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Tajweed Part 2 (PDFDrive)

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And recite the Qur’an with measured recitation

‫َح ْفص َعنْ َعاصِ ْم ِمنْ َط ِريق ال َّشاطِ ِبيَّة‬
Compilation by Rania Habib
1-Rules of Noon and Meem mushadadah (have shaddah)
2-Rules of Noon sakinah and Tanween
4-Rules of Meem sakinah
5- Exercises
6-Rules of Laam sakinah
7-Rules of Mudood

Used in parts 1 & 2
• Tajweed Rules of the Qur’an by Kareema Carol
• www.about Tajweed.com
• Attajweed Almusawar By Dr.Ayman Suaied
• Pictures Attajweed almusawar , www.heesbees.wordpress.com
• Audios of Shaykh Al-Husary, Shaykh Ayman Suwaied, &
Tardeed- Makharij , Brother Wissam Shareef ,shaikh Furqan
(lesson isti’adha and basmalah), Brother Mustafa Isma’il
• Quranic webinar (heavy letters) .
• www.tardeed.com (Alqa’idah An-nouraniyah)
• Reach the goal via tajweed rules by Maha Rashed
• Tajweed Course Makharij
• Tayseer Ar-rahman book

( Jaza Allah Khyran each one helped in revising this book) . 3

‫أحكام النون و المٌم المشددتٌن‬

• First we have to know the articulation point of Noon

and Meem.

Both letters share ghunnah (nazalisation) during pronunciation 4

from the Nasal cavity (nasal passage).
• Shaddah is formed by bringing together two of the
same letter, the first one is sakin (without vowel) and
the second one with a vowel, it is recited with


‫ ِن = ن‬+ ْ‫ن‬ ٌّ‫ نُ = ن‬+ ْ‫ن‬ َّ‫ نَ = ن‬+ ْ‫ن‬

‫ ِم = م‬+ ‫ْم‬ ‫ ُم = ُّم‬+ ‫ْم‬ ‫ َم = َّم‬+ ‫ْم‬


• The ghunnah is defined as: a nasal sound that is

emitted from the nose.
• Noon and Meem are called letters of ghunnah

The mechanism of pronouncing this Meem mushadadah:
• Close the lips together to pronounce the Meem and keep it
closed as we making the Ghunnah (nasalization) from the

The mechanism of pronouncing with Noon mushadadah:

• Keep the tongue in its articulation point and produce
ghunnah for approximately two counts.

• Whenever the letter noon and meem have shaddah on

them, they are held for a period of time with ghunnah.

• This type of ghunnah is called the most complete ghunnah

)‫ (ؼنة أكمل ما تكون‬and it is the longest ghunnah.


If the reader stops on a word ending with noon or meem

mushadadah the ghunnah of noon or meem still have to be

َّ‫فؤت َّمهن‬

EXAMPLE Of ‫ ن‬Noon

‫أحكام النون الساكنة و التنوٌن‬
- Noon sakinah is noon free from any vowel without
dammah, fatha, kasrah.
- It remains unchanged in its written form and as well
as in pronunciation when continuing to read after it
and when stopping on it.
- The noon sakinah have a sukoon on it or can be
written with no vowel.
- ‫ ن‬OR ‫ن‬

- Noon sakinah occurs in nouns and verbs in the

middle or at the end of the word and occurs in
preposition and particles only at the end of the
• The Tanween is a term for extra noon sakinah not
used for emphasis, found at the end of the nouns
when continuing the reading but absent from the
noun in the written form (noon of tanween
pronounced not written).

Note: If we stop on Tanween Ad-damm (e.g ‫ )ألٌم‬we will stop

making sukoon on Meem and also in Tanween Al- kasr (e.g ‫)مبٌن‬
we will stop making sukoon on Noon.
But if we stop on tanween Al-fath (e.g ‫ )ماءا‬we will stop by
pronouncing Alif (two vowel counts) ‫ماءا‬.


• There are four rules of tajweed applied to the

Noon Saakinah and Tanween.

The four rules are:

1. Al-Ith-haar (Al-Idhhar) (‫)اإلِ ْظ َهار‬.
2. (manifestation, clarity & appearance)
3. Al-Idghaam (‫( )اإلِ ْد َغام‬merging, fusion and
4. Al-Iqlaab (‫( )اإلِ ْقالَب‬turning and changing).
5. Al-Ikhfaa‟ (‫( )اإلِ ْخ َفاء‬hiding and concealment).

(AL-HALQI)‫اإلظهار الحلقي‬
• Pronouncing every letter from its articulation point
without a ghunnah on the clear letter.
There are six letters when immediately followed by
Noon Saakinah or Tanween causes the noon to be
said clearly.
‫خ‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ع‬ ‫هـ‬ ‫ء‬

‫ن‬ ‫ء هـ ع ح غ خ‬
• These letters are called ‫ الحروؾ الحلقٌة‬or the throat letters.
If one of these six letters follow the noon ‫ ن‬in one word
or even between two words, The noon is then said
clearly. ‫أَ ْنعم َت‬ ْ َ

‫نار حامٌة‬

‫ُت ۡس َق ٰى ِم ۡن َع ٌۡن َءانِ ٌَة‬

‫ڪفُوا أَ َحد‬

Insertion of one thing into another is IDGHAM
The meeting of a non-voweled letter with a voweled letter so that
the two letters become one emphasized letter of the second type.
The letters causing idghaam of noon saakinah and tanween are
those contained in the word ْ‫ٌَ ْر َمل ُون‬
‫ن‬ ‫و‬ ‫ل‬ ‫م‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ي‬
This means if one of these six letters are at the beginning of the
word that immediately follows a word ended in noon saakinah or
a tanween, then the noon merges into the next letter.

‫َمنْ َيعْ َم ْل‬ is pronounced as ‫ميَّعْ َمل‬

‫ِمنْ مَّاء‬ is pronounced as ‫ِممَّاء‬
‫ في كتاب مُّبين‬is pronounced as ‫في كتابمُّبين‬ BETWEEN



‫إدغام بغنة‬ ‫إدغام بدون غنة‬
Complete ‫ كامل‬In complete ‫ناقص‬ Complete ‫كامل‬
‫م‬ ‫ن‬ ‫و‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ل‬
When noon saakinah and when one of these two letters
tanween comes at the end of a begin the word that follows
word and one of these letters is one that has noon saakinah or
first letter of the next word the tanween at the end of it ,we
rule is applied. then completely merge the
It is not pronounced clearly noon into the next letter
instead it is merged in the next without ghunnah (complete
letter with ghunnah insertion).

Means merging is not
Means nothing left of noon completed because there is
sakinah it has completely a ghunnah left over from the
merged. noon.

There is NO shaddah over

Shaddah ّّ is present on the the two letters due to which
letter that is being merged ghunnah is not present in
into, in case of their bodies.
‫نمل ر‬ ‫ي و‬
E.G. E.G.
‫شة َّراضِ ٌَة‬َ ٌِ‫َف ُه َو فًِ ع‬ ‫َت َّب ْت ٌَدَا أَ ِبً لَ َهب َو َت َّب‬
‫أَلَ ْم َن ْخلُ ْق ُك ْم منْ َماء َّم ِهٌن‬ ‫قُلُوب ٌَ ْو َمِِذ َوا ِج َفة‬
‫ش َتاتا‬ ْ َ‫اس أ‬ُ ‫ص ُد ُر ال َّن‬
ْ ٌَ ‫ٌَ ْو َمِِذ‬
‫َف ُذوقُوا َفلَنْ َّن ِزٌدَ ُك ْم إِ ََّّل َع َذابا‬ ُُ‫َف َمنْ ٌَ ْع َملْ ِم ْْ َقال َ َذ َّرٍ َخ ٌْرا ٌَ َر‬

• If Noon sakinah followed by one of the letters of idgham

‫ ينمو‬in one word there is NO idgham then, instead we say
the noon clearly this case is called Al-ith-har Al-Mutlaq
(‫( اظهار مط‬absolute clearing).

• There are only four words in the Qur'an

• ‫ الد ْنٌا‬، ‫ ب ْنٌان‬، ‫ ق ْنوان‬، ‫ص ْنوان‬

• In idgham without ghunnah in our recitation Hafs an

Assim in surat Al-Qiamah verse 27 ‫ َوقٌِل َ َمنْ ۜ َراق‬there is
Sakt (‫( )س‬stop without taking breath) between Noon
Sakinnah and ‫راء‬. Here we read ْ‫وقٌِل َ َمن‬, then stop for a
short time without taking breath then complete the
ayah. The Sakt prevents idgham from taking place,
since it prevents the noon and ra‟ from meeting.
)‫اإلقالب (القلب‬

Is to change one letter into the other one.

It is the changing of Noon sakinah or Tanween into a

MEEM ‫ م‬when followed by Ba ‫ ب‬with the observance of
the ghunnah and the hiding of meem.

Means that when noon sakinah is followed by ba (‫ (ب‬in the

same word or noon sakinah and tanween at the end of a
word and ba the first letter of the next word it is then
required that the reader changes noon sakinah or
tanween into a hidden meem with a ghunnah present so
that no trace of noon sakinah or tanween is left. 20
How to pronounce hidden meem?
* Pronouncing the hidden meem by closing the lips and holding
the meem for the length of the ghunnah, then opening them with
the baa.

You may note that most copies of the Qur'an have very small
meem ‫ م‬written over letter noon ‫ ن‬or the second dammah or
fat-hah or kasrah of the tanween is replaced by a small meem.

‫من َبعْ ِد‬ ‫م‬
َّ‫ن‬ ‫ذ‬َ ‫َلي ُِنب‬
ِ ‫يعا َ َب‬
‫صيرا‬ َ ‫َس ِم‬
‫اإلخفاء الحقيقي‬

• It is the pronunciation of non-voweled letter

stripped of any shaddah, characterized
somewhere between an Ith-har and an Idgham
with a ghunnah remaining on the first letter
which is the Noon saakinah and Tanween.
• If any letter other than the letters of Ith-har,
Iqlab or Idgham letters follows the Noon
saakinah in the same word or between two
words or follows Tanween at the beginning of
the next word, then the Noon sound is hidden
with ghunnah sound.
• These letters are:
‫ت ث ج د ذ ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ؾ ق ك‬ 22
Way of pronouncing
Correct pronunciation is obtained by placing the tongue in a
position of readiness to articulate the letter following noon
while holding the ghunnah for nearly two counts. The tip of
the tongue should not touch the upper part of the mouth
during the ghunnah or else noon will be evident and not
hidden, and this is to be avoided.
Note pertaining to ikhfaa‟: When a letter of tafkheem
follows noon saakinah or tanween, the ghunnah takes on
the quality of tafkheem (Fatness). Likewise, when a letter
of tarqeeq follows noon saakinah or tanween, the
ghunnah takes on the quality of tarqeeq (Thinness).

‫ص‬ ‫خ‬
‫ض‬ Letters of ‫ص‬
‫ظ‬ Letters of ‫ض‬
tafkheem from
‫ط‬ ikhfaa letters
‫ق‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ط‬ ‫غ‬
The rest of letters are Tarqeeq (light) letters
Picture number 1 for the mouth and tongue during ikfaa
Noon or tanween before pronouncing Taa ‫ ت‬and daal ‫د‬,
sharing ghunnah from nasal cavity with sound comes from
the mouth.
But in case of Ikfaa Noon or tanween before letters Qaf pic.2
‫ ق‬or Kaf ‫ ك‬pic.3 there is only ghunnah and no sound comes
from mouth because the oral cavity closed by the tongue.

1 2 3

‫من قبلكم‬ ‫من ُكل أمر‬
Examples on Ikhfaa haqiqi:

Here noon sakinah followed by ‫ ث‬one of letters of ikhfaa and
light letter, then the sound of ghunnah light.

َ ‫َمن َز َّكاهَا َؼفُور‬

‫ش ُكور‬ ‫أَندَ ادا‬ ‫ٌَتٌِما َف َآوى‬ ‫إِن َك َّذ َب‬

Here noon sakinah followed by ‫ ص‬which is one of the letters
of ikhfaa and also heavy letter, then the sound of ghunnah
required to be heavy.

َ ‫َع َمال‬ ‫مِن َق ْبل‬ ‫ظِ الّ َظلٌِال‬ َّ ‫ضل‬
َ ‫َو َمن‬

• Occurs in one word
or between two • Occurs between two
words. words.
• No shaddah on the • Shaddah is present
letter follows Noon in case of complete
sakinah or idgham.
tanween. • With ghunnah or
• Always with without ghunnah
ghunnah. according to the
‫‪Mind Map‬‬

‫ي ر م ل و ن‬

‫ظِ الّ َظلٌِال‬

‫ش ُكور‬‫َؼفُور َ‬
‫أن َدادا‬
‫إِن َك َّذ َ‬


‫أ ْن َع ْم َت‬ ‫ن‬
‫َع َذاب أَلٌِم‬
‫مِنْ َح ٌْث‬

Select from the ayat idgham and verify its kind


Noon sakinah or tanween

Noon sakinah or tanween followed
followed by Lam.
by Yaa .It is incomplete idgham with
It is complete idgham without
Ghunnah (ayah no 6 ,7,8). 30
Ghunnah (ayah no 6).
Select from surat Al Humazah and Al Bayinah words
containing Iqlab rule.


In Surat Al Humazah

In Surat Al Bayinnah: 4

From these surah's choose the words that contain any of
Noon saakinah and Tanween rules.


These rules on stopping on the head of each These rules on stopping on the head of each
ayah ayah
In Surah Ghashiyah ayah no. 2 ,4 ,5, 6,10 In Surah Alinshiqaq ayah no.6 7,10,19,24,25
Ithhar halqi , ayah no.3,8,13,14complete Ithhar halqi , ayah no.8 incomplete idgham .
idgham ..Ayah no.6,7,12,17,21 ,23 Ikhfaa Ayah no.14 Complete idgham.. 34
Haqiqih Ayah no.1,6,9,19 Ikhfaa
SAKINAH ‫أحكام الميم الساكنة‬

It is a meem free from any vowel and which has a fixed sukoon
when continuing reading and when stopping.
This letter shares ghunnah (nasalization) during pronunciation.
‫ولكم َّما كسبتم‬ ‫لكم فٌها‬ ‫الحمد هلل‬

The Meem saakinah has three possible


1. Al-Ikfaa' As-shafawi (oral hiding)

2. Al-Idgham As-saghir(Idgham
mutamathilyne saghir) (The small

3. Al-Ith-har (idhhar)Ash-shafawi (The oral

(Oral hiding) ‫اإلخفاء الشفوي‬

Definition: The pronunciation of non vowled letter stripped

of any shaddah characterized as between clear and
merged, with the ghunnah remaining on the first letter
which is meem in this case.
Hiding means in between Ith-har and Idgham ,
The lips close on with the ‫ م‬the sound is held with a ghunnah
for the appropriate period of time, then the lips separate
with the letter ‫ب‬.
Shafawi means articulated from the two lips.
It has one letter which is ‫ب‬
If Meem is followed immediately by Ba and this does not occur
except in between two words ,we then hide the meem with
accompanying ghunnah.
‫فاح ُكم َبٌنهم‬
‫إن ر َّب ُهم ِبهم ٌومِذ لخبٌر‬ ٍ‫ترمٌ ِهم ِبحجار‬
‫اإلدغام الصغير‬
OR Idgham Mutamathilyne
(The small merging) ‫(اإلدؼام الصؽٌر) إدؼام متماْلٌن صؽٌر‬
Meeting of letter saakin with a voweled letter so that the
two letters become one emphasized letter of the
second type(of letter).

‫ َم= َّم‬+ ‫م‬

‫ ُم= ُّم‬+ ‫م‬
‫ ِم= م‬+ ‫م‬
If there is Meem saakinah followed by a meem with a vowel
in the same word or between two words,we are then
required to insert the meem sakinah within the meem with a
vowel which acquires a shaddah.

• Idgham because meem sakinah inserted into the meem

with a vowel.
• Mutamathilyne or Mithlyne because the letters are same
articulation points and characteristics.
• Saghir because the first letter is sakin and the second is
voweled (with fathah, kasrah, dammah).

Ghunnah accompanying the idgham while the lips closed.

Examples :
In one word

ِ ُ ‫فً قُل‬
‫وب ِهم َّم َرض‬
In two words : ‫َخلَق لَ ُكم َّما فًِ ارأرض‬
‫ ُهم ّمنْ ُجوع َّوم َم َن ُهم ّمنْ َخ ْوؾ‬39 ‫أَ ْط َع َم‬
(The oral clarity) ‫اإلظهار الشفوي‬
• Pronouncing every letter from its articulation
point without prolonged ghunnah on the clear
letter (meem).

• When meem saakinah is followed by any of the

arabic letters other than ‫ ب‬or ‫( م‬26 letters).It has
to be pronounced clearly (complete contact of
the two lips).

• This can be in one word or between two words.

• The word Shafawi because the articulation point

of the letter meem from the lips. 40
Examples in one word: ‫أمشاج‬ ‫الحمد هلل‬

Examples in
two words:

NOTE: There needs to be a special care taken that the Ith-har of the
meem is complete when a ‫ و‬or ‫ ؾ‬follow it, this care is needed in that
the reader should be careful to close his lips completely and not to
say meem with Ikhfaa'.
This possibility of saying meem with an ikhfaa before these two letters
due to the proximity of the articulation point of meem with the ‫ و‬، ‫ؾ‬.
‫م ( َم ُم ِم )‬

‫ترمٌ ِهم ِبحجارٍ‬

‫فاح ُكم َبٌنهم‬

‫م‬ ‫فجعلهم كعصؾ‬

‫‪Mind Map‬‬ ‫‪42‬‬

‫مرا ِتب ال ُغنة‬
There are four levels of the ghunnah:
1-Most Complete ‫أكمل‬
2-Complete ‫كاملة‬
3-Incomplete ‫ناقصة‬
4-Most Incomplete ‫أنقص‬

1-Most complete ghunnah : Is the longest ghunnah

- In Noon and Meem Mushadadah(with shaddah)
- In Idgham with ghunnah ) if Noon sakinah or tanween followed by
one of these letters ‫ و‬، ‫ي‬، ‫م‬، ‫)ن‬
2-Complete ghunnah :Is the second longest ghunnah(not as long
as the most complete ghunnah )
-In Al-ikhfaa‟ Alhaqiqi
-Alikhfaa As-shafawi ,Aliqlab
3-Incomplete ghunnah : This ghunnah is shorter in timing than the
complete ghunnah
-Noon and Meem sakinah that are recited with ith-har
4-Most Incomplete ghunnah : This is the shortest ghunnah of all
- The Noon and Meem with vowels.
Note:The difference in timing between these different categories of 43
ghunnah is very minute.
Select from these Surahs Ikfaa shafawi, ikfaa' Haqiqi,
idgham with ghunnah and ithhar halqi:

Select from this surah any of rules Noon sakinah and
Idgham mutamithalyne saghir from rules of meem sakinah:


‫‪Choose the words which contain any rule of Meem sakinah:‬‬

‫َقالُوا َطا ِئ ُر ُك ْم م ََّع ُك ْم أَ ِئن ُذ ِّكرْ ُتم َب ْل أَن ُت ْم َق ْو ٌم ُّمسْ ِرفُ َ‬


‫ت َّ ِ‬
‫َّللا َو َق ْتلِ ِه ُم‬ ‫ض ِه ْم مِّي َثا َق ُه ْم َو ُك ْف ِر ِه ْم ِبآ َ َيا ِ‬
‫َف ِب َما َن ْق ِ‬
‫ف َب ْل َط َب َع َُّ‬
‫َّللا‬ ‫ْاْلَ ْن ِب َيا َء ِب َغي ِْر َح ٍّق َو َق ْولِ ِه ْم قُلُو ُب َنا ُغ ْل ٌ‬
‫ون إِ ََّّل َقلِيال‬
‫َع َل ْي َها ِب ُك ْف ِر ِه ْم َف َال ي ُْإ ِم ُن َ‬

Lam sakinah rules
‫ل‬ ‫ل‬

The Lam sakinah in the Qur‟an are of five categories

The lam in The lam in

a noun a verb

The lam in Lam of the

a participle definite
The lam of article “The”
Laam of the definite article “the”
(‫َّلم التعرٌؾ (ال‬
The definition of the definite article )‫َّلم (ال‬
It is an extra laam saakinah added to the basic makeup of the
word. This noun is preceded by a hamzah al-wasl
that is read with a fat-hah when starting the word, dropped when
continuing from a previous word.

The noun that follows the definite article ‫َّلم ال‬

may be a regular noun that stands on its own without the definite
article such as Sun )‫ (الشمس‬moon (‫(القـمر‬
Or it may be irregular in that it cannot be broken down further
from the ‫ َّلم ال‬Such as: ً‫ الت‬،‫الذي‬
The alif and lam of the definite article can precede a noun beginning
with any of the Arabic letters.

There are two possibilities in the rules ‫َّلم التعرٌؾ‬
First a regular noun
that stands on its own
without the definite
Ith-har article
‫اإلظهار‬ ‫اإلدغام‬

If the definite article If ‫ الالم التعريف‬precedes any of the

)‫َّلم (ال‬ fourteen remaining letters
precedes a noun beginning with ‫طثصرتضذندسظزشل‬
any of the fourteen letters in the of the Arabic alphabet,there is then
group Idgham (merging) of the lam of the
ْ ‫أ ْب ِػ َح َّج َك َو َخ‬
‫ؾ َعقٌ َم ُه‬ definite article into the next letter As
we know, when there is an idgham,
)‫(ء ب غ ح ج ك و خ ؾ ع ق ي م هـ‬
the two letters merge into one, and
the letter that the two merge into
It is said clearly this called Ith-har
acquires a shaddah In this case
then, the letter immediately
‫إظهار قمري‬
following the Lam, will have a
And the Lam then is called
shaddah on it. This is called idgham
‫َّلم قمرٌة‬
shamsi ‫إدغام شمسي‬
And the lam is then called ‫َّلم شمسٌة‬

Irregular noun in that it cannot be broken down
further from the alif lam

Ith-har ‫اإلظهار‬ Idgham ‫اإلدغام‬

If followed by yaa ‫ ي‬OR If followed by Lam

Hamza ‫ء‬
ً‫الَّذٌن َّاَّلًِ والَّت‬ ‫والَّذان‬

‫الِان‬ ‫الٌسع‬ ‫هللا‬

The name of Allah noun that cannot
be further broken down Though the
original noun without the definite
article was ‫ إله‬and when the alif lam
was added the hamzah was dropped
and the lam of the definite article
merged into the lam of the noun so
the honourd word became Allah ‫َّللا‬
The lam in this case lam shamsiyah.
These underlined
From surat Al-Qadr
and surat Al-Bayinah
*Lam qamariyah
underlined in blue
*Lam shamsiyah
underlined in red
Note: Lam
qamariyah above it
the sign of sukoon
(as head of ‫) حـ‬
But lam shamsiyah
has no sign of
sukoon .

The Laam saakinah in verbs, nouns,
command and prepositions/participles
Lam sakinah in Lam sakinah in
verbs nouns
Comes at the end of a word or in the
1-Ith-har (pronounced
(pronounced clearly) clearly)
If followed with any of the
Arabic letters
‫ َّلم‬or ‫راء‬ ،‫أ ْلسنتكم‬
Examples: In Past tense ،‫ م ْلجؤ‬،‫س ْلسبٌال‬
‫س ْلنا‬
َ ‫ ْأر‬، ‫َج َع ْلنا‬ َ ، ‫ا ْل َت َقى‬
، ُ‫أنز ْلنا‬ ‫ز ْلزالها‬
In present tense:
‫ ٌَ ْلتفِت‬، ‫ٌَ ْلتق ِْط ُه‬ Always in the
The imperative:
middle of the
ْ‫ وتوكل‬، ْ‫ قل‬، ‫وأ ْل ِق‬ word
‫ قل ََّّل أسؤل ُكم‬، ‫ قل لَّكم‬، ‫قل َّرب‬
‫َوقُل َّرب ِزدْ نًِ عِ ْلما‬
َ ‫قُ ْل لَ ُك ْم م‬
‫ِيعا ُد‬ 53
Lam sakinah of Lam sakinah in
command participles

Ith-har ‫بل‬ ، ‫ هل‬Only in

(pronounced clearly( 1-Ith-har of Lam sakinah followed by
any letter EXCEPT
'Lam Sakinah'- when ‫َّلم‬or ‫راء‬
added to the present tense )‫(بلْ قالوا) (بلْ فعله) (هلْ ٌستوي) (هلْ أنبِكم‬
verb form, it becomes a 2-Idgham if followed by these two letters
type of command if ‫َّلم‬or ‫راء‬
preceded by 'thumma„ ‫ْم‬ )‫(بلْ َّرفعه) (هلْ لَّكم‬
Lam saakinah at the end of the word
or 'waw„‫ و‬or 'fa„‫ؾ‬
merges into the next letter so is not
Examples: pronounced at all next letter acquires a
َ ‫ُث َّم ْل َي ْقضُوا َت َف َث ُه ْم َو ْليُوفُوا ُن ُذ‬
‫ور ُه ْم‬
(Al-Haj 29) ‫ِيق‬ ِ ‫ت ْال َعت‬ ِ ‫َو ْل َي َّطوَّ فُوا ِب ْال َب ْي‬ There is EXCEPTION to the idgham rule in
verse no.14 of surah Al-Mutaffeen Since
‫َو ْل ٌُوفُوا‬ reciter Hafs „an „Aasim by the way of
‫ضوا‬ُ ‫ُْ َّم ْل ٌَ ْق‬ Ash-shatabiyyay has breathless pause
‫َو ْل ٌَ َّط َّوفُوا‬
Lam sakinah in verbs:
Ith-har with any letter Lam
except with lam and sakinah in
raa will be Idgham nouns:
Comes at the end of a Always
word or in the middle Ith-har
comes in
the middle
of the word

Lam sakinah
of command:
preceded by
'thumma„ ‫ ْم‬or
Lam sakinah in
'waw„ ‫ و‬or participles:
'fa„‫ؾ‬ (Only in ‫ هل‬and ‫(بل‬
Ith-har with any letter
except with lam and
raa will be Idgham 55

1- Compare between Lam sakinah in nouns and lam of definite articles

2- Complete :
Lam ……………. And Lam …………. Are extra lam sakinah added to be
basic make up of the word .

3- What are the types of lam sakinah in these words ?

)‫(السَّالم‬ ) ‫( ْيلهث‬ ) ‫(ق ْل ه ْل تربصون ) ) و تبت ْل اليه‬

The Lengthenings ‫المــدود‬

Lengthening ‫المــــد‬

َ ‫ت أَ َنسا َعنْ ق َِر‬
‫ صلى‬،ً‫اء ٍِ ال َّن ِب‬ ُ ‫سؤ َ ْل‬
َ َ ‫ َقال‬،ٍَ َ‫ َعنْ َق َتاد‬،‫ َحدَّ َْ َنا َج ِرٌر‬،‫َحدَّ َْ َنا ُم ْسلِ ُم ْبنُ إِ ْب َراهٌِ َم‬
. ‫هللا علٌه وسلم َف َقال َ َكانَ ٌَ ُم ُّد َمدّ ا‬
Qatadah said:
I asked Anas about the recitation of the Qur'an by the
Prophet (sala Allahu Alihi wa salam)
He said: He used to express all the long accents clearly.
Sahih (Al-Albani)
Sunan Abi Dawud 1465

The Mudood

Secondary Madd
Natural Madd
‫ ياء مدية‬Yaa, ‫ ألف‬Alif, waw
‫واو مدية‬ Due to Hamzah Due to sukoon
Includes the separated
letters in ‫ حي طهُر‬that Original Presented
With a letter With a letter sukoon
starts some surahs. sukoon
madd in two madd in the
different same word
words 1-The Presented
1-The Separate
Followers of Natural Al Hamzah Lengthening
Lengthening after letter 2-The Soft
madd: madd
2-The Greater Lengthening
1-The Lesser Connective Connective
Lengthening The Required The Compulsory madd
Lengthening Attached Madd
2-The Substitute Four or five vowel Four or five
Lengthening counts. vowel counts
Two counts but that In In
3-The Exchange way is not the way of
letter word
lengthening Ash-Shatibiyyah that heavy light heavy light
is being taught here 59
It is lengthened two vowel counts
The Lengthening
‫الـ َمـــد‬
Its linguistic definition: Extra
Its applied definition: Lengthening of the sound with a letter of the
madd letters.
The madd letters are in the following three cases.

The ya' with sukoon The wow with sukoon The Alif with a sukoon
preceded by a letter preceded by a letter preceded by a letter with
with kasrah with Dammah Fathah

These madd letters appear in one word ‫ ُنـو ِحٌـهـَا‬، ‫أ ُوتٌِـ َنا‬ 60
The Two leen letters ‫حرفي اللين‬
The waw sakinah preceded by a fat-hah such as:
‫ َخ ْوؾ‬، ‫أَ ْو‬
The yaa sakinah preceded by a fat-hah such as:

‫ َب ٌْت‬، ‫َخ ٌْر‬

The Natural Lengthening (Al-Madd At-tabee’ee) )ً‫المد الطبٌعً (المد ارأصل‬
Its definition: It is the madd (lengthening) that without which the
letter cannot exist (the timing), and it does not stop due to a hamzah
or a sukoon.
Its indications: There should not be a hamzah before it, and there
should not be a hamzah or sukoon after it.
It is named original because it is the origin of all mudood (lengthening)
It is called natural because the person with a natural measure will
not increase its measure nor decrease it.
Its timing: It is lengthened two vowel counts.
The timing of each count depends on the speed of the reciter. Each
vowel should be equal in count to the other, and the mudood of two,
four, five, and six counts should be equal to that many vowels. 61
Vowel: Is the time needed to pronounce one letter with fat-hah or
dammah or kasrah.
The time of all voweled letter the same
Example: ‫ق‬ ُ =‫َق = ِق‬
........ ‫ت = ت ُ= َق = ِق = ُق‬
ِ = ‫س = َت‬
ُ =‫س‬
ِ =‫س‬
When we say 2 vowel counts means time needed to pronounce two
successive voweled letter with fat-hah or dammah or kasrah.
The time needed to pronounce ‫ما = مو = مي‬
‫ك َما‬ ‫ال ِذين‬ ‫كفروا‬ ‫عباد‬
All vowels must sound like a shortened version of its origin.The alif ‫ا‬
is the origin of the fat-ha, the long waw ‫ و‬is the origin of the
dhammah, and the long yaa ‫ ي‬is the origin of the kasrah. The reader
must be careful not to pronounce these vowels incorrectly, such as
when the kasrah is pronounced in between a kasrah and a fat-ha.
Some readers mistakenly open the sides of the mouth for a fat-hah
instead of opening the mouth vertically suitable opening ; the result
of this mistake is called imaalah, which means tilting.
Other readers do not make a complete circle of their lips for a
dhammah and the resulting sound is like that of the English (O).
Another mistake readers may make is not lowering the jaw
Completely for the kasrah, and the resulting sound is that of a short
(i) or (ae). We should not let our mouths be lazy; the correct way of
pronouncing vowels need more mouth and jaw action than the
incorrect way.
Examples on natural madd:

‫ِقيل‬ ‫يقُول‬ ‫َقال‬

In these three words, Natural madd with different madd letters
and will have the timing of two vowel counts.

Note: these words have a natural madd as long as we do not stop on

the word. As stated before in the indications of the natural madd
there cannot be sukoon after the madd letter,Then the madd would
no longer be considered a natural madd, but would be a different
kind of madd, to be discussed latter.

Included in natural madd is the group of letters:

)‫حً طهـر (حا ٌا طا ها را‬
which are letters that start some surahs of the Qur‟an. If any one
of these letters is at the beginning of a surah, the letter is read with
two vowel counts.
Example: ‫ طه‬pronounced ‫طا ها‬

What Follows the Natural Lengthening Rules
The lesser Connecting Lengthening
Madd Assilah Assughra
‫ص ْؽرى‬
ُ ‫م َّد الصلة ال‬
It is a madd that comes from the vowel on a (pronoun or possessive
pronoun haa ‫(ــــه‬
A haa at the end of a word (last letter) that is not part of the original
make up of the word, representing the singular third person
male. It is voweled either with a dhammah or a kasrah, positioned
between two voweled letters, the reader is not stopping on it, and it
is not followed by a hamzah. When all these requirements are met
the dhammah on the haa become lengthened into a lengthened
waw or the kasrah on the haa becomes lengthened like a
lengthened yaa, When stopping on this haa we stop with a regular
sukoon, and the two count madd is dropped.

The last letter of the word ‫ مال ُه‬is a pronoun not part of the original word,
representing a male third person, located between two voweled letters
lam with dammah and waw with fathah if we read this in continuation with
the next word (meaning we do not stop on this word), we lengthen the
dhammah on the haa so that it becomes the length of a lengthened waw,
which would be two vowel counts. Please note the small ‫ (و) واو‬after the64‫هـ‬
‫ــه‬This tells us that there is an extra ‫(مالَهو) واو‬.
Here there is NO madd because letter precedes haa is sakin.

Here there is NO madd because haa is sakinah.

Surat Al-A‟raf 111

Surat An-Naml 28

- Exceptions to the Lesser Connective Lengthening rule

1-Here there is NO madd, even though all of the conditions
have been
2-Here met.
there IS a madd, even though all of the conditions have
not been met. Surat Azzumar 7

Surat Al-Furqan 69

Note: The pronoun ‫ هـ‬of the female noun ُ‫ هذ‬which means this
referring to a female object, follows lesser connecting madd rule if
it is between two voweled letters.
Surat Al-Muzzammil 19
The Substitute Lengthening
(Madd Al-Ewadh)
‫َمـدَّ الع َِوض‬
It is substituting a lengthened alif for the tanween with a fath ‫فتح‬,
when stopping on it. The lengthening is two counts, which
means, the length of two vowels, the same as the counts of
natural lengthening. This madd takes place whether there is an
alif written after the letter with the tanween or not.
When continuing reading and not stopping on the word that has
the tanween with a fat-h, this lengthening disappears, and the
noon sakinah rules are applied to the tanween.
If there is an alif written after the tanween, it is dropped when

Examples: ‫ هُدى‬pronounced ‫هُدا‬

‫ مآء‬pronounced ‫مآءا‬
‫ شكورا‬pronounced ‫شكورا‬
‫ جمعا‬pronounced ‫جمعا‬

The tanween is usually a sign of a noun, but there are a two
cases when verbs have a tanween on them representing the
light (non stressed) emphatic NOON ‫نون التوكٌد الخفٌفة‬, and not part
of a noun.

The two places

1-In Surat Yusuf ayah 32

2- Surat Al-Alaq Ayah 15

The rule is the same when stopping on these two words; a two
vowel count alif is substituted for the tanween when stopping.
‫لَ َن ْس َف َعا‬ ، ‫َولَ ٌَ ُكونا‬
When continuing on, these words are recited with the tanween
and the appropriate noon sakinah rule applied.
EXCEPTION: Not included in this madd is ‫ هاء التؤنيث‬or
female haa in Arabic represented ‫ ة‬or ‫ ـة‬when linked, This
letter occurs on the end of nouns, indicates female gender.
This letter is always read as a haa ‫ هـ‬saakinah when stopping
on the word, and is always read as a taa ‫ ت‬in the case of
When a noun with a female haa has a tanween with a fath ‫فتح‬
the word should be stopped on with a haa sakinah and there
is no alif substituted for the tanween.

This is found in such words as:

‫ ن ِْـع َمــة‬pronounced ‫ ن ِْـع َمــ ْه‬when stopped on

‫ َرحـمـة‬pronounced ‫ َرحـمـ ْه‬when stopped on
The Exchange Lengthening
(Madd Al-Badal) ‫مــــد البـدل‬
Its definition: The letter hamzah precedes any of the three madd
Note: The vowel of the madd letter is on the hamzah.

‫إِيال ِفهم‬ ‫َو أ ُو ُذوا إِيما ُن ُكم ءادم‬

These examples were originally as follow

‫إِ ْئالفهم‬ ‫أ ْأدم‬ ‫َو أ ُ ْإ ُذوا إِ ْئما ُن ُكم‬

As seen these words originally had two hamzahs, the first one had a
vowel and the second a sukoon. The second hamzah was changed
into a madd letter from the category of the vowel of the first hamzah
(for example if the first hamzah has kasra then the second hamzah
changed to yaa). Not all cases of madd badl (a hamzah preceding a
madd letter) have this origin (two hamzahs, the first with a vowel and
the second with a sukoon), but we treat all cases of hamzah before a
madd letter as ‫مد بدل‬.
Madd badl is lengthened for two vowel counts by the way of 69
recitation of Hafs „an „Aasim.
The Secondary Madd

The madd due The madd due

to hamzah to sukoon

1-The Required 1-The Presented Sukoon

Joined Lengthening Lengthening

2-The Allowed Separated

2-The Soft Lengthening

3-The Greater Connective 3-The Compulsory Lengthening


The Required Attached Madd
AL-Madd AL-Waajib AL-Muttasil
‫ال َمــد الواجـِـب ال ُم َّتصِ ـل‬
Its definition: It occurs when a hamzah follows a madd letter in the
same word.
It is called (required) because all readers agree that this madd is
required. (more than two vowel counts).
It is called (joined) due to the attachment of the madd letter and the
hamzah to the same word.

Its rule: It is lengthened four or five vowel counts.

The Separate Allowed Lengthening
AL-Madd AL-Jaa’ez AL-Munfasil ‫الجاِِز ال ُم ْن َفصِ ل‬
َ ‫الـ َمـد‬
Its definition: It occurs when a madd letter is the last letter of a word,
and a hamzah (hamzat Al-qat‟ ‫ )همزٍ القطع‬is the first letter of the next
It is called allowed because of the permissibility of a short count of
two, as well as its lengthening with some readers.
It is called separate due to the separation of the madd letter and
hamzah, meaning they are in separate words, but next to each other.
Its rule: Its lengthening is of the measure of four or five vowel
counts, the way we are teaching to read, which is Hafs „an Aasim by
the way of Ash-shatibiyyah.
Two vowel counts for this lengthening are not allowed in this way of
When stopping on the word that has the madd letter at the end of it,
the reader stops with the natural two count lengthening since the
hamzah in the next word is the reason for lengthening to four or five
counts, and the reason is no longer present when stopping on the
first word.

NOTE: In some words such as

‫ٌا‬ used for calling, or ‫ ها‬for drawing attention, the madd letter is
written joined together with these words, they are drawn as one
word but they are two separate words ‫ ها أوَّلء‬،‫ٌا أٌها‬
And pronounced as one word.

So the kind of madd in allowed Separate Lengthening

In there are two lengthenings

The second is The first is the

required Attached Allowed Separate
Lengthening Lengthening

NOTES: The required attached Lengthening and the allowed separate

lengthening must be both four counts or both five counts. 73
It is not allowed to mix the madd counts!
The Greater Connecting Lengthening
َ ‫َمــد الصِ لَة ال ُك‬
Madd Assilah Alkubra ‫برى‬
Its definition: If the pronoun/possessive pronoun )‫هـ ـه (هاء الضمير‬
representing a third person male gender is at the end of a word
(meaning not part of the original make up of the word) and it has a
vowel of a dhammah or a kasrah, is between two voweled letters,
and the first letter of the next word is a hamzah, the dhammah on
the pronoun/possessive pronoun ‫ هـ‬is lengthened into a ‫ واو‬or the
kasrah is lengthened into a ‫ ٌاء‬and it can be lengthened four
or five counts, it is permissible two counts not the way we
taught here.
This madd follows the allowed separated lengthening in
vowel counts.


The second haa ‫ هـ‬in the word ُ‫ هــذ‬follows the same rules as
pronoun haa in the madd.

lengthening caused by a sukoon

1-The Compulsory Lengthening

The Compulsory word Lengthening The Compulsory letter Lengthening

The The
Compulsory Compulsory
Heavy The Heavy The
Lengthening in Compulsory Lengthening in Compulsory
a Word light a Letter light
Lengthening Lengthening in
in a Word a Letter

The Compulsory Lengthening
Al-Madd Al-Laazim ‫ال َمـد َّالال ِزم‬
Its definition: An original (or fixed) sukoon is positioned after a
madd letter, in a word or a letter.
By original it is meant that the sukoon is part of the original make up
of the word, and is present when continuing the reading and when
*The Compulsory heavy word Lengthening
‫الالزم ال َكلِمً ال ُم َْ َّقل‬
َّ ‫المـد‬

Its definition: It is when an original sukoon (the letter has a

shaddah on it) comes after a madd letter in a word.
The word heavy ‫ مْقل‬refers to the shaddah. A shaddah indicates
two letters of the same, the first one with a sukoon, and the
second with the vowel that is accompanying the shaddah. The two
letters have merged into each other, and thence the shaddah.
It is called compulsory ‫ َّلزم‬due the permanent, or original sukoon
found when the reader stops or continues, or because all readers
agree that this lengthening must be 6 vowel counts.
It is called word ‫ كلمي‬due to the fact that the madd letter is in one

The Compulsory Light Lengthening in a Word

َّ ‫المـد‬
ْ‫الال ِزم ال َكلِمي الم َُخ َّفف‬

Its Definition: It occurs when an original sukoon that is not merged

(no shaddah on it), follows a madd letter in a word.

The word light comes from the letter not being merged. This refers to
the letter with the sukoon that follows the medd letter.

One word of this kind of lengthening in the

Qur’an in only two places in surat Yunus (51,91)
6 vowel counts 77
The Separate Letters that begin some surahs
The letters that begin some of the surahs of the
Qur‟an are fourteen in number.
These fourteen letters are found in the phrases:
‫ نصٌ حكي ٌم قاط ٌع ل ُه سر‬Or ‫ نصٌ حكي ٌم قطعا ل ُه سر‬Or
َ ‫صِ ل ُه سُحيرا من َق َط‬
These letters are divided into four groups:
1- That which has no madd at all: This refers to the alif ‫ ألف‬as it has
no madd letter in it.
2- That which has a madd of two counts: The letters in this category
ُ ‫َط‬
can be found in the phrase: ‫ه ْر‬ ً‫ َح‬meaning the letters are
recited as ‫طا ها را‬ ‫ٌا‬ ‫ حا‬when found in the letters that
sometimes begin a surah, and are lengthened two counts.
When these letters are written out as above, they consist of only
two letters, and are of the natural madd.
3-The Ain ْ‫ع ٌْن‬
َ can be lengthened six or four vowel counts,
according to the rules of the way we read, which is the way of: Hafs
„an „Aasim from the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah (six counts preferred )
This is due to the fact that the Ain as a separate letter of an opening
to a surah is found at the beginning of surah Maryam and
the beginning (second ayah) of surah Ash-Shooraa 78
4-That which has a madd of six vowel counts: The rest of the letters
from the fourteen that start some surahs of the Qur‟an fall into this
category. These letters are seven in number, and can be found in the
phrase: ُ ُ‫س َنق‬
‫ص لَ ُكم‬ َ (‫)سٌن نون قاؾ صاد َّلم كاؾ مٌم‬
ُ ُ‫س َنق‬
The letters of the group ‫ص لَ ُكم‬ َ are categorized into to two groups:

1-The Compulsory light Lengthening 2-The Compulsory Heavy Lengthening

In a letter ‫المد الالزم الحرفي المخفف‬ in a letter ‫المد الالزم الحرفي المثقل‬
The letters of the group ‫سنقص لكم‬ This type of lengthening occurs when a
are each individually read as a three letter of the ‫سنقص لكم‬
letter word, the middle letter being a has the last letter of the three letter
madd letter, and the third letter having word representing the individual letter,
an original (or permanent) sukoon. merging into the letter that comes after
This last letter not merged with what it.
comes next. This is the reason for it being called
Example Pronounced ‫ألؾ َّل ْم را‬ heavy ‫مثقل‬,This madd has a required
lengthening of six counts.
The meem in ‫ َّلم‬not merged with raa ‫را‬
Example: ‫ألؾ َّل ْم مٌِم‬
therefore called ‫( مخفف‬light).
The two letters lam ‫ َّلم‬and meem ‫ميم‬
Letter Lam consists of three letters;
that consist of three letters in the middle
the middle letter is a madd letter (alif)
letter madd lengthened six vowel and
This madd is lengthened six vowel
meem sakinah in ‫َّل ْم‬merged with the first
letter of the next spelled out letter
meem ‫ مٌِــم‬Pronounced ‫ألؾ آلمـٌـ ْم‬ 79
The different separate letters that are found at the beginning of
some surahs
1-One letter starts three surahs Saad Qaf Al-Qalam
Pronounced ‫ قاف صاد نون‬6 vowel counts

-This kind Compulsory light Lengthening in a letter ‫المد الالزم الحرفي المخفف‬
2- Two letters start 10 surahs

Ya-Sin An-Naml In seven suras Ta-Ha

Pronounced Pronounced Ghafir Fussilat Pronounced
‫يا‬ ‫ طا‬2 vowel Ash-Shura ‫ طا ها‬2 vowel
2 vowel counts And Az-Zukhruf Ad-Dukhan counts each
‫ سيـن‬six vowel Al-Jathiyah Al-Ahqaf
count and (natural madd)
‫ سيـن‬six vowel counts Pronounced ‫حا ميم‬
Compulsory 2 vowel counts in ‫حا‬
light and six vowel counts
Lengthening in ‫ميم‬
in a letter Compulsory light
Lengthening in a
3-Three letters start 13 surahs

Ash-Shu'ara Yunus Hud Yusuf Al-Baqarah Aal-'Imran

Al-Qasas Ibrahim Al-Hijr Al-Ankabut Ar-Rum
Luqman As-Sajdah
Pronounced ‫طا سيمِّيم‬ Pronounced ‫ألف‬
‫ طا‬2 vowel counts, ‫َّلم را‬, 6 vowel Pronounced ‫ألف َّلم مِّيم‬
‫ سين‬6 vowel counts counts in laam ‫ َّلم‬6 vowel counts
Compulsory Heavy ‫َّلم‬ Compulsory Heavy
Lengthening in a Compulsory Lengthening in a letter
letter light Because alif in letter
because idgham Lengthening in Lam ‫ لـا م م‬followed by
noon sakinah (last a letter meem
letter in ْ‫(سين‬in first 2vowel counts mushaddadadah, then
letter meem ‫مِي ْم‬ in raa ‫ را‬natural second meem its third
pronounced ‫سٌمٌم‬ maad letter sakin ‫ مٌــ ْم‬so it
Last yaa 6 vowel is 6 vowel counts
counts Compulsory light
Compulsory light Lengthening in a
Lengthening in a letter
Ar-Ra'd Al-A'raf
‫ألف َّلم مِّيم را‬ Pronounced ‫صآد‬ ْ ‫ألف َّلم مِّي ْم‬
6 vowel counts in 6 vowel counts in three
letter, letters, laam
-laam Compulsory Compulsory Heavy
Heavy Lengthening Lengthening in a letter
-meem Compulsory -meem and saad
light Lengthening Compulsory light
-Raa (natural madd) 2 Lengthening in a letter.
vowel counts.

Maryam ‫َعيْن سينْ قاف‬
‫كآف ها يا عينْ صآد‬ 6 or 4 vowel counts in Ain ْ‫ َعيْن‬then
-6 vowel counts in kaf ‫كآف‬ ikhfaa haqiqi with ghunnah because
Compulsory light letter ‫ س‬followed noon sakinah, 6
Lengthening vowel counts ْ‫ سِ ين‬Compulsory light
-2 vowel counts in ‫ها يا‬ Lengthening in a letter and ikhfaa for
-6 or 4 in Ain ْ‫عيْن‬, then ikhfaa noon with heavy ghunnah because
noon sakinah with heavy followed by qaf, letter qaf 6 vowel
ghunnah counts Compulsory light 82
6 vowel counts in Saad ‫صآد‬. Lengthening in a letter.
The Lengthening with a Presented Sukoon
Al-Madd Al-Aaridh Li-Ssukoon ‫س ُكون‬
ُّ ‫العارض لل‬
ِ ‫ال َمـد‬
Its definition: This madd occurs when there is only one letter after
one of the three madd letters, it is the last letter of the word, this
last letter has any vowel on it, and we are stopping on the last letter
with a presented sukoon.
It is called “presented sukoon” because the sukoon is presented on
the letter when stopping on it, otherwise the letter is read with its
It is permitted to lengthen this madd two, or four, or six vowel
counts when stopping on it. When not stopping on it, the last letter
is read with a vowel and the madd letter is lengthened two vowel
counts, the normal measure for natural lengthening.

In The Required Attached Madd when the hamzah that

follows the madd letter is the last letter of the word, and
the reader is stopping on the word (meaning the hamzah
now has a presented sukoon), the lengthening can be
four or five counts, as mentioned before, or six counts.
The Soft Lengthening
Madd Al-Leen ‫مـد الل ٌِن‬
It occurs when a “leen” letter waw ‫ واو‬or yaa ‫ ٌاء‬with a sukoon,
preceded by a letter with a fathah) is followed by one letter only
in the same word and we stop on the last letter in the word with a
presented sukoon.

- It is allowed to lengthen this madd Two or four or six vowel

counts when stopping on the word. When continuing reading (not
stopping on this word), there is a slight lengthening of the “leen”
letter, referred by the scholars as madd ma ‫ مدا ما‬which is less
than two vowel counts, but longer than one vowel count.

These lengthenings have various degrees of strength and
The strongest is the compulsory Lengthening,
the second strongest is the required joined lengthening,
the next the presented sukoon lengthening,
then separated allowed lengthening,
and the weakest the exchange lengthening,

The Rule of the Stronger of the Two Causes for a Lengthening

If two reasons for lengthening are present in one madd letter,
there must be one stronger than the other. In this case the weak
madd is left, and we use the stronger of the two.

In this word, there is a hamzah before the madd letter ‫ ءا‬this is
therefore an exchange lengthening, This same madd letter is
followed by a shaddah, meaning a sukoon, so we also have the
compulsory lengthening.
With the knowledge that the stronger of these two madd is the
compulsory lengthening, we use that madd and do not use the
exchange lengthening, This madd is lengthened six counts, that
of the compulsory lengthening.
In this example a hamzah precedes a madd letter ‫ ءا‬so there is an
exchange lengthening, The same madd letter is followed by a
hamzah in the same word ‫اء‬, so there is also a required joined
lengthening, Both of these madd share the same madd letter, the
alif, and since the stronger of the two lengthenings is the required
joined lengthening, we apply that lengthening and not the exchange
lengthening. This madd is therefore lengthened four or five vowel

When Stopping:
the reader can stop on this madd at the end of this word (‫ )بُرءاء‬four
vowel counts with two causes required lengthening and
lengthening with presented sukoon, may also stop with five vowel
counts if the reader reads required madd five counts, Also may
stop with six vowel counts this is for one reason if he reads
lengthening with presented sukoon six counts.
It is forbidden to stop on this word using the present sukoon
lengthening with two vowel counts. This is due to the rule of the
stronger of the two lengthenings, since the required joined 87
lengthening is stronger than the presented sukoon lengthening.
In this example the hamzah precedes a madd
letter, indicating an exchange lengthening,This madd is at the
end of the word, and the first letter of the next word is a
hamzah, so the allowed separated lengthening is also using this
same madd letter, which is an alif.
In this case, when continuing reading, and the allowed
separated lengthening is employed, so this madd lengthened 4
or 5 counts (by the way of Ash-Shatibiyyah)
When stopping on the first word only the exchange lengthening
is used, since the hamzah that begins the second word is not
being read, and there is therefore no allowed separate
lengthening is used.
In case of this ayah
the weaker soft lengthening precedes the stronger
presented sukoon lengthening, when stopping on both
of them, the stronger should then be the same length or
longer in length than the weaker.
Example: if we stop on 4 vowel counts.

So we can stop on with either 4 or 6 vowel

counts only.
*When the stronger madd precedes the weaker madd, the weaker 88
madd then must be equal or less in length than the stronger one.
Pick out the words from Surat
Abassa that have these Rules:

1-one word has Madd

Laazim(the compulsory madd)
2-one word has Maad assilah
assughra (the lesser
connective lengthening)

3-Madd Jaa‟ez Munfasil (the

separate allowed lengthening)
(write the No. of the Ayah)
4-Madd Ewadh (the substitute
madd)on stopping (write the no
of Ayah)
5-two words have madd wajib
Muttasil (the required attached
6-3 words have Madd Tabee‟ee
(natural madd)
7-one word has lam in an order
8-Lam of the definite article (2
word have ith-har qamari) (2 90
words have idgham shamsi)

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