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No MCQ Questioin Options Answer

The working cycle in case of four stroke engine is completed in
1 1/2. 2 4 1 B
following number of revolutions of crankshaft
heat resulting from compressing air
2 In a diesel engine, the fuel is ignited by spark injected fuel ignition C
that is supplied for combustion
air used for forcing burnt gases out
air used for combustion sent under burnt air containing products of
3 Scavenging air in diesel engine means of engine’s cylinder during the forced air for cooling cylinder A
pressure combustion
exhaust period
supplying the intake of an engine
with air at a density greater than the injecting excess fuel for raising more
4 Supercharging is the process of providing forced cooling air raising exhaust pressure. B
density of the surrounding load
Does the supply of scavenging air at a
5 density greater than that of atmosphere mean engine is Yes No to some extent unpredictable B
supercharged ?
volume displaced by piston per the ratio of volumes of air in
6 Compression ratio of I.C. engines is swept volume/cylinder volume cylinder volume/swept volume stroke and clearance volume in cylinder before compression stroke D
cylinder and after compression stroke

The air standard efficiency of an Otto

7 same less more unpredictable C
cycle compared to diesel cycle for the given compression ratio is

8 All heat engines utilize low heat value of oil high heat value of oil calorific value of fuel All of these A
If the compression ratio of an engine working on Otto cycle is
9 2% 8% 14% 27% C
increased from 5 to 7, the %age increase in efficiency will be-
opens at 10° after top dead center
opens at 20° before top dead
opens at top dead center and closes and
10 In a typical medium speed 4-stroke cycle diesel engine the inlet valve center and closes at 35° after the remains open for 200°. A
at bottom dead center closes 20° before the bottom dead
bottom dead center
The thermal efficiecny of a diesel cycle having fixed compression
11 increase Decrease independent on cutoff ratio no change B
with increase in cut-off ratio will

increase in clearance volume caused

Compression loss in I.C engines occurs
12 leaking piston rings use of thick head gasket b All of these D
due to
bearing-bushing wear
13 Which of the following is not an internal combustion engine 2-stroke petrol engine 4-stroke petrol engine diesel engine steam turbine D
Otto cycle is more efficient than the Diesel cycle is more efficient’than both Otto and Diesel cycles are, compression ratio has nothing to
14 For the same compression ratio A
Diesel Otto equally efficient do with efficiency
The process of breaking up or a lipuid into fine droplets by spraying
15 is called ionisation vaporisation atomisation injection C

As a result of detonation in an I.C. engine, following parameter

16 rate of rise of temperature rate of rise of pressure rate of rise of horse-power. peak temperature B
attains very high value
Which of the following medium is
17 air aione air and fuel fuel alone air, fuel and lub oil. A
compressed in a Diesel engine cylinder
18 In a 120 cc IC engine has following parameter as 120 cc is - fuel tank capacity lub oil capacity cylinder volume swept volume D
If four stroke I.C.
19 1800 rpm 900 rpm 600 rpm 2700 rpm B
engine running at 1800 rpm, then the cam shaft will run at
Engine pistons are usually made of
20 wears less absorbs shocks is stronger is lighter D
aluminium alloy because it
The size of inlet valve engine in comparison to exhaust valve
21 more less same depending on engine B

The fuel air ratio in a petrol engine fitted with suction carburettor,
22 higher lower unaffected unpredictable A
operating with dirty air filter as compared to clean filter will be

23 Supercharging is essential in Diesel Engine Petrol Engine Marine Engine Aircraft Engine D
In the opposed piston diesel engine, the above the piston & below the
24 between the pistons any where there is no such criterion B
combustion chamber is located piston
For diesel cycle, relation between compression ratio, expansion ratio cutoff ratio = compression ratio x expansion ratio = cutoff ratio x compression ratio = expansion ratio compression ratio x expansion
25 C
and cut-off ratio is expansion ratio compression ratio x cutoff ratio ratio x cutoff ratio = 1
The cycle which consists of two reversible isothermal and two
26 Rankine cycle Carnot cycle Otto Cycle Diesel Cycle B
reversible adiabatic processes is called as
27 Otto cycle is the air standard cycle of spark ignition (SI) engine compression (CI) ignition engine both SI and CI engines none of the above A
28 How is the heat added in the Otto cycle? reversibly at constant pressure irreversibly at constant pressure reversibly at constant volume irreversibly at constant volume C
What is the relation between compression ratio (r) and the efficiency efficiency increases with increase efficiency decreases with increase in efficiency does not affected by efficiency does not depends on
29 A
of the Otto cycle? in compression ratio compression ratio change in compression ratio compression ratio
the efficiency of the engine does the efficiency of the engine the efficiency of the engine increases
How is the efficiency of the SI engine affected by change in specific
30 not affected by change in specific decreases with increase in specific with increase in specific heat ratio (γ) none of the above C
heat ratio (γ) of the working fluid?
heat ratio (γ) of the working fluid heat ratio (γ) of the working fluid of the working fluid
For the same capacity engines, the compression ratio of diesel is lower than the compression ratio is higher than the compression ratio is same as the compression ratio of
31 cannot say B
engine of SI engine of SI engine SI engine
How is the heat added in the Diesel cycle?
32 reversibly at constant pressure irreversibly at constant pressure reversibly at constant volume irreversibly at constant volume A
For the same maximum pressure and temperature, what is the
33 relation among the efficiencies of the Otto cycle, the Diesel cycle and ηDual > ηDiesel > ηOtto ηDiesel > ηDual > ηOtto ηDiesel > ηOtto > ηDual ηOtto > ηDiesel > ηDual B
the Dual cycle?
All of the above are similarly
34 Which cycle is more suitable for the reciprocating engines? Brayton cycle Rankine cycle Otto cycle C
efficient for same capacity
35 Carnot cycle is a reversible cycle an irreversible cycle practical cycle none of the above A
Which among the following is the basic air standard cycle for all
36 Otto cycle Diesel cycle Rankine cycle Brayton cycle D
modern gas turbine plants?
intake->fuel injection and intake->compression->fuel injection intake->compression->expansion-> intake->compression->exhaust->
37 The correct sequence of processes in CI engine is combustion->compression-> and combustion->expansion-> fuel injection and combustion-> fuel injection and combustion-> B
expansion->exhaust exhaust exhaust expansion
The processes in CI engine cycle is completed in ____ strokes of
38 four, four two, two two, four four, two D
piston and ____ revolutions of crankshaft.
some heat is added at constant
all the heat is added at constant all the heat is added at constant
39 In Dual cycle, volume and remaining at constant none of the mentioned C
volume pressure
40 Petrol Engine works on - Otto Cycle Brayton Cycle Rankine cycle none of these A
efficiency of duel cycle is equal to efficiency of duel cycle is equal to efficiency of duel cycle is equal to efficiency of duel cycle is equal to
41 In Dual cycle,if cut off ratio is 1, then D
that of diesel cycle that of carnot cycle that of brayton cycle that of otto cycle
efficiency of duel cycle is equal to efficiency of duel cycle is equal to efficiency of duel cycle is equal to efficiency of duel cycle is equal to
42 In Dual cycle,if pressure ratio is 1, then A
that of diesel cycle that of carnot cycle that of brayton cycle that of otto cycle
At the end of suction stroke in vertical IC engine, the position of
43 TDC BDC near spark plug none of these B
piston is at-
which of the following statement is not true for single cylinder two the cycle is completed in one One power stroke is obtained in two stroke engine has three port -
44 scavenging is not required A
stroke IC engine revolution of crankshaft every revolution of crankshaft. inlet, transfer and exhaust port.
The operation of forcing additional air under pressure in the engine
45 Scavenging Turbulence Supercharging Pre-ignition C
cylinder is known as
46 The ignition quality of petrol is expressed by Cetane number Octane number Calorific value All of these B
47 The probability of knocking in diesel engines is increased by High self ignition temperature Low volatility Higher viscosity All of these D
Opens at 20° before top dead Opens at 10° after top dead center
Opens at bottom dead center and
48 In a typical medium speed 4-stroke cycle diesel engine the inlet valve center and closes at 35° after the and closes 20° before the bottom May open or close anywhere A
closes at top dead center
bottom dead center dead center
The loud pulsating noise heard within the cylinder of an internal
49 Pre-ignition Turbulence Detonation Supercharging C
combustion engine is known as
50 The firing order in an I.C. engine depends upon Arrangement of the cylinders Design of crankshaft Number of cylinders All of these D
Number of working strokes per min. for a two stroke cycle engine is
51 Equal to One-half Twice Four-times A
_________ the speed of the engine in r.p.m.
In a petrol engine, the fuel supplied to the engine cylinder is mixed
52 Fuel pump Fuel injector Spark plug None of these C
with required quantity of air and the mixture is ignited with a
A gas engine has a swept volume of 300 cm3 and clearance volume of 25
53 8.33 10 12 13 D
cm3, What will be the compression ratio ?
54 In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the charge is ignited at 30° after top dead center 30° before top dead center 30° after bottom dead center 30° before bottom dead center B
The thermal efficiency of a standard Otto cycle for a compression
55 35% 48% 52% 63% C
ratio of 6.3 will be
Sr.No MCQ Questioin Options Answer
just about the same difficult to
1 Diesel fuel, compared to petrol is less difficult to ignite
more difficult to ignite highly ignitable C
The ratio of indicated thermal efficiency
to the corresponding air standard cycle efficiency is called
Efficiency ratio Overall efficiency Relative efficiency Cycle efficiency C
3 The calorific value of gaseous fuels is expressed in terms of KJ/m kg KJ/Kg K KJ/m2 KJ/m3 D
4 An engine indicator is used to determine the following Speed Temperature Volume of cylinder m.e.p & IP D
The theoretically correct air fuel ratio
5 for petrol engine is of the order of 6:01 9:01 15:01 20:01 C
6 A stoichiometric air-fuel ratio is chemically correct mixture lean mixture rich mixture for idling rich mixture for over loads A
The fuels in order of decreasing knock tendency for spark ignition
engines are
Paraffin, aromatic, napthene Paraffin, napthene, aromatic Napthene, aromatics, paraffin Napthene, paraffin, aromatic B
To determine the information, To conform the data used in
To satisfy the customer regarding
8 The purpose of testing an internal combustion engine is which cannot be obtained by design, the validity of which may be
the performance of the engine
All of the above D
calculations doubtful
The ratio of the volume of charge admitted at N.T.P. to the swept
volume of the piston is called
Mechanical efficiency Overall efficiency Volumetric efficiency Relative efficiency C
The power actually developed by the engine cylinder of an I.C.
engine is known as
Theoretical power Indicated power Actual power Brake power B
The quantity of fuel required to develop 1kW of brake power for a
peroid of 1 hour is known as -
brake thermal efficiency break power bsfc imep C
12 Which statement is true in regard to power of IC engine IP = BP - FP FP = IP + BP IP = FP - BP IP = BP + FP D
In a diesel engine, the duration between the time of injection and
ignition, is known as
Pre-ignition period Delay period Period of ignition Burning period B
14 Morse test can be conducted for Petrol engines Diesel engines Multi cylinder engines Single cylinder engines C
15 The ratio of the brake power to the indicated power is called Mechanical efficiency Overall efficiency Indicated thermal efficiency Volumetric efficiency A
16 If the speed of the engine is increased, the indicated power will Increase Decrease Remain same None of these A
17 The brake power is the power available In the engine cylinder At the crank shaft At the crank pin None of these B
An engine produces 10 kW brake power while working with a brake
18 thermal efficiency of 30%. If the calorific value of the fuel used is 1.5 kg/hr 0.3 kg/hr 3 kg/hr 1 kg/hr C
40000 kJ/Kg, then what is the fuel consumption?

19 The basic measurement and testing parameters are friction power indicated power brake power all of the above D
20 _____________ is also known as fuel rate extrapolation method. Morse test Motoring test Willan’s line method Retardation test C
The hypothetical pressure which is thought to be acting on the
piston throughout the power stroke is called
average pressure maximum pressure mean effective pressure pressure C
22 Maximum torque is generated by an engine when it runs at the lowest speed it develops maximum power it consumes maximum fuel it runs at maximum speed A
In a Morse test for a 2-cylinder, 2-stroke, spark-ignition engine, the
brake power was 9 kW whereas the brake powers of individual
cylinders with spark cut of were 4.25 kW and 3.75 kW respectively.
45.50% 70% 80% 90% D
The mechanical efficiency of the engine is
Piston diameter, specific fuel
Besides mean effective pressure, which of the data needed for Piston diameter, length of stroke Piston diameter, length of stroke Specific fuel consumption, speed
determining the indicated power of an engine? and calorific value of fuel
consumption and calorific value of
and speed of rotation of rotation and torque
The brake power of an IC engine having speed 1200 rpm with
torque 15 Nm is
150π watts 300π watts 450π watts 600π watts D
26 The octane number of petrol generally available is: 100 TO 120 80 TO 100 40 TO 60 20 TO 40 B
27 The SI unit of specific fuel consumption is - kg/kWhr kg hr/kW kg/KW kg.kW/hr A
The brake power is 7.5 kw and frictional power is 2.5 kw, then the
indicated power is:
2.5 kw 5.0 kw 7.5 kw 10 kw D
How many number of working stroke per minute will take place for
a 2200 rpm single cylinder four stroke engine?
2200 1100 550 4000 B
____________ is a chemical reaction in which certain elements of the
30 fuel like hydrogen and carbon combine with oxygen liberating heat Compression collabation Combustion consumption c
energy and causing an increase in temperature of the gases.
The ignition of the charge by some hot surface within the engine
before the passage of spark is called
Pre-ignition Detonation Ignition Delay Auto-ignition A
Which of the following is one of the major exhaust emissions from Carbon monoxide and Carbon
CI engines compared to SI engines?
Oxides of nitrogen Particulates
Unburnt hydrocarbon B
What can be reduced by using exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
BS-IV fuels contain 80 ppm sulphur BS-IV fuels contain 100 ppm BS-IV fuels contain 50 ppm sulphur BS-IV fuels contain 150 ppm
34 What is the major difference between BS-IV and BS-VI norms? and BS-VI fuels contain 60 ppm sulphur and BS-VI fuels contain 90 and BS-VI fuels contain 10 ppm sulphur and BS-VI fuels contain C
sulphur ppm sulphur sulphur 110 ppm sulphur
Catalytic converters are used to reduce the concentration of.............
in the exhaust.
CO HC NO2 CO, HC and NO2 D
36 Which of the following is considered as the best antifreeze solution Distilled glycerine Ethylene glycol Methanol None of the above B
During a trial on a four stroke single cylinder oil engine, we found
heat supplied by fuel is 14000kJ/min Brake power 60kW, Heat
carried by cooling water as 4038kJ/min, Heat carried by exhaust
5662 6162 2622 3221 C
gas as 3740kJ/min, find the heat which is unaccountable.
In a test carried out on a 4-stroke, 4-cylinder SI engine, the brake
power produced when both cylinders firing as 20 kW whereas the
38 brake powers of individual cylinders with spark cut of were 13.8 kW 81.63% 36.05% 54.43% 69.74% A
14kW, 14.2 kW and 13.5 kW respectively. The mechanical efficiency
of the engine is-
If a single cylcinder engine produced power of 10kW at crankshaft
39 and the fuel consumption is 3.2kg/hr, what will be the brake 320 3.2 0.32 0.032 C
specific fuel consumption -
if an four stroke engine developed 11.8 kW power in cylinder, and
40 runs at 400 rpm with bore dia 15 cm and stroke 25cm, the mean 10 bar 8 bar 5.5 bar 4 bar B
effective pressure is -
Sr.No MCQ Questioin Options Answer
1 The- most efficient method of compressing air is to compress it isothermally adiabatically isentropically isochronically A
may increase or decrease
2 The compressor capacity with decrease in suction temperature increases decreases remains unaffected depending on compressor A
results in saving of power in
is the standard practice for enables compression in two
3 Inter cooling in compressors cools the delivered air compressing a given volume
big compressors stages B
to given pressure
about 100% of swept
4 Cylinder clearance in a compressor should be as large as possible as small as possible about 50% of swept volume
volume B
the ratio of the air actually
reciprocal of compression index of compressor proportional to compression
5 Volumetric efficiency is
ratio performance ratio.
delivered to the amount of D
piston displacement
6 Volumetric efficiency of air compressors is of the order of 20-30% 40-50% 70-90% 60-70% C
Small quantity of air at low small quantity of air at high large quantity of air at high large quantity of air at low
7 Reciprocating air compressor is best suited for
pressure pressure pressure pressure C
8 The capacity of compressor will be highest when its intake temperature is lowest highest anything. atmospheric D
rise gradually towards the drop gradually towards the
9 To avoid moisture troubles, the compressed air main line should
point of use point of use
be laid vertically be laid exactly horizontally B
To avoid moisture troubles, the branch connections from compressed air
lines should be taken from
top side of main bottom side of main left side of main right side of main A
11 The compressor performance at higher altitude compared to sea level will be same higher lower Dependent on other factors C
somewhere in between
12 For a compressor, least work will be done if the compression is isentropic isothermal polytropic
isentropic and isothermal B
volume of air inhaled at volume of air inhaled at N.T.P. volume at 20°C and 1 kg/
13 The volumetric efficiency of a compressor is calculated on the basis of
working conditions conditions
volume at 0°C and 1 kg/cm2
cm2 B
More than one stage will be preferred for reciprocating compressor if the
delivery pressure is more than
2 kg/cm2 6 kg/cm2 10 kg/cm2 14.7 kg/cm2 A
more power consumption increse discharge
15 The advantage of multistage compression over single stage compression is
per unit of air delivered
lowerr volumetric efficiency
moisture free air D
Sr.No MCQ Questioin Options Answer
1 Aeroplanes employ following type of compressor radial flow axial flow centrifugal combination of above B
2 Open cycle gas turbine works on Brayton or Atkinson cycle Rankine cycle Carnot cycle Erricsson cycle A
depends on on odier
3 Mechanical efficiency of gas turbines as compared to I.C engines is higher lower same
considerations A
Temperature of gases at end of compression as compared to
exhaust gases in a gas turbine is
higher lower equal can’t be compared B
low weight and small frontal
5 A gas turbine used in air craft should have high h.p. and low weight
small frontal area and high h.p. high speed and high h.p. B
The power available for takeoff and climb in case of turbojet engine
as compared to reciprocating engine is
less more same unpredictable. A
reduction of speed of
increasing speed of incoming incoming air and conversion
7 Ram compression in turbojet involves compression of inlet air
lost work
of part of it into pressure D
8 A jet engine works on the principle of conservation of energy flow linear momentum angular momentum. C
engine output and propulsive propulsive power and fuel thrust power and propulsive
9 Propulsive efficiency is defined as ratio of thrust power and fuel energy
power input power D
allows operation at very high
10 . Gas turbine cycle with regenerator Increases thermal efficiency allows high compression ratiodecreases heat loss is exhaust
altitudes A
gas-turbine engine equipped
11 A simple turbo-jet engine is basically a propeller system with propulsive nozzle and chemical rocket regine ram-jet enigne B
12 The major field(s) of application of gas turbine is (are) Aviation Oil and gas industry Marine propulsion All of the above D
Fuel is cut off from the
13 Gas turbine is shut down by Turning off starter Stopping the compressor
Any of the above B
Heat air coming out of Heat gases coming out of
14 In gas turbine, the function of Re-heater is to Heat inlet air Heat exhaust gases
compressor high pressure turbine D
Sr.No MCQ Questioin Answer
1 Which of the following cycles uses air as the refrigerant Ericsson Stirling Carnot Bell-coleman D
nearly same work input as for
2 Ammonia-absorption refrigeration cycle requires very little work input maximum work input
vapour compression cycle
zero work input A
very little power
3 An important characteristic of absorption system of refrigeration is noisy operation quiet operation cooling below 0°C
consumption B
4 The relative coefficient of performance is actual COP/theoretical COP theoretical COP/actual COP actual COP x theoretical COP actual COP x theoretical COP A
5 The boiling point of ammonia is Minus 100°C Minus 50°C Minus 33.3°C 0°C C
One ton of refrigeration is equal to the refrigeration effect corresponding to
melting of 1000 kg of ice
in 1 hour in 1 minute in 24 hours in 12 hours C
7 One ton refrigeration corresponds to 80 kcal/hr 50 kcal/kg 80 kcal/min 50 kcal/min D
8 In S.J. unit, one ton of refrigeration is equal to 210 kJ/min 21 kJ/min 420 kJ/min 840 kJ/min A
9 The moisture in a refrigerant is removed by evaporator safety relief valve dehumidifier driers D
10 The refrigerant for a refrigerator should have high sensible heat high total heat high latent heat low latent heat C
11 Rating of a domestic refrigerator is of the order of 0.1 ton 5 tons 10 tons 40 tons A
12 The COP of a domestic refrigerator is less than 1 is more than 1 is equal to 1 depends upon the make B
13 The domestic refrigerator uses following type of compressor centrifugal axial miniature sealed unit piston type reciprocating D
14 Presence of moisture in a refrigerant affects the working of compressor condenser evaparator expansion valve. D
Domestic refrigerator working on vapour compression cycle uses the following electrically operated throttling
type of expansion device valve
manually operated valve capillary tube thermostatic valve C
16 In a vapour compression cycle, the refrigerant immediately after expansion valve is liquid sub-cooled liquid saturated liquid wet vapour D
lower than atmospheric higher than atmospheric equal to atmospheric
17 The vapour pressure of refrigerant should be
pressure pressure pressure
could be anything B
For better COP of refrigerator, the pressure range corresponding to temperature in
evaporator and condenser must be
small high euqal anything A
19 The bank of tubes at the back of domestic refrigerator are condenser tubes evaporator tubes refrigerant cooling tubes capillary tubes A
20 The higher temperature in vapour compression cycle occurs at expansion valve evaporator condenser discharge compressor discharge. D
21 Absorption system normally uses the following refrigerant freon-22 ammonia. C02 S02 C
ensure that only liquid and
reduce compressor reduce compressor
22 One of the purposes of sub-cooling the liquid refrigerant is to
overheating discharge temperature
increase cooling effect not the vapour enters the D
expansion (throttling) valve
more for small capacity and
23 In a refrigeration system, heat absorbed in comparison to heat rejected is more less same
less for high capacity B
at which refrigerant gas
24 Condensing temperature in a refrigerator is the temperature of cooling medium of freezing zone of evaporator
becomes liquid D
results in loss of heat due to can be avoided by proper
25 Formation of frost on evaporator in refrigerator
poor heat transfer
increases heat transfer rate is immaterial
design A
26 Accumulators should have adequate volume to store refrigerant charge at least 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 C
27 Which of the following is not a desirable property of a refrigerant low boiling point good electrical conductor large latent heat non-inflammable. B
condenser and expansion expansion valve and
28 In vapour compression refrigeration system, refrigerant occurs as liquid between
compressor and evaporator
compressor and condenser C
29 Aqua ammonia is used as refrigerant in the following type of refrigeration system compression direct indirect absorption D
30 In a refrigeration cycle, the flow of refrigerant is controlled by compressor condenser evaporator expansion valve D
31 Where does the lowest temperature occur in a vapour compression cycle ? condenser evaporator compressor expansion valve B
32 Ammonia is non-toxic non-inflammable toxic and non-inflammable highly toxic and inflammable D
high pressure side close to low pressure side near
33 In vapour compression cycle using NH3 as refrigerant, initial charge is filled at suction of compressor delivery of compressor
receiver receiver C
34 Short horizontal lines on pressure-enthalpy chart show constant pressure lines constant temperature lines constant total heat lines constant entropy lines A
35 . Superheating in a refrigeration cycle increases COP decreases COP COP remains unaltered other factors decide COP B
The suction pipe diameter of refrigerating unit compressor in comparison to smaller/bigger depending
delivery side is
bigger smaller equal
on capacity B
37 For obtaining high COP, the pressure range of compressor should be high low optimum there is no such criterion. B
38 Vertical lines on pressure-enthalpy chart show constant pressure lines temperature lines total heat lines entropy lines C
39 Most of the domestic refrigerators work on the following refrigeration system vapour compression vapour absorption carnot cycle electrolux refrigerator A
The COP of a vapour compression plant in comparison to vapour absorption more/less depending on size
plant is
more less same
of plant A

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