Nama: Rachel Ria Felisiana Sidebang Nim: 1203311110 M. Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

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NIM : 1203311110


Exercise 1

Listen to Ami introducing herself and then complete the missing part of
the sentences below!
Good morning Teacher and friends. I pleased to introduce myself. My name
is Ami. I live with my parents. We just moved to Medan for a month because
my father got a promotion from his office.
I have two siblings, an older brother and a young sister. My brother's name is
Leonard and my sister's name Mei. We two years different.
I love reading and writing. I also like to do some exercise to keep my fitness.
Sometimes, I go to the gym to exercise, but mostly, I love to play badminton
with my friends.
It is good to meet you all. I hope we can get to know each other more.

Exercise 2
From the information given by Ami on her introduction, write some questions
that you can ask her to get to know her better! In your questions, try to use
“to be” form.
For example: How old are you, Ami?
1. Why did you move to Medan, Ami?
2. How many siblings are you, Ami?
3. What's the name of your sibling, Ami?
4. How old is the difference between you and your sibling, Ami?
5. What activities do you like and do often, Ami?

Exercise 3

Practice the given conversations with your friend. When possible, change the
information in the sentence with your profile.
Conversation 1

Rini : Hello! I am Rini. What is your name?

Renta : My name is Renta. I am from Balige.
Rini : Where do you live?
Renta : I live at Jalan Turi Medan. How about you?
Rini : I live at Jalan Yos Sudarso Medan. So, how old are you now?
Renta : I am twenty years old.
Rini : What is your phone number?
Renta : My cell phone is 7357446. I have to go now. Please call me if
you need me. It is very nice to meet you Rini.
Rini : Nice to meet you too, Renta. I will call you.

Conversation 2
Deny : I see you are reading Paulo Coelho novel. How do you like it?
Lisa : I like a lot, I can’t put it down. Have you read it?
Deny : Yes, as a matter of fact, I just finished it. The ending is great.
Lisa : Please don’t tell me! I’m almost done.
Deny : Okay, okay. So, tell me where you are from?
Lisa : I am from Parapat. But I live in Medan now.
Deny : How do you like it here in Medan?
Lisa : I like it so much. Have you ever been to Medan before?
Deny : No, I haven’t. This is my first trip. I have a job interview here.
Lisa : I hope you got the job, so we can hang out around again next
Deny : Yeah, that will be good. Please pray for me.

Exercise 4
Based on the conversations above mark the statements below True or
1. Renta is twenty years old. True - False
2. Rini lives at Jalan Pattimura Medan. True – False
3. Deny is reading the Paulo Coelho novel. True - False
4. Lisa comes from Parapat. True - False
5. Lisa lives in Medan now. True - False
6. Deny just finished read the Paulo Coelho novel True - False
7. Lisa has a job interview in Medan. True - False
8. Lisa and Deny read the same novel. True - False
9. Lisa and Deny is a long-time friend. True - False
10. Lisa want to hear the story from Deny. True – False
Exercise 5
Complete the conversation with a proper “to be” form.
Rosa : Hello, My name is Rosa.
Arif : Hi Rosa, my name is Arif.
Rosa : Where are you from, Arif?
Arif : I am from Padang, but I live in Medan now.
Rosa : What is your hobby?
Arif : My hobby is singing and cooking.
Rosa : How old are you?
Arif : Oh really, we are having the same age.
Rosa : It was nice to meet you, Arif.
Arif : Likewise, it was good to meet you, Rosa.

Exercise 6
Fill in the blank with is, am, are, was, were!
1. I am Rudi.
2. What is your name?
3. He is Mr. Nurdin.
4. His name ....... Mr. Kartolo.
5 she Miss Retno?
6 his name Mr. Berton?
7. They .......... high school students.
8. She .......... a police woman.
9. Her cat .......... gone yesterday.
10. The students ......... playing football two days ago.

My English Classmates
My English class is such a fun class. I have thirty classmates in this class.
They come from different nations, cultures, and religions. Three of them are
my closest friends. There is Taya. She is from Bandung and she is a
Sundanese. She loves to smile. Her smile is cheering other people around her.
Then there is Gustaf. He is a Bataknese and comes from Medan. He loves to
sing. His songs entertain the whole class. The last one is Martha. She is a
Chinese and raised in Jakarta. She is a good speaker and she speaks loudly
because she has her big voices with her.
They are my best friends. The different background and the local language
do not make us feel different at all when we are in the English class because
we speak the same English language. We are enjoying our English class

Figure 1 Classmates
Exercise 7

Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. How the writer describes her English class?
a. interesting c. quiet
b. bored d. attractive
2. What is the main topic of the given text?
a. Situations class c. Typical of people
b. The country of people d. The culture
3. Who is the one who loves to sing?
a. Andi c. Gustaf
b. Taya d. Martha
4. Who is the one who loves to smile?
a. Andi c. Gustaf
b. Taya d. Martha
5. Where is Martha come from?
a. Bandung c. Medan
b. Borneo d. Jakarta

Procedure text gives instruction or step by step to do something.
Generic Structure:

Goal : The final purpose of doing the instructions.

Materials : Ingredients or tools to do the instruction.
Steps : A series of detail instructions to achieve the final purpose.
Use action verbs, such as make, cut, measure, put.
Use conjunction words, such as first, second, then.
Procedure text example:

Goal: How to Make a Cardboard Photo Frame

Materials: To make a cardboard photo frame, you need some

equipment and materials like cardboard, paper, string,
photo, glue, paint, sticky tape and ruler.

Steps: Let’s start to make it. First, find a photo. Then, measure
up frames. Cut out the first frame. Cut out the second
frame so that the first can fit on top without slipping
through. Make the third frame with the same overlap.
Paint the frames in different ways. Finally attach a stand
or handle.

Exercise 8
Write your procedure text on making something that you like!
Mung Bean Porridge
Inggredients :
1. One cup of mung bean
2. 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar
3. Half teaspoonful of salt
4. 5 cups of water

1. Wash the mung bean
2. Boil the water
3. Put the mung bean into the boiling water.
4. Let the mung bean become tender.
5. Add the salt and the sugar
6. Simmer for 30 minutes
7. Serve the mung bean porridge

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