Arba Minch Apparent
Arba Minch Apparent
Arba Minch Apparent
“Networking and Installation at AMU ICT”
1. Gebriel Gashite………………………………..….RAMIT/2118/08
2. Adane Gendisha………………………………….RAMIT/2110/08
3. Mesfin Menesha…………………….……………RAMIT/T/022/09
4. Chernet Tagash…………………………………...RAMIT/2244/08
5. Meron Endale……………………………………..RAMIT/2263/08
6. Bereket Lukas……………………………………..RAMIT/2296/08
7. Tamirat Dinato……………………………………RAMIT/2176/08
8. Yinebeb Ewunetu…………………………………RAMIT/T/018/09
9. Ashenaf Kefiyalewu……………………………....RAMIT/2115/08
10. Natinael Tebeje…………………………………...RAMIT/2299/08
11. Mintiwab Nigusse………………………………....RAMIT/2135/08
Name of advisor_________________________________sgunture______________
Name of supervisor______________________________siguaure_______________
Name of Examiner_______________________________signiture______________
We dedicated this internship report to the department of computer science and information
technology, a department which have special place in our academic carrier and future life. And
finally we dedicated for Arba Minch University Information Communication Technology(ICT).
First we would like to thanks God for his great love and grace. Secondly, we would like to say
thanks to AMU to give us internship chance in order to apply our theoretical knowledge into
real world work place. Next, we would like to say thanks to AMU-ICT staff employers: Mr.
Joseph Ambaye, Mr. Minale and our main coordinator Mr. Mikiyas for his encouragement,
guidance and support from the beginning up to the last level enabled us to develop an
understanding of the field practice.
Lastly, we offer our regards to all of those who supported us that we didn’t listed their name here
during the completion of our internship in Arba Minch University.
This is our interne ship report that includes all activities we have done during internship.
Actually the report encompasses more about our practically activities that we have done.
Also include more description about network devices and switch configuration.
Table Contents
Dedication ...................................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ ii
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1
9. SUGGESTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 21
Arba Minch University is one of the Universities in Ethiopia. It is located in Sothern Nations,
Nationalities and peoples Regional State. The University was initially founded as the Arba
Minch Water Technology Institute (AWTI) in 1986, and retains its reputation as a center of
excellence in Water related studies in Eastern Africa. The University was officially inaugurated
and shifted from institute to the University level in June 2004.
Over the past few years the University has experienced a period of rapid growth and its
administrative and academic functions are now distributed across five campuses in Arba Minch
and one campus in Sawla. This has presented substantial challenges in co-coordinating
University wide activities. This situation urged the importance of ICT in the day to day
activities of the university. Information and institutional knowledge, internally shared, and with
other national and international institutions, is also increasingly commonly managed in digital
The Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC) team provides the primary
management and support for computing and technology services within the University. ICTC
manages the wired and wireless network infrastructure, campus computer classrooms and
facilities, and maintains University owned computer equipment and peripherals.
ICTC also manages a number of services, including the University's institutional Email, Video
Conferencing, Antivirus control, Official Websites, the Internet Connection service, and
business systems such as the Integrated Library System, and the Student Management
Information System (SMIS).
The team is the main source of support and advice for both academic and administrative
departments on computing and technology issues.
Customer Support.
Network and Network Security.
Operational Services and Systems.
Training and Consultancy.
Since we are fourth year students we are expected to practically apply and gain experience
about what we have learned in the class room setting. That is why our department designed this
internship. Our department assigned us to AMU ICTC and the center accepted our placement.
The ICTC of AMU is the right place to implement at least most of the knowledge areas we
have addressed in the past three years. In light of this, this internship is designed for students of
Information Technology in order that they can acquire practical skill based knowledge
especially in the areas of Data Communication and Computer Network, and system
The general objective of this internship program is in order to provide students with the
opportunity to gain practical experience about what we have learned in classroom theoretically.
In June 2018 the Faculty of computing and software engineering announced that there will be
internship in the coming July and August. They have also given us cooperation letter to
organizations which are willing to accept students for internship. Members of our group
preferred to work in ICTC of AMU based on the information that it is the best place to have
better experiences.
On the first week of July we submitted the letter to the office AMU ICTC director.
Immediately the director accepted our request and allowed us to work in the staff for two
In the first week we planned to observe the activities in the ICTC. First we focused on the Data
center and its functions and how data is communicated. In this section we have seen the ICT
Infrastructure of the University and its major resources. Secondly we critically observed how the
computer network is systematized in the university and how its gives service for different
customers inside and outside the University. We have stayed with the network administrators
In the second week we got permission to join the system administrator and technical support
section. The main task of this section is providing system service for the staff and related
electronic materials. This is done in two ways:
Beginning to the third week to the last day of the internship we were assigned to work with the
staff in the day to day activities of AMU ICTC. We have involved in data communication,
computer networking, computer maintenance and technical support activities. During the time
we were attending all the tasks of the staff. We have been working with them as a team.
The details of the major activities we have done during the internship are described as follows:
In first week, before going to practically class the AMU-ICTC offices assigned Ms. Mikiyas and
he thought us basic concept about network, network devices, subnet and layer by relating it with
real world.
Some of the theoretical class we had learned:
Introduction class for network.
Network devices.
Subnet calculation.
Trucking conduit
UTP cables
Crimped cable tester
Cisco switch (24 and 48 ports)
RJ 45 box (Face plate)
Patch panel
During our computer networking session we did many activities such as:-
Pinch the wires between your fingers and straighten them out as shown. The
color order is important to get correct.
CRIMPING THE CABLE carefully place the connector into the Ethernet
Crimper and cinch down on the handles tightly. Then make sure to test cable
before installing them.
It is used to directly connect one computer to another computer without going through a
router, switch or hub.
1. white green
2. green
3. white orange
4. Blue
5. white blue
6. orange
7. white brown
8. brown
We had seen how to configure switch. Switch configuration is very important because
different network is communicate by creating VLAN in switch and also easily to maintain the
network traffic. Switch is connect with computer by the console cable as told us network
technician so configuration are described below:-
An access port can have only one VLAN configured on the interface; it can carry traffic
for only one VLAN.
When you configure a port in trunk mode; you prefer the port make point-to-point link
between device and another network device. Trunk port can carry the traffic of multiple
VLANs over a single link and allow you to extend VLANs across an entire network.
A trunk port can have two or more VLANs configured on the interface; it can carry traffic
for several VLANs simultaneously.
In this field activity practice we have examined and practiced how to configure layer
two switches as access mode and trunk mode.
Step 1: We connected our laptop to the switch using console cable and got access to
command line interface of cisco switch.
g) AMU (config) #banner motd #*** unauthorized access is prohibited ***# // this
command prefers warning message to those who access the device without authority will be
AMU (config-if) #
The above commands prefer port fastEthernet 0/1 and fastEthernet 0/2 to become as
access mode. Both of them are configured to be in the same VLAN (30).
These commands prefer the port fastEthernet 0/3 to be a trunk port in order to carry
multiple VLANs across a single virtual trunk port.
In our internship practice the system that we have seen in our staying in Arba Minch
University is The system belongs to human resource management as the name
indicates. The purpose of the system is to improve manually work into computerized system.
And the most purpose of the system is to store employees data and information in secure way.
Some of the knowledge we acquired from system is:
We knew how to organize data in the computerized way.
We knew how to act on the systems after our graduation.
We knew how to manage employees with systems.
We knew how to set employee information and data in secure ways.
We have got motivation to develop our system that solves certain problem
and secure information in the future.
Procedure undertaken to work on the system:
4. After you added employee information, you could able to view the employee
In internship practice we did many activities for the AMU ICT during our practices which is
related work with ICT work stations.
Fortunately by helping ICT customer and also other staff member during they help ICT for the
Generally an internship cannot be free from challenges. Because it brings together three
different bodies:- The regular staff, the internists and the customers. Furthermore, since
students are facing a new environment other than what they have already experienced.
Therefore our internship activity cannot be free from challenges. The challenges that we have
encountered are categorized in to two: organizational and academic.
Few members of AMU ICTC staff were not willing to cooperate with us
ICT staffs give attention to perform their regular task than sharing experience for
internship students
Repeated power interruptions
Shortage of the necessary inputs and tools for maintenance
Absence of enough space for maintenance
Some customers are not confident on the service provided by internship students
Shortage of practical time to observe and understand over all network
infrastructures and all configuration of the system in the network devices.
Network professional workers are busy and shortage of man power.
Fortunately, however, we have not faced serious academic challenge. The tasks we were given
to perform during the internship and functions and services of the ICTC strongly match with
our academic preparations in the classroom context. Our academic class room academic
context is not only relevant to the internship assignment but also with our future job.
It is obvious that we have acquired valuable experience, knowledge and skill from the
internship. This experience and knowledge acquired from the internship have different
implications to the organization of attachment and to the university or department.
The staffs to organization will get mental satisfaction because of their sharing
experience and building capacity of future professionals. Indirectly building the
capacity of the society and the state at large.
The internists also contribute to the organization by enhancing its capacity of service
delivery. For example during our internship session we have facilitated network
administration, we have involved in network development and computer maintenance.
We also involved in organizing student lab with full infrastructure. This has an
implication to the organization.
The organization will also save its money because internists are giving service without
payment. Furthermore, we have also maintained computer which are not giving service.
This is also economic advantage.
The experience we have acquired our capacity of performing tasks has its own
implication on the internship program usually conducted in our department. Our
capacity to perform tasks shows that the class room context is effective and efficient.
This shows that the department its staff are doing what they are expected to do
In our internship practice we did many activities on the computer network and system, when
we sum up these field practices on networking in AMU ICT it helps us to strengthen our
previous theoretical knowledge by observing the components of the computer networks and
their functionality practically. This field practice also makes us to know more about the
problems occurred within computer network operating system, computer networking and
computer system and find a solution for that problem. Generally, this practical attachment is
not only gaining experience but also it shapes how to communicate, how to feel and how to use
time properly in the organization.
AMU- ICT is good in planning program, serving official budget and in network infrastructure.
But there is poor in resource management and network distribution for user and there is no
Teamwork, different web site are blocked we recommend the organization it is better to enhance
the network distribution for user and resource management.
In our internship period there are strong and weak sides. In the weak side we would like We seen
some problems in work assignment for intern students. At the first month, our Supervisor was so
busy and can’t follow us well and the required materials (equipment’s) are not ready for use. For
this, we recommend that the company should be ready to present necessary equipment’s for the
coming internship students. Strong sides during our internship is the company is equipped with
all basic material needed for internship.
to recommend the company for future students to prepare more computer laboratories.
Our references are the following site as well as some information collected manually.