Multivector Review and Training Center

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REE-Sept. 2013
1. The value of form factor for a pure sine wave is
A. 1.414 B. 0.707
0.637 D. 1.11

REE-Sept. 20071 April 2016 / T

2. Wavelength is the distance traveled by an electronic wave during the time of one cycle. ven a

wavelength of 12 meters, what is the frequency?

A. 250 KHZ B. 25 KHZ D. 25 MHZ
C. 250 MHZ
REE-April 2007
3. What is the complex expressionfor a given alternating current, i = 250 sin(uwt-25deg
A. 227 +j106 B. 160-j75 C. 227-j106 D. 160+ j75

REE-Sept. 2010
with respect to a referencee
4. In a single-phase circuit VA = 84.85+ j84.85 v and V 96.59 j25.88 v
node 0. Calculate Vba D. -11.74 +j110.73v
A. -11.74-j110.73 v B. 11.74 +j110.73 v C. 11.74-j110.73 v
REE-October 2000 value of one-haf cycle?
has a maximum value of 20 A. What is the average
5. A sinusoidal current wave
D. 0
C. 14.14
A. 5 B. 12.7
REE-Sept. 2006/Sept. 2015 selection of conductor is based on value
6. When the sole purpose of ac is to produce heat,
of the curent. D. Peak
B. Instantaneous C. RMS
A. Average
which will produce heat in a resistor at the same

7. The maximum value of a sine wave AC voltage

averagerate as 115 V of direct current is D. 230 V
A. 81.3 VV B. 115 V C. 162.6 V
same conductor. If the effective
current and a direct curent flows simultaneously in the
8. An alternating connected in the circuit?
AC is 8 A and DC is 12 A, what will an AC ammeter read when
value of the D. 16.49A
B. 12 A C. 11.66A
A. 14.42 A

REE-April 2013
9. The power factor of incandescent bulb is D. zero
A. 0.8 lagging B. 0.8 leading C. unity

REE Sept. 2016

10. The impedance triangle is similar to the. triangle with the resistance phasor in place of
A. curent, resistor curent B. current, resistor voltage
C. voltage, impedance D. voltage, resistor voltage

REE Sept. 2018

what reactive power does the
When 3 A flows through a circuit with an input admitance of 0.4 j0.5 S,
11. +

circuit consumed?
A. 11 var C. 8.7 vaar D.-11 var
B.-8.7 var

AC Circuits 1
Page 1 of 11
12, The effective voltage across a
element is 4-3 A. circuit element
Calculate the is (20
A. 50 watts & 100 true and the +
i10) V and the
C. 110 watts & 20 Vars lagging reactive power effective
curent through the
lagging B. 20 taken by the element.
13. When the watts&
D. 110 watts Vars100 leading
current and & 20 Vars
A. average voltage are out of phase
B. zero by 90
REE Sept. 2014 C. maximum power is
14. A 20 mH D. minimum
A. 200sin100t draws a current of
B. 200cos100t 100sin100t. Find the

C. 2000sin100t equation.
REE-Sept. 2016
15. A 40
D. 2000cos1001
uF capacitor is supplied with
B. 1.51 A voltage of v(t)
A. 0 a =
100 sin 377t. What is the
C. 3.02 AA current at t 0
REE-April 2013 D. 1.07 A/ cY
16. In a series RL circuit the inductor
A. lags current
B. leads the resistor current.
C. is equal to D. is
REE April 2016 negative of
17. For an RL circuit, the power factor cannot be less than
A. 0,1 B. 1,0
REE-April 2018
18. An inductive coil consumes
active power of 500 W and draws 10 A from
What is the coil inductance? a 60 Hz ac supply of 110 v.
A. 26 mH B. 28 mH C.30 mH D. 32 mH
REE-Sept. 2017
19.The current in a series circuit of R 10 ohm and L 60 mH lags the applied voltage by 80°. What is
the source frequency in HZ?
A. 144.3 B. 163.5 C. 150.4 D. 174.6
REE Sept. 2015
20. A series RL circuit is connected across a 120 v, 60 Hz source and draws a curent of 0.5 A of 0.70
lagging p.f. Determine the values of R and L.
A. R= 171 2, L= 0.455 H C.R 168 Q, L =0.455 H
B. R 171 Q, L= 0.445 H D. R 168 0, L 0.445 H

REE Sept. 2014/April 2017

21. The net reactance in a series RLC circuit is
A.XL B.Xc C.X+X D.X-Xc
REE- May 2008/Sept. 2017
22. A coil of inductance 0.1 H and resistance of 4 ohms is connected in seres with a condenser of 70.4
microfarad capacitance across a 60 Hz, 240 V line. How much current will flow on the circuit?
A. 55 A B. 60 A C. 57.5 A D. 52.5 A

REE Sept. 2006

23.A 10 ohm resistor is connected in parallel to an inmpedance Z 3 + j4 ohms. Find the circuit power
A. 0.600 lagging
B.0.866 lagging D. 0.809 lagging
C.0.609 lagoing

AC Circuits 1
Page 2 of 11
Circur Systen


24. A coil and
each have a 160
source. If they drawa1A v
voltage across them when connected in series to 240 V,
A. 25 ohms cument from the 60 HZ
B. 10 ohms source, what is the resistance
C. 15 ohms of the co
REE October 1996 D. 20 ohms
25. A capacitoris rated 100
A. 50 KVAR KVAR, 380 V, 50 Hz. What will ts
B. 40 KVAR rating be at 60 Hz, 220V
C. 90.9 KVAR D. 57.7 KVAR
REE April 2011
An inductive load draws a current of 6 A at
5x 10 F is connected in 08 pf. from a 208 v, 60 HZ source. f
A. 0.85 parallel with the load, what is the overall p.f.?
a capacitor or

B. 0.9
C. 1 D. 0.8
REE Sept. 2009
27.A single-phase motor is
taking 30 A, from a 220 v, 60 Hz the power factor being 80%%
What value of
capacitor in microfarad connected across thesupply,
circuit will be
factor to unity? necessary
to raise tne power
A. 214 B. 220 C. 217 D. 224
REE-Feb. 2014
28. In a series RLC circuit, the impedance at resonance is
A. maximum B. minimum C. infinity D. zero
REE- Sept. 2012
29. What capacitance must be placed in series with an inductance of 0.05 H so that at 100 Hz, the
impedance becomes equal to the ohmic resistance?
A. 50.7 F B. 70.7 pF C. 35.5 F D.87 uF
REE-Sept. 2010
30.A series RLC circuit resonates at 1,000 rad/sec. If C 30 microfarads and it is known that the
impedance at resonanoe is 2.4 ohms, compute the value of Q of the circuit.
A. 13.9 B. 10.4 C. 20.8 D. 41.7
REE Sept. 2014
An inductance
when X Xc?
of 20 mH is connected in parallel with a capacitance of 80 uF. What is the
A. 100 H B. 150 Hz C. 128.5 Hz D. 125.8 Hz
REE-April 2004
32. A tuned circuit is resonant at 4 MHz. Its Q is 100. What is its bandwidth?
A. 4 kHz B. 400 kHz C. 400 Hz D. 40 kHz

REE - Sept. 2007

33. A circuit has load impedance Z= 50 + j80 Q. Detemine the parallel impedance required to correct the
power factor to unity.
A. 32 pF B. 36 HF C. 24 MF D. 28 HF


A Voltage
fourth wave is given by v= 100 sin314. How long does it take this wave form to complete one
A 20 ms B. 10 ms C.5ms D. 1 ms

2 When a 15 V square wave is connected across a 50-volt AC votmeter, it will read

A. 21.21 V B. 10.61 VM C. 15 V D. 9.55 V
AC Circuts1
Page 3 of 11
If the voltage across e
6. A resistor and a coil are connected in series with a voltage source. is ne
2cos(866t 80°) A, what
V and the curent flowing thru the resistor is

10Sin(866t + 70)
resistance of the coil? D. 4.33 Q
A. 4.92 Q B. 2.5 Q C.5 Q
individual Current;
in draws the followin9
7. Ten impedances Connected
What is the eftective value or
5L40°, 5245°.
520°, 525°, 5L10°, 5215°, 5L20°, 5225°, 530, 535°,
the total current? D. 84.389 A
B. 34.255 A C. 25.345 A
A. 48.444 A source
the equivalent impedance that
could replace the impedances if the
8. Using Problem 7, what is
D. 1.462-22.5° Q
voltage is 100 sin150t V? C. 32.51L50° Q
A.1.325L-30° Q B. 6.0262-2.5° Q

factor of the circuit?

9. Using Problem 7, what is the equivalent power C. 0.707 D. 0.8765
B. 0.866
A. 0.924 current would be in
connected across the circuit so that the
10. Using Problem 7, what element should be
source? D. 31 mH
phase with the B. 25.4 mH C. 13 mH
A. 54 mH
a c r o s s the
terminals. The open circuit voltage
circuit makes power available
at a pair of Q. What is the maximum
11. A telephone
looking into the terminals is 500 j500
terminals is 1 volt and the impedance
the circuit?
be drawn from D. 0.0014 W
power that can C.0.001 Vw
A. 0.002 W B. 0.0005 W
contactor is measured to be
20 Q. A 230 V is impressed
of large magnetic the inductance of the
12. The ohmic resistance
core loss, determine
contactor and the current is taken as 3.2 A. Neglecting
contactor. D. 251 mH
B. 183 mH C. 315 mH
A. 261 mH

and an inductance of 0.02 H.

When a non-inductive resistor is
a resistance 6 ohms source is equal toO
13. A coil has cument drawn when connected to a 220 V DC
with the coil, the
connected in series source. Detemine the
resistance of the non-
the current the coil alone across a 220 V, 60 Hz
by L2

inductive resistor. D. 3.96 Q

B. 6.39 C. 3.69 a
A 3.63 2
= 0.02 H and an impedance of 17.85 Q.
When a sinusoidal voltage is applied,
14. A series RL circuit has L
value of the angular frequency?
the curret lags the voltage by 63.5°. What is the D. 800 rad/sec
A.400 rad/sec B. 500 rad/sec C. 600 rad/sec
and an unknown

15. A curent of 2.5 A flows through circuit consisting of a 100 0 resistor

a series
the value of the capacitive reactance?
capacitor across a source of 460 V, 50 Hz. Xc 154.45 Q D. Xc 184.0 Q
A. Xc 91.86 Q B. Xc 39.19 Q
AC Circuits 1
Page 4 of 11
r t


Á6. A circuit consists of 4
voltage source with a a 500 V
Q resistor and 300 F
A. 1=19.7457.5° peak voltage. What is capacitor in series. It is
the phasor fom of connected across a 60 Z

17. A small B.I-8.84L73.20 C.I 36.5L65.70

the current
single phase, 240 V D.I-10.5465.7
amperes and the total currentinduction motor is tested in
A: 800 W is 3 parallel with 160 Q
B. 360 Wamperes. What is the power of the whole resistor.
Ine 2
moo c
Acapacitor is C. 220 W circuit
D. 580 W
A placed in parallel with two
at bu lagging. What current inductive loads, of 20 A at 30°
unity power factor? in
amperes should flow inone lagging
A. 35.8 A the capacitor so thet the and
circut wueiavo
B. 44.6 A
19. A C. 28.8 A D. 50.2 A
Single-phase AC generator is
60%. If the total loss is supplying power to a load of 3,200 W at 230 V and a
10% of the load, what
to 80%? would be the savings in watts if the power rect
A. 64 power tactor is a e u
B. 240
C. 427 D. 140
20. When a 240 V, 50 Hz
Current is 22.1
supply is applied to a
parallel combination of 15Q resistor and
A. 25 Hz
amperes. What must be the value inductor,
of the frequency for a total current of 34 tne tota
B. 60 Hz C. 75 Hz amperesr
D. 100 Hz
21. A coil of 10 Q resistance
and 0.1 H inductance is
capacitance. If the total impedance of the combination connected in parallel with a capacitor of
is 100 0, detemine the valueunknown
capacitance. of the
A. 50 pF B. 100 HF C. 150 F D. 200 F
22. A coil of 50 Q resistance and 150
mH, inductance is connected in parallel with a 50 HF
source voltage is 100
sin(wt + 30°) V. What is the equation of the line current? capacitor. Thee
A. 1.91 sin(»t+ 52.5°)
B. 1.25 sin( ot+ 75.5°')
C1.25 sin(ot-62°) D. 1.32 sin(øt-75.5)
23. An impedance equal to 4.4/60° Q is connected across a 220 V source. What should be the value of
the second impedance in parallel with the first, if the total power delivered to the circuit is to be 16.5
kWand the overall power factor is to be unity?
A. 2.21230.1° B. 3.33-40.9°Q C. 5.63230° Q D. 6.534-45°
24. An inductive reactance of 8 ohms is connected in
parallel with a
combination is then connected in series with a variable resistance.capacitive
reactance of 18 ohms. This
For what value of resistance will the
power factor be 0.5?
A. 8.314 Q B. 3.138 Q C. 13.81 Q D. 1.381 0
25. What size of condenser must be
placed across an inductance
reactance of 20 ohms to draw minimum current from the line having
a resistance of 10 ohms and
when the combination is connected
across a 60-cycle line?(Assume a condenser of negligible
A. 20 uf B. 106 uf
C. 10 uf D.6.33 uf
26. A circuit draws 25 A when connected across a
source of frequency f. Determine the cument drawn by
the same circuit at resonance if f, is half the resonant
A. 12.5 A B. 17.68 A
C. 35.35 A D. 50 A
27. A series RLC circuit is connected across a 120 V, 60 Hz source and draws a leading current of 5 A.
A. 47.12 V
the voltage across the capacitor at resonance if R 50 and L= 25 mH.
B. 164.5 V C. 236.6 V D. 422.6 V

AC Circuits 1
Page 5 of 11
coll is given by
of a
ratio of its mum energy stored to its energy dissipated per cycle
B.i t s of ts power factor
C. the reCiprocal
D. the ratio of its resistance to its inductive reactance

a A coil takes apparent power and reactive power of 100 VA

and 80
factor of the coil? VAR, respectively. What is the
A. 1.33 B. 10
8 D. 6
30. A coil is to be wound with Q-factor of 8. A lamprated 120 V, 480 W is connected in series with the
and connected across 230 V, 60 Hz
source. What is the impedance of the coil if the voltage acrossco
lamp is maintained at 120 V.
A. 35.2482.9° Q B. 27.5272.4° C. 45.5282.9° 2 D. 40.5272.4° N

31. An inductive coil having a resistance of 25 ohms and inductance of 0.2 His connected in parallel wrtn a
100 F capacitor. Find the frequency at which the total curent taken is in phase with the supply
A. 35.6 Hz B. 46.5 Hz C. 29.5 Hz D. 52.9 Hz

32. The series circuit of R = 3 0 and X = 4 Q and a parallel circuit of R and X have the same impedance
and power factor. Calculate the value of R' and X.
B. 2.25 Q, 3.83 Q C.7.47 Q, 7.51 Q D. 5.62 0, 9.84 Q
A. 8.33 Q, 6.25 0
has the
33. A parallel circuit with branch of R 5Q and a single unknown element in the other branch
one =

8.23")A. The
following applied voltage and the current e 10cos(50t 60")V and =5.38cos(50t
= I
unknown element is.
A L 0.04 H B. L 0.02 H C.C 10HF D.C 5 HF

34. The across theresistor, inductor and capacitor connected in series is 60 V, 90 V, 10 V

respectively. What is the voltage across this circuit? D. 50 V
A. 160 V B. 140 V C. 100 V

35. Detemine the power factor angle 6 in the series circuit which
consist of R =
25 Q, L= 0.2 H, across a

power supply of 200 V, 30 HZ. D. 56.4

A. 36:4 B. 46.4 C. 52.4
connected across a 220 V source. Detemine the power factor and
the VARS.
36. A load of 20 +j35 Q is
A. 49.6%, 1042 VARS B. 85.3%, 975 VARS
C52.2%, 1023 VARS D. 42.3%, 1087 VARS

of resistor; take 4.8 kW from a 120-

37. An incandescent lamp load, generally considered to be made up
voft source. The instantaneous maximum value of power is
B. 9,600 watts C. 2,400 watts D. 480 watts
A. 4800 watts
. A factory takes 50 kW at 0.75 lagging power factor from a 480 V source. In order to raise the power
efficiency of 87.5% is used. Find the
factor to 0.9 lagging. a synchronous motor rated 10 HP with an

power factor of the motor. D. 0.825 leading

A. 0.476 lagging B.0.825 lagging C.0.476 leading
frequency is 600 What is the equivalent frequency
39. The wavelength of international distress of m.

kHz? D. 500
A. 200 B. 300 C. 400

AC Circuits1

Page 6 of 11
voltage across a given circuit is 75 +
through it is (8 -j5) A? j50 V. What
Vnat is
is the
the power supplied to the circuit If the currernt
A 850 W
B. 550 WN power sup
A resistor R and C.750 W D. 350 W
an ammeter connected capaCitor C are
in the in series
capacitor is 80 V.
Calculate the
circuit is 2 A and across a 100 V, 60
the readina of a cycle sou ted across the
A. 66 Q & 30 f B.30
values of R and C. voltmeter co
0 & 60
uf C. 30 0 8& 66 D. 36 Q & 60 uf
42. The following are in
is 100 V. What is the series: R 1,000 2. L=100 uH
A. 1882 Q total
impedance and C =
20.o00 pF. The voltaga
B. 1000 Q expressed in ohms if the frequeny
43. A C. 2132 0 n 1885 a
capacitor branch having a ratio of X to R
resistance and inductive reactance. The of 5 is paralleled with an impes
3 Q
size of the
capacitor in pf if the frequency is 60power factor of the resuting circue leading. Find the
A. 778.92 pf Hz.
B. 923.31 uf D. 392.13 uf
C. 552.31 pf
44. An
impedance of 3 - j3 Q is connected in parallel with 5 +
i2 Q. The voltmeter connected acrosS d
resistance measures 45 V. Calculate the total current of the
A 22.4 A circuit.
B. 41.3 A C. 13.4 A D. 7.91 A
45. The open circuit voltage of an altemator is 127 V and its internal impedance is 1040 . Find the
voltage across a load of 302-30°Q.
A. 1002-9.7 V B. 972-10° V C. 79210° V D. 1002-7.9° V

A6. The maximum instantaneous voltage and current output of an alternator are 300 V and 20 A,
respectively. What is the power output in watts if the voltage leads the current by30°?
A. 2598 B. 5196 C. 6000 D. 3000

47. The folilowing data are given for a series RL and a series RC which are connected in paralle!:
X = 15 Q, Xc =25 Q, Re 15 Q. For what value of R willthe circuit be in resonance?
A. j 169 ohms B. 916 ohms C.16.9 ohms D. 91.6 ohms

6.A series circuit composed

At what
of 0.2 H inductor and 74 pf capacitor is connected to
frequency will the current be 4 A with lagging power factor.
a 60 V variable
frequency source.
A. 47.767 Hz B. 74.68 Hz C. 60 Hz D.50 Hz
43. A 30 ohm resistor is connected in parallel with an inductor of inductive reactance X. The combination
is then connected in series with a capacitor of reactance Xc. What is the value of XL and X¢ if the total
impedance is 1.92 ohms?
A 7.84, 7.34 B.47.4, 47.3 C. 44.8, 84.2 D. 84.7, 34.7

50. The phase shift between the voltageand current vectors is due to the following loads exceptone.
Amagnet coils B. electric flat iron C. power capacitors D. fluorescent lampP
of time between a point in one cycde to the same point of the next cycle of an AC wave
1 . The length
B. period C. magnitude D. polarity
A. frequency
A. At
with frequency RMS value of 200 of 50 Hz has an
52.An alternating current varying sinusoidally instantaneous currentD.be1 /14.14 A
time measured from the positive maximum value will the 400 sec

A. 1/600 sec B. 1/200 sec C. 1/300 sec

Page 7 of
66. On


53. An aternating rectangular has maxdmum value of 10 V and
wave a a frequency of 1 cycle per second.
What is the average value of the wave?
A. 5 V B. 10 V C. 0 D. 7.07 V

54. Detemmine the ms value of a semi-circular current wave which has a maximum value of a.
A. 0.816 a D. 0.707a
B. 0.2377a C. 0.866 a
55. Find the the seies source of
reading of an AC voltmeter connected across

100 sin (ot - t/2) and100 sin øt.

A. 100 C. 170.71 D. 184.78

B. 130. 65
56. A two-element series circuit has V = 240 + j0 volts and current 51.96-30 A. What is the current in
amperes which results when the resistance is reduced 50% ofits former value7
D. 59.39 + j68.57
A. 68.57-j59.39 B. 68.57 + j59.39 C. 59.39- j68.57

57 A 10 Q inductive resistor is connected in series with an unknown capacitance At 60 Hz theimpedance

of the circuit is 10 +j11.72. At 30 Hz the impedance of the circuit is 10-j5. What is the value of L in
2. millihenrys?
50 B.500 C. 100 D. 250

5 8 . A 50 uf and 100 uf capacitors are connected in series and across a 100sin (øt + 30°) voltage. Write the
A5 equationof the current.
ircu A1.26 sin (ot + 120°) B. 1.26 sin(ot + 90) C. 5.65 sin(ot +120°) D.5.65 sin(ot + 90°)
25 59. Two impedances Za = 4 + j6 Q and Zg = 6 + j12 N are connected in parallel. The apparent power for
O-6 the impedance B is 1490 VA. Determine the total apparent power.
eres A. 4250 VA B. 3290 VA C. 2652 VA D. 8031 VA
20 of A is 5 Q
Two coils A and B are connected in series across a 240 V, 50 Hz supply. The resistance
60. and the inductance of B is 0.015 H. If the input from the supply is 3 kW and 2 kVAR, find the
inductance of A and resistance of B.
0.0132 H & 8.3 Q B. 0.215 H &3.8 Q C.0.026 H& 12Q D. 0.031 H &5.3 Q
A flows through a non-inductive resistance in series with a choking coil when supplied at
61. A current of 5 the coil is 200 V, calculate the
250 V, 50 Hz. If the voltage across the resistance is 120 V and across
power absorbed by the coil in watts.
A. 168.75W B. 137.5 W C.51.37 W D. 75.31 W
62. A series RLC circuit consists of 20 ohms resistance, 0.2 H inductance and an unknown capacitance.
Se has a leading angle of 45° at 60 Hz?
e What is the value of the capacitance if the circuit
B. 47.9 uF C. 27.8 uF D. 30.7 uF
A. 35.18 F
sin(ot + 40°)+10 sin (3ot +30°)
83. Ife=100 sin(ot +30°) 50 cos 3ot 25 sin(5ot +150°)
- + and i =
5 sin(5ot-50°). Calculate the power in watts. C. 1043
B.919 D. 1224
A. 1177
coil of 50 Q resistance and 150 mH inductance. What is the
64.A25 Q resistor connected in series with a
power factor of the circuit?
B. 80% C. 90% D. 75 %
A. 86%
from a 230 V 50 Hz supply is to be corrected to unity
65. A fluorescent lamp taking 80 W at 0.7 pf lagging
in for this purpose?
should be placed
powerfactor. What element B. parallel, 4.95 F C. series, 31.2 F D. parallel, 8.36 F
A. series, 59.4 F

AC Circuits 1

Page 8 of 11
an ein 10° t A. What is the


81. 66. One
leg of
radio tuned
inductanceof the other circuit has a
A. 6.33 x
10 leg in
Henry? capacitance of 1x 10°F. It is
B. 20 x tuned at 200 kHz.
82 67. A 10-3 What is the
series RLC
factor of the circuit has a
C. 8.25 x 10
D. 120
A. 120 circuit at resistance of 15 Q and x 10-3
B. 100
inductive reactance of
68. A 1,500 . What is the Q-
wo-element series circuit with
C. 140
D. 150
A-2.0 angie. What is the R =
15 ohms, L =
20 mH has
frequency in Hz?
B. 21
impedance of 30 ohms
Reactances C. 2,067 and an
reactance? connected in series: Xe D. 207
A. B0 Xc =
100, Xc2 =
40, XL1 =
30, XL2 =
70. What
B. 40 Xc is the net
70. A feeder supplies C. 60 XL
The total loads, one at 50 amperes
D. 50 X
power factor.
A 180 A current supplied 50% at
by the feeder is power factor, the other 150
B. 200 A
71. A fluorescent
C. 175 A approximately.
amperes at unity
120 V, 60 Hz and its D.150 A
the fixture? source. Whatinductive
is the
ballast draw a 1.0 A
overall power factor at 50%
A. 0.832 lagging when a 26.5 uf lagging power factor from a
B.0.832 leading capacitor is connected across
72. A 50 Q
30 Q inductive C.0.5 leading D. 0.5 lagging
across a 100 V, 60 reactance and 25 Q
A. 65.726 Hz Hz supply. What will be its resonant capacitive reactance are connected in
73. A 5 mH
B. 53 Hz
C. 25 Hz frequency? series
pure inductance is D.54.77 Hz
circuit be in connected in parallel with one
A. 250 Hz antiresonance? microfarad capacitor. What
B. 2250 Hz
C. 60 Hz
frequency wil the
74. A
two-element series
circuit has D. 100 Hz
amperes which results when the voltage V =240+ j0 v and current I= 48
A 46.20+ j69.20 resistance is reduced to 50% of its j36 A. Find the current in
75. Find the value of an
B.-46.20+ j69.20 C. 46.20- j69.20 former value.
impedance which requires-1,540 vars at 230 v D.-46.20-j69.20
A7.40-j15.00 B. 16.82-j15.69 C. 17.09-j15.39
ms and 10 A ms.
76. The average value D. 17.62-j14.78
A. 31.8 A
of the function i =
50 sin ot +30 sin 3ot is
B. 25 A equal to
C. 38.2 A
77. A circuit has
resistance of 20 2 and a reactance of 30 a. What is the
D.51.43 A
A. 0
B. 0.55 C. 0.832 power factor of the circuit?
78. A
capacitor in series w/ a 200 Q resistor draws D.0.99
What is the value of a current of 0.3 ampere from
capacitor in microfarad? 120 volts, 60 Hz source.
A. 8.7 B. 9.7 C.6.7
D. 7.7
79. Find the value of an
at 115 V ms. impedance which absorbs a complex power of 2300 VA with a 30
A. 5+j7 2
degrees angle
B. 7 +j5 2 C. 5 +j3 Q D. 3+j5 Q

inductance of 1 mH is given i(t) 0.010 sin 10° t A. What is the
The Current thru an inductor with
30. voltage across this inductor?
D. 100 cos 10 tv .
AA00 sin 10°tv B. 10 cos 10°tv C. 10 sin 10t v What is the
C of the circuit. If the
6. Tne
capacitive reactance Xo of a circuit varies inversely as the capacitance
capacitance of a certain circuit is decreased by 25%, by what percentage will Xo change?
D. 3 3 % increase
A. 25% increase B. 20% increase C. 66% increase at is
the Q-
82. What are the two elements in a series circuit connection having a current and votage or

i= 13.42 sin( 500t 53.4' )A and v 150 sin( 500t+10 v?Q and L = 25 mH
B. R 6.3
A. R 8.8 Q and L = 35 mH
D. R 5 Q and L = 20 mH
and an
C. R 7.5 Q and L= 30 mH
83. Which is not 180 degrees apart?
AX and lc B. Xc and lc C. and l D.Xc and XL 9 net

in 25 msec. Determine the

In an experiment, a sinusoidal wave form is observed complete cycles
84. to 8
frequency of the wave form. D. 64 Hz
A 320 Hz B. 40 Hz C. 200 Hz
8 5 . What is the ms value of a square wave with an amplitude of 10 A and frequency of 1 Hz? nity
B. 10 A C. 5 A D. 7.07 A
value for full wave rectification would be
86. The rms value of a half-wave rectified current is 100 A. Its
amperes. D. 40/T A
C. 200/m A
A. 141.4 A B. 200 A
What is the effective value?
87. A half wave rectified sine wave has an average value of 100 amp.
B. 444 A4 C. 70.71 A D. 100 A
A. 157 A

currents are given by i, =141 sin (ot + 45°: i2 = 30 sin (ot +90°), ia = 20 cos ( ot -120).
88. Three alternating
Find the equation of resultant current.
A. 167.4 sin (ot+45.66°) B. 74.6 sin ot

C. 143.8 sin (øt+51.4°) D. 64.7 sin (ot-30°)

has value of 150 volts. What equivalent DC voltage source would

89. A sinusoidal voltage source a peak
produce the same heating effect in a 1 ohm resistor? D. 106 V
A 15 V B. 212 V C. 95 V

90. A series circuit has an applied voltage of V = 220sin(ot +30°) and draws a current 1=10sin(ot-30°).
the circuit?
What is the average power and power factor of
A. 1,905 W, 86.6% lagging B. 1,905 W, 86.6% lagging
D. 1,100 W, 50% lagging
C 2,200 W, 100%
connected to a 150 v DC source. It consumes 3,072 watts when
91. A coil draws 1,875 watts whensource. Find the inductance of the coil.
connected on 240 v, 60 Hz AC D.0.0240H
A0.0255H B. 0.0153 H C. 0.0341H
92. A series circuit consisting of a 66.2 uf capacitor and a vañable resistor. For what two values of
resistance will the power taken by the circuit be 172.8 watts, if the impressed 60-cycle emf is 120
volts? C. 5.33 & 3.0 ohms D. 83.33 &5.33 ohms
A. 83.33 & 3.33 ohms B.53.33& 30 ohms

AC Cirouits 1
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