Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic Therapist Guide by Michelle G. Craske David H. Barlow
Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic Therapist Guide by Michelle G. Craske David H. Barlow
Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic Therapist Guide by Michelle G. Craske David H. Barlow
Jack M. Gorman, MD
T h e r a p i s t G u i d e
Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further
Oxford University’s objective of excellence
in research, scholarship, and education.
Stunning developments in healthcare have taken place over the last sev-
eral years, but many of our widely accepted interventions and strategies
in mental health and behavioral medicine have been brought into ques-
tion by research evidence as not only lacking benefit but, perhaps, in-
ducing harm. Other strategies have been proven effective using the best
current standards of evidence, resulting in broad-based recommendations
to make these practices more available to the public. Several recent de-
velopments are behind this revolution. First, we have arrived at a much
deeper understanding of pathology, both psychological and physical,
which has led to the development of new, more precisely targeted interven-
tions. Second, our research methodologies have improved substantially, so
that we have reduced threats to internal and external validity, making the
outcomes more directly applicable to clinical situations. Third, govern-
ments, healthcare systems, and policymakers around the world have de-
cided that the quality of care should improve, that it should be evidence
based, and that it is in the public’s interest to ensure that this happens
(Barlow, ; Institute of Medicine, ).
Of course, the major stumbling block for clinicians everywhere is the ac-
cessibility of newly developed, evidence-based psychological interven-
tions. Workshops and books can go only so far in acquainting responsi-
ble and conscientious practitioners with the latest behavioral healthcare
practices and their applicability to individual patients. This new series,
TreatmentsThatWork™, is devoted to communicating these exciting
new interventions to clinicians on the frontlines of practice.
The Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic, Fourth Edition (MAP–IV ), pro-
gram updates, extends, and improves on the previous program in nu-
merous ways. Among the major changes reflected in this revision is the
incorporation of treatment for agoraphobic behavior; agoraphobia was
addressed minimally in the previous Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic,
Third Edition (MAP–III ), because clients with moderate to severe ago-
raphobia were directed to the accompanying Client Workbook for Agora-
phobia. First, in MAP–IV, the panic and agoraphobia workbooks have
been combined. Second, the structure of the workbook has changed, so
that each chapter represents a module of treatment rather than a session
of treatment. This was done because of the recognition that clients vary
dramatically in the pace at which they proceed through each part of the
treatment. Third, relaxation training has been dropped from this edition
since the evidence to date does not suggest that relaxation training as a
stand-alone treatment is effective for panic disorder and agoraphobia or
that it is more effective than breathing skills training. Fourth, breathing
skills and thinking skills (i.e., cognitive restructuring) are now framed as
skills to help clients move toward and face their fear and anxiety, as well
as anxiety-producing situations; they are not intended to reduce fear and
anxiety immediately. Fifth, the method by which exposure therapy is
conducted, either to feared interoceptive cues (i.e., physical sensations)
or feared external situations, is substantially changed, so that the focus is
no longer on immediate fear reduction but instead on learning to with-
stand and tolerate fear and anxiety. The reasons for this change are de-
tailed in later sections. Sixth, the chapter on medications and their in-
teractions with cognitive behavioral therapy (the type of therapy that is
described in MAP–IV ) is updated with the latest advances in issues per-
taining to pharmacology. Finally, MAP–IV has been completely rewrit-
ten with a new and more accessible reading level to make it easier for all
clients to understand.
David H. Barlow, Editor-in-Chief,
Boston, Massachusetts
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relapse rates typically found with medication approaches to the treat-
ment of PD, particularly, high potency benzodiazepines (e.g., Gould,
Otto, & Pollack, ). One analysis of individual profiles over time sug-
gested a less optimistic picture in that one third of clients who were
panic free months after PCT had experienced a panic attack in the
preceding year, and % had received additional treatment for panic
over that same interval of time (Brown & Barlow, ). Nevertheless,
this approach to analysis did not take into account the general trend
toward continuing improvement over time. Thus, rates of eventual thera-
peutic success may be underestimated when success is defined by con-
tinuous panic-free status since the end of active treatment.
and Stopping Anxiety Medication: Panic Control Therapy for Benzodiazepine
Discontinuation, Patient Workbook (Otto, Pollack, & Barlow, ),
available as part of the TreatmentsThatWork™ series from Oxford Uni-
versity Press.
some level of clinically significant improvement by posttreatment, as do
the same percentage by follow-up assessment. High end-state, meaning
normative levels of functioning, is attained by % by posttreatment
and by % by follow-up (see Craske, ). The trend for continuing
improvement over time is noteworthy in this regard. Furthermore, Fava,
Zielezny, Savron, and Grandi () found that only .% of their
panic-free clients relapsed over a period of five to seven years after expo-
sure-based treatment for agoraphobia. Some research suggests that the
trend for improvement after acute treatment is facilitated by the involve-
ment of significant others in every aspect of treatment (e.g., Cerny, Bar-
low, Craske, & Himadi, ). For this reason, our program describes
methods for involving significant others in the treatment process. As with
PCT, CBT for agoraphobia is considered an empirically validated treat-
ment (Chambless et al., ). Recently, an intensive, -day treatment,
using a sensation-focused PCT approach was developed for individuals
with moderate to severe agoraphobia, and initial results are promising
(Morissette, Spiegel, & Heinrichs, ).
restructuring (Craske, Rowe, Lewin, Noriego-Dimitri, ). Clearly,
more dismantling research is needed.
Shapiro, ). Nevertheless, we generally recommend that a mental
health professional conduct and supervise this treatment because not all
clients are highly motivated, educated, or able to fully appreciate the nu-
ances of the cognitive and behavioral therapeutic strategies.
Benzodiazepines are effective agents for PD. They work rapidly, within
days to one week, and are even better tolerated than the very tolerable
SSRI class of agents. However, they are limited by their risk of physio-
logic dependence and withdrawal and by the risk of abuse (Roy-Byrne
& Cowley, )
at months (consistent with prior reports of the superiority of com-
bined treatment in more complicated panic). Following discontinua-
tion, however, patients receiving the CBT plus imipramine combination
fared somewhat worse than those receiving CBT alone, suggesting the
possibility that state- or context-dependent learning in the presence of
imipramine may have attenuated the new learning that occurs during
CBT (Bouton, Mineka, & Barlow, ).
Therapist Variables
therapists became more active and offered more instructions and expla-
nations. In the tenth session, therapists employed more interpretations
and confrontations than previously. In fact, directive statements and ex-
planations in the first session predicted poorer outcome. Empathic lis-
tening in the first session related to better behavioral outcome, whereas
empathic listening in the third session related to poorer behavioral out-
come. Thus, they demonstrated the advantages of different interactional
styles at different points in therapy.
Finally, Huppert, Bufka, Barlow, Gorman, Shear, & Woods () demon-
strated that the experience of therapists positively influenced outcome,
seemingly because these therapists were more flexible in administering
the treatment and better able to adapt it to the individual being treated
(Huppert, et al., ).
It is our intention that the Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic, Fourth
Edition (MAP–IV ), although written for the client, be carried out under
the supervision of a mental health professional. We recommend this
practice because many of the concepts and procedures are relatively
complex. The most effective implementation requires an understanding
of the principles underlying the different procedures. Therefore, the
mental health professional should be fully familiar with the therapist
guide and client workbook and aware of the conceptual bases for the di-
fferent techniques.
Week Chapter : Establishing Your Hierarchy of Agoraphobia
Chapter , Section : Facing Physical Symptoms (Review
and Practice; Activities Planning)
Ideally, clients will meet with their therapist to cover the material in the
introductory chapter and to review the principles of chapter (“Learn-
ing to Record Panic and Anxiety”) of the workbook. The client is asked
to read chapter , begin to record panic and anxiety, and read chapters
and , as well as chapter , section . At the second visit, the therapist
reviews the material in chapters and and chapter , Section, and
then assists clients in establishing a hierarchy of agoraphobia situations
and in beginning to use coping skills, and so on. At the end of each visit
with the therapist, we suggest that clients read the chapters relevant to
the material to be covered in the next visit with the therapist. If pre-
ferred, therapists may suggest that clients only read the relevant chapters
after the material is discussed in session.
This therapist guide provides session outlines, the concepts and prin-
ciples underlying the therapeutic procedures, the relevant therapist be-
haviors, vignettes depicting typical questions asked by clients, and prob-
lems that may arise in each chapter. Each chapter in this guide is
structured as follows: (a) materials needed; (b) session outline; (c) ther-
apist behaviors; (d) main concepts and principles underlying the partic-
ular treatment procedures included in the chapter; (e) case vignettes that
reflect typical types of questions asked in each chapter and examples of
therapist responses; and (f ) atypical or problematic client responses. A
final chapter in the therapist guide discusses ways in which this treat-
ment is modified for primary care settings. A separate workbook for this
six-session program is available from Oxford University Press.
The MAP–IV workbook is geared toward people who suffer from panic
or anxiety attacks and agoraphobia. It is ideal for those who meet the cri-
teria for PD, with or without agoraphobia, according to the American
Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-
orders (), fourth edition (DSM–IV ). However, it will be useful for
clients who suffer occasional panic attacks but who do not meet the
severity criteria for PD or who show only mild signs of agoraphobia. In
addition, it will be useful for people suffering from more discrete pho-
bias such as claustrophobia, fear of heights, or fear of driving. This is
because many of these phobias are associated with unexpected panic at-
tacks, although the avoidance behavior that develops is very circumscribed.
However, we also have a therapist guide and a workbook especially de-
signed for specific phobias: Mastery of Your Fears and Phobias, Therapist
Guide (Craske, Antony, & Barlow, ) and Mastery of Your Fears and
Phobias, Workbook (Antony, Craske, & Barlow, ) are available from
Oxford University Press.
It is not at all uncommon for people with panic attacks and agorapho-
bia to be depressed, to have other anxiety disorders, or to exhibit features
of a variety of personality disorders. None of these problems precludes
treatment using MAP–IV. However, we have taken the approach that
the most severe and disabling problem should be the problem that is tar-
geted first for treatment. For example, if certain clients present with a
major depressive episode that is clearly more severe than their panic at-
tacks, then the depression should be treated first, and they can perhaps
return to treating their panic and agoraphobia after the depressed mood
has alleviated. This would be our recommendation even if the depres-
sion developed secondary to, or as a consequence of, panic and agora-
phobia. On the other hand, if clients present with both conditions, but
the PD and agoraphobia are clearly equally or more severe than the de-
pression, then it is appropriate to proceed with our workbook. The same
is true for other comorbidities. Keep in mind that comorbid conditions
tend to improve, at least for some period of time, with successful treat-
ment of PD. That being said, our assumptions about which constella-
tion of symptoms should be treated first are based on clinical experience
and have not been empirically tested.
This program is not appropriate for clients who are generally anxious or
depressed without the complication of panic attacks and agoraphobia.
Different treatment protocols have been developed and evaluated for
people suffering from more generalized anxiety, stress, and associated de-
pression. On occasion, people with a broad pattern of hypochondriacal
complaints may think this program is appropriate. However, other ap-
proaches exist that are more suited to hyponchondriasis. Thus, it is im-
portant to distinguish people suffering from PD from those with a more
generalized anxiety, stress, depression, or somatoform disorder.
Finally, clients who are undergoing major life stressors, such as marital
or financial crises, may not have the time or energy to devote to this type
of treatment program and are best advised to postpone beginning such
a treatment until their other major problems are resolved.
Mental health professionals may wish to screen clients using the Anxiety
Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV (ADIS–IV), which was designed
for this purpose. Specifically, this semistructured interview provides a
very detailed analysis of the nature of the anxiety or panic, the ability to
determine if one or more anxiety and/or mood disorders is present, as
well as the ability to measure the relative severity of each disorder. A par-
ticular strength of this interview is that it helps to differentiate among
the different anxiety and somatoform disorders. ADIS–IV is available
from Oxford University Press.
Many people suffering from panic attacks and agoraphobia will be re-
ferred to mental health professionals while already on psychotropic
medication, most often prescribed by primary care physicians. In our ex-
perience, almost three quarters of our clients take low doses of benzo-
diazepines or minor tranquilizers, tricyclic antidepressants, or selective
SSRIs. Issues surrounding the combination of medications with CBTs
are complex and not fully understood. The most effective ways of com-
bining CBTs with an already-existing medication regimen are yet to be
empirically tested. Thus, we make no recommendation that already-
medicated clients decrease their medication before beginning our work-
book. Rather, we suggest that they continue with whatever dosage of
medication they are taking until they complete the workbook.
benzodiazepines in clients who have become dependent on them (Otto,
Pollack, & Barlow, ). Stopping Anxiety Medication: Panic Control Ther-
apy for Benzodiazepine Discontinuation, Therapist Guide (Otto, Jones, et
al., ) and accompanying Patient Workbook (Otto, Pollack, & Barlow,
) are available from Oxford University Press.
On the other hand, some less positive aspects have been reported. Some-
times, ex-clients, because of their own success, believe that there is only
one correct way to accomplish various tasks. They may not understand
the reasons why a client does not wish to work in the same way that they
did or to work at the same speed. In other words, they may not be as
adept at tailoring the program to individual clients as is the fully trained,
professional therapist.
Therapists will have to decide whether the positive aspects of using ex-
clients outweigh the potential negatives. Obviously, this decision will
depend on the individual ex-client. To date, no research has determined
the effectiveness of working with ex-clients. What we do know is that
our workbook program has been evaluated and shown to be successful
when administered by mental health professionals without the help of
may find individual administration more convenient. When we deliver
group treatments, we limit the number of group members to no more
than eight because it is difficult to allocate individual attention to clients
during a -minute session in larger groups. However, other therapists
have reported successful use of this program in groups of or more.
Frequency of Meetings
Usually, therapists meet with clients or groups once per week and assign
readings from the workbook and exercises to be conducted during the
week before the next meeting. Some therapists speed treatment by offer-
ing two sessions per week, thus cutting the length of treatment in half.
examples of a scientifically sound guide written at the client’s level which
can be a valuable supplement to programs delivered by professionals
from a number of disciplines. There are several advantages to this.
Self-Paced Progress
Clients can move at their own individual pace. As stated previously, some
therapists or clients may wish to shorten the program by scheduling
more frequent sessions. Other clients may choose to move more slowly,
due to conflicting demands such as travel schedules. Having the client
workbook available between irregularly scheduled sessions for review
and rereading can be quite beneficial.
purposely or unwittingly, are offset if family members become familiar
with the nature of the disorder and the rationale underlying treatment.
Second, family members can be helpful in overcoming some of the avoid-
ance behavior that often accompanies panic. Of course, some clients
prefer that their partners or family members remain unaware of their
problem. In these cases, we attempt to persuade clients of the advantage
of sharing the problem with their partners and thereby to allay any con-
cerns. Typically these concerns revolve around worries that family mem-
bers will think they are insane or will be openly hostile to their efforts.
These reactions almost never happen. Nevertheless, occasionally, there
may be clear signs that it is inappropriate to involve the significant other
(e.g., severe marital discord), in which case we do not encourage the sig-
nificant other’s involvement. When the decision is made to incorporate
the significant other, we usually bring the partner into treatment ses-
sions, either initially or throughout the entire treatment.
The MAP–IV workbook will help clients deal effectively with occasional
recurrences of panic attacks or agoraphobia after treatment is over. This
kind of recurrence is most likely under particularly stressful situations.
The client workbook can be a source of great comfort during these pe-
riods and can often prevent escalation of panic attacks into a full-blown
relapse. The final chapter of the workbook, chapter , outlines ways of
maintaining progress and dealing with occasional recurrences of panic
and agoraphobia. In addition to the availability of useful information
and prompts to use the skills learned during treatment, having the client
workbook available in and of itself seems to be anxiolytic. In fact, the
workbook may function as a cue or reminder that simply by its presence
increases the recall of information and skills learned during treatment.
Some therapists who have been using the MAP–IV program since its in-
ception in report that they prefer to distribute the chapters in in-
stallments. In this way, they prevent clients from skipping ahead and thus
encourage better concentration on one chapter at a time. These thera-
pists have adopted loose-leaf binders or other mechanisms of putting the
client workbook together.
Different therapists and programs will obviously have their own fee
structures. The cost of the workbooks is typically incorporated into this
fee structure in one of two ways. First, client workbooks can be pur-
chased in bulk by the program or therapist, and these costs are then in-
corporated into the costs of the therapy session or program. Alterna-
tively, some therapists and programs, particularly those with rather
inflexible rate structures, have the clients themselves assume the cost of
purchasing the client workbook. In these cases, workbooks may be pur-
chased in bulk for resale at the beginning of treatment.
Chapter 2 The Nature of Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
A. Both and :
. Recurrent unexpected panic attacks.
. At least one of the attacks has been followed by one month
(or more) of one (or more) of the following:
a. a persistent concern about having additional attacks;
b. worrying about the implications of the attack or its con-
sequences (e.g., losing control, having a heart attack,
going crazy insane);
c. a significant change in behavior related to the attacks.
B. The panic attacks are not due to the direct physiological effects
of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general
medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism).
C. The panic attacks are not better accounted for by another mental
disorder, such as social phobia (e.g., occurring on exposure to
feared social situations), specific phobia (e.g., on exposure to a
specific phobia situation), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
(e.g., on exposure to dirt in someone with an obsession about con-
tamination), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (e.g., in re-
sponse to stimuli associated with a severe stressor), or separation
anxiety disorder (e.g., in response to being away from home or
close relatives).
Diagnostic Criteria for Agoraphobia
The diagnostic criteria for a panic attack include a discrete period of in-
tense fear or discomfort in which four (or more) of the following symp-
toms develop abruptly and reach a peak within minutes:
. sweating;
. trembling or shaking;
. feeling of choking;
. nausea or abdominal distress;
currence of panic and catastrophic cognitions during panic seem to
differentiate nonclinical panic from PD.
The modal age of onset is late teenage years and early adulthood (Kessler,
Chiu, et al., ), although treatment is usually sought at a much later
age, around years. A large percentage (approximately %) report the
presence of identifiable stressors around the time of the first panic at-
tack. Finally, PD and agoraphobia tend to be chronic conditions with se-
vere financial and interpersonal costs. That is, only a minority of patients
remit without subsequent relapse within a few years (%), although a
similar number experience notable improvement, albeit with a waxing and
waning course (%) (Roy-Byrne & Cowley, ). Fortunately, PD re-
sponds well to specifically targeted treatments, described in our workbook.
Psychobiological Conceptualization
Biological Factors
Biological factors (whatever they might be) probably help explain why
panic disorder tends to run in families. In other words, if one family
member has PD, then another person in the same family is more likely
to have PD than are others in the general population. That is, whereas
–% of the American population has PD and/or agoraphobia, –%
of first-degree relatives (parents, siblings, children) of someone with
panic disorder themselves develop PD.
Psychological Factors
viewing palpitations of the heart as evidence of an impending heart at-
tack, thinking that lightheadedness is evidence of an impending loss of
consciousness, or viewing shakiness as evidence of impending loss of
control and insanity.
Many (%) panic clients report similar but less intense or less frighten-
ing panic-like sensations prior to their first panic attack. Also, previous
experiences of cardiac symptoms and shortness of breath predict later
development of panic attacks and PD. Perhaps such prior experiences
reflect a state of autonomic vulnerability which only develops into full-
blown panic when instances of autonomic arousal occur in threatening
contexts or under stressful conditions (i.e., when the sensations are more
likely to be perceived as harmful).
child bonding induces a specific form of anxious attachment in children,
resulting in enduring separation anxiety, which in turn leads to agora-
phobia when the individual is confronted with personally threatening
situations as an adult. Some retrospective findings support the link be-
tween separation anxiety and agoraphobia. However, there is also reason
to believe that separation anxiety is a vulnerability for all anxiety disorders,
as well as for depression. Thus, separation anxiety may be best viewed as
a component of a broader vulnerability.
The large majority of initial panic attacks occur outside of the home,
while driving, walking, or simply being at work or at school, in public
in general, and on a bus, plane, subway, or in social evaluative situations.
Furthermore, settings for initial panic attacks often are rated retrospec-
tively as somewhat difficult to escape. Situations that block escape behavior,
the natural action tendency associated with panic, intensify the urgency
to escape, as well as the associated fear and panic. Furthermore, initial
panic attacks may be most likely to occur in situations in which feared
physical sensations are perceived as particularly threatening due to pos-
sible impairment (e.g., driving), entrapment (e.g., air travel, elevators),
negative social evaluation (e.g., job, formal social events), or distance
from safety (e.g., unfamiliar locales).
sponse to stressful events. Certainly, the majority of individuals associ-
ate their initial panic attacks with stressful events. Typical stressful life
events include the unexpected loss of a significant other, illness, or aver-
sive drug experiences.
Maintenance Factors
Acute “fear of fear” (really, anxiety about fear or panic) that develops
after initial panic attacks refers to fear of specific bodily sensations asso-
ciated with panic attacks (e.g., racing heart, dizziness, paresthesia). This
anxiety is attributed to two factors. The first is interoceptive conditioning
(i.e., learned anxiety focused on internal states via aversive associations—
such as learning to be anxious about elevated heart rate because of a pre-
vious association between elevated heart rate and a panic attack). The
second factor is the misappraisal of bodily sensations (i.e., misinterpre-
tation of sensations as signs of imminent death, loss of control, and so
forth). “Fear of fear” can be construed as the sensitization of the predis-
posing trait of anxiety sensitivity due to the experience of panic attacks.
The pattern of learned anxiety to certain somatic sensations typically re-
sults in an acute sensitivity to otherwise normal bodily sensations. Hence,
different daily activities that elicit sensations similar to the sensations ex-
perienced during panic may trigger panic attacks. Examples include a rac-
ing heart from exercise; sweating from hot weather conditions; excitement
from suspenseful movies, arguments, or sexual arousal; trembling from
ingestion of caffeine; and feelings of floating or heaviness from deep re-
laxation. Note, however, that anxiety focused on sensations is moderated
by occasion setters, which vary greatly across individuals. For example,
elevated heart rate may be anxiety provoking while sitting but not while
running, depending on the individual. Furthermore, if the bodily sen-
sation occurs in association with an established safety signal or a safe
context, anxiety will be diminished. For example, a racing heart may be
anxiety provoking when an individual is alone but not anxiety provok-
ing when that person is in close proximity to others and, especially, to
medical help.
Also, anxiety develops over specific contexts in which the occurrence of
panic would be particularly troubling (i.e., situations involving impair-
ment, entrapment, negative social evaluation, or distance from safety).
These anxieties contribute to agoraphobia. Note, however, that agora-
phobia is predicted by other variables as well, as described in the next
Development of Agoraphobia
Not all persons who panic develop agoraphobia, and the extent of ago-
raphobia that emerges is highly variable. Agoraphobia tends to increase
as an individual’s history of panic lengthens; however, a significant pro-
portion of persons panic for many years without developing agorapho-
bic limitations. Nor is agoraphobia avoidance related to age of onset or
frequency of panic. Some researchers report more intense symptomatol-
ogy during panic attacks in individuals who are more agoraphobic. Oth-
ers fail to find such differences. Agoraphobic individuals may be more
concerned with social consequences of panicking, and the anticipation
of panic in specific agoraphobia situations predicts agoraphobia avoid-
ance. Whether the latter two variables are precursors or are secondary to
agoraphobia remains to be determined.
Generalized Generalized
psychological vulnerability biological vulnerability
False alarm
Associated with somatic sensations
(interoceptive cues, e.g., pounding heart)
Learned alarm
Figure 2.1.
Model of the etiology of panic disorder and agoraphobia
Nocturnal Panic
assured that episodes of physiological arousal during sleep are safe and
expected are less fearful of signals of such arousal than individuals who
are not reassured and who do not expect episodes of arousal to occur.
In other words, we found that the latter group awoke with more self-
reported distress, panic, and symptoms in response to these signals of
We propose that, like daytime panic attacks, nocturnal panics are trig-
gered by changes in an individual’s physiological state during sleep
through a process of interoceptive conditioning, whereby low-level so-
matic sensations of arousal or anxiety become conditional stimuli, so
that early somatic components of the anxiety response come to elicit
anxiety or panic. In addition, interoceptive conditional responses are not
dependent on conscious awareness of triggering cues such that, once
acquired, these responses can be elicited under anesthesia, even in hu-
mans. Consequently, changes in relevant bodily functions which are not
consciously recognized due to sleep or sleep-like states may elicit condi-
tional fear due to previous pairings with panic. The role of precipitating
physiological events has received some support from reports of short
muscle twitches, increased EEG frequency, body movements, breathing
irregularities, and increases in heart rate and skin conductance in the
minutes and seconds preceding panicky awakenings. It may be necessary
for these physiological events to co-occur with Stage or Stage sleep,
as one shifts from semivigilance to nonvigilance; a shift that may be par-
ticularly anxiety provoking for individuals who have frequent nocturnal
panic attacks.
Chapter 3 Outline of Treatment Procedures and Basic
Principles Underlying Treatment
Procedure Outline
There are four main sections to the Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic,
Fourth Edition (MAP–IV ), Workbook. The first is Basics, and it involves
(a) information and education designed to correct misinformation and
misinterpretations of somatic sensations and of panic and anxiety; and
(b) self-recording, which is intended to enhance objective self-awareness
and a personal scientist approach to panic and anxiety.
The second is Coping Skills, which involves (a) breathing skills training
(called Breathing Skills), which is designed to teach slow and diaphrag-
matic breathing; and (b) cognitive restructuring (called Thinking Skills),
which has been designed to identify and replace anxious, biased thoughts
with more realistic, evidence-based thinking.
signals is critical to interoceptive exposure. In addition, interoceptive ex-
posure is incorporated into in vivo exposure.
The fourth section is Planning for the Future, which involves (a) dis-
cussion of medications and ways to wean from medications; and (b) re-
lapse prevention.
do not occur. It is for this reason that the workbook recommends ex-
tending interoceptive exposure well beyond the point at which the bod-
ily sensations are first noticed; and it also recommends lengthy in vivo
exposures to feared agoraphobic situations.
Self-Efficacy and Control
Emotional Processing
habituation is attributed to changes in the meaning of the stimulus and
response (i.e., risk of harm is lowered, and the affective valence becomes
less negative). So, outcome expectancies are altered. Thus, there are
three indicators of emotional processing: evidence of initial physiologi-
cal arousal and self-report distress (i.e., fear activation); reactions gradu-
ally reduce during exposure (i.e., within-session habituation); and initial
reactions to the stimulus reduce across exposures (i.e., between-session
This is also the reason why it is essential to replace escape and avoidance
behavior, including safety behaviors and reliance on safety signals, with
toleration of fear and anxiety. Active escape is central to the construct of
fear. Indeed, the autonomic discharge associated with states of intense
fear or panic is interpreted as a survival mechanism (i.e., the fight-flight
reaction), the primary purpose of which is to prepare the body to engage
in protective behaviors of fleeing, fighting, or freezing. Preparatory avoid-
ance in anticipation of danger (i.e., agoraphobia avoidance) is more
variable and influenced by individual differences in learned methods of
approach and avoidance. Nevertheless, almost every client with Panic
Disorder (PD) engages in some type of preparatory avoidance, whether
it be relying on safety signals (e.g., remaining in close proximity to medi-
cal facilities, carrying anxiolytic medication at all times), using safety
behaviors (such as keeping one’s mind preoccupied to avoid thinking
about panic, maintaining steady body movements to prevent the expe-
rience of strange sensations, standing close to walls in order to prevent
falling, attempting to prevent arguments or other sources of emotional
arousal), or avoiding specific situations. The workbook outlines ways of
weaning from active escape and preparatory avoidance.
Case Example
The unexpected nature of her father’s death led S. to increase her aware-
ness of the imminence of her own death, given that “nothing in life was
predictable.” Hence, from the time of her father’s death to the time of her
first panic attack, S. became increasingly aware of her own bodily sensa-
tions. Following her first panic attack, S. was highly vigilant for tingling
sensations in her scalp, pain around her eyes, and numbness in her arms
and legs, especially on her left side. She interpreted all of these symp-
toms as indicative of an impending stroke. Moreover, her concerns be-
came more generalized, so that she began to fear other physical symp-
toms as well, such as shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
Her concerns led to significant changes in her lifestyle, although her pat-
tern of avoidance was not severely agoraphobic. She continued to func-
tion at home and at work in her roles as a mother and clerical worker.
Nevertheless, as a result of being anxious about panicking, S. began to
avoid having unstructured time in the event that she might dwell on
“how she felt” and, by so doing, panic. In fact, S. became involved in as
many committees and activities as time allowed, distracting herself from
her feelings. S. had difficulty falling asleep and developed a pattern of
doing so while watching television. Physical exercise was limited because
of the symptoms it brought on, although S. had previously been an avid
jogger. She avoided checkups because she was afraid that the doctor
would find evidence of minor strokes or an impending major stroke.
Emotional arousal was kept at a minimum, so S. avoided stressful situa-
tions, interpersonally and at work, for fear of such arousal bringing on a
panic. She avoided caffeine because of the symptoms it elicited. Also,
she avoided thinking about the loss of her father because the grief would
quickly turn into fear and panic.
S. felt that her life revolved around preventing the experience of panic
and stroke. Although the concerns about stroke were most salient in the
midst of panic attacks, her worries about having a stroke were present at
other times as well. S. was healthy (a medical evaluation revealed no
physical abnormalities) and was not taking any medication. Over the
year since her first attack, the frequency of panic had varied but never
remitted completely. Her high level of anxiety about the recurrence of
panic and its associated threat continued throughout the year. Interview
and self-monitoring measures showed that S.’s most severe panic symp-
toms were numbness, tingling, difficulty breathing, a racing heart, and
fear of dying. In addition to concerns about a stroke, S. also was very
concerned about the way in which her family would be affected if she
died, leaving her children without a mother. This concern seemed to
arise in direct relation to the suffering that she experienced following her
father’s death.
pending stroke. However, as sometimes occurs, S. used this information
in a reassuring way without fully understanding the role of anxious
thinking. That is, the information reassured her but was not fully inte-
grated into a new way of thinking. She continued to be sensitive to signs
of impending panic, such as rapid heartbeat or shortness of breath,
which were elicited by physical activities or which resulted from normal
fluctuations in her bodily state. It was not until the interoceptive expo-
sure phase of treatment was implemented that her sensitivity to physical
symptoms and her concerns about suffering a stroke truly diminished.
S. was taught breathing skills training and used it successfully to help
herself continue in whatever activity she was involved in at the moments
of being anxious rather than retreating to “safety.” Initially, she used
breathing skills training to prevent more negative experiences, such as
panic or stroke. However, S. learned to apply breathing skills training as
an adaptive strategy for facing her fears rather than as a way of trying to
prevent a dire consequence from occurring.
S. experienced few panic attacks in the first few weeks of treatment and
experienced more panics when interoceptive exposure began, after which
the panic attacks declined. Her belief in the possibility that she was hav-
ing a stroke and her concerns about the well-being of her children re-
duced along with the reduction of general anxiety and panic. By the end
of treatment, several other aspects of her life had changed without direct
instruction from the therapist. S. reported that she was engaging in
work-related and family-related activities no longer as distractions but
rather for the direct involvement and enjoyment. In addition, S. under-
went an ophthalmological exam, which she had avoided for the previous
or months for fear that evidence of mini-strokes would be found. At
the end of the program, S. was reevaluated and found to experience very
little evidence of PD. Her status was maintained for months after
treatment completion, when she was reassessed.
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Chapter 4 Introduction to the Program
Therapist Behaviors
The therapist is to review the main points of this chapter for the client,
who will read the chapter over the time before the next visit with the
therapist. The therapist is to be fully informed about the phenomenology,
etiology, and maintenance model of Panic Disorder (PD) and, therefore,
be able to informatively answer clients’ questions and provide clarification,
where necessary. In other words, the therapist is primarily an information
giver in this introductory chapter.
ture which obviously reflect seeking reassurance may be deflected by ask-
ing clients to refer back to what their own experience tells them.
At the same time, the psychobiological model introduces the notion that
panic attacks themselves are not the main issue; more important is the
anticipation of and behavioral avoidance of panic attacks since these are
the features that distinguish PD from the occasional panic attacks expe-
rienced by a substantial number of the population.
The various unhelpful ways of coping with panic attacks (i.e., avoid-
ance, alcohol, and so forth) are presented as understandable, given the
level of anxiety experienced, but also as contributory to PD and agora-
phobia in the long term. Hence, the treatment is designed to replace
these unhelpful coping methods with more adaptive methods of coping.
levels of emotionality, particularly negative emotionality, appear to con-
tribute to the likelihood of developing an anxiety disorder. Furthermore,
some evidence indicates that the propensity to respond to stressful events
with a panic attack, as opposed to other manifestations of anxiety (such
as ulcers, headaches, or depression) also may be somewhat physiologi-
cally based. It is important that clients understand that the predisposi-
tional variables do not mean that they are destined to have PD for the
rest of their lives because emotional vulnerabilities can be regulated in
the ways described in this treatment.
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
blood and injury have a very specific effect on the parasympathetic
nervous system which is different from the effect of panic.
Case Vignette 2
C: I only experience one or two of the symptoms you mentioned (see the
DSM–IV checklist). Does that mean that I do not have panic disorder?
C: Well, I avoid going to shopping malls and driving because I think that
I might have a really bad panic attack.
T: Then whether you currently experience four or more or less than four
symptoms, it is the same problem. That is, you are anxious about hav-
ing panic attacks, and that anxiety places a restriction on your activities.
Case Vignette 3
C: You said that panic attacks are acute episodes of fear which are typi-
cally short-lived. My panic attacks last for weeks.
T: Do you mean that the peak of panic lasts for weeks or that you are
highly anxious for weeks?
C: Well, I feel like I’m constantly on the edge of having another panic
attack; and, in fact, I do have more of them. After the first one, I’m
really anxious, and they keep recurring until somehow I am exhausted,
and they stop. This whole thing takes several weeks.
T: In other words, the panic attack itself is a relatively short event, but it
is followed by a high level of anxiety, which is most likely contributing
to the recurrence of panic attacks. So, there is a fluctuation between
brief episodes of intense fear (i.e., panic) and long-lasting anxiety.
Case Vignette 4
C: I have noticed that I panic more than usual just before my menstrual
period. Why does that happen?
Case Vignette 5
T: We will go into much more detail about the reasons why panic attacks
occur at different times. However, let me just mention at this point
that nocturnal panic is quite common. Approximately % of people
who experience PD report at least one occasion on which they have
woken from sleep in a panic. Nocturnal panic seems to involve
processes similar to those that occur during daytime panic attacks.
Case Vignette 6
T: It is true that panic attacks run in families. This means that the chance
of children having panic attacks is increased if their parents have expe-
rienced panic attacks. Learning ways by which to regulate your panic
attacks will help buffer the risk for your children.
Atypical and Problematic Responses
. Examine the evidence. What evidence does the client have from
medical testing to assume a medical or chemical abnormality?
Usually, there is none, or at least the panic continues despite con-
trol of the medical abnormality (e.g., thyroid medication for hy-
perthyroidism, diet changes for hypoglycemia, heart medication
for cardiomyopathy). Educate the client more fully about the evi-
dence to date. Specifically, evidence confirms the presence of defi-
nite biochemical processes during anxiety and panic (i.e., reassure
clients that the sensations are not “all in their head” or imagined).
However, the main question of why panic attacks develop in the
first place cannot as yet be answered from a biochemical perspec-
tive. That is, there is no conclusive evidence yet to suggest a speci-
fic biochemical dysregulation that causes panic attacks.
. Present the notion that even if biochemical or medical abnormali-
ties are present and do at least partly explain panic, there is no rea-
son to assume that the Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic (MAP )
treatment will not be effective in treating panic. In other words,
biologically based disorders can be managed effectively with psy-
chological treatments. The evidence concerning the efficacy for the
treatment described in the workbook can be highlighted.
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Chapter 5 Learning to Record Panic and Anxiety
Materials Needed
■ Progress Record
■ Have client complete a Panic Attack Record and Daily Mood Record
in session
■ Assign homework
Therapist Behaviors
pening in the panic attack, and what they did as a result. In addition,
provide feedback to clients as they complete the ratings on the Daily
Mood Record for today and yesterday.
Clients are expected to continue to record their panic and daily mood
for the remainder of the program. At the start of each session, the thera-
pist should spend a few minutes reviewing the monitoring forms for the
past week and reinforce their continued use.
During this session, explain to the client that recording panic and anxi-
ety objectively is a necessary first step to therapeutic change. Keeping
records offsets the anxiety-inducing effects of avoidance, subjective mon-
itoring, and recall biases. The goal is for clients to begin to become ob-
servers rather than victims of their anxiety.
Panic attacks are always cued; but sometimes, the cue or trigger is not
obvious. Recording will facilitate the detection of specific triggers and
conditions under which panic attacks occur. This in turn contributes to
a greater objective understanding and begins the process of identifying
relevant cues for exposure therapy.
Anxiety Versus Panic
Educate the client about the differences between panic and anxiety. Panic
is described as an acute episode of intense fear, whereas the state of anxi-
ety centers on future-oriented worries and tends to develop more gradu-
ally, without a discrete onset. States of generalized anxiety may increase
the likelihood of experiencing panic attacks as a function of chronic ten-
sion which elicits somatic cues and intensified attentional vigilance for
somatic cues. Education about the differences between panic and anxi-
ety again contributes to an objective, personal scientist model for the
Introduce the client to the Panic Attack Record. Clients should use this
form whenever they experience a panic attack or a sudden rush of fear.
A blank record is included in the workbook, and multiple copies can be
downloaded from the TreatmentsThatWork™ website (http://www.oup
During the session, ask the client to complete a Panic Attack Record for
a recent panic attack.
Introduce the client to the Daily Mood Record. This form should be com-
pleted at the end of each day. It uses a -point scale to rate daily levels of
anxiety, depression, and worry about having a panic attack. A blank record
is included in the workbook, and multiple copies can be downloaded from
the TreatmentsThatWork™ website (
During the session, ask the client to complete a Daily Mood Record as
practice. Once again, provide corrective feedback, and answer any ques-
tions the client may have.
Panic Attack Record
Expected: X Unexpected:
Maximum Fear
None Mild Moderate Strong Extreme
Heart racing/palpitations/pounding
Nausea/upset stomach
Shortness of breath
Chills/hot flushes
Feelings of unreality
Feelings of choking
Fear of dying
Figure 5.1.
Jill’s Panic Attack Record ()
Daily Mood Record for Jill
Rate each column at the end of the day, using a number from the –-point scale below.
None Mild Moderate Strong Extreme
Monday 7 5 7
Tuesday 5 4 5
Wednesday 4 4 5
Thursday 4 3 4
Friday 4 4 5
Saturday 2 1 1
Sunday 2 2 2
Figure 5.2.
Jill’s Daily Mood Record
Progress Record
The last monitoring form that the client will use is the Progress Record.
Clients should use this chart at the end of each week to record their
progress throughout the course of treatment. It will allow clients to see
how they are doing and help them to put things into perspective. A
blank record is included in the workbook, and multiple copies can be
downloaded from the TreatmentsThatWork™ website (http://www.oup
It is not necessary for the client to complete a Progress Record during this
initial session. The chart becomes more useful as treatment progresses.
Progress Record
For each week, plot the number of panic attacks you experienced and your average anxiety level
for that week.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
NumberNumber of Attacks
of Panic Panic Attacks
per Week
AnxietyAnxiety per Week
per Week
Figure 5.3.
Example of completed Progress Record
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
T: If you are not panicking at all, just record your daily mood and anxiety.
Case Vignette 2
Case Vignette 3
Case Vignette 4
C: I’m afraid that this kind of recording will make me more anxious.
T: Do you typically try to avoid thinking about how you feel because you
are concerned that it will lead you to panic?
C: Yes.
T: So, the recording forms will force you to face the things that frighten
you. However, the more you face these things by recording your expe-
riences, especially using the objective method of recording, the easier it
will get. In other words, your anxiety will lessen. It is the same with
almost everything we do: at first it is hard, but with repetition, it gets
Sometimes clients claim that they do not have time or energy to com-
plete the recording forms. If lack of time or energy is due primarily to
lack of motivation, then you might assume that the client’s level of mo-
tivation for conducting the entire treatment program is relatively low. If
so, you might question whether now is the best time for the client to
begin this type of program.
If clients state that they know how they feel and that recording is there-
fore redundant, point out times at which panic attacks seem to occur un-
expectedly, and discuss the benefit of close monitoring in order to identify
precipitants for those unexpected occasions. Again, the objective nature
of the self-recording should be emphasized, as it may be quite different
from ways in which clients have been preoccupied with their symptoms
up until now. Furthermore, the records will provide concrete evidence
for the purposes of later comparisons (i.e., to see change over time).
✎ Instruct clients to record panic attacks and daily mood levels for at
least one full week using the Panic Attack Record and the Daily Mood
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Chapter 6 Negative Cycles of Panic and Agoraphobia
Materials Needed
■ Help the client understand the negative cycles that contribute to panic
attacks and agoraphobia
■ Illustrate how this treatment interrupts the panic and agoraphobia cycles
Therapist Behaviors
Cycles of Panic and Agoraphobia
A theme that is introduced here and that is central to the entire treat-
ment is that anxiety and fear are not “all bad.” The purpose of fear and
anxiety is to prepare the body and mind to deal with threat. In other
words, they are designed to protect us from danger. Some level of anxi-
ety is constructive and conducive to performance and, in some situa-
tions, necessary for survival. The goal of the treatment program is to re-
duce the expression of anxiety at times when it is not warranted, as
opposed to removing all anxiety.
approach to treatment; that there exists a logical way of treating this
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
T: There are several things to keep in mind. First, it has been found that
the duration of panic disorder does not predict response to treatment.
Rather, it is the amount of practice and engagement you have in the
treatment which is most important to the outcome and the benefit
that you receive. Second, as we mentioned last time, this program is
skills oriented, and learning can take place relatively quickly. Third,
during this short-term program, you will acquire skills that you can
apply on your own. You may continue to experience some anxiety
when you finish the treatment, but you will have principles and skills
to deal with the anxiety that remains. Finally, the rate of success with
Step-by-Step Analysis of Panic Attack
Where were you and what was going on when the panic attack first started? At home, watching
What happened first? A physical symptom, negative thought, or a behavior? I noticed that my
What happened next? How did you react to the first physical symptom or negative thought?
Did you notice more physical symptoms, more negative thoughts, or did you do something,
such as seek help, lie down, or exit wherever you were?
I was terrified that something was wrong with my heart, I thought that maybe I did some
damage the night before by exhausting myself, and immediately put a cool cloth on my
What happened next? Did the physical symptoms get worse, did you become even more scared
about negative things happening?
My heart rate sped up, and I began to sweat. I thought of calling my husband or 911. I
What was next? The feelings got worse and worse—I felt weak and dizzy, and my heart
was racing very fast, and I sweated and felt sick to my stomach. I really thought I was
dying. I was too afraid to move, so I just lay on the couch, praying that I would not die.
How did it end? Eventually, the feelings subsided, although I felt very weak and out of it
Figure 6.1.
Example of completed Step-by-Step Analysis of Panic Attack form
this type of treatment is very high, and that in itself is reason for you
to give it your best effort, or you should at least forestall a judgment
until you have tried it.
Case Vignette 2
T: The “out of the blue” panic attack is a hallmark feature of panic dis-
order. Next time, we will discuss the reasons why a panic attack may
occur seemingly out of the blue. In brief, it has to do with the triggers
being so subtle that you are not fully aware of them. You will soon
learn to become more aware of them.
Case Vignette 3
T: But let us just say that you had to. What would happen?
Case Vignette 4
T: I understand that the feeling terrifies you and that it is hard to think
about it objectively, especially at the moment it is happening. How-
ever, if you thought it was normal to feel the rush of adrenaline in
your body, then you would not be terrified, and you would know that
you could tolerate it. The goal of this treatment is to help you realize
that you can tolerate these feelings.
In most cases, clients understand the interaction among the three re-
sponse components, and it seems credible. Occasionally, however, it is
difficult for clients to relate this model to their own experiences due to
the sudden onset of panic and the frequent absence of specific danger
cognitions. That is, the “out of the blue” panic attack is initially difficult
to explain according to the three-response-component model. In this
case, it is helpful to explain that the reciprocal influences among the re-
sponse components can occur not only on a conscious level but also on
a very direct, subconscious level, so that an individual may almost auto-
matically become afraid. This is explained in more detail in the next
Sometimes clients report that they no longer panic but they are con-
stantly anxious and always have physical symptoms. Unless they are ex-
periencing bursts of arousal or peaks of fear in addition to the general
anxiety, these individuals are technically not panicking. However, it is
possible that their levels of anxiety and chronic symptomatology are
functions of extreme anxiety about the recurrence of panic. Therefore,
the same treatment procedures are appropriate.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic for one week
using the Panic Attack Record and Daily Mood Record.
✎ The client should read chapters and , and chapter , section , in
the workbook.
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Chapter 7 Panic Attacks Are Not Harmful
Therapist Behaviors
The therapist reviews the major material and concepts in the chapter,
tying them to clients’ panic and anxiety wherever possible. The therapist
is to be informed so as to be able to fully address questions raised or to
provide clarifications. This is the last of the series of chapters in which
the focus is primarily information-giving.
learn that this misfiring is not dangerous, but because the reaction is per-
ceived as dangerous, it becomes a source of anxiety.
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
T: It is not necessarily the sensations that are adaptive for survival but the
physiological processes that underlie the sensations. One might experi-
ence various sensations as a by-product of high levels of arousal. The
feeling of unreality is often related to hyperventilation because in
preparation for fight or flight, the body reacts by breathing faster be-
cause oxygen is a source of energy. Similarly, a tightness around the
throat or chest may be the by-product of increased muscle tension and
a slowing down or retardation of the digestive process, both of which
are part of the survival reaction.
Case Vignette 2
T: There are several things to keep in mind about nocturnal panic attacks.
First of all, natural fluctuations in physiological arousal occur during
sleep. For example, we experience peaks and valleys in heart rate as we
sleep, and individuals who are more anxious in general during the day
typically experience more arousal peaks during the course of sleep. If
you are particularly sensitive to or afraid of arousal, it is conceivable
that the peak of arousal may cause you to wake in a panic. In contrast,
someone who is not afraid of their bodily symptoms may experience
the same amount of physiological arousal during sleep but react with
restlessness or a disturbed sleep pattern instead of panic.
Think of yourself in a large crowd. You are unlikely to hear all of the
conversations going on around you. However, you may hear your
name if it is mentioned. Similarly, you may not hear the sounds of
traffic while you are sleeping, but you hear the sound of your baby cry-
ing, even though the sound itself is fainter. Cues that you think mean
danger will, of course, be very meaningful. Therefore, you may be
likely to awaken in response to physical changes happening in your
body which scare you.
Case Vignette 3
C: Why did I start to worry about the symptoms in the first place?
T: It seems that certain life experiences affect how people understand am-
biguous signs of arousal. For example, the unexpected death of a sig-
nificant person may prime anyone to misinterpret ambiguous arousal
symptoms as harmful. Or, negative personal experiences, such as a bad
reaction to drugs or surgeries or an asthma attack, may have the same
Case Vignette 4
C: Once I have a panic attack, the feeling stays around for weeks after-
ward. That seems to be different from your description of short-lived,
intense sympathetic activation.
Case Vignette 5
C: They might get worse and worse, and then I might really lose it.
T: So, actually, there is a threat in the back of your mind, although your
immediate reaction is one of discomfort.
Case Vignette 6
T: Yes, those two emotional states—an unexpected panic attack and fear
when confronted with a burglar—are essentially the same. However,
in the case of the burglar, where were you focusing your attention: on
the burglar or on the way that you were feeling?
C: The burglar, of course, although I did notice that my heart was racing
a mile a minute.
T: And when you have a panic attack, where are you focusing your atten-
tion: on the people around you or on the way that you are feeling?
C: Well, mostly on the way that I’m feeling, although it depends on
where I am at the time.
T: Being most concerned about what is going on inside you—on the feel-
ings that you are having—can lead to a very different type of experi-
ence than being concerned about a burglar, even though basically the
same physiological reaction is occurring. For example, remember our
description of the way in which fear of physical symptoms can inten-
sify the physical symptoms.
Imagine yourself walking through a dark alley, and you have reason to
believe that somewhere in the darkness lurks a killer. Under those con-
ditions, you would be extremely attentive to any sign, any sound, or
any sight of another person. If you were walking through the same
alley and were sure that there were no killers, you might not hear or
detect the same signals that you picked up on in the first case. Now, let
us translate this to panic: the killer in the dark alley is the panic at-
tack; and the signs, sounds, and smells are the physical sensations that
you think signal the possibility of a panic attack. Given the acute de-
gree of sensitivity to physical symptoms that signal a panic attack, it
is likely that you are noticing normal “noises” in your body that you
would otherwise not notice and, on occasion, immediately become
fearful because of those “noises.” In other words, the sensations are
often noticeable because you attend to them.
The difference between these two experiences can be explained as due to
different foci of attention. The focus on sensations triggered by an obvi-
ous external stimulus is quite different from the focus on sensations for
which no stimulus is perceived, as in panic. The inward focus of atten-
tion which occurs during panic thus changes the experience of the sen-
sations, so that they feel qualitatively different than those resulting from
an external trigger. The physiological basis of these sensations, however,
remains the same in both cases.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ The client should read chapter , section , in the workbook over the
course of the week.
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Chapter 8 Establishing a Hierarchy of
Agoraphobia Situations
Materials Needed
■ Agoraphobia Hierarchy
Therapist Behaviors
of others) in order to generate a hierarchy that covers a range of anxiety
and to help clients identify safety behaviors and safety signals that con-
tribute to anxiety in the long term, from which clients are to be weaned
during treatment.
Also, this chapter will allow the therapist to make an assessment of the
degree of agoraphobia avoidance, which in turn will determine how
much time is to be devoted to in vivo exposure in chapter and, thus,
the overall length of treatment.
Records Review
The first section of this chapter addresses what was learned from the past
week of self-recording, such as patterns of anxiety in relation to panic
attacks and the conditions under which panic attacks are most likely to
occur. Ways of enhancing compliance with self-recording are suggested.
Work with clients to identify the specific situations that they avoid by
using the following list as a guide. Have clients review the list in the work-
book and put a check next to the situations they avoid or are anxious
about. Instruct clients to add as many “others” as necessary.
Have each client select up to of the items on the list with a check
mark. This will form the basis for the client’s individualized agorapho-
bia hierarchy.
Typical Agoraphobia Situations
Waiting in lines
Unfamiliar areas
Long walks
Wide-open spaces
At home alone
Figure 8.1.
Blank Typical Agoraphobia Situations form
Individualized Agoraphobia Hierarchy
After the client has reviewed and checked off his or her items on the list of
Typical Agoraphobia Situations, work with the client to develop a hierar-
chy by using the Agoraphobia Hierarchy form in the workbook. The sit-
uations on this list are the ones that the client will face over and over again
during in vivo exposure. It is important to take into account the various
conditions that moderate levels of anxiety, such as distance, being accom-
panied or being alone, the time of day, proximity to an exit, and so forth.
Your client’s completed hierarchy may look something like the com-
pleted Agoraphobia Hierarchy on page .
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
T: If you look over the list of unhelpful coping methods, do you see any
that might apply to driving to work?
Agoraphobia Hierarchy
Anxiety and/or
Situation Avoidance (0–10)
Figure 8.2.
Example of a Completed Agoraphobia Hierarchy
T: So those are two big differences already between the exposures you
have done on your own and the way in which we will do them in treat-
ment. Also, we will be facing situations much more systematically,
with specific preparation for the thoughts and feelings that you might
experience. Have you done that before leaving for work?
Case Vignette 2
C: It doesn’t relate to my fears of panicking. I just worry about being
Clients who have had severe agoraphobia for a number of years may find
it difficult to develop a hierarchy because everything seems intensely
anxiety provoking. In these cases, it may be helpful to initially include
safety behaviors or safety signals in the description of situations so as to
generate a few less-anxious hierarchy items. Of course, these hierarchy
items will be practiced without those safety signals or safety behaviors in
the future.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
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Chapter 9 Breathing Skills
Therapist Behaviors
enced as a result of hyperventilation (i.e., therapists can indicate the
symptoms that they experience from the exercise). Also, the therapist may
demonstrate the diaphragmatic breathing techniques for the client to imi-
tate. Then, the therapist can observe the client practice the exercise of
diaphragmatic breathing and give corrective feedback. Of course, gen-
eralization from the clinic to the home setting occurs by having clients
practice the exercises on a regular basis in their own environments.
The main goals of this section are to introduce the physiology of over-
breathing as something that may contribute to the physiological sensa-
tions during panic attacks and to recognize that hyperventilatory sensa-
tions are not harmful. It is important that the client not misconstrue the
discussion of overbreathing as an indication that panic and fear are a di-
rect result of primarily physiological irregularities. That is, the role of
hyperventilation is placed within the context of the interactions that
occur among the three response components (i.e., behavioral, physio-
logical, and subjective). The experience of overbreathing in isolation
from catastrophic misinterpretations of bodily sensations or from learned
fear of bodily sensations is unlikely to result in a panic attack.
Breathing Skills
The breathing skills are first practiced in relaxing environments for two
reasons: first, as a way of enhancing skill development and to permit con-
centration on the breathing; second, to deemphasize the use of breath-
ing skills as an immediate tool for the reduction of fear or symptoms.
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
Breathing Skills Record
Rate your concentration on breathing and counting during the exercise and your success with rely-
ing mostly on your diaphragm for breathing, on –-point scales (where ⫽ none and ⫽ excel-
lent), after each practice (twice per day).
None Mild Moderate Strong Extreme
Concentration on
Date Practice Breathing and Counting Success With Breathing
2/16/06 4 4
3 4
2/17/06 4 4
4 5
2/18/06 5 5
2/19/06 4 4
5 6
2/20/06 5 6
4 4
2/21/06 5 7
6 7
2/22/06 6 8
6 7
Figure 9.1.
Example of completed Breathing Skills Record
Case Vignette 2
T: Do you mean that the symptoms are less anxious for you when we do
the exercise together?
C: Yes, it feels as if the symptoms won’t get any worse, and they are not as
intense as when I panic.
T: This shows the influence of your thinking; that is, my presence is leading
you to think differently about the symptoms. Remember our panic cycle?
The breathing skills exercise may, for some clients, become a form of ex-
posure to feared sensations (as described in chapter ) because the ex-
ercise either forces attention on bodily sensations or induces new, un-
familiar bodily sensations. Clients who become anxious during breathing
skills training for these reasons should be encouraged to continue with
the exercises in the same way as would occur during interoceptive expo-
sure practices.
Notably, the research on the role of breathing skills training within cog-
nitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder is not clear. There is some
indication that it does not add significantly to the effect of exposure
alone and that the combination of cognitive restructuring, in vivo ex-
posure, and breathing skills is slightly less effective than the combination
of cognitive restructuring, in vivo exposure, and interoceptive exposure.
However, the studies to date have not clearly framed breathing skills as
a tool for continuing to face anxious situations and instead have em-
phasized breathing skills as a way of reducing symptoms. As noted ear-
lier, the program in this workbook focuses away from the immediate re-
duction in symptoms and fear and toward toleration of symptoms and
fear. Thus, if breathing skills training is done in the way framed above,
it may have more beneficial effects than when it is used as a means for
controlling symptoms. If it appears that a client is using breathing skills
as a control strategy, consider minimizing their use.
Some clients find that the breathing exercises lack credibility. They point
out that if they could simply tell themselves to breathe slowly or to relax,
they would have no need for treatment, and thus, the exercise seems like
a gimmick. Remind clients that the goal of breathing skills training is
not to relax or calm down but to facilitate movement forward to face
fear, anxiety, and anxious situations.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic at-
tacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
■ Review the client’s practice of breathing skills over the past week
Therapist Behaviors
The therapist is to review the client’s practice of breathing skills over the
past week and brainstorm ways of overcoming problems with the breath-
ing skills practice (e.g., noncompliance or anxiety). In addition, the thera-
pist can model slowed diaphragmatic breathing and then provide cor-
rective feedback as the client practices this skill.
Slowed Breathing
The purpose of this exercise is to teach clients how to slow their breath-
ing rate by matching their breathing to their counting. Detailed in-
structions for slowed breathing are included in the workbook (see chap-
ter , section ). The client should practice this skill twice a day for
minutes each time and then record the exercises on the Breathing Skills
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: I feel really dizzy when I focus on the breathing, and I feel as if I have
to take a deep breath.
T: This suggests that you may habitually overbreathe—that is, your nor-
mal style is to overbreathe—and, therefore, trying to institute a new
method of breathing is exacerbating some of your hyperventilation
tendencies. However, it is important that you continue the exercise,
because it will gradually get easier. If you really feel like you have to
take in a deep gulp of air, hold the air in a little bit longer after you in-
hale and before you exhale.
Case Vignette 2
T: In a sense, you are right, because there is a definite time and effort
commitment involved. Does it help to realize that you are probably ex-
erting as much effort trying to ward off feeling anxious and panicky as
you would in practicing these exercises?
Case Vignette 3
T: What you are trying to change during these exercises is not the
amount of air but, rather, the rate and depth at which you breathe.
Breathe in the normal amount, but do it slowly, and draw the air
deeply into your lungs.
Occasionally, clients view these exercises as “magic pills” that they must
use in order to prevent dire consequences from happening. For example,
“I could pass out if I don’t slow down my breathing.” This is when cog-
nitive restructuring is so essential in helping clients to realize that no
calamity will result, even if their breathing cannot be slowed.
Breathing skills training can be very hard for the true chronic hyperven-
tilator, the person whose typical breathing pattern is shallow and rapid,
who sighs and yawns frequently, who experiences chronic chest tightness,
and who is very vulnerable to shortness of breath and paresthesia. Such
a client may feel short of breath after the -minute exercise and take
deep gulps of air between the slow breaths during the exercise. Our ex-
perience tells us that learning breathing skills takes a lot longer with
these individuals, but it can still be a valuable tool for them.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic at-
tacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
✎ Instruct the client to practice the slowed breathing exercise twice a day,
minutes each time, for days and to record practices on the Breath-
ing Skills Record form.
Therapist Behaviors
Now that slow and diaphragmatic breathing have been practiced suffi-
ciently in relaxing environments, these skills are now ready to be used in
distracting environments and in anxious situations. It is time to practice
in different places. The therapist could have the client practice the breath-
ing skills in session while providing a deliberate distractor (such as a noise).
Also, the therapist can encourage the client to role play the use of breath-
ing skills as a coping tool in an imagined anxiety-provoking situation.
Coping Application
ing skills as tools for facing fear and anxiety rather than avoiding or
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: When I panicked during the week, I tried to use the breathing, but it
didn’t work. It made me feel worse.
As noted before, the biggest problem is when clients begin to use breath-
ing skills as a safety signal or a safety behavior. In other words, they be-
lieve that they will be at risk for some mental, physical, or social calamity
if they do not breathe correctly. For clients who are using breathing skills
in this way, discontinuation of the breathing skills may be the most effec-
tive choice. That is, design exposure exercises without the use of breath-
ing skills so that clients learn that what they are most worried about hap-
pening either does not happen or can be managed without using the
breathing skills.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic at-
tacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
Therapist Behaviors
Therapists are to inquire about the way in which the breathing skills are
being implemented in anxious situations and to provide corrective feed-
back and encouragement. If appropriate, therapists can have clients role
play their use of breathing skills in an anxious situation.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic at-
tacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
Chapter 10 Thinking Skills
Therapist Behaviors
worried about happening in any given situation. The downward arrow
questions are as follows.
Present the client with a reciprocal model of anxiety and thinking. Ex-
plain that anxiety increases negative thinking, and in turn, negative
thinking increases anxiety. These reciprocal patterns are tied to adaptive
processes (e.g., it is natural for anxiety to lead to magnification of the
perception of danger and for perceived danger to lead to anxiety).
The main goal of this first section is to help clients recognize that the way
they think is critical to their level of fear or anxiety at any given moment
and that recognizing negative thinking at a specific and detailed level is
necessary before developing different, less negative ways of thinking.
ing and for the development of alternative ways of thinking which are
not biased by such distortions.
Ask clients to identify negative predictions for each item on their agora-
phobia hierarchy and each panic attack that they recorded over the past
week, and then have them document these on the Negative Thoughts
list in the workbook. Identifying specific predictions, hypotheses, or in-
terpretations in any given situation is emphasized as the first step in cog-
nitive restructuring.
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: It would be terrible.
T: What would it mean if you lost control? What do you picture
C: I would collapse.
Case Vignette 2
T: What would happen if you couldn’t leave, and you had to stay?
C: I might die.
holes on a golf course. While successfully locating the flag does not
guarantee that the golfer will get the ball in the hole, the golfer does not
have a chance without it: the golfer might not even know in what direc-
tion to go! Similarly, while identifying an automatic thought does not
guarantee anxiety reduction, the client does not have a chance without
doing so.
Therapist Behaviors
has not already been established, the therapist might respond with, “So,
what evidence do you have that this will happen?”) By modeling the
method of asking appropriate questions, therapists help clients learn to
question the evidence for themselves.
When thinking skills are first introduced, the therapist will probably
need to be quite active, not only asking relevant questions but some-
times supplying alternative, balanced thoughts or sources of evidence
when the client draws a blank or overlooks important sources of evi-
dence. Over the course of the remaining sessions, however, therapists
should gradually fade out their contributions to the rethinking and ex-
plicitly encourage the patient to internalize the skills. For example, over
time, therapists can begin to ask, “Can you imagine what questions I
might ask you to consider about this?” rather than “What is the evidence
for that?” or “What is an alternative to that thought?”
The main goal of this section is to begin teaching a set of skills for eval-
uating negative thoughts by looking at the evidence and generating al-
ternative, more evidence-based thoughts.
alternative points of view. For example, clients may believe that the only
reason why they did not die from a panic attack was because they always
escaped, avoided, or distracted themselves just in time. In other words,
they believe that danger really was imminent had it not been for the
safety behaviors.
Realistic Odds
Explain to the client that more realistic beliefs can be developed by con-
sidering all the evidence and obtaining additional information. This logi-
cal empiricism will override negative thinking. It incorporates looking at
the evidence and taking into account past mistaken reasons why actual
experience has not disconfirmed negative thinking.
The steps for developing more realistic thinking include the following.
■ Asking whether what one is most worried about has ever happened.
Changing Your Odds
I’ve panicked
many times I am
before and unlikely to
never faint.
These fainted.
are symptoms
I will faint.
of adrenaline, but
not of fainting.
Figure 10.1.
Example of completed Changing Your Odds form
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
T: It means to judge the actual probability of fainting, given all the evi-
dence you can gather. Use a scale from zero (not at all probable) to
(will definitely occur). What is the actual probability of fainting?
T: So, that means that out of every times you have panicked, you have
fainted once?
Case Vignette 2
C: Sure, I can tell myself that the chance of passing out when I panic is
very small. I tell myself that all the time. But what if I did pass out? It’s
that one-in-a-million chance that scares me.
T: Remember, feelings are not a good basis for making probability judg-
ments. Let us check the evidence again. How many times have you
felt like you would pass out, and how many times have you actually
passed out?
Case Vignette 3
C: It’s easy to ask myself these questions now, but I have no chance of
thinking rationally when in the midst of a panic attack.
Case Vignette 4
C: My biggest fear is that I’ll have to get up and leave. And that is exactly
what I do, so how can I say that what I am afraid of is not likely to
C: If I don’t leave, who knows what will happen? That’s exactly why I do
T: What other pieces of evidence do you have to lead you to suspect that
you will “flip out” if you do not leave?
C: None, really.
C: Yes.
Case Vignette 5
C: Last week, I was sick, but I was determined to interpret the symp-
toms as being anxiety related and not dangerous. It turns out that I
had the flu.
T: It sounds like you were going to the other extreme; you might have
been ignoring pieces of evidence which, under normal conditions,
would suggest the flu. But in the absence of objective evidence, I
would rather that you ignore the symptom than magnify its meaning.
Second, clients might report that they are fully aware of their safety when
not panicking, but in the midst of panic, they are convinced that they
are in danger. It can be pointed out that the state dependency of cogni-
tions is a very common feature of anxiety; that is, people often are able
to recognize that their fears are irrational when feeling calm. Further-
more, with practice and rehearsal of more realistic ways of thinking, it
will become easier to challenge their anxious thoughts, even in the midst
of distress. However, there may well be limited capacity for complex
cognitive processing during the height of intense distress; sometimes,
the most effective thinking skill at the height of panic is a simple state-
ment, such as “This is a panic attack, it will pass.”
Finally, clients will occasionally say that their worst fear “came true”—
they have fainted or screamed. In these cases, the therapist may either
continue to point out that the chances of that event happening again are
small (e.g., of all the times you have panicked, how many times have you
fainted?) or use strategies of putting things back into perspective, as dis-
cussed in the next section.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic at-
tacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
✎ Instruct the client to complete a Changing Your Odds form for each
example of jumping to conclusions on the Negative Thoughts list, as
well as for any panic attacks that occur over the next week.
■ Help the client learn ways of putting things back into perspective
Therapist Behaviors
uation are offered. For example, if a client views an episode of embar-
rassment as disastrous, the therapist may point out that someone else
could view an episode of embarrassment as a relatively minor event. The
impact of different ways of viewing a situation can then be understood.
Asking clients to imagine the worst possible thing they believe could
happen is useful for identifying catastrophic thought processes. There is
neither an assumption that the person’s style of thinking is to blow things
out of proportion across all situations, nor that catastrophizing reflects
an underlying personality trait. Instead, blowing things out of propor-
tion is viewed as a learned cognitive style in response to specific stimuli,
which, in this case, are mainly somatic sensations.
Facing the worst head-on can be quite emotionally evocative. For clients
in distress, the therapist is to gently encourage continuation of facing
head-on what they are most worried about happening by visualizing the
scene as if it were actually happening (e.g., fainting, embarrassment,
others commenting on their anxiety, screaming in public). Then, clients
will learn to tolerate the distress caused by the image and also generate
ways of coping by visualizing what would happen at the moment of the
worst event and then how events would unfold the next day, and so
forth. By visualizing events unfolding over time, the client is being en-
couraged to recognize that the worst is time limited and that life con-
tinues. If the therapist were to discontinue the exercise of facing the
worst for clients who show acute distress, then the therapist is inadver-
tently reinforcing the client’s inability to tolerate distress.
of the time-limited nature of discomfort contributes to the development
of a sense of being able to cope.
The message is that there is a way of coping with feared outcomes, such
as fainting or being told that one appears extremely anxious. The criti-
cal distinction here is that although clients may prefer for these events
not to occur, if necessary, they can tolerate the discomfort of them. Fur-
thermore, if negative events are viewed as unbearable and unmanage-
able, they contribute to anxiety. By recognizing how one would cope, as
difficult as that may be, the client learns that anxiety eventually lessens.
Ask the client to use the Changing Your Perspective form for each example
of blowing things out of proportion from the list of Negative Thoughts
from section . A blank form is included in the workbook, and multiple
copies can be downloaded from the TreatmentsThatWork™ website
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
Changing Your Perspective
Will this pass, and will I survive? I guess people have fainted before and managed to go on; my
Ways of coping: I would wake up and feel disoriented; I assume that someone walking by
would have come over to help me—maybe a bunch of people. They would probably want to help
me. I might ask them to help me get up and call my husband; I would sit there for a while
and just wait for my husband; then we would go home; I would probably call my doctor: I
would want to check if there is anything wrong that may have caused me to faint. I would
Figure 10.2.
Example of completed Changing Your Perspective form
tify specific predictions that you are making. What is the worst thing
you can imagine happening if you become anxious?
C: Maybe I’ll look really weird to other people. I can imagine being in a
crowd of people, with everyone staring at me as they walk by and
thinking I’m crazy.
T: So, if these strangers were walking past you thinking, “There is a crazy
woman,” what would happen?
Case Vignette 2
C: What if I fainted?
T: Well, let us think about that. Let us say that you are in the grocery
store, and as you are waiting in the checkout line, you faint.
T: The fact that it scares you is a really good reason for us to continue to
face it head-on. What would happen? There you are, down on the
floor, and. . . ?
C: I would find a place to sit and wait until I felt okay, and then I would
go home.
T: And what would happen the next day, and the next week, and the next
Case Vignette 3
C: Yes.
T: So, at the very least, you can recognize what the feeling is. That is, you
could tell yourself that you are experiencing a panic attack. With that
in mind, what can you do with that information?
C: Well, I suppose I can tell myself that this is a panic attack, and as with
all my previous panic attacks, it will pass quickly, and what is the worst
that can happen?
T: That is right.
In each case, the behavior is designed to escape from the feelings of panic
and is therefore motivated by physiological arousal, urges to escape, and
thoughts of danger. Furthermore, the escape behavior is a logical action
at the time because it is directed at achieving safety. In other words, the
escape behavior is logical and driven by perceptions of danger and safety.
Thus, it is not an out-of-control or irrational action, given the beliefs op-
erating at the time. The real problem is the misappraisal of danger which
led to the behavior. In these cases, one should use cognitive restructuring—
by examining the data or putting things back into perspective—to ad-
dress the negative thinking that motivated the escape behavior in the
first place. The real danger associated with these types of escape behav-
iors (e.g., high-speed driving), however, must be addressed, because they
do have the potential for causing harm.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic at-
tacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
✎ The client should use the Changing Your Perspective form for each ex-
ample of blowing things out of proportion from the Negative
Thoughts list.
■ Have clients recall and evaluate their worst panic attack by using a
step-by-step analysis
Therapist Behaviors
detail what it is about panicking that worries them) or indicate a style of
blanket reassurance (e.g., clients who record that everything will be okay
as their evidence or ways of coping should be encouraged to list the evi-
dence or to generate actual coping steps).
Guide clients as they revisit their worst panic attack, and help clients
evaluate the sequence of events, with special emphasis on mistaken nega-
tive thoughts that lead to increased arousal or behaviors of escape that,
in turn, increase anxiety.
Case Vignette
C: I can’t imagine ever going through another panic attack like that one
three years ago.
T: Let us think about that panic attack to get a better handle on why it
felt so bad and why you think you could not tolerate it happening
again. Using our step-by-step method, describe what happened.
my arm, and was convinced that I was having a heart attack. So, I pan-
icked and drove to the closest ER.
T: So, you have described the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors very well.
Obviously, you were very scared at the time because you thought that
you might die. What would you think now if you felt chest pain and
numbness in your arm?
T: That is a very good examination of the evidence. Now, what about the
idea of going through an intense panic attack? What is the evidence
that you could not survive it?
C: Well, actually, I suppose that I could survive it, because I have before.
Some clients may show high levels of distress when asked to think about
their worst panic. Alternatively, they may slip into rigid negative think-
ing patterns: for example, “That was horrible—I was really out of con-
trol.” In either case, continue with the practice in session and through
homework assignments so that the emotional reactivity eventually de-
creases over days of repeated practice and so that alternative narratives of
the experience are developed.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic at-
tacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 11 Facing Agoraphobia Situations
Therapist Behaviors
on a walk, and then the client should immediately repeat the walk on his
or her own to enhance self-directed practice over the following week.
Otherwise, the therapist’s role is to guide the client in setting goals, de-
signing practices, and giving corrective feedback, especially with man-
agement of escapes or avoidance.
In Vivo Exposure
There are right ways and wrong ways to conduct in vivo exposure. The
latter probably accounts for the lack of success that clients have had pre-
viously when they have attempted to expose themselves to fear-provoking
situations. The information in the workbook on “reasons why past at-
tempts may have failed” is intended to demystify in vivo exposure and
to elevate its credibility for those whose prior experiences have been nega-
tive. These reasons include failure to recognize the differences between
difficult or negative one-time experiences and repeated systematic expo-
sure practice; too much time between practices; insufficient duration of
practices, so that corrective learning (that anticipated negative conse-
quences rarely or never occur or that one can cope with the phobic stimu-
lus and tolerate the anxiety) is mitigated; and subtle avoidance, safety
signals, and distraction strategies used during practices.
The danger of facing a situation one time only is that the relief felt on
exiting the situation may overpower the learning that takes place. For ex-
ample, consider the woman who is afraid of walking around the block.
As she leaves her house to walk around the block, her anxiety rises until
she turns the last corner toward home when she feels better because her
safe place (her home) is visible, and therefore, the sense of danger
lessens. As she reaches the door of her home, she feels a great sense of re-
lief and goes inside to feel even more comfortable. What this practice has
done in essence is to reinforce the sense of safety of her home and to
magnify the sense of danger of being away from it. As she walks in the
door, her thoughts might be, “I just made it. I couldn’t do it again. I was
lucky.” In contrast, the goal of exposure therapy is to end a practice with
thoughts such as, “It wasn’t so bad after all. Nothing happened to me.
It’s really not that dangerous. I could do it again.” These latter types of
thoughts develop or grow in number through repeated experience. This
would mean that the client would benefit most by walking around the
block several times before returning to the house.
fearful associations between stimulus (e.g., height), response (e.g., dizzi-
ness), and meaning (e.g., “I will fall”). The new set of associations (e.g.,
height, dizziness, “I will not fall”) gradually becomes more salient than
the old fearful associations, which, through disuse, are less and less likely
to guide emotions at any given time. Nonetheless, the old fearful associa-
tions are likely to remain intact, and although dormant immediately
after treatment, they are vulnerable to reactivation under certain condi-
tions, such as contexts that are salient reminders of when panic was first
In the moment of fear, clients are encouraged to use their breathing and
thinking skills to encourage completion of the assigned task; the coping
skills are not intended as means for reducing fear and anxiety but, rather,
for tolerating fear and anxiety.
If escapes do happen, the goal is to learn from them rather than to re-
gard them as failures. Recognition of the precipitant to escape is very im-
portant, because the urge to escape is usually based on the prediction
that continued endurance will result in some kind of danger. For ex-
ample, clients may predict that the sensations will become intense and
lead to an out-of-control reaction. This prediction can be discussed in
terms of jumping to conclusions and blowing things out of proportion.
At the same time, escape itself need not be viewed catastrophically (i.e.,
embarrassment or a sign of failure).
on a graduated approach to exposure, although some studies have indi-
cated success with flooding therapy, in which clients go directly to the
most intensely anxiety-provoking situations. The risk for the intense ap-
proach is that clients are not adequately prepared to tolerate intense dis-
tress, and therefore, they escape in the midst of intense distress and do
not return to the exposure task for some time. This escape behavior is
very likely to lead to sensitization and increased distress. Thus, a gradu-
ated approach is usually recommended.
The client should complete a Facing Agoraphobia Situations form for
each exposure completed. A blank form is included in the workbook, and
multiple copies can be downloaded from the TreatmentsThatWork™
website (
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: I really don’t want to face these situations because I know I’ll get very
anxious. I haven’t driven on my own for any distance for many, many
years, and now you’re asking me to do it.
T: Of course, you might expect to feel anxious or panicky the first time
that you attempt the situations you have been avoiding. On the other
hand, remember that through repetition, the exposures will get easier.
Also, you have a different set of skills than you had before, which will
most likely help you when you begin your driving. Would it help to
break down the task into a series of small steps and to perform each
one a number of times to feel more comfortable before proceeding to
the next step?
Case Vignette 2
Facing Agoraphobia Situations
Date: 2/12/06
End Goals (excluding superstitious objects, safety signals, safety behaviors, and distractions):
Drive the entire distance without medication bottle, and in the middle lane.
Today’s Goals: Drive halfway, with medication bottle, and the in right lane.
Negative Thought (i.e., whatever it is you are most worried about happening): I will become
What is the evidence? I have had those feelings many, many times and yet have never lost
control of my actions.
Ways of coping: When I feel those feelings, I will recognize that the chances of me losing
control are very slim; if I ever get to a point of not being able to physically control the car, I
None Mild Moderate Strong Extreme
Figure 11.1.
Example of completed Facing Agoraphobia Situations form
Case Vignette 3
C: What I am most worried about in these situations is that I’ll panic, and
I do panic each time I go into them, so I really am being accurate in
thinking that.
T: What are you imagining will happen if you panic in these situations?
C: Mostly that I’ll pass out, and sometimes, that I’ll just really embarrass
myself because everyone will know that something is wrong with me.
T: Then those are the thoughts to examine. How many times have you
actually passed out from panic? How many times have people noticed
that you panic? What if they do notice?
Case Vignette 4
C: My fear is of losing control of the car when I feel dizzy. The risk is too
great, so I’ve always pulled off the road. I still think that I could lose
control of the car if I continue to drive.
Case Vignette 5
C: I’ve been avoiding malls for so long that I can’t even remember what
my original fear was—just how anxious it felt.
T: What do you imagine happening if you do not run out of the mall?
C: Oh, it’s all coming back to me now. I feel terrified that I’ll never find
an exit, and I’ll just keep panicking and go crazy.
As reflected in the case vignettes, many clients doubt the value of re-
peated exposure. These doubts stem from their own history with expo-
sure, whether the exposure was a deliberate attempt to overcome fear or
was forced on them by circumstances. In most cases, these doubts are at
least partially quelled by reviewing the section on why in vivo exposure
has not worked in the past. Having clients describe a recent exposure at-
tempt, with emphasis on providing specific details, may reveal differ-
ences between their attempts and therapeutic exposure. If the client has
difficulty providing these details, prompting questions (e.g., “What was
going on right before you got in the car? Why did you choose to drive
this time? What was the very first symptom you noticed? What was the
first thought? How did you respond to these?”) usually manage to draw
out sufficient details. Because of the empirical support for exposure-based
treatment, ask clients who continue to have doubts to attempt the treat-
ment despite their doubts and to forestall judgments until they have
some experience with the treatment.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic
attacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
Therapist Behaviors
The therapist behaviors are the same as in section . Also, the therapist
will judge the number of sessions to spend on in vivo exposure to ago-
raphobia situations, with the aim of having the client repeatedly practice
most (if not all) items on their Hierarchy of Agoraphobia Situations.
The main goal of this section is to reinforce corrective learning from the
in vivo practices conducted over the past week and to design the next set
of in vivo practices.
ing, appraisals of aversive events after they have occurred can influence
anxiety about future encounters with the same types of aversive events.
Anxiety that does not decline over repeated days of in vivo exposure may
result from too much emphasis being placed on fear and anxiety reduc-
tion; that is, trying too hard or wishing too much for anxiety to decline
typically maintains anxiety.
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
T: Say you tried it that way, and, instead of stopping at two exits, you
drove until you panicked. What would you be teaching yourself then?
C: Well, I’d know that I could drive up to the point at which I panicked.
T: So, what you are actually doing in that kind of practice is teaching
yourself that at some point, you will still panic and have to stop driv-
ing. If you forced yourself to drive a certain distance, regardless of how
easy or hard it was, what do you think would happen?
C: I guess if it was really easy each time, I’d increase the distance for my
next practice. But if it was hard, and I did it anyway, I’d probably learn
that I could get through it, even if I did feel anxious. So, I shouldn’t
say I’ll practice till I panic, because I’ll always be setting myself up for
failure by stopping each time due to anxiety.
T: That is right.
Case Vignette 2
C: I haven’t even started yet, and I get anxious just planning my practices!
C: I think of all the things that could go wrong, how awful I’ll feel if I
have to leave, and how I’ll never get over this problem.
T: So, you are really giving yourself a lot of negative information when
you think about these practices. So, it is no wonder that the prepara-
tion upsets you. Using your skills, think over what you just said and
how you might think differently.
C: Well, for the things that I think could go wrong, those are my typical
panic fears: that I’ll pass out in the store or run out screaming, and
everyone will look at me and think that I’m crazy. And I already know
that won’t really happen, because it’s never happened before; I guess if
I really have to leave before the practice is over, it’s not the end of the
world. I’ll just have to try it again and, maybe, break that item down a
little to make it easier at first. And I really don’t have any evidence yet
that I’ll never get over this. I’ve made a lot of progress so far, but it was
a lot of work, and I suppose I felt at times that I’d never get this far.
So, I guess I’ll just keep trying.
Case Vignette 3
C: I stayed at the mall the entire time that I was supposed to, but I was
terrified the whole time!
T: That is great!
member that what is most important is for fear levels to gradually decline
from one exposure practice to the next, but the amount of fear reduc-
tion within a session is not as important. Therapists play two important
roles here. First, by reviewing clients’ practices, they can provide correc-
tive feedback on aspects that may be contributing to the lack of anxiety
reduction over time, such as continued unhelpful coping styles. (A par-
ticularly important maladaptive coping style is to cling to safety signals.)
Second, therapists can be a source of great support and encouragement
as clients work through their hierarchies. For clients who have extensive
or long-standing avoidance patterns, overcoming agoraphobia can take
a considerable amount of time, and discouragement and frustration
are likely to arise. Reminding clients of their progress to date, even spe-
cifically pointing out strategies that they have successfully used in previ-
ous exposures and earlier periods of frustration, can serve as a needed
boost to help them continue facing their fears. As mentioned in the pre-
vious section, the therapist is to prepare clients for their exposure prac-
tice, so that the learning is optimal. Be confident and directive, so that
clients are encouraged to learn that they can tolerate anxiety and distress.
If fear and anxiety are not decreasing over days of exposure, consider
whether the client is holding on to safety behaviors or safety signals. Take
the example of the person who is facing a fear of heights by practicing
on balconies but who does so with one foot far back from the balcony
and his or her body weight away from the railing. The situation is being
faced but with a great deal of caution, as if the person still believes that
it is not safe to lean against the railing for fear of losing control and
falling over. This is self-defeating since the situation is being faced under
the assumption that danger is present.
suppress an inappropriate fantasy; usually, such urges increase. Similarly,
by trying desperately not to be anxious, clients are likely to increase anxi-
ety. Examples of inviting anxiety would be statements such as, “Let us
see how anxious I can get”; “I want to feel the shakiest I have ever felt”;
or, “I want my heart to race faster than ever before.”
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic
attacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
Therapist Behaviors
Facing Physical Symptoms in Agoraphobia Situations
Have the client choose an item from the Hierarchy of Agoraphobia Situa-
tions, either one already completed or a new item, and choose which
symptom to induce and ways of inducing that symptom in that situa-
tion. The client will record this practice using the Facing Symptoms and
Agoraphobia Situations form in the workbook. This form differs from
the Facing Agoraphobia Situations form in that a section called Symp-
tom Exaggeration has been added. Clients use this section to record the
symptom that will be deliberately induced in the in vivo exposure prac-
tice and the way in which it will be induced. In addition, the negative
thoughts are tied to the situation and to the symptoms in the situation.
Facing Symptoms and Agoraphobia Situations
Date: 3/24/06
Symptom Exaggeration: Wearing a woolen sweater to increase body heat and sweating.
End Goals (excluding superstitious objects, safety signals, safety behaviors, and distractions):
To shop in a crowded mall for two hours, staying mainly in the center of the mall, away from
the exits.
Today’s Goals: To shop in a crowded mall for two hours, staying in the center of the mall for
Negative Thought (i.e., whatever it is you are most worried about happening, with the symptoms
in the situation):
What is the evidence? I have become hot and sweaty many, many times before and yet have
never fainted.
None Mild Moderate Strong Extreme
Figure 11.2.
Example of completed Facing Symptoms and Agoraphobia Situations form
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: I was doing really well for a while, facing each situation on my hierar-
chy. Then, the other day, I had a panic attack for the first time in ages.
Now I’m really afraid to go back to the same situations.
C: At first, I was just so scared and so mad that it was happening again,
and then I remembered to look at my thinking. When I realized that I
was blowing things out of proportion, it got better.
T: So, it sounds like you actually did well. What would stop you from
continuing to face your situations?
C: When I panicked this time, I was in a mall, so it was still pretty safe.
But what if it happened again while I was driving?
Case Vignette 2
T: Why do you feel the need to protect yourself against panicking? What
are your thoughts about what could happen if you panicked?
T: So, it sounds like we need to revisit the ways of looking at the evidence
and developing realistic probabilities.
Case Vignette 3
C: I haven’t taken any medication in ages, but I still like knowing that it’s
there if I need it.
Case Vignette 4
T: What worries you about the combination of coffee and the movie
C: Well, I’ve practiced in movie theaters a lot, so that feels pretty good,
but the coffee is going to make me feel very anxious.
T: And if you feel very anxious in the movie theater, then what?
C: Then, I don’t know what. Maybe I will get those old feelings again,
like I have to get out.
T: Based on everything that you have learned, how can you manage those
T: That sounds great. It means that you are accepting the anxiety and tak-
ing the opportunity to learn that you can tolerate it. What else?
C: I can ask myself what is the worst that can happen. I know that I am
not going to die or go insane. I will probably feel my heart rate going
pretty fast because of the coffee.
T: And if your heart rate goes fast, what does that mean?
T: This will be a really good way for you to learn that you can tolerate the
anxiety and the symptoms of a racing heart.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic
attacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
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Chapter 12 Involving Others
Materials Needed
■ Discuss and plan ways for clients to involve significant others in their
Therapist Behaviors
involving significant others in treatment can be quite beneficial, a sug-
gestion that has been supported by empirical research.
Significant others can play both positive and negative roles in the devel-
opment and maintenance of agoraphobia and also in its treatment. It is
important that this information is conveyed both to clients and to sig-
nificant others in such a way that blame and recrimination are mini-
mized and that all parties approach treatment with as collaborative an
attitude as possible. A large part of this chapter consists of ways in which
this communication might be facilitated, primarily through increasing
others’ understanding of the anxiety difficulties and the methods of
clients are informed that exposures with significant others must be fol-
lowed by exposure practices without the aid of significant others.
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
T: That is one possibility. Are there other ways in which he might react?
C: Well, he might be so relieved that I’m finally getting over this that he’d
want to help me so we could go out more. Or he could do it because
it’s important to me.
T: Do you have any evidence that any of these possibilities are more likely
than the others?
Case Vignette 2
C: Our practices together have been going pretty well, and I’m really
starting to feel confident. But sometimes, I almost wish that I wasn’t
doing as well, because it’s not as okay anymore to tell my wife I don’t
feel like going out.
T: So, in some ways, the avoidance served some useful purposes for you.
C: Sort of; I mean, I never planned for it, but sometimes, it’s just nice to
know my wife will help me when things feel difficult or will under-
stand if I want to stay home.
T: It sounds like this might be a good time for the two of you to discuss
how your becoming more independent might affect your relationship,
both good and bad, and maybe to come up with other ways to com-
municate the desire for wanting to be taken care of that we all feel
Case Vignette 3
P: Most of the time, we work really well together, but sometimes, I get
really frustrated when she hesitates because I know she’s been able to
do this before. She’ll get mad at me for pushing too hard, and we end
up in a fight.
T: Have the two of you come up with a way of communicating when you
are out doing the exposures?
P: Mine is to try to be supportive and to help Sally when she doesn’t re-
member to use all of her skills. Isn’t it?
C: Yes, but not to push me all the time. It’s my responsibility, ultimately,
and if I don’t want to practice, or if I want to end early, I need you to
understand that also. Sometimes, I feel too anxious, and you’re really
helpful then, but other times, I’m just too worn out, and it would be
worse to keep going.
T: So, it sounds almost like you need Tom to read your mind to know
when to push and when to stop.
C: When you put it that way, it sounds like I’ve been pretty unfair. But it
seems so obvious to me at the time.
T: Maybe the two of you can come up with some ways by which to let
each other know how you are feeling during the practices, so each of
you can know very clearly what you are looking for from the other.
Let’s role play them here.
For clients who are not involved in intimate relationships or whose part-
ners are unable or unwilling to become involved in treatment, close friends
can be equally useful. This is especially true if the friend lives with or has
very frequent contact with the client, because some of the reinforce-
ments discussed earlier are likely occur within that relationship, too. Some
clients might even prefer to involve a friend rather than a partner.
Clients who have been especially secretive about their anxiety are some-
times uncomfortable with the level of communication needed to fully
use another person as a coach. Role-playing in the therapist’s office can
be helpful here, as can a guided discussion regarding everyone’s expecta-
tions for treatment and for specific in vivo exposures.
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Chapter 13 Facing Physical Symptoms
■ Activities Hierarchy
Therapist Behaviors
to focus on the sensations in an objective (rather than an affective or sub-
jective) manner. Following completion of the exercise, clients are en-
couraged to use their breathing and thinking skills. The therapist then
provides corrective feedback.
Symptom Assessment
None Mild Moderate Strong Extreme
Run in place
Drinking-straw breathing
Tense body
Figure 13.1.
Blank Symptom Assessment form
clients learn that they are not harmed by the sensations and thus achieve
increased confidence in their ability to tolerate symptoms. Hence, the sen-
sations become less salient or meaningful. Consequently, vigilance for
these sensations decreases, as does general anxiety about the sensations
and panic attacks.
Symptom Exercises
After clients perform each exercise, they will rate the intensity of the
symptoms, fear of the symptoms, and similarity of the symptoms to those
that occur during panic attacks using the Symptom Assessment Form in
the workbook. From these ratings, a hierarchy is developed, from least- to
most-feared exercise (of the exercises that elicit sensations that are at least
mildly similar to those experienced during panic attacks).
Repeated Exposures
cise, the duration of exposure to sensations gradually can be lengthened.
Through repeated exposure, the intensity of sensations should either
remain the same or increase. The sensations rarely decrease markedly, al-
though the level of fear eventually decreases, and the ability to endure
sensations increases.
Facing Symptoms
Date: 3/26/06
Negative thought (i.e., whatever it is you are most worried about happening):
First Exercise
Second Exercise
Third Exercise
None Mild Moderate Strong Extreme
Figure 13.2.
Example of completed Facing Symptoms form
At the end of each repetition, the client will complete a Facing Symp-
toms form. A blank form is included in the workbook, and multiple copies
can be downloaded from the TreatmentsThatWork™ website (http://www
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: You said it was important not to distract when I feel the sensations.
Should I concentrate on how awful I feel?
Case Vignette 2
C: So this means that for the week before my menstrual period, I should
always expect to panic more because of the hormonal changes going
on, and it’s the hormones that cause my panic attacks?
T: Why do you think that you did not panic in the first years of your
menstrual cycle?
T: This highlights the fact that panic is not the direct result of certain
physical sensations becoming apparent, whether due to hormonal fluc-
tuations or other reasons. Rather, panic occurs as the result of a com-
plex interaction between physical sensations and fear of those sensa-
tions. The panics that you experience just prior to menstruating may
indeed be triggered by physiological sensations arising from hormonal
fluctuations, but the panic attack only occurs if you are afraid of the
C: I see what you mean. So as long as I can learn not to be scared of the
feelings, I shouldn’t panic.
Case Vignette 3
T: It seems that the way in which we interpret different events in our lives
is strongly influenced by our whole history of learning experiences.
So, if through a series of experiences, you have learned to associate
physical symptoms with danger, then it would make sense for you to
respond to benign physical symptoms with a sense of potential danger.
For example, being very sickly as a child, or seeing someone else go
through a serious illness, may lead you to be more likely than someone
who has not had such experiences to view bodily sensations as poten-
tially risky. The good news is that we can structure learning experiences
to change the ways in which we think. In fact, that is what this treat-
ment is about: using experience to develop new ways of thinking
about physical symptoms.
Atypical and Problematic Responses
In a similar vein, clients may perform the exercises but with limited
symptom exposure. That is, clients may terminate the exercise as soon as
sensations are felt or may not perform the exercise with the intensity
needed to experience the sensations fully. Full benefit is unlikely to be
achieved under these conditions. Therapists should address such avoid-
ance behavior and help clients to modify their anxious beliefs about
what would happen if they were to experience the symptoms.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic
attacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
✎ The client should practice symptom exercises three times each day.
Therapist Behaviors
The main goal of this section is to review what was learned as a result of
the between-session practices; to continue therapist-directed, in-session,
symptom-induction practices; and to encourage continued between-
session practices.
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: Not anymore. I did the first couple of times, but now it’s just an un-
comfortable feeling of dizziness and nausea.
Case Vignette 2
C: I’m only afraid of the sensations produced by these exercises when I’m
in certain situations, like being in a crowded shopping mall or on a bus.
Case Vignette 3
C: After all of my aerobic exercise over the last few weeks, I’ve certainly
learned not to be afraid of my heart racing. But in the last week, I’ve
noticed a weakness in my arms, and now, that symptom scares me. Does
this mean that I’ll always be anxious about one or another symptom?
T: The fact that you have become frightened of a new symptom may in-
dicate a continuing tendency to misinterpret bodily sensations as dan-
gerous in some way. You can apply the same procedures as you did for
the racing heart. With time, the general tendency to view symptoms in
a threatening way will decrease.
Case Vignette 4
C: Every time I breathe through the drinking straw, it feels as if I’m suffo-
cating, and I have to stop. It never gets any easier.
T: Since you know that this practice will not really suffocate you, it is best
to continue with the repeated exposures. If it is difficult to continue for
seconds beyond the point at which you begin to feel like you can-
not breathe, cut it back to five seconds, and do that enough times until
you feel comfortable. Then, gradually go up to seconds, and so on.
Case Vignette 5
T: What did you think would happen if the sensations became more
C: I thought the feelings would get worse and worse and worse and just
overwhelm me. I didn’t want to have that feeling of panic again.
T: The word “terrible” carries a lot of meaning. Let us see if we can pin
down your anxious thoughts, which make the feelings so terrible.
T: What tells you that you cannot tolerate it? How do you know that you
cannot tolerate it?
Atypical and Problematic Responses
Occasionally, clients report that they ended the exercises because they
were producing long-lasting symptoms. For example, practicing spin-
ning in a chair was reported by one of our clients to induce dizziness for
one entire week. Assuming that there are not true medical explanations
(e.g., vertigo), this protracted symptomatology is likely due to misap-
praisals of the symptoms as being harmful or indicative of something
wrong; attempts or desires to get rid of the symptoms; or safety behav-
iors. In these cases, help clients to conduct a step-by-step analysis of the
week’s worth of symptoms, and practice the exercise in session with the
instruction to make the symptoms as intense as possible. It is also pos-
sible to arrange for clients to engage in normal daily routines and tasks
immediately after the exercises or after they leave the office so as to rein-
force their abilities to tolerate the symptoms. For example, a client can
be encouraged to go to the store, make a phone call, or ask someone for
directions despite the presence of dizziness or lightheadedness immedi-
ately following the treatment session. In other words, encourage contin-
ued approach behavior and minimize safety behaviors following each
session involving interoceptive exposure.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic
attacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
✎ The client should continue to complete either a Changing Your Odds
or Changing Your Perspective form for any panic attacks that occur
over the next week.
■ Have the client choose items to practice from the Activities Hier-
archy in the workbook
Therapist Behaviors
Naturalistic activities are now used in the same way that symptom exer-
cises were used to induce relevant feared sensations. Examples of these
activities include aerobic activity, sexual arousal, high excitement, watch-
ing suspenseful movies, anger, being in hot or stuffy conditions, and so
Although the activities may result in sensations that are not easily
stopped (e.g., as in the case of drinking coffee), the sensations should
not be viewed as more dangerous.
Like the symptom exercises, the activity exercises are designed to be sys-
tematically graduated and repetitive. Clients may apply the breathing
and thinking skills while the activity is ongoing. This is in contrast to the
symptom-induction exercises, where coping skills are used only after
completion of the symptom exercises. This is because the activities often
are considerably longer than the symptom-induction exercises. Never-
theless, clients are encouraged to focus on the sensations and to experi-
ence them fully throughout the activity, while not using the coping skills
to prevent the onset of sensations.
The activities that elicit panic-like sensations are different from typical
agoraphobia situations. Agoraphobia situations are those in which panic
is expected because of previous experiences of panic in similar situations.
For example, highway driving may be avoided because of a history of
panic in that situation. On the other hand, the activities described in this
section directly elicit sensations (e.g., drinking coffee induces sensations
in everyone, not just those fearful of panicking), although the intensity
of the sensations is likely to be stronger when the sensations are feared.
For practice, the client should choose activities from the Activities Hier-
archy included in the workbook. At the end of each practice, the client
will complete a Facing Activities form. A blank form is included in the
workbook, and multiple copies can be downloaded from the Treatments
ThatWork™ website (
Facing Activities
Activity: Jogging
End Goals (excluding superstitious objects, safety signals, safety behaviors, and distractions):
Negative Thought (i.e., whatever it is you are most worried about happening):
What is the evidence? Even though I feel breathless, I am healthy and unlikely to stop breathing.
Ways of coping: I will go slowly and remind myself that breathlessness is not dangerous.
None Mild Moderate Strong Extreme
Figure 13.3.
Example of completed Facing Activities form
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
T: Remember, you can do this in graduated steps. For example, you ini-
tially could decide to attend an aerobics class for minutes; and then,
the next time, you could go for minutes, and so on. Also, if you feel
like you have to leave in the midst of an aerobics class, think about
what it is that you are most worried about happening, and then con-
sider the realistic odds or ways of coping. If that is not possible in the
class, step outside to give yourself time to think things through, and
then return to the class.
Case Vignette 2
T: Indeed, you need to consider what is reasonable. For anyone who has
not exercised for a long time, it is unwise to jump immediately into
very vigorous exercise. Let us start slowly and then build up to more
strenuous workouts.
Occasionally, clients report that their level of fear does not reduce across
repeated exposure trials. Sometimes, this occurs because clients continue
to hope that the sensations do not become intense, and they try to elim-
inate the sensations as soon as possible after the exercise or activity is ter-
minated. In such cases, the breathing skills in particular tend to become
safety crutches rather than adaptive strategies. In addition to putting
things back into perspective (e.g., “So what if my heart races?”), it is
helpful to practice the symptom exercises and activities without subse-
quent use of breathing. Instead, instruct the client to make the sensa-
tions last as long as possible. A paradoxical intentional approach can be
used also (i.e., make the sensations as intense as possible).
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic
attacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
✎ The client should practice activity exercises at least three times a week,
until the client’s anxiety reading on a given day is no more than a score
of two.
■ Discuss with the client what has been learned and ways of manag-
ing escape behaviors
Therapist Behaviors
The exposure principles are the same as in the previous sections, al-
though now, more attention is given to reinforcement of progress, brain-
storming of problems with exposure, and creativity in generating exposures.
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: I’m going to eat certain foods that I’ve avoided in the past because
they made my stomach feel very heavy, which always signals to me the
possibility of choking. However, I never like to eat alone, not because
I’m scared, but because I just prefer to eat with other people. Will that
be okay?
T: For the purposes of the exposure, it will be more useful for you to eat
alone despite your preference for eating with other people. Eating
alone would allow the fullest exposure in which you will learn to be
less afraid of the sensation of fullness in your stomach. That is, you
will learn that you do not need the safety of the presence of others.
Case Vignette 2
C: If I drink a cup of coffee, I know it’s going to make me feel really agi-
tated and jumpy. Then I won’t be able to concentrate or function at
work. Do you really want me to drink a cup of coffee?
T: Again, you can use a graduated approach. For example, you could
drink a small amount first. Alternatively, you could drink coffee on the
weekends so as to allow yourself to become more comfortable with the
sensations and then drink on days that you go to work. Also, remem-
ber that poor concentration is probably due to being too attentive to
the sensations that will also interfere with your concentration on other
tasks. Learning to be less anxious about the symptoms will cause you
to be less attentive to them and, thus, better able to concentrate on
other things around you.
Case Vignette 3
C: One of my practices is to drive my car with the heater on and the win-
dows closed. That is complicated by the fact that I don’t like to drive
long distances away from home. How should I design my practice?
The activities often are more difficult than the symptom exercises. For
example, they sometimes are conducted in public places; the duration of
the sensations is difficult to control; and they take more time overall. For
this reason, clients sometimes find these exercises to be more anxiety
provoking and may be less compliant with them.
In other cases, reluctance to face these activities stems from the increased
fear associated with the unpredictability and uncontrollability of these
exposures. Unlike the symptom exercises, in which the sensations usu-
ally end shortly after stopping the exercise, clients often have no control
over the onset or offset of symptoms resulting from naturalistic activi-
ties. For example, once the coffee has been ingested, the client can nei-
ther stop the exposure nor predict exactly when the effects of the caffeine
will end. Clients should be reminded of any errors in thinking which
may lead them to view these symptoms as being more dangerous rather
than as merely more unpredictable and uncontrollable.
✎ The client should continue to record anxiety and panic using the Panic
Attack Record and the Daily Mood Record.
✎ At the end of each week, the client should add the number of panic
attacks and daily average anxiety to the Progress Record.
✎ The client should practice activity exercises at least three times a week,
until the client’s anxiety reading on a given day is no more than a score
of two.
Chapter 14 Medications
Materials Needed
Therapist Behaviors
Medications are described, so that clients may understand their effec-
tiveness, side effects, and withdrawal problems.
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: I’m sure I’d get scared, because my heart would be racing, and I’d feel
sweaty and shaky, just like before—just like it was before I started the
T: Based on what you have learned from this treatment program, how
could you react differently to those feelings?
C: I would think about the fact that the feelings are not harmful, I would
think of the worst that could possibly happen, and I would put things
into perspective. Even if the symptoms didn’t go away, I’d realize that
they’re just physical symptoms.
Case Vignette 2
Case Vignette 3
C: That I will panic and not be able to control the panic.
T: How do you think that the medication is stopping you from panicking?
T: And what would happen if you were not able to stop the feelings?
C: I guess that they would get so intense and out of control that I would
lose it completely.
skills to address the mistaken notion that catastrophic outcomes are
more likely with more intense panic.
✎ Have the client speak with the prescribing physician if the client is
currently taking medication and wishes to stop.
✎ The client should develop a step-by-step plan for dealing with any
withdrawal symptoms by using the skills learned throughout this
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Chapter 15 Accomplishments, Maintenance,
and Relapse Prevention
Materials Needed
■ Practice Plan
Therapist Behaviors
Evaluating Progress
Client can evaluate their own progress by completing the Progress Eval-
uation form in the workbook.
Practice Plans
If necessary, work with the client to identify areas for further practice.
The client will use the Practice Plan in the workbook to list all of the
things to be practiced over the next few weeks. A blank form is included
Practice Plan
Facing Symptoms Push myself harder in exercise class since I am holding back
too much.
Figure 15.1.
Example of completed Practice Plan
Long-Term Goals
Now that treatment is ending, the client may begin planning for things
that he or she was previously unable to do because of panic and anxiety.
Clients can use the Long-Term Goals form in the workbook to list their
goals and the steps needed to reach those goals. A blank form is included
Long-Term Goals
Enroll in a course.
Figure 15.2.
Example of completed Long-Term Goals form
Ending Treatment
Case Vignettes
Case Vignette 1
C: Even though I’m doing most of the things I used to avoid, just the
thought of driving on my own makes me anxious. Driving was always
my biggest problem, and it looks like I’ll never get over it now.
T: It sounds like you are separating driving from all the other items in
your hierarchy because it is the hardest thing for you to face. How
might you make the idea of driving less frightening?
Case Vignette 2
C: I really feel like I’m not ready to finish; I still have a lot of situations
which I’m avoiding.
C: Well, I would decide which one I’m going to do first, think about
what I am most worried about, look at the odds and ways of coping,
and practice facing each situation enough times, until I feel more
T: So, you know what principles to apply and how to approach the task
of learning to be less afraid.
C: Yes.
Case Vignette 3
C: I thought I’d be “cured” by the end of treatment, but now it’s the last
session, and I’m still not all better. How long will it take until I am?
Case Vignette 4
C: I’m afraid that once I stop coming here, I won’t get any better because
I’ll have no one to review my progress with me or to give me feedback
on how to do things differently.
T: Do you mean you are not sure how to structure appropriate assign-
ments on your own?
Case Vignette 5
T: Do you mean that you should stay in treatment until you never feel
anxious ever again?
C: Well no, I know that’s unrealistic. But how do I know for sure that I
can really cope with new situations on my own?
T: I guess you can never know anything for sure until you try it. But how
have you handled these new situations so far?
Clients sometimes feel discouraged at this point because they still expe-
rience panic attacks or avoid situations on occasion. Frequently, these
clients minimize the improvements they have made while magnifying
the problems still experienced. It is helpful to review records kept from
the beginning of treatment so that clients may accurately evaluate their
levels of change. Point out instances of discounting positive changes in
favor of dwelling on the negative (e.g., “Sure, I’ve gone to shopping
malls and movies a lot, but I still get anxious driving long distances by
myself, so I’m really no better”; or, “Even though I’m not panicking
every day anymore, I’ve still had some panics recently”). Emphasize that
even though there is still room for improvement, they have made great
strides so far, have worked very hard to get to this point, and should
allow themselves to feel proud of their accomplishments.
When major life crises occur toward the end of treatment, a client may
actually regress a bit and feel back at “square one.” In such cases, ac-
knowledge the setback, but explain that a setback does not mean that all
progress is lost. Reviewing records kept throughout treatment can be en-
couraging: The client made progress before and can certainly do so again.
In addition, relearning skills is generally easier than learning them the
first time.
Chapter 16 Modification for Primary Care Settings
Thus, we modified panic control treatment (PCT ) for PD which is tai-
lored to a primary care setting.
Treatment Setting
Patient Eligibility
tainty. Patients were excluded if they had conditions that threatened life
or participation in the study, including major medical illnesses, active
suicidality, pregnancy, dementia, mental retardation, psychosis, and cur-
rent substance abuse/dependence. Methods of screening and diagnosing
are described in detail elsewhere (Roy-Byrne, Sherbourne, Miranda,
Stein, Craske, Golinelli, et al., ).
Treatment Structure
Whaley, Sauvigne, Baribeau, & Welch, ) and psychological inter-
ventions in medically ill patients (Mermelstein & Holland, ). In fact,
we found that improvement was correlated with the number of treatment
sessions and the number of telephone contacts (Roy-Byrne, Sherbourne,
et al., ).
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Additional Readings
Barlow, D. H. (). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of
anxiety and panic (nd ed.). New York: Guilford.
Barlow, D. H., Gorman, J. M., Shear, M. K., & Woods, S. W. (). Cog-
nitive behavioral therapy, imipramine, or their combination for panic
disorder: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA: Journal of the American
Medical Association, , –.
Craske, M. G. (). Anxiety disorders: Psychological approaches to theory and
treatment. Boulder, CO: Basic/Westview.
Craske, M. G., & Barlow, D. H. (in press). Panic disorder and agorapho-
bia. In D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders
(th ed.). New York: Guilford.
Craske, M. G., Lang, A. J., Aikins, D., & Mystkowski, J. (). Cognitive
behavioral therapy for nocturnal panic. Behavior Therapy, , –.
Craske, M. G., & Mystkowski, J. (). Exposure therapy and extinction:
Clinical studies. In M. G. Craske, D. Hermans, & D. Vanstweegen
(Eds.), Fear and learning: Basic science to clinical application. Washing-
ton, DC: American Psychological Association Books.
Craske, M. G., Roy-Byrne, P., Stein, M. G., Donald-Sherbourne, C.,
Bystritsky, A., Katon, W., et al. (). Treating panic disorder in pri-
mary care: A collaborative care intervention. General Hospital Psychia-
try, , –.
Craske, M. G., & Tsao, J. C. I. (). Assessment and treatment of noc-
turnal panic attacks. Sleep Medicine Review, ,–.
Roy-Byrne, P. P., Craske, M. G., Stein, M. B., Sherbourne, C., Bystritsky,
A., Golinelli, D., et al. (). Cognitive behavior therapy and med-
ication for primary care panic disorder: Sustained superiority for usual
care. Archives of General Psychiatry, , –.
About the Authors
C. Charles Burlingame Award from the Institute of Living in Hartford,
Connecticut; the First Graduate Alumni Scholar Award from the Grad-
uate College of the University of Vermont; the Masters and Johnson
Award from the Society for Sex Therapy and Research; the G. Stanley
Hall Lectureship, American Psychological Association; a certificate of
appreciation for contributions to women in clinical psychology from
Section IV of Division of the APA, the Clinical Psychology of Women;
and a MERIT award from the National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) for long-term contributions to clinical research efforts. He is
Past President of the Society of Clinical Psychology of the APA and the
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Past Editor of
the journals Behavior Therapy, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, and
Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice, and currently Editor-in-Chief of
the TreatmentsThatWork™ series for Oxford University Press.
Michelle G. Craske received her PhD from the University of British Co-
lumbia in and has published more than articles and chapters in
the area of anxiety disorders. She has written books on the topics of the
etiology and treatment of anxiety disorders, gender differences in anxi-
ety, and translation from the basic science of fear learning to the clinical
application of understanding and treating phobias, in addition to several
self-help books. In addition, she has been the recipient of continuous
NIMH funding since for research projects pertaining to risk factors
for anxiety disorders and depression among children and adolescents,
the cognitive and physiological aspects of anxiety and panic attacks, and
the development and dissemination of treatments for anxiety and re-
lated disorders. She is Associate Editor for the Journal of Abnormal Psy-
chology and Behaviour Research & Therapy, and she is a Scientific Board
Member for the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. She was a
member of the DSM-IV Anxiety Disorders Work Group Subcommittee
for revision of the diagnostic criteria surrounding panic disorder and
specific phobia. Craske has given invited keynote addresses at many
international conferences and frequently is invited to present training
workshops on the most recent advances in the cognitive behavioral treat-
ment for anxiety disorders. She is currently a Professor in the Depart-
ment of Psychology and Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral
Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Director of
the UCLA Anxiety Disorders Behavioral Research Program.