Mngt. 202 Exam

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Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Kidapawan City


Name: ___John Ray Egualan___________________________ Date: __3-18-21_______ Score: _____

Class Schedule: _____4:30-6:00 MW____________________ Mrs. CAREL GERAGA CAOILE, MAGC, RGC

The Promotion

Jonas has been assigned to train the workers in the plant. Jonas is newly promoted as
one of the training supervisors and some of the employees feel that the promotion did not fit
him. He himself has lost the confidence that he needs.

His first assignment is to train the workers in oral communication. Since the company
employs expatriates, it is but natural that all employees should know how to speak at least
minimal English. there are some instances that the workers and expatriates bump each other
along the corridor and the former usually are at a loss for words.

The first test of his appointment is not new to him. However, he feels demotivated as
some of the employees feel he does not deserve the promotion. He was a former English
instructor who decided to make a career shift and landed a job as a training assistant until he
was promoted to a supervisory position.

He always makes every training program a challenge. He does his own modules and
analyses what the employees need. His promotion is hard earned. He work his way up without
any political attachment. He is a good trainer and he believes he is capable of being a manager

While he is finalizing the modules for the training program, he remembers how his
manager supported him all the way. He believes that his working relationship with his manager
is something that helps him grow and develop. Without his motivation, he will not reach this far.

Despite this, he still finds awkward to be called supervisor if only because some
employees do not believe in him. In fact, they say that Antonio is far better than him. They also
believe that there are politics involved since Antonio does not really like their manager and the
employees feel that the manager has been personal in putting him for the supervisory position.

In a few days, he will start the training program. For the first time, he has the jitters and
he feels tensed. He feels awful!

1. What is the role of an immediate superior in motivation?

 The motivation of the manger gives a big role to Jonas it keep his potential becoming
what he has the capacity and desire to put him in the supervisory position.

2. Does Jonas Need to be bothered by what the employees are saying against him? Is this
 No, because it can affect your own perspective of becoming what you want, listening
to negative people doesn’t help you in the process of your goal.
3. If you were Jonas, what will you do?
 If I were Jonas ill ignore the people that makes me down on my goal, but listen to
those people that believe in me. Just like Jonas did, believing on himself.
4. Which among the motivational theories strikes you the most? why?
 Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory - The theory states that humans are motivated to
fulfill their needs in a hierarchical order. This order begins with the most
basic needs before moving on to more advanced needs
5. Should motivation techniques differ from one company to another? Why?
 No, as long as the Style of supervision is uniformly distributed through all levels of
management, companies have their own values or the style of supervision they
practice themselves.
George and His Management Style

George is the head of the evaluation division of a lending institution. The division is
composed of five analysts of varying experiences. Cecile, Nina and Norma are all senior
analysts. Blessy and Carmen are juniors. all except Cecile are performing at par. Being
analysts, they are given the same type of work. The only difference is the expectation by
management on the seniors to be able to complete the task at a much faster pace and thus
within a shorter period of time.

The staff in the unit have different backgrounds. all except Carmen are accountants.
Carmen is an economics major. The three seniors had similar experiences, having come from
the same office prior to the present. However, Cecile worked as an auditor whereas Nina and
Norma worked as project evaluators. Blessy and Carmen are almost of the same age, 20 and
21 years old, whereas Norma, Nina and Cecile were of the same batch.

The problem arose when on performance evaluation time, Cecile ended up the lowest
among the five. She was even surpassed by the younger ones considering that she as much
more experienced and the necessary training and background to be able to perform her task as
a project evaluator. Because of this, George impressed upon the group that they must up their
output, most especially the seniors. This, Cecile took differently. She started becoming
unreceptive to suggestions and comments made for the improvement of the group’s
performance. She became adamant in pressing that her duties include those that she had been
used to do. Outside of them, she could not be counted upon for inputs.

Prior to this, the whole office was one big happy family. George upon noticing that there
was something wrong and no improvement was being made in the past periods after
performance evaluation, started becoming easily irritated. What once was a room of laughter
after office hours, became a space of silence in a matter of weeks. George became
unapproachable and the jolly appearance disappeared, the whole office got the treatment they
did not deserve. Everyone was treated the same way as the guilty one. .

Because of this, everyone began to dislike George. His unapproachable style was met
negatively and produced an undesired atmosphere in the office whenever he was around. There
was the air of hostility among workers and management. Further, Cecile, was the least
improved. She even worsened as a consequence of the negative response of George over low
productivity and slowness. Everything was aggravated by the way George dealt with the
problem with indifference, sternest and “unapproachability.”

1. Compare the psychological atmosphere in the office before the performance evaluation
was conducted with that after the results of the performance evaluation were out. What
caused the difference?
 It means that Cecil has the biggest contribution on the workplace, before evaluation
Cecile can contribute not only in her assigned work but also in the whole workplace
by suggesting some things to improve. But after evaluation George didn’t appreciate
those, and give Cecile the lowest score among them that also affect the workplace, it
gives negative aura on all of the employee

2. Characterize George and his management style?

 George is a selfish person he doesn’t have concern about his employee of how it
affects them, his goal is only to do more on their assigned work. George can easily
affect his mental health through the negative working environment that led to
physical and mental health problems
3. How would he have improved himself and his style?
 Appreciate the works of his employee by giving them equal evaluation and motivate
himself when times are rough.

4. What are the short and long-range problems in this case. Suggest resolutions for them.
 Give motivation to remain progressive even those things happen to George and to
his employee, a motivated person tries to push his limits and always tries to improve
his performance day by day. Also, the person always gives her/his best no matter
what the task is. Besides, the person always tries to remain progressive and
dedicated to her/his goals.

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