Abend - Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation

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Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation (UCCA)

Omri Abend∗ Ari Rappoport

Institute of Computer Science Institute of Computer Science
The Hebrew University The Hebrew University
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract Underscoring the semantic similarity between

(a) and (b) can assist semantic applications. One
Syntactic structures, by their nature, re- example is machine translation to target languages
flect first and foremost the formal con- that do not express this structural distinction (e.g.,
structions used for expressing meanings. both (a) and (b) would be translated to the same
This renders them sensitive to formal vari- German sentence “John duschte”). Question An-
ation both within and across languages, swering applications can also benefit from dis-
and limits their value to semantic ap- tinguishing between (a) and (c), as this knowl-
plications. We present UCCA, a novel edge would help them recognize “my book” as a
multi-layered framework for semantic rep- much more plausible answer than “a shower” to
resentation that aims to accommodate the the question “what did John take?”.
semantic distinctions expressed through This paper presents a novel approach to gram-
linguistic utterances. We demonstrate matical representation that annotates semantic dis-
UCCA’s portability across domains and tinctions and aims to abstract away from specific
languages, and its relative insensitivity syntactic constructions. We call our approach Uni-
to meaning-preserving syntactic variation. versal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation (UCCA).
We also show that UCCA can be ef- The word “cognitive” refers to the type of cate-
fectively and quickly learned by annota- gories UCCA uses and its theoretical underpin-
tors with no linguistic background, and nings, and “conceptual” stands in contrast to “syn-
describe the compilation of a UCCA- tactic”. The word “universal” refers to UCCA’s
annotated corpus. capability to accommodate a highly rich set of se-
mantic distinctions, and its aim to ultimately pro-
1 Introduction
vide all the necessary semantic information for
Syntactic structures are mainly committed to rep- learning grammar. In order to accommodate this
resenting the formal patterns of a language, and rich set of distinctions, UCCA is built as a multi-
only indirectly reflect semantic distinctions. For layered structure, which allows for its open-ended
instance, while virtually all syntactic annotation extension. This paper focuses on the foundational
schemes are sensitive to the structural difference layer of UCCA, a coarse-grained layer that rep-
between (a) “John took a shower” and (b) “John resents some of the most important relations ex-
showered”, they seldom distinguish between (a) pressed through linguistic utterances, including ar-
and the markedly different (c) “John took my gument structure of verbs, nouns and adjectives,
book”. In fact, the annotations of (a) and (c) are and the inter-relations between them (Section 2).
identical under the most widely-used schemes for UCCA is supported by extensive typologi-
English, the Penn Treebank (PTB) (Marcus et al., cal cross-linguistic evidence and accords with
1993) and CoNLL-style dependencies (Surdeanu the leading Cognitive Linguistics theories. We
et al., 2008) (see Figure 1). build primarily on Basic Linguistic Theory (BLT)

Omri Abend is grateful to the Azrieli Foundation for (Dixon, 2005; 2010a; 2010b; 2012), a typological
the award of an Azrieli Fellowship. approach to grammar successfully used for the de-
scription of a wide variety of languages. BLT uses and represent the descendant unit’s role in forming
semantic similarity as its main criterion for cate- the semantics of the parent unit. Therefore, the in-
gorizing constructions both within and across lan- ternal structure of a unit is represented by its out-
guages. UCCA takes a similar approach, thereby bound edges and their categories, while the roles
creating a set of distinctions that is motivated a unit plays in the relations it participates in are
cross-linguistically. We demonstrate UCCA’s rel- represented by its inbound edges.
ative insensitivity to paraphrasing and to cross- We note that UCCA’s structures reflect a single
linguistic variation in Section 4. interpretation of the text. Several discretely dif-
UCCA is exceptional in (1) being a semantic ferent interpretations (e.g., high vs. low PP at-
scheme that abstracts away from specific syntactic tachments) may therefore yield several different
forms and is not defined relative to a specific do- UCCA annotations.
main or language, (2) providing a coarse-grained UCCA is a multi-layered formalism, where
representation which allows for open-ended ex- each layer specifies the relations it encodes. The
tension, and (3) using cognitively-motivated cat- question of which relations will be annotated
egories. An extensive comparison of UCCA to ex- (equivalently, which units will be formed) is de-
isting approaches to syntactic and semantic repre- termined by the layer in question. For example,
sentation, focusing on the major resources avail- consider “John kicked his ball”, and assume our
able for English, is found in Section 5. current layer encodes the relations expressed by
This paper also describes the compilation of a “kicked” and by “his”. In that case, the unit “his”
UCCA-annotated corpus. We provide a quanti- has a single argument1 (“ball”), while “kicked”
tative assessment of the annotation quality. Our has two (“John” and “his ball”). Therefore, the
results show a quick learning curve and no sub- units of the sentence are the terminals (which are
stantial difference in the performance of annota- always units), “his ball” and “John kicked his
tors with and without background in linguistics. ball”. The latter two are units by virtue of express-
This is an advantage of UCCA over its syntactic ing a relation along with its arguments. See Fig-
counterparts that usually need annotators with ex- ure 2(a) for a graph representation of this example.
tensive background in linguistics (see Section 3). For a brief comparison of the UCCA formalism
We note that UCCA’s approach that advocates with other dependency annotations see Section 5.
automatic learning of syntax from semantic super- 2.2 The UCCA Foundational Layer
vision stands in contrast to the traditional view of
The foundational layer is designed to cover the
generative grammar (Clark and Lappin, 2010).
entire text, so that each word participates in at
least one unit. It focuses on argument structures
2 The UCCA Scheme
of verbal, nominal and adjectival predicates and
2.1 The Formalism the inter-relations between them. Argument struc-
UCCA uses directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to ture phenomena are considered basic by many ap-
represent its semantic structures. The atomic proaches to semantic and grammatical representa-
meaning-bearing units are placed at the leaves of tion, and have a high applicative value, as demon-
the DAG and are called terminals. In the founda- strated by their extensive use in NLP.
tional layer, terminals are words and multi-word The foundational layer views the text as a col-
chunks, although this definition can be extended lection of Scenes. A Scene can describe some
to include arbitrary morphemes. movement or action, or a temporally persistent
The nodes of the graph are called units. A unit state. It generally has a temporal and a spatial di-
may be either (i) a terminal or (ii) several ele- mension, which can be specific to a particular time
ments jointly viewed as a single entity according and place, but can also describe a schematized
to some semantic or cognitive consideration. In event which refers to many events by highlight-
many cases, a non-terminal unit is comprised of a ing a common meaning component. For example,
single relation and the units it applies to (its argu- the Scene “John loves bananas” is a schematized
ments), although in some cases it may also contain event, which refers to John’s disposition towards
secondary relations. Hierarchy is formed by using bananas without making any temporal or spatial
units as arguments or relations in other units. 1
The anaphoric aspects of “his” are not considered part of
Categories are annotated over the graph’s edges, the current layer (see Section 2.3).

John took a shower -ROOT- John showered -ROOT- John took my book -ROOT-
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: CoNLL-style dependency annotations. Note that (a) and (c), which have different semantics but superficially similar
syntax, have the same annotation.

Abb. Category Short Definition

Scene Elements
P Process The main relation of a Scene that evolves in time (usually an action or movement).
S State The main relation of a Scene that does not evolve in time.
A Participant A participant in a Scene in a broad sense (including locations, abstract entities and Scenes serving
as arguments).
D Adverbial A secondary relation in a Scene (including temporal relations).
Elements of Non-Scene Units
C Center Necessary for the conceptualization of the parent unit.
E Elaborator A non-Scene relation which applies to a single Center.
N Connector A non-Scene relation which applies to two or more Centers, highlighting a common feature.
R Relator All other types of non-Scene relations. Two varieties: (1) Rs that relate a C to some super-ordinate
relation, and (2) Rs that relate two Cs pertaining to different aspects of the parent unit.
Inter-Scene Relations
H Parallel A Scene linked to other Scenes by regular linkage (e.g., temporal, logical, purposive).
L Linker A relation between two or more Hs (e.g., “when”, “if”, “in order to”).
G Ground A relation between the speech event and the uttered Scene (e.g., “surprisingly”, “in my opinion”).
F Function Does not introduce a relation or participant. Required by the structural pattern it appears in.

Table 1: The complete set of categories in UCCA’s foundational layer.

specifications. The definition of a Scene is moti- This category subsumes concrete and abstract par-
vated cross-linguistically and is similar to the se- ticipants as well as embedded Scenes (see be-
mantic aspect of the definition of a “clause” in Ba- low). Scenes may also contain secondary rela-
sic Linguistic Theory2 . tions, which are marked as Adverbials (D).
Table 1 provides a concise description of the The above categories are indifferent to the syn-
categories used by the foundational layer3 . We tactic category of the Scene-evoking unit, be it a
turn to a brief description of them. verb, a noun, an adjective or a preposition. For in-
Simple Scenes. Every Scene contains one main stance, in the Scene “The book is in the garden”,
relation, which is the anchor of the Scene, the most “is in” is the S, while “the book” and “the garden”
important relation it describes (similar to frame- are As. In “Tomatoes are red”, the main static re-
evoking lexical units in FrameNet (Baker et al., lation is “are red”, while “Tomatoes” is an A.
1998)). We distinguish between static Scenes, that The foundational layer designates a separate set
describe a temporally persistent state, and proces- of categories to units that do not evoke a Scene.
sual Scenes that describe a temporally evolving Centers (C) are the sub-units of a non-Scene unit
event, usually a movement or an action. The main that are necessary for the unit to be conceptualized
relation receives the category State (S) in static and and determine its semantic type. There can be one
Process (P) in processual Scenes. We note that or more Cs in a non-Scene unit4 .
the S-P distinction is introduced here mostly for Other sub-units of non-Scene units are catego-
practical purposes, and that both categories can be rized into three types. First, units that apply to a
viewed as sub-categories of the more abstract cat- single C are annotated as Elaborators (E). For in-
egory Main Relation. stance, “big” in “big dogs” is an E, while “dogs” is
A Scene contains one or more Participants (A). a C. We also mark determiners as Es in this coarse-
As UCCA annotates categories on its edges, Scene nodes grained layer5 . Second, relations that relate two or
bear no special indication. They can be identified by examin-
ing the labels on their outgoing edges (see below). By allowing several Cs we avoid the difficulties incurred
3 by the common single head assumption. In some cases the
Repeated here with minor changes from (Abend and
Rappoport, 2013), which focuses on the categories them- Cs are inferred from context and can be implicit.
selves. Several Es that apply to a single C are often placed in
more Cs, highlighting a common feature or role A P A
(usually coordination), are called Connectors (N). John kicked
See an example in Figure 2(b). E C
Relators (R) cover all other types of relations his ball
between two or more Cs. Rs appear in two main (a)
varieties. In one, Rs relate a single entity to a
super-ordinate relation. For instance, in “I heard A P A D

noise in the kitchen”, “in” relates “the kitchen” bought together

to the Scene it is situated in. In the other, Rs re-
late two units pertaining to different aspects of the John and Mary a sofa
same entity. For instance, in “bottom of the sea”, (b)
“of” relates “bottom” and “the sea”, two units that
refer to different aspects of the same entity. A S

Some units do not introduce a new relation or

entity into the Scene, and are only part of the for- E F C

mal pattern in which they are situated. Such units E C was wonderful
are marked as Functions (F). For example, in the A A P D

sentence “it is customary for John to come late”, the film we saw yesterday
the “it” does not refer to any specific entity or re- (c)
lation and is therefore an F.
Two example annotations of simple Scenes are Figure 2: Examples of UCCA annotation graphs.
given in Figure 2(a) and Figure 2(b).
More complex cases. UCCA allows units to Scene evoked by “wonderful” (see Figure 2(c)).
participate in more than one relation. This is a nat- A third type of linkage covers all other cases,
ural requirement given the wealth of distinctions e.g., temporal, causal and conditional inter-Scene
UCCA is designed to accommodate. Already in relations. The linked Scenes in such cases are
the foundational layer of UCCA, the need arises marked as Parallel Scenes (H). The units speci-
for multiple parents. For instance, in “John asked fying the relation between Hs are marked as Link-
Mary to join him”, “Mary” is a Participant of both ers (L)6 . As with other relations in UCCA, Linkers
the “asking” and the “joining” Scenes. and the Scenes they link are bound by a unit.
In some cases, an entity or relation is prominent Unlike common practice in grammatical anno-
in the interpretation of the Scene, but is not men- tation, linkage relations in UCCA can cross sen-
tioned explicitly anywhere in the text. We mark tence boundaries, as can relations represented in
such entities as Implicit Units. Implicit units are other layers (e.g., coreference). UCCA therefore
identical to terminals, except that they do not cor- annotates texts comprised of several paragraphs
respond to a stretch of text. For example, “playing and not individual sentences (see Section 3).
games is fun” has an implicit A which corresponds Example sentences. Following are complete
to the people playing the game. annotations of two abbreviated example sentences
UCCA annotates inter-Scene relations (linkage) from our corpus (see Section 3).
and, following Basic Linguistic Theory, distin-
“Golf became a passion for his oldest daughter:
guishes between three major types of linkage.
she took daily lessons and became very good,
First, a Scene can be an A in another Scene. For
reaching the Connecticut Golf Championship.”
instance, in “John said he must leave”, “he must
leave” is an A inside the Scene evoked by “said”. This sentence contains four Scenes, evoked by
Second, a Scene may be an E of an entity in an- “became a passion”, “took daily lessons”, “be-
other Scene. For instance, in “the film we saw yes- came very good” and “reaching”. The individual
terday was wonderful”, “film we saw yesterday” is Scenes are annotated as follows:
a Scene that serves as an E of “film”, which is both 1. “GolfA [becameE aE passionC ]P [forR hisE
an A in the Scene and the Center of an A in the oldestE daughterC ]A ”
a flat structure. In general, the coarse-grained foundational It is equally plausible to include Linkers for the other two
layer does not try to resolve fine scope issues. linkage types. This is not included in the current layer.
2. “sheA [tookF [dailyE lessonsC ]C ]P ” Passage #
1 2 3 4 5 6
3. “sheA ... [becameE [veryE goodC ]C ]S ” # Sents. 8 20 23 14 13 15
# Tokens 259 360 343 322 316 393
4. “sheA ... reachingP [theE ConnecticutE
ITA 67.3 74.1 71.2 73.5 77.8 81.1
GolfE ChampionshipC ]A ” Vs. Gold 72.4 76.7 75.5 75.7 79.5 84.2
There is only one explicit Linker in this sen- Correction 93.7
tence (“and”), which links Scenes (2) and (3).
Table 2: The upper part of the table presents the number of
None of the Scenes is an A or an E in the other, and sentences and the number of tokens in the first passages used
they are therefore all marked as Parallel Scenes. for the annotator training. The middle part presents the av-
We also note that in the case of the light verb erage F-scores obtained by the annotators throughout these
passages. The first row presents the average F-score when
construction “took lessons” and the copula clauses comparing the annotations of the different annotators among
“became good” and “became a passion”, the verb themselves. The second row presents the average F-score
when comparing them to a “gold standard”. The bottom row
is not the Center of the main relation, but rather shows the average F-score between an annotated passage of
the following noun or adjective. We also note that a trained annotator and its manual correction by an expert. It
the unit “she” is an A in Scenes (2), (3) and (4). is higher due to conforming analyses (see text). All F-scores
are in percents.
We turn to our second example:
“Cukor encouraged the studio to
accept her demands.” unit between a parent unit and some of its sub-
This sentence contains three Scenes, evoked by units. For instance, consider “he replied foolishly”
“encouraged”, “accept” and “demands”: and “he foolishly replied”. A layer focusing on
1. CukorA encouragedP [theE studioC ]A [toR Adverbial scope may refine the flat Scene structure
[accept her demands]C ]A assigned by the foundational layer, expressing the
scope of “foolishly” over the relation “replied” in
2. [the studio]A ... acceptP [her demands]A
the first case, and over the entire Scene in the sec-
3. herA demandsP IMPA ond. Third, by adding sub-units to a terminal. For
Scenes (2) and (3) act as Participants in Scenes instance, consider “gave up”, an expression which
(1) and (2) respectively. In Scene (2), there is the foundational layer considers atomic. A layer
an implicit Participant which corresponds to what- that annotates tense can break the expression into
ever was demanded. Note that “her demands” is a “gave” and “up”, in order to annotate “gave” as the
Scene, despite being a noun phrase. tense-bearing unit.
Although a more complete discussion of the for-
2.3 UCCA’s Multi-layered Structure malism is beyond the scope of this paper, we note
Additional layers may refine existing relations or that the formalism is designed to allow different
otherwise annotate a complementary set of dis- annotation layers to be defined and annotated in-
tinctions. For instance, a refinement layer can dependently of one another, in order to facilitate
categorize linkage relations according to their se- UCCA’s construction through a community effort.
mantic types (e.g., temporal, purposive, causal) or
3 A UCCA-Annotated Corpus
provide tense distinctions for verbs. Another im-
The annotated text is mostly based on English
mediate extension to UCCA’s foundational layer
Wikipedia articles for celebrities. We have chosen
can be the annotation of coreference relations. Re-
this genre as it is an inclusive and diverse domain,
call the example “John kicked his ball”. A coref-
which is still accessible to annotators from varied
erence layer would annotate a relation between
“John” and “his” by introducing a new node whose
For the annotation process, we designed and im-
descendants are these two units. The fact that
plemented a web application tailored for UCCA’s
this node represents a coreference relation would
annotation. A sample of the corpus containing
be represented by a label on the edge connecting
roughly 5K tokens, as well as the annotation ap-
them to the coreference node.
plication can be found in our website7 .
There are three common ways to extend an an-
UCCA’s annotations are not confined to a sin-
notation graph. First, by adding a relation that re-
gle sentence. The annotation is therefore carried
lates previously established units. This is done by
out in passages of 300-400 tokens. After its an-
introducing a new node whose descendants are the
related units. Second, by adding an intermediate www.cs.huji.ac.il/˜omria01
notation, a passage is manually corrected before who had prior training in linguistics. The obtained
being inserted into the repository. F-scores when comparing to a gold standard, or-
The section of the corpus annotated thus far dered decreasingly according to the annotator’s
contains 56890 tokens in 148 annotated passages acquaintance with linguistics, were 78%, 74.4%,
(average length of 385 tokens). Each passage con- 69.5% and 67.8%. However, this performance gap
tains 450 units on average and 42.2 Scenes. Each quickly vanished. Indeed, the obtained F-scores,
Scene contains an average of 2 Participants and 0.3 again compared to a gold standard and averaged
Adverbials. 15% of the Scenes are static (contain over the next five training passages, were (by the
an S as the main relation) and the rest are dynamic same order) 78.6%, 77.3%, 79.2% and 78%.
(containing a P). The average number of tokens in This is an advantage of UCCA over other syn-
a Scene (excluding punctuation) is 10.7. 18.3% tactic annotation schemes that normally require
of the Scenes are Participants in another Scene, highly proficient annotators. For instance, both
11.4% are Elaborator Scenes and the remaining the PTB and the Prague Dependency Treebank
are Parallel Scenes. A passage contains an aver- (Böhmová et al., 2003) employed annotators with
age of 11.2 Linkers. extensive linguistic background. Similar findings
Inter-annotator agreement. We employ 4 an- to ours were reported in the PropBank project,
notators with varying levels of background in lin- which successfully employed annotators with var-
guistics. Two of the annotators have no back- ious levels of linguistic background. We view
ground in linguistics, one took an introductory this as a major advantage of semantic annotation
course and one holds a Bachelor’s degree in lin- schemes over their syntactic counterparts, espe-
guistics. The training process of the annotators cially given the huge amount of manual labor re-
lasted 30–40 hours, which includes the time re- quired for large syntactic annotation projects.
quired for them to get acquainted with the web The UCCA interface allows for multiple non-
application. As this was the first large-scale trial contradictory (“conforming”) analyses of a stretch
with the UCCA scheme, some modifications to the of text. It assumes that in some cases there is
scheme were made during the annotator’s training. more than one acceptable option, each highlight-
We therefore expect the training process to be even ing a different aspect of meaning of the analyzed
faster in later distributions. utterance (see below). This makes the computa-
There is no standard evaluation measure for tion of inter-annotator agreement fairly difficult.
comparing two grammatical annotations in the It also suggests that the above evaluation is exces-
form of labeled DAGs. We therefore converted sively strict, as it does not take into account such
UCCA to constituency trees8 and, following stan- conforming analyses. To address this issue, we
dard practice, computed the number of brackets in conducted another experiment where an expert an-
both trees that match in both span and label. We notator corrected the produced annotations. Com-
derive an F-score from these counts. paring the corrected versions to the originals, we
Table 2 presents the inter-annotator agreement found that F-scores are typically in the range of
in the training phase. The four annotators were 90%–95%. An average taken over a sample of
given the same passage in each of these cases. In passages annotated by all four annotators yielded
addition, a “gold standard” was annotated by the an F-score of 93.7%.
authors of this paper. The table presents the av- It is difficult to compare the above results to the
erage F-score between the annotators, as well as inter-annotator agreement of other projects for two
the average F-score when comparing to the gold reasons. First, many existing schemes are based
standard. Results show that although it repre- on other annotation schemes or heavily rely on
sents complex hierarchical structures, the UCCA automatic tools for providing partial annotations.
scheme is learned quickly and effectively. Second, some of the most prominent annotation
We also examined the influence of prior linguis- projects do not provide reliable inter-annotator
tic background on the results. In the first passage agreement scores (Artstein and Poesio, 2008).
there was a substantial advantage to the annotators
A recent work that did report inter-annotator
In cases a unit had multiple parents, we discarded all but agreement in terms of bracketing F-score is an an-
one of its incoming edges. This resulted in discarding 1.9%
of the edges. We applied a simple normalization procedure to notation project of the PTB’s noun phrases with
the resulting trees. more elaborate syntactic structure (Vadas and Cur-
ran, 2011). They report an agreement of 88.3% in tic tasks. This section briefly demonstrates these
a scenario where their two annotators worked sep- benefits through a number of examples.
arately. Note that this task is much more limited Recall the example “John took a shower” (Sec-
in scope than UCCA (annotates noun phrases in- tion 1). UCCA annotates the sentence as a sin-
stead of complete passages in UCCA; uses 2 cat- gle Scene, with a single Participant and a proces-
egories instead of 12 in UCCA). Nevertheless, the sual main relation: “JohnA [tookF [aE showerC ]C
obtained inter-annotator agreement is comparable. ]P ”. The paraphrase “John showered” is anno-
Disagreement examples. Here we discuss two tated similarly: “JohnA showeredP ”. The struc-
major types of disagreements that recurred in the ture is also preserved under translation to other
training process. The first is the distinction be- languages, such as German (“JohnA duschteP ”,
tween Elaborators and Centers. In most cases this where “duschte” is a verb), or Portuguese “JohnA
distinction is straightforward, particularly where [tomouF banhoC ]P ” (literally, John took shower).
one sub-unit determines the semantic type of the In all of these cases, UCCA annotates the example
parent unit, while its siblings add more informa- as a Scene with an A and a P, whose Center is a
tion to it (e.g., “truckE companyC ” is a type of a word expressing the notion of showering.
company and not of a truck). Some structures do Another example is the sentence “John does
not nicely fall into this pattern. One such case is not have any money”. The foundational layer
with apposition. In the example “the Fox drama of UCCA annotates negation units as Ds, which
Glory days”, both “the Fox drama” and “Glory yields the annotation “JohnA [doesF ]S - notD
days” are reasonable candidates for being a Cen- [haveC ]-S [anyE moneyC ]A ” (where “does ...
ter, which results in disagreements. have” is a discontiguous unit)9 . This sentence can
Another case is the distinction between Scenes be paraphrased as “JohnA hasP noD moneyA ”.
and non-Scene relations. Consider the example UCCA reflects the similarity of these two sen-
“[John’s portrayal of the character] has been de- tences, as it annotates both cases as a single Scene
scribed as ...”. The sentence obviously contains which has two Participants and a negation. A syn-
two scenes, one in which John portrays a charac- tactic scheme would normally annotate “no” in the
ter and another where someone describes John’s second sentence as a modifier of “money”, and
doings. Its internal structure is therefore “John’sA “not” as a negation of “have”.
portrayalP [of the character]A ”. However, the The value of UCCA’s annotation can again be
syntactic structure of this unit leads annotators at seen in translation to languages that have only one
times into analyzing the subject as a non-Scene re- of these forms. For instance, the German transla-
lation whose C is “portrayal”. tion of this sentence, “JohnA hatS keinD GeldA ”,
Static relations tend to be more ambiguous be- is a literal translation of “John has no money”. The
tween a Scene and a non-Scene interpretation. Hebrew translation of this sentence is “eyn le john
Consider “Jane Smith (née Ross)”. It is not at all kesef” (literally, “there-is-no to John money”).
clear whether “née Ross” should be annotated as a The main relation here is therefore “eyn” (there-
Scene or not. Even if we do assume it is a Scene, is-no) which will be annotated as S. This yields
it is not clear whether the Scene it evokes is her the annotation “eynS [leR JohnC ]A kesefA ”.
Scene of birth, which is dynamic, or a static Scene The UCCA annotation in all of these cases is
which can be paraphrased as “originally named composed of two Participants and a State. In En-
Ross”. This leads to several conforming analyses, glish and German, the negative polarity unit is rep-
each expressing a somewhat different conceptual- resented as a D. The negative polarity of the He-
ization of the Scene. This central notion will be brew “eyn” is represented in a more detailed layer.
more elaborately addressed in future work. As a third example, consider the two sentences
We note that all of these disagreements can be “There are children playing in the park” and “Chil-
easily resolved by introducing an additional layer dren are playing in the park”. The two sentences
focusing on the construction in question. have a similar meaning but substantially different
syntactic structures. The first contains two clauses,
4 UCCA’s Benefits to Semantic Tasks an existential main clause (headed by “there are”)
UCCA’s relative insensitivity to syntactic forms 9
The foundational layer places “not” in the Scene level to
has potential benefits for a wide variety of seman- avoid resolving fine scope issues (see Section 2).
and a subordinate clause (“playing in the park”). 2009)), recent work has also successfully tackled
The second contains a simple clause headed by the task of predicting semantic structures in the
“playing”. While the parse trees of these sentences form of DAGs (Jones et al., 2012).
are very different, their UCCA annotation in the The most prominent annotation scheme in NLP
foundational layer differ only in terms of Function for English syntax is the Penn Treebank. Many
units: “ChildrenA [areF playingC ]P [inR theE syntactic schemes are built or derived from it. An
parkC ]A ” and “ThereF areF childrenA [playing]P increasingly popular alternative to the PTB are
[inR theE parkC ]A ”10 . dependency structures, which are usually repre-
Aside from machine translation, a great vari- sented as trees whose nodes are the words of the
ety of semantic tasks can benefit from a scheme sentence (Ivanova et al., 2012). Such represen-
that is relatively insensitive to syntactic variation. tations are limited due to their inability to natu-
Examples include text simplification (e.g., for sec- rally represent constructions that have more than
ond language teaching) (Siddharthan, 2006), para- one head, or in which the identity of the head
phrase detection (Dolan et al., 2004), summariza- is not clear. They also face difficulties in repre-
tion (Knight and Marcu, 2000), and question an- senting units that participate in multiple relations.
swering (Wang et al., 2007). UCCA proposes a different formalism that ad-
dresses these problems by introducing a new node
5 Related Work for every relation (cf. (Sangati and Mazza, 2009)).
In this section we compare UCCA to some of the Several annotated corpora offer a joint syntac-
major approaches to grammatical representation in tic and semantic representation. Examples in-
NLP. We focus on English, which is the most stud- clude the Groningen Meaning bank (Basile et al.,
ied language and the focus of this paper. 2012), Treebank Semantics (Butler and Yoshi-
Syntactic annotation schemes come in many moto, 2012) and the Lingo Redwoods treebank
forms, from lexical categories such as POS tags (Oepen et al., 2004). UCCA diverges from these
to intricate hierarchical structures. Some for- projects in aiming to abstract away from syntac-
malisms focus particularly on syntactic distinc- tic variation, and is therefore less coupled with a
tions, while others model the syntax-semantics in- specific syntactic theory.
terface as well (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1981; Pollard A different strand of work addresses the con-
and Sag, 1994; Joshi and Schabes, 1997; Steed- struction of an interlingual representation, often
man, 2001; Sag, 2010, inter alia). UCCA diverges with a motivation of applying it to machine trans-
from these approaches in aiming to abstract away lation. Examples include the UNL project (Uchida
from specific syntactic forms and to only represent and Zhu, 2001), the IAMTC project (Dorr et al.,
semantic distinctions. Put differently, UCCA ad- 2010) and the AMR project (Banarescu et al.,
vocates an approach that treats syntax as a hidden 2012). These projects share with UCCA their
layer when learning the mapping between form emphasis on cross-linguistically valid annotations,
and meaning, while existing syntactic approaches but diverge from UCCA in three important re-
aim to model it manually and explicitly. spects. First, UCCA emphasizes the notion of
UCCA does not build on any other annotation a multi-layer structure where the basic layers are
layers and therefore implicitly assumes that se- maximally coarse-grained, in contrast to the above
mantic annotation can be learned directly. Recent works that use far more elaborate representations.
work suggests that indeed structured prediction Second, from a theoretical point of view, UCCA
methods have reached sufficient maturity to allow differs from these works in aiming to represent
direct learning of semantic distinctions. Examples conceptual semantics, building on works in Cog-
include Naradowsky et al. (2012) for semantic role nitive Linguistics (e.g., (Langacker, 2008)). Third,
labeling and Kwiatkowski et al. (2010) for seman- unlike interlingua that generally define abstract
tic parsing to logical forms. While structured pre- representations that may correspond to several dif-
diction for the task of predicting tree structures ferent texts, UCCA incorporates the text into its
is already well established (e.g., (Suzuki et al., structure, thereby facilitating learning.
Semantic role labeling (SRL) schemes bear
The two sentences are somewhat different in terms of
their information structure (Van Valin Jr., 2005), which is rep- similarity to the foundational layer, due to their
resented in a more detailed UCCA layer. focus on argument structure. The leading SRL ap-
proaches are PropBank (Palmer et al., 2005) and proposes a comprehensive approach to semantic
NomBank (Meyers et al., 2004) on the one hand, roles. It defines a lexical database of Frames, each
and FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998) on the other. At containing a set of possible frame elements and
this point, all these schemes provide a more fine- their semantic roles. It bears similarity to UCCA
grained set of categories than UCCA. both in its use of Frames, which are a context-
PropBank and NomBank are built on top of the independent abstraction of UCCA’s Scenes, and
PTB annotation, and provide for each verb (Prop- in its emphasis on semantic rather than distribu-
Bank) and noun (NomBank), a delineation of their tional considerations. However, despite these sim-
arguments and their categorization into semantic ilarities, FrameNet focuses on constructing a lex-
roles. Their structures therefore follow the syn- ical resource covering specific cases of interest,
tax of English quite closely. UCCA is generally and does not provide a fully annotated corpus of
less tailored to the syntax of English (e.g., see sec- naturally occurring text. UCCA’s foundational
ondary verbs (Dixon, 2005)). layer can be seen as a complementary effort to
Furthermore, PropBank and NomBank do not FrameNet, as it focuses on high-coverage, coarse-
annotate the internal structure of their arguments. grained annotation, while FrameNet is more fine-
Indeed, the construction of the commonly used se- grained at the expense of coverage.
mantic dependencies derived from these schemes
(Surdeanu et al., 2008) required a set of syntactic
6 Conclusion
head percolation rules to be used. These rules are This paper presented Universal Conceptual Cog-
somewhat arbitrary (Schwartz et al., 2011), do not nitive Annotation (UCCA), a novel framework
support multiple heads, and often reflect syntac- for semantic representation. We described the
tic rather than semantic considerations (e.g., “mil- foundational layer of UCCA and the compilation
lions” is the head of “millions of dollars”, while of a UCCA-annotated corpus. We demonstrated
“dollars” is the head of “five million dollars”). UCCA’s relative insensitivity to paraphrases and
Another difference is that PropBank and Nom- cross-linguistic syntactic variation. We also dis-
Bank each annotate only a subset of predicates, cussed UCCA’s accessibility to annotators with no
while UCCA is more inclusive. This difference background in linguistics, which can alleviate the
is most apparent in cases where a single complex almost prohibitive annotation costs of large syn-
predicate contains both nominal and verbal com- tactic annotation projects.
ponents (e.g., “limit access”, “take a shower”). In UCCA’s representation is guided by conceptual
addition, neither PropBank nor Nomabnk address notions and has its roots in the Cognitive Linguis-
copula clauses, despite their frequency. Finally, tics tradition and specifically in Cognitive Gram-
unlike PropBank and NomBank, UCCA’s founda- mar (Langacker, 2008). These theories represent
tional layer annotates linkage relations. the meaning of an utterance according to the men-
In order to quantify the similarity between tal representations it evokes and not according to
UCCA and PropBank, we annotated 30 sentences its reference in the world. Future work will ex-
from the PropBank corpus with their UCCA anno- plore options to further reduce manual annotation,
tations and converted the outcome to PropBank- possibly by combining texts with visual inputs
style annotations11 . We obtained an unlabeled during training.
F-score of 89.4% when comparing to PropBank, We are currently attempting to construct a
which indicates that PropBank-style annotations parser for UCCA and to apply it to several seman-
are generally derivable from UCCA’s. The dis- tic tasks, notably English-French machine trans-
agreement between the schemes reflects both an- lation. Future work will also discuss UCCA’s
notation conventions and principle differences, portability across domains. We intend to show
some of which were discussed above. that UCCA, which is less sensitive to the idiosyn-
The FrameNet project (Baker et al., 1998) crasies of a specific domain, can be easily adapted
to highly dynamic domains such as social media.
The experiment was conducted on the first 30 sentences
of section 02. The identity of the predicates was determined Acknowledgements. We would like to thank
according to the PropBank annotation. We applied a simple Tomer Eshet for partnering in the development of
conversion procedure that uses half a dozen rules that are not
conditioned on any lexical item. We used a strict evaluation the web application and Amit Beka for his help
that requires an exact match in the argument’s boundaries. with UCCA’s software and development set.
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