Research Report - Edited.edited
Research Report - Edited.edited
Research Report - Edited.edited
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Research report on Food Bank in Hong Kong.
A food bank is a non-profit, charitable organization that supplies food to the society
where buying food is difficult due to poverty. This report aims to elaborate on the basic functions
of a food bank in Hong Kong, the demand for food banks in Hong Kong, and the evaluation of
I did more research on some websites to study more about the global food bank in Hong
Kong. I further investigated the information in the data file documents to gather more
i. Food securing
According to the data file (document 2), the food banks in Hong Kong secure and donate
food from; restaurants, food manufacturers, and retailers. The kinds of donated foods are; edible
Therefore, the food banks in Hong Kong inspect the received food and groceries and sort
and parking the received food according to the data file (document 2). Therefore, feeding Hong
Research report on Food Bank in Hong Kong.
Kong supports member food banks with training, oversight, and equipment grants to ensure
Therefore, the food banks distribute the received food to their agencies, thus forming a
network to distribute food. According to the data file, this food is distributed to the low-income
i. To prevent crime
Kong, the unemployment rate is 4.3%, the poverty rate is 20.4%, and the urban population
growth (annual) is 0.8%. Thus Hong Kong needs more food banks to reduce these factors that
lead to crime.
Hong Kong needs more food banks to reduce housing loss since poverty is increasing
iii. Hong Kong also needs more food banks to prevent family breakdown and mental health.
c) Evaluation of meals4All
According to the survey on the operation of meals4All, some respondents' remarks were
noted. There were some 20% not satisfied while 80% were satisfied.
Research report on Food Bank in Hong Kong.
There is a need for food banks in Hong Kong to prevent crime, housing loss, family
breakdown, and mental health. Food banks around the world are monumentally healthy local
Therefore, feeding Hong Kong should enhance partner agency access, distribution
capacity for healthier and fresh foods and enhance food banks' storage of foods. It should also
support nutrition education in the community and expanding partnership with the community.
The feeding Hong Kong should enhance healthy food initiatives at the food banks by
expanding healthy food distribution settings. It should also increase the number of food banks in
Hong Kong since there is only one food bank in Hong Kong.
The feeding Hong Kong should support food banks by encouraging farming, gardening,
gleaning, and other healthy food programs. This program will help procure fresh food and
support healthy eating for their clients, helping home and community gardeners donate their
Research report on Food Bank in Hong Kong.
Aaron Kwan, (2020). Document 3: Research Results on Meals4All from Aaron Kwan.
Feeding Hong Kong, (n.d.). Feeding Hong Kong. Retrieved from