Exampro GCSE Chemistry: C3 Chapter 1 Higher

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Exampro GCSE Chemistry

C3 Chapter 1 Higher Class:



Time: 72

Marks: 72


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Q1. In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev produced his periodic table of the elements.

Mendeleev placed the alkali metals in the same group.

(a) What evidence did Mendeleev use to decide that the alkali metals should be in the same



(b) Describe how the elements in the modern periodic table are arranged:

(i) in terms of protons



(ii) in terms of electrons.



(c) State two properties of transition elements that make them more useful than alkali metals
for making water pipes.






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(d) Describe and explain the trend in reactivity of the alkali metals (Group 1).










(Total 9 marks)

Q2. The graph shows the boiling points of the halogens.

(a) Use the graph to help you answer these questions.

(i) Use the correct answer from the box to complete the sentence.

gas liquid solid

At room temperature chlorine is a .................................................. .


(ii) Describe the trend in boiling point from fluorine to iodine.



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(b) Chlorine reacts with metals to produce metal chlorides.

(i) When a chlorine atom forms a chloride ion it gains one electron.

What is the charge on a chloride ion?


(ii) Write a word equation for the reaction between sodium and chlorine.


(c) In the UK water companies add chlorine to tap water.

Why is chlorine added to tap water?


(d) Water companies add fluoride to tap water in some parts of the UK.

Fluoride is added to improve dental health.

Suggest one reason why some people are against adding fluoride to tap water.



(Total 6 marks)

Q3. Lithium is in Group 1 of the periodic table.

Lithium reacts with water to produce a gas and an alkaline solution.

(a) (i) Name the gas produced.


(ii) Which ion causes the solution to be alkaline?


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(b) Potassium is also in Group 1 of the periodic table.
Potassium reacts with water in a similar way to lithium.

Write down two differences you would see between the reactions of potassium and lithium
with water.

1 ......................................................................................................................


2 ......................................................................................................................

(Total 4 marks)

Q4. Platinum and gold are transition elements. They can both be used to make wedding rings.

By Jeff Belmonte from Cuiabá, Brazil (Flickr) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

(a) Platinum and gold are good materials for making wedding rings.

Use your knowledge of the properties of transition elements to suggest why.





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(b) Explain, in terms of electronic structure, why transition elements have similar chemical






(Total 4 marks)

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Q5. Use the periodic table on the Data Sheet and the information below to help you answer these

Mendeleev was one of the first chemists who classified elements in a systematic way
based on atomic weight. He suggested his version of the periodic table in 1869.

He put the elements in order of their atomic weights but reversed the order for some
pairs of elements. Then he arranged them in a table so that chemically similar
elements were in columns known as Groups. He also left gaps and made predictions.

Part of Mendeleev’s table is shown below.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7

Li Be B C N O F

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl

K Ca # Ti V Cr Mn

Cu Zn # # As Se Br

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo #

Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I

The gaps Mendeleev left are shown by #.

By unknown / неизвестен (here / здесь) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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(a) Which group of elements in the modern periodic table is missing from Mendeleev’s table?


(b) Mendeleev reversed the order for some pairs of elements. For example, he put tellurium
(Te, atomic weight 128) before iodine (I, atomic weight 127), as shown in his table.

Why did he do this?



(c) In 1869 many chemists did not agree with Mendeleev’s periodic table.

Suggest three reasons why.








(d) In the 20th century, the arrangement of elements in the periodic table was explained in
terms of atomic structure.

Describe the links between atomic structure and the periodic table.






(Total 7 marks)

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Q6. Lithium is a very reactive metal.

(a) Lithium reacts with cold water.

(i) Which physical property of lithium is seen during this reaction?


(ii) Which chemical property of lithium will be shown by the universal indicator?


(b) Complete the sentence by writing in the missing numbers.

Lithium has an atomic number of 3 and a mass number of 7.

This means that an atom of lithium has .................... protons .................... electrons

and ....................... neutrons.

(Total 5 marks)

Q7. (a) Dmitri Mendeleev was one of the first chemists to classify the elements by arranging
them in order of their atomic weights. His periodic table was published in 1869.

How did Mendeleev know that there must be undiscovered elements and how did he take
this into account when he designed his periodic table?






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(b) By the early 20th century protons and electrons had been discovered.

Describe how knowledge of the numbers of protons and electrons in atoms allow
chemists to place elements in their correct order and correct group.







(c) The transition elements are a block of elements between Groups 2 and 3 of the periodic

(i) Transition elements have similar properties.

Explain why, in terms of electronic structure.





(ii) There are no transition elements between the Group 2 element magnesium and the
Group 3 element aluminium.

Give a reason why, in terms of electronic structure.



(Total 8 marks)

Q8. The halogens are in Group 7 of the periodic table.

(a) Why, in terms of electrons, are the halogens in Group 7?



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(b) Sea water contains bromide ions (Br-).
The bromide ions can be changed to bromine by bubbling chlorine gas into sea water.
Chlorine is able to displace bromine from sea water because chlorine is more reactive
than bromine.

2Br-(aq) + Cl2(g) → Br2(g) + 2Cl-(aq)

Explain, in terms of electrons, why chlorine is more reactive than bromine.








(Total 4 marks)

Q9. The following article appeared recently in the Manchester Gazette.

Sodium Drum Blaze Scare

A 20 litre drum containing sodium burst into flames when it

reacted violently with rainwater at a Manchester factory. It is
believed that the sodium, which is normally stored under oil,
had been accidentally left outside with the lid off.

A factory worker put out the blaze before the fire services
arrived, and a leading fire fighter said, “It was fortunate that
potassium wasn’t involved as it would have reacted more
violently and exploded. These Group 1 alkali metals can be
very dangerous”.

(a) Group 1 metals are stored under oil.

Suggest why.


(b) Balance the equation which represents the reaction between sodium and water.

Na + H2O  →  NaOH  +  H 2
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(c) Explain why the Group 1 metals are called the alkali metals.



(d) Explain, in terms of electrons, why potassium reacts more violently than sodium.






(Total 6 marks)

Q10. Read the information about the development of the periodic table and answer the questions
that follow:

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The modern periodic table on the Data Sheet may help you to answer these questions.

(a) Döbereiner suggested that calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) were also a triad.

Use relative atomic masses to explain why.





(b) Suggest why Döbereiner’s ideas were replaced by those of Mendeleev.



(c) Lithium, sodium and potassium are in Group 1. All these elements react with water.

Describe what you see when potassium is added to water.




(d) In terms of electronic structure, explain why:

(i) elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar chemical properties



(ii) transition elements have similar properties even though they are not in the same





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(iii) in Group 1, lithium is less reactive than potassium.




(Total 9 marks)

Q11. In 1999 scientists at the University of Berkeley claimed to have discovered the element

The electron arrangement of this element is thought to be as shown in the diagram below.

(a) Which group of the periodic table should this element be placed in?

Group .............................

(b) Give a reason for your answer.


(Total 2 marks)

Q12. Neodymium (Nd) is a member of the group of elements known as the lanthanides. It is a
silvery, white metal. It has a number of uses including making special alloys.

In the reactivity series of metals neodymium is above magnesium but below calcium. Predict
how neodymium might react with each of the substances in (a) to (c).

If you think a reaction will take place you should suggest how vigorous it might be and name
the products that might be produced.

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(a) How might neodymium react with water?

Reaction .....................................................................................................................


Products .....................................................................................................................


(b) How might neodymium react with air?

Reaction .....................................................................................................................


Products .....................................................................................................................


(c) How might neodymium react with dilute hydrochloric acid?

Reaction .....................................................................................................................


Products .....................................................................................................................

(Total 8 marks)

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M1. (a) similar properties
allow same properties
allow correct example of property
ignore answers in terms of atomic structure

(b) (i) in order of atomic / proton number

allow increasing number (of protons)

(ii) elements in same group have same number (of electrons) in outer shell or
highest energy level
allow number (of electrons) increases across a period

(c) any two from:

statements must be comparative
• stronger / harder
ignore higher densities
• less reactive
• higher melting points
ignore boiling point

(d) reactivity increases down group

allow converse throughout
for next three marks, outer electron needs to be mentioned once
otherwise max = 2

outer electron is further from nucleus

allow more energy levels / shells
allow larger atoms

less attraction between outer electron and nucleus

allow more shielding

therefore outer electron lost more easily


M2. (a) (i) gas


(ii) Increases

(b) (i) –1
allow Cl –
allow –
allow negative

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(ii) sodium + chlorine → sodium chloride
allow correct symbol equation

(c) reduce microbes

accept sterilise
accept prevent diseases
allow disinfect
allow kill bacteria / germs / microbes / micro-organisms
allow to make it safe to drink
ignore get rid of bacteria

(d) any one from:

• no freedom of choice
allow unethical

• fluoride in toothpaste

• too much can cause fluorosis

allow too much can cause damage to teeth

M3. (a) (i) hydrogen

accept H2
allow H

(ii) hydroxide
accept OH–
allow OH
do not accept lithium hydroxide

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(b) any two from:
‘it’ = potassium

accept converse for lithium

• reacts / dissolves faster

allow reacts more vigorously / quickly / violently / explodes
ignore reacts more

• bubbles / fizzes faster

allow fizzes more
allow more gas

• moves faster (on the surface)

allow moves more

• melts
allow forms a sphere

• produces (lilac / purple) flame

allow catches fire / ignites
do not accept other colours

M4. (a) any two from:

• do not react with water

• do not react with air

allow unreactive or stay shiny or do not tarnish or do not corrode
for either of first two points for 1 mark
ignore rusts
ignore durable

• malleable
ignore hard / strong

• high melting point

ignore boiling point
ignore other correct properties

(b) (transition elements have) same number / two electrons in outer shell /
energy level / fourth shell
ignore references to (metallic) structure / bonding

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any one from:

• because lower energy level / inner shell being filled

• because third energy level can hold up to eighteen electrons


M5. (a) Group O / 8

accept transition elements / metals

or noble / rare / inert gases

apply list principle

(b) (chemically) similar elements (now) in the same group / column

accept iodine has properties of Group 7 / halogens
or iodine does not have group 6 properties
or converse for tellurium
ignore ‘it fits the pattern’ or any reference to proton / atomic
numbers / atomic structure

(c) any three from:

ignore not enough evidence / proof or Mendeleev not respected

• (some) boxes had two elements

allow two correctly identified elements together (in the same box)

• Group 1: copper / silver unreactive (not like the others)

allow copper / silver not alkali metals / Group 1

• there are non-metals and metals in the same group / box

accept named examples

• Mendeleev left spaces / gaps

accept (some chemists thought) there were no more elements to

• Medeleev reversed the order (for some elements)


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(d) any two from:
ignore mass number / atomic weight / neutrons throughout

• elements arranged in proton / atomic number order

allow number of protons / electrons increases across period

• group: elements in same group / column have same number of outer


• elements in same period / row have same number of (electron) shells

/ energy levels
allow number of (electron) shells / energy level increase down
allow electron rings
allow orbits

M6. (a) (i) low density

accept floats (on water)

(ii) forms an alkaline solution with water

accept alkali (metal) or basic
do not accept group 1 metal

(b) 3 or three (protons)


3 or three (electrons)

4 or four (neutrons)

M7. (a) if placed consecutively, then elements would be in wrong group / have wrong properties
allow some elements didn’t fit pattern

left gaps

(b) (elements placed in) atomic / proton number order


(elements in ) same group have same number of outer electrons


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any one from:

• number of protons = number of electrons

• reactions/(chemical) properties depend on the (outer) electrons

• number of shells gives the period

allow number of shells increases down the group

(c) (i) (transition elements usually) have same / similar number of outer / 4th shell
allow 2 electrons in outer shell

(because) inner (3rd ) shell / energy level is being filled

ignore shells overlap

(ii) 2nd shell / energy level can (only) have maximum of 8 electrons
accept no d-orbitals

2nd shell / energy level cannot have 18 electrons

M8. (a) all have seven electrons in their outer shell / energy level

(b) must be comparative in all points or converse

chlorine atom is smaller than bromine atom

chlorine atom has fewer shells than bromine atom

outer shell / energy level of chlorine has stronger (electrostatic) attraction to

the nucleus than bromine

outer shell of chlorine is less shielded from the nucleus than bromine

so chlorine more readily gains an extra electron


M9. (a) acts as barrier between sodium and air / oxygen / water (vapour)
accept because they are reactive
ignore oil will not react

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(b) 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2
allow multiples / fractions

(c) these metals react with water producing an alkaline solution


produce solution with pH greater than 7 / high pH

allow produce OH. ions
not these metals are / form alkalis
ignore ‘strong’ pH

(d) it = potassium
outer electron must be mentioned once for all 3 marks

bigger atom
outer shell electron further from nucleus
more shells
converse argument for sodium less reactive provided sodium is

less attraction to nucleus

more shielding
not less magnetic attraction

outer electron more easily lost

ignore potassium reacts more easily

M10. (a) 40 (Ca) + 137 (Ba) ÷ 2 = 88.5

accept a recognition that the average is near 88
or it is the average of the other two
accept Sr is midway between Ca and Ba

(b) eg newly discovered elements / atoms didn’t fit (into triads) or didn’t
apply to all elements / atoms or lot of exceptions
he = Döbereiner
ignore Mendeleev left spaces or not enough evidence

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(c) any two from:

• fizzes / bubbles / gas

hydrogen alone is insufficient
ignore incorrect name if ‘gas’ stated

• violent / vigorous / explodes / very fast reaction

accept container explodes
ignore strong reaction

• floats / on surface
ignore sinks

• moves (very quickly)

• melts (into a ball)

• bursts into flame

accept (bright) light
ignore colour / glow

• gets smaller / (reacts to) form a solution / dissolves / disappears etc

• steam / gets hot (owtte)

ignore alkaline solutions or change in colour etc

(d) (i) same number of electrons in outer shell

accept energy level for shell
accept a correct reference to a specific group
eg (all) have one electron in outershell / (all) lose one electron
(when they react)

(ii) electrons fill an inner / 3rd shell

accept energy level for shell
accept d-level being filled
accept specific reference to 3rd shell
accept descriptions in terms of 3d & 4s etc

(usually) same number of outer / 4th shell electrons


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it = lithium
accept energy level for shell or converse reasoning for potassium

outer shell electron closer to nucleus

accept fewer shells / smaller atom

more (electrostatic) attraction (to nucleus) / electrons

less likely to be lost
accept less shielding / isn’t much shielding
ignore nucleus has more influence but accept nucleus has more
influence over the outer electron(s)
do not accept magnetic / gravitational attraction

M11. (a) 6 or 16
or transition metal or F block
element or actinide

(b) (elements in group 6 have) six (electrons)

in the outer shell or needs 2 electrons to gain a full shell
accept has 98 electrons

M12. (a) bubble slowly/quickly/vigorously

neodymium hydroxide

(b) oxidise slowly in air

neodymium oxide

(c) violent/very vigorous/rapid bubbles

neodymium chloride
1 mark for each point

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