Question Set: Multiple Choice Questions: Chapter 2: Management Process

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Question Set: Multiple choice Questions

Q.1 Schools of management are as follows:

a) The Classical School
b) The Behavioral school
c) The quantitative or management science school
d) All of the Above
Q.2 The area of Classical School are :
a) Scientific Management
b) Administrative Management
c) Bureaucratic Management
d) All of the Above.
Q.3 The great thought of motivating the workers or employees
for better results have come up from ______________of
a) The Classical School
b) The Behavioral school
c) The quantitative or management science school
d) All of the Above
Q.4 The main areas of quantitative or management science
school are:
a) Management Science
b) Operations Management
c) Management information systems
d) All of the Above

Q.5 The Center point of ___________________is about appling

management principles and processes as per the unique
characteristics of situation.
a) The Contingency school

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

b) The behavioral school

c) The quantitative or management science school
d) The Systems School
Q.6 ___________is recruitment of right people at right place in
an organization.
a) Planning b) Organizing c)Staffing d) Controlling
Q.7 Levels of Management are :
a) Strategic Level
b) Tactical Level
c) Operational Level
d) All of the Above.
Q.8 On ________________ only few people working on lower level
are largest than___________.
a) Strategic Level
b) Tactical Level
c) Operational Level
d) All of the Above.
Q.9 The Functions of Top level Management are:
a) Defining goal of an organization or business.
b) Defining Mission and Vision
c) Making different long term policies for an organization
d) All of the Above.

Q.10 Top level includes people like:

a) Managing Directors(MD)
b) Chairman
c) Chief Executive Officers(CEO)
d) All of the Above.
Q.11 Employees get energized due to
a) Controlling
b) Planning
c) Motivation
d) Decision-Making

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.12 Which is the last need (higher) in Maslow‟s need

a) Self-actualization needs
b) Social needs
c) Physiological needs
d) Safety needs
Q.13 “They expect less but contribute more”- This happens in
which phase?
a) Social needs
b) Self-actualization needs
c) Safety needs
d) Esteem needs
Q.14 How many needs are mentioned in Maslow‟s needs?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
Q.15 Do the proper ascending sequence (down to up) of
Maslow‟s needs
1. Physiological needs
2. Security Needs
3. Love/affection needs
4. Social needs
5. Self-actualization needs
a) 1-2-3-4-5
b) 1-3-4-2-5
c) 1-4-3-2-5
d) 2-1-3-4-5
Q.16 Food, Water, Shelter are _____________needs.
a) Physiological
b) Esteem
c) Social
d) Safety

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.17 Which is the first need in Maslow‟s need hierarchy?

a) Physiological
b) Security
c) Social
d) Self-actualization
Q.18 Need-want-satisfaction chain is invented by
a) Fayol
b) Talor
c) Drucker
d) Maslow
Q.19 Which is not the technique for effective decision-making in
core company?
a) Linear Programming
b) Simulation
c) Outsourcing
d) Dynamic Programming
Q.20 Which of the following is the advantage of effective decision-
a) No Delays
b) Quick actions
c) No confusion
d) All are correct
Q.21 First step in Decision making is
a) Recognize the problem
b) Evaluation
c) Analysis
d) Finding out alternatives
Q.22 Control System having feedback is
a) Reverse System
b) Feedback Control
c) Open loop System
d) Closed loop System
Q.23 Who is known as the father of scientific management?
a) Alfred Marshall
b) Mathew Boulton

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

c) F.W. Taylor
d) Henry Gantt
Q.24 Who is known as the father of modern management?\
a) Max Weber
b) Henry Fayol
c) Mary Follet
d) Henry Gantt
Q.25 Fredrick Taylor stressed on:
a) Selecting the right people for the right job
b) Division of labour
c) Unity of command
d) Unity of direction
Q.26 Fayol suggested that organisations can be subdivided into
____________main groups of activity.
a) 12
b) 4
c) 14
d) 6
Q.27 Who is credited with having developed the concept of a
priority or hierarchy of needs?
a) F. W. Taylor
b) Abraham Maslow
c) Max Weber
d) Mary Follet
Q.28 Arya Chanakya's Arthashastra written in the 3rd Century
BC provides guidelines for:
a) The policies of governance of a kingdom and people
b) How to work
c) Utilization of the organization’s strength and the importance of
d) The policies and objectives of an organization.

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.29 In the early writings on management, The Art of War was

written by:
a) Arya Chanakya
b) Mark Twain
c) Sun Tzu
d) Adam Smith
Q.30 The breakdown of operation in a product‟s manufacturing
into small and repetitive tasks is recommended by:
a) Peter Drucker
b) James Watt
c) F.W.Taylor
d) Adam Smith
Q.31 Getting the things done from others is called as
a) Management
b) Adjustment
c) Organization
d) Direction
Q.32 Out of mentioned below, which is not the input of
a) Human resources
b) Financial resources
c) Growth
d) Technology
Q.33 Out of mentioned below, which is not the output of
a) Desired results
b) Goal Achievement
c) Technology
d) Status in Market
Q.34 Following are mentioned few duties which is not the duty
of management?
a) To keep stability
b) To motivate staff
c) To reduce wastages
d) To do manufacturing

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.35 When there is no management , then what will not happen?

a) Overlapping of duties
b) Wastages of resources
c) Poor functioning of executives
d) Mature work culture
Q.36 Mc Gregor has given his contribution in
a) Concept of bureaucracy
b) Motion study
c) Theory X and Theory Y
d) Time Study
Q.37 “Management is getting the things done by others” – is
said by
a) Henry Fayol
b) Drucker
c) Mery Parker
d) Fayoul
Q.38 Henry Fayol has given _________principles of
a) 14
b) 12
c) 16
d) 13
Q.39 Following is not the principle of management
a) Initiative
b) Scalar Chain
c) Staffing
d) Responsibility
Q.40 Position, designation, seniority defines
a) Centralization
b) Authority
c) Initiative
d) Scalar chain
Q.41 Meaning of ____________is right to command.
a) Authority
b) Stability

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

c) Scalar chain
d) Initiative
Q.42 Which statement is wrong?
a) Authority is the power to act.
b) Authority cannot be delegated
c) Higher the post, Higher is the Authority
d) Authority is right to command.
Q.43 What is second side of coin of Authority?
a) Position
b) Power
c) Responsibility
d) Remuneration
Q.44 First step in planning is
a) Establish goals
b) Identify resources
c) Prioritize goals
d) Establish tasks
Q.45 Which is the next function after planning?
a) Scheduling
b) Organizing
c) Staffing
d) Decision-making
Q.46 „The assignment of each grouping to a manager with the
authority necessary supervise it‟ , is called as
a) Planning
b) Staffing
c) Organizing
d) Controlling
Q.47 Out of following, which is the first activity in organizing?
a) Assigning the activities to managers
b) Grouping the Organizing
c) Delegation of authority to managers
d) Identifying the activities
Q.48 Providing correct way of working is
a) Planning

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

b) Organizing
c) Directing
d) Controlling
Q.49 Which statement is wrong?
a) Directing is one time activity
b) Directing should not be autocratic
c) Directing needs good vision in leadership
d) Directing needs communication and motivation as supportive
Q.50 ____________is like a brake system in automobiles.
a) Directing
b) Planning
c) Controlling
d) Management
Q.51 Work on correct track with correct speed is possible by
a) Planning
b) Organizing
c) Directing
d) Controlling
Q.52 Techniques not used for control function are
a) CPM
c) Audit
d) Budget
Q.53 Out of following which is not the characteristic of
a) It is a starting function
b) It needs at any time
c) It is flexible
d) It is dynamic in nature
Q.54 To motivate workers Taylor suggested
a) A differential piece rate method of payment
b) To pay more salary
c) To give less work
d) To provide festival bonus

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.55 Gantt chart represents:

a) A critical activities in a project
b) Schedule of project
c) Predetermined duration and actual progress of activities
d) Details of design of a project
Q.56 Who developed a theory on Motion Study?
a) Taylor
b) James Watt
c) Gilbreth
d) Peter Drucker
Q.57 Authority hierarchy, rules and procedures and division of
roles and responsibilities to manage work are all features of:
a) Taylor’s principle of management
b) Fayol’s principle of management
c) General administrative theory .
d) Weber’s bureaucratic organization
Q.58 Mary Follett developed the theory of group dynamics for:
a) Revolution of conflict
b) Deciding wages
c) The communication process
d) Doing large scale tasks
Q.59 Possibly the most important pre-20th century influence on
management was:
a) Scientific Management
b) Middle Management
c) The industrial revolution
d) The division of labour
Q.60 Who is recognized as “The man who invented
a) F.W. Taylor
b) Elton Mayo
c) Peter F. Drucker
d) Henri Fayol
Q.61 Who is responsible for the actual operations of various

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

a) Top Management
b) Board of Directors
c) Middle Management
d) Frontline Management
Q.62 __________sets the vision and mission of the organization
a) Top Management
b) Middle Management
c) Frontline Management
d) Board of Directors
Q.63 The road objectives and policies are decided by:
a) Regional Manager
b) Marketing Manager
c) Supervisor
d) Chief Executive Officer
Q.64 When we classify managers according to their level in the
organization , they are described as:
a) Functional, staff and line managers
b) Top managers, Middle Managers and Supervisors
c) Higher level and lower level managers
d) General Managers and administrative managers
Q.65 Top level managers engage chiefly in __________planning
or long range planning.
a) Human Resource
b) Financial
c) Succession
d) Strategic
Q.66 “Analysis of causes of deviations” is a part of which
a) Motivation
b) Teamwork
c) Controlling
d) Leadership

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.67 Which of the following is not a basic function of the

management process?
a) Controlling
b) Organizing
c) Working
d) Leading
Q.68 ____________determines specific goals and lays down the
broad areas within which the goals are to be attained.
a) Organization
b) Management
c) Business
d) None of given above
Q.69 _____________is a communication that flows from a higher
level to lower level in the organization.
a) Horizontal communication
b) Upward Communication
c) Downward Communication
d) None of given above
Q.70 A___________is a long term goal.
a) Plan
b) Operation
c) Innovation
d) Vision
Q.71 ___________is the judgment of future.
a) Forecasting
b) Planning
c) Mission
d) Organizing
Q.72 _______________are an organization‟s objectives, and
_________ are the documented ways that organizations intend
to meet those objectives.
a) Standing plans, single-use plans
b) Stated goals ,real goals
c) Goals, plans
d) Specific plans, Directional Plans

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.73 Getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense or

waste is the definition of:
a) Efficiency
b) Effectiveness
c) Productivity
d) Planning
Q.74 The planning process is used to prepare ________in an
a) Advancement
b) Technologies
c) Discoveries
d) Budgets
Q.75 ______________reduces uncertainty.
a) Negotiating
b) Planning
c) Organizing
d) Leading
Q.76 __________is proved to be a smart technique that allows
everybody to do the job as per their skills or specialization
a) Division of work
b) Authority and responsibility
c) Discipline
d) All of the above
Q.77 _________results into better output in terms of work.
a) Division of work
b) Authority and responsibility
c) Discipline
d) All of the above
Q.78 ________is a right for giving orders and the power to
ensure obedience.
a) Division of work
b) Authority and responsibility
c) Discipline
d) All of the above

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.79 _______ is given to a manager (supervisor) to get the work

done from his or her subordinates.
a) Division of work
b) Authority
c) Discipline
d) All of the above
Q.80 _______is important not only for the individual but for an
organization too.
a) Division of work
b) Authority
c) Discipline
d) All of the above
Q.81 ________ is a policy making function.
a) Production
b) Plan
c) Work
d) Administration
Q.82 Which Managers supervise and coordinate the activities of
operating employees?
a) Production Manager
b) Frontline Manager
c) Section Head
d) Operations Manager
Q.83 Who is not a middle manager?
a) General Manager
b) Production Manager
c) Section Head
d) Marketing Manager
Q.84 ________does not belong to Henry Fayol‟s 14 principles of
a) Standardization
b) Scalar chain
c) Authority
d) Discipline

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.85 The process of inspiring the subordinates to put in their

best is known as
a) Motivation
b) Teamwork
c) Management
d) Leadership
Q.86 _________converts efforts into results.
a) Goal
b) Business Plan
c) Vision
d) Strategy
Q.87 Plans that apply to the entire organization, establish the
organization‟s overall objectives and seek to position the
organization in terms of its environment are called:
a) Tactical Plans
b) Strategic Plans
c) Single-use plans
d) Operational plans
Q.88 Which is not a type of communication?
a) Voice mails
b) Publications
c) Formal presentations
d) Listening
Q.89 __________ is the process of getting activities completed
efficiently and effectively with and through other people.
a) Leading
b) Supervision
c) Controlling
d) Management
Q.90 __________ is the process by which an organization
decides what it will sell, to whom, when and how.
a) Strategic Management
b) Planning
c) Selling
d) Marketing

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.91 The five management functions of planning, organizing,

commanding , coordinating and controlling were proposed by:
a) F.W. Taylor
b) Henry Ford
c) Chester Barnard
d) Henri Fayol
Q.92 Managers who are responsible for making organization-
wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect
the entire organizations are :
a) Production Manager
b) Top Managers
c) Frontline Managers
d) Research Managers
Q.93 Organizing includes:
a) Defining organizational goals
b) Hiring organizational goals
c) Motivating organizational members
d) Determining who does what tasks.
Q.94 The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is
a) Coordinating
b) Controlling
c) Leading
d) Organizing
Q.95 The three essential managerial skills required by any
person in an organization are______________.
a) Technical, human and empirical
b) Human, empirical and conceptual
c) Technical, interpersonal and controlling
d) Technical , human and conceptual
Q.96 Managers with good ___________ are able to get the best
out of their people.
a) Human skills
b) Conceptual skills
c) Technical skills

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

d) Visual skills
Q.97 Which of the following factors is considered while
developing premises in the planning process?
a) Government Policy
b) Technological changes
c) Cost of raw materials
d) None of the above.
Q.98 _____________ refers to produce and earn at least what the
business did last year.
a) Profit
b) Survival
c) Progress
d) None of the above
Q.99 A business plan depends upon _________ information.
a) Product
b) Word of mouth
c) Finance
d) Market
Q.100 In order to achieve a mission,___________ is/are set.
a) Smaller goals
b) Vision
c) Big plan
d) Strategy
Q.101 Which one of the following skills is more important at lower
levels of management?
a) Human
b) Technical
c) Conceptual
d) Empirical
Q.102 ____________ is the function of employing eligible people
for the company.
a) Planning
b) Staffing
c) Strategy
d) Mission

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.103 Developing responsible employees is a/an _________

a) Leading
b) Planning
c) Coordinating
d) old
Q.104 ____________ is the right to issue orders or make
a) To Manage
b) Government Policy
c) Supervise
d) Authority
Q.105 Discipline starts from
a) Top to Bottom
b) Bottom to Top
c) From Middle
d) All are wrong
Q.106 What is the second side of coin of AUTHORITY?
a) Position
b) Power
c) Responsibility
d) Remuneration
Q.107 When many functions are controlled by a central authority ,
it is called as
a) Authority
b) Management
c) Discipline
d) Centralization
Q.108 Which statement is wrong?
a) Controls are concentrated at the Centre
b) Many functions are controlled by a central authority
c) Centralization gives power in the hands of Centre
d) Centralization considers local level issues always

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

Q.109 Remuneration is not based on

a) Performance
b) Responsibility
c) Emotions
d) Designation
Q.110 To start with enthusiasm is called as
a) Initiative
b) Dynamism
c) Leadership
d) Management

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

1.d 2.d 3.b 4.d 5. a 6.c
7.d 8.b 9.d 10.d 11. c 12.c
13.b 14.5 15. a 16.a 17.a 18.d
19.c 20.d 21.a 22.d 23.c 24.b
25.a 26.d 27.b 28.a 29.c 30.d
31.a 32.c 33.c 34.d 35.d 36.c
37.c 38.a 39.c 40.b 41.a 42.b
43.c 44.a 45.b 46.c 47.d 48.c
49.a 50.c 51.d 52.d 53.a 54.a
55.c 56.c 57.d 58.a 59.c 60.c
61.c 62.a 63.d 64.b 65.d 66.c
67.c 68.d 69.c 70.d 71.a 72.c
73.a 74.d 75.b 76.a 77.a 78.b
79.b 80.c 81.d 82.b 83.a 84.a
85.a 86.b 87.b 88.d 89.d 90.d
91.d 92.b 93.d 94.b 95.d 96.a
97.d 98.b 99.d 100.a 101.b 102.b
103.a 104.d 105.a 106.c 107.d 108.d

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Chapter 2: Management Process Subject : MANAGEMENT

109.c 110.a 111.

Collected by ~~~~~Prof. Awaghade S. S.

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