Final Edited Elearnig System
Final Edited Elearnig System
Final Edited Elearnig System
Project on
The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other university and
all the sources of material used for the project/thesis have been duly acknowledged. (Name
and Signature up to the number of the project group members)
Name Signature
Yibeltal Ayele ---------------------
This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in
scope and quality, as a project for final year project.
------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Name of Advisor Signature
E -Learning system for bit
First, we would like to thanks for our God that has helped us in every difficult condition.
Then we would like to express our deep thanks and gratitude to our advisor Mr. Adugna
Nechofor his support and guidance in carrying out the project.
E -Learning system for bit
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................................................iii
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE.....................................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the project.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem......................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the project.........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Scope of the project’.............................................................................................................................3
1.5 Limitations............................................................................................................................................4
1.6 Methodology of the project...................................................................................................................4
1.8 Estimated budget...................................................................................................................................5
1.9 Tasks and Time schedule......................................................................................................................6
1.10 Significance of the project................................................................................................................7
1.11 Benefits of the system......................................................................................................................7
1.12 Organization of the project document..............................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................................................9
2. SYSTEM FUTURES...................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Existing system description..................................................................................................................9
2.2 Proposed system..................................................................................................................................10
2.3 Functional Requirements....................................................................................................................11
2.4 Use case model....................................................................................................................................13
2.5 Description of use case diagram.........................................................................................................14
2.6 Non-Functional requirements.............................................................................................................36
2.7 Analysis models..................................................................................................................................37
CHAPTER THREE.............................................................................................................................................44
E -Learning system for bit
3. SYSTEM DESIGN....................................................................................................................................44
3.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................44
3.2 Design goals........................................................................................................................................44
3.3 Hardware and software architecture...................................................................................................44
3.4 Class diagram......................................................................................................................................46
3.5 Deployment Diagram..........................................................................................................................47
3.6 User interface......................................................................................................................................48
3.7 Data base Design (Persistent Data modeling).....................................................................................54
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................................60
4. IMPLEMENTATION...............................................................................................................................60
4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................60
4.2 Algorithm Design................................................................................................................................60
4.3 Coding.................................................................................................................................................64
CHAPTER FIVE..................................................................................................................................................67
5 SYSTEM TESTING..................................................................................................................................67
5.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................67
5.2 Objective.............................................................................................................................................67
5.3 Testing by Scope.................................................................................................................................68
5.4 Resource..............................................................................................................................................69
5.5 Schedule..............................................................................................................................................69
5.6 Feature to be tested or not to be tested................................................................................................69
5.7 Pass/fail criteria...................................................................................................................................70
5.8 Approach.............................................................................................................................................71
5.9 Test case specification........................................................................................................................71
CHAPTER SIX.....................................................................................................................................................73
E -Learning system for bit
Table 1.1 to show hardware cost....................................................................................5
Table 1.2 tasks and time schedule..................................................................................6
Table 2.1 log in description..........................................................................................14
Table 2.2 logout description.........................................................................................15
Table 2.3 approve student description.........................................................................16
Table 2.4 Admin update student description................................................................17
Table 2.5 Admin delete student description.................................................................18
Table 2.6 Admin search student description................................................................19
Table 2.7 admin add instructor description..................................................................19
Table 2.8 Admin delete instructor description.............................................................20
Table 2.9 Admin search instructor description............................................................21
Table 2.10 Admin update instructor description..........................................................22
Table 2.11 Admin add department description............................................................23
Table 2.12 Admin update department description.......................................................24
Table 2.13 Admin search department description........................................................25
Table 2.14 Admin delete department...........................................................................26
Table 2.15 Admin add course description....................................................................27
Table 2.16 Admin search course description...............................................................28
Table 2.17 Admin update course description...............................................................29
Table 2.18 Admin delete course description..............................................................30
Table 2.19 instructor uploads file description...........................................................31
Table 2.20 instructor add exercise description.............................................................32
Table 2.21 instructor delete exercise description.........................................................32
Table 2.22 instructor delete upload file description.....................................................33
Table 2.23 change password description.....................................................................34
Table 2.24 forum description.......................................................................................35
Table 2.25 students download files description...........................................................36
Table 5.1 Tasting schedule table..................................................................................69
Table 5.2 pass and fail criteria table.............................................................................71
E -Learning system for bit
Figure 2.1 use case diagram.........................................................................................13
Figure 2.2 login sequence diagram..............................................................................38
Figure 2.3 add department sequence diagram..............................................................38
Figure 2.4 upload sequence diagram............................................................................39
Figure 2.5 delete student sequence diagram................................................................39
Figure 2.6 add exercise sequence diagram...................................................................40
Figure 2.2.7 download sequence diagram....................................................................40
Figure 2.8 forum sequence diagram............................................................................41
Figure 2.9 administrator activity diagram....................................................................42
Figure 2.10 Student activity diagram...........................................................................43
Figure 2.11 Instructor activity diagram........................................................................43
Figure 3.1 System architecture for E-learning system.................................................45
Figure 3.2 class diagram..............................................................................................46
Figure 3.3 deployment diagram...................................................................................47
Figure 3.4 user interface flow diagram........................................................................48
Figure 3.5 home interface............................................................................................49
Figure 3.6 log in interface............................................................................................49
Figure 3.7 admin log in................................................................................................50
Figure 3.8 admin home page........................................................................................50
Figure 3.9 student home page......................................................................................51
Figure 3.10 add department interface...........................................................................51
Figure 3.11 instructor list of course interface..............................................................52
Figure 3.12 add question interface...............................................................................52
Figure 3.13 instructor add announcement interface.....................................................53
Figure 3.14 e book interface.........................................................................................53
Figure 3.15 course table...............................................................................................56
Figure 3.16 department table........................................................................................56
Figure 3.17 faculty table..............................................................................................57
Figure 3.18 file table....................................................................................................57
E -Learning system for bit
PHP …............................... Hypertext Pre-processor
XAMPP…………………. Cross plat form Apache MySQL PHP Perl
HTML……………………. Hypertext Markup Language
CSS…................................. Cascading Style Sheet
SQL………………………. Standard Query Language
MS ….................................. Microsoft
BiT ……………………… Bahirdar institute of Technology
DB …................................. Database
E -Learning system for bit
E learning is the use of Internet technologies as well the pedagogical approach of
advancing the scalability of knowledge and performance. Due to the fastest growth of
Information and Communication Technology, the impact of E-learning for the
contribution of quality education become vital, leading to a great paradigm shift for higher
educational institution in general and Bahir Dar university Institute of Technology in
This study examines the impact of e learning to enhance quality of education through
implementing it as a blended learning approach for boosting the learning teaching process
within the academic settings. This study also confirms that the application of e-learning in
BiT extensively facilitates e learning as a tangible asset to build up the students’ intension
and perception to technology as well as fostering the quality of education via assisting
them to improve their learning knowledge and skills by accessing their particular courses’
materials online.
By using the secondary data a source of information to conduct the analysis, the study
verified that, the application of e-learning trainings for Instructors and delivering their own
courses on the e-learning platform have contributed a lot for positively influencing both
stakeholders achieving the prospective successes and significant effects on improving
the momentum of providing greater access to the students, enhance an institution’s
reputation and enrich the teaching and learning experiences.
This work has enabled the delivery of learning materials to be efficient and it has also
achieved inter exercise among students and instructors. Furthermore, it has established the
support education based learning theory along with the collaborative based to be
applicable for the BiT.
E -Learning system for bit
1.1Background of the project
Bahir Dar University is found in Bahir Dar Town, the capital of the Amhara National
Regional State. The University is a combination of two smaller institutes formed earlier,
after the departments were gradually raised to a degree level starting from 1996. Poly
campus is one of the branches of Bahir Dar University the name is changed to Bahir Dar
institute of technology. High-qualified 460 teachers, more than 150 technical assistance
and about administrative staffs support the institute’s teaching-learning system, research
and community service activity and there are five faculties in BiT.
Teaching and Learning process is the major part of the university and the way to sharing
knowledge between instructor and students.
Now a day technology is having a major impact on growing use of computer. Among the
contribution of technology, software development technology for task play a critical role
in almost all areas where computer is used. The influence of technology is currently
globalized for computer based information system for their personal and organizational
tasks. Thus, our project team was initiated to work Design and implement e-learning
system in Bahirdar institute of technology (BiT).
Because E-learning is giving stiff competition to the classroom learning technique. The
reasons are many. More and more Students are using Internet these days. The use of
Internet has given rise to the various educational learning modes such as online learning. E
learning is gradually becoming an easier way of imparting knowledge.
Many institutes promote their e-learning courses. Lot of students is adopting this method
as a preference over traditional classroom method of learning. E learning is a flexible form
of learning. This is the reason why more and top institutes are adopting e learning. It is a
E -Learning system for bit
step towards accepting technology with education. It is expected that in near future the e-
learning method with the help of e-notes will replace the publishing methods.
E Learning has substantial benefits and offers unique opportunities for people who might
otherwise have limited access to education and training. It incorporates innovative and
creative approaches to instruction and provides unprecedented access to resources and
E Learning is student centered. The learner is the core of any e-Learning system. Materials
and activities are designed with the needs and interests of the learner in mind. Students
assume control of their learning experience and use it to suit their specific needs.
E Learning is self-directed and self-paced. Students control the amount of time spent on a
topic. This allows learners to skip material they already understand or to spend additional
time on difficult areas. This individualized approach usually allows learners to complete
their education and training faster than in traditional courses.
E Learning is flexible. Learning can take place anytime and anywhere, if the necessary
equipment is available. The logistics and expense of face-to-face education and training
can be extremely limiting when students are separated by distance.
If a student is registered for the first time (as a beginner), he has to bring his original
documents and it will be returned after checking or if the student is senior, he have to
E -Learning system for bit
come to the department office to take a slip and most of the time there is no reference
books in the library for students and they don’t have access to refer other course material
other than their handouts.
The scope of the Project is mainly focused on developing E-Learning System for BIT that
largely focuses on developing web based application system including the following
Limitation is what we have not included to our Project or what we do not going to
implement in this project. Those are:
No attendance
Regarding with teaching and learning process even if some different activities, we
focus only with resource distribution and what we have explained under the scope
of the project.
The system only displays the result of exercise only as soon as the student submits.
No time schedule
For gathering data and information the following tools are employed
Document analysis
1.6.2 Data analysis methodology
1.7Software requirements
Implementation methodology
The software’s used are:-
1.8Estimated budget
The estimate budget for the proposed system is 12,282 Ethiopian birr
Material Quantity Unit price in birr Price in birr
Paper 1ream A4 30 30
Pen 3 4 12
Flash 1(8GB) 120 120
Computer 1 12,000 12,000
Paper copy 120 1200 1200
E -Learning system for bit
Time evaluation is the most important consideration in the development of project. The time
schedule required for the development of this project is very important since more
development time effect machine time, cost and cause delay in the development of the
systems.Regarding our current source, technology and our ability the time that takes to
Tasks Months
1 Proposal
preparation and
2 Data collection
and Requirement
3 System analysis
4 System design
5 Implementation
6 Testing
7 Documentation
To Overall project
tal time
Table 1.2 tasks and time schedule
E -Learning system for bit
This institute consists around 5000 students in regular and distance education students. To
provide this learning program the institute uses the following system:
To register student and begins learning in the Bahir Dar institute of technology the student
should bring his original and copy of documents needed for his registrar office. Then the
institute validates his documents and if the student is qualified, he will fill a registration
form. After that, his documents and records will be transported to the Registrar office. The
Registrar office checks the document of the student again and recorded it into data. But
currently most of the students have registered.
Regular lecture class is the main methods used by the institute for teaching and learning
process. This method is run in the classroom by face-to-face contact with the instructor.
E -Learning system for bit
Even though, it is good opportunity to discuss the course in detail the teaching and
learning process limited to the traditional classroom method of learning with the absence
of flexibility form of lecture method.
Course materials
Course materials are prepared in the form of hard copy for all courses. Some courses have
additional references book in the library even if, not enough in the number and absence of
2.1Existing system description
An existing system compromises different players to carry out its job. Among those
different actors (players), the most common are Dean of school: the person who manages
the individual schools, Instructors: They produce some learning resources and teach
students and Students: Peoples who get the learning services.
Even though the department is near to the technology, the teaching and learning process is
not still supported by electronic learning. The most faculties use the hard copy for all
courses and sometimes use soft copy that are not suitable for all students. The existing
system also has many problems on different way, for example
This is the one problem in the existing system. This term indicates the loose of many for
prepare, copy and print the resource.
There is also an efficiency problem with the existing system. Workers waste their time due
to redundantly input data.
The system is inflexible to new or exceptional situations
The system is inflexible to change
The system is not coordinated with other systems (standalone system)
To solve the existing problems, we attempt to build a computer based learning system for
BIT, which can perform efficiently handling Student information, to upload and download
any resources and Give exercise.
E -Learning system for bit
2.2Proposed system
As we stated the current system and all the identified problems in Bahir Dar Institute of
Technology. We state our proposed system relative the current system as follows.
In the current system, if a student wants to register, he/she must come and register in the
Department office, but to avoid this face-to-face registration system we proposed online
registration. This is done by login into the official website of this proposed system
supports and fills the registration form and sends it with his documents needed through
the website.
The institution is now spending much more money to prepare the course materials. As
they told us, they are now affected by the current economic crises. When we come to this
shows that the problems are also affecting the students and we believe that our proposed
system will overcome the problems.
This proposed system will provide online course materials that students can read and
download easily. Tutorials are kept in a video format, so they can download it in a format
they want to (even they can use it in any VCD/DVD players when they are at home). By
this system students can access the tutorials at any time they want. The handouts are also
kept in a PDF format therefore; the students can download and print it whenever he wants.
The current system of department doesn't have any forum therefore if a student has a
question in his mind that has not been answered by any materials he has accessed the last
choice of the student is going to be leaving his question but the system we have proposed
doesn't support the student to keep quiet since it has a forum the student can post his
question and his question can be answered by various teachers and students in different
systems and ways.
E- Library
There is a library found in the campus but there are no full materials for the students, and
this limits students to get a further knowledge by accessing the library. Therefore, most
students are dependent on only their handouts that are provided by the department, and we
proposed digital library system to overcome the above problems. This digital library
E -Learning system for bit
system has e-books, reference materials and researches that the students can read and
download easily.
In the current system of the department, there is no such kind of service that provides
student and teachers to communicate each other there is only a direct or face-to-face
contact. However, the system we are going to develop is going to solve this kind of
problems by providing online contact with each other.
Preferred solution
After we discuss over the available solution our team decide to implement web-based
system using different kinds of system software.
2.3Functional Requirements
Functional requirements are describing the interaction between the environment and
independents of its implementation. The newly existing system has supposed to give
different computerized function and service to the employees and the students.
Administrator: Is Person who has a big authority on the system and managing
exercise over the system and manages the user (instructor and student).
Instructor Is a person who has the privilege of uploading, and updating any
learning resources and adds exercise for students.
Student Person who uses the system to download file and use what was uploaded
by instructor.
Log in: every user of the system must log in to get service from the system.
Add exercise: The system should able to store the exercise into the database and
the student can take it when needed.
Add student and instructor: The system helps administrator to add user.
Delete student and instructor: The system helps the administrator to delete user.
Uploads of resources: The system helps instructor to upload any necessary files
and documents that are usable for education purpose only.
E -Learning system for bit
Downloads of resources: The students can download any documents that are
uploaded by the instructors.
Add exercise: the instructor can add exercise to the system database.
Delete exercise: The instructor can delete the exercise from the system database.
Search course, department, student and instructor: the admin search to update and
Forum: this functional requirement is for all the system actors to discuss each
Depending on the actors and use case names listed above we have drawn the following use
case diagram. The description of use case is explained in the use case description.
E -Learning system for bit
Flow of events action
information again
Actor: Administrator
Purpose: This use case allows the administrator to search the
wanted Department from the system
Pre-Condition: The Administrator log in and should have to know
the Department name to be searched.
Flow of events action
5: Use case ends after the course detail is sent for the
Post-condition: The system displays the searched Course.
Alternative events: 4: if the course code is not reachable or not in the
2.6Non-Functional requirements
A. Security
Our system is secured with different secure mechanisms. In another way authentication is
provided to all the users, only authenticated users can use. In every application before the
user uses it there is an authentication with user name and password. If a student needs to
use a resources or forum the students must login first unless the resources and the forum
parts are not active and the course and Teacher have to log in first to upload resources this
Teacher account is created by the system administrator also this system administrator have
password and user name he must login first before he does any works, this system
administrator also creates account for the students. The security is used to protect
unauthorized persons.
B. User Interface
The developed system provides web application user interfaces that are compatible with
browsers like Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome.
C. Reliability
Any new system that is going to be developed should not be subject to failure during its
operational stage. In other words, the system should operate smoothly without causing
any unexpected failure. Therefore, the system that we are going to develop is expected to
address this issue. Our system can address issue to the addressable body detail of the
failure of the system and problems occurred there and the reference how to fix the problem
by guessing.
E -Learning system for bit
D. Accuracy
Any system user needs an accurate and correct data from the system that he/she uses for
the preparation of reports as well as to make sound and relevant decisions. We can easily
imagine the consequences of any decision that made inaccurate and incorrect data their
basis. Implementing several validities checks on the number validity on the person
entering the data as well as the data that is going to be entered to the records of the system.
E. Simplicity
Since these users are expected to have a little knowledge expertise about computers and
not to the specific system, the system should be easy to use and simple to manipulate.
This could be made possible through use of different user- friendly interfaces
F. Resources
The system must be compatible with specified hardware and software environment.
G. Pseudo requirement
2.7Analysis models
Arrows shows from the source lifeline to the target lifeline. Sequence shows object
communicate with each other and what messages trigger for those communications
This sequence diagram is belonging to login use case that show the sequence of action to
The user log in to the system and perform the task he/her privileged.
E -Learning system for bit
click_login_button() validate()
Log in successfully()
The below sequence diagram is indicating the flow of the action that the administrator
how to add the department to the system database.
click_add_button() display()
saved to DB()
Uploading file to the system is the role of the instructor this sequence diagram show the
action performs on upload file to the system. After the entire file is stored on, the database
and the sequence completed.
E -Learning system for bit
select the_document_to_be_uploaded()
click_upload_button() validate()
savded to DB()
This is the task of the administrator of the system. As we see from the above diagram the
admin first login in to the system, select the delete button, and enter the id number of the
student to be deleted from the system after the system search the student allow to the
admin to delete the student. After all the student delete from system database.
click_delete_button() validate()
This sequence diagram use for the instructor to upload exercise to the system database
used for the student to take and exercise them. This action go thought the sequence above
as indicated finally the exercise added to the system database to temporarily store.
click_on_add ex_button()
inter_number_of_question() validate()
saved to DB()
successfully added_to_db_acknowledgment()
This sequence diagram shows the flow of the action use for the user to download file from
the system database.
click_download_button() validate()
Process download()
This allows the users to communicate each other and make a network between them. This
strength the relationship between the user of the system and allow the user to ask what
they want concerning to their learning and teaching process only.
Re_fill_the_information() invalid()
upload comment()
This activity diagram belongs to administrator of the system. It is flow of action to log in
to the administrator page. First the system check the user name and password of the admin
after that if the user name and the password is valid the system display the admin home
page else back and allow the admin to enter the valid one.
E -Learning system for bit
Admin login
insert username&password
[ no]
Is user name
This diagram is belonging to student log in use case. It is flow of action that log in to the
system. The system check whether the user name and the password of the student and if it
is authenticating user it displays the page of the student else back and allow the student to
enter the exact user name and password.
E -Learning system for bit
Student Login
insert username&password
Is username
This diagram is belonging to instructor log in use case. it is flow of action that log in to the
system. The system check whether the user name and the password of the instructor and if
it is authenticating user it displays the page of the instructor else back and allow the
instructor to enter the exact user name and password.
Instructor Login
insert username&password
[ no]
Design is the abstraction of a solution; it is the general description of the solution to a
problem without a detail. Design is view pattern seen in the analysis phase to be a pattern
in a design phase. After design phase, we can reduce the time required the implementation.
3.2Design goals
The design goals represent the desired qualities of E-learning system and provide a
consistent set of criteria that must be considered when making design decisions. Based on
non-functionality requirements the following design goals should achieved to qualify the
system as successful:
Robustness: the system must be robust enough to manage any valid input from the users.
The system should perform the E-learning system operations with no errors.
The website developed should be extremely reliable and secure so that information
about any users in the system
Security: the system security is one of the most important non-functional requirements.
Students can access the system anywhere and anytime internet service is available.
This system must run on multiple operating systems and it has cross platform
The administrator provides the necessary technical and financial infrastructure to facilitate
computerized learning system.
E-learning system: The proposed software has the following layers of architecture. These
Interface: There are two categories of interface class – user interface (UI) classes that
provide people access to your system and system interface (SI) classes that provide access
to external systems to your system.
Domain: This layer implements the concepts relevant to our business domain, focusing on
the data aspects of the business objects, plus behavior’s specific to individual objects.
Process: The process layer implements logical system that involves collaborating with
several domain (system) classes or even other process classes in the system.
Persistence (data): Persistence layers encapsulate the capability to store, receive and
delete Objects/data permanently without revealing details of the system.
Business External
logic System
Web forms
Web server
Data store
browser> <Apache>
Business class
3.4Class diagram
Our class diagram includes all the system class name, attribute and method together and
the classes have relation between them and relation name. Class name include
-administrator, instructor, exercise, course, department and forum. Each class has attribute
and method we discuss detail below with a diagram.
3.5Deployment Diagram
The deployment diagram shows how our system will be physically deployed in the
hardware environment. Its purpose is to show where the different components of the
system will physically run and how they will communicate with each other. Since the
diagram models the physical runtime, a system's production staff will make considerable
use of this diagram. The notation in a deployment diagram includes the notation elements
used in a component diagram, with a couple of additions, including the concept of a node.
A node represents either a physical machine or a virtual machine node (e.g., a mainframe
:Application Server
:DB Server
:Web Server
E-Learning * *
Adminstrator Persistance
* *
Instructor *
<<Deployment Spec>>
Execution: thread
* *
nested Transaction
<<Web services>>
3.6User interface
Login interface
Among the various types database design models Relational database management system
is used so it needs to work on persistent modeling. Relational databases do not completely
support object-oriented concepts, so the design of the database is different from the design
of class diagram. Persistence models enable to design the schema of the database.
Entities are simply classes that have data, but no functionality. It represents groups of
objects possessing the same properties.
Entities are:
- Admin - Student - Course
- Instructor -Forum -Exercise
- Department - faculty -eBook
This deals with process of translating the conceptual representation to the logical structure
of the database and designing the relations. It also includes refining mapping the
conceptual data models to logical data models and then to derive a set of relations.
Department table
Faculty table
File table
Instructor table
Student table
Video table
Implementation in the system includes implementing the attributes and methods of each
object and integrating all the objects in the system, to function as a single system. The
implementation activity spans the gap between the detailed object design model and a
complete set of source code files that can be compiled together. Testing is checking for
system faults with invalid inputs, and during sub system integration. A test which returns
much number of errors is good testing. This chapter presents Algorithm design, coding &
4.2Algorithm Design
For controller class member function algorithm are designed. This design enables to see
every steps and flow of logic in each function. This design part is important in the coding
part of implementation. Some of the algorithms are:
Select faculty
Click submit
} Else{
Successfully add
E -Learning system for bit
Enter password
Click submit
} Else
} Else {
Go to admin page
End if
E -Learning system for bit
End if
Selects course
No assignment found
} Else {
View assignment
Display course
Select course
If found exercise
Display exercises
End if
Select exercise
Display question
If no select answer
Display error
Question number +1
End if
End while
Click result
If no selected answer
End if
End if
E -Learning system for bit
<?php include('session.php');
include ('connect.php');
error_reporting(1); ?>
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$title = $_POST['title'];
$course = $_POST['course'];
$des = $_POST['des'];
$image = $_FILES['pdf']['tmp_name'];
$image_name = $_FILES['pdf']['name'];
$type = end($type);
$image_size = $_FILES['pdf']['size'];
if($course=='select course'){
}else {
if ($type != 'PDF' && $type != 'pdf' && $type != 'docx' && $type != 'pptx' && $type !=
'ppsx') {
$location1 = $_FILES["pdf"]["name"];
if ($location == '') {
} else {
$res = mysql_query($sql);
if ($res) {
} else {
} else {
if(isset($_FILES['video'])) {
$name = $_FILES['video']['name'];
$image_size = ($_FILES['video']['size']/1024);
$type = explode('.',$name);
$type = end($type);
$size = $_FILES['video']['name'];
$title = $_POST['title'];
$course = $_POST['course'];
$des = $_POST['des'];
if($course=='select course'){
}else {
if ($type != 'mp4' && $type != 'MP4' && $type != 'flv' && $type != 'swf' && $type != 'flv') {
E -Learning system for bit
} else {
if ($nn) {
} else {
System testing is simply testing the BiT eLearning system as a whole; it gets all the
integrated modules of the various components from the integration-testing phase and
combines all the different parts into a system, which is then tested. Testing is then done
E -Learning system for bit
on the system as all the parts are now integrated into one system and the testing phase
will now have to be done on the system to check and remove any errors or bugs occurred
in integration of the modules.
In the system, testing phase the whole BiT eLearning system will be checked not only to
find errors but also to see if the system does what was intended at the user requirement
phase, the system functionality and if it is, what the end user expected it to be.
This phase determine the error that is the non-functional component in the BiT eLearning
system. If there is an error or non-functional component then it must be removed or get
fixed before delivery of the project. For determining errors various types of test action
are performed.
Finding defects, which may be created by the programmer while developing the
Gaining confidence in and providing information about the level of quality.
To prevent defects.
To make sure that the end result meets the business and user requirements.
To ensure that it satisfies the BRS that is Business Requirement Specification and
SRS that is System Requirement Specifications.
To gain the confidence of the users by providing them a quality service.
System testing helps in finalizing the System or product against business and user
requirements. It is very important to have good test coverage in order to test the System
completely and make it sure that it is performing well and as per the specifications.
5.3Testing by Scope
were tested. For example, while an instructor upload file in to the system. if the file type
is incorrect the system will indicate that there an error uploading file then it recommends
the instructor to check the file again, this assure that the PHP lines of codes that are
designed to verify the file type is working perfectly.
There are some resources used during testing BiT eLearning system there are software
and hardware resources.
Hardware resources
- Computer
Software resource
- XAMP server
Unit testing Starting from June 01, 2017 All group members
5.7Pass/fail criteria
completion of the function of the system
performance criteria
Login Pass
Expected result
1. First, the admin should be successfully logged in to the system using provided
username and password.
2. Click add course and fill necessary information and the course will be added to the
3. Instructor and students can access the course using his/her account.
Expected result
Expected result
Expected result
1.The BiT eLearning system fails at The department should use the existing
some point manual system until the system failure is
there will be fields to fill the necessary information to the system and after the data
is added the data will show in the data base system as shown below:-
E -Learning system for bit
As we come to end of our system development, it is time to reiterate the work previously
have been done and check against our success indicators set at the beginning of the project
to determine whether the endeavor was a success. The system developed in this project
BiT E-learning system. The BiT e-learning system facilitates registration of new
instructor, students, and update and delete their information &it provide easy and fast form
and annual leave requisition and approval method.
The project began by laying out the foundation that dictates the development process. This
involved defining the system development methodology, identifying resource
E -Learning system for bit
Our development team believes that we have at large accomplished what we set out for in
the beginning of this project. We set to develop a working system prototype that would
solve the problems in the beginning of our project. The problems, which existed in the
earlier system, have been removed largely. Moreover, it is expected that this project will
go a long way in satisfying user’s requirements.
6.3 Recommendation
Now a day technology is having a major impact on growing use of computer. Among those
technologies, E-learning is one of them.E learning is the use of Internet technologies as well
the pedagogical approach of advancing the scalability of knowledge and performance. Due to
the fastest growth of Information and Communication Technology, the impact of E-learning
for the contribution of quality education become vital, leading to a great paradigm shift for
higher educational institution in general and Bahir Dar university Institute of Technology in
Bahir Dar University will take these opportunities to entertain such an alternative
E-learning system.
Serious attention should be given for the introduction of the new system.
Also it is recommended that a university should develop such system from
this initiation
E -Learning system for bit
4. “Using PHP from the command line” PHP My 3 Sep. 2012. Web. 30 Jan.