Burger Coco

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Burger Coco

Confused looking for fast food and cheap?

Confused looking for fast food but healthy?
Just come to our shop Burger Factory at Senaya street no. 17 Kleton Jogja. We provide Burger Coco.
A new breakthrough and innovation in fast food world which me made for you. You and the price we
offer is around Rp. 10,000, - - Rp. 15,000, -
Burger Coco Guarantees will not make your stomach and your bag is damaged because of Burger
Coco made from organic ingredients fried in edible oil quality.
Materials Burger Coco:
Organic meat
Organic vegetables
All the ingredients served without preservatives.
There are also available so many flavors like:
Barbeque flavor, Bread Burger Single, Vegetarian Burger, spicy sauce, Burger Double Bread, Double
or Triple Meat Burger and Burger Extra-large.
We open every day at 13:30 pm.
Do not admit as jocks if you have not come and felt the Burger Coco!
Come with your family or your friends !!

Burger Coco
Bingung mencari makanan cepat saji dan murah?
Bingung mencari makanan cepat saji namun menyehatkan?
Datang saja ke kedai kami  Ada Burger di jalan Senaya no. 17 kleton jogja. kami menyediakan Burger
Coco. Sebuah terobosan baru dari dunia makanan cepat saji yang kami buat untuk Anda. Dan harga
yang kami tawarkan dengan kisaran Rp. 10.000,- - Rp. 15.000,-
Burger Coco menjamin tidak akan membuat perut dan kantong Anda rusak karena Burger Coco terbuat
dari bahan-bahan organic yang digoreng dengan minyak makan yang berkualitas.
Bahan-bahan Burger Coco:
Daging Organic
Sayuran-sayuran organic
semua bahan tanpa zat pengawet.
Tersedia juga varian rasa seperti:
Rasa barbeque, Burger Single Bread, Burger Vegetarian,sambal pedas, Burger Double Bread, Burger
Double atau Triple Meat dan Burger Extra-large.
Kami buka setiap hari pukul  13.30 wib.
Jangan ngaku anak gaul kalau belum datang dan merasakan Burger Coco !!
Ayo datang bersama keluarga atau teman Anda !!

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