "W" "W44X335"
1 "W" ...

From AISC Shapes Database v14.1.xls

Extra Line of I Shape properties for "Size Not Found"

0 , 78
:= 0 (
I_Prop := stack AISC_I_Shape_TBL , Xextra.line )

0 1
0 "W" "W44X335"
1 "W" "W44X290"
I_Prop =
2 "W" "W44X262"
3 "W" "W44X230"
4 "W" ...

Index Searching Function searchindx ( Shape) := i←0

while i < rows ( I_Prop) − 1
break if I_Propi , 2 = Shape

i←i+ 1

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Description of Column Values in I_Prop Table

 2 4 6 13 10 14 18 20 6 34 36 35 37 38 40 39 41 
 
 Shape wgtft d tw bf tf kdes k1 A I x Sx Zx rx I y Sy Zy ry 

ib := searchindx ( I_memb) ib = 245.000 I_Prop = "W10X22"

ib , 2

Imemb := I_Prop = "W10X22" Member Size Designation

ib , 2

2 2
Ag := I_Prop ⋅ in = 6.490 ⋅ in Cross Section Area of I Shape
ib , 5

d := I_Prop ⋅ in = 10.200 ⋅ in T Depth

ib , 6

bf := I_Prop ⋅ in = 5.750 ⋅ in T Flange Width

ib , 11

tw := I_Prop ⋅ in = 0.240 ⋅ in T Stem Thickness

ib , 16

tf := I_Prop ⋅ in = 0.360 ⋅ in T Flange Thickness

ib , 19

kdes := I_Prop ⋅ in = 0.660 ⋅ in k design distance

ib , 24

3 3
Sx := I_Prop ⋅ in = 23.200 ⋅ in Section Modulus
ib , 40
(to tip of T Stem)
3 3
Sy := I_Prop ⋅ in = 3.970 ⋅ in Section Modulus
ib , 44
About Plane of Symmetry
4 4
I x := I_Prop ⋅ in = 118.000 ⋅ in
ib , 38 Moment of Inertia about x axis

4 4
I y := I_Prop ⋅ in = 11.400 ⋅ in
ib , 42 Moment of Inertia about y axis

4 4
J := I_Prop ⋅ in = 0.239 ⋅ in Polor Moment of Inertia
ib , 49

rx := I_Prop ⋅ in = 4.270 ⋅ in Radius of Gyration About x axis

ib , 41

ry := I_Prop ⋅ in = 1.330 ⋅ in Radius of Gyration About y axis

ib , 45
3 3
Zx := I_Prop ⋅ in = 26.000 ⋅ in Plastic Section Modulus 3 3
ib , 39 Zy := I_Prop ⋅ in = 6.100 ⋅ in
About x axis ib , 43
6 6
C w := I_Prop ⋅ in = 275.000 ⋅ in Warping Constant
ib , 50

rts := I_Prop ⋅ in = 1.550 ⋅ in ho := I_Prop ⋅ in = 9.840 ⋅ in

ib , 75 ib , 76

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I Shape Properties Imemb = "W10X22" I Size ("0.000" if section does not exist)
(From A ISC Dat abase v1 4. 1)

3 4
d = 10.200 ⋅ in Sx = 23.200 ⋅ in I x = 118.00 ⋅ in rx = 4.270 ⋅ in kdes = 0.660 ⋅ in

3 4 6
tw = 0.240 ⋅ in Sy = 3.970 ⋅ in I y = 11.40 ⋅ in ry = 1.330 ⋅ in C w = 275 ⋅ in

bf = 5.750 ⋅ in Zx = 26.000 ⋅ in ho = 9.840 ⋅ in rts = 1.550 ⋅ in

3 2 4
tf = 0.360 ⋅ in Zy = 6.100 ⋅ in Ag = 6.490 ⋅ in J = 0.239 ⋅ in

Ω1.67 := 1.67 E := 29000 ⋅ ksi G := 11200 ⋅ ksi h := d − 2 ⋅ kdes = 8.880 ⋅ in

Check Axial Compression Capacity of I Shape

Check Slenderness of I Shape Flange and Web Subject to Axial Compression

bf E
λf := = 7.986 Slenderness λrf := 0.56 ⋅ = 13.487 Slenderness
2 ⋅ tf of Flanges Fy Limit of Flanges

h E
λw := = 37.000 Slenderness λrw := 1.49 ⋅ = 35.884 Slenderness Limit
tw of I Shape Web Fy of I Shape Web

I_Shape_has := "Slender Web and Flanges" (λf ≥ λrf) ∧ (λw ≥ λrw)


"Slender Flanges" if ( λf ≥ λrf ) ∧ ( λw < λrw)

"Slender Web" if ( λf < λrf ) ∧ ( λw ≥ λrw)

"no Slender Elements" if ( λf < λrf ) ∧ ( λw < λrw)

I_Shape_has = "Slender Web"

Calculate deduction for member with slender elements (as required)

f := F y Per AISC on pg 16.1-43 user note f may conservatively be taken as equal to Fy

 E  0.34 E 

he := min 1.92 ⋅ tw ⋅ ⋅1 − ⋅ , h = 8.642 ⋅ in hdeduct := h − he = 0.238 ⋅ in
 f  h f 
  tw  
   

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2 Ae
Ae := Ag − hdeduct ⋅ tw = 6.433 ⋅ in Qa := = 0.991

Qs := 1.0 For rolled I shape members say Qs = 1.0

Q := Qs ⋅ Qa = 0.991

Calculate Critical Compressive Stresses for both Primary Axes of the Member

x axis elastic buckling stress y axis elastic buckling stress

Kx ⋅ Lbx Ky ⋅ Lby
= 28.1 = 90.2
rx ry
π ⋅E 2
Fex := = 362.40 ⋅ ksi π ⋅E
2 Fey := = 35.16 ⋅ ksi
 Kx ⋅ Lbx  2
   Ky ⋅ Lby 
 rx   
 ry 

For I Shaped Members

 Q⋅ Fy 
 
 Fex  Kx ⋅ Lbx E
Fcrx := Q ⋅  0.658  ⋅ Fy if ≤ 4.71 ⋅ = 46.802 ⋅ ksi
rx Q ⋅ Fy

Kx ⋅ Lbx E
(0.877 ⋅ Fex) if
> 4.71 ⋅
Q ⋅ Fy

 Q⋅ Fy 
 
 Fey  Ky ⋅ Lby E
Fcry := Q ⋅  0.658  ⋅ Fy if ≤ 4.71 ⋅ = 27.473 ⋅ ksi
ry Q ⋅ Fy

Ky ⋅ Lby E
(0.877 ⋅ Fey) if
> 4.71 ⋅

Calculate the torsional elastic buckling stess (Eq. E4-4)

 π2 ⋅ E ⋅ C 
Fe.flex.tor :=  w
+ G ⋅ J ⋅
= 62.927 ⋅ ksi
 2  Ix + Iy
 ( z bz )
K ⋅ L 

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 Fy 
 
 Fe.flex.tor  Fy
Fcr.flex.tor :=  0.658  ⋅ Fy if ≤ 2.25 = 35.854 ⋅ ksi

(0.877 ⋅ Fe.flex.tor) if
F e.flex.tor
> 2.25

Determine Controling Critical Compressive Stress Nominal Axial Capacity in Compression

( )
Fcr.comp := min Fcrx , F cry , F cr.flex.tor = 27.473 ⋅ ksi Pn.comp := F cr.comp ⋅ Ag = 178.298 ⋅ kip

Allowable Axial Compressive Stress Available Axial Compressive Strength

F cr.comp
Fca.comp := = 16.451 ⋅ ksi Pn.comp
Ω1.67 Pca.comp := = 106.765 ⋅ kip

Check Axial Tensile Capacity of I Shape

Nominal Axial Capacity in Tension Available Stress in Tension

Pn.ten := F y ⋅ Ag = 324.500 ⋅ kip Fca.ten := = 29.940 ⋅ ksi
Ω1.67 ⋅ Ag

Check Bending Capacity of I Shape

AISC Section F2.1 Yielding & F3.2 Flange Local Buckling of I Shapes

Mp := F y ⋅ Zx = 108.333 ⋅ ft ⋅ kip λf = 7.986

E E Local Buckling
Local Buckling
λpfb := 0.38 ⋅ = 9.152 λrfb := 1.0 ⋅ = 24.083 Slenderness Limit of
Fy Compactness Limit of Fy Flange in Bending
Flange in Bending

I_Shape_has := "Compact Flanges for Bending" if (λf ≤ λpfb)

"Non Compact Flanges for Bending" if λpfb < λf ≤ λrfb

"Slender Flanges in Bending - Worksheed does not Apply" if λf > λrfb

I_Shape_has = "Compact Flanges for Bending"

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 
λf − λpfb Nominal Flexural Strength of
Mn.bx := min Mp , Mp − Mp − 0.7 ⋅ F y ⋅ Sx ⋅ )  = 108.333 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft
λrfb − λpfb Bending About X (Major) Axis
 for Beam With Full Lateral Bracing

AISC Section F2.2 Lateral Torsional Buckling

Lp := 1.76 ⋅ ry ⋅ = 4.698 ⋅ ft c := 1.0

 2
 0.7 ⋅ Fy  
E J ⋅c  J ⋅ c 
Lr := 1.95 ⋅ rts ⋅
0.7 ⋅ F y

Sx ⋅ ho
+  S ⋅ h  + 6.76 ⋅  E   = 13.772 ⋅ ft
 x o  

2 2
Cb⋅ π ⋅ E  Lb  J ⋅c
Fcr.b := ⋅ 1 + 0.078 ⋅ ⋅   = 58.279 ⋅ ksi
2 Sx ⋅ ho  rts 
 Lb 
 
 rts 

Mn.lat.tor := Mp if Lb ≤ Lp = 84.572 ⋅ ft ⋅ kip

   Lb − Lp  
min C b ⋅ Mp − Mp − 0.7 ⋅ Fy ⋅ Sx ⋅  )  , Mp if Lp < Lb ≤ Lr
   Lr − Lp  
min F cr.b ⋅ Sx , Mp ) if Lb > Lr

Nominal Flexural Strength of

Mn.x := min Mn.bx , Mn.lat.tor ) Mn.x = 84.572 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft
Beam Bending About X (Major) Axis

( )
Mpy := min F y ⋅ Zy , 1.6 ⋅ Fy ⋅ Sy = 25.417 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft Plastic Flexural Strength of
Beam Bending About Y Axis

 λf − λpfb  Nominal Flexural Strength of

Mn.y := minMpy , Mpy − Mpy − 0.7 ⋅ F y ⋅ Sy ⋅ )  = 25.417 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft
λrfb − λpfb Beam Bending About Y Axis

i := 0 .. 1 Pr := Paxial Mrx := Mx Mry := My

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Perform Unity Check Per AISC H1-1a or H1-1b as appropriate
Mcx := = 50.6 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft
Pn.ten Ω1.67
Pc := if Paxial ≥ 0  −106.8  Pr  0.094 
i Ω1.67 i Pc =   ⋅ kip =  
 194.3  Pc  0.000  Mn.y
Mcy := = 15.2 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft
−Pn.comp Ω1.67
if Paxial < 0 Design (Available) Strengths
Ω1.67 i (positive for tensile)
Design (Available)
(negative for compressive)
Bending Strengths

 Mrx Mry  r P  −10.000 
+ ⋅
8 i Pr =   ⋅ kip
Ui := +  if ≥ 0.2 H1-1a
 0.000 
Pc 9  Mcx Mcy  Pc Required Strengths
i i
are Equal to
Pr Pr Mrx = 35.000 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft
 Mrx Mry  the Applied Loads
i i
+ +  if < 0.2 H1-1b
2 ⋅ Pc  Mcx Mcy  Pc Mry = 1.000 ⋅ kip ⋅ ft
i i

max ( U) = 0.804
IShape := "Fails Unity Check" if max ( U) > 1  0.804 
U= 
"Passes Unity Check" if max ( U) ≤ 1 IShape = "Passes Unity Check"
 0.757 

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Make Unity Check Using Alternative Equation H2-1
Calculate required stress resisistance
leveles based upon applied loads

Paxial  −1.541  Mx My
fra := =  ⋅ ksi frbx := = 18.103 ⋅ ksi frby := = 3.023 ⋅ ksi
Ag  0.000  Sx Sy

Fcbx := = 26.194 ⋅ ksi Allowable Stress in Bending About the X (Major) Axis
Ω1.67 ⋅ Sx

Fcby := = 46.004 ⋅ ksi Allowable Stress in Bending About the X (Major) Axis
Ω1.67 ⋅ Sy

Fca := F ca.ten if Paxial ≥ 0

i i  −16.451  Design (Allowable)
Fca =   ⋅ ksi Axial Stresses
−F ca.comp if Paxial < 0  29.940 

AISC Eq H2-1 (Alternative equations Eq H1-1a or H1.1b typically provide more capacity)

i frbx frby  0.850  Unity Check Based Upon
Ui := + + U=  Equartion H2-1
F cbx F cby  0.757 

IShape := "Fails H2-1 Unity Check" if max ( U) > 1

"Passes H2-1 Unity Check" if max ( U) ≤ 1

max ( U) = 0.850

IShape = "Passes H2-1 Unity Check"

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