User's Manual: Model BARD Safety Barriers

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User’s Model BARD

Safety Barriers

1. Preface 2. Model and Suffix Codes

Thank you for purchasing our products. This User’s
Manual explains the handling and safety precautions Model Suffix Codes Description
for use of the BARD-600/700/800/810/820/830. BARD Safety barrier
Before using them, read this manual thoroughly to
-6 For use with a thermocouple *1
ensure correct and safe use.
-7 For use with an RTD *1
䊉 Checking Items in the Package -8 For use with a 4 to 20 mA signal *2
After opening the package: -9 Power supply set *3
(1) Check that the appearance is not defective.
00 Zener barrier
(2) Check the model code printed on the side of each
product and confirm that any one of the delivered Zener barrier for a CS multiplexer
products is not a wrong model. module
(3) Check that the standard accessory (a bracket) for Isolated barrier for a transmitter with
each product is included. 20 communication functions
䊉 Handling of This Manual 30
Isolated barrier for a control
Please hand over this manual to your end users.
No part of this manual may be transferred or With one power feed unit on a DIN
reproduced without prior written consent from rail
Yokogawa Electric Corporation. The contents of this
With dual redundant power feed
manual are subject to change without prior notice. 50
units on a DIN rail
䊉 Safety, Protection, and Modification of the Style code *A Style A
Product T01. EPS

In order to protect the system controlled by the *1: Available only with type code 00.
*2: Available with type code 00, 10, 20, or 30.
products and the products themselves and ensure *3: Available with type code 40 or 50.
safe operation, observe the safety precautions
described in this manual. Yokogawa assumes no
liability for safety if users fail to observe these 3. Intrinsic Safety Specifications and
instructions when handling a product.
A BARD composes an intrinsically safe system;
modification to it, including a change to a circuit
constant is strictly prohibited. 3.1 BARD-600
Intrinsic Safety Specifications
䊉 Disclaimer of Warranty Explosion-protected Protection Concepts and
The warranty period for each product depends on the Construction Grade Apparatus (Gas) Group
contract at purchase. For inquiry for repair, contact
Grade: i3aG5 Concepts and group:
the vendor from which you purchased the product or [Ex ia] IIC
your nearest sales representative.
Whether a faulty product can be fixed under warranty Working temperature range: Working temperature range:
is determined by an investigation at Yokogawa main –10° to 50°C –10° to 50°C
factory. The warranty does not apply to the following Ratings: Ratings:
even during the contracted warranty period:
• A fault attributable to improper or careless VMAX =10 V Uo =10 V
handling by the customer ICC = 100 mA Io = 100 mA
• A fault attributable to handling or use under
PMAX = 0.25 W Po = 0.25 W
conditions incompliant with Yokogawa-specified
installation criteria and specification requirements. CEXT = 1 ␮F Co = 1 ␮F
• A fault and/or damage caused by a natural LEXT = 2.2 mH Lo = 2.2 mH
disaster or fire, or not caused by the product
itself. VM = 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz Um = 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz
or 250 V DC or 250 V DC
T02. EPS

IM 01B04S10-01E
2nd Edition: March 25, 2005
Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Precautions 3.2 BARD-700
1) A BARD-600 intrinsic safety (IS) barrier must be Intrinsic Safety Specifications
used in such a configuration as shown below. Explosion-protected Protection Concepts and
Hazardous Nonhazardous Construction Grade Apparatus (Gas) Group
area area
Generic Grade: i3aG5 Concepts and group:
Intrinsically safe receiver [Ex ia] IIC
thermocouple BARD-600 barrier instrument Power
supply Working temperature range: Working temperature range:
A 1 –10° to 50°C
–10° to 50°C

B 2 Ratings: Ratings:
Terminals A/B/C-to-grounding Terminals A/B/C to grounding
Grounding (10 ⍀ or less; terminal: terminal:
equivalent to JIS Class A) F01.eps VMAX = 7.2 V Uo = 7.2 V
2) IS barriers must be installed in a nonhazardous ICC = 174 mA Io = 174 mA
(safe) area. PMAX = 0.3132 W Po = 0.3132 W
3) IS barriers must be grounded independently to
the high integrity ground point at a grounding Terminals A/B-to-C, B/C-to-A, Terminals A/B-to-C, B/C-to-A,
resistance of 10 ⍀ or less (equivalent to and C/A-to-B: and C/A-to-B:
Japanese Industrial Standard Class A). VMAX = 14.4 V Uo = 14.4 V
4) The IS device connected to an IS barrier (a
ICC = 77 mA Io = 77 mA
thermocouple for a BARD-600) must have
obtained type certification solely, not as a PMAX = 0.2772 W Po = 0.2772 W
particular combination, and meet the following CEXT = 0.37 ␮F Co = 0.37 ␮F
LEXT = 0.5 mH Lo = 0.5 mH
Explosion-protected Protection Concepts and
VM = 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz or Um = 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Construction Grade Apparatus Group
250 V DC or 250 V DC
1. Intrinsic safety ratings 1. Intrinsic safety ratings
T04. EPS
Maximum allowable IS- Maximum allowable IS-
circuit voltage (Vm) circuit voltage (Ui) Precautions
ⱖ 10 V DC ⱖ 10 V DC
1) A BARD-700 intrinsic safety (IS) barrier must be
Maximum allowable IS- Maximum allowable IS-
circuit current (Im) circuit current (Ii)
used in such a configuration as shown below.
ⱖ 100 mA ⱖ 100 mA Hazardous Nonhazardous
Maximum allowable IS- Maximum allowable IS- area area
circuit power (Pm) circuit power (Pi)
ⱖ 0.25 W ⱖ 0.25 W Intrinsically safe
resistance Generic
temperature receiver Power
2. Explosion class and 2. Protection concepts and detector BARD-700 barrier instrument
ignition temperature of gas group supply
applicable gases Protection concepts: ia, ib A A 1
Explosion class: 1, 2, 3a Gas group: IIA, IIB, IIC B B 2
Ignition temperature: G1 to C C 3
3. Entity relationships between internal
Grounding (10 ⍀ or less;
inductance/capacitance and external IS circuit wiring
equivalent to JIS Class A) F02.eps
inductance/capacitance (LW and CW)
Internal inductance ⱕ 2.2 mH – LW 2) IS barriers must be installed in a nonhazardous
Internal capacitance ⱕ 1.0 ␮F – CW
(safe) area.
T03. EPS 3) IS barriers must be grounded independently to
the high integrity ground point at a grounding
5) The generic receiver instrument connected to an resistance of 10 ⍀ or less (equivalent to
IS barrier must ensure that its input power supply Japanese Industrial Standard Class A).
voltage and internal circuit voltages do not 4) The IS device connected to an IS barrier (a
exceed 250 V AC, 50 or 60 Hz, or 250 V DC, resistance temperature detector for a BARD-700)
under normal or abnormal conditions. must have obtained type certification solely, not
6) The BARD-600 is supplied as a substitute for the as a particular combination, and meet the
following model certified for protection concepts following criteria.
and apparatus group:
Model BARD-200 barrier (Certificate No. 28121;
Technology Institution of Industrial Safety, Japan;
for protection concepts and apparatus group)

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 01B04S10-01E 2nd Edition: March 25, 2005
Explosion-protected Protection Concepts and 3.3 BARD-800
Construction Grade Apparatus Group Intrinsic Safety Specifications
1. Intrinsic safety ratings 1. Intrinsic safety ratings Explosion-protected construction grade: i3aG5
Terminals A/B/C-to- Terminals A/B/C-to-
grounding terminal: grounding terminal: Working temperature range: –10° to 50°C
Maximum allowable IS- Maximum allowable IS- Ratings:
circuit voltage (Vm) circuit voltage (Ui)
ⱖ 7.2 V DC ⱖ 7.2 V DC VMAX = 31.5 V
Maximum allowable IS- Maximum allowable IS- ICC = 29.2 mA
circuit current (Im) circuit current (Ii)
ⱖ 174 mA ⱖ 174 mA PMAX = 0.92 W
Maximum allowable IS- Maximum allowable IS- CEXT = 42 nF
circuit power (Pm) circuit power (Pi) LEXT = 4.2 mH
ⱖ 0.3132 W ⱖ 0.3132 W
Terminals A/B-to-C, B/C-to- Terminals A/B-to-C, B/C-to- VM = 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 250 V DC
A, and C/A-to-B: A, and C/A-to-B:
Maximum allowable IS- Maximum allowable IS-
circuit voltage (Vm) circuit voltage (Ui) 1) A BARD-800 intrinsic safety (IS) barrier must be
ⱖ 14.4 V DC ⱖ 14.4 V DC used in such a configuration as shown below.
Maximum allowable IS- Maximum allowable IS-
circuit current (Im) circuit current (Ii) Hazardous Nonhazardous
area area
ⱖ 77 mA ⱖ 77 mA Generic
Maximum allowable IS- Maximum allowable IS- Intrinsic safety BARD-800 receiver Power
circuit power (Pm) circuit power (Pi) device barrier instrument supply
ⱖ 0.2772 W ⱖ 0.2772 W A 1
2. Explosion class and B 2
2. Protection concepts and
ignition temperature of 3
gas group
applicable gases Protection concepts: ia, ib
Explosion class: 1, 2, 3a Gas group: IIA, IIB, IIC
Ignition temperature: G1 to Grounding (10 ⍀ or
less; equivalent to
G5 JIS Class A) F03.eps
3. Entity relationships between internal
inductance/capacitance and external IS circuit wiring
2) IS barriers must be installed in a nonhazardous
inductance/capacitance (LW and CW) (safe) area.
Internal inductance ⱕ 0.5 mH – LW 3) IS barriers must be grounded independently to
Internal capacitance ⱕ 0.37 ␮F – CW the high integrity ground point at a grounding
T05. EPS resistance of 10 ⍀ or less (equivalent to
Japanese Industrial Standard Class A).
4) The IS device connected to an IS barrier must
5) The generic receiver instrument connected to an have obtained type certification solely, not as a
IS barrier must ensure that its input power supply particular combination, and meet the following
voltage and internal circuit voltages do not criteria.
exceed 250 V AC, 50 or 60 Hz, or 250 V DC, 1. Intrinsic safety ratings
under normal or abnormal conditions. Maximum allowable IS-circuit voltage (Vm) ⱖ
6) The BARD-700 is supplied as a substitute for the 31.5 V DC
following model certified for protection concepts Maximum allowable IS-circuit current (Im) ⱖ
and apparatus group: 29.2 mA
Model BARD-300 barrier (Certificate No. 28122; Maximum allowable IS-circuit power (Pm) ⱖ
Technology Institution of Industrial Safety, Japan; 0.92 W
for protection concepts and apparatus group) 2. Explosion class and ignition temperature
of applicable gases
Explosion class: 1, 2, 3a
Ignition temperature: G1 to G5
3. Entity relationships between internal
inductance/capacitance and external IS
circuit wiring inductance/capacitance (LW
and CW)
Internal inductance ⱕ 4.2 mH – LW
Internal capacitance ⱕ 42 nF – CW
5) The generic receiver instrument connected to an
IS barrier must ensure that its input power supply
voltage and internal circuit voltages do not
exceed 250 V AC, 50 or 60 Hz, or 250 V DC,
under normal or abnormal conditions.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 01B04S10-01E 2nd Edition: March 25, 2005
3.4 BARD-810 2) IS barriers must be installed in a nonhazardous
(safe) area.
Intrinsic Safety Specifications
3) IS barriers must be grounded independently to
Protection concepts and apparatus (gas) group: the high integrity ground point at the grounding
[Ex ia] IIC resistance of 10 ( or less (equivalent to Japanese
Working temperature range: –10° to 50°C Industrial Standard Class A).
4) The IS device connected to an IS barrier must
Ratings: have obtained type certification solely, not as a
Uo = 27.1 V particular combination, and meet the following
Io = 93 mA
1. Intrinsic safety ratings
Po = 0.631 W Maximum allowable IS-circuit voltage (Ui) ⱖ
Co = 89 nF 27.1 V DC
Lo = 4.1 mH Maximum allowable IS-circuit current (Ii) ⱖ
Um = 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz, or 250 V DC 93 mA
Maximum allowable IS-circuit power (Pi) ⱖ
Precautions 631 mW
1) A BARD-810 intrinsic safety (IS) barrier must be 2. Protection concepts and gas group
used in either of the configurations shown below. Protection concepts: ia, ib
A) Connecting IS Device to Terminals A and B Gas group: IIA, IIB, IIC
Hazardous Nonhazardous 3. Entity relationships between internal
area area inductance/capacitance and external IS
Intrinsic safety BARD-810 receiver circuit wiring inductance/capacitance (LW
device barrier instrument supply and CW)
Internal inductance ⱕ 4.1 mH – LW
B 2 Internal capacitance ⱕ 89 nF – CW
C 3
5) The generic receiver instrument connected to an
IS barrier must ensure that its input power supply
voltage and internal circuit voltages do not
Grounding (10 ⍀ or exceed 250 V AC, 50 or 60 Hz, or 250 V DC,
less; equivalent to
JIS Class A) under normal or abnormal conditions.

B) Connecting IS Device to Terminals A and C

Hazardous Nonhazardous
area area
Intrinsic safety BARD-810 receiver
device barrier instrument Power
A 1
B 2
C 3

Grounding (10 ⍀ or
less; equivalent to
JIS Class A) F05.eps

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 01B04S10-01E 2nd Edition: March 25, 2005
3.5 BARD-820 3.6 BARD-830
Intrinsic Safety Specifications Intrinsic Safety Specifications
Protection concepts and apparatus (gas) group: Protection concepts and apparatus (gas) group:
[Ex ia] IIC [Ex ia] IIC
Working temperature range: -10° to 50°C Working temperature range: -10° to 50°C
Ratings: Ratings:
Uo = 25.2 V DC Uo = 25.2 V DC
Io = 93 mA Io = 93 mA
Po = 0.58 W Po = 0.58 W
Co = 0.107 ␮F Co = 0.107 ␮F
Lo = 4.2 mH Lo = 4.2 mH
Um = 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz, or 250 V DC Um = 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz, or 250 V DC
Precautions Precautions
1) A BARD-820 intrinsic safety (IS) barrier must be 1) A BARD-820 intrinsic safety (IS) barrier must be
used in such a configuration as shown below. used in either of the configurations shown below.
Hazardous Nonhazardous Hazardous Nonhazardous
area area area area
Generic Generic
Intrinsic safety BARD-820 receiver receiver
instrument Power Intrinsic safety BARD-830 Power
device barrier supply barrier instrument
device supply
A 1 + A 1 +
Signal Signal
B 2 - B 2 -
*3 + *Power *3 + *Power
*PR+ PR- 4 - supply *PR+ PR- 4 - supply

* When using BARD-940 or -950 to supply power to the

IS device through the BARD-820, terminals 3 and 4 * When using BARD-940 or -950 to supply power to the
are not used, but PR+ and PR- (feed from the power IS device through the BARD-820, terminals 3 and 4
rail) are used in place. are not used, but PR+ and PR- (feed from the power
rail) are used in place.
2) IS barriers must be installed in a nonhazardous
(safe) area. 2) IS barriers must be installed in a nonhazardous
3) The IS device connected to an IS barrier must (safe) area.
have obtained type certification solely, not as a 3) The IS device connected to an IS barrier must
particular combination, and meet the following have obtained type certification solely, not as a
criteria. particular combination, and meet the following
1. Intrinsic safety ratings criteria.
Maximum allowable IS-circuit voltage (Ui) ⱖ 1. Intrinsic safety ratings
25.2 V DC Maximum allowable IS-circuit voltage (Ui) ⱖ
Maximum allowable IS-circuit current (Ii) ⱖ 25.2 V DC
93 mA Maximum allowable IS-circuit current (Ii) ⱖ
Maximum allowable IS-circuit power (Pi) ⱖ 93 mA
0.58 mW Maximum allowable IS-circuit power (Pi) ⱖ
2. Protection concepts and gas group 0.58 mW
Protection concepts: ia, ib 2. Protection concepts and gas group
Gas group: IIA, IIB, IIC Protection concepts: ia, ib
3. Entity relationships between internal Gas group: IIA, IIB, IIC
inductance/capacitance and external IS 3. Entity relationships between internal
circuit wiring inductance/capacitance (LW inductance/capacitance and external IS
and CW) circuit wiring inductance/capacitance (LW
Internal inductance ⱕ 4.2 mH – LW and CW)
Internal capacitance ⱕ 0.107 ␮F – CW Internal inductance ⱕ 4.2 mH – LW
4) The generic receiver instrument connected to an Internal capacitance ⱕ 0.107 ␮F – CW
IS barrier must ensure that its input power supply 4) The generic receiver instrument connected to an
voltage and internal circuit voltages do not IS barrier must ensure that its input power supply
exceed 250 V AC, 50 or 60 Hz, or 250 V DC, voltage and internal circuit voltages do not
under normal or abnormal conditions. exceed 250 V AC, 50 or 60 Hz, or 250 V DC,
under normal or abnormal conditions.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 01B04S10-01E 2nd Edition: March 25, 2005
4. Installation and Wiring 4.1.2 BARD-820 or -830

4.1 Mounting and Removal 䊉 Mounting

A BARD barrier should be installed inside an indoor Bring the barrier near the bracket or DIN rail, and
rack or onto a panel wall, and mounted directly onto a while keeping the barrier perpendicular to the bracket
standard 35-mm wide DIN rail (DIN EN 50022), or onto or DIN rail, push the barrier until you feel it click into
a panel wall or DIN rail with the accompanying bracket. place.

䊉 Removal
CAUTION (1) Insert the tip of a flat blade screwdriver with a 4 to
5 mm wide tip between the red stopper at the rear
No effort is required for mounting and removal if you of the intrinsically safe terminals and the barrier.
Draw out the stopper by approximately 5 mm. In
follow the correct procedures. Make sure you do not
the same way, draw out the stopper on the other
apply excess force as doing so may damage or side.
break the product or bracket. (2) Pull to remove the barrier in a direction
perpendicular to the bracket or DIN rail.

4.1.1 BARD-600, -700, -800, or -810 4.2 Wiring

The following precautions should be stringently
䊉 Mounting observed for the wiring of intrinsic safety devices to
An attachment, which can be found at the rear of the prevent the system’s intrinsic safety from being
barrier as shown in the figure below, is designed to compromised by an effect of electric or magnetic
clamp between B and C, the tabs of a 35-mm wide energy from other electric devices and wiring.
DIN rail or the fitting of the accompanying bracket.
Use a DIN rail made of approximately 1.2 mm thick 4.2.1 Precautions for Wiring
iron plate (aluminum not allowed). (1) Separate intrinsically safe circuit wiring from the
1) Hook the pointed part (C) of the attachment on other wiring to avoid a short.
one side of the front fitting of the accompanying (2) Secure a sufficient distance between the runs of
bracket or on a tab of the DIN rail. the intrinsically safe circuit wires and those of
2) Push in the barrier on the round part (B) of the other wires, or use shielded cables for the
attachment until you feel it click into place. intrinsically safe circuit wiring, in order to prevent
electrostatic or electromagnetic induction by other
D wires.
(3) For intrinsically safe circuit wiring, use wires with
a light-blue covering of insulation or wrap light-
blue tape around the outside of both ends of each
wire so that the wires can be clearly distinguished
from non-intrinsically safe circuit wires. For the
C BARD-820 and -830, use light-blue terminal
blocks on the side of the intrinsically safe circuit.

4.2.2 Recommended Wires/Cables and Terminal
For wiring between an intrinsic safety device and a
BARD barrier, it is recommended to use one of the
following cables containing a twisted-pair(s) of cores
A with a cross-sectional area of 0.5 mm2 or larger
F08.eps (maximum applicable wire size is 2.5 mm2) and with a
twist pitch of 150 mm or less for prevention of
䊉 Removal induction. Clamp a ring-tongue terminal lug for M4
terminal at both ends of each wire.
1) Insert the tip of a flat blade screwdriver with a 4 to
5 mm wide tip from the side into the rear of the (1) Polyethylene-insulated vinyl-sheath cable (JIS
barrier near screw A (you will be able to see a C3604)
screwdriver symbol). (2) Vinyl-insulated vinyl-sheath cable for control (JIS
2) Tilt the screwdriver to the side of the barrier, and C3401)
the rear attachment will slide and the round part B (3) Cable for low-voltage instrumentation (Japanese
should be released from the bracket or DIN rail. Cable Makers’ Association Standard [JCS] 364)
Pull to remove the barrier. (4) Thermocouple extension wires (for BARD-600;
JCS 365)
(5) For grounding, use a 12 AWG insulated wire (4
mm2) or thicker.
(6) Examples of recommended terminal lugs: Models
TMEV 1.25-4 and TMEV 2-4 from Nichifu Co.,
Ltd., Japan

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 01B04S10-01E 2nd Edition: March 25, 2005
4.2.3 Wiring Methods
Perform wiring for a BARD barrier in accordance with
the terminal arrangements shown in Figure 4.1. For CAUTION
connections to the receiver instrument and intrinsic
safety device, follow the instructions in the respective Whenever you attach terminal blocks for
documentation. nonhazardous terminals, follow the order below.
When BARD-600, -700, -800, and -810 barriers are When detaching, follow the reverse order.
mounted directly onto a DIN rail without use of (1) Attaching terminal blocks 1 and 2
brackets, grounding the DIN rail will ground all of them. (2) Attaching terminal blocks 3 and 4
The terminal blocks on the BARD-820 and -830 are Whenever detaching or attaching a terminal block,
detachable. You can conveniently detach them to ensure that all the attached terminals are fixed
perform wiring and then reattach them. When securely.
detaching them, pull them straight up off the barrier.
When reattaching them, push them straight down onto
the barrier.

䊉 BARD-600, BARD-700, BARD-800, BARD-810 Unit: mm (approximate inches)

10.1 (0.397)
Grounding terminal 5 (0.197)
(M4 screw) 2-ø4.5

Intrinsically A
safe terminals B
(M4 screws) C

81.3 (3.20)

91.5 (3.60)
115 (4.53)


Nonhazardous 3 1

terminals 2
(M4 screws) 1

Grounding terminal
125.5 (4.94) 12.75 (0.502)
12.5 (0.492)

(M4 screw)
139 (5.47)

䊉 BARD-820, BARD-830
Detachable terminal block
Intrinsically safe terminals
(two M4 screw terminals) 11 (0.43) 20 (0.79) 2-ø5

Green LED (for BARD830 only)

Glows when the power is supplied. A B
50 (1.97)
79 (3.11)
138 (5.43)


Red LED (for BARD830 only)

Glows when there is a 1
breakage in output. 2
Nonhazardous 1
(four M4 screw 3 Bracket
terminals in 4
two rows)
117 (4.61)
132 (5.20)
20 (0.79)


All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 01B04S10-01E 2nd Edition: March 25, 2005
䊉 Terminal Assignments

BARD-800 BARD-800
Terminal BARD-810 BARD-810
BARD-600 BARD-700*1 (for transmitter, (for control
Symbol (for control) (for monitoring)
etc.) element)

A ⫹ Input A ⫹ Input ⫹ Output ⫹ Input ⫹
safe terminals
B ⫺ B Input ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ Input
C B ⫺

1 ⫹ Output A ⫹ Output ⫹ Input ⫹ Output ⫹

Nonhazardous 2 ⫺ B Output ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ Output
terminals 3 B *2 ⫺

BARD-820*3 BARD-830

Intrinsically A ⫹ ⫹
Input Output
safe terminals B ⫺ ⫺
1 ⫹ ⫹
Output Input
Nonhazardous 2 ⫺ ⫺
terminals 3 L⫹ L⫹
Power supply Power supply
4 L⫺ L⫺

*1: In the BARD-700, the resistance between terminals A and 1 and that between terminals C and 3 are balanced. Be
careful when connecting the receiver instrument.
*2: Terminal 3 may also need to be used for some device connected, such as the SDBT distributor, or the EA1, EA2, or EA3
signal conditioner card. For details, see the documentation for the receiver instrument used.
*3: When connecting a BARD-820 to a receiver instrument having a feature to supply power to the connected field device,
such as a power distributor, perform wiring in such a way that the distributor’s internal DC power supply is not used and
the barrier is connected to both ends of the receiver instrument’s internal 250-⍀ resistor.

5. Specifications of Barriers
Table 5.1 Zener Barriers
Item BARD-600 BARD-700 BARD-800 BARD-810
Type Zener barrier Zener barrier Zener barrier Zener barrier
Use 4 to 20 mA DC 4 to 20 mA DC
Thermocouple RTD 4 to 20 mA DC signal
control signal monitoring signal
Leakage current 10 ␮A at 6.5 V 1 ␮A at 2.5 V 10 ␮A at 28 V 10 ␮A at 25.5 V
Per wire 216.5 ±5.6 ⍀ 130 ±3 ⍀
Difference ±60 m⍀ — —
resistance —
(between wires) Max. ±30 ppm/°C
138 ⍀ ⫻ Io + 0.9 V 311 ⍀ (311 ⍀ + 36 ⍀)Io + 0.9 V
Internal voltage drop — — 4.16 V at 23.6 mA 7.34 V at 23.6 mA 9.09 V at 23.6 mA
6.72 V at 21.6 mA 8.40 V at 21.6 mA
Maximum impressed voltage 9V 6.5 V 31.0 V 26.6 V
Rated current of internal fuse 50 mA 100 mA 50 mA 50 mA
Working temperature range –10° to 50°C
Storage temperature range –40° to 90°C
Humidity range 5 to 95% RH (no condensation)

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 01B04S10-01E 2nd Edition: March 25, 2005
Table 5.2 Isolated Barriers
Item BARD-820 BARD-830
Type Isolated barrier Isolated barrier
4 to 20 mA DC signal from transmitter with
Use 4 to 20 mA DC signal to control element
communication functions
Signal range 4 to 20 mA DC 4 to 20 mA DC
Nonhazardous signal Overrange 0 to 24 mA DC 0 to 22 mA DC
Load resistance 0 to 1 k⍀ —
Signal range 4 to 20 mA DC 4 to 20 mA DC
Overrange 0 to 24 mA DC 0 to 22 mA DC
Intrinsically safe signal
0 to 750 ⍀ (at 0 to 20 mA DC)
Load resistance —
0 to 700 ⍀ (at 0 to 21.6 mA DC)
Output signal ripples ±50 ␮A rms
Output resistance — 6 M⍀ or larger
Input/output accuracy (at 23°C) 0.0625% of span (±10 ␮A)
Effect of temperature variations 25 ppm/°C (±0.4 ␮A/°C)
Response 10 ␮s (10 to 90%) 100 ␮s (10 to 90%)
Max. 16.4 V DC at 20 mA
Power supply voltage
Min. 16.1 V DC at 24 mA
Input voltage drop — 2 V or less at 20 mA
Applicable communication type Yokogawa BRAIN communication —
Output breakage detection — 19 V or larger
Working power supply voltage 20 to 35 V DC
94 mA at 20 V DC 67 mA at 20 V DC
Maximum power consumption (at 20 mA DC output,
78 mA at 24 V DC 57 mA at 24 V DC
250 ⍀ load)
56 mA at 35 V DC 46 mA at 35 V DC
Input-to-output 1,500 V AC for 1 minute 1,500 V AC for 1 minute
Withstanding voltage Input-to-power supply 1,500 V AC for 1 minute 40 V DC for 1 minute
Output-to-power supply 40 V DC for 1 minute 1,500 V AC for 1 minute
Working temperature range –10° to 50°C
Storage temperature range –40° to 90°C
Humidity range 5 to 95% RH (no condensation)

6. Maintenance and Inspection

6.1 Test of No-load Voltage of Intrinsically Safe
Terminals (for BARD-600/700/800/810)
(1) BARD-600 (2) BARD-700
In accordance with Table 6.1, apply a 20 mA DC In accordance with Table 6.2, apply a 40 mA DC
current to each specified pair of power supply terminals current to each specified pair of power supply terminals
from a constant-DC current generator in turn and check from a constant-DC current generator in turn and check
that the voltage between the corresponding terminals that the voltage between the corresponding terminals
meets the criterion, from 5 to 10 V DC. (G in the table meets the criterion, from 2 to 7.2 V DC. (G in the table
indicates the ground terminal.) indicates the ground terminal.)
Table 6.1 Points of Testing and Criterion Table 6.2 Points of Testing and Criterion
Applied Power Supply No-load Voltage Applied Power Supply No-load Voltage

Connection Connection Connection Connection

No. No.
Terminals Current Terminals Voltage Terminals Current Terminals Voltage
+ – + – + – + –

1 1 G A G 1 1 G A G

2 G 1 G A 2 G 1 G A

3 2 G B G 3 2 G B G
5 to 10 V 40 mA DC 2 to 7.2 V
20 mA DC
G 2 G B DC 4 G 2 G B DC

5 1 2 A B 5 3 G C G

6 2 1 B A 6 G 3 G C
T09. EPS T10. EPS

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 01B04S10-01E 2nd Edition: March 25, 2005
(3) BARD-800 6.3 Test of Internal Voltage Drop (for BARD-800/
In accordance with Table 6.3, apply a 20 mA DC 810)
current to each specified pair of power supply terminals
(1) BARD-800
from a constant-DC current generator in turn and check
As shown in the diagram below, connect a 24-V DC
that the voltage between the corresponding terminals
power supply to terminals 1–2, and a 23.6-mA
meets the corresponding criterion.
constant-DC current generator to terminals B–A.
Table 6.3 Points of Testing and Criterion Measure the voltages between terminals 1 and A and
between B and 2, and check that the sum is within the
Applied Power Supply No-load Voltage
correct range from 3.5 to 4.16 V DC.
Connection Connection
Terminals Current Terminals Voltage + A 1
+ – + – ↓ 24 V
25 to 31.5 V – B 2
1 1 3 A C
20 mA DC
11 to 17 V C 3
2 B C 2 3 F10.EPS
T11. EPS (2) BARD-810
(4) BARD-810 Connect a 23.6-mA constant-DC current generator to
In accordance with Table 6.4, apply a 20 mA DC terminals C–3, measure the voltage between terminals
current to each specified pair of power supply terminals C and 3, and check that it is within the correct range
from a constant-DC current generator in turn and check from 1 to 1.75 V DC.
that the voltage between the corresponding terminals
meets the criterion, from 20 to 27.1 V DC. 6.4 Test of Short-circuit Current (for BARD-800)
Connect a 24-V DC power supply to terminals 1–2, and
Table 6.4 Points of Testing and Criterion a load resistor of 100 ⍀ or less to terminals A–B, and
Applied Power Supply No-load Voltage
check that the current flowing through the load
resistance is within the correct range from 25 to 29.2
Connection Connection mA DC.
Terminals Current Terminals Voltage
6.5 Test of Input-output Characteristics (for
+ – + –
1 1 2 A B
20 mA DC
20 to 27.1 V (1) BARD-820
2 C B 3 2 DC Connect a 26-V DC power supply to the power supply
T12. EPS terminals and a load resistor of 250 ⍀ to the output
terminals. Vary the input signal level from 0% to 25%,
6.2 Test of Internal Resistance (for BARD-600/700/
50%, 75%, and 100% of the span and check that the
810) error in the output level is always within ±0.0625% of
(1) BARD-600 the span (±10 ␮A).
Measure the resistances between terminals 1 and A,
and between 2 and B with the measuring current at 20 (2) BARD-830
mA DC or less and check that both are within 216.5 Connect a 24-V DC power supply to the power supply
±5.6 ⍀. terminals and a load resistor of 400 ⍀ to the output
terminals. Vary the input signal level from 0% to 25%,
(2) BARD-700 50%, 75%, and 100% of the span and check that the
Measure the resistances between terminals 1 and A, error in the output level is always within ±0.0625% of
and between 2 and B with the measuring current at 40 the span (±10 ␮A).
mA DC or less and check that both are within 130 ±3 ⍀.
6.6 Replacement Procedure
Also measure the resistance between terminals 3 and To replace a BARD barrier, disconnect the wiring for
C and check that the difference in resistance between the BARD (or detach terminal blocks for a BARD-820
terminals 1–A and 3–C is not greater than 60 m⍀. or -830), remove the BARD from the bracket or DIN
rail, and mount the new one.
(3) BARD-810
Measure the resistances between terminals 1 and A Revision Record
with the measuring current at 20 mA DC or less and
Edition Date Description
check that it is within 305 ±6 ⍀.
1st July 2002 New Publication
2nd March 2005 Correct errors in Terminal Assignments.
T13. EPS

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2002, Yokogawa Electric Corporation IM 01B04S10-01E 2nd Edition: March 25, 2005

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