Biological Control of Cyperus Species

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J. Pablo Morales-Payan,1,2 Raghavan Charudattan,1 and William M. Stall2 review the opportunities for the
control of nutsedges using mycoherbicides
1 Department of Plant Pathology and 2 Horticultural Sciences Department University of Florida, PO Box 110690, Gainesville, FL, USA.

biocontrol, bioherbicide, biological control, Cyperaceae, integrated
weed management, mycoherbicide, nutsedge, organic agriculture,

Purple and yellow nutsedges (Cyperus rotundus and C.

esculentus) are widely distributed weeds in many tropical
and subtropical regions of the world. Nutsedge management
is difficult partly because of their ability to produce
numerous tubers that sprout readily and produce more tuber
a few weeks after sprouting, thus perpetuating the weed.
These weeds are generally considered among the worst Nutsedge in tomatoes
weeds (Doll, 2000; Holm et al., 1991), particularly in
vegetable crops, for which the availability of selective
chemical herbicides is very limited or completely lacking. tively (Morales-Payan et al., 1997; Morales-Payan & Stall
Purple nutsedge is more commonly found in irrigated, warm 2001, 2003, and 2004). William and Warren (1975)
regions, whereas yellow nutsedge is predominant in wet reported that purple nutsedge reduced cabbage (Brassica
and/or cool environments. However, both species may oleracea var. capitata) and onion (Allium cepa) yield by 35
coexist in subtropical regions such as northern Mexico and and 89%, respectively. Yellow nutsedge interference may
the southern USA. also reduce crop yields drastically. Yellow nutsedge interfer-
ence reduced the yield of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis)
(Agamalian, 1996) by 16%, eggplant by 20% (Morales-
Payan & Stall, 2004), onion by 45% (Keeling et al., 1990),
tomato by 65% (Morales-Payan et al., 2003c), and bell
pepper by 89% (Motis et al., 2001). In direct-seeded and
transplanted watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), season-long
interference from yellow nutsedge resulted in almost
complete yield loss (Buker et al., 2003).
In developing countries and in organic systems, nutsedges
are commonly managed by labor-intensive means such as
mulching, hoeing and cultivation, which may be expensive and
time consuming, may be insufficient to suppress nutsedge
and/or may need to be repeated during the season. In most
instances, shoot removal by mechanical and/or chemical
means may retard nutsedge growth and tuber production, but
repeated treatments are usually needed to suppress the weed to
Nutsedge a sufficient extent or to reduce its competitive ability with
crops (De la Cruz & Merayo, 1990; Keeling, 1990).
Efficacious chemical herbicides for nutsedge control may be
The effects of purple nutsedge interference with vegetable available for few crops (such as halosulfuron [3-chloro-5-
crops can be devastating. When competing season-long with (4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-ylcarbamoylsulfamoyl)-1-
eggplant (Solanum melongena), bell pepper (Capsicum methylpyrazole-4-carboxylic acid] for tomato), and/or
annuum) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), purple systems based on polyethylene mulching and methyl
nutsedge reduced crop yield by 28, 65, and 70%, respec- bromide soil fumigation have been used as (so far) the only

148 O u t l o o k s o n Pe s t M a n age m e n t – A u g u s t 2 0 0 5 DOI: 10.1564/16aug02

© 2005. Research Information Ltd. All rights reserved
practical and successful means for sufficient nutsedge herbicides. The list of fungi genera associated with purple
suppression (Chellemi, 2001). Environmental concerns and/or yellow nutsedge includes Alternaria, Ascochyta,
prompted the phase out of methyl bromide as an agricultural Balansia, Cercospora, Chaetophoma, Cintractia, Claviceps,
soil fumigant in developed countries as of January 1, 2005. Cochliobulus, Corynespora, Curvularia, Dactylaria,
Thus, the importance of nutsedges as problematic weeds is Dreshclera, Duosporium, Entyloma, Fusarium,
likely to increase regardless of production system (conven- Macrophomina, Marasmius, Phaeotrichoconis, Pythium,
tional or organic) in most horticultural crops infested with Phyllosticta, Phytophthora, Puccinia, Rhizopus, Sclerotinia,
those weeds. Efficacious bioherbicides for nutsedges may be a Septoria, Tanatephorus, and Uredo. For some of these fungi,
valuable addition to current management strategies in conven- there is documented research on their evaluation as potential
tional production systems lacking chemical means for bioherbicides. For other fungi, only their occurrence as
nutsedge suppression, as well as in organic production nutsedge pathogens has been reported (Mello et al., 2003a;
systems in which chemical herbicides are not permitted. Betria, 1973; Clay, 1986; Barreto & Evans, 1995, Evans,
1987; Kadir et al., 2000a; Prakash et al., 1996; Pomella &
Barreto, 1999; Upadhyay et. al., 1991; Welles, 1922). The
Biological enemies of nutsedge in nature following summarizes the documented highlights,
Many organisms have been documented as causing disease advantages, and disadvantages of fungi in several genera to
or feeding on nutsedges in nature. Phatak et al. (1987) be developed as bioherbicides.
published a partial list of previously reported natural
enemies of purple and yellow nutsedges, which contained Balansia
132 species of insects, 26 species of fungi, 10 species of Inflorescence malformation and smut caused by Balansia
nematodes, 2 species of bacteria and one virus. Their list cyperi have been reported in purple nutsedge and green
also included farm animals such as geese (genera Anser, flatsedge (C. virens) in the USA (Clay, 1986), in purple
Branta, and Chen), ducks (Anas spp.), and pigs (Suis spp.). nutsedge in the Dominican Republic (Morales-Payan et al.,
A number of organisms have been proposed as potential 1998), and in purple nutsedge and royal flatsedge (Cyperus
agents for nutsedge control, such as Aleurocybotus sp., elegans) in Mexico (Carrión & Chacón, 1993). Stovall and
Antonina australis, Athesapeuta cyperi, Bactra minima Clay (1988) found that purple nutsedge plants inoculated
minima, B. verutana, B. truculenta, B. venosana, Chorizo- with B. cyperi produced fewer flowers and shoot biomass
coccus rostellum, Dercadothrips caespitis, Phenacoccus than non-inoculated plants. However, inoculated plants also
solani, Rhizoecusi cacticans, Schoenabius sp., Sphenophorus produced more tubers (although smaller) than disease-free
phoeniciensis (Mercado, 1979), and Puccinia canaliculata plants. Moreover, nutsedge plants infected by B. cyperi were
(Phatak et al., 1987). Unfortunately, in most cases the results less susceptible to Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani
of their evaluations were insufficient (partially due to a lack of and R. oryzae, and such fungal antagonism would be coun-
sustained research efforts), or nutsedges were never suffi- terproductive for weed suppression. Furthermore, fall
ciently controlled to justify their commercial utilization. For armyworms (Spodoptera frugiperda), which feed on
example, there has been extensive research on the use of the nutsedge, seemed to favor nutsedge plants not infected with
moth Bactra verutana, which feeds on the shoots of nutsedge. B. cyperi, as compared to nutsedge plants infected by this
In numerous greenhouse and field experiments under different fungus. Since infected nutsedge plants actually increase their
environmental conditions, Bactra larvae were able to partially reproductive potential (more tubers) and repel other natural
destroy nutsedge shoots by feeding on them, but new shoots enemies, there would seem to be little benefit from using B.
sprouted from the tubers shortly afterwards, and the nutsedge cyperi for purple nutsedge management.
was able to produce new tubers (Frick, 1982; Frick &
Chandler, 1978; Frick & Wilson, 1981; Frick et al., 1978; Curvularia
Frick et al., 1983; Porter, 1995). Similarly, in controlled De Luna et al. (1998, 2002a) reported the occurrence of
conditions, Bactra minima and B. venosana did not signifi- Curvularia tuberculata and C. oryzae on rice sedge
cantly reduced nutsedge density (Phatak et al., 1987). In Italy, (Cyperus difformis), rice flatsedge (C. iria), and globe
B. furfurana, B. lancealana, B. robustana, B, venosana, and fringerush (Fimbristylis miliacea) in the Philippines. When
B. bactrana were successful in partially defoliating purple provided with long dew period (24 hours) and high
nutsedge, but tubers were undamaged and nutsedge recovered temperature (28 C) conditions, inoculation on those three
(Trematerra & Ciampolini, 1989). Other insects feeding on weedy Cyperaceae resulted in rapid leaf blighting, followed
nutsedge were also pests of important crops or were crop by seedling death within two weeks of inoculation. The two
disease vectors (Charudattan & DeLoach, 1988) and/or were fungal species were also pathogenic to purple nutsedge, but
cannibalistic and inflicted too little damage on nutsedges did not cause plant death. Some rice cultivars were found to
(Story & Robinson, 1979), which disqualified them as useful be susceptible to some C. tuberculata isolates, but other rice
weed biocontrol agents. cultivars were tolerant to all the isolates tested (De Luna et
al., 2002b).
Shelby and Bewick (1991) conducted field experiments
Fungi associated with nutsedges and their spraying spores of Curvularia lunata for purple nutsedge
potential for biocontrol suppression in tomato. The pathogen produced typical
Amongst nutsedge pathogens, fungi are the most abundant disease symptoms on nutsedge, but the extent of control was
(over 70 species) and the most studied as potential biological not satisfactory. Moreover, C. lunata is known to cause a

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stem disease in cassava (Manihot esculenta) (Msikita et al., make them more likely to respond to similar extents to
1997), rice (Chu & Chen, 1973), and bentgrass (Agrostis applications of P. canaliculata. Unfortunately, most purple
sp.) (Muchovej & Couch, 1987), which may be cause of nutsedge biotypes exhibit a low level of susceptibility as
concern when the fungus is intended for use in those crops. compared to yellow nutsedge.
Whether the C. lunata isolate of Shelby and Bewick will Scheepens and Hoogerbrugge (1991) tested a P. canalicu-
infect these crops has not been determined (the isolate could lata strain from the USA on various Cyperaceae in the
have high specificity). Netherlands. Cyperus fuscus was infected by the fungus and
Based on the limited information available, potential developed small pustules. C. esculentus leptostachyus from
issues of host specificity and low efficacy may limit practical several locations in the Netherlands were found to be differ-
applications for C. lunata. Because the humid environment entially susceptible to the fungus, from resistant to high
in which rice is commonly grown is bound to favor disease susceptibility (as interpreted from pustule number and size).
progress, one of the main restraints for bioherbicide efficacy A C. esculentus selection grown as a crop and weedy C.
(dew period, relative humidity) should not limit Curvularia esculentus biotypes were resistant to the fungus. Other
tuberculata as a biocontrol agent in rice. The susceptibility Cyperaceae tested (Cyperus albostriatus, C. alternifolius, C.
of some rice cultivars may be an important issue, particu- flavescens, C. rotundus, Carex hirta, Eleocharis palustris,
larly if the fungus is applied in areas where several rice and Scirpus maritimus) were also resistant to P. canaliculata.
cultivars are grown in adjacent farms or fields. When P. canaliculata spores were sprayed on yellow
nutsedge in Georgia (USA), tuber productivity was signifi-
Ascochyta cantly reduced, 90% of the shoots were killed within five
In India, Upadhyay et al. (1991) reported a purple nutsedge weeks of application, and the production of new shoots was
leaf blight caused by Ascochyta cypericola. This fungus is reduced by 66% as compared to control plants. When P.
pathogenic only to plant species within the genus Cyperus, canaliculata spores were applied with the chemical herbicide
and disease severity in purple nutsedge was reported to be paraquat [1,1’-dimethyl-4-4’-bypyridinium ion], yellow
extensive. In addition, Stierle et al. (1991) reported that A. nutsedge shoot production was 99% lower than in control
cypericola produced cyperine, a phytotoxin that may have plants; in contrast, in plants sprayed with paraquat only,
potential as a natural herbicide (Dayan & Allen, 2000). A shoot production was reduced by 10% as compared to
related species, Ascochyta cyperiphthora sp. nov., was found control plants (Phatak, 1984; Phatak et al., 1983, 1984, and
to cause leaf scorching in purple nutsedge in Brazil (Pomella 1987). Bruckart et al. (1988) combined P. canaliculata with
& Barreto, 1997), but its efficacy for biocontrol has not bentazon [3-isopropyl-1H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazin-4(3H)-one
been documented. 2,2-dioxide] (0.3 or 0.6 kg a.i./ha), resulting in reduced
Information on Ascochyta spp. and/or its phytotoxin(s) disease (50%) as compared to P. canaliculata without
for Cyperaceae biocontrol is scarce, but what has been bentazon. P. canaliculata reduced the number of tubers
reported may warrant further research. If efficacious, (44%), but not the number of shoots produced per yellow
selective, and economical, phytotoxins may prove more nutsedge plant. In yellow nutsedge infested-soybean
practical than the fungi themselves, since the dew period, (Glycine max), P. canaliculata combined with the chemical
relative humidity, and temperature requirements of the fungi herbicides betanzon, acifluorfen [5-(2-chloro-a,a,a-trifluoro-
would be bypassed. p-tolyloxy)-2-nitrobenzoic acid], or imazaquin [(RS)-2-(4-
Puccinia carboxylic acid], resulted in better yellow nutsedge control
Several species in the genus Puccinia have been reported than the rust or the chemical herbicides alone (Callaway et
attacking nutsedges, (predominantly yellow nutsedge) in the al., 1986). Beste et al. (1992) applied P. canaliculata mixed
USA (Phatak, 1984), Brazil (Barreto & Evans, 1995), with the chemical herbicide pebulate [S-propyl
Panama (De la Cruz & Merayo, 1990; Esquivel, 1991), butyl(ethyl)thiocarbamate] for yellow nutsedge suppression
India (Bedi & Sokhi, 1994), and Dominican Republic in tomato, and found the same extent of control with the
(Morales-Payan et al., 1998). The species P. canaliculata and mixture as with pebulate alone.
P. romagnoliana seem to be most widespread. Researchers Major efforts have been made to develop P. canaliculata
such as Barreto and Evans (1995) have questioned the into a commercial bioherbicide (Phatak, 1992) and the Envi-
taxonomic validity of several Puccinia species reported in ronmental Protection Agency of the USA has granted P.
the literature. Barreto and Evans (1995) studied a complex canaliculata a bioherbicide registration with the name of
of six Puccinia rust fungi infecting purple nutsedge in Brazil. ‘Dr. BioSedge’. However, difficulties in large-scale
From their taxonomic research, those authors concluded production of P. canaliculata spores (an obligate parasite),
that Puccinia conclusa, P. cypericola and P. philippensis its low efficacy against certain yellow nutsedge biotypes, and
should be considered synonyms of P. canaliculata. its low or no pathogenicity against purple nutsedge, have
Okoli et al. (1997), using random amplified polymorphic prevented wide acceptance of this fungus as a commercial
DNA analysis, found that previously observed differential bioherbicide.
susceptibility of yellow nutsedge biotypes to P. canaliculata In India, Puccinia romagnoliana was found causing a rust
were due to extensive genetic variability between yellow disease on purple nutsedge. In field trials in which this
nutsedge populations from different locations in the USA potential bioherbicide was applied on purple nutsedge, the
and other countries. In contrast, there was less genetic rust reduced plant fresh and dry weights by 64% and 56%,
variability between purple nutsedge biotypes, which would respectively, and tuber number and weight were reduced by

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