Co1 Practice Questions

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Additional Practice Questions ( Active Learners)

Consider an ideal air-standard cycle for a gas-turbine, jet propulsion unit, such as that shown
in Fig. 12.9. The pressure and temperature entering the compressor are 90 kPa, 290 K. The
pressure ratio across the compressor is 14 to 1, and the turbine inlet temperature is 1500 K.
When the air leaves the turbine, it enters the nozzle and expands to 90 kPa. Determine the
pressure at the nozzle inlet and the velocity of the air leaving the nozzle.


A regenerative gas turbine with intercooling and reheat operates at steady state. Air
enters the compressor at 100 kPa, 300 K with a mass flow rate of 5.807kg/s. The
pressure ratio across the two-stage compressor is 10. The pressure ratio across the
two-stage turbine is also 10. The intercooler and reheater each operate at 300 kPa. At
the inlets to the turbine stages, the temperature is 1400 K. The temperature at the inlet
to the second compressor stage is 300 K. The isentropic efficiency of each compressor
and turbine stage is 80%. The regenerator effectiveness is 80%.
a) The thermal efficiency
b) The net power developed (kW)
c) The back work ratio

2. A gas turbine expands 6 kg/s of air from 8 bar and 700oC to 1 bar isentropically. =
1.4 cp = 1005 J/kg K Calculate the exhaust temperature and the power output.
(Answers 537.1 K and 2.628 MW)

3. A gas turbine uses a standard Joule cycle but there is friction in the compressor and
turbine. The air is drawn into the compressor at 1 bar 15oC and is compressed with an
isentropic efficiency of 94% to a pressure of 9 bar. After heating, the gas temperature
is 1000oC. The isentropic efficiency of the turbine is also 94%. The mass flow rate is
2.1 kg/s. Determine the following. 1. The net power output. 2. The thermal efficiency
of the plant.  = 1.4 and cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K.

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