Phoma Macrostoma: A Bioherbicide in The Making

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A 2009 OTS Highlight Article. A good stand of turfgrass provides numerous benefits that contribute to our quality of life.
When weeds invade our lawns, parks and golf courses, they disrupt the vigour, uniformity and aesthetics of established
grass. Weeds are also a major source of pollen, which contributes to allergies and other irritations. Integrated weed
management systems emphasize prevention of weed problems by maintaining vigorously-growing lawns with a combina-
tion of biological, chemical, cultural, manual and mechanical methods. However, pesticide bans in some municipalities
and provinces across Canada have reduced the options available for weed control.

ioherbicides are an alternative more biological control projects to frui- less chamomile, white clover and chick-
weed control option to traditional tion, such as the project between Agricul- weed emerged white and died when the
herbicides that are permitted to be ture & Agri-Food Canada and The Scotts fungus was pre-emergently placed in the
used where herbicide bans are in Company to develop the naturally-occur- soil. However, there was no bleaching or
effect. Bioherbicides, often made ring fungus Phoma macrostoma for mortality on weeds like green foxtail or
from naturally-occurring fungi or bacte- broadleaved weed control in turfgrass. wild oats. Among the non-target plant spe-
ria found on plants or in soil, can suppress Government scientists discovered cies, broadleaf plants such as canola or
weed growth and development, or result Phoma macrostoma on Canada thistle lentil were affected, but monocot plants
in weed mortality. There are opportuni- plants growing in Alberta, Saskatchewan, like wheat, barley, oat, millet, canaryseed
ties for commercial applicators, farmers Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and grasses were unaffected.
and homeowners to use microorganisms (Figure 1). The fungus only caused small, To test whether biological control
for biological weed control in agriculture, insignificant lesions when sprayed onto would work in the field, methods were
forestry and turfgrass situations. leaves, but when added to soil, emerging developed to grow Phoma macrostoma in
Presently, the number of bioherbicides Canada thistle plants came up white. Host the laboratory and formulate it as a gran-
commercially available in Canada is fairly range studies were conducted to determine ule or powder for broadcasting to the soil
limited. But innovative research by pub- which weed and non-target plant species surface. Conceptually, the granules would
lic institutions and industry partnerships were susceptible to the fungus. Weeds either be applied together with grass seed
for new product development will bring such as Canada thistle, dandelion, scent- to establish a weed-free lawn (Figure 2) | SUMMER 2009 11

or be broadcast over turfgrass and soil to
prevent new weed emergence and kill pre-
viously established weeds. Field tests were
conducted at several sites and over sev-
eral years to determine efficacy and ap-
plication parameters such as the lowest
effective dose (Table 1), number of appli-
cations needed, timing of the application
during the growing season, and weather
conditions affecting efficacy.
It was also important to monitor the
behaviour of the fungus in the environ-
ment to provide information on persist-
ence, dispersion and survival for the
assessment of environmental risk. Using


The bioherbicide has limited soil
mobility. Research showed that its
presence declined with time such that
it was not detectable after one year.

genetic markers specific to the fungus, it

was shown that Phoma macrostoma had
limited mobility in the soil and its pres-
ence declined with time such that it was
not detectable after one year. There were
no persistent effects on susceptible crops
such as peas the year following the first
As the research continues, it becomes
more apparent why R&D partnerships are
FIGURE 2B:TREATED necessary for achieving success in biologi-
cal control. There are five major catego-
ries for which sufficient information must
TABLE 1. DANDELION CONTROL (%) AT 28, 56 AND 84 DAYS AFTER be acquired in order to determine if an
organism has potential to be an effective
APPLICATION (DAA) OF PHOMA MACROSTOMA, GUELPH, ON and safe bioherbicide. These categories are
concerned with the characterization and
Rate % Dandelion % Dandelion % Dandelion biology of the organism, the interaction
Control at 28 DAA Control at 56 DAA Control at 84 DAA of the organism in the environment and
associated environmental risks, the com-
mercialization aspects of production and
1x 83 ab 92 a 92 a
formulation, the toxicological safety to-
wards human and animals, and the regu-
1/2 x 76 abc 72 ab 76 abc
lations that govern the research process
1/4 x 51 cde 52 bc 52 bcd and final product registration.
The partnership between Agriculture &
1/8 x 48 de 26 cd 41 d Agri-Food Canada and The Scotts Com-
pany has addressed the biological, environ-
0x 0f 0d 0e mental and toxicological aspects with
Phoma macrostoma for use in turfgrass,
and are currently working on the final de-
There are no significant differences among treatments followed by the same letter within a column. velopment and commercialization stages to
(P=0.05, Duncan’s multiple range test) bring this innovation to the marketplace. ♦

12 SUMMER 2009 | Sports Turf Manager