Anatomy Muscular System Brochure

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Acetylcholine: Chemical messenger released from nerve to control

1. Muscle soreness comes from a buldup of the voluntary muscle contraction.
lactic acid

Actin: Multi-protein that form microfilaments.
The delayed onset muscle soreness you might feel during the days Belly: Space between thorax and pelvis.
following your workout isn’t the result of a buildup of lactic acid in Cardiac muscle: Striated muscle that is main tissue of the walls of
your body. However, it is a symptom of micro tears in the muscles. In the heart.
fact, lactic acid plays a different role during your workout session, Cholinesterase: Enzyme which catalyzes acetylcholine hydrolysis.

and leads to muscle fatigue (muscle soreness and fatigue are Extensor: Muscle whose contraction extends or straightens limbs.
different). Muscle fatigue lowers your muscle’s performance, or it's Fatigue: decrease in ability of a muscle to make force.
ability to contract. Flexor: Muscle whose contraction bends limbs.
Ligament: Flexible connective tissue connecting two bones or
1 2 3 4 5 6

Increased Shortage Anaerobic Production Lower Decreased
Muscle fiber: Muscle cell that makes up skeletal muscles.
respiratory of oxygen respiration of lactic cellular
rate acid pH contraction Myofibril: Rod-like unit of a muscle cell.
Myology: Study of the muscular system.
2. Muscles do not flex (It is your JOINTS that flex) Myosin: Fibrous globulin that can split ATP.
Skeletal muscle: Striated muscles attaching bones using tendons.

Will you join me in a
flexing competition? Smooth muscle: Non-striated muscle, which contracts automatically
and slowly.
Tendon: A cord of fibrous tissue connecting a muscle to a bone.
You know muscles Additional vocabulary
don't flex right? Autonomic nervous system (ANS): Part of the nervous system
They whaaa? which control the unconscious body functions.
Somatic nervous system (SNS): Part of the peripheral  nervous
You might have heard of or even used the expression "flexing your system responsible for the movement of voluntary muscles and the
muscle". However, the truth is, you can't flex your muscle, it is your process known as a reflex arc.
joints that flex. Flexing, or flexion occurs when a flexor muscle Antagonistic muscle: A muscle that opposes the action of another.
contracts. When a flexor contracts, it brings two bones together,
bending the limbs, or in other words, decreases the angle between
the limbs. On the other hand, the motion of straightening your limbs
is known as extension, and it is when extensor muscles contract and
increases the angle between your limbs. Flexor and extensor are
antagonistic muscles.

Chanya Goysookho (Kib) 
Pimpichada Krittiyasrisumet (Angie)
Nicha Soponpongpipat (Cream)
When referring to muscles, you might think about all the physical There are three types of muscle: cardiac, smooth and skeletal
activities such as running, jumping or dancing, all of which are muscle.
movements that you can control. However, the muscular system is Cardiac Muscle
much more than that. It is involved in many other body functions Structure: Striated, contain 1-2 The nervous system sends a signal, to the muscular system. The
which are carried out involuntarily, for instance, the pumping of the nuclei, rectangular in shape. neurotransmitter, known as acetylcholine travels across the
heart and digestion. Function: Controlled by the ANS. neuromuscular junction to get from the motor neuron to the muscle
Contract involuntarily to allow heart cell. The acetylcholine binds to the receptor on the muscle cells, and
to pump blood through the circulatory rom there on, a chemical reaction began.
Location: In the walls of the heart.
The main function and purpose of a muscular system is to allow the
majority of your body movement to take place. Below is a list of Smooth Muscle
some of the body functions the muscular system is involved in.
Structure: Non-striated, contain a single
nucleus, have a spindled shape.
Function: Controlled by the ANS. Contract
involuntarily and are involved in many
Mobility "housekeeping" functions of the body.
Stability Location: In the walls of hollow organs,
tracts, passageways, etc. For e.g.
Posture respiratory tract, stomach

The muscle fibers are rearranged to shorten the muscles.

Ciculation Skeletal Muscle
Structure: Striated, multinucleate
Function: Controlled by the SNS.
Respiration Contract voluntarily,
provide movement, produces heat and
energy for the body, maintains posture
and protects internal organs.
Location: Found in between bones.
Digestion Once the motor neurone stops sending impulse, the process stops
and the muscle returns to its resting position to relax.

Vision Tendons are the

connective tissues that
join bones to muscles.
10 major muscles of the body
Sternocleidomastoid Triceps
Pectoralis major rectus femoris Hey, guess how
Deltoid Gastrocnemius
THE "ALL OR NONE" RESPONSE much it cost for a
muscle to contract
Rectus abdominis Brachioradialis The "all or none" law claim that the strength of a nerve cell or muscle Idk, how much?

Biceps Semitendinosus fiber response does not depend on the strength of the stimulus.
Instead, the goal is to exceed the threshold potential for a full
response, otherwise, no response at all.  Get it? cuz it's ATP
and 80...
Yeah I know

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