Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

(February 21, 2019)

I. Objectives

At the end of 60-minute the discussion, the students are expected to:

a. Analyze and identify the cause and effect relationship of a given situation;
b. Respond and participate actively during the discussion; and
c. Present a role play of a situation showing a cause and effect relationship.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Cause and Effect Relationship

b. References:

b. https://

c. Materials: Laptop Computer, Projector, Projector Screen, PowerPoint Presentation, Video

Clip, and Speaker

d. Values: Love for Nature and Concern for Environment

e. Methods/Strategies: Inductive Method, Socratic Method, Text Analysis, cooperative

learning and E-learning

III. Procedure:

A. Pre-Developmental Activity

A.1. Prayer
A.2. Checking of Attendance
A.3. Review of the Previous Lesson

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good morning, class! Good morning!

Alright, please remain standing and let us (The student called leads the prayer)
give grace to the Lord, before starting our
class. Liza, will you lead the prayer?

Thank you, Liza. Class before you take your (The students pick up the litters and throw
seats, kindly pick-up the litters on the floor them in garbage bin.)
and dispose them properly in the garbage.

Class, let me check the attendance. Angel, (The student called tells the name of those
kindly check who are absent in this class and who are absent in the class.)
let me know their names for recording.

So class, how is your day going so far? I hope We are doing fine, ma’am. We had our
none of your skipped his breakfast before breakfast before going to school so we can
going to class. Skipping your breakfast will actively participate in our discussion.
actually affect your attention in the class.

Great! So I will expect your full participation
in the class.

Now, let’s have a short review of our previous Ma’am, we discussed how to identify facts
lesson. Daniel, kindly give us a quick recap of and opinion, and those facts are things that
what we have discussed. truly exist or happen, or true information,
while opinion are merely beliefs or
judgments, or a way we think about
Very well, Daniel! I am impressed that you
have a good grasp of our previous lesson.

Yes, Richard! Ma’am, as an addition to the recap given by

Daniel. The statements that neither qualify as
fact or opinion is a false information, and it
can mislead anyone who runs onto it.

Very good, Richard. That was an impressive

supplement. Keep it up!

A.4. Presentation of the Learning Objectives

A.5. Motivational Activity

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Class, before we start with our discussion, I
would like to give you the objectives of our
lesson, which you are expected to attain at the
end of our discussion.

John Lloyd will you read the objectives. At the end of the discussion of the lesson, we
are will be able to:

a. Analyze and identify the cause and

effect relationship of a given
b. Respond and participate actively
during the discussion; and
c. Present a role play of an event
showing a cause and effect

Okay, class. Are the objectives of our lesson Yes, Ma’am.


Now, I would like you to read and analyze

this paragraph:

“Global warming is one of the most alarming

environmental issues experienced by the
international community. It is caused by (Students read the paragraph silently.)
greenhouse gases that are trapped in the

earth’s atmosphere resulting to the unusual
rise of the heat level in the earth’s surface.
One action made by the international
community over two decades ago is to
regulate the use of chlorofluorocarbons which
is one reason why the ozone layer that traps
the ultraviolet rays from the sun is depleting.
At the present time, the earth’s ozone layer in
the Antarctic is currently recuperating
because of the interventions made by world
leaders. Scientists also predicted that the
ozone layer will totally heal itself in the next
20-50 years if all efforts will be sustained. If
we will work together hand in hand in battling
global warming, then we will be able to solve
the problem.”

What is the paragraph all about? Yes, Luis. Ma’am, the paragraph is about global
warming being one of the most alarming
environmental issues faced by the
international community.

Very good, Luis! What is/are the main point/s Ma’am, the main point/s of the paragraph,
of the paragraph? Yes, Toni. is/are the causes and effects of global
warming, and what the world leaders do to
solve the problem.

What are the causes and effects of global Ma’am, global warming is caused by
warming? Yes, Billy. greenhouse gases that are trapped in the
atmosphere and the CFC’s that depletes the
ozone layer that traps the UV rays from the
sun. global warming leads to unusual weather
patterns or rise in the temperature of the earth.

What about the effects of the intervention of Ma’am, because of the interventions of world
world leaders and the sustenance of all efforts leaders, the ozone layer is currently
to fight global warming? Yes, Tom. recuperating, and if all efforts will be
sustained. The ozone layer will totally heal in
the next 20-50 years.

That is impressive, Tom!

Now, as students and concerned individuals, Ma’am, I show my love to our nature and
how are you showing your love and concern concern to our environment in my own simple
for our nature and environment? Yes, Eula. ways by disposing my trash properly in the
garbage, and by practicing waste segregation
at home.

Eula, your initiative would actually mean a


What about the others? Yes, Sarah. Ma’am, I am recycling materials that can be
recycled, and limiting the use of plastics
which can be harmful to our environment if

not properly disposed.

Very good, Sarah.

Is there anybody else who would like to share Ma’am, I show my love for nature and
how he/she shows love for our nature and for concern for environment, by not burning
our environment? Yes, JC. garbage. Since burning of wastes can also
contribute to global warming.

Very good, class! It really shows that you

have a genuine love and concern for our
nature and environment.

But let me emphasize that this battle against

global warming is a shared responsibility
among all of us. Everyone should have the
self-initiative to make change among
ourselves. We have to work hand in hand in
order to save our environment and preserve
our mother nature. Because, if we will
continue to shamelessly abuse our mother
nature and our environment, we will all suffer
the consequences in the end.

Do you understand class? Yes, Ma’am.

Very good, class.

We must always remember that all causes Yes, Ma’am.

have corresponding effects. And this is what
we are going to discuss for today, and I hope
that you will have a good grasp of our lesson

B. Developmental Activity

B.1. Discussion Proper

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Okay, class. Let me show you an e-learning Yes, Ma’am.
material about our lesson for today. I would
like you to watch and pay attention carefully
as I play the video clip. I will be asking you to
answer the guide questions at the end of the
video. Is that clear class?

From what you have watched, how is cause Ma’am, cause is the reason why something
defined? happened. Cause happens first, but does not
always come first in the sentence.

What about the definition of effect? Ma’am, effect is what happened as a result of
a particular cause.

How about the different word markers that Ma’am, to determine or find cause and effect
signify cause and effect relationship? relationship in texts words o such as because,
since, so, if, then, before, after should be

What are some examples of cause and effect

relationship given in the e-learning material? “Angela was happy because she got to eat
cake for dessert!”

“Buster saw a UFO in the air and then he

started screaming.”

“Before Steven can get his allowance, he has

must take out the trash.”

And what are the things that you must Ma’am, the things to remember are:
remember about cause and effect
relationship? First, cause is why something happened and
the effect is what happened.

Second, cause happens first, but does not

come first in sentences and texts.

And lastly, look for the cause and effect

markers such as because, since, so, if, then,
before and after to help identify the cause and
effects in sentences and texts.


C. Post-Developmental Activity

C.1. Application

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Now, let us have a practice exercise on the
lesson we have discussed. I would like you to
analyze each given situation then identify the
cause and effect relationship:

1. Marco didn’t study for the test so he got a Ma’am, the cause is “Marco didn’t study for
low grade. the test.” And the effect is “Marco got a low

2. Because the burglar was caught red-handed Ma’am, the cause is, “The burglar was caught
by the police officer, he was put into jail. red-handed by the police office.” And the
effect is, “The burglar was put into jail.”

3. The farmer tilled and sown his farm with Ma’am, the cause is, “The farmer tilled and
crops therefore he will have crops to harvest sown his farm.” And the effect is “The farmer

in time. will have crops to harvest in time.”

4. Harry got sick from surfeit of eating after Ma’am, the cause is, “Harry ate too much
eating too much food at the party. food at the party. And the result is “He got
sick from surfeit of eating.”

5. Mary gave the homeless boy food to eat so Ma’am, the cause is, “Mary gave the
the boy has something to fill his empty homeless boy food to eat. And the effect is,
stomach. “The boy has something to fill his empty

6. By working and training hard for the Ma’am, the cause is, “The basketball team
competition, the basketball team won the worked and trained hard for the competition.”
tournament. And the effect is, “The basketball team won
the tournament.”

7. If Chris will arrive late for his exam, he Ma’am, the cause is, “If Chris will arrive late
will not be able to finish the test. for exam.” And the effect is, “Chris, will not
be able to finish the test.

8. As a result of his perseverance and Ma’am, the cause is “His perseverance and
dedication, he became successful in life. dedication”, And the effect is, “He became
successful in life.

9. David couldn’t get into his car since he lost Ma’am, the cause is, “David lost his car key.”
his car key. And the effect is, “He couldn’t get into his

10. Seeing his mother at the hospital breaks Ma’am, the cause is, “The young boy seeing
the young boy’s heart. his mother at the hospital.” And the effect is,
“The young boy’s heart breaks,”

Very good class! It seems that you have a

very good grasp of the lesson as all of you
provided the correct answers.

C.2. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Now, before I administer your activity, I Ma’am, we have discussed the cause and
would like you to discuss the gist of our effect relationship, and that cause is the
lesson for today. Yes, Nash. reason why something happened, and result is
what happened as a result of the cause

How do we determine cause and effect To determine cause and effect relationship,
relationship? Alright, Joseph. Please tell us should take note of the cause and effect
how? markers such because, cause, if, so, after,
before and etc.
Very well, Joseph.

How about the importance of learning how to It is important for us to learn how to identify
identify the cause and effect relationship? the cause and effect relationship in order for
Okay, Maja. us to determine the underlying reasons why
certain situations occur. Also, we will be able

to determine the possible outcomes of
different causes, especially when we are
reading texts.
Your answer is impressive, Maja, keep it up!

So do you have any more questions to ask?

None, Ma’am.
Since it shows that you have fully understood
the lesson, then let’s have a group activity.

IV. Evaluation

The class will work in five (5) groups. The task is to present a 1-minute role play of a
situation showing a cause and effect relationship. The presentation will be scored according to
the given criteria. All groups will be given 5 minutes to prepare for the presentation.
Criteria 5 3 1
Cause and Effect Effectively shows Cause and effect No cause and effect
Relationship cause and effect lacks strong shown
relationship relationship
Presentation Creatively presents Lacks facial Poorly presented
the role play with expressions and
proper facial emotions
expressions and
Language Presentation adheres Some grammar lapses Dialogue is affected
to the language are noted by poor language use

V. Assignment

Make a three-column table in your English notebook then write ten (10) different
situations that show cause and effect relationship. Write the situations in the first column, causes
in the middle column, and the effects in the third column.

Situation Cause Effect



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