Lesson Plan Science 8 Mitosis Objectives

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Fuentes, Valerie C. Prof.

Thaddeus Owen Ayuste

Villabeza, Shamerie S.

Lesson Plan Science 8

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
A. Describe the stages of mitosis
B. Identify the elements and compounds found in fertilizer which increase the
rate of mitotic activity in plants
C. Commit to proper selection of foods rich in Zinc to speed up mitosis in
wound healing

II. Subject Matter

A. Grade Level: Grade 8 Science
B. Science Field: Biology
C. Topic: Mitosis

III. Materials
A. Laptop
B. Pictures of different personalities (Rodrigo Duterte, Liza Soberano, Chris
Evans, Marian Rivera, Robert Downey Jr., Taylor Swift, Lovi Poe, Enrique
Gil, James Reid)
C. PowerPoint presentation on Stages and Importance of Mitosis
D. Jigsaw Puzzle about Mitosis
E. Book: Science- Grade 8; Learners Module; First Edition, 2013;
IV. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

 The teacher will post different pictures
of personalities, during their childhood
and present days, to the students
 The teacher will give each a student a
photo either a child or adult photo of  The students will find the other
personalities. student holding the photo that
pertains to the same person.
- Rodrigo Duterte
- Liza Soberano
- Chris Evans
- Marian Rivera
- Robert Downey Jr.
- Taylor Swift
- Lovi Poe
- Enrique Gil
- James Reid
 The teacher will give a question to the  They grow. The personalities
students: “After viewing the different increased their height.
photos, is there any difference on their
physical characteristics when they are
still child and up to the present?”
 The teacher will ask another question  Their cells divide as they grow.
like “what could be the reason for this
The teacher will divide the class into four  The students will arrange the
groups. Then, each group will be given a set puzzle pieces correctly based on
of mitosis jigsaw puzzle. The teacher will the given clues.
instruct the student to arrange the puzzle and
sequence the steps of mitosis. The teacher
will write labels and define the prefixes for
each stage.
o Pro – prophase means “initial”
o Meta – metaphase means ” along
o Ana – anaphase means “up or
o Telo – telophase means “final or
 The teacher will check the work as
the lesson goes on.
The teacher will introduce to students that
our cells divide for us to grow. And for a
cell to divide, there are phases involved in
it. All living creatures are made up of cells.
In plants and animals, there are two major
categories for cells; somatic cells and
reproductive cells. The cell division for the
somatic cells is called mitosis. Mitosis is a
type of cell division that results in two
daughter cells each having the same number
and kind of chromosomes as the parent

The teacher will post a set of questions:

 The students will think of their
1. Based from your observation,
answers to the questions
what happens inside the cell
during the first phase of mitosis?
(Teacher will show a moving
2. What happens during the two
consecutive phases? (Teacher
will show a moving picture.)
3. What are the evident events that
happened during the last phase
of mitosis? (Teacher will show a
moving picture.)
4. Have you ever been wounded?
What type of food you eat are
said to have the capacity to heal
wounds faster?
5. How does fertilizer affect plant
The students will be paired and share their
ideas with their partner.
The teacher will expand the sharing into a
whole class discussion:
1. Based from your observation, what
 The chromatin fibers become
happens inside the cell during the first
more tightly coiled that can be
phase of mitosis? (Teacher will show a
easily seen under a microscope.
moving picture.)
 The nucleoli disappear.
 Each chromosome is composed
of two sister chromatids,
containing identical genetic
 At the end of prophase the
membrane around the nucleus in
the cell dissolves away releasing
the chromosomes.
 The mitotic spindle, consisting
of the microtubules and other
proteins, extends across the cell
between the centrioles as they
move to opposite poles of the
 The mitotic spindle fibers attach
to each of the sister chromatids.

2. What happens during the two consecutive

phases?  The chromosomes convene on
the metaphase plate, an
imaginary line that is equidistant
between the spindle’s two poles.
The chromosomes’ centromere
lies on the metaphase plate.
 The sister chromatids are then
pulled apart by the mitotic
spindle which pulls one
chromatid to one pole and the
other chromatid to the opposite
pole to ensure the equal number
of chromosomes in the daughter

3. What are the evident events that

happened during the last phase of mitosis?  At each pole of the cell a full set
(Teacher will show a moving picture.) of chromosomes gather together.
 A membrane forms around each
set of chromosomes to create
two new nuclei.
 The single cell then pinches in
the middle to form two separate
daughter cells each containing a
full set of chromosomes within a
4. Have you ever been wounded? What type
of food you eat are said to have the capacity  Food rich in Zinc is a top
to heal wounds faster? priority which includes red meat,
legumes, eggs and more. These
kinds of foods help in cellular
division which maintains the
structural integrity of dermal
tissue and mucosal membranes.

5. How does fertilizer affect plant growth?

 It increases the rate of mitotic
 Gives plants their green color
and is involved in creating food
for the plant through
 Involved in the metabolic
processes responsible for
transferring energy from one
point to another in the plant.
 Helps regulate plant metabolism
and affects water pressure
regulation inside and outside of
plant cells.
Cell division serves as a means of
 The teacher will ask the students, reproduction. Cell division for the
“What are the other importance of purpose of reproduction, called binary
mitosis in our daily living?” fission, occurs in organisms that have
not evolved sexual reproduction. Binary
fission evolved relatively early in the
evolutionary scheme of life. Bacteria,
one of the earliest forms of life on Earth,
employ binary fission because they
cannot spare the extra energy needed to
find mates, make sex cells or look after

Encircle the correct answer.
1. Where is sister chromatids located during metaphase?
A. Cell’s equator
B. Inside the nucleus
C. Opposite poles
D. Scattered in the cell
2. What happens to the chromatin fibers during prophase?
A. Condensed
B. Duplicate
C. Lengthens
D. Tightly coiled
3. In what phase of mitosis where each pole of the cell has a full set of chromosomes
gathered together and membrane forms around each set of chromosomes to create two
A. Anaphase
B. Metaphase
C. Prophase
D. Telophase
4. What structure of the cell pulled the sister chromatids towards the opposite poles
during anaphase?
A. Centromere
B. Kinetochore
C. Nuclear Membrane
D. Spindle Fibers
5. What happens to the nuclear membrane of the cell at the end of prophase?
A. Appears
B. Disintegrates
C. Divides
D. Duplicates
6. At the end of telophase, how many daughter cells are created?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
7. During the last phase of mitosis which is telophase, what happens to the cell
A. Appears
B. Develops
C. Disintegrates
D. Forms cleavage
8. Kim got a deep wound and was recommended to eat foods rich in zinc like red meat,
legumes and seeds. What is the role of foods rich in zinc for wound healing?
A. Decreases the rate of mitotic activity
B. Increases the rate of mitotic activity
C. No effect on the rate of mitotic activity
D. Stops the mitotic activity

9. What element is present in fertilizer which is part of chlorophyll molecule which gives
plants their green color and helps in photosynthesis?
A. Nitrogen
B. Phosphorus
C. Potassium
D. Tin
10. What does the element phosphorus in fertilizer do to plants?
A. Helps branches to grow and develop
B. Involved in transferring energy from one point to another
C. Makes the plant leaves grow stronger
D. Thickens the trunk size

Answer Key:

1. A 6. A
2. D 7. D
3. D 8. B
4. D 9. A
5. B 10. B

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