John Bardeen and Transistor Physics

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The document discusses the early history of transistor development at Bell Labs in the 1940s and contributions of Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley.

The goal of the BTL team was to replace vacuum tube amplifiers and electromechanical relays with solid-state amplifiers and switches in the Bell System.

John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invented the point-contact semiconductor amplifier on December 15, 1947.

John Bardeen and transistor physics

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 550, 3 (2001);

Published Online: 28 March 2001

Howard R. Huff


John Bardeen and the Point-Contact Transistor

Physics Today 45, 36 (1992);

From The Lab to The Fab: Transistors to Integrated Circuits

AIP Conference Proceedings 683, 3 (2003);

Surface States and Barrier Height of Metal-Semiconductor Systems

Journal of Applied Physics 36, 3212 (1965);

AIP Conference Proceedings 550, 3 (2001); 550, 3

© 2001 American Institute of Physics.

Howard R. Huff
International SEMATECH, Inc.
Austin, TX 78741
Abstract. John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invented the point-contact semiconductor amplifier (transistor action) in
polycrystalline germanium (also observed in polycrystalline silicon) on Dec. 15, 1947, for which they received a patent
on Oct. 3, 1950. Bill Shockley was not a co-patent holder on Bardeen and Brattain’s point-contact semiconductor
amplifier patent since Julius Lilienfeld had already received a patent in 1930 for what would have been Shockley’s
contribution; namely, the field-effect methodology. Shockley received patents for both his minority-camer injection
concept and junction transistor theory, however, and deservedly shared the Nobel prize with Bardeen and Brattain for his
seminal contributions of injection, p-n junction theory and junction transistor theory. We will review the events leading
up to the invention of Bardeen and Brattain’s point-contact semiconductor amplifier during the magic month of
November 17 - December 16, 1947 and the invention of Shockley’s junction semiconductor amplifier during his magic
month of December 24, 1947 - January 23, 1948. It was during the course of Bardeen and Brattain’s research in
November, 1947 that Bardeen also patented the essence of the MOS transistor, wherein the induced minority camers
were confined to the inversion layer enroute to the collector. C.T. Sah has described this device as a sourceless MOS
transistor. Indeed, John Bardeen, co-inventor of the point-contact semiconductor amplifier and inventor of the MOS
transistor, may rightly be called thefather of modem electronics.

INTRODUCTION The discussion on the point-contact

semiconductor amplifier is then completed with a
Mervin Kelly, Bell Telephone Laboratory’s discussion on contemporaneous events, in particular
(BTL) research director, established an the research conducted by Karl Lark-Horovitz and
interdisciplinary team in 1945 with the goal of Ralph Bray of Purdue, followed by the naming of the
replacing the vacuum tube amplifier and the electro- transistor and the patent priorities. Shockley’s magic
mechanical relay type devices, utilized in the Bell month of December 24, 1947 - January 23, 1948 is
System, by a solid-state amplifier and switch, then discussed, culminating in Shockley’s seminal
respectively. Contrary to popular opinion, the BTL contributions of injection, pn junction theory and
team was mission oriented, albeit with a scientific junction transistor theory. Finally, the evolving
scaffolding. The resulting point-contact direction of transistor research is briefly discussed
semiconductor amplifier (transistor action) was followed by a summary.
invented by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain on
Dec. 15, 1947, which ushered in the solid-state MAJORITY AND MINORITY
electronics age. The scientific background, personnel
involved and the intertwining of these historic events
in the mid -1940’s are described. At OK, silicon and germanium are perfect
The scope of the article is to initially present a insulators inasmuch as the isotopes of each element
brief resume of majority and minority carriers exhibit only zero-point (weakly coupled) atomic
followed by the introduction of the field-effect vibrations. At any non-zero temperature, however,
experiment, Bill Shockley’s original approach to thermodynamic requirements introduce a degree of
develop a solid-state amplifier. Bardeen and disorder (entropy) into the crystal structure so as to
Brattain’s magic month of November 17 - December minimize the Gibbs free energy at thermal
16, 1947 is then presented during which they equilibrium (1). Atoms transfer off the substitutional
invented their point-contact semiconductor amplifier sites onto interstitial sites - also referred to as self-
and identified transistor action. This is followed by interstitials - creating several classes of point
an examination as to whether the minority carriers defects. The absence of atoms on substitutional sites
are transported along the surface or exhibit some are referred to as vacancies; near-surface atoms
non-trivial component through the bulk. transferring to the surface also create vacancies.
Various paired interactions between vacancies and
* An initial version was published in ULSI self-interstitials also occur; one such complex is
Process Integration (edited by C.L. Claeys, H. Iwai, called the Frenkel defect (2). Distributed within the
G. Bronner and R. Fair, eds.), PV 99-18, 19-55 vibrating system of atoms and vacancy-interstitial
(1999), The Electrochemical Society, Inc. point defects at finite temperatures are free carriers
CP550, Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology: 2000 International Conference,
edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, W. M. Bullis, P. J. Smith, and E. M. Secula
02001 American Institute of Physics 1-56396-967-X/01/$18.00
generated by collisions between the atoms and boron atoms per cm3 (10 ohm-cm) and an intrinsic
phonons (quantized crystal vibrations). Electrons concentration of 1.07 x 10’’ per cm3 ( 5 ) , has hole and
excited out of the valence band with energies greater electron concentrations:
than the energy gap populate the multiple
conduction-band minima at non-zero values of the p = Ni = 1.3 x 1015cm-3 (4)
wave vector k (Le., different directions in the crystal
are generally expressed as the reciprocals of these n = ni2/p = 8.81 x lo4 cm-3 (5)
directions and the ensemble is referred to as
reciprocal (k) space) and are referred to as “intrinsic” In this case, the holes are referred to as majority
(ni) electrons. Concurrently, an equal number of carriers and the electrons are referred to as minority
(light and heavy mass) holes (the absence of carriers. Under thermal equilibrium conditions, the
electrons) are left resident at the valence-band electron (minority carrier) contribution to the
maximum at the wave vector k = 0 along with holes extrinsic conductivity is negligible in comparison to
resident at the split-off valence band, also at the hole (majority carrier) contribution. Analogously,
k = 0 (2). The total sum of these holes is referred to in a host n-type semiconductor, electrons and holes
as “intrinsic” (pi) holes, although the split-off holes are referred to as majority carriers and minority
are often ignored. The intrinsic electron-hole carriers, respectively.
excitation phenomenon is described by the mass- The energy bands near the surface of
action relationship ( 2 ) : semiconductors such as silicon and germanium have
been observed to bend as the result of boundary
n.IP,. -
- n.2I (1) layers such as metals or, in the case of a free surface,
the depletion of free carriers due to their capture in
The offset in k space of the valence-band maximum surface states (see section 3) (3,6). The energy band
and conduction-band minima accounts for the bending near the surface is due to the fixed, ionized
designation of the group-IVa semiconductors (except (negatively-charged) acceptors (p-type) or
gray tin) as indirect energy-gap semiconductors. (positively-charged) donors (n-type) as described by
Group-Va donor impurities such as phosphorous, Poisson’s equation ( 2 ) . If the energy bandbending
arsenic or antimony result in free electrons ( n ) in the proceeds sufficiently beyond depletion (there are
conduction band (n-type semiconductor) while the essentially no free carriers in the depletion layer), an
group-IIIa acceptor impurities such as boron result in inversion layer is formed extremely near the surface
free holes @) in the valence band (p-type (see Figure 1) (7). The depletion layer is typically
semiconductor). These dopants occupy substitutional about one pm and the inversion layer is several tens
sites in the group-IVa semiconductors and donate of nm (6). The spatial region of the energy
one more or one less electron than the host group- bandbending is referred to as the Surface Space
IVa semiconductor for n- and p-type semiconductors, Charge Region (SSCR). The free carriers formed
respectively (2-4). The donor (acceptor) impurity within the inversion layer (opposite in charge type
becomes positively (negatively) charged when the from the bulk free carriers) are designated as
free electron (hole) resides in the conduction minority carriers relative to the (bulk) majority
(valence) band. Charge neutrality requires: carriers generated from the spatially fixed dopant
impurity uniformly distributed throughout the sample
n + NA-= p + ND+ (2) volume, including the spatial region of the surface
inversion layer. The minority carriers in the inversion
One may utilize the charge neutrality condition from layer, however, are the dominant source of free
eq. ( 2 ) with the generalized mass-action relationship carriers and control the surface conductivity. The
(applicable in the case of non-degenerate statistics at inversion layer can be induced by electrical methods,
thermal equilibrium) in eq. 3 (2,3) to relate the such as a capacitively applied electric field, chemical
electron and hole concentrations: species adsorbed on the surface or intrinsic surface
states (see section on The Field Effect).
n p = n i2 (3)
where n is the total number of free electrons per cm3,
p is the total number of free holes per cm3 and ni is
the intrinsic thermal equilibrium concentration of
The development of a solid-state semiconductor
electrons (equal to holes). For example, an amplifier was initiated by Bill Shockley utilizing the
(essentially) uncompensated p-type silicon wafer at concept of the field effect to modulate the surface
300K with an acceptor concentration NAof 1.3 x 1015

conductance (8). A parallel plate capacitor comprised polarity (consider an n-type semiconductor for
of a semiconductor and a metal, separated by a concreteness and, therefore, a positive polarity on the
dielectric medium, are placed in the circuit metal electrode), the majority-carrier concentration
schematically illustrated in Figure 2a. An electric in the n-type semiconductor can be increased by
field is capacitively applied normal to the electrostatic induction (see Figure 2b) (9).
semiconductor surface. By the proper choice of bias



FIGURE 1. Barrier layer at the metal-semiconductor contact at equilibrium. The curves Ec, EF and Ev in this energy diagram
are the conduction band edge, the Fermi level and the valence band edge, respectively. Minus signs represent electrons in the
conduction band; plus signs in circles, fixed positive charges; circles, holes. Horizontal lines at the metal-semiconductor interface
represent surface states [after (7) with permission of the American Institute of Physics].



FIGURE 2a. Circuit schematic for the modulation of conductance by the "field effect" (8) [after W. Shockley, Electrons and
Holes in Semiconductors, New York, D. Van Nostrand, 19501.


+ + t +



FIGURE 2b. The theory of a field-effect transistor using a thin layer of semiconductor (with no surface states): (a) The
structure of the transistor with no control voltage applied. (b) The situation prevailing when a positive charge is placed on a
control plate to increase the conductance of the semiconductor (by electrostatically inducing electrons in the semiconductor) (c)
The situation when a negative charge is put on the capacitor plate to reduce the conductance of the semiconductor [after (9), 0
1984 IEEE].

This is especially important inasmuch as Shockley's (12,13). The change in conductance (= lo%),
field-effect device was anticipated to be a majority- however, was much less than expected on the basis of
carrier device whereas the point-contact classical electrostatics, assuming the induced carriers
semiconductor amplifier (transistor action) invented possessed a mobility (velocity per unit electric field)
by Bardeen and Brattain was a (the first) minority- equal to that of the bulk majority carriers (14).
carrier device (10,ll). Bardeen and Brattain were the Nevertheless, this proof of principle was important in
first to increase the minority-carrier concentration in establishing that the effect, believed to be the most
a semiconductor by a current, whereas previous direct approach to achieving a solid-state amplifier,
methods involved optical or thermal processes

was not in violation of the laws of semiconductors neutralized by the concurrent introduction of an equal
and statistical mechanics (8). number of majority carriers. Nevertheless, the change
The observed discrepancy was interpreted by in minority-carrier concentration can be enormous
Bardeen (15) as a consequence of surface trapping while the (equal) change in majority-carrier
levels which immobilized a significant fraction of the concentration is trivial compared to the already
induced charge carriers. That is, the electric field existing majority-carrier concentration, as seen
lines of force, for positive-bias polarity, were mainly utilizing the generalized mass-action relationship in
terminated on the electrons trapped in surface states eq. 3.
rather than terminating on free-electrons Bardeen and Brattain successfully negated the
electrostatically induced in the semiconductor influence of the surface states on Nov. 21, 1947
conduction band (8,9). The surface states apparently following a suggestion on Nov. 171h by Robert
blocked the external electric field, shielding the Gibney. Gibney noted that Brattain’s electrolytic
semiconductor interior from being probed. Although photovoltaic experiments might be enhanced by
the anticipated modulation of the sample conductivity appropriately biasing the electrolyte (i.e., by varying
was not achieved, the existence of surface states on the d.c. potential on the vibrating electrode) to
the free surface of a semiconductor was thus enhance neutralization of the surface states via the
demonstrated (14). electrolyte’s ions (23-25). Thus began the magic
Bardeen’s surface state theory (15j clarified the month between Nov. 17Ih and Dec. 16Ih, which
lack of a significant modulation of the surface witnessed the development and birth of the point-
conductance in the field effect experiment (8,14), a contact semiconductor amplifier (transistor action)
host of additional experimental conundrums dating to (10,ll). The change in the polarity of the voltage
the late 1920’s (16) and substantiated theoretical increased (+) or decreased (-) the change in the
expectations which indicated that surface states were contact potential (difference in surface potential
indeed expected, based on quantum-mechanical between two materials, taking into account the
considerations (17- 19). Bardeen’s surface states presence of surface dipole moments) induced by the
additionally set the stage for further scientific photovoltaic effect. That is, positive ions (or in the
research (9,20,21j which led to the invention of the case of a H20 electrolyte, the positive dipole of the
point-contact semiconductor amplifier (transistor H 2 0 molecule) migrated (or aligned) to the p-type
action) (10,11), junction transistor (22) and, as silicon surface in the case of a positively applied bias
discussed in the section on patents, the essence of the where they neutralized the (negatively charged)
metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor surface states and, therefore, enhanced the internal
(MOSFET). Shockley has described Bardeen’s electric field at the semiconductor surface due to the
surface-state hypothesis “as one of the most repulsion of holes near the semiconductor surface.
significant research ideas of the semiconductor The electric field lines of force from the positive ions
program” (9). that are not terminated on the negatively charged
surface states are terminated on the negatively
POINT-CONTACT SEMICONDUCTOR charged acceptor ions in the SSCR, leading to an
increased energy bandbending. Upon illumination of
AMPLIFIER the semiconductor, the photogenerated free electrons
and holes are swept by the internal (surface) electric
Surface-States Control field to the surface and bulk, respectively, thereby
increasing the contact potential. Analogously, a
It was during the course of their research, to negative bias on the electrode in the electrolyte aligns
obviate the influence of the surface states in the the negative ions (or the negative dipole of the H20
development of a solid-state amplifier, that Bardeen molecule) to the surface, reducing the internal
and Brattain invented the point-contact electric field at the semiconductor surface, thereby
semiconductor amplifier (transistor action) and decreasing the contact potential (9). This research
demonstrated the concept of minority-carrier culminated in the concept of an amplifier, described
transport (10,ll). As noted earlier, the point-contact by Brattain and Gibney in their “034” patent (26) on
semiconductor amplifier was the first device to Nov. 24‘h (see entry No. 1 in Table one) (20),
operate based on minority carriers introduced by a utilizing the electrolyte to obtain a high electric field
current. The introduction of minority carriers by a at the surface via the field effect.
current is possible because its space charge can be
a. Originally filed 26 Feb '48; abandoned and refiled to include current gain at collector.
b. Patent numbers: 2,524,034; 2,524,033; 2,560,792; 2,524,035; 2,569,347.

Table 1 . Five Transistor Device Patents Filed Before Public Announcement on June 30, 1948 (after 20)

Concurrently, (Nov. 23"d), Bardeen their passage to the base electrode on the other side
comprehended that it was not efficient to modulate of the p-type silicon, by varying the potential of the
the conductivity of a slab of semiconductor via the control electrode in the electrolyte relative to the base
field effect. Bardeen has noted (9): ".... It occurred electrode. That is, the holes easily transferred from
to the writer [Bardeen] that the effect [semiconductor the n-type inversion layer into the
amplijkation] might be observed in the thin n-type p-type bulk. Significant modulation of the free
layer on the surface of a block ofp-type Si...". carriers (electrons) was achieved by the control
Figure 3, often used by Bardeen in lectures electrode. Alternatively, one may interpret the
describing his early research (27), illustrates his positive potential on the electrode in the electrolyte
circuit configuration for the electrolytic control inducing electrons in the n-type inversion layer, a
(neutralization) of surface states (via an appropriately significant number of which flowed to the positively-
biased drop of electrolyte [distilled water] contacting biased point contact, in conjunction with the
the surface) to manipulate the current flowing into a electrons already present in the inversion layer also
point contact using a chemical vapor deposition being attracted to the point contact. However slightly,
(CVD) p-type polycrystalline silicon sample with an current amplification (and power) was observed with
n-type inversion layer (formed by a chemical pre- this circuit configuration (see 21-November entry in
treatment). As noted above, with the electrode in the Table two). This was the first recorded power gain in
electrolyte made positive, the positive dipoles of the a solid-state amplifier. The validity of the field-effect
electrolyte species aligned itself to the semiconductor principle (8,14) was explicitly demonstrated as was
surface, neutralizing the negatively charged surface the benefit of the neutralization of surface states.
states. This "removal" of the surface states influence When the control electrode in the electrolyte was
permitted holes emitted from an insulated point- negative, a decrease in the amplitude of the
contact electrode making electrical contact with the modulated current was obtained, although a residual
p-type polycrystalline silicon to be modulated, in leakage current was measured (28).


FIGURE 3. Schematic illustration of one of the experimental arrangements employed by Bardeen and Brattain in a room-
temperature test of Bardeen’s proposal that the surface trapping states for electrons (or holes) were responsible for the difficulties
encountered in developing a field-effect transistor. In this example, an insulated, point-contact electrode makes electrical contact
with a specimen of p-type silicon, introducing a current of holes, which spreads into the semiconductor and flows to the base
electrode at the bottom of the specimen. A second, control, electrode which is immersed in an electrolytic fluid making electrical
contact with the silicon is shown. The fluid covers a comparatively large area. Bardeen and Brattain found that the ions in the
fluid interacted with the surface trapping states in such a way as to neutralize them, at least in part. The current from the point
contact electrode to the base could be modulated by varying the potential of the electrolytic fluid relative to that on the base. This
diagram, incidentally, also displays the type of inversion (or depletion) layer at the upper surface of the semiconductor which the
investigators used in the experiment with polycrystalline silicon. This figure was used by Bardeen in lectures describing his early
work. [Courtesy of the Bardeen Archives of the University of Illinois and N. Holonyak, after (27)].

Bardeen developed the concept of utilizing the During the week of Nov. 24”, a number of
inversion layer (which exhibited a better carrier experimental modifications were made to Bardeen’s
mobility than a deposited thin film) to confine the circuit structure. These included replacing Si by Ge
minority-carrier transport, in series with a reverse- (see section 4b), the tungsten probes by gold and
biased n-p junction. Bardeen patented this fabricating the insulation on the probe structure with
phenomenon (“033” patent) (29) as the gated surface Duco lacquer instead of paraffin glue. It was also
inversion layer (see entry No. 2 in Table one) and recognized that the electrolytic drop covered a larger
described its importance during his Nobel lecture area than necessary, therefore requiring larger control
(30) and elsewhere (31). Bardeen’s “033” patent (29) currents than a proper design would need. During this
was the progenitor of the MOSFET and has been time, Brattain and Gerald Pearson also applied an
described by Sah as a sourceless MOS transistor (32). appropriately biased drop of a glycol borate
Further details are presented in the section on patents. electrolyte-commonly known as “gu”-(suggested
Concurrently, Gibney was developing his “792” on Dec. 4‘h by Bert Moore to Bardeen and Brattain
patent (33) on the methodology for preparing an for their continuing experiments, since water tended
inversion layer on a semiconductor by a chemical to evaporate quickly) (34) across a p-n junction
pre-treatment procedure (33) (see entry No. 3 in following Shockley’s suggestion (9). Indeed, the
Table one). current flowing through the p-n junction could be
manipulated by this arrangement (23,35).






15-Dec “Ge02” FGE
: CHEMICAL YES NO NO 1 0 - io4




Table 2. Bardeen / Brattain’s Magic Month: November 17 - December 16, 1947

The two critical concepts of the inversion layer Brattain noted the “two points close together
and the field-effect principle could now be exploited. [facilitated] the potential on one point to modulate
There still remained, however, two obstacles: (a) the current flowing from the other point to the
voltage amplification was not observed and (b) the silicon” (37).
frequency modulation was less than 10 cycles. As
regards the latter issue, Brattain and Gibney had Minority-Carrier Modulation
already anticipated this concern in their “034” patent
(26) noting that “it is of course evident that the liquid Shockley described his junction field effect
dielectric could be replaced by a solid dielectric if transistor and resulting voltage gain, using a
one can be found having the proper ionic mobility to sufficiently reverse-biased p-n junction (with the
form such a dipole layer at the surface of the aforementioned electrolyte over the junction) at lunch
semiconductor” (26). Finally, Brattain summarized with Bardeen and Brattain on Dec. Sth. Bardeen
three device configurations in his notebook on Dec. subsequently suggested to Brattain that they
4‘h(37). The first one was consonant with the “034” accordingly utilize high back-voltage Ge (Le., Ge
and “033” patents for modulating the resistance of a with good rectification - asymmetric current-voltage
thin surface layer with a voltage applied to the characteristic) (3) to obtain a large reverse-biased
electrolyte and the second supported Shockley’s voltage at the p-n junction, perhaps also stimulated
proposal to modulate the p-n junction resistance by a by Pearson’s use of similar material on field-effect
voltage applied to a drop of electrolyte over the experiments. Bardeen and Brattain accordingly
junction (9). The third device configuration described utilized an n-type sample of Ge with good
by Brattain was truly prescient in that it anticipated rectification characteristics (without a chemically
the “035” point-contact semiconductor amplifier induced inversion layer) and the “gu” electrolyte in
patent (36) (see entry No. 4 in Table one) in that it the experimental arrangement as in Figure 3 (with the
had the two points directly contacting the silicon. opposite voltage polarities). They found that when

the electrode in the electrolyte was made negative, as the passivating medium, however, greatly limited
the current at the negatively biased point-contact the frequency modulation that could be achieved due
increased. Bardeen surmised that they were inducing to the ionic mobility in the electrolyte.
an increase in the hole population by the electrostatic Brattain had also observed during the experiments
induction of a p-type inversion layer in the n-type Ge on Dec. loththat the application of a large negative
sample and achieved significant voltage (2x) and voltage on the electrode resulted in a thin film
power (330x) gain by the holes flowing to the growing on the germanium surface, which Gibney
negative polarity point contact (see 8-December entry suggested was probably the electrochemical anodic
in Table two). Bardeen and Brattain then repeated the growth of germanium dioxide. Since the oxide was
experiment on Dec. loth with a different surmised to be insulating, Bardeen and Brattain
n-type germanium sample and, in this case, a decided to put a metal electrode on top of the oxide
chemically prepared p-type inversion layer, as in the (thereby expecting a higher electric field at the
original Si experiments (see 10-December entry in semiconductor surface due to the replacement of the
Table two) (35) and obtained an immense power gain electrolyte by a solid dielectric) and anticipated both
of 6000x and a slight current (10%) as well as a power gain and a higher frequency response.
voltage gain (23). The continued use of an electrolyte

FIGURE 4. Ring (gold) - dot structure with germanium covered (presumably) by a germanium oxide film [after (38)].

Accordingly, the electrolyte was replaced by a thin emitted from the negatively-biased point contact
germanium oxide film on Dec. 12th, fabricated by would flow mainly to the n-type bulk, modulated by
electrolytic anodization on a different high back- the bias on the gold contact, analogous to Figure 3.
voltage sample of n-type germanium (prepared with a The application of a negative voltage to both the
chemically induced p-type inversion layer). Figure 4 metal ring and point-contact probe, however, did not
schematically illustrates a circular gold metal film in result in any observed effect (23). During the test,
the form of an annular ring deposited on the Brattain inadvertently shorted out the probe to the
germanium dioxide, with an insulated point-contact ring at a very high negative voltage. Testing other
electrode in the center of the ring making electrical spots on the germanium surface, however, seemed to
contact directly with the germanium (38). Bardeen indicate that the probe was making direct contact
and Brattain anticipated that a negative polarity on with the germanium surface, as if the germanium
the gold ring would electrostatically induce positive oxide were not present, as indeed had also appeared
charges in the p-type inversion layer of the to be the case during preliminary tests on the sample.
germanium sample, similar to the case of an It was at this point that Brattain realized he had
appropriated biased control electrode in the probably washed off the germanium oxide due to its
electrolyte. It was expected that a portion of the water solubility during a pre-clean (39). Brattain has
induced holes would flow to the negatively biased subsequently summarized his view as to what
point-contact probe (9); equivalently, electrons happened (40):

“We were using gl[y]coborate as the electrolyte and (see entry No. 4 in Table one). Michael Riordan and
izoticed an anodic oxide film growing on the surface Lillian Hoddeson have noted that although Bardeen
of the germanium so we anodized the surface of a and Brattain failed to observe any power
piece of germanium, washed off the glycoborate and amplification with this configuration, Bardeen
evaporated the gold spots on it. As it turned out the suggested a power gain should occur if two narrow
germanium oxide was soluble in water and we had contacts could be spaced only a few mils apart (23).
also washed it 081So these experiments were done
on a freshly anodized surface of germanium, and the Historic Day - December 16,1947
first transistor was made on one of these samples
anodized in this way! ’’ The Dec. 15Ih experiment quickly led to the
Nevertheless, Brattain continued experimenting experimental configuration utilized by Bardeen and
on Dec. 15‘h with various combinations of voltage Brattain on Dec. 16‘h, as shown in Figure 5.
polarities on both the gold electrode and the point- Specifically, Bardeen and Brattain utilized the same
contact electrode, the latter having been moved piece of germanium as used for the gold ring studies
adjacent (just outside) the former electrode. One such (Le., n-type polycrystalline germanium with a
combination had the gold electrode positively biased chemically induced p-type inversion layer) (10,ll).
and the point-contact negatively biased, resulting in a The germanium sample into which the plastic wedge
voltage amplification of holes emitted from the gold pressed two stripes of gold foil is about half a
electrode and collected at the point-contact (see 15- centimeter long (42). The emitter was biased
December entry in Table two); modulation was positively and emitted holes; the collector was biased
achieved by varying the potential of the emitting gold negatively and collected the emitted holes. Both
electrode. Bray has suggested Bardeen and Brattain voltage and current amplification of an input signal,
might have utilized ac signals on both electrodes, up to lo3 Hz with a power gain of about 2 dB, was
with appropriate phases, (over and above the achieved (see 16-December entry in Table two). One
modulation effect at the emitter), thereby can clearly see the evaporated gold electrode in
“explaining” their “selection” of the above choice of Figure 5 (from the Dec. 15Ih experiment) adjacent to
voltages and polarities that gave semiconductor the plastic wedge utilized for the definitive transistor
amplification (transistor action) (41). In any case, the experiment.
observed effect (with the gold electrode positively Brattain has described how he achieved the point-
biased and the point contact negatively biased) was contact separation - two parallel lines spaced about
the opposite to what would have been expected if the 50 pm apart -by cutting an evaporated strip of gold
oxide were present. In that case, a positive voltage foil with a razor blade (43): “I accomplished it by
applied to the gold electrode would have been getting my technical aide to cut me a polystyrene
expected to electrostatically induce electrons in the p- triangle which had a smart, narrow, flat edge and I
type inversion layer with a resultant decrease in the cemented a piece of gold foil on it. After I got the
hole flow to the negatively biased point contact. gold on the triangle, very firmly, and dried, and we
Bardeen and Brattain had discovered “that it is made contact to both ends of the gold, I took a razor
possible to increase the conductivity by current flow and very carefully cut the gold in two at the apex of
from an appropriate contact on the germanium (31).” the triangle. 1 could tell when I had separated the
This was the first observation of semiconductor gold. That’s all I did. I cut carefully with the razor
amplification (i.e., the transistor effect.) Although until the circuit opened and put it on a spring and put
there was no power gain, there was a 2x voltage gain, it down on the same piece of germanium that had
independent of frequency up to lo4 Hz (23). Bardeen been anodized but standing around the room now f o r
and Brattain concluded that the observed voltage gain pretty near a week probably. I found that if1 wiggled
was due to holes emitted from the positively-biased it just right so that I had contact with both ends of the
gold electrode into the germanium’s p-type inversion gold that I could make one contact an emitter and the
layer and collected at the negatively-biased collector. other a collector, and that I had an amplifer with the
A signal applied between the emitter and the base order of magnitude of 100 amplification, clear up to
electrode appeared in amplified form across a high- the audio range.”
resistance load between the collector and the base
(10). This observation resulted in the conception of
the point-contact semiconductor amplifier and
Bardeen and Brattain’s “035” patent disclosure (36)

FIGURE 5. Bardeen and Brattain’s point-contact semiconductor amplifier with the n-type polycrystalline germanium (note the
ring electrode from the experiment performed on Dec. 15Ih)and two line-contacts of gold affixed to the plastic wedge [used with
permission of the Estate of John Bardeen].

Bardeen and Brattain utilized the terminology of greater than unity due to “forming” (i..e, the passage
an emitter and collector contact as well as the of a large current which changes the “height of the
notation of a base contact to explicitly describe the potential barrier opposite to the change imposed
physical structure of their invention, based on during forming by the applied voltage” (8) so as to
Shockley’s utilization of these terms in analogy to a enhance the collection efficiency of the collector
vacuum tube (9,44). The polarity of the emitter was point contact) was noted (lo). Modulation of the flow
positive (forward-bias) which causes a current of of minority carriers (holes) in the semiconductor
minority-carriers (holes) to be emitted into the n-type amplifier with a frequency of 15 MHz was
semiconductor’s inversion layer; this may be accomplished by varying the potential of the emitter
regarded as equivalent to valence-band electrons and collector relative to the base electrode, for this
transferring from the semiconductor into the metal particular biased configuration. Subsequent
point contact. Concurrently, the polarity of the experiments produced power gains of 20 dB with 25
collector was negative (reverse-bias) which further mW output at frequencies up to 10 MHz (43).
bent the energy bands at the collector to facilitate the Bardeen and Brattain had amplified both power and
collection (or attraction) of the holes which had been currentholtage at audio frequencies - a solid-state
introduced by the emitter into the n-type amplifier - about one month after Brattain and
semiconductor’s inversion layer. It should be noted Gibney’s Nov. 17‘h breakthrough. Semiconductor
that the collector polarity essentially blocks the amplification was also subsequently observed in
majority-carrier (electron) collection at the collector adjacent single crystal grains of polycrystalline
contact. The input impedance at the emitter is silicon (10). The device was exhibited to top
reduced to about 25 ohms or so while “the collector, executives of AT&T on Dec. 23rd and shown to
being operated in the reverse direction as a rectifier, exhibit oscillator behavior, a critical test to prove the
has a high impedance (= lo4 - lo5 ohms) and may be existence of power gain, on Dec. 24‘h.
matched to a high impedance load” (10). Power
amplification of the input signal was thereby obtained
inasmuch as the emitter and collector currents were
rather similar in magnitude, although examples
whereby the current amplification factor could be

Minority-CarrierTransport: Surface, thin layer next to the surface of P-type (defect)
Bulk or an Admixture? conductivity [see Figure 1 which schematically
illustrates such a p-type inversion layer on an n-type
It was soon realized that parallel contacts were bulk semiconductor]. As a result, the current in the
not necessary and the experimental configuration of forward direction with respect to the block is
composed in large part of holes, i.e., of carriers of
two point contacts separated by 50 ym is
sign opposite to those normally in excess in the body
schematically illustrated in Figure 6, as utilized by
of the block.

Bardeen and Brattain in describing transistor action
(27). Bardeen and Brattain’s point-contact
The words “in large part,” as well as similar language
semiconductor amplifier is, as noted earlier, the first
in (1 I), are extremely important:
solid-state device utilizing minority carriers
introduced by a current rather than by optical or
“A large part of the current in both the forward and
thermal techniques (12,13). That is, for their n-type
reverse directions flows via [italics in original] the
bulk germanium sample, holes were playing an active
P-type conducting layer at the surface. ’’
role in the device operation. Bardeen and Brattain
have said (10): “We believe, for reasons discussed in
detail in the accompanying letter (11) that there is a

I ’

Emitter Collector

Germanium Block


I Base

FIGURE 6. Schematic representation of the final, demonstrated version of the semiconductor point-contact amplifier with the
emitter and collector separated by about 50 microns. The germanium is n-type and the emitter, which is forward-biased
(positively charged), emits holes, (minority camer for the bulk material). The holes migrate to the reverse-biased (negatively
charged) collector. [Courtesy of the Bardeen archives of the University of Illinois and Nick Holonyak, after ( 2 7 ) ] .

A more insightful view of Bardeen and Brattain’s potential probe measurements on the surface of

understanding of the spatial location of the hole flow the block, made with the collector disconnected,
is tellingly seen in figure 1A of their “035” patent indicate that the major part of the emitter current
(36), included here as Figure 7. The text of their travels on or close to the surface of the block,
patent (36) states ( 4 3 , as also noted by Riordan and substantially laterally in all directions away from the
Hoddeson (35): emitter 5 before crossing the barrier 4.’’

t ‘2 N TYPE %e

FIGURE 7. Figure 1A from the Bardeen and Brattain point-contact semiconductor amplifier patent [after (36)].

The barrier here refers to the boundary between the potential, namely, to the point at which the collector
p-type inversion layer and the depleted n-type electrode 6 makes contact with the layer 3 . . . . ”
material relative to the bulk n-type material. So, while Bardeen and Brattain were cognizant of
Interestingly, Bardeen and Brattain later note in their the transport of holes into the bulk, for the particular
patent (46): “The potential probe measurements geometrical structure they utilized, the electric field
discussed above indicate that the concentration of at the collector was sufficiently strong to ensure
holes, and thus the conductivity, in the vicinity of the significant collection of the holes emitted just
emitter point, increase with increasing forward beneath the emitter via their transport along the
current. This hole current spreads out in all surface p-type inversion layer. The collector’s
directions from the emitter 5 before crossing the high electric field could penetrate sufficiently into the n-
resistance barrier 4. With the collector circuit open, type bulk material, however, to collect those emitted
it then makes its way throughout the body of the holes traversing the inversion layer-bulk n-type
block, to the plated lower surface 2. (In the N-type material interface and transported through the bulk
body of the block, the current may take the form of a material and collected by their traversing the bulk n-
flow of electrons upward to neutralize the downward type-inversion layer interface en route to the
flow of holes from the P-type layer.) In the absence of collector. The reverse-biased collector-base structure
the collector electrode 6, this current is the only is expected to exhibit a significant portion of its
current. Its path is indicated in Fig. l a by stream depletion region within the n-type base material
lines 13. ’’ inasmuch as the germanium resistivity was
10 ohm-cm, which is about 1.3 x 1014 electrons per
“Now when the collector 6 contact is made, and a cm3 (47). In addition, germanium (and silicon) are in-
negative bias potential is applied to it, of from -5 to - direct energy-gap semiconductors which facilitated
50 volts, a strong electrostatic field appears across the component of holes transported as minority
the P-type layer 3, and across the high resistance carriers through the n-type bulk material to survive
barrier 4, being maintained by the fixed positive and reach the collector, in spite of the expected
charges in the N-type body material in the immediate recombination processes in n-type germanium (48).
vicinity of the collector. The barrier and the P-type An assessment as to whether the minority-carrier
layer together are believed to be of the order of holes emitted into the large grained polycrystalline,
cm in thickness. Thus with 10 volts across a space of n-type germanium (or silicon) sample were mainly
the average strength of this field is of the order transported from the emitter to the collector along the
of Id volts per cm, being greatest at the collector p-type inversion layer or exhibited some non-trivial
and extending in all directions from the collector, transport as minority carriers through the n-type bulk
and is indicated in Fig. l a by the broken line 14, sample, may be assessed by a model calculation (49).
within which some of the fixed positive charges are Taking the room-temperature minority-carrier (hole)
indicated by plus signs.” lifetime and diffusion coefficient in the n-type, large-
grained polycrystalline germanium as = 10 ,us and
“Now when the current of positive holes as indicated 49 cm2/s (48,50), respectively, an upper limit of the
by stream lines 15 comes within the influence of this hole diffusion length of about 225 pm is obtained,
field, the holes are attracted to the region of lowest (see eqs. 6 and 7), almost five times the 50 pm spatial

separation between the emitter and collector gold when for some reason the [surface] treatments failed
contact metal tips (10) (probe separations as much as and no transistors worked’ (20).
250 pm were also utilized). It should be noted that Bardeen and Brattain’s
publications (10,ll) were submitted and their “035”
patent (36) was re-filed (the original patent
submission date was February 26, 1948 and did not
include their observation of current gain, see entry
No. 4 in Table one) after John Shive described his
where k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the absolute double-surface transistor (52) experiment at a
temperature and q is the absolute value of the meeting of several BTL scientific personnel on
electronic charge. February 18, 1948 (23,35). Shive explicitly illustrated
Even if the two probes were placed in adjacent the influence of the transistor geometry on the
polycrystalline grains and the hole lifetime and transport path of the minority carriers by illustrating
diffusion coefficient were reduced, as a result of the importance of the bulk transport in comparison to
intergranular scattering, to = 1 ps and 12 cm2/s (48), the surface transport of the minority carriers (52).
respectively, the resulting diffusion length of about Shive placed the emitter and collector on the opposite
35 pm would still be comparable to the probe surfaces (approximately 100 pm separation through
separation of 50 pm. One might, therefore, anticipate the bulk material) of a thin triangular piece of
some fraction of bulk minority-carrier transport, germanium as schematically illustrated in Figure 8
concurrent with transport in the inversion layer. In (3,52). Shive’s results clearly favored the dominance
other words, the holes introduced at the emitter could of the transport of minority carriers through the bulk
flow as minority carriers, relative to the reverse- material, rather than along the surface, for his
biased collector contact, either along the inversion material (which was not prepared with a chemically
layer or through the n-type bulk material as noted induced inversion layer) and experimental
above. In that regard, there has been speculation that configuration. Bardeen has described his excitement
Bardeen and Brattain’s n-type bulk sample did not upon Shive’s explicit experimental proof that
exhibit a p-type surface inversion layer and, in point minority carriers could flow “appreciable distances
of fact, exhibited a component of hole flow through through the bulk of n-type germanium” as well as
the bulk of the n-type germanium to a much greater along the inversion layer from the emitter to the
extent than indicated in their 1948 papers (51). collector (53).
Further complicating this retrospective analysis is
Shockley’s recollection of a “most trying week
somewhere in late Dec. [1947] or early Jan. [1948]

Emitter A Collector


FIGURE 8. Schematic illustration of Shive’s double-surface transistor experiment ( 5 2 ) [after (3)J.

It was during this meeting that Shockley Contemporaneous Events
presented his seminal contributions of minority-
carrier injection over a barrier (named subsequent to Contemporaneous with these events, relevant
the meeting), p-n junction theory and junction research on silicon and germanium was also in
transistor theory (8,22,54), based on research entered progress by Fred Seitz and his associates at the
into his notebook during January, 1948 (23). The University of Pennsylvania, Harper North at the
injection concept refers to the transfer of majority General Electric Company and several other research
carriers across a forward-biased p-n (or n-p) junction institutes (27,48,67,68). Seitz was developing
which facilitated their introduction into the adjacent purification methodologies for Si in the early ‘40s
material where, as minority carriers, they co-existed which facilitated the fabrication of high back-voltage
with the majority carriers and were transported, with rectifiers. The research at Purdue University under
an efficiency less than loo%, to an external circuit the direction of Lark-Horovitz (69-7 1) between 1942-
through the collector. Indeed, Shockley’s “488” 1945, however, must explicitly be noted inasmuch as
injection patent ( 5 5 ) was filed on September 24, 1948 Bray, a member of the Purdue team had, in
(later than the transistor patents) and was awarded on retrospect, also observed minority-carrier injection
April 4, 1950 (earlier than the transistor patents), (24,25,38,72-75), explicitly demonstrated by
attesting to the importance (and recognition) of the Shockley (8,2334-57). Bray suggested that the
concept (56). Shive’s experiment clearly illustrated decreased resistivity in spreading resistance point-
the importance of the geometrical configuration in contact measurements (local resistivity near a point
determining the extent of bulk transport (see Figure contact) on n-type germanium was due to electric-
8) (332) while Shockley’s p-n junction theory and field enhanced effects in high fields; Bray also
junction transistor theory, originally a notebook observed the bulk resistivity was reduced by high-
account not shared with Bardeen or Brattain, voltage pulses. After the Bardeen and Brattain papers
facilitated the mathematical description of their were published (10,11), Bray realized that his studies
previously disclosed semiconductor amplification could be explained “by the production of holes”
(transistor action) (10,11,36) by using a one- (35,71). The high-electric field effect was
dimensional analysis (8,22,54). Indeed, Shockley subsequently shown by Robert Ryder and Shockley
developed an early version of his junction approach to be due to the introduction of holes from the
on New Year’s Eve, 1947, subsequently witnessed by contacting terminals (76).
Morgan on Jan. 6, 1948 and Bardeen on Jan. gth, The Bell Laboratory personnel were quite
although there was no indication of minority-carrier apprehensive as regards the Purdue studies (77), as
injection in these notes (35). The injection concept has been noted by Riordan and Hoddeson (35): “...
was explicitly entered by Shockley in his notebook Brattain found himself in an awkward position when
on Jan. 231d and witnessed by Dick Haynes on Jan. he heard Seymour Benzer, another member of the
27‘h (35). The injection phenomenon was Purdue group, mention the spreading resistance in
experimentally identified by Haynes and Shockley in late January 1948 at the New York American
July, 1948 by measuring the hole mobility in n-type Physical Society meeting. He [Brattain] understood
polycrystalline germanium (57). by then why the resistivity was decreasing near the
During the next several years, clarification of a point -that it was the result of hole emission at the
number of issues associated with the point-contact point. Brattain recalled listening quietly to Benzer in
semiconductor amplifier ensued. These included the the corridor, until Benzer remarked, “I think if
role of forming to ensure sufficient rectifying barriers somebody put another point contact down on the
(8,105859); the behavior of surface states at low- surface, close to this point, and measured the
temperatures, wherein a larger field-effect was distribution of potential around the point, then we
observed on an evaporated film of silicon since the might be able to understand what this [effect] is
release time of the electrons trapped in the surface about.” To that Brattain replied, “Yes, I think maybe
states was longer than at room temperature for the that would be a very good experiment” and walked
given modulating electric field (59); the implications away.”
of an internal electric field at the surface of a In that regard, Bray has retrospectively noted
semiconductor at thermal equilibrium (60-62); and (24,25): “Bell people, knowing about our work, and
quantitative expressions for the characterization of how accidental was their own discovery, were fearful
the SSCR and surface potential (63-66). that we too might stumble upon the transistor and
beat them to the priority of publication. ’’

Recapitulation of two point contacts (i.e., whiskers) “close” together
and Brattain’s accidental destruction (in his mind) of
In summary, it should be noted that instead of the the GeOz film (subsequently realized not present)
introduction of electrons into the p-type inversion were also instrumental. Gorton has summarized the
layer of the n-type germanium bulk sample by a series of events relating to the invention of the point-
positive voltage on the gate electrode (separated from contact semiconductor amplifier in 1949 for the
the germanium by the presumed oxide film) via the official BTL records (40); related notes by Fisk (78)
field effect, the positive voltage applied to the gate and Brattain (79) are appended to Gorton’s summary.
electrode (now referred to as the emitter) introduced
holes directly into the surface (inversion layer) of the Naming the Invention
n-type germanium. Some component of the emitted
holes flowed to the collector along the p-type Several versions as to the origin of the name
inversion layer with the remaining (non-zero) portion “transistor” have been described. John Pierce at BTL
apparently flowing through the bulk to be collected at suggested transistor since the electric field
the collector. This admixture is very dependent on the modulating the resistance was transverse to the
device configuration as shown by Shive (52). In any minority-carrier current (67). A complementary
case, the solid-state amplifier invented by Bardeen interpretation attributed to Pierce was that since the
and Brattain “was completely different in principle point-contact semiconductor amplifier was the dual
and function from the field-effect transistor proposed of the vacuum tube from a circuit point of view, the
by Shockley [envisioned as a majority-carrier device] electrical dual of transconductance, an important
but served the original desired function as a triode parameter of the vacuum tube, was transresistance,
amplifier” (24). It should be noted, furthermore, that shortened to transistor (62,80), since “a number of
the field effect would have introduced electrons, device names terminated in the sequence ‘or,’ as
majority carriers, into the semiconductor; the actual conductor, resistor, varistor, thermistor” (80).
device introduced holes, minority carriers, into the Another interpretation, however, noted the prefix
semiconductor, irrespective of the spatial location of “trans” designates the translational property of the
the emitted carriers. It is indeed fortunate that device, while the root “istor,” similar to the previous
germanium and silicon are in-direct semiconductors, case, classified it as a solid circuit element (81).
which facilitated a sufficiently long bulk diffusion
length so as to allow the minority carriers to traverse Patents
the base (n-type bulk material) in both the Shive and,
to some extent, the Bardeen and Brattain The patent application applied by BTL for the
experiments. Indeed, as noted above, there has been point-contact transistor initially included Shockley’s
speculation that Bardeen and Brattain’s n-type bulk field-efect transistor, albeit the effect was extremely
sample did not exhibit a p-type surface inversion small as noted above. A patent search by AT&T
layer and, in point of fact, exhibited bulk transport to attorney’s, however, found previous patents awarded
a much greater extent than indicated in their 1948 for rather similar field-effect amplifiers to both
papers (51). Lillenfeld (82-84) (as early as 1930) and Heil (85,86)
This series of research events has been described (as early as 1935). Accordingly, Shockley was not
(27,67): “Bardeen and Brattain .... had, in effect, included in the point-contact transistor patent
struggled with their point-contact system f o r more application, which was a severe disappointment to
than a year in a kind of technical wilderness valying Shockley (9,20,21,23,32,35,87). Sah (32) has
the nature of the two probes. The results they found extensively analyzed both Lilienfeld and Heil’s
along the way were obtained by an admixture of patents, noting that both men had anticipated a
accident, brilliant insight and luck .... The fact that the number of modern solid-state devices. Sah explicitly
results were the reverse of what they had expected noted (32) that Lilienfeld understood the conductivity
initially in the given case, namely that minority, modulation principle of the metal-oxide-
rather than majority-carriers, were modulated, is semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET),
irrelevant. Accident had favored their prepared based on electrostatics, at a time when quantum
minds! They were amply prepared to understand and mechanics was just beginning to be applied to the
exploit the breakthrough....’’ properties of solids (and the semiconductor concept
Bray has concurred, observing that “Bardeen’s of Wilson (88-91) had yet to be enunciated).
focus on the surface states and the inversion layer Bill Sweet (92) has summarized the essence of
unexpectedly generated the point-contact transistor Lilienfeld’s first patent which was issued on January
configuration,” while noting Bardeen and Brattain’s 18, 1930 (82): “The invention relates to a method of
attentiveness to pick up the implications of their and apparatus f o r controlling the flow of an electric
invention (38). The switch from Si to Ge, utilization current between two terminals of an electrically

conducting solid by establishing a third potential patent is “the first modern transistor patent ...” The
between said terminals; and is particularly adaptable device has become the basis of, for example,
to the amplification of oscillating currents such as subsequent metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS)
prevail, f o r example, in radio communications. dynamic random access memory (DRAM) and
Heretofore, thermionic tubes or valves have been complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS)
generally employed f o r this purpose; and the present microprocessor applications. Bardeen has confirmed
invention has f o r its object to dispense entirely with the importance of his patent (92): ... Nearly all

devices relying upon the transmission of electrons present-day field-effect transistors make use of
through an evacuated space and especially to devices controlling the flow in an inversion layer of opposite
of this character wherein the electrons are given off conductivity o p e adjacent to the suface (such as an
from an incandescent filament. The invention has f o r n-type inversion layer on p-@pe silicon.) I have the
a further object a simple, substantial and inexpensive basic patent on use of an inversion layer to confine
relay or amplifier not involving the use of excessive the jlow. Present-day bipolar transistors are of the
voltages, and in which no filament or equivalent junction type and are based on a patented structure
element is present. More particularly, the invention Shockley invented while planning experiments to
consists in affecting, as by suitable incoming elucidate the dynamics of the point-contact
oscillations, a current in an electrically conducting transistor. The Bell Laboratories patent department
solid of such characteristics that said current will be was unable to obtain a patent on Shockley’s field-
affected by and respond to electrostatic changes. ” effect invention because of Lilienfeld’s patents and
Bardeen has also noted the importance of others. ’’
Lilienfeld’s work, although Bardeen’s reference to Shockley described Bardeen’s “033” patented
semiconductors was in retrospect (92): “Lilienfeld device (29) in 1973 as “an insulated gate field-effect
deserves great credit f o r his pioneering efforts to transistor (IGFET) with an inversion layer channel”
make a semiconductor amplifier. This was not long (20) but re-canted this description in 1976 (9), since
after copper oxide and copper sulfide rectifiers were he noted that Bardeen’s “033” patent referred to
discovered. He [Lilienfeld] had the basic concept of Gibney’s “792” patent (33) for chemically preparing
controlling the flow of current in a semiconductor to the inversion layer on the bulk semiconductor, rather
make an amplibing device. It took many years of than dynamically inducing the inversion layer by a
development of theory and materials technology to gate voltage. Bardeen, however, had shown that the
make his dream a reality.” Sah has noted, however, inversion layer in the device could be formed by
that neither Lilienfeld nor Heil recognized the either method (see the 8-December entry in Table
necessity of the inversion layer for the operation of two where the inversion layer was formed by an
their proposed devices (32): “The inversion channel applied gate voltage whereas the other dates utilized
idea was first recognized by Bardeen in 1947 (32).” a surface chemical preparation technique).
In point of fact, Shockley’s disappointment
became the major impetus for his subsequent p-n BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR
junction theory and junction transistor theory
(9,20,2 1,23,32,35,87) and seminal minority-carrier Background
injection concept (55). It should explicitly be noted,
however, that transistor action was discovered by Shockley developed the “diffusion theory of
Bardeen and Brattain (42). The role of minority minority current to a reverse biased p-n junction” and
carriers and the first two transistors - point-contact the “behavior of minority electrons in a uniform p-
and junction - and the differing approaches of layer” on April 24, 1947, as described in his review
Bardeen and Brattain vis-&vis Shockley has been of the path to the conception of the junction transistor
discussed (23,35). (9). Shockley’s analysis was an important step
Finally, Bardeen comprehended that it was not forward in clarifying the concept of minority-carrier
efficient to modulate the conductivity of a slab of diffusion in steady-state, non-equilibrium conditions
semiconductor via the field effect and, thereby, in a medium where majority carriers concurrently
patented the first modern transistor device. This was existed. This one-dimensional analysis was
an insulating gate modulating an n-type inversion additionally important inasmuch as the point-contact
layer via the field effect, utilizing the inversion layer transistor was a three-dimensional device in which
to confine the minority-carrier transport, in series surface properties were integral to its operation.
with a reverse-biased n-p junction. Bardeen received Shockley has noted, however, that his analysis of the
the “033” patent (29) for the effect, which resulted in large reverse-biased p-n junction, “simplified the
the first recorded power gain in a solid-state amplifier boundary condition at the edge of the space-charge
(29-31). Sah (32) has described Bardeen’s device as a layer to zero minority-carrier density, but it prevented
sourceless MOS transistor and noted that Bardeen’s

his discovering minority-carrier injection and its weakly n-type) (9). Although voltages of the correct
exponential increase with forward bias” (9). polarity were applied to all three layers, transistor
It is also relevant that Shockley developed an action was not achieved since the n-type layer
n-p-n structure (three layer planar configuration) for a interposed between the regions of the opposite
high-frequency thermistor (device operation conductivity type was not sufficiently n-type
controlled by variation in temperature) on September throughout the original p-type material. Thus, “the
16, 1947, in which electrons flowed over the modulated current will be very small compared to the
potential maximum of the p-layer. In this case, control current” (20). Shockley subsequently noted
minority-carriers flowed through the intermediate (9,35): I‘... [I] failed to recognize the possibility of
p-type layer in the n-p-n structure. The electrons, minority-carrier injection into a base layer. ... What
however, were emitted into the p-type layer by is conspicuously lacking [in these pages] is any
climbing over the energy barrier maximum of the suggestion of the possibility that holes might be
p-type material only if their energies were high injected into the n-type material of the strip itse&
enough, thus exhibiting an exponential resistance thereby becoming minority carriers in the presence of
variation with temperature, rather than with the electrons. ’’
forward voltage across a p-n junction, as was On Jan. 231d, however, the conception of
subsequently discovered. The energy-band diagram Shockley’s “347” bipolar junction transistor patent
utilized by Shockley in describing the thermistor n-p- (54) (see entry No. 5 in Table one) was devised as a
n structure is virtually identical to that subsequently result of his plan to re-utilize the n-p-n structure to
utilized for the bipolar junction transistor, although determine if the inversion layer was critical to the
the voltage bias’s required for transistor action were operation of the point-contact transistor. In this case,
not applied to all three layers, as discussed in the next Shockley placed an n-type contact on top of the
section. The analogous case for a p-n-p planar assumed p-type inversion layer. Here, for the first
transistor configuration is seen in Figure 9a (8), in time, electrical contacts were applied to all three
which holes flow over the potential maximum of the sufficiently doped layers (including the base), thus
n-type layer (the hole energy is obtained by inverting allowing better control of the voltage level in all the
the energy bands of Figure 9) (8). Shockley’s layers and differences between them (see Figure 9b
analysis also advanced the theoretical framework for for the analogous p-n-p configuration) (8). In that
the development of a semiconductor triode amplifier regard, the intermediate layer in previous device
that operated within the confines of the bulk structures such as the thermistor (and the previous
semiconductor (Le., the bipolar junction transistor). research on a lightning arrestor) (9) was allowed to
float at the voltages imposed on them by the
Shockley’s Magic Month: Dec. 24, 1947 - neighboring layers (9). The “strip” structure had
Jan. 23,1948 independent voltage sources applied to all three
layers, but the layer interposed between the two
Shockley began re-focusing his personal research regions of the opposite conductivity type was not
on the conception of a solid-state amplifier on sufficiently n-type throughout the layer (9). Indeed,
December 8, 1947, re-stimulated by the experimental Shockley has noted the criticality of ... the “

work of Bardeen and Brattain. In fact, December 24, accessibility of the middle layer to an external control
1947 to January 23, 1948 may be referred to as voltage” (9). Riordan and Hoddeson have noted (35):
Shockley’s “magic month.” Shockley considered a “Applying a positive voltage to the p-layer [base
variety of device configurations, including a p-n-p layer] should then cause holes to flow into it and
structure, in which he explicitly applied the terms thereby lower its potential for electrons [from the n-
emitter, base and collector for its operation (9,44), by layer]; this he [Shockley] realized would ‘increase
analogy with the vacuum tube, on New Years Eve, the flow of electrons over the barrier exponentially.”
December 31, 1947. Here also, the energy-band Shockley later noted (9,35): “... this n-p-n device
diagram is almost indistinguishable from that for a finally contained the key concept of ‘exponentially
“true” junction transistor (8). That is, the base was a increasing minority-carrier injection across the
“strip” formed by a localized antimony diffusion that emitter junction. ’

did not, however, sufficiently convert the whole layer

n-type (i.e., a portion of the layer was apparently only



- A

A -

(g 1 ( h)

FIGURE 9. Bipolar p-n-p junction transistor. The left hand side (a,c,e and g) corresponds to the zero-bias case while the right
hand side (b,d,f and h) corresponds to the forward-biasedcase (8) [after W. Shockley, Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors,
New York, D. Van Nostrand, 19501.

The electrons injected from the emitter into the junctions could be reverse biased ... and that the
base, where they were now minority carriers, flowed minority carriers could control the reverse current”
in the presence of the majority carrier, holes, en route (20). The p-n junction semiconductor amplifier was
to the reverse-biased base-collector junction where later called the (bipolar) junction transistor (20).
they would be accelerated to the collector. The Even as Shockley was developing his conception of a
possibility of current flow between two outer layers bulk junction transistor, Bardeen and Brattain were
by minority-carriers diffusing through the middle planning to extend their research to an analogous
layer was “recognized [and] that one of the p-n bulk type junction transistor structure, but by then

Shockley had apparently covered these approaches in recombining. Using this model, Davydov successfully
his research ( 2 3 ) and subsequent patent application derived the current-voltage characteristics of copper-
(54). oxide rect$ers; his formula was essentially the same
It was now recognized that the three key concepts one that Shockley would derive a decade later f o r p-n
of the bipolar junction transistor involved: junctions (22). But his cumbersome mathematics and
(a) minority-carrier injection over the potential assumptions may have obscured the importance of
barrier, which is exponentially reduced during his physical ideas to later workers. Bardeen, f o r
forward bias at the emitter-base interface, as example, was aware of Davydov’s publications by
described in eq. 8 (8,9,22), (b) the high impedance at 1947 but does not seem to have recognized their
the base-collector interface developed as a result of significance until a f e w years later.”
the large reverse bias and (c) favorable geometry and Finally, as stated above, Bardeen has noted (92):
doping levels to obtain good emitter to collector “. .. Present day bipolar transistors are of the junction
efficiency. type and are based on a patented structure Shockley
invented while planning experiments to elucidate the
dynamics of the point-contact transistor.. ..”
Nevertheless, the influence of an inversion layer on
where I, is the saturation current, V is the applied the performance of a two-junction structure without a
bias, k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the absolute gate was shown by Brown to be an important
temperature and q is the absolute value of the consideration in the junction structure’s performance
electronic charge. Since the minority carriers flowed (105).
in the presence of the dominant majority carriers in The announcement of transistor action was made
the base region, it was also recognized that the to the press on June 30, 1948 and reported on p.46 in
minority-carrier survival during transit in the base “The News of Radio” section of the New York Times
was strongly dependent on the properties of the on July 1, 1948. Several key concepts, however, were
semiconductor (48). developed after the invention of the junction theory
It should be noted, however, that Boris Davidov transistor. These included the explicit demonstration
apparently had already suggested the importance of of minority-carrier injection by Haynes and Shockley
what we now call minority carriers in 1938 (87). (57) and the reduction of the bulk resistance of n-type
Davidov had essentially derived eq. 8, obtained by Ge due to hole injection by Ryder and Shockley (76).
Shockley a decade later, in his work explaining Shockley’s “347” patent (54) was filed on June
rectification (87), a major scientific challenge in the 26, 1948 and his extended p-n junction theory and
1930’s. It has been suggested, though, that Davidov junction transistor theory were published in 1949
did not explicitly ensure the self-consistency of his (22). In the junction transistor, the emitter and
analysis with the field equations (93). The success of collector of the point-contact transistor are replaced
the contemporaneous space-charge theory of by two p-n planar junctions, one on either side of the
rectification by Schottky (94-97), Mott (98,99), n-type (or p-type) base material as in Figures 9a and
Davydov (100) and Bethe (101), also referred to as 9b (8). Morgan Sparks and Robert Mikulyak
the “one current” theory of rectifiers, however, made presented an experimental “existence proof’ of a Ge
further scientific discussion of minority carriers at the p-n-p (non-colinear) transistor (with a power gain of
time moot (86). Riordan, Hoddeson and Conyers 16) on April 7, 1949 (9). It was not until April, 1950,
Herring, who are currently developing a more however, that p-n and n-p-n large area, planar
extensive analysis of Davydov’s work (102), have junctions, grown by sequential single- and double-
noted (87): “ ... the work of Boris Davydov on doping techniques during crystal growth, were
rectifying characteristics of semiconductors seems to fabricated (10-15 watts audio power I 20 KHz was
have eluded notice until after the War, even though it achieved for the transistors), as part of Gordon Teal’s
was available in English-language publications single-crystal research (with Ed Buehler and Morgan
(103,104). Working at the Ioffe Physico-Technical Sparks) (9,48). The microwatt n-p-n junction
lnstitute in Leningrad, he [Davydov] came up with a transistor was subsequently developed ( 106).
model of rectification in copper oxide in 1938 that
foreshadowed Shockley ’s work on p-n junctions more EVOLVING DIRECTIONS
than a decade later. His idea involved the existence
of a p-n junction in the oxide, with adjacent layers of The point-contact transistor was manufactured for
excess and deficit semiconductor forming ten years starting in 1951 by the Western Electric
spontaneously due to an excess or deficit of copper Division of AT&T (107). The apriori tuning of the
relative to oxygen in the crystal lattice. Non- point-contact transistor parameters, however, was not
equilibrium concentrations of electrons and holes ... simple inasmuch as the device was very dependent
could survive briefly in each other’s presence before on the detailed surface structure and, therefore, very

sensitive to humidity and temperature as well as along the inversion layer as minority carriers from
exhibiting high noise levels. Accordingly, the devices the emitter to the collector, there may also have been
differed significantly in their characteristics and some non-trivial component of bulk transport from
electrical instabilities leading to “burnout” were not the emitter to the collector. In any case, Shive’s
uncommon (108). With the implementation of experiment clearly illustrated the importance of the
crystalline materials in the early 1950’s (48,106,109), geometrical configuration in determining the extent
however, p-n junction transistors began replacing the of bulk transport while Shockley’s seminal
point-contact transistor, silicon began replacing contribution of injection over a barrier, p-n junction
germanium (108) and the transfer of transistor theory and junction transistor theory facilitated the
technology from the lab to the fab accelerated (1 10- mathematical description of Bardeen and Brattain’s
112). previously disclosed transistor action by using a one-
A major goal in the development of the point- dimensional analysis.
contact semiconductor amplifier had been to replace Bardeen also comprehended that it was not
the vacuum tube amplifier and electro-mechanical efficient to modulate the conductivity of a slab of
relay switch by a solid-state amplifier and switch, semiconductor via the field effect and, thereby,
respectively. The achievement of higher power at developed his “033” patent (29), the first modern
higher frequencies was required. In point-of-fact, transistor device. This was an insulating gate
however, the small size of the transistor favored modulating an n-type inversion layer via the field
limited power-handling capabilities while the effect, utilizing the inversion layer to confine the
increased frequency response required small devices. minority-carrier transport, in series with a reverse-
It was recognized by Bob Wallace that chasing the biased n-p junction, and resulted in the first recorded
vacuum tube led to the wrong emphasis. Rather, the power gain in a solid-state amplifier. The device,
opportunity was created by focusing on the transistor described by Sah as a sourceless MOS transistor,
in its own right. The application of an invention is a became the basis of, for example, subsequent MOS
powerful stimulus for innovation and development memory DRAM and CMOS microprocessor
should not be restricted to the originally intended applications.
application as it may not be the most important. As Shockley placed great emphasis on the carrier
attributed by Ian Ross to Wallace (107): injection and junction approach (8): “It seems likely
“Gentlemen, you’ve got it all wrong! The advantage that many inventions unforeseen at present will be
of the transistor is that it is inherently a small size made based on the principles of carrier injection, the
and low-power device. This means that you can pack field efsect, the Suhl effect, and the properties of
a large number of them in a small space without rectihing junctions. It is quite probable that other
excessive heat generation and achieve low new physical principles will also be utilized to
propagation delays. And that’s what we need for practical ends as the art develops.”
logic applications. The significance of the transistor On the other hand, Bardeen placed great emphasis
is not that it can replace the tube but that it can do on the role of the inversion layer, which as noted
things the vacuum tube could never do! above, became the key ingredient in MOS memory
DRAM and CMOS microprocessor applications.
SUMMARY Shockley, moreover, has noted (1 13): “This book
[Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors] had its
Semiconductor amplification (transistor action), origins in a series of lectures given at Bell Telephone
with voltage, current and power gain, was Laboratories in connection with the growth of the
experimentally observed by Bardeen and Brattain in transistor program. It thus owes its existence
n-type polycrystalline germanium on December 16, basically to the invention of the transistor by
1947 as a result of the judicious placement of gold- J. Bardeen and W.H. Brattain.”
plated line contacts in nearby single crystal grains of Indeed, John Bardeen, the co-inventor of the
the polycrystalline material. The date of the point-contact transistor and inventor of the MOS
invention, however, has usually been taken as transistor may rightly be called the father of modern
December 23, 1947 when the point-contact electronics.
semiconductor amplifier and transistor action were
demonstrated to top executives of Bell Telephone ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Laboratories (BTL). The first public demonstration of
the invention and announcement of the discovery was The author appreciates discussions with
not made until June 30, 1948, however, during which Professors Ralph Bray, H. Craig Casey, Jr., James
interval BTL rapidly expanded its research effort and Harris, Nick Holonyak, Jr., Michael Riordan,
developed its patent position. While Bardeen and Frederick Seitz and Drs. Jim (James M.) Early and
Brattain noted that a large part of the current flowed John L. Moll.

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