Compressors N6
Compressors N6
Compressors N6
1. A single-acting, single-cylinder air compressor has a cylinder diameter of
152,4 m and a stroke of 226,8 mm. Air is drawn into the cylinder at a
pressure of 103,4 kPa, and a temperature of 17℃. It is then compressed
adiabatically to 620,4 kPa.
1.2 The mass of air compressed per cycle. Assume R for air is 0,286
kJ/kg.K and gamma= 1,4.
3.3 The power required to drive the compressor. Assume R for air as
0, 286 kJ/kg.K
4. The clearance volume of a single-cylinder single-acting air compressor
is 6% of the stroke volume (swept volume). Air is sucked in at 97 kPa
and 22℃. Compression and expansion index n= 1,37; pressure after
compression= 778 kPa; gas constant for air= 0,286 kJ/kg.K; air
consumption= 46 kg/min, and the mechanical efficiency is 75%.
4.2 The piston diameter and stroke if the speed of the compressor is
300 r/min and the stroke is 1,6 times the piston diameter.
the compressor is 350 RPM. Assume free volume is 5% of the stroke
volume. Compression takes place according to the law PV1,35=C and R=
0,288 kJ/kg.K
9. A two-stage air compressor compresses air from 15℃ and 103,4 kPa
to 6205 kPa. The air is cooled in the intercooler to 30℃ and the
intermediate pressure is steady at 758 kPa. The low-pressure cylinder
diameter is 102 mm and the stroke for both cylinders is 115 mm.
Assume a compression law PV1,35=C and that the volume of air
atmospheric conditions drawn in per stroke is equal to the low
pressure swept volume.
11. A three-stage compressor delivers air to a pressure of 7MPa from
atmospheric pressure of 103 kPa. The temperature at start of
compression is 30℃, and the index of compression in each stage=
1,2. Minimum work conditions prevail.
12.1 The intermediate pressures.
12.3 The temperature and the volume of air delivered per stroke at
1500 kPa
13.1 The free air delivered in m3/min, if the free air conditions are
102 kPa and 16℃.
13.2 The diameter and stroke of the LP cylinder
[283,4 kPa]
[247,34 mm]
[80,22 kW]
16. A single-acting, two stage air compressor is designed to take in 6,8 m 3
free per minute at 102 kPa and 15℃ and to deliver the air at a
pressure of 2080 kPa. The temperature and pressure at the beginning
of compression is 91 kPa and 278 K. The compression for both stages
is according to the law PV1,3=C. Intercooling is complete. Take R for
air as 0,287 kJ/kg.K.
[98,27 mm]
[38,88 kW]
17. A piston air compressor has 2 stages and one cylinder per stages and
compresses air from 90 kPa and 15℃ to a pressure of 7,68 MPa.
Intercooling is not complete and the air enters the second stage at
27℃. The pressure of the intercooler remains constant at 960 kPa.
The low pressure cylinder has a diameter of 160 mm and the stroke
length of both cylinders is 150 mm.
[0,002709 kg]
17.3 Calculate the work done per cycle and the power transmitted if
the compressor runs at 5 r/sec. Assume a compression index of
1,33 for both cylinders.
[6,653 kW]
18.1 The mass of free-air delivery in kilograms per hour.
[204,879 kg/h]
[0,0511 m3/s]
[25,066 kW]
[-4,807 kJ/s]
[105,07 kW]
[51,12 kW]
19.3 The heat transfer to the water cooling of the three cylinder jackets per
[-18,54 kJ/s]
[79,69 %]